Travel expenses

In addition to the financial support by the Faculty of Medicine, there is the opportunity to obtain sponsorship of travel expenses from the foundation funds of the University of Hamburg. The objective is to promote scientific qualified junior staff and students. Funding applies for example for journeys to conferences or training sessions. The decision on the funding is made by the University of Hamburg, Department of Research Management and Funding. The leaflet how to apply can be found on the of the University of Hamburg. Preliminary to the submission of travel support for the Medical Faculty to the University of Hamburg, an examination by the Research Dean's Office will be performed and stating a vote for or against an encouragement. This vote will be forwarded to the University of Hamburg, together with your application documents for decision. Please send your application to the Research Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty, Birgit Herrmann . Your complete application must allow six weeks of handling before your departure and shall include:

  • Letter of application
  • Details of the person and position at the UKE (incl. CV; max. age 35 years; if applicable certificate of matriculation)
  • Information about the type of journey, targets and schedule
  • Cost report (all expenses incurring in connection with the travel expenses)
  • Confirmation of acceptance of own contribution
  • Letter of support
Birgit Herrmann
Birgit Herrmann
  • Team Assistant

Campus Lehre N55 , 4th Floor, Room number 04.01.1