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Dentistry degree program iMED DENT

Since the winter semester 2019/2020, we offer a future-oriented concept for the training of dentists: the integrated degree program iMED DENT.

With its innovative and integrative character, the dentistry degree program iMED DENT at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universität Hamburg combines dental teaching content according to the synoptic treatment concept. Teachers of dentistry as well as of all other medical disciplines have worked together with students in a preparatory phase lasting several years to develop a course of study that combines practical training in the dental subjects with the theoretical basic subjects from the very beginning and promotes scientific training.

With iMED DENT, the Faculty of Medicine of the Universität Hamburg is a nationwide pioneer in the design of an innovative future concept for academic and practical dental training. Thus, we offer our students a very good access to modern dentistry and the optimal entry into their future profession as dentists.

  • The central guiding principle of iMED DENT is interdisciplinarity and interprofessionalism, i.e.

    • the topic- and symptom-related networking of the dental disciplines with each other and
    • the topic- and symptom-related networking of the dental disciplines with basic and clinical medical subjects.

    Early patient contact is achieved by establishing or intensifying "interstudent" clinical exercises.
    The aim of iMED DENT is also "scientific orientation". Our graduates

    • improve and maintain professional practice and continuous learning as lifelong learners
    • learn principles and methods of evidence-based dentistry and medicine
    • learn to evaluate scientific information and sources
    • learn the principles of good scientific practice
    • act as teachers and multipliers and
    • make an independently written scientific contribution

    From the 2nd to the 10th semester, students acquire psychosocial and communication skills which are essential for the implementation of professional patient-oriented dental care.

    At the same time, it is very important to us that our students train and learn practical skills and abilities for working as dentists at an early stage.

    How are these goals realised in iMED DENT?
    Based on these goals, the central reform approach is a curriculum that places dentistry at the centre of teaching from the 1st to the 10th semester.

    Theoretical and practical-clinical training content is closely interlinked throughout the entire course of study. Our students are trained from three perspectives:

    • Practical skills in diagnosis and therapy
    • Theoretical basics
    • Social interaction with patients and colleagues

    In order to prepare students at an early stage for their future activities and the demands placed on them as dentists, iMED DENT offers practice-oriented teaching and examinations from the beginning of the program. In addition, the curriculum of the integrated degree program in dentistry is expanded to include training in first aid, a one-month nursing training and a one-month clinical training.

    Counselling services accompanying the studies and qualification measures for the teaching staff, in addition to other quality assurance measures, form an important basis for dentistry studies at our faculty.

  • iMED DENT_V-Modell_Seite_01

    Essential structural features of the curriculum are the closely interlinked theoretical and practical training throughout the entire course of study. The figure illustrates the V-shaped structure of the curriculum. Within the V, the dental contents represent the dental core curriculum. This is flanked by and linked to the scientific fundamentals and medical content as the core curriculum.

    The curriculum is oriented towards science-based and medical and psychosocial competences. The requirements increase in the 10-semester course of study and range from the scientific understanding of basic dental knowledge to the teaching of the practical relevance of the scientific principles for dental theory and practice to clinical training in the synoptic treatment courses.

    The core curriculum of iMED DENT:

    • includes a well-founded training in scientific work, which is completed by a study thesis, with the possibility of the subsequent, study-accompanying doctorate to Dr. med. dent.
    • qualifies the licensed dentist for lifelong further training
    • takes into account an interdisciplinary understanding of disease as well as longitudinal aspects (e.g. phases of life, psychosocial medicine, pain and palliative medicine, gender aspects, etc.)
    • allows stays abroad in the field of patient care and/or research.
  • ZM_MSG_Curriculum_04172019
    Curriculum iMED DENT

    The 10-semester iMED DENT degree program is conducted in a modularised form. The module structure can be seen in the adjacent figure, which shows an exemplary course of study.

