The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
E.J. Kahn Archives
E.J. Kahn •ï¿½105 Items / 23 Books, 70 Articles, 11 Reviews
The American People (1974)
The Findings of the 1970 Census
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Published Reviews
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    Political Book Notes (13 Reviews)
    Alive in the City, by August Heckscher
    1. Alive in the City by August Heckscher
    2. The American Condition by Richard N. Goodwin
    3. The American People by E.J. Kahn
    4. Choosing Our King by Michael Novak
    5. Connally by Charles R. Ashman
    6. Cold Winter, Cold War by Robert G. Kaiser
    7. Corporate Power and Social Change by Karen Orren
    8. If Britain Had Fallen by Norman Longmate
    9. To Irrigate a Wasteland by John W. Macy, Jr.
    10. Just a Country Lawyer by Paul R. Clancy
    11. Neighborhood Health Centers by Robert M. Hollister
    12. Secrecy and Foreign Policy by Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband
    13. The Secrets Business by Stephen Barlay
    The Washington Monthly, March 1974, pp. 61-66