The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Partisan Review Archives
The Partisan Review •ï¿½65 Years, 285 Issues, 6,038 Articles, 41,112pp
The Partisan Review, January 1938, pp. 61-63
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1930s = 6 Years, 29 Issues, 494 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1934 = 5 Issues, 86 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1935 = 4 Issues, 74 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1936 = 6 Issues, 104 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1937 = 1 Issue, 18 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1938 = 9 Issues, 114 Articles
              1. [+]
                January 1938 Issue = 15 Articles
                1. The Lawrence Myth by William Troy, pp. 3-13
                2. Love Lies Sleeping by Elizabeth Bishop, pp. 14-15
                3. Migratory Worker by John Dos Passos, pp. 16-20
                4. Second Thoughts on the U.S.S.R. by Andre Gide, pp. 21-28
                5. The Ballad of the Children of the Czar by Delmore Schwartz, pp. 29-31
                6. Art Chronicle by George L.K. Morris, p. 32
                7. Hurry, Hurry by Eleanor Clark, pp. 33-39
                8. An Exchange of Letters by Kenneth Burke, pp. 40-43
                9. �---��by Sidney Hook, pp. 44-47
                10. Theater Chronicle by Mary McCarthy, pp. 48-49
                11. [+]
                  The Brown Book of Heinrich Heine by Harry Levin, pp. 50-52 - 1 Review
                  1. Heinrich Heine: Paradox and Poet by Louis Untermeyer
                12. [+]
                  Populist Realism by Meyer Schapiro, pp. 53-57 - 1 Review
                  1. An Artist in America by Thomas Hart Benton
                13. [+]
                  Art in the Second Empire by George L.K. Morris, pp. 58-59 - 1 Review
                  1. The Journal of Eugene Delacroix by Eugene Delacroix
                14. [+]
                  The Tower Beyond Politics by Dwight Macdonald, p. 60 - 1 Review
                  1. Such Counsels You Gave to Me, and Other Poems by Robinson Jeffers
                15. Ripostes, pp. 61-63
              2. [+]
                February 1938 Issue = 14 Articles
                1. The Last Phase of Henry James by Edmund Wilson, pp. 3-7
                2. Dixie Doodle by James Agee, p. 8
                3. A Childhood Memory by Ignazio Silone, pp. 9-10
                4. A Little Anthology, pp. 11-21
                5. Two Years of Progress by Philip Rahv, pp. 22-30
                6. Art Chronicle by George L.K. Morris, pp. 31-33
                7. Versions of Shakespeare by Mary McCarthy, pp. 34-38
                8. Congressmen---Flowers---Clench by Balcomb Greene, pp. 39-40
                9. Cross-Country by Dwight Macdonald, pp. 41-43
                10. �---��by Rose M. Stein, pp. 44-48
                11. [+]
                  New Verse by Delmore Schwartz, pp. 49-51 - 1 Review
                  1. The Man with the Blue Guitar, and Other Poems by Wallace Stevens
                12. [+]
                  Review Reading the Spirit, by Richard Eberhart by R.P. Blackmur, pp. 52-55 - 1 Review
                  1. Reading the Spirit by Richard Eberhart
                13. [+]
                  Review Poems, by Louis MacNeice by F.O. Matthiessen, pp. 56-59 - 1 Review
                  1. Poems by Louis MacNeice
                14. Ripostes, pp. 60-64
              3. [+]
                March 1938 Issue = 12 Articles
                1. In Prison by Elizabeth Bishop, pp. 3-10
                2. The Esthetic of the Founding Fathers by William Phillips, pp. 11-21
                3. Speech from a Forthcoming Play by E.E. Cummings, pp. 22-23
                4. Andre Malraux by F.W. Dupee, pp. 24-35
                5. Art Chronicle by George L.K. Morris, pp. 36-41
                6. [+]
                  Architect's Utopia by Meyer Schapiro, pp. 42-47 - 1 Review
                  1. Architecture and Modern Life by Baker Brownell and Frank Lloyd Wright
                7. [+]
                  Hard History by Philip Rahv, pp. 48-49 - 1 Review
                  1. Life Along the Passaic River by William Carlos Williams
                8. [+]
                  Capitalism, American Style by James Burnham, pp. 50-53 - 2 Reviews
                  1. America's Sixty Families by Ferdinand Lundberg
                  2. The Folklore of Capitalism by Thurman W. Arnold
                9. [+]
                  U.S. 1 by John Wheelwright, pp. 54-55 - 1 Review
                  1. U.S. 1 by Muriel Rukeyser
                10. [+]
                  No More Swans by Eleanor Clark, pp. 56-58 - 1 Review
                  1. A Southern Harvest by Robert Penn Warren
                11. A Note on the New Masses by Herbert Solow, pp. 59-61
                12. Correspondence, pp. 62-63