    The study program contains three three study sections:

    1st - 2nd semester: "Basic training: Normal function: scientific and dental basics, tissues and functions of the oral system"

    • Symptom-based, modularised and interdisciplinary structure
    • Tooth development, tooth change and tooth eruption
    • Structure and form of the teeth, tooth rows and tooth characteristics
    • Basics of biomaterials, especially waxes and compositional materials
    • Microscopic anatomy of the cell and basic tissues, basics of embryology
    • Chemistry: elements, molecules, bonds, reactions, energetics
    • Biology: DNA structure and replicationIonising radiation
    • First aid for medical emergencies
    • Basics of scientific critical thinking and working
    • Introduction to communication with patients

    3rd - 6th semester: "From symptom to disease: The dental patient: aetiology, pathogenesis, conventional and digital diagnostics and preclinical therapy"

    Theoretical as well as practical preclinical-clinical training

    • Symptom-based, modularised and interdisciplinary structure
    • Molecular, microscopic and macroscopic understanding of pathogens, disease and therapeutic principles based on standard cases relevant to dentistry
    • Subject-specific and interdisciplinary assessment of findings with special emphasis on radiation biology and radiation protection (incl. X-ray course)
    • Consolidation and advanced training of preclinical dental, fine-motor basic skills
    • Assisting advanced students and intensive clinical simulation
    • Learning psychosocial and communication skills
    • Teaching the practical relevance of scientific principles to dental theory and practice, teaching the principles of evidence-based medicine, application of research, citation and presentation techniques, writing the student research paper
    • Patient contact in the context of assisting at the dental treatment chair

    7th - 10th semester: "Therapy: Synoptic Dentistry"

    Further and more comprehensive understanding of dental practical activity oriented towards clinical competences

    • Predominantly clinical-practical teaching, within the framework of the integrated treatment courses
    • Accompanying treatment planning seminars, systematic lectures and seminars to discuss and elaborate on patient cases and topics relevant to dentistry and medicine
    • More complex and difficult topics and situations in relation to psychosocial and communication skills, reflection on ethical issues in dentistry, mental health of dentists, interprofessional communication
    • Application of scientific methods

    Two 7-week compulsory modules are planned in each of the semesters 1 to 10. In addition, there are examination and post-examination weeks. One to three modules are thematically combined in module blocks.

    The topics of the module blocks A to H and W are:

    A: Natural science and dental fundamentals
    B: Oral system
    C: Infections, inflammations and prevention I, II and III
    D: Congenital and acquired tooth and jaw defects, initial tooth loss I, II and III
    E: Tooth and jaw malformations I, II and III and syndromes
    F: Advanced tooth loss and edentulism I and II
    G: Synoptic treatment planning I: Simple cases and II: Complex cases
    H: Specific patient groups I and II: children, elderly and impaired people etc.
    W: Study paper

    The contents taught and learned in module block A are indispensable scientific and dental basics. Students acquire the knowledge in this module block as a prerequisite for all other module blocks in which this content forms the basis and is repeated and further deepened.

    For module blocks G and H (from semester 6), which each have two modules, all modules completed beforehand are also an indispensable prerequisite, since in both module blocks the diversity of dental and medical subjects is taught, learned and applied in a synoptic sense.

    Module block F combines with its two modules, in semester 5 and 8, diagnostics and the learning of all connections to advanced tooth loss and edentulism (I) with the learning and application of therapy (II) on this topic.

    Module F2, like Module G2, represents the interlocking of theory (F2T and G2T) and clinical application (F2P and G2P) in a special way: both form a dual module at the end of the respective study year 4 and 5, which is also relevant for examinations, with the practical activities running longitudinally over the two study years, the treatment by the students on their patients.

    The linking of theory and practice in the respective treatment year (F2P and G2P) also applies to modules D3, C3 and E2 as well as H1, E3 and H2.

    For more details, please refer to our German website.

  • For the degree programs medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, please apply to the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung , if you are:

    • a citizen of a member state of the European Union (EU)
    • a citizen of a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
    • an applicant with a university entrance qualification obtained in Germany or at a German school abroad
    • an international applicant living in Germany with relatives who are EU/EEA citizens and work in Germany (e.g. spouse or parents)

    If you do not belong to one of the groups listed above, you can find further information on the application procedure for international prospective students on the website of the Campus Center of Universität Hamburg .
    For any further questions concerning the application procedure, please contact the Campus Center via the form for international prospective students .

    Alternatively, you can ask your question using the Campus Center Forum .

    For all details on the multi-level application process, please refer to our German website .

  • If you have any questions about the degree programme, please contact our team iMED DENT .