Welcome to the Institute for Occupational and Maritime Medicine

The Institute (ZfAM) is part of the Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection in Hamburg and affiliated with the Medical Faculty of Hamburg University. The Institute is located in the Gesundheitszentrum St. Pauli.


The remit of the Institute is the performance of occupational scientific and medical investigations in order to increase knowledge about work-related adverse effects on human health. The six working groups of the Institute are responsible for basic and applied research, communicating health care methods and further training, academic lectures, the assessment of safety at work and hygiene, as well as the counseling of physicians, ministries, authorities, accident insurance claimants, local employees (including seafarers) and employer organizations.

  • Avenue

    Seewartenstr. 10, Haus 1
    20459 Hamburg

  • Avenue
    Laboratory ZfAM

    Toxicology and immunology
    Marckmannstr. 129b, Haus 3
    20539 Hamburg

  • Telefon

    +49 (0) 40 428 37 - 4301

  • Telefon
    Lab information

    +49 (0) 40 428 37 - 7549