The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Washington Monthly Archives
The Washington Monthly •ï¿½42 Years, 418 Issues, 7,592 Articles, 27,230pp
Making It
Political Book Notes
American Odyssey, by Robert E. Conot
The Washington Monthly, June 1974, pp. 62-63
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1960s = 1 Year, 6 Issues, 58 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1969 = 6 Issues, 58 Articles
    2. [+]
      Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 108 Issues, 1,398 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1970 = 9 Issues, 95 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1971 = 11 Issues, 109 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1972 = 12 Issues, 124 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1973 = 11 Issues, 124 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1974 = 11 Issues, 119 Articles
                1. [+]
                  January 1974 Issue = 11 Articles
                  1. Letters, pp. 5-11
                  2. Chapter II of Moral Myopia:The Watergate Committee and Its Staff by James Fallows, pp. 12-20
                  3. The ABA: The Rhetoric Has Changed But the Morality Lingers On, pp. 21-31
                  4. Ralph Nader,The Last New Dealer by Simon Lazarus, pp. 32-37
                  5. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 38-39
                  6. The Ziegler Memorandum: A Five Point Plan to Prevent Impeachment by Walter Shapiro, pp. 40-45
                  7. Memo of the Month, p. 46
                  8. Conning Congress- The Wild Card Story by Eliza Paul, pp. 47-50
                  9. Political Puzzle, p. 51
                  10. Where It All Ends by Mary A. Mendelson, pp. 52-60
                  11. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 61-66 - 15 Reviews
                    1. The Americanization of Dixie by John Egerton
                    2. A Compulsive Spy by Tad Szulc
                    3. Consequences of Failure by William R. Corson
                    4. Coping by Daniel P. Moynihan
                    5. The End of the War in Europe by Charles Whiting
                    6. Four Reforms by William F. Buckley, Jr.
                    7. From Poor Law to Welfare State by Walter I. Trattner
                    8. Future Without shock by Louis B. Lundborg
                    9. Last Rights by Marya Mannes
                    10. The Medical Runaround by Andrew Malleson
                    11. Persons and Persuasions by Oren Root
                    12. The Politics of Nuclear Proliferation by George H. Quester
                    13. Tiger in the Court by Paul Hoffman
                    14. Twenty Years in the Secret Service by Rufus W. Youngblood
                    15. Who Shakes the Money Tree? by George Thayer
                2. [+]
                  February 1974 Issue = 11 Articles
                  1. Letters, pp. 5-8
                  2. A Primer on the Economy: How We Can Survive the Seventies by James Fallows, pp. 9-22
                  3. How We Can Bring Back Quality: Sharing a Piece of the Action by Marjorie Boyd, pp. 23-31
                  4. Tidbits and Outrages, p. 32
                  5. How Your Lawyer Does It by Charles Peters, pp. 33-42
                  6. No Watergate Landslide by Alan Ehrenhalt, pp. 43-47
                  7. Memo of the Month, p. 48
                  8. How Much Did You Give Last Year? by Walter Shapiro, pp. 49-53
                  9. Political Puzzle, p. 54
                  10. From Korea With Love by Walter Shapiro, pp. 55-61
                  11. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 62-66 - 4 Reviews
                    1. Armageddon in the Middle East by Dana Adams Schmidt
                    2. Citizen Participation and the Urban Policy Process by Richard L. Cole
                    3. The March of Socialism by Julio Alvarez del Vayo
                    4. Plain Speaking by Merle Miller
                3. [+]
                  March 1974 Issue = 11 Articles
                  1. Inside the Educational Testing Service- Or the Plot to Multiple-Choice Us from Cradle t... by Eric Rodriguez, pp. 5-12
                  2. The Distinctions Pollsters Don't Make by Michael Rappeport, pp. 13-15
                  3. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 16-17
                  4. Memo of the Month, pp. 18-19
                  5. It Takes Energy to Make Energy: The Net's the Thing by Edward Flattau and Jeff Stansbury, pp. 20-26
                  6. Political Book Award, pp. 27-29
                  7. Will Editors Ever Love Flaubert? by James Fallows, pp. 30-36
                  8. Political Puzzle, p. 37
                  9. [+]
                    Cold Dawn and the Mind of Kissinger by Graham Allison, pp. 38-49 - 2 Reviews
                    1. Cold Dawn: The Story of SALT by John Newhouse
                    2. Kissinger: Portrait of a Mind by Stephen R. Graubard
                  10. [+]
