Welcome to Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College, the premier higher education
institution in Zamboanga Peninsula, one of the Centers of Development in Teacher
Education Institutions in the country and an ISO accredited institution as recognized by
the Commission on Higher Education. It is our pride and honor, that you choose ZCSPC
as your school of choice.
With the current situation under a NEW NORMAL condition due to COVID19 Pandemic,
our school is now trying to find ways and means to provide accessible and quality
tertiary education. It is for this reason that the administration has decided to offer
flexible learning education including the Flipped Learning modality through the school’s
portal as the Learning Management System. In as much as we limit that actual and
physical face-to-face mode of delivery, each college has decided to come up with
printed module to cater those students who cannot avail online learning modalities.
This module has been prepared to guide you in your learning journey with the use of the
Guided and Self-directed learning activities prescribed to finish your course. Each
module includes reading materials that have been chosen to help you understand the
ideas and concepts introduced by the module.
For this semester, your course which is Entrepreneurial Mind (Entrep 1), under the BS
Industrial Technology program, focuses on the basic knowledge of entrepreneurship
that will guide and enable you to become successful entrepreneurs. You will be
introduced to the concepts of entrepreneurial mind that will develop your enterprising
skills – such as: identifying and assessing opportunities, solving problems creatively,
communicating effectively, and impacting your community in conjunction to your
comprehension and apply the concepts that you have learned from this module. After
accomplishing all modules, you are expected to do the following:
1. Identify key characteristics of the entrepreneurial mind which include skills, values,
behaviors, and enterprising contexts.
This is a self-study module particularly designed to help you study with little or no
intervention from your teacher. Please follow very carefully the instructions on how to use
this module so you can fully benefit from it.
• The lessons on this module are logically organized. Every lesson is connected to the
next and necessary for a better understanding of the next topic. Hence, please do
not skip a page. Read every page of this module and do every task that is asked of
• Read the Table of Contents so that you will have a good grasp of the entire course.
Having an overview of what you are about to study will help you see the
interrelationships of the concepts or knowledge that you are about to learn.
• Every lesson or unit begins with the learning objectives. The objectives are the
target skills or knowledge that you must be able to gain or perform after studying
the entire lesson/unit.
• Do the motivation activity given at the beginning of each lesson; activity based
learnings and exercises; and the post-test/summative test given at the end of the
lesson or unit. Do this only when you have thoroughly read the entire lesson or unit.
When answering every activity, test or exercise, please answer them honestly
without looking at the answer key. The answer key is given to you for you to check
your own progress and monitor your own understanding of the lesson. The
knowledge you will gain depends on how much effort and honesty you put into your
• Please pay attention to the Study Schedule on pages 4-6. This will guide you and
make sure that you do not lag behind. Lagging behind results to cramming and
eventually affects your understanding of the lesson.
• Know what it takes to pass the course. Please refer to the Evaluation and Grading
• If you encounter difficult words which are not found in the Glossary page of this
module, take some time to locate the meaning of these words in a dictionary. You
will fully understand your lesson if you exert extra effort in understanding it. There is
no room for laziness and complacency. College students are expected to be
independent learners.
• If there is anything in the lesson which you need clarifications, do not hesitate to
contact your instructor or professor at the appropriate time.
• You will be evaluated by your instructor or professor to check how much knowledge
and skills you have gained. The result of this evaluation will form a big chunk of your
grade. Hence, please do well and do not waste time.
• Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the module on your own. Your family
members and friends at home will support you but the activities must be done by
you. As ZCSPians you must always be guided by our core values, Love of God;
Social Responsibility; Commitment/Dedication to the Service; and
1st Week 1. Orientation and
expectation setting for the Group Chatting/Interactive
Course Discussion/ FB/Messenger
Sign the Pledge Paper of
Commitment and Loyalty to
School’s policy & values and to the
course (digitally signed)
Week 2-3: Module II Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Lesson 1 Basic Entrepreneurial Concepts
1. Definition of Video
entrepreneurship and Concept mapping
2nd Week entrepreneur Reading activity
2. Role of entrepreneurs in Journal entry
economic development Answering guided questions
3. Importance of GRASPS Task
entrepreneurs in the
Lesson 2 Innovation and the Entrepreneur
Lesson 4 Entrepreneurial Strategy
1. New entry and its Video
importance to Reading activity
5 Week entrepreneurship Answering guided questions
2. Risks involve in decision Journal entry
making for a new venture Quiz
3. Strategies used to reduce
Week 6-8: Module IV Business Idea, Opportunity Identification, and Legal Issues
Lesson 5 Generating Business Ideas
1. Sources of new ideas for Video
6 Week new ventures Reading activity
2. Methods of generating Answering guided questions
ideas Journal entry
3. Definition of product Quiz
innovation Product Proposal
4. Product planning and
development process
Lesson 6 Identifying and Analyzing Opportunities
1. Challenges of new Video
7 Week ventures Reading activity
2. Role of culture in Answering guided questions
assessing opportunities Journal entry
3. Factors causing success Quiz
and failures in new Zoom meeting with an
ventures entrepreneur
4. The opportunity analysis
Lesson 7 Legal Issues
1. Legal issues encountered Video
Week 10-13: Module
Planning in Entrepreneurship
Lesson 8 Developing the Business Plan
12th Week 2. Importance of Answering guided questions
organizational plan in Journal entry
business Quiz
Lesson 11 Financing and Accounting
1. Role of budgets Video
13 Week 2. The Break-even analysis Reading activity
3. The financial plan Answering guided questions
Journal entry
Webinar on simple accounting and
Week 14: Module VI Building and Growing your Business
Lesson 12 Strategies for Growth
1. Different growth strategies Video
14th Week 2. Risk management Reading activity
3. Implication of growth in Answering guided questions
business Journal entry
Reflection Paper
Spider Map Graphic organizer
Week 15: Module VII Social Entrepreneurship
Lesson 13 Ethical and Social Responsibilities of an Entrepreneur
1. Ethics in the context of Video
15th Week business Reading activity
2. Ethical practices and code Answering guided questions
of conduct Journal entry
3. Economic trade-offs in Quiz
relation to ethics
4. Issues on social
responsibility for
Week 17 Completion/Submission of Projects and other requirements
1. Read all course readings and answer the guided questions, self-assessment
activities, and Activity Based Learning Worksheets.
