The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
David Smith Archives
David Smith •ï¿½25 Items / 12 Books, 4 Films, 5 Articles, 2 Reviews, 2 Poems
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  1. Beyond All Reason (1995)
  2. David Smith by David Smith (1968)
    Sculpture and Writings
    3 Reviews
  3. The Days of His Flesh (1905)
    The Earthly Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  4. Drawings in Black and White
    The Partisan Review, Summer 1946, p. 329
  5. The Dyer's Instructor (1860)
    Comprising Practical Instructions in the Art
  6. The Historic Jesus (1900)
  7. Letters
    Thinking under the stars
    The Harpers Monthly, May 1995, pp. 4-6
  8. The Life and Letters of St. Paul (1920)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  9. Lois Orswell, David Smith, and Modern Art (2002)
    1 Review
  10. Man's Need of God (1910)
  11. Masters of Men (1923 Film)
    1 Review
  12. The Other Angola
    National Review, January 21, 1977, pp. 83-86
  13. Our Lord's Earthly Life (1925)
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  14. Paper Clips (2004 Film)
  15. Raw Target (1995 Film)
  16. Reliable Heat
    The Atlantic Monthly, May 1983, pp. 60-65
  17. [+]
    "A Natural Shame" (Review)
    Life for Death, by Michael Mewshaw
    1. Life for Death by Michael Mewshaw
    The New Republic, June 14, 1980, pp. 38-41
  18. Solve Inequality With Democracy
    The American Prospect, June 2004, pp. 22-23
  19. Spirit Trap (2005 Film)
  20. Three Poems
    The Paris Review, Spring 1980, pp. 107-109
  21. Titles
    The Saturday Evening Post, July 1978, pp. 34-35
  22. [+]
    Who Owns America? (Review)
    The Modern Corporation and Private Property, by Adolf A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Means
    1. The Modern Corporation and Private Property by Adolf A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Means
    The New Masses, April 1933, p. 28
  23. No Items Found