A088 Fernandez, Kristal Sheine C. (All Activities)
A088 Fernandez, Kristal Sheine C. (All Activities)
A088 Fernandez, Kristal Sheine C. (All Activities)
a. Form a dyad or group yourselves into two (pair).
b. From the list of terms below, develop a concept map [are visual representations of
information. They can take the form of charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts,
Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept maps are especially useful for
students who learn better visually, although they can benefit any type of learner
c. The concept map should be able to show (the/that there is) hierarchy of rules.
d. The concept map should not exclusively be a pyramid. What is important is it should
be able to show that there are general, more general and most general types or
kinds of rules just as there are also specific, more specific and most specific rules.
Besides, there are also broad, broader, broadest, narrow, narrower, and narrowest
e. Below your concept map, be able to give 10 reasons why you have to follow the
rules at home, school and community and 10 practical functions of rules: 4 for
home/house, 3 for school and 3 for community.
f. Please follow the format to be submitted below.
Constitutional Law
School Policies
Policies Requirements
2. FORMAL Procedures
RULES Instructions
Moral Principles
RULES Regulations
INSTRUCTION: Make one moral dilemma for each of the levels of moral dilemma (1 individual,
1 organizational and 1 structural). You can make your own moral dilemmas but make sure to
have its components. If you use other available moral dilemmas, make sure to cite your correct
and complete references.
1) Individual Dilemma
I have my friend whom I known for years already and she has a boyfriend. And now, they
already have a baby. One time, my friend messaged us that her boyfriend is hurting her
physically for some reason, as a friend I wanna help and comfort her personally. We’ve
been telling her to break up with her since then but she never listen to us. For the sake of
their relationship, I let her do whatever she wants until she realized all the bad benefits
that she had for choosing the guy and for not listening to our advices.
2) Organizational Dilemma
My cousin is a supervisor in a SM Pampanga and she’s an accountant. One time, they
are in needs nor hiring of new accountants for their work, but at very sad moment, I am
still a student that’s why she couldn’t employ me yet. I think, there are a lot of
opportunities coming after I graduated.
3) Structural Dilemma
One of the most noisy issue in our country is where a lot of people wants President
Duterte leave his position. A lot of people has been sharing their thoughts by posting it on
the social media. As a citizen, I choose to stay quiet for the sake of my peacefull life. I
chose to stay quiet rather than include myself into a situation that I am not sure if this can
help or benefit me as a citizen of the Philippines.
5. If you are to be given unlimited freedom, what would you do to be good? Why?
- I’d be kind to every people I will encounter because I believe being kind to
everyone will give your heart and mind a peace. Spread kindness and
motivate them to love theirselves and the people around them.
6. Discuss why reason and/or impartiality as the minimum requirement/s for morality.
- Morality is described as a combination of reason and impartiality. Moral
truths are rational truths; that is, a moral decision is correct if it is supported
by more compelling evidence than the alternatives. Genuine value decisions
should be supported by relevant reasons.
Discuss how culture shapes moral behavior and how moral behavior shapes culture.
- Culture is a reflection of moral and ethical beliefs and standards that govern how
people can act and communicate with one another. They serve as guidelines for
proper and moral behavior, as well as a source of meaning and coherence in one's
life and a means of gaining a sense of honesty, safety, and belonging.
- Our society influences how we work and play, as well as how we perceive
ourselves and others. It has an impact on our ideals, or what we deem to be right
and wrong. This is how the society in which we live has an impact on our
decisions. However, our decisions have the potential to influence others and, as a
result, help shape our society.
With Southeast Asian tradition that is both tribal and animist, Hispanic Catholic tradition, and
American and Japanese influences, Filipino culture became the foundation of Filipino morality.
Filipinos as Asians are also collectivists who identify what is good and bad through their
relationship with their families, regional affiliations, and peer groups. Family basically
determines moral behaviors and what good Filipino is. The self-concept as moral person
and moral standards are strongly tied with the family’s interrelationship with others.
Even if there are many ethnic groups with distinct culture in the Philippines so that Filipino
culture may seem arbitrary, the selected popular Filipino moral values or standards embody the
local ethnic values. They have both strengths and weaknesses. There are at least ten Filipino
core values:
Instruction: Identify the strength and weakness of each core value and explain why. You
may give examples. Discuss also how each core value made me a better person and do
good actions.
• Read pp. 109-121 and make an essay sharing your insights or realizations
- They have a greater effect on our sense of individuality and overall appearance, in my
view, than they do on someone’s moral character. Moral character is described as the
presence or absence of virtues like dignity, bravery, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty. To put
it another way, you’re a good guy who’s responsible and has a strong work ethic. I’m
currently working on improving my skills in this field. Values are subjective; they are
personal or organizational rather than social, and they vary greatly as knowledge is
passed from one place to another and from one institution to another. Regardless of your
political beliefs, it all boils down to your ideals. Whether you're on the left or right, or even
whether you're religious, it all leads back to your values. Many of these values are
ethical, according to society, but the values themselves are arbitrary and personal.
