Voluntary Year of Social Service in Science (FSJW)
Diving into the world of excellent scientific research
How do diseases develop? What happens in our body when we are sick? When and in which people are which diseases emerging? And above all: how can we heal them?
You canât get those intriguing questions out of your head? Why not come to us at the Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and help us find the answers?! Join us for a Voluntary Year of Social Service in Science (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in der Wissenschaft, FSJW) and explore medical research at its best:
- Learn how internationally networking teams unravel mechanisms of pathogenesis, identify disease risks in the population or develop new therapies.
- Discover the everyday life in science â between pipettes, patient surveys, and publications. For one year, be part of a motivated working group that pushes your curiosity even further and helps you to broaden your horizon.
- Meet like-minded people to exchange, network and laugh with in accompanying seminars.
- Try out research, help pushing the boundaries of knowledge â and challenge your own limits.
Perhaps the FSJW is just your kick-off in the fascinating world of science â¦
FSWJ - What it's all about
FSJW in a nutshell
What: working in a research group dealing with current medical issues
Who: scientifically interested people who finished compulsory education (age limit 26 years)
When: September â August (12 months)
Working hours: full time
Where: Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), specific institute/clinic depends on vacancies
How: application sent to us at the UKE and registration at the Freiwilligendienste Hamburg until 28 February 2025 (for contact see below)
More details, please!
The Voluntary Year of Social Service in Science (FSJW) is a nationwide acknowledged voluntary service in Germany. In Hamburg, it is coordinated and supervised by the Elsa Brändström Haus, which is part of the German Red Cross (DRK e.V.). During your FSJW at the UKE you will be granted the following benefits
- pocket money & daily subsistence allowance
- mentoring and guidance from skilled employees on-site
- educational supervision during the whole voluntary service
- social security contributions
- ticket for local public transport (Hamburger Verkehrsverbund, hvv) free of charge
- 26 leave days
- qualified certificate
- interesting seminars
Further questions or ready to go?
Is there still an open question left or a new one coming up? Don't hesitate, just contact us at the UKE and we'll replace question marks by exclamation marks!
For further information about the benefits of the FSJW also have a look at the website of the Freiwilligendienste Hamburg at the Elsa Brändstöm Haus (freiwilligendienst-hamburg.de in German)
You're already in the starting blocks?
Great! Just send us your application including a motivation letter, CV, and (preliminary) diploma â preferably as a single PDF document. Please don't forget to register at the website of the Freiwilligendienste Hamburg as well!