Mclat Book Review
Mclat Book Review
Mclat Book Review
While casework and social group work which are the other methods of social work focuses
its concern with the individual's dysfunction, community organization's concern is with the
system's dysfunctions, the elements in the environment that had made the individual's life
stressful which led to their dysfunctioning.
The two kinds of problems identified by the social work profession which the CO
worker needs to address itself are the following:
1. Residual problems
These problems are brought about by the operational break down of either the producing
system or the consuming public. This breakdown results to gaps in services and lack of
resources. When our population increases for example, its demands on the producing systems
as well as on the labor market increases. If we fail to produce adequate food, clothing, shelter,
new jobs and establish basic social facilities for our increasing population, these gaps in
meeting consumer's needs manifest itself in social problems, crimes and delinquency, It also
breeds social unrest.
2. Institutional problems
This refers to the irrelevant or defective social policies and community decision-making
process which need to be changed or modified as they adversely affect the interests and
welfare of the majority of the people, When the interests and welfare of the majority are in
jeopardy, the situation is likely to breed social problems, unrest and instability in the society.
due to unemployment/underemployment
due to poor health, sickness
due to lack of education, lack of required skills
lack of opportunities for employment; palakasan system
exploitation of employees on wage benefits, fringe benefits due to social injustice 2s
land-grabbing which deprive affected families their sources of income
due to lack of provisions for poverty alleviation
due to lack of-institutions catering to the needs of the poor social welfare provisions
such as the Land Reform Program and the National Reconciliation and Development
due to people's ignorance in electing the more qualified and pro-poor candidates for
proper governance in their respective localities and nation
What is the focus of community organization?
The focuses of community organization are the following:
1. "Removal of blocks to growth."
- Identified blocks to growth are ignorance, negative values such as bahala na, ningas cogon
and maniana habit, exploitation of the weak and ignorant and some oppressive social
2. The release of potentialities in the individual, group and community as a whole."
3. The development of the capacity of indigenous leaders to lead, to manage and
function in their assigned social roles in the community,"
4. "Developing the ability of different sectors in the community to function as an
integrated whole
5. "Strengthening people's capacity for problem-solving, decision- making and
6. The full use of inner/indigenous resources before tapping external resources."
- A self-reliant and self-managed community is the primary goal of community organization.
Thus the people should learn to tap and make full use of their own resources before tapping
external resources.
What are the purposes of community organization?
The purposes of community organization are the following:
1. To solve certain problems and meet needs.
2. To achieve selected social goals.
3. To strengthen the people's capacity in dealing with their problems, needs and
Democratic procedures
Development of Indigenous leadership
Voluntary cooperation
- Water supply system. - Problems of livelihood; lack of income
- Irrigation system - Poor production of farm lots
- Schools - Lack of facilities to transport production to
- Market market outlets
- Housing - Law materials for productive pursuits
- Roads
- Playgrounds
- Health clinics
- Community center
Social Psychological
- Problems on crime & delinquency, drug - Sense of community
abuse, squatters, street children, etc. - Sense of security
- Lack of basic services for education, health, - Sense of well-being
recreation, day care center, counselling and - Sense of achievement
social services - Sense of efficiency and effectiveness
- Aspirations for better quality of life, better - Sense of Dignity
governance, land ownership, etc.
Also posited that in social planning what may be sought as outcome is one or more of
the following:
Societal goals
Testing consequences
Social programming
To assure successful implementation of the process in social planning, Kahn suggest that
the following steps should be taken:
Social action is popularly associated with activism, protest rallies and other forms of
group dissent or dissatisfaction.
As a Co model, social action refers to individual or group activity designed to
influence a change in social policy or to lobby for the formulation of needed policies
or social legislations for the benefit and welfare of people.