Values are basically what you can live with yourself doing but not doing; they are literally
whatever helps you to love yourself in the early hours of the morning, which can vary
significantly. In its heart, ethics is a philosophical philosophy. It's a basic value that helps
us figure out what's right and wrong, but "right" and "wrong" aren't objective facts. As a
consequence, laws are ambiguous when it comes to defining what is right and wrong.
Instead, they are legalized social structures that have learned from others in society and
from life experience. Ethics and morals are hard beliefs developed to serve not only
individuals but society as a whole, and are primarily defined by cultural groups. Our
thoughts, behaviors, and comments are all influenced by the fundamental principles that
we accept for our survival as humans. Universal values allow us to live more gracefully
and improve our abilities, strengths, and human rights
• Read pp. 125-140 and make an essay sharing your insights or realizations
Question: Would Aires tell all the wrong doings of her classmate Riesa to the Principal or deny
Step 1
•Aires is really angry at the principal because the principal scolded and acknowledge her wrong
doing in front of the class.
•The Principal scolded and acknowledge the wrong doing of Aires because Aires was chewing a
gum during their discussion.
•Aires felt ashamed and embarrassed when the Principal scolded her at the class.
•After that happening, Aires went to the canteen to buy food and accidentally saw her classmate
not following the canteen rules because her classmate Riesa throw her biodegradable food into
the non-biodegradable label, she also bullying their classmates and make them cry and Aires
noticed all of that. When the bullied student tell the principal about what happened to her, they
didn’t believe her because all of the students are afraid of Riesa.
•The bullied student tell the principal about what happened to her, they didn’t believe her
because all of the students are afraid of Riesa.
•The Principal needs only one student to support the accusations of Siera who bullied by Riesa.
•Siera tell to the Principal that Aires would be the witness because she knows all the wrong
doings of Riesa.
Step 2
The Principal here needs only one student to stand about the accusations of Siera to Riesa yet
all of the students are afraid to Riesa because of her evil doings.
Step 3
•Equally respect for everyone even they are just a students, teachers, principal and staffs.
Step 4
Alternative 1
•Attempt to tell all the happenings that Riesa did to all of the class to the Principal.
Alternative 2
Alternative 3
•Override the whole class to be silent and not tell to the principal about the wrong doings of
Alternative 4
•Support the accusations of Siera to Riesa and be honest about what happened.
Alternative 5
•Wait for the class to tell about their true and real accusations to Riesa.
Alternative 6
Step 5
•Initially try to pursue all the students to support Siera and bring the justice to those who bullied
and crashed by Riesa in order for her to do not do it repeatedly.
•Tell their guardians about what happened to Siera and Riesa because their parents needs to
know about the performance and behavior of their children in the school and to their problems
that they are includes to in order for them to support and teach their children properly and
•If the Principal is not convinced with what Siera accused to Riesa then the Principal need to
have the details about the whole class.
Step 6
•If you tell the truth and be honest about what really happened then they will going to teach and
advice Riesa to behave and not hurt her classmates.
•If you would continue to be angry at the Principal then you will let Riesa to continue her wrong
•If you would consider your fear to speak up then you would be able to help Siera for her
accusations and problems about bullying.
Step 7
Make a Decision
•The final decision would be have a private conversation to the principal even you’re angry or
mad at him in order for you two to have clear conversation about what happened and to stop
the bad behavior of Riesa and help her to improve and be friendly and not hurtful.
2. One may understand how one should act in relation to other beings around him by
reason. That is what distinguishes him from the animals. It's essentially what allows him
to communicate effectively with others. The will, on the other hand, is the mental faculty
that selects a desire from among the many that exist during a decision-making process. It
refers to the process of selecting from among one's desires. It is thought to play the most
important role in enabling deliberate action.
4. The will does not act on its own without reasons. It takes reason to set the right goals,
understand how to get there, and keep track of progress. The will requires the justification
in order to ensure that priorities are clearly established. It must develop realistic input that
promotes a genuine response of the will.
5. Suarez believes that it is one's own free will that determines one's actions. It allows for
active decision-making in the pursuit of objectives. If it is fully formed, it can become a
powerful character that helps one discover their true identity. It's what sets you apart from
other rational beings.
6. The power of the will in life and being free is its strength. It is referred to as will power
when it is established and reinforced in a structured manner by self-discipline. Willpower
is the inner strength to freely make decisions, take action, and achieve desired outcomes
in the face of obstacles and challenges.
