This document discusses the meaning and relevance of history, sources of history, types of sources, criticism of sources, and repositories and kinds of primary sources. History is the documented record of human society and achievements from the beginning of written records to present. Sources are the origin of information and data in historical study and can be primary sources like eyewitness accounts or secondary sources like textbooks. Both external and internal criticism are used to establish the authenticity and accuracy of sources. Primary sources are housed in various repositories like national archives and museums. Common primary sources include artifacts, laws, accounts, maps, and personal letters.
This document discusses the meaning and relevance of history, sources of history, types of sources, criticism of sources, and repositories and kinds of primary sources. History is the documented record of human society and achievements from the beginning of written records to present. Sources are the origin of information and data in historical study and can be primary sources like eyewitness accounts or secondary sources like textbooks. Both external and internal criticism are used to establish the authenticity and accuracy of sources. Primary sources are housed in various repositories like national archives and museums. Common primary sources include artifacts, laws, accounts, maps, and personal letters.
This document discusses the meaning and relevance of history, sources of history, types of sources, criticism of sources, and repositories and kinds of primary sources. History is the documented record of human society and achievements from the beginning of written records to present. Sources are the origin of information and data in historical study and can be primary sources like eyewitness accounts or secondary sources like textbooks. Both external and internal criticism are used to establish the authenticity and accuracy of sources. Primary sources are housed in various repositories like national archives and museums. Common primary sources include artifacts, laws, accounts, maps, and personal letters.
This document discusses the meaning and relevance of history, sources of history, types of sources, criticism of sources, and repositories and kinds of primary sources. History is the documented record of human society and achievements from the beginning of written records to present. Sources are the origin of information and data in historical study and can be primary sources like eyewitness accounts or secondary sources like textbooks. Both external and internal criticism are used to establish the authenticity and accuracy of sources. Primary sources are housed in various repositories like national archives and museums. Common primary sources include artifacts, laws, accounts, maps, and personal letters.
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Meaning and Relevance of History In the study of Philippine history, sources are
called batis which also means stream or a
a documented record of man and his society. spring. A batis therefore is the spring speech, field of study: study of man and his achievements from the beginning of written Types of Sources records to the present time (Gray, 1956 in De Primary sources are considered as the lifeblood Viana, 2015) of history. everything that has happened or occurred from De Viana (2015): directly talks about the subject the beginning of the time to the last instance. matter. Accounts of people who are direct record: a documented history of man and his participants or eyewitness to an event are also society. primary sources. literature: an effective presentation of the Examples: minutes of meeting, diaries and unfolding of events. journals, autobiographies, speeches, receipts, Abbot in De Viana (2015): the historian has the essays written by a person expressing his views, ability to depict the unravelling of fateful events laws, letters of instructions, decrees, letters, and to portray the rise and deterioration of eyewitnesses accounts, official reports, character of events, ranking it with novels and newsletter articles reporting directly about the epic poetry. event, editorials or books containing direct De Viana (2015): record of events: shows the quotation of events. evolution of man and his society and from the age of barbarism to what he is today. Secondary sources are documents or works students of history: record of the past showing made by individuals who are not directly his development and improvement throughout involved to the events or made by people who the ages and how he met his various challenges obtained the information from somebody else or through time. from primary sources. is not merely a chronology, i.e., a list of events Examples: textbooks, encyclopedia entries, as they happen, but this should show a pattern newspapers, accounts of a meeting, magazine on how man and his society has evolved from articles about a subject or teachers' reports on the primitive form to the present; showing his student behavior as reported by school ability to cope with obstacles and challenges that counselors. he himself or nature has placed throughout his existence. External and Internal Criticism
Sources of History Historical sources exist independent of the
research study since they were not written or Sources are very important, in the study of developed for use of research. Thus, while they history. They are the originators of information serve their purpose well for which they are and data. created, they may not solely serve the Abott places sources with documents, written researchers' purpose. materials that says something about historical All sources of historical data must be subjected events. to rigorous scientific analysis to determine both Documents can be letters, receipts, copies of their authenticity and their accuracy. eyewitness accounts, narrations, or books. These Furthermore, historical data are subjected to are some of the sources and are NOT the only rigorous scientific analysis through external and sources of history. internal criticism (Gottchalk, 1969). not written: such as relics, fossils, remains, and memorabilia. External criticism is the establishment of alive: living eyewitnesses. When the researcher authenticity. uses them in his research, they are always known as respondents or informants. Its purpose to ensure that, the documents are not 9. Personal Account mere forgeries or inventions. 10. NEWSPAPERS If the researcher is dealing with a problem for 11. Magazines which source are relatively old, and for which 12. Legislative Journals authenticity is not necessarily a given, there are 13. Court Records a number of scientific techniques available such 14. Speeches as the physical and chemical tests. 15. Personal Letters 16. On line databases Internal criticism, on the other hand, is the 17. Blogs establishment of accuracy. Its purpose is to 18. Documentary Films evaluate the accuracy and the worth of the data. 19. Recorded Interviews In determining the accuracy of the data, four factors are to be considered, namely: (a) author's knowledge and competence, (b) time delay, (c) motives and biases of the author, and (d) consistency of the data. The verified facts were then presented as objectively as possible, into a narrative form following the stated framework for interpretation and analysis. The analysis involved in historical research data was logical analysis rather than statistical analysis.
Repositories of Primary Sources
1. National Archives of the Philippines 2. National Library of the Philippines 3. National Historical Commission of the Philippines 4. National Museum of the Philippines 5. U.P. Main Library 6. ADMU Rizal Library 7. DLSU Library 8. UST Library 9. Library of Congress 10. National Archives and Records Administration 11. Archivo General de Indias 12. Archivo General de la Nacion 13. American Historical Collection 14. Lopez Memorial Museum 15. Ayala Museum
Kinds of Primary Sources
1. Human fossils 2. Artifacts 3. Royal Decrees& Laws 4. Official Reports 5. Chronicles 6. Friar accounts 7. Maps 8. Memoirs