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John Frederick Nims Archives
John Frederick Nims •ï¿½53 Items / 8 Books, 5 Articles, 5 Reviews, 35 Poems
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  1. Ballads of St. John of the Cross
    Commonweal, December 27, 1957, p. 339
  2. City Dawn
    Commonweal, August 22, 1947, p. 447
  3. The Complete Poems of Michelangelo (1999)
    1 Review
  4. D.O.M., A.D. 2167; A.D. 2267
    The Saturday Review, April 15, 1967, p. 31
  5. Elegy
    The American Scholar, Autumn 1983, pp. 538-539
  6. Embroidery at Bayeux
    The Nation, May 22, 1967, p. 662
  7. Emily, Alison, Jeanie. And Joan
    The American Scholar, Summer 1967, pp. 378-380
  8. En Una Noche Oscura
    Commonweal, January 25, 1952, p. 404
  9. For My Son
    The Harpers Monthly, March 1949, p. 54
  10. A Fountain in Kentucky, and Other Poems (1950)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  11. Four poems by Michelangelo
    Translated & with an introduction
    The New Criterion, April 1998, pp. 37-41
  12. From the Rapido: La Spezia Genova
    The Atlantic Monthly, April 1986, pp. 92-99
  13. Translations
    Goethe: Trilogy of Passion
    The Hudson Review, Spring 1969, pp. 63-69
  14. Greatness in Moderation
    The Saturday Review, October 19, 1963, pp. 25-27
  15. The Harper Anthology of Poetry (1981)
    3 Reviews
  16. The Headlines
    Commonweal, February 28, 1947, p. 488
  17. Helen Chasin: An Appreciation
    The New Republic, October 9, 1976, pp. 35-37
  18. [+]
    Hellenic Lines Revitalized (Review)
    Poems from the Greek Anthology, by Dudley Fitts
    1. Poems from the Greek Anthology by Dudley Fitts
    The Saturday Review, June 22, 1957, p. 28
  19. The Indolent Day
    Commonweal, April 4, 1947, p. 612
  20. The Iron Pastoral (1947)
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  21. Isaiah's Coal
    Commonweal, October 16, 1959, p. 66
  22. Knowledge of the Evening (1960)
    Poems, 1950-1960
    5 Reviews, 2 Readable
  23. Love's Progress; Strange!
    The Hudson Review, Autumn 1994, pp. 425-426
  24. Magazine Stand
    The Partisan Review, January 1943, p. 61
  25. Moses Descending, 1993
    Chronicles, February 1993, p. 21
  26. New poems
    In Venice, the light airs
    The New Criterion, April 1986, p. 49
  27. New Poetry
    Sonnet Right Off the Bat
    The Saturday Review, July 20, 1957, p. 16
  28. Of Flesh and Bone (1967)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  29. Parting
    The Nation, February 27, 1967, p. 278
  30. A poem by Saint John of the Cross
    Commonweal, July 11, 1952, p. 337
  31. A Poem
    Commonweal, September 5, 1947, p. 493
  32. Poems
    The New Criterion, December 1992, p. 37
  33. The Poems of St. John of the Cross (1959)
    New English Versions
    3 Reviews, 1 Readable
  34. [+]
    A Poet of Genuine Talent (Review)
    A Man in the Divided Sea, by Thomas Merton
    1. A Man in the Divided Sea by Thomas Merton
    The Saturday Review, October 26, 1946, p. 36
  35. Poetry Workshop (First Semester)
    The American Scholar, Spring 1989, pp. 208-209
  36. Poetry: That There is More
    Design: A Further Word
    The New Republic, November 11, 1978, p. 28
  37. Poolroom
    The Partisan Review, January 1943, p. 60
  38. Portrait
    The Harpers Monthly, February 1948, p. 135
  39. The Powers of Heaven and Earth
    The Hudson Review, Winter 1992, pp. 603-606
  40. [+]
    Psychic Tower and Bare Truth (2 Reviews)
    Moderate Fable, by Marguerite Young
    1. Moderate Fable by Marguerite Young
    2. Birth Is Farewell by Dilys Bennett Laing
    The Saturday Review, November 25, 1944, p. 22
  41. [+]
    Realist and Surrealist (Review)
    Selected Poems, 1914-1944, by Maxwell Bodenheim
    1. Selected Poems, 1914-1944 by Maxwell Bodenheim
    The Saturday Review, March 22, 1947, p. 32
  42. Robert Frost, 1874-1963
    The Classicism of Robert Frost
    The Saturday Review, February 23, 1963, pp. 22-23
  43. Sappho to Valery (1974)
    Poems in Translation
    2 Reviews
  44. Short Poems
    The Atlantic Monthly, May 1967, p. 101
  45. Sin Arrimo y con Arrimo
    Modern Age, Summer 1958, pp. 317-319
  46. Sonnets
    The Saturday Review, March 23, 1946, p. 50
  47. Tide Turning
    The Atlantic Monthly, January 1982, p. 45
  48. Trick or Treat
    The Atlantic Monthly, November 1987, pp. 92-100
  49. [+]
    Two Contemporary British Poets (2 Reviews)
    Collected Poems, by Henry Treece
    1. Collected Poems by Henry Treece
    2. Poems, 1938-1945 by Robert Graves
    The Saturday Review, March 22, 1947, pp. 44-46
  50. Verse
    Commonweal, December 29, 1967, p. 410
  51. "Water music"
    a poem
    The New Criterion, September 1986, pp. 48-51
  52. The Weeds
    The Harpers Monthly, April 1949, p. 79
  53. 5:00 P.M.
    The Atlantic Monthly, February 1966, p. 81
  54. No Items Found