7. To genuinely make a good choice, Reason, according to Raz, needs free will in
decisionmaking. In decision-making, reason and will are two distinct but interdependent
8. In order to achieve the objectives, reason and will must collaborate. If they function
separately, they risk weakening each other as well as the person.
9. When both reason and will act separately, self-confidence is achieved. What follows is
either doing something or actually doing so, depending on the purpose that sets the
target and the will that chooses it. It erodes one's self-esteem if they don't do it.
1. Moral awareness – Being sensitive on someone’s feelings or emotions to avoid any harm
and arguments
3. Perseverance – I pursue to study hard although there are a lot of problems coming
4. Constant Practice – I have online class and can still manage to do house chores.
5. “Making a Difference”- Learning some things that I haven’t tried and discover some skills
that I never thought I could.
6. Emulating Beacons of Moral Courage – I’ll pursue my dreams to make my family proud
and to help other people who were in needs.
7. Instituting Cultures that Support Moral Courage – I follow the protocols and the law to
avoid any harm.
Advocating Peer Support – I simply follow the protocols and thank our frontliners for their
hardwork to avoid this pandemic. I also tell people around me to stay safe and stay healthy
during this kind of crisis.
For millennia, people have disputed whether law is "natural" or "positive." The law is socially
formed, according to moral positivism. Proponents of natural law claim that laws must reflect
underlying morality. Finnis, a Catholic natural law researcher, owes Aquinas' theories a large
deal of his philosophy. The English Common Law endorsed natural law, and the drafters of the
United States Constitution cited God as the ultimate source of moral authority. The principles of
natural law and human rights are intricately interwoven. "The government derives its authority
from God," Justice Anthony Scalia claimed, and Justice Clarence Thomas argued at his Senate
confirmation hearing that "the government derives its authority from God."
Natural law philosophers have diverse beliefs on the constitutional rights that must be preserved
by statute. These rights are derived from absolute human qualities such as life, intelligence,
aesthetic appreciation, play, fellowship, realistic reasonableness, and faith. Finnis considers life
to be a fundamental good, and argues that intentionally injuring any basic good is essentially
wrong. Finnis's firm opposition to the death penalty and nuclear weapons derives from his belief
in the absolute importance of defending life. Finnis believes that marriage is a heterosexual
good that should result in procreation. He is passionately opposed to married heterosexual
couples obtaining the same benefits as married same-sex couples. Finnis finds homosexual
intercourse, masturbation, adultery, and bestiality to be equally immoral. "The truly morally
significant thing about all non-marital sex acts is that they involve disrespect for the basic good
of marriage," he writes.
- The moral delimma that I chose is base from my personal experience, which is
when I accidentally burnt the rice I am cooking. At first, I was in doubt of telling
them because I might get punished. But, according to Kantian Principle, I should
tell them the truth even though I will get scolded by my parents.
Strengths Examples
Act Utilitarianism is pragmatic and focuses on I study hard to give back my parents
the consequences of an action. and relatives for what they did for me to
sustain my needs in education
although there are a lot of pressure.
For many people ‘happiness’ is an important Communicating with my family, friends,
part of decision making as it is their main aim in listening and watching to my favorite
life. artists is my kind of happiness and
This theory treats everyone equally – I chose to stand to what is right and
regardless of emotional or social attachments. educate people who were wrong.
Simple to follow, just ‘Greatest happiness for Being kind and respect the people
the greatest number’. around me.
Bentham provided humans with a way to I have learned to focus on positive
measure happiness through the hedonic things and to important things rather
calculus. than giving attention to what is
Weaknesses Examples
Utilitarianism seeks to predict the I face and cope up with a lot of
consequences of an action, which is problems even though it will affect my
impossible. mental health.
Some claim Bentham committed the I study to have a better future, not to be
‘naturalistic fallacy’ of deriving an ought from rich.
an is.
Utilitarianism fails to identify that we have I easily trust someone
certain duties or obligations to others.
Happiness is subjective. Whereas someone I am happy vibing with my favorite
may find happiness in cake, another may find it artists but some people finds it
in murder. “corny”.
Using the hedonic calculus to calculate the Spending too much on merchandises
greatest happiness for the greatest number is rather than something that could
impractical. benefit me.
Strengths Example
Avoid any bias. On any arguments, I choose to stay quiet
rather than taking sides.
People will try to create the society where In school, our teachers are being fair to all
the less well-to-do people will have all of us and gives us a lot of opportunities to
possible rights. participate in our class.
Apart from rights, these groups of people Our classmates who were smart or taking
will have numerous opportunities, which the tops should have given a high grades
will secure realization of potential of the and awards that they deserve.
most active and gifted people.