Social brokerage
Integrative mechanisms to strengthen organizations
Social protests to support social movements
Chapter 4 roles, function techniques and strategies of a CO worker
1. Structuring
- This technique employs the use of suitable structures to engage in problem solving
such as councils, committees, task force, ad hoc committee, study groups, etc. This
technique of employing the use of suitable structures gets the job done in an orderly,
effective and expedient manner than had it been done by the CO worker and the
political leaders themselves. The fact that the cross-section of the community where
relevant groups were involved in a systematic problem-solving and decision-making
process augurs for the successful attainment of their goals and objectives.
2. Situation Analysis
- This technique "involves the breaking up of a problem situation, or collection of data,
exploring the content and examining and setting forth of the various aspects, issues
and relationships involved to gain insight and understanding the content better for
logical conclusions/solutions". The situation was analysed using the six investigative
questions of what, when, who, where, why and how.
3. Problem Analysis
- This technique is the process of looking into the causes of the problem and their
effects on those affected by it. Once-the causes and effects of the problem had been
pin- pointed, the solutions to the problems can be planned by dealing with the causes
as identified. The effects should be used as a motivator to prod the responsible leaders
and the affected populace to act on the problem before it results in dire consequences.
4. Role Playing and Socio-drama
- Role playing is acting out a situation which would depict a problem or varied
problems and their effects designed to change the attitude and thinking of the target
audience towards the problem as from apathy to concern.
- Socio-drama is a dramatic performance, with psychological overtones that is also
designed to change the values, attitudes, habits and thinking of the target audience to a
desired manner.
5. Education and Promotion
- This technique employs a range of educational and pro- motional ways/approaches to
enhance people's understanding and support of programs, projects and plans for
community improvement and development. Examples of such educational and
promotional techniques are the use of film showing, training seminars, posters, folk
media, field visits to model projects and communities, community assemblies where
resource persons are invited to speak on vital topics or issues and other concerns;
6. Demonstration
- This technique uses the organization of demonstration projects to illustrate ways of
dealing with certain social problems which can be subsequently adopted for similar
uses by the community and other communities and organizations.
7. Use of Group Dynamics and Experiential Learning in Training
- CO workers in Region XI who implemented the Baranganic Approach have
discovered that the use of experiential learning and group dynamics are effective
techniques in training indigenous leaders who have an aversion to lecture-type
seminars. Experiential learning employs the exposure of trainees to a planned
situation or game where they experience a learning process. Group dynamics on the
other hand had been defined and to mean "the interacting forces within a small human
group." For purposes of our learning and indigenous application, it refers to planned
group processes designed to communicate new knowledge and ideas; to change
negative values, attitudes and behaviour and promote/strengthen relationships among
the target group members.
8. Use of an Expert/Consultant
- No person has a monopoly of knowledge; hence one of the CO worker's techniques is
the use of an expert from other fields she is not knowledgeable about or another CO
worker who has more experience as consultant. By utilizing the knowledge and
expertise of other she enriches own and wastes no time doing things through the trial
and error method. She accomplishes therefore her goal and objectives as a CO worker
as she assists her target client community with increased confidence and competence
that assures positive results.
9. Formal Study
- The CO worker employs this technique to influence public opinion and motivate
people to act on certain community or national issues. She carries out a formal study
by gathering and analyzing data in connection with current issues or problem, the
results of which she interprets and disseminates to the public that they would
appropriately act on said issues or problem.
10. Use of Questions in Handling Group Discussions
What is a strategy?
- Strategy had been defined as “a tactic or careful plan or a method devised to achieve a
desired goal.” The Philippine Social Work Encyclopaedia alludes to strategy as “a
procedures adopted by social worker to achieve a goal”
What are the different strategies of the CO worker and how can they be illustrated
1. Management of Power
- The CO worker uses this strategy by helping create new centers of power in
communities where leadership is indifferent and ineffective. Where there is however a
concentration or monopoly of power, she helps diffuse this power to a wider base by
involving new leadership, the uninvolved and those who are targets for assistance or
change that they may be able to represent their own interest in any decisions that
would affect them.