                    The Legacy of SDS by Suzannah Lessard, pp. 50-60 - 1 Review
                    1. SDS by Kirkpatrick Sale
                  11. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 61-66 - 13 Reviews
                    1. Alive in the City by August Heckscher
                    2. The American Condition by Richard N. Goodwin
                    3. The American People by E.J. Kahn
                    4. Choosing Our King by Michael Novak
                    5. Connally by Charles R. Ashman
                    6. Cold Winter, Cold War by Robert G. Kaiser
                    7. Corporate Power and Social Change by Karen Orren
                    8. If Britain Had Fallen by Norman Longmate
                    9. To Irrigate a Wasteland by John W. Macy, Jr.
                    10. Just a Country Lawyer by Paul R. Clancy
                    11. Neighborhood Health Centers by Robert M. Hollister
                    12. Secrecy and Foreign Policy by Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband
                    13. The Secrets Business by Stephen Barlay
                4. [+]
                  April 1974 Issue = 10 Articles
                  1. Letters, pp. 4-8
                  2. Doing a Little for Others and a Lot for Ourselves by James Fallows, pp. 9-20
                  3. Tidbits and Outrages, p. 21
                  4. Nixon's Flying Fuhrerbunker by Mary Meehan, pp. 22-28
                  5. Memo of the Month, p. 29
                  6. New Hope for Parents- A Way to Beat the High Cost of College by Walter Shapiro, pp. 30-39
                  7. Political Puzzle, p. 40
                  8. The Vice Presidency: From Cigar Store Indian to Crown Prince by Donald Graham, pp. 41-44
                  9. A Congressman's Day: At the District office by Jamie Rosenthal Wolf, pp. 45-59
                  10. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 60-66 - 22 Reviews
                    1. The Birth of Nations by Philip C. Jessup
                    2. Blue-Collar Journal by John Royston Coleman
                    3. Dixiecrats and Democrats by William W. Barnard
                    4. Etok by Hugh Gregory Gallagher
                    5. Go East, Young Man by William O. Douglas
                    6. The Imperial Republic by Raymond Aron
                    7. Justices, Presidents, and Senators by Henry J. Abraham
                    8. Karl Marx on Freedom of the Press and Censorship by Saul Kussiel Padover and Karl Marx
                    9. Lincoln Steffens: A Biography by Justin Kaplan
                    10. Lost Chance in China by Joseph W. Esherick and John S. Service
                    11. The Making of Campaign Strategy by Marjorie Randon Hershey
                    12. Mortgage on America by Leonard Downie, Jr.
                    13. The New Anti-Semitism by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein
                    14. The Philanthropoids by Ben Whitaker
                    15. Presidential Power and Accountability by Charles M. Hardin
                    16. The Rise and Fall of the League of Nations by George Scott
                    17. The Ruling Minority, 1974 by Lawrence R. Krivit
                    18. Sentenced to Life by John P. Roche
                    19. Supreme Court Review, 1973 by Philip B. Kurland
                    20. Taming the Last Frontier by C.W. Griffin
                    21. Urban Economic Development by Bennett Harrison
                    22. Yarborough by Howard M. Kahn
                5. [+]
                  May 1974 Issue = 12 Articles
                  1. Mary Mccarthy- The Blinders She Wears by James Fallows, pp. 5-17
                  2. Memo of the Month, p. 18
                  3. Why Price Controls Stopped Working by Robert Samuelson, pp. 19-27
                  4. Political Puzzle, p. 28
                  5. .. . Where They're Still Needed by Morton Mintz, pp. 29-37
                  6. We Try to Use Dictatorial Powers Only as a Last Resort by Walter Shapiro, pp. 38-42
                  7. Shooting at Empty Silos by Pat Schroeder, pp. 43-47
                  8. 7,000 Toys for the Generals by Paul Warnke, p. 48
                  9. An Island Paradise for the Admirals by Gene Larocque, pp. 49-51
                  10. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 52-53
                  11. The Rehnquist Recuse: Judging Your Own Case by John P. Mackenzie, pp. 54-62
                  12. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 63-66 - 7 Reviews
                    1. Captive Capital by Sam Smith
                    2. The Curve of Binding Energy by John A. McPhee
                    3. Democracy and Its Discontents by Daniel J. Boorstin
                    4. How True by Thomas Griffith
                    5. Journey Among the Economists by Arrigo Levi
                    6. Judges by Donald Dale Jackson
                    7. Executive Privilege: A Constitutional Myth by Raoul Berger
                6. [+]
                  June 1974 Issue = 11 Articles
                  1. Letters, pp. 5-6
                  2. The Unions- How Much Can a Good Man Do? by Curtis Seltzer, pp. 7-24
                  3. F. Edward Hebert- A Credit to His Race by Daniel Rapoport, pp. 25-30
                  4. Memo of the Month, pp. 31-32
                  5. Ramparts:The End of Muckraking Magazines by Adam Hochschild, pp. 33-42
                  6. Big is Bad for Us All by John Winslow, pp. 43-44
                  7. Tidbits and Outrages, p. 45