Does not ignore inequality which is a At school when we saw people who were
characteristic feature of the human acting arrogant, we choose to avoid them
society. rather than getting close to them.
The least well-to-do groups will have more I have given a chance to showcase my
resources, rights and opportunities than talents and have joined a lot of contests
those in an imaginary society where all are and I have received awards.
Weaknesses Example
There are quite few tools to maintain the When someones bothering me, I’ll just
new order. have to ignore them and focus on what is
Equality is impossible as people are I have met a lot of people who were
‘victims’ of a “genetic lottery”. arrogant and has a lot of friends, and when
there are some arguments, a lot of people
are more in favor of them even though
they are the one who started an argument.
There is no guarantee that these people My schoolmates who were used to act
will remain following the principles worked arrogant and get punished by our principal
out. are still the same and continue to cause a
lot of harm.
More well-to-do-people can deprive less My classmate on senior high school who
well-to-do people of their rights and, more were the Top 1 in our class, most of ou
importantly, opportunities. classmates sees her arrogant. When there
are some things that needs to get voted,
her opinion always got a high chances or
Some people will inevitably accumulate My top 1 classmate is acting like she is
more resources. very close in our teachers. She’s one of
the top student in our school and she
thinks she can get the Valedictorian award
in our batch because she is close with
most of the teachers in our school.
Identify Scholte's 5 characteristics of globalization and their good and bad impact to the
human person or society.
a. Individual: Develop a Coping Plan for the Challenges of Globalization. List the (5)
challenge, your response, and target output.
On the first part of the movie, it shows that a man has snatches or took the humanoid alien’s necklace,
which is said his remote control. The necklace is something that is magical the reason why the man took
an advantage on getting it from PK, the protagonist. On this part, I already got a lesson or a moral
principle that I could use in dealing with realigion and living ethically. We all know that snatching is one
of the biggest sin we could ever do, that’s why we should not be distracted nor attracted and don’t be
ignorant on something that can cause any harm and lead into something that we will regret in the
future. Not all beautiful things is useful, it can be threatening too The role of religion in ethics has a big
part in our lives. Living with faith and fear of God can give you satisfaction. PK arrived in this world
unaware of how the world he had entered works, and the only means he could return home was taken
from him. He tried every faith he could think of in the hopes of finding God and asking him to return his
remote, but each one failed him to the point that he broke down. The film is not a critique of any
religion, rather, it is a critique of humanity as it exists today. It teaches us to believe in God, to have faith
in Him, and to trust that God will aid those who assist themselves. It inspires in us the value of true love,
self-confidence, and faith, it teaches us to trust God and concentrate on our Karm.
On my previous experiences, it is quite different from the movie because we grew up in a religious
family. Attending church every Sunday is a must. But that doesn’t mean I always do good things. Nobody
is perfect, so do I. I made mistakes unintentionally, I admit it. But on those mistakes, there are a lot of
lessons that I could implied on my moral principle, on making things better and to be a better person.
Roman Catholic is my religion, but I often attend Church of God, the church for Christians, Born Again to
be specific. Some of my beliefs has changed. I become extra careful on socialiszing with others, specially
those people with different religion on me because I might get hurt them unintentionally with my words
and actions. But, my cousin once told me that religion doesn’t matter, it is not the religion that could
save us, it is our faith in God. But as I watched the movie, I’ve realized that we are once like Pk who
doesn’t know anything. The remote, like Adam and Eve just before they ate the apple from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, represents our way back to God to flee this world full of sins that have
corrupted our perceptions of things, where there are Gods created by people, where inequality,
injustice, and people will judge you based on your economic status.
This movies shows the different religions and their beliefs as well. PThe moral principles that I have
learned from this movie is never lose your faith to God. Whatever religion you are, there is only one God
who can save us. Whatever you ask for, tell him, he’s listening. We don’t need to see something to
believe. Also, be careful on socializing with people who has different religion like yours, you might cause
any harm and troble, just like what Pk has experienced. He was chased by a lot of people by mistakenly
did something that is not relatable on their beliefs. He entered different religions to find God and to ask
him to bring back his remote so he could go home, because most of the people said that only God can
answer him. If you will see on the other side, this means that we should have faith I can relate to Pk
when he tried different religions, because me, a Roman Catholic is attending a church for Born Agains
and I even have Ministry, the dance ministry. I have also entered the church of Iglesia Ni Cristo because
some of my family members are INC also. There are different religions and different beliefs. The moral
principle that I have learned in this movie that I could use in living ethically and dealing with religion is
always believe in God. Have faith on him. There is no one we could trust the most but only him. No
matter what religion you have, we only have on God.