The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
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Arthur A. Cohen Archives
Arthur A. Cohen •ï¿½77 Items / 31 Articles, 19 Books, 27 Reviews
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  1. Acts of Theft (1980)
  2. An Admirable Woman (1984)
    A Novel
    2 Reviews
  3. [+]
    All sic et non (Review)
    Decadence: The Strange Life of an Epithet, by Richard Gilman
    1. Decadence: The Strange Life of an Epithet by Richard Gilman
    Commonweal, August 31, 1979, p. 473
  4. Anatomy of Faith (1960)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  5. Another Look at Israel
    Four Responses
    Commonweal, January 24, 1969, p. 518
  6. Arguments and Doctrines (1970)
    A Reader of Jewish Thinking in the Aftermath of the Holocaust
    1 Review
  7. Artists and Enemies (1987)
    Three Novellas
    1 Review
  8. [+]
    The Besht (Review)
    In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov, by Dan Ben-Amos and Jerome R. Mintz
    1. In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov by Dan Ben-Amos and Jerome R. Mintz
    Commentary, September 1970, pp. 88-89
  9. Birth of a Zionist
    Commonweal, September 10, 1982, pp. 457-460
  10. Books
    Buber & the Crisis of Zionism (Review)
    A Land of Two Peoples, by Paul R. Mendes-Flohr and Martin Buber
    1. A Land of Two Peoples by Paul R. Mendes-Flohr and Martin Buber
    Commonweal, October 21, 1983, p. 566
  11. The Carpenter Years (1967)
    A Novel
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  12. The Communism of Mao Tse-Tung (1964)
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  13. Concluding Remarks
    Problems of Communism, September 1966, pp. 27-30
  14. Critics' Choice for Religious Book Week
    Commonweal, March 3, 1978, p. 156
  15. [+]
    Dazzle-Dust (Review)
    God's First Love, by Friedrich Heer
    1. God's First Love by Friedrich Heer
    Commonweal, May 7, 1971, pp. 218-219
  16. The Declaration of London (1911)
  17. [+]
    Dialogue (Review)
    Judaism Despite Christianity, by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig
    1. Judaism Despite Christianity by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig
    Commentary, June 1970, pp. 90-91
  18. Die Verschuldung des Bauerlichen (1906)
    1 Review
  19. Discussion
    Problems of Communism, March 1967, pp. 95-98
  20. Communist China
    Disillusionment within the Ranks
    Problems of Communism, May 1963, pp. 10-17
  21. [+]
    Doctrine of Contempt (Review)
    Jesus and Israel, by Jules Isaac and Claire Huchet Bishop
    1. Jesus and Israel by Jules Isaac and Claire Huchet Bishop
    Commentary, September 1971, pp. 92-95
  22. [+]
    'Exorcising the Exorcist' (Review)
    The Avenue of the Americas, by James Scully
    1. The Avenue of the Americas by James Scully
    Commonweal, December 15, 1972, p. 259
  23. [+]
    The First Futurist (Review)
    Marinetti: Selected Writings, by R.W. Flint and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
    1. Marinetti: Selected Writings by R.W. Flint and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
    Commentary, May 1973, pp. 92-93
  24. A Guide to Jewish Journals
    Commonweal, September 30, 1966, pp. 639-640
  25. Heinrich von Kleist
    The New Criterion, December 1983, pp. 26-34
  26. A Hero in His Time (1976)
    4 Reviews
  27. [+]
    Honest Thinking (Review)
    The Faith of a Heretic, by Walter Kaufmann
    1. The Faith of a Heretic by Walter Kaufmann
    Commentary, January 1962, pp. 88-89
  28. Marxism-Leninism
    How Original Is "Maoism"?
    Problems of Communism, November 1961, pp. 34-42
  29. Books
    Hugo Rahner's Pursuit of Christian Archetypes (Review)
    Greek Myths and Christian Mystery, by Hugo Rahner
    1. Greek Myths and Christian Mystery by Hugo Rahner
    Commonweal, February 14, 1964, p. 605
  30. Humanistic Education and Western Civilization (1964)
    Essays for Robert M. Hutchins
    2 Reviews
  31. [+]
    Identities (Review)
    Elder and Younger Brothers, by A. Roy Eckardt
    1. Elder and Younger Brothers by A. Roy Eckardt
    Commentary, June 1968, pp. 79-83
  32. In the Days of Simon Stern (1973)
    1 Review
  33. The Jew, Secularity, and Christian Culture
    Ramparts Magazine, Autumn 1963, pp. 49-56
  34. The Jew (1980)
    Essays from Martin Buber's Journal Der Jude, 1916-1928
    1 Review
  35. Kafka's Prague
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1981, pp. 552-563
  36. Fiction
    The Last Jew on Earth
    Commentary, November 1972, pp. 48-59
  37. [+]
    Laying Fuses Under Rome (Review)
    Those Incredible Christians, by Hugh J. Schonfield
    1. Those Incredible Christians by Hugh J. Schonfield
    The New Republic, September 21, 1968, p. 29
  38. Letters
    Commentary, January 1970, pp. 4-11
  39. Letters
    Commentary, December 1971, pp. 8-35
  40. Letters
    Commentary, June 1977, pp. 4-34
  41. Liberalism & the Jews
    Commentary, January 1980, pp. 27-28
