Manicao - Aegee Cedrick - F. - Assignment 3
Manicao - Aegee Cedrick - F. - Assignment 3
Manicao - Aegee Cedrick - F. - Assignment 3
On the other hand, SST (Social Shaping of Technology) says that technology can be not
neutral which means it can be manipulated by anybody. According to this view technology
is based and shaped by societies dominating social, political, and economic values. What
it aims at understanding is if a technology is not determined by any initial pre-determined
logic, there might be various choices or paths that have different technological outcomes.
2. List down the social media sites you use. What do you use it for? How does
it affect your lives daily?
As a youth and student in this generation I am using a lot of social media sites. It can be
for my personal use, for education or just for having fun and releasing stress. But the
social media sites that I use the most are Google, Facebook, YouTube, Messenger, and
Twitter. This social media sites had help me a lot, Google serves as a substitute library
and research facility, I can research my lessons and activities through this, I can also
advance study and get the books or data that I need for free, it give me a lot of help and
boost when it comes to studying and learning. The same goes with YouTube, through this
social media site I can watch different videos that is connected to the lesson I want to
learn for me to better understand it and make the best out of it. I can also watch my
favorite video creators that gives me happiness and helps me to release stress. And for
Messenger, Facebook and Twitter. They are all for communication, I used them for
communicating with friends, classmates, family members and even your teachers. It is
made for us to stay updated and connected to our loved ones and even to the world we
live in. Generally this social media sites have a great effect on my life and my studies, it
basically makes a lot of things easier. Social media sites for me is a tool to create a world
where in communication, research, learning and bonding can be done a lot easier,
affordable and comfortable in its own way.
Computers has been a very big development when it comes to technology, it has been
part of the history of technology itself, this two components (Technology & Computer) has
been related for a very long time. Computers evolve from generation to generation while
the technology itself continue to advance. It is basically a built relationship, when
technology advance computers evolve to another generation, It is really fascinating. If we
recall computer has evolved from generation to generation, for us to better understand it
here is the summary of it.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 points
A complete Good solid Explanation not Explanation is Misses key points
response with a response with supported or unclear
detailed clear explanation lacked
Shows complete Shows Shows moderate Response shows Response shows a
understanding substantial understanding of some complete lack of
of the questions, understanding of the problem, understanding of understanding for
Knowledge in mathematical the problem, ideas, and the problem the problem
the topic ideas , and ideas, and processes
processes processes.
Requirements Goes beyond the Meets the Hard meets the less requirements Does not meet
requirements of requirements of requirements of submitted the requirements
the problem the problem the problem. of the problem
Timeliness Submit the Submit the Submit the Did not submit the Did meet the
problem a head problem on the problem beyond problem deadline
of time schedule the scheduled