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Jessica Einhorn Archives
Jessica Einhorn •ï¿½2 Items / 1 Article, 1 Book
Expropriation Politics (1974)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    International Politics (Review)
    Expropriation Politics, by Jessica Pernitz Einhorn
    1. Expropriation Politics by Jessica Pernitz Einhorn
    American Political Science Review, June 1978, p. 786
  2. [+]
    United States and Canada (6 Reviews)
    America's Impact on the World, by William Woodruff
    1. America's Impact on the World by William Woodruff
    2. Expropriation Politics by Jessica Pernitz Einhorn
    3. The Rise and Fall of Project Camelot by Irving Louis Horowitz
    4. TV and National Defense by Ernest W. Lefever
    5. War and Presidential Power by Thomas F. Eagleton
    6. Who Controls the Mass Media? by Martin H. Seiden
    Orbis, Winter 1976, pp. 1656-1657
  3. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (11 Reviews)
    The Western Hemisphere
    1. Continental Community? by W. Andrew Axline
    2. The United States and Latin America by Gordon Connell-Smith
    3. The Future of Democracy in Latin America by Frank Tannenbaum, Joseph Maier, and Richard W. Weatherhead, ...
    4. Latin America by Ronald H. Chilcote and Joel C. Edelstein
    5. From Cortes to Castro by Simon Collier
    6. Democracy and Dictatorship in Venezuela, 1945-1958 by Glen L. Kolb
    7. Argentina and the Failure of Democracy by Peter H. Smith
    8. Foundations of Brazilian Economic Growth by Donald E. Syvrud
    9. Bureaucratic Politics and Administration in Chile by Peter S. Cleaves
    10. Struggle in the Andes by Howard Handelman
    11. Expropriation Politics by Jessica Pernitz Einhorn
    Foreign Affairs, April 1975, p. 588
  4. [+]
    Political Book Notes (11 Reviews)
    America After Nixon, by Robert Scheer
    1. America After Nixon by Robert Scheer
    2. Big Brother and the Holding Company by Steve Weissman
    3. Big Business by C. Northcote Parkinson
    4. The Common Millionaire by Robert Heller
    5. The Corporate Conscience by David F. Linowes
    6. The Energy Balloon by Stewart L. Udall, Charles Conconi, and David Osterhaut, ...
    7. Expropriation Politics by Jessica Pernitz Einhorn
    8. If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade by Warren Hinckle
    9. The Glory and the Dream by William Manchester
    10. The Organization Trap and How to Get Out of It by Samuel A. Culbert
    11. Partial Justice by Willard Gaylin
    The Washington Monthly, November 1974, pp. 61-66