The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Robert Dallek Archives
Robert Dallek •ï¿½30 Items / 12 Books, 5 Articles, 13 Reviews
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  1. World War II: 30 Years After
    Allied Leadership in the Second World War
    Survey, Winter 1975, pp. 1-10
  2. [+]
    The American Scene (Review)
    Washington Dispatches, 1941-45, by H.G. Nicholas
    1. Washington Dispatches, 1941-45 by H.G. Nicholas
    The New Republic, July 19, 1982, pp. 45-46
  3. The American Style of Foreign Policy (1983)
    Cultural Politics and Foreign Affairs
    5 Reviews
  4. [+]
    Americas (Review)
    A Diplomat Looks Back, by Lewis Einstein and Lawrence E. Gelfand
    1. A Diplomat Looks Back by Lewis Einstein and Lawrence E. Gelfand
    The American Historical Review, December 1968, p. 751
  5. [+]
    Americas (Review)
    Seeking World Order, by Warren F. Kuehl
    1. Seeking World Order by Warren F. Kuehl
    The American Historical Review, June 1970, p. 1535
  6. [+]
    The Amoralist (Review)
    Kissinger: A Biography, by Walter Isaacson
    1. Kissinger: A Biography by Walter Isaacson
    The Wilson Quarterly, Spring 1993, pp. 77-78
  7. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    Teapot Dome: Oil and Politics in the 1920's, by Burl Noggle
    1. Teapot Dome: Oil and Politics in the 1920's by Burl Noggle
    Political Science Quarterly, March 1965, p. 166
  8. [+]
    The First Angry White Man (Review)
    The Politics of Rage, by Dan T. Carter
    1. The Politics of Rage by Dan T. Carter
    The Wilson Quarterly, Winter 1996, pp. 81-82
  9. Flawed Giant (1998)
    Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973
    4 Reviews, 2 Readable
  10. Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945 (1979)
    13 Reviews, 2 Readable
  11. Review Article
    Franklin Roosevelt as a World Leader (2 Reviews)
    Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom, 1940-45, by James MacGregor Burns
    1. Roosevelt: The Soldier of Freedom, 1940-45 by James MacGregor Burns
    2. The Politics of Rescue by Henry L. Feingold
    The American Historical Review, December 1971, pp. 1503-1513
  12. Hail to the Chief (1996)
    The Making and Unmaking of American Presidents
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  13. Harry S. Truman (2008)
    The American Presidents Series: The 33rd President, 1945-1953
  14. [+]
    History in High Places (Review)
    Thinking in Time, by Richard E. Neustadt and Ernest R. May
    1. Thinking in Time by Richard E. Neustadt and Ernest R. May
    The New Republic, July 7, 1986, p. 45
  15. JFK's Second Term
    The Atlantic Monthly, June 2003, pp. 58-65
  16. Let Every Nation Know (2006)
    John F. Kennedy in His Own Words
    1 Review
  17. Letters
    The New York Review of Books, April 1, 1982, pp. 47-52
  18. Lone Star Rising (1991)
    Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960
    5 Reviews
  19. The Lost Peace (2010)
    Leadership in a Time of Horror and Hope, 1945-1953
  20. The Medical Ordeals of JFK
    The Atlantic Monthly, December 2002, pp. 49-63
  21. Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power (2007)
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  22. [+]
    Nuremberg in Washington (Review)
    The Road to Nuremberg, by Bradley F. Smith
    1. The Road to Nuremberg by Bradley F. Smith
    The New York Review of Books, February 18, 1982, pp. 30-31
  23. The Presidency
    Three New Revelations About LBJ
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1998, pp. 42-45
  24. [+]
    Restoring Charles II (Review)
    The United States and China in the Twentieth Century, by Michael Schaller
    1. The United States and China in the Twentieth Century by Michael Schaller
    The New Republic, December 29, 1979, p. 24
  25. [+]
    Reconsideration (Review)
    Kennedy and Roosevelt: The Uneasy Alliance, by Michael R. Beschloss
    1. Kennedy and Roosevelt: The Uneasy Alliance by Michael R. Beschloss
    The New Republic, April 19, 1980, p. 32
  26. Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Symbolism (1984)
    5 Reviews, 1 Readable
  27. [+]
    The Too Quiet Man (Review)
    George Ball: Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy, by James A. Bill
    1. George Ball: Behind the Scenes in U.S. Foreign Policy by James A. Bill
    The Washington Monthly, July 1997, p. 55
  28. An Unfinished Life (2002)
    John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
    2 Reviews
  29. [+]
    United States (Review)
    The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance, 1937-41, by David Reynolds
    1. The Creation of the Anglo-American Alliance, 1937-41 by David Reynolds
    The American Historical Review, December 1982, p. 1493
  30. No Items Found