2. Training of Leaders for their Role Functions
- The training of indigenous leaders for their role functions is an effective strategy in
enabling the community to be a self-reliant and self-managed community. Those
leaders who were elected and appointed to Provincial, Municipal and Barangay
Development Councils would be ineffective if they do not know their roles, functions
and responsibilities and how to carry them out as community leaders, Thus they have
to be trained in learning not only their roles, functions and responsibilities but more
importantly how to effectively carry them out in order to Succeed as leaders.
3. Organizing People for Specific Tasks, Roles & Functions
- Goals and objectives can only be realized if there are groups of person who plan for
these goals and objectives, then implement and monitor and evaluate their
implementation. Organizing people for these purposes is the forte of CO workers,
People are organized to do specific task is a strategy that facilitates the attainment of
goals and objectives since the job is done in a more organized manner which uses at
the same Lne pooled thinking, expertise and resources of those involved n the
different organized operational units.
4. Use of Conflict
- This strategy had been popularized by Alinsky. It is used in com munities where the
people are apathetic towards their pressing problems and needs when other strategies
fail, The introduction of conflict is designed to awaken the people from their lethargy
and trigger the desired action on their part to do something about their community
problems. The use of conflict however requires its handling by a competent and
experienced CO worker. According to Burke, conflict strategy works best for
organizations committed to a cause rather than specific issues.
5. Collaborative Strategy
- Roland Warren had developed a typology of strategies for achieving purposive
change. These are collaborative strategy, campaign strategy and contest strategy.
Collaborative strategy is based on the assumption of consensus or Common base of
values and interests among the parties in disagreement. And that agreement can be
obtained by overcoming poor communication, misinformation and inaction.
6. Campaign Strategy
- Campaign strategy is applicable when the people are not in agreement on how an
issue should be resolved. This strategy employs educating, persuading and pressuring
the recalcitrant into agreeing with a group's proposed solution/approach to a major
issue or problem in the community.
7. Contest Strategy
- Where there is dissension in crucial issues, the contest strategy would apply to
crystallize the issues involved and to get majority vote/ Support for one of the
contestant's proposal which will
8. Social Brokerage
- This is strategy of social action, one of the community organization models which had
been briefly illustrated in Chapter III. It is employed when a problem threatens to be
explosive or disruptive and diffused through the CO worker's intervention as a broker
with the involvement of relevant groups and individuals who can help diffuse a crisis
9. Use of Integrative Mechanisms to Strengthen Organization
- This is the second strategy of the Social Action model of community organization. It
employs the integration of other groups' efforts and support to strengthen the cause
another group or agency is espousing. The support may be in the form of expertise,
logistics, equipment, personnel, speaker’s bureau or just a public announcement of
10. Social Protests to Support Social Movements
- This is the third strategy of the social action model which is commonly used as a
strategy in influencing change or modification of policies, legislations, ordinances,
programs and services deemed irrelevant, inadequate or disadvantageous to the
greater sector of society. It is also used to pressure the removal of officials perceived
as incompetent, immoral and corrupt or simply in different to the plight and welfare
of some sectors of society as the poor, the squatters, the handicapped and others of
their kind. Social protests are mass action activities where people march in the streets
with placards conveying the cause of their action or what the group is protesting
11. Lobbying
- This may be included as the fourth strategy of social action wherein interest groups
attend committee meetings of the legislative bodies and the legislative sessions itself
to show support of or protests against the passage of certain bills or some of its
offending provisions.
- This strategy does not only apply in both chambers of the legis- lative body but also in
the barangay, municipal and provincial councils where local ordinances/laws are
being enacted.
