Working With Individuals - PPT - Recovered
Working With Individuals - PPT - Recovered
Working With Individuals - PPT - Recovered
P rocess – It is a progressive
•Problem -This arises from some transaction between the
need or obstacle or accumulation professional helper and the client.
It consists of a series of problem –
of frustrations or maladjustments,
solving operations carried out
and sometimes all of these
within a meaningful relationship.
together, which threatens or has
Relationship is the means that
already attacked the adequacy of
serves to influence the client to
the person’s living. situation or the
develop effectiveness in coping
effectiveness of his efforts to deal
with his problem and/or to
with it
influence the problem as to resolve
it or vitiate (weaken) its effects.
• Transference
• Countertransference
1. The nature of the problem and the goal/s sought by the client
2. The nature of the person who bears the problem (his social and
psychological situation and functioning
3. The nature and purpose of the agency, and the kind of help it can
offer and/or make available
• Dynamic Diagnosis–
analysis of the forces in active • Stated otherwise, dynamic
play in the person-problem - diagnosis seeks to establish what
the problem is, what social,
situation configuration. It
psychological and physical factors
embraces a psycho-social
contribute to (or cause it), what
analysis of the client’s effects it has on the individual
situation, the client’s current well-being (and that of others),
functioning to ascertain his what solution is sought, and what
workability, and the birth or means exist within the client, the
history of the problem and its situation, and organized services
cause-effect-cause and resources by which the
problem may be affected.
development or etiology.
• The model focuses on the efforts of the individual to meet his needs
more fully and to function more adequately in his social relationships.
• Through family interview, the worker and the family become aware
of how the family members interact and discover the dysfunctional
elements in the interaction.
• Psychological support
Such process is premised on
the confidence in client’s
It is applied by the worker ability to solve his problem
especially when the and to make his own
situation requires an depth decisions. The worker shows
understanding of the client’s strong interest in and desire
problem. It involves to help client confident that a
encouraging the client to way can be found to improve
open up, talk and express client’s situation.
his feelings openly. •
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