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Rene Wellek Archives
Rene Wellek •ï¿½22 Items / 6 Books, 5 Articles, 11 Reviews
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  1. The Attack on Literature
    The American Scholar, Winter 1973, pp. 27-42
  2. [+]
    Benjamin's Moscow (Review)
    Moscow Diary, by Walter Benjamin and Gary Smith
    1. Moscow Diary by Walter Benjamin and Gary Smith
    The New Criterion, November 1986, pp. 83-84
  3. Criticism in the University
    The Partisan Review, Fall 1986, pp. 523-533
  4. Destroying literary studies
    The New Criterion, December 1983, pp. 1-8
  5. Dostoevsky (1962)
  6. [+]
    Dostoevsky's carnival (Review)
    Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics, by Mikhail Bakhtin and Caryl Emerson
    1. Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics by Mikhail Bakhtin and Caryl Emerson
    The New Criterion, June 1984, pp. 89-93
  7. [+]
    Empson the moralist (Review)
    Using Biography, by William Empson
    1. Using Biography by William Empson
    The New Criterion, June 1985, pp. 88-98
  8. A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1950 (1955)
    10 Reviews, 2 Readable
  9. [+]
    Hofmannsthal's world (Review)
    Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time, by Hermann Broch
    1. Hugo von Hofmannsthal and His Time by Hermann Broch
    The New Criterion, December 1985, pp. 75-80
  10. [+]
    Humanist and scholar (Review)
    Tributes, by E.H. Gombrich
    1. Tributes by E.H. Gombrich
    The New Criterion, December 1984, pp. 79-82
  11. Immanuel Kant in England (1932)
    1 Review
  12. [+]
    Kafka's Life (Review)
    Franz Kafka: A Biography, by Max Brod
    1. Franz Kafka: A Biography by Max Brod
    Scrutiny, June 1938, pp. 86-88
  13. Literary Criticism and Philosophy
    Scrutiny, March 1937, pp. 375-383
  14. Correspondence
    Literary Criticism and Philosophy
    Scrutiny, September 1937, pp. 195-196
  15. [+]
    Literary modern? (Review)
    A Genealogy of Modernism, by Michael Levenson
    1. A Genealogy of Modernism by Michael Levenson
    The New Criterion, May 1985, pp. 76-78
  16. [+]
    Lukacs before Marx (2 Reviews)
    The Young Lukacs, by Lee Congdon
    1. The Young Lukacs by Lee Congdon
    2. Georg Lukacs and His Generation, 1900-1918 by Mary Gluck
    The New Criterion, June 1986, pp. 69-72
  17. The Meaning of Czech History (1974)
    1 Review
  18. Books
    The Politics of Interpretation (Review)
    The Content of the Form, by Hayden White
    1. The Content of the Form by Hayden White
    The Partisan Review, Spring 1988, pp. 334-337
  19. [+]
    In Defence of Milton (Review)
    Aristocracy and the Middle-Classes in Germany, by Ernst Kohn-Bramstedt
    1. Aristocracy and the Middle-Classes in Germany by Ernst Kohn-Bramstedt
    Scrutiny, June 1938, pp. 115-116
  20. The Rise of English Literary History (1941)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  21. The Theory of Literature (1949)
    7 Reviews, 2 Readable
  22. [+]
    Trial and tribulation (Review)
    Dostoevsky: The Years of Ordeal, 1850-1859, by Joseph Frank
    1. Dostoevsky: The Years of Ordeal, 1850-1859 by Joseph Frank
    The New Criterion, February 1984, pp. 77-80
  23. No Items Found