              4. [+]
                April 1938 Issue = 10 Articles
                1. Trials of the Mind by Philip Rahv, pp. 3-11
                2. Two Poems by D.S. Savage, pp. 12-13
                3. Some Social Uses and Abuses of Semantics by Sidney Hook, pp. 14-25
                4. [+]
                  The America of John Dos Passos by Lionel Trilling, pp. 26-32 - 1 Review
                  1. U.S.A. by John Dos Passos
                5. Interview by Jean Helion, pp. 33-40
                6. Drum-Truck Came by E.S. Bley, pp. 41-51
                7. Theater Chronicle by Mary McCarthy, pp. 52-56
                8. Music Chronicle by George L.K. Morris, pp. 57-59
                9. Time's Fifteenth by Dwight Macdonald, pp. 60-61
                10. Substitution, at Left Tackle by Herbert Solow, pp. 62-64
              5. [+]
                May 1938 Issue = 13 Articles
                1. Thomas Mann by William Phillips, pp. 3-10
                2. The Statues by Delmore Schwartz, pp. 11-17
                3. Marriage and Manners in Manors by Jackson Mathews, p. 18
                4. Kafka by Max Brod, pp. 19-29
                5. Asleep a King by Eleanor Clark, pp. 30-42
                6. Theater Chronicle by Mary McCarthy, pp. 43-47
                7. [+]
                  Edmund Wilson's Criticism by F.W. Dupee, pp. 48-50 - 1 Review
                  1. The Triple Thinkers by Edmund Wilson
                8. [+]
                  The Dialectic According to Levy by Eliseo Vivas, pp. 51-53 - 1 Review
                  1. A Philosophy for a Modern Man by Hyman Levy
                9. [+]
                  Pompres Funebres by Harry Levin, pp. 54-56 - 1 Review
                  1. Four French Novelists by Georges E. Lemaitre
                10. [+]
                  Lynch Patterns by James T. Farrell, p. 57 - 1 Review
                  1. Uncle Tom's Children by Richard Wright
                11. [+]
                  Two Views of Cummings by Philip Horton, pp. 58-60 - 1 Review
                  1. Collected Poems by E.E. Cummings
                12. [+]
                  Review Collected Poems, by E.E. Cummings by Sherry Mangan, pp. 61-62 - 1 Review
                  1. Collected Poems by E.E. Cummings
                13. [+]
                  Odyssey in a Circle by Anita Brenner, pp. 63-64 - 1 Review
                  1. Journeys Between Wars by John Dos Passos
              6. [+]
                June 1938 Issue = 13 Articles
                1. Letters from Prison by Rosa Luxemburg, pp. 3-23
                2. Thomas Mann by William Troy, pp. 24-32
                3. Two English Poets by Julian Symons, pp. 33-34
                4. �---��by D.S. Savage, p. 35
                5. Karl Marx by Edmund Wilson, pp. 36-40
                6. Theater Chronicle by Mary McCarthy, pp. 41-44
                7. Magazine Chronicle by F.W. Dupee, pp. 45-48
                8. [+]
                  Criticism and Pseudo-Criticism by James Burnham, pp. 49-52 - 1 Review
                  1. Literary Opinion in America by Morton Dauwen Zabel
                9. [+]
                  The Sound and the Fury by Helen Neville, pp. 53-54 - 1 Review
                  1. The Unvanquished by William Faulkner
                10. [+]
                  Business and Power by Louis M. Hacker, pp. 55-56 - 1 Review
                  1. A History of the Business Man by Miriam Beard
                11. [+]
                  The Truest Poetrie by Arthur Mizener, pp. 57-59 - 1 Review
                  1. English Pastoral Poetry by William Empson
                12. [+]
                  Verse and Prose: 1937 by Tom Prideaux, pp. 60-61 - 1 Review
                  1. New Directions, 1937 by James Laughlin
                13. [+]
                  The 3 Misters Harrison by Daniel James, pp. 62-64 - 1 Review
                  1. Meet Me on the Barricades by Charles Yale Harrison
              7. [+]
                July 1938 Issue = 5 Articles
                1. My Father Brought Winter by Mary King, pp. 3-11
                2. Looking Forward to Looking Backward by Meyer Schapiro, pp. 12-24
                3. Dostoevsky and Politics by Philip Rahv, pp. 25-36
                4. The Soviet Cinema: 1930-1938 (Part One) by Dwight Macdonald, pp. 37-50
                5. Thomas Mann by William Troy, pp. 51-64
              8. [+]
                Aug-Sep 1938 Issue = 10 Articles
                1. Art and Politics by Leon Trotsky, pp. 3-10
                2. The English Literary Left by F.W. Dupee, pp. 11-21
                3. Knoxville: Summar of 1915 by James Agee, pp. 22-25
                4. Marxism in Our Time by Victor Serge, pp. 26-32
                5. Art Chronicle by George L.K. Morris, pp. 33-34
                6. The Soviet Cinema: 1930-1938 (Part II) by Dwight Macdonald, pp. 35-62
                7. Poems by Elizabeth Bishop, pp. 63-64