                  8. With the White House Fellows by Peter Rand, pp. 46-56
                  9. With Mailer, Millett, and Capote by James Fallows, pp. 57-61
                  10. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 62-63 - 12 Reviews
                    1. American Odyssey by Robert E. Conot
                    2. Behind the Front Page by Chris Argyris
                    3. Blue Cross by Sylvia A. Law
                    4. Elites in the Policy Process by Robert V. Presthus
                    5. The Emerging Democratic Majority by Lanny J. Davis
                    6. Exploring Contradictions by Philip Brenner and Robert Borosage
                    7. Give! by Harvey Katz
                    8. In the Human Interest by Lester R. Brown
                    9. Jerry Ford, Up Close by Bud Vestal
                    10. Patriotism Without Flags by Daniel Lang
                    11. The Politics of Turmoil by Richard A. Cloward
                    12. Test of Loyalty by Peter Schrag
                  11. The Political Puzzle, pp. 64-66
                7. [+]
                  July 1974 Issue = 10 Articles
                  1. Letters, pp. 4-6
                  2. Moral Myopia Chapter Three, Jack Anderson and the Eagleton Case by Brit Hume, pp. 7-22
                  3. Denenberg V. Flaherty: Politics After Common Cause by Walter Shapiro, pp. 23-29
                  4. The Political Puzzle, p. 30
                  5. Memo of the Month, p. 31
                  6. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 32-33
                  7. The Zero Defect System by Charles Peters, pp. 34-35
                  8. Bill Moyers: His Heart Belongsto Daddy by James Fallows, pp. 36-50
                  9. Kissinger and the Brothers Kalb by Roger Morris, pp. 51-60
                  10. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 61-66 - 10 Reviews
                    1. The American Intellectual Elite by Charles Kadushin
                    2. The Balancing Act by George C. Roche III, Alan Reynolds, and Ernest Van Den Haag, ...
                    3. A Dangerous Place by Abraham Yeselson and Anthony Gaglione
                    4. The Daughters by Peggy Anderson
                    5. Eating May Be Hazardous to Your Health by Jacqueline Verrett
                    6. Grassroots Government by Susan Walker Torrence
                    7. Impeachment: A Handbook by Charles L. Black, Jr.
                    8. The Paper Plantation by William C. Osborn
                    9. The Phaeton Ride by Forrest McDonald
                    10. The Unheavenly City Revisited by Edward C. Banfield
                8. [+]
                  September 1974 Issue = 10 Articles
                  1. The Man Who Nailed Tony Boyle by Walter Shapiro, pp. 4-11
                  2. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 12-14
                  3. How to Take Over The Government by Charles Peters, pp. 15-23
                  4. Memo of the Month, p. 24
                  5. Did Kissinger Leak the Big One? by James Nathan, pp. 25-27
                  6. Hustling on the Range by Jim Henderson, pp. 28-41
                  7. Clever Briefers, Crazy Leaders,and Myopic Analysts by Morton Halperin, pp. 42-49
                  8. Crazies By the Tail by James Fallows, pp. 50-58
                  9. The Political Puzzle, pp. 59-60
                  10. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 61-66 - 6 Reviews
                    1. FDR's Last Year by Jim Bishop
                    2. Innocents at Home: America in the 1970s by Tad Szulc
                    3. Justice in Everyday Life by Howard Zinn
                    4. The New Politics Congress by Thomas P. Murphy
                    5. The Power Broker by Robert A. Caro
                    6. United Nations Journal by William F. Buckley, Jr.
                9. [+]
                  October 1974 Issue = 12 Articles
                  1. Letters, pp. 4-5
                  2. The Political Puzzle, p. 6
                  3. What Do We Do Next?, p. 7
                  4. A Platform for the Seventies by Thomas Redburn, pp. 8-18
                  5. Putting Yourself on the Line by Charles Peters, pp. 19-28
                  6. How Not to HelpSmall Business by Walter Shapiro, pp. 29-34
                  7. The Victim as Co-Conspirator by David Hapgood, pp. 35-40
                  8. Tidbits and Outrages, p. 41
                  9. Graduate School for the Generals by Maureen Mylander, pp. 42-52
                  10. Moral Myopia Michael Straight, Jack Anderson, The New York Review, and The Washington M... by James Fallows, pp. 53-58
                  11. Memo of the Month, pp. 59-60
                  12. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 61-66 - 12 Reviews
                    1. The Benchwarmers by Joseph C. Goulden
                    2. The Gerald Ford Letters by Robert N. Winter-Berger
                    3. The Money Motive by Thomas Wiseman
                    4. Nixon's Good Deed by Vincent J. Burke and Vee Burke
                    5. Notes on the Old System by Marcus G. Raskin
                    6. Peace in the Middle East? by Noam Chomsky
                    7. Political Primeval by Edgar Berman
                    8. The President Is Calling by Milton S. Eisenhower
                    9. The Presidential Campaign by Stephen Hess
                    10. Serving Justice by J. Harvie Wilkinson III
                    11. Tales of ITT by Thomas S. Burns
                    12. The Working-Class Majority by Andrew Levison
                10. [+]