  42. The Man and His Policies
    Problems of Communism, September 1966, pp. 8-16
  43. Observations
    Mann in His Letters (Review)
    The Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955, by Richard Winston, Clara Winston, and Thomas Mann
    1. The Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955 by Richard Winston, Clara Winston, and Thomas Mann
    Commentary, November 1975, pp. 62-65
  44. [+]
    Mann revealed (Review)
    Thomas Mann Diaries, 1918-1939, by Hermann Kesten and Thomas Mann
    1. Thomas Mann Diaries, 1918-1939 by Hermann Kesten and Thomas Mann
    The New Criterion, February 1983, pp. 65-72
  45. Martin Buber (1957)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  46. Messianism and the Jew
    Commonweal, July 15, 1955, pp. 367-369
  47. [+]
    The Mind's Eye (Review)
    Passages in Modern Sculptures, by Rosalind Krauss
    1. Passages in Modern Sculptures by Rosalind Krauss
    The Partisan Review, Winter 1980, pp. 146-148
  48. The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition (1969)
    1 Review
  49. The Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition
    Commentary, November 1969, pp. 73-78
  50. Nathanael West's Holy Fool
    Commonweal, June 15, 1956, pp. 276-278
  51. The Natural and the Supernatural Jew (1963)
    An Historical and Theological Introduction
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  52. The New Art of Color (1978)
    1 Review
  53. On Judaism and Modernism
    The Partisan Review, Summer 1987, pp. 437-442
  54. Peking's Picture Puzzles
    Problems of Communism, July 1962, pp. 58-62
  55. [+]
    Pragmatic Religiosity (Review)
    Protestant-Catholic-Jew, by Will Herberg
    1. Protestant-Catholic-Jew by Will Herberg
    The Partisan Review, Winter 1956, pp. 128-130
  56. Rediscovering Judaism
    Commonweal, March 4, 1966, pp. 634-635
  57. Religion as a Secular Ideology
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1956, pp. 495-505
  58. Religion behind the Iron Curtain
    The Plight of Judaism
    Commonweal, May 31, 1957, pp. 226-227
  59. Religious Journalism in America: A Symposium
    The Jewish Press
    Commonweal, October 18, 1957, pp. 65-67
  60. [+]
    Rethinking Judaism (9 Reviews)
    A New Jewish Theology in the Making, by Eugene B. Borowitz
    1. A New Jewish Theology in the Making by Eugene B. Borowitz
    2. The Non-Jewish Jew, and Other Essays by Isaac Deutscher
    3. The Jews: Story of a People by Howard Fast
    4. Leo Baeck: Teacher of Theresienstadt by Albert H. Friedlander
    5. Post-Mortem: The Jews in Germany Today by Leo Katcher
    6. Choose Life by Bernard Mandelbaum
    7. Jewish Philosophy in Modern Times by Nathan Rotenstreich
    8. Strangers and Natives by Judd L. Teller
    9. The American Jews by James Yaffe
    The New Republic, March 15, 1969, pp. 28-30
  61. [+]
    Return to Judaism (Review)
    Paganism, Christianity, Judaism, by Max Brod
    1. Paganism, Christianity, Judaism by Max Brod
    Commentary, May 1971, p. 85
  62. [+]
    The Stage (Review)
    Athens and Jerusalem, by Lev Shestov
    1. Athens and Jerusalem by Lev Shestov
    Commonweal, March 10, 1967, pp. 661-664
  63. Books
    Verse (Review)
    Divine Disobedience, by Francine du Plessix Gray
    1. Divine Disobedience by Francine du Plessix Gray
    Commonweal, June 12, 1970, p. 298
  64. [+]
    The Screen: Murder, Ltd. (Review)
    Amen: The Diary of Rabbi Martin Siegel, by Mel Ziegler and Martin Siegel
    1. Amen: The Diary of Rabbi Martin Siegel by Mel Ziegler and Martin Siegel
    Commonweal, July 9, 1971, pp. 364-368
  65. [+]
    The Southern Stamp Strategy (Review)
    The Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories, by Cynthia Ozick
    1. The Pagan Rabbi and Other Stories by Cynthia Ozick
    Commonweal, September 3, 1971, pp. 461-464
  66. [+]
    The New Obscenity (Review)
    Power Struggle, by Richard L. Rubenstein
    1. Power Struggle by Richard L. Rubenstein
    Commonweal, January 3, 1975, p. 305
  67. [+]
    Civic Religion in Early America (Review)
    My Search for the Messiah, by Mark Jay Mirsky
    1. My Search for the Messiah by Mark Jay Mirsky
    Commonweal, September 30, 1977, pp. 637-640
  68. [+]
    The seriousness of life (Review)
    Autobiography, Vol. I, by Mircea Eliade
    1. Autobiography, Vol. I by Mircea Eliade
    Commonweal, March 26, 1982, pp. 188-192
  69. Sonia Delaunay (1975)
    1 Review
  70. [+]
    Those Who Keep Faith with the Covenant (Review)
    I. The Philosophy
    1. Hasidism and Modern Man by Martin Buber and Maurice Friedman
    The Saturday Review, June 7, 1958, p. 18
  71. The Tremendum (1981)
    A Theological Interpretation of the Holocaust
    1 Review
  72. [+]
    The Westernization of Judaism (Review)
    The Course of Modern Jewish History, by Howard M. Sachar
    1. The Course of Modern Jewish History by Howard M. Sachar
    The Saturday Review, August 2, 1958, p. 27
  73. 3 Views
    A Jew's Lament
    Ramparts Magazine, October 1965, p. 31
  74. No Items Found