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Elaine C. Kamarck Archives
Elaine C. Kamarck •ï¿½9 Items / 6 Articles, 2 Books, 1 Review
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  1. Considered Opinion
    Why Democrats lack the knack of electing a governor
    CommonWealth, Summer 2003, pp. 11-18
  2. Democrats Look Ahead
    Fight Over Delegate Rules for '88
    The Nation, March 2, 1985, p. 225
  3. The End of Government...As We Know It (2007)
    Making Public Policy Work
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  4. Governance.Com (2000)
    Democracy in the Information Age
    1 Review
  5. The Key to Homeland Defense
    We can fortify our geographical borders by tearing down bureaucratic borders
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, Nov/Dec 2001, pp. 16-17
  6. Features
    Liberalism & the City
    An NY Roundtable
    City Journal, Autumn 1991, pp. 20-34
  7. [+]
    No One In Charge (Review)
    The Next Government of the United States, by Donald F. Kettl
    1. The Next Government of the United States by Donald F. Kettl
    The American Prospect, January 2009, pp. 34-35
  8. What If Bush Wins?
    Decline of American Greatness
    The Washington Monthly, September 2004, pp. 45-46
  9. 5 Realities That Will Shape 21st Century Politics
    The shifting demographics of the American landscape will call for a very different poli...
    Blueprint/The New Democrat, Fall 1998, pp. 6-29
  10. No Items Found