The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Michael Nelson Archives
Michael Nelson •ï¿½31 Items / 8 Books, 13 Articles, 10 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American Politics (Review)
    The Good Ruler, by Bruce Kuklick
    1. The Good Ruler by Bruce Kuklick
    American Political Science Review, September 1989, p. 1024
  2. [+]
    American Politics (Review)
    The Presidency in a Separated System, by Charles O. Jones
    1. The Presidency in a Separated System by Charles O. Jones
    American Political Science Review, March 1995, p. 208
  3. The American Presidency: Origins and Developmen... (1990)
    1 Review
  4. Bureaucracy: The Biggest Crisis of All
    To the people outside Washington, Washington is America's main problem.
    The Washington Monthly, January 1978, pp. 50-59
  5. [+]
    Canada and the United States (Review)
    The Modern American Presidency, by Lewis L. Gould
    1. The Modern American Presidency by Lewis L. Gould
    The American Historical Review, February 2004, p. 207
  6. [+]
    The Case for the Academies (14 Reviews)
    Absolutely American, by David Lipsky
    1. Absolutely American by David Lipsky
    2. Sea Change at Annapolis by H. Michael Gelfand
    3. Honor Bright by Lewis Sorley
    4. Stronger Than Custom by Robert Lance Janda
    5. The Unforgiving Minute by Craig M. Mullaney
    6. Duty First by Ed Ruggero
    7. Skies to Conquer by Diana Jean Schemo
    8. Soldier's Heart by Elizabeth D. Samet
    9. Annapolis Autumn by Bruce Fleming
    10. Bridging the Military-Civilian Divide by Bruce Fleming
    11. The Fourth Star by David Cloud and Greg Jaffe
    12. History of the U.S. Army Cadet Command by Arthur T. Coumbe
    13. Making Citizen-Soldiers by Michael S. Neiberg
    14. Army 101 by David Axe
    The Claremont Review of Books, June 2, 2010, pp. 41-45
  7. Celebrating the Humanities (1996)
    A Half-Century of the Search Course at Rhodes College
    1 Review
  8. Development of Tropical Lands (1973)
    Policy Issues in Latin America
    1 Review
  9. The Elections of 1984 (1985)
    1 Review
  10. The Elections of 1988 (1989)
    1 Review
  11. How to Break the TiesThat Bind Congress to the Lobbies and Agencies
    Committees, as Woodrow Wilson observed, are what makes Congress work, and they're now a...
    The Washington Monthly, December 1976, pp. 36-41
  12. 'The Incomprehensible Holocaust'
    An Exchange
    The New York Review of Books, December 21, 1989, pp. 62-64
  13. [+]
    Leaders Who Follow and Leaders Worth Following (Review)
    Why the politicians who, succeed in the end, are the ones who demand the most from us.
    1. Leadership by James MacGregor Burns
    The Washington Monthly, March 1979, pp. 52-55
  14. The New Libertarians
    Stripping Government of Its Powers
    The Saturday Review, March 1, 1980, pp. 21-27
  15. People as Legislators
    The Federal Initiative Idea
    The Nation, February 25, 1978, pp. 210-212
  16. [+]
    Political Booknotes (Review)
    Education and the Presidency, by Chester E. Finn, Jr.
    1. Education and the Presidency by Chester E. Finn, Jr.
    The Washington Monthly, December 1977, pp. 59-61
  17. [+]
    Political Booknotes (Review)
    Usable Knowledge, by Charles Edward Lindblom and David K. Cohen
    1. Usable Knowledge by Charles Edward Lindblom and David K. Cohen
    The Washington Monthly, May 1979, pp. 63-66
  18. The Politics of Gambling in the South
    Political Science Quarterly, December 2003, pp. 645-670
  19. Issues
    Power to the People
    The Crusade for Direct Democracy
    The Saturday Review, November 24, 1979, pp. 12-17
  20. The Presidency and the Political System (1984)
    1 Review
  21. Presidential Selection (1987)
    1 Review
  22. Presidents, Politics, and Policy (1984)
    2 Reviews
  23. [+]
    The Works of Graham Greene (2 Reviews)
    Peace, It's Wonderful, by William Saroyan
    1. Peace, It's Wonderful by William Saroyan
    2. Green to Amber by Sherard Vines
    Horizon, May 1940, pp. 378-380
  24. [+]
    Book Reviews (Review)
    The Myth of the Modern Presidency, by David K. Nichols
    1. The Myth of the Modern Presidency by David K. Nichols
    Political Science Quarterly, June 1995, pp. 317-318
  25. The Secret Way Liberals Raise Taxes
    It's called taxflation, and the middle class pays for it.
    The Washington Monthly, April 1977, pp. 45-49
  26. Ten Ironies That Made Our Nation What It Is Today
    Garfield died for your sins.
    The Washington Monthly, November 1980, pp. 34-45
  27. [+]
    What's Wrong with History (3 Reviews)
    Censors in the Classroom, by Edward B. Jenkinson
    1. Censors in the Classroom by Edward B. Jenkinson
    2. America Revised by Frances Fitzgerald
    3. Truth in History by Oscar Handlin
    The Public Interest, Spring 1980, pp. 124-130
  28. What's Wrong With Policy Analysis
    Everyone agrees we need better analysis of government policy. That's why we don't need ...
    The Washington Monthly, September 1979, pp. 53-59
  29. What's Wrong With Political Science
    Instead of teaching people how the government really works, political scientists turn o...
    The Washington Monthly, September 1977, pp. 12-20
  30. What's Wrong With Sociology
    For a man who's been so right, so soon, so often, Vance Packard has taken an awful lot ...
    The Washington Monthly, June 1978, pp. 42-49
  31. No Items Found