                  November 1974 Issue = 10 Articles
                  1. How to Spot a Spook by John Marks, pp. 5-11
                  2. Why Leave It to Earl? by Roger Morris and Hal Sheets, pp. 12-19
                  3. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 20-21
                  4. Why Johnny Can't Work: The Snobbery Factor by Suzannah Lessard, pp. 22-28
                  5. The Robbery Factor by Peter Cowen, pp. 29-34
                  6. 'I Got My Job Through Creep' by Arthur Levine, pp. 35-46
                  7. Political Puzzle, p. 47
                  8. Memo of the Month, pp. 48-49
                  9. Running for Congress: The Secret Motives by Walter Shapiro, pp. 50-60
                  10. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 61-66 - 11 Reviews
                    1. America After Nixon by Robert Scheer
                    2. Big Brother and the Holding Company by Steve Weissman
                    3. Big Business by C. Northcote Parkinson
                    4. The Common Millionaire by Robert Heller
                    5. The Corporate Conscience by David F. Linowes
                    6. The Energy Balloon by Stewart L. Udall, Charles Conconi, and David Osterhaut, ...
                    7. Expropriation Politics by Jessica Pernitz Einhorn
                    8. If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade by Warren Hinckle
                    9. The Glory and the Dream by William Manchester
                    10. The Organization Trap and How to Get Out of It by Samuel A. Culbert
                    11. Partial Justice by Willard Gaylin
                11. [+]
                  December 1974 Issue = 11 Articles
                  1. Wilbur Mills: The Ways and Means of Conning the Press by Walter Shapiro, pp. 4-15
                  2. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 16-18
                  3. Government Unions: The New Bullies on the Block by Thomas Redburn, pp. 19-27
                  4. A Day in the Life of a Government Executive, pp. 28-34
                  5. P-38, Where Are You? by William D. White, pp. 35-39
                  6. The Man Who Nailed Gordon Liddy by Arthur Levine, pp. 40-43
                  7. The Political Puzzle, pp. 44-48
                  8. Racetracks, Banks, and Liquor Stores by Thomas B. Edsall, pp. 49-55
                  9. The Political Puzzle, p. 56
                  10. Wheelchairs, Casework,and Bi-Lingual Education by James Fallows, pp. 57-61
                  11. [+]
                    Political Book Notes, pp. 62-66 - 7 Reviews
                    1. The Buses Roll by Carol Baldwin and Robert Coles
                    2. Freedom Under Siege by Madalyn Murray O'Hair and J.P. Tarcher
                    3. Politics and Higher Education by John David Millett
                    4. The Politics of Rights by Stuart A. Scheingold
                    5. Power in the City by Frederick M. Wirt
                    6. School Inequality and the Welfare State by John D. Owen
                    7. U. S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe by Jeffrey Record and Thomas I. Anderson
              2. [+]
                Issues of 1975 = 10 Issues, 113 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1976 = 11 Issues, 120 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1977 = 11 Issues, 149 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1978 = 11 Issues, 226 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1979 = 11 Issues, 219 Articles
                      2. [+]
                        Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 110 Issues, 2,280 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1980 = 11 Issues, 225 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1981 = 11 Issues, 232 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1982 = 11 Issues, 247 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1983 = 11 Issues, 225 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1984 = 11 Issues, 234 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1985 = 11 Issues, 222 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1986 = 11 Issues, 206 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1987 = 11 Issues, 218 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1988 = 11 Issues, 228 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1989 = 11 Issues, 243 Articles
                                          2. [+]
                                            Issues of the 1990s = 10 Years, 101 Issues, 2,095 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1990 = 11 Issues, 216 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1991 = 10 Issues, 196 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1992 = 10 Issues, 207 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1993 = 10 Issues, 201 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1994 = 10 Issues, 198 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1995 = 10 Issues, 202 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1996 = 10 Issues, 232 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1997 = 10 Issues, 232 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1998 = 10 Issues, 200 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1999 = 10 Issues, 211 Articles
                                                              2. [+]
                                                                Issues of the 2000s = 10 Years, 88 Issues, 1,675 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 2000 = 10 Issues, 212 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 2001 = 10 Issues, 220 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 2002 = 10 Issues, 219 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 2003 = 10 Issues, 204 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 2004 = 10 Issues, 179 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 2005 = 9 Issues, 125 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 2006 = 9 Issues, 145 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 2007 = 10 Issues, 166 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 2008 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 2009 = 6 Issues, 111 Articles
                                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of the 2010s = 1 Year, 5 Issues, 86 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 2010 = 5 Issues, 86 Articles