Neu in der EZB - Alphabetische Auflistung
Es gibt seit dem 20.11.2024 134 neue Einträge:
- Academia Nutrition and Dietetics
- Adress- und Geschäfts-Handbuch von Solbad Frankenhausen
- Adreßbuch für den Stadt- und Landkreis Gotha
- Advanced Sensor and Energy Materials (ASEM)
- Advances in Medicine, Psychology, and Public Health (AMPPH)
- African media barometer / Algérie = Algeria
- African media barometer / Burkina Faso
- African media barometer / Cape Verde = Cabo-Verde
- African media barometer / Ethiopia
- Agropastoralis Scientia
- Alexandria Journal of Science and Technology
- Alma Mater : Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
- Almanach Melichovo
- Anthropogenic Pollution
- Applied Research on Civil Engineering and Environment
- Architectural Design (AD)
- Bericht über die öffentlichen Finanzen
- Black Histories
- Cahiers de la sécurité et de la justice
- Catalunya
- Creative Launcher, The
- Critical Public Health (2024 -)
- DBJ Group Integrated Report ...
- ... DGE-Ernährungsbericht
- diid - disegno industriale industrial design
- Economic Policy Council report ...
- Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies
- Exposés du Cercle Léon Trotsky
- Food Biomacromolecules
- Gdinskô Klëka
- Gedragstherapie (nicht verfügbar das letzte Jahr)
- Genesis Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
- Géographie, La : Terre des Hommes
- Global Challenges & Regional Science
- Global Emergency and Critical Care
- Godisnik na Pravniot fakultet
- Güncel pediatri = Journal of Current Pediatrics
- Gug hoe ib beob jo sa cheo bo
- Hafen
- High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering
- Historia Prima : studentisches historisches Jahrbuch Niedersachsen
- Huguenot Society Journal, The
- Incidenza dell'Antico : Dialoghi di Storia Greca
- International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (IJCIS)
- International Journal of Mental Health Promotion
- International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
- Invndación Castálida
- iRASD Journal of Management
- ISA-Jahrbuch zur sozialen Arbeit