Module 3-NSTP 1-Citizenship Training
Module 3-NSTP 1-Citizenship Training
Module 3-NSTP 1-Citizenship Training
Program 1
Constitution refers to “the body of rules
What is and maxims in accordance with which
the powers of sovereignty are habitually
Constitution? exercised.”
The Constitution of the
Philippines may be defined
as that written instrument
What is the by which the fundamental
powers of the government
Constitution are established, limited,
and defined and by which
of the these powers are
distributed among the
Philippines? several departments or
branches for their safe and
useful exercise for the
benefit of the people.
Who are Citizens of the
Section 1 of the Philippine
Constitution provides that
the following are citizens of
the Philippines:
• Faith in God
• Unity
• Patriotism
How can
we become
Good Equality
Citizens? Peace
Promotion of a Common Good
Concern for the Family and Future
Concern for the Environment and Order.
We the sovereign Filipino
people, imploring the aid of
Preamble of Almighty God, in order to
build a just and humane
the 1987 society and established a
Government that shall embody
Philippine our ideals and aspirations,
Constitution promote the common good,
conserve and develop our
and secure to our selves and
Preamble of our posterity, the blessing of
independence and democracy
the 1987 under the rule of law and a
regime of truth, justice,
Philippine freedom, love, equality and
Constitution peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitution.