Research Projects funded by the Federal Ministry of education and Research (BMBF)
Below you will find information about several projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in Refugees (PREPARE)
Prof. Ingo Schäfer
Duration: 2019-2024
staf - Studierendenauswahl-Verbund
(Student Selection Network)
Prof. Wolfgang Hampe
Duration: 2018-2021
Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH)
Prof. Uwe Koch-Gromus
Duration: 2018-2021
Understanding disease modifiers and heterogeneity in Alzheimer disease - UndoAD - Colombo-German Consortium
Prof. Dr. Markus Glatzel
Duration: 2017-2021
IMAC-Mind - Verbesserung der psychischen Gesundheit und Verringerung der Suchtgefahr im Kindes- und Jugendalter
Prof. Dr. Rainer Thomasius
Duration: 2017-2022
German-Chilean Institute für Research on Pulmonary Hypoxia and its Health Sequelae (DECIPHER)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Böger
Duration: 2017-2022
Affektive Dysregulation in Childhood. Optimierung von Prävention und Therapie (ADOPT)
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer
Duration: 2017-2022
Messung von Patientenorientierung mittels patientenberichtetet ErfahrungsmaÃe (ASPIRED)
Dr. Isabelle Scholl
Duration: 2017-2022
Improving health care in Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Martin Härter
Duration 2017-2020
Hamburg Center for Health Economics
Prof. Dr. Christian Brettschneider
Duration: 2016-2020
HiSPC-EHT transplantation for cardiac repair - toward first-in-patient
Prof. Dr. Thomas Eschenhagen
Duration: 2016-2021
Intravenous iron in patients with systolic heart failure and iron deficiency to improve morbidity and mortality (FAIR-HF2-DZHK5 Studie)
Speakter PD DR. Mahir Karakas
Duration: 2016-2020