                8. William Troy's Myths by James Burnham, pp. 65-68
                9. Correspondence, pp. 69-73
                10. Ripostes, pp. 74-78
              9. [+]
                Fall 1938 Issue = 22 Articles
                1. This Quarter, pp. 7-15
                2. Composition by G.L.K. Morris, pp. 16-18
                3. Several Voices Out of a Cloud by Louise Bogan, p. 19
                4. The School for Dictators by Ignazio Silone, pp. 20-41
                5. The Beggers by Clark Mills, p. 42
                6. Topical Lyrics by Robert Fitzgerald, pp. 43-48
                7. Manifesto by Andre Breton and Diego Rivera, pp. 49-52
                8. Sewing Loft by William Stephens, p. 53
                9. Blumfeld, An Elderly Bachelor by Franz Kafka, pp. 54-65
                10. The Myth of the Marxist Dialectic by Edmund Wilson, pp. 66-81
                11. The Devil Theory of the Dialectic by William Phillips, pp. 82-90
                12. A Little Anthology of British Poets by D.S. Savage, pp. 91-94
                13. A Further Note on Myth by William Troy, pp. 95-100
                14. Paris Letter by Sean Niall, pp. 101-105
                15. The People's Choice by Mary McCarthy, pp. 106-110
                16. [+]
                  Allen Tate as Novelist by Lionel Trilling, pp. 111-112 - 1 Review
                  1. The Fathers by Allen Tate
                17. [+]
                  The Philosophy of Control by Eliseo Vivas, pp. 113-116 - 1 Review
                  1. The Philosophy of the Act by George Herbert Mead and Charles W. Morris
                18. [+]
                  Trilogy in Progress by Lewis Corey, pp. 117-119 - 1 Review
                  1. No Star is Lost by James T. Farrell
                19. [+]
                  Cross Country Camera by Dinsmore Wheeler, p. 120 - 1 Review
                  1. American Photographs by Walker Evans
                20. [+]
                  Directions, New or Old? by Dwight Macdonald, p. 121 - 1 Review
                  1. New Directions, 1938 by James Laughlin
                21. [+]
                  General Franco's Cemeteries by Justin O'Brien, pp. 122-123 - 1 Review
                  1. Les Grands Cimetieres Sous la Lune by Georges Bernanos
                22. A Letter to the New Republic, pp. 124-130
            2. [+]
              Issues of 1939 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
            3. [+]
              Issues of the 1940s = 10 Years, 65 Issues, 1,109 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1940 = 6 Issues, 90 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1941 = 6 Issues, 92 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1942 = 6 Issues, 127 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1943 = 5 Issues, 75 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1944 = 4 Issues, 93 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 85 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1946 = 5 Issues, 101 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1947 = 5 Issues, 84 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1948 = 12 Issues, 190 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1949 = 12 Issues, 172 Articles
                                2. [+]
                                  Issues of the 1950s = 7 Years, 29 Issues, 494 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1951 = 6 Issues, 86 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1954 = 4 Issues, 58 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1955 = 3 Issues, 48 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1956 = 4 Issues, 67 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1957 = 4 Issues, 77 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1958 = 4 Issues, 71 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1959 = 4 Issues, 87 Articles
                                              2. [+]
                                                Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 36 Issues, 688 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1960 = 4 Issues, 77 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1961 = 4 Issues, 62 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1962 = 4 Issues, 82 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1963 = 3 Issues, 54 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1964 = 4 Issues, 84 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1965 = 3 Issues, 66 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1966 = 3 Issues, 49 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1967 = 4 Issues, 87 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1968 = 4 Issues, 74 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1969 = 3 Issues, 53 Articles