12. Use of Field Trips
- People learn faster through visual aids and actual experience. Hence, the CO worker
employs this strategy for fast-track learning designed for indigenous leaders training
for community development and leadership roles. She therefore schedules a field trip
to a model community where the trainees learn how the model community is
administered and managed through people's participation, They also observe the
community's development projects, the community's primary health care program,
their livelihood projects, their literacy program, the cleanliness and sanitation of the
model community, their -disaster preparedness program, youth projects and how they
conduct a community assembly where the people are consulted, informed and
democratically involved in the affairs of the community which bespeaks of a truly
empowered people.
13. The use of volunteers
- The use of volunteers had been found as an effective strategy 10r lack of manpower
and resources. Volunteers bring into their job their own expertise, knowledge and
resources that are tapped from their own network. It is however the responsibility of
the agency to meet the psychic needs and interests of the volunteers to keep them
happy in their job. Their enthusiasms should also be continually nourished to inspire
them to work to their level best for the benefit of the agency's target clientele. This
can be done through appropriate and challenging job assignments and recognition of
jobs well done. The agency should also be aware of the motivations, needs and
interests of their volunteers so that they can be met and creatively used in furtherance
of agency goals and objectives.
- Freedom
- Knowledge of Wisdom
- Mental and Moral Efficacy
- Capability for leadership role
- Ability to act or produce an effect
- Prestige and wealth
- Possession of authority and control over others
- Physical might as controlling a group of armed persons
How can the people be empowered for their own benefit and their country?
People should be given opportunities to acquire the other positive sources of power as
freedom, knowledge and wisdom, mental and moral efficacy, capabilities for leadership roles
and abilities to achieve their goals and They should also be assisted to realize their highest
potentials as active and contributing members of society.
Process for people empowerment:
Holistic Approach
People empowerment should be approached through an integrated and inter-
disciplinary effort since a person’s total well-being is attained through his physical, social,
economic, mental and spiritual needs
Atmosphere of Freedom
Only in an atmosphere of freedom can any program for people empowerment prosper.
People should be free to know their rights and privileges, the laws and policies that had been
enacted for their benefit in order that they would be able to profit from them.
Social Justice
Social Justice should be a living reality and experienced and not merely enshrined in
our legal statues. For social justice engenders faith in the government and the institutions that
Conduct of Government Service
Officials and workers in the government service should be impressed upon that they
are there to serve the people and not to be their masters as many of them believe and behave,
these types of officials and workers are a bane to the government service.
Baranganic Approach
In line with the Baranganic Approach philosophy, "that individuals, group,
community and national growth can only come/about when there is active participation and
the involvement of the people themselves in any development process and that the promotion
of social welfare is not the sole responsibility and concern of the govern- alone, but is shared
with all sectors in the community-public, private and religious"
Another hallmark of the Baranganic Approach is the training of the members of the
Barangay Development Council in barangay development planning which uses the
experiential learning approach rather than the lecture-type seminars. In experiential learning,
trainees are made to learn through group dynamics, games, exercises and work- shops.
Lecturettes are given after each group experience to deepen the learning of the participants
who are encouraged to participate actively in every discussion.
The Baranganic Approach seeks to develop the people's capacity in the barangay for
planning, problem-solving and decision-making Barangay Development Councils in
identifying their own problem, needs and aspirations, formulating plans to solve these
problems and meeting their needs and aspirations, and in implementing and evaluating their
plans designed for their common benefit and welfare
"As an ecclesial reality, it is a community of faith, hope and charity. It celebrates the word of
God and takes its nourishments from the Eucharist, the culmination of the sacraments. It
fleshes out the Word of God in life through solidarity and obedience to the new
commandment of the Lord; and through the service of approved coordinators, it makes
present and operative the mission of the Church in its visible communion with the legitimate
Lay theologian Alberto Cacayan defined BCC in his and Agnes Nelmida Miclat's
book, Let Your Hearts Be Hold" thus:
“As a fresh manner of living together as a community of faith where people experience
dignity, respects, equality, participation, communion, fellowship, mutual understanding and
caring. It is the locus where Christians evangelize and nourish one another."