                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                    Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 39 Issues, 847 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1970 = 4 Issues, 59 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1971 = 4 Issues, 53 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1972 = 4 Issues, 82 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1973 = 3 Issues, 64 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1974 = 4 Issues, 87 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 1975 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 1976 = 4 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 1977 = 4 Issues, 113 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 1978 = 4 Issues, 92 Articles
                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of 1979 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
                                                                                      2. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 39 Issues, 1,003 Articles
                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of 1980 = 4 Issues, 115 Articles
                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                            Issues of 1981 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                              Issues of 1982 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                Issues of 1983 = 4 Issues, 93 Articles
                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                  Issues of 1984 = 4 Issues, 116 Articles
                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                    Issues of 1985 = 3 Issues, 78 Articles
                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                      Issues of 1986 = 4 Issues, 89 Articles
                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                        Issues of 1987 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                          Issues of 1988 = 4 Issues, 109 Articles
                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                            Issues of 1989 = 4 Issues, 106 Articles
                                                                                                          2. [+]
                                                                                                            Issues of the 1990s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 1,206 Articles
                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                              Issues of 1990 = 4 Issues, 139 Articles
                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                Issues of 1991 = 4 Issues, 113 Articles
                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                  Issues of 1992 = 4 Issues, 114 Articles
                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                    Issues of 1993 = 4 Issues, 111 Articles
                                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                                      Issues of 1994 = 4 Issues, 118 Articles
                                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                                        Issues of 1995 = 4 Issues, 128 Articles
                                                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                                                          Issues of 1996 = 4 Issues, 126 Articles
                                                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                                                            Issues of 1997 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                                                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                                                              Issues of 1998 = 4 Issues, 125 Articles
                                                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                                                Issues of 1999 = 4 Issues, 129 Articles
                                                                                                                              2. [+]
                                                                                                                                Issues of the 2000s = 2 Years, 8 Issues, 197 Articles
                                                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                                                  Issues of 2000 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
                                                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                                                    Issues of 2001 = 4 Issues, 99 Articles