2. Answer the print-based discussion activities.
3. Submit all major requirements such as: Concept Memo, Product Proposal,
Reflection Papers, and Personal Business Plan. These requirements will form part
of your Portfolio.
4. Do all short quizzes after every lesson. The short quizzes, although not graded, will
also form part of your portfolio.
5. Do the long quizzes and/or GRASPS tasks at the end of every module, and the
Midterm and Final exams.
6. Participate in the discussion through FB Messenger, school portal, phone call, etc.
Evaluative Assessment Activities
A. Portfolio – 50%
Your Portfolio shall comprise of the following:
o A resource speaker, a certified entrepreneur, will be invited to scaffold or
support this task. A ZOOM meeting will be scheduled for “Insights from an
to follow.
For some practical tips, you are required to watch the webinar on Basic
Accounting and Financial Management for Small Businesses. This is the link for
the webinar:
messenger, etc.)
Lesson 5 Generating Business Ideas
Lesson 6 Identifying and Analyzing Opportunities
Lesson 7 Legal Issues
Key Terms
Answer Key
Concept Notes
Every established institution is guided by its Vision and Mission. The Vision and Mission
speaks of the institution’s identity - of what it is. Hence, as you choose ZCSPC as your
home in your pursuit of higher learning, you also choose to affiliate and identify yourself
with it; consequently, you are to live up to the values that ZCSPC upholds. In addition, you
will be oriented with the institution’s policies; specifically, in this course, such as:
classroom policies, course overview, course requirements, and the grading system. As a
result, at the end of this module, you must be able to:
A. ZCSPC Vision and Mission
ACTIVITY “Entrepreneurs Act”
DIRECTIONS: Read the ZCSPC Vision and Mission below.
provider of globally –
advance technological
competitive human
studies and researches for
the empowerment of the
1. Based on ZCSPC’s Vision and Mission statement, what do you think ZCSPC wants
you to become?
10 | P a g e
DIRECTIONS: Based on your reading of the Vision and Mission, answer the given
questions. Number your answers according to the number of the questions given. Write
your answer inside the box. Each item is equivalent to 5 points.
1. Based on ZCSPC’s Vision and Mission statement, what do you think ZCSPC wants
you to become?
2. Does it match with what you want ZCSPC to transform you?
3. In 2-3 complete sentences, explain your answer for question No. 2.
ABSTRACTION “Entrepreneurs Learn”
The changing times and the current realities and challenges compel an institution to
innovate to attain excellence and to stay relevant in the delivery of educational services.
For ZCSPC to attain what it envisions “to become”, that is, to become the leading provider
of globally competitive human resources, it has to cope with the demands of time. One
evidence of this is the institution’s move to address the delivery of educational services
with the so called “new normal” caused by the Covid19 pandemic through the design of its
own Learning Management System. This is a proof that ZCSPC is also true to its mission,
that is, to provide effective and efficient services through advance technological studies
Key concepts:
The following are the key concepts found in the ZCSPC Vision and Mission:
1. Leading provider – this phrase tells us that ZCSPC envisions itself to be the leader
among the providers of globally competitive human resources.
2. Globally competitive – is to have the competence in terms of skills, that sets you
ahead of the others not only in your own community but in an international context.
11 | P a g e
The Syllabus is your road-map and your contract in this course. It is your road-map
because it contains information about the course overview, course topics and course
schedule, requirements, and grading system. It will also guide you on what is expected
from you and the policies that you need to follow and abide. On the other hand, it is your
contract because it will serve as an agreement between you and your teacher. Hence, after
going through your syllabus you have to sign the student's acknowledgement portion as a
sign of your pledge of commitment and loyalty to ZCSPC's policies and values and to the
1. Read the Course Syllabus. You may access it from your e-class portal; download it
from your email, or from the Group Chat in messenger.
12 | P a g e
2. Digitally sign the syllabus (last page), and upload it to our google classroom or
submit the printed copy of the syllabus’ last page with your signature.
3. After reading and going through your syllabus, in 5-10 complete sentences, explain
the importance of the Syllabus in the learning process.
Image Source:
MODULE 2: Entrepreneurship
and Innovation
Concept Notes
13 | P a g e
It is therefore expected that at the end of this module, you must be able to:
TOPIC: Basic Entrepreneurial Concept
Image Source: https://www.mewaredu.com/programme-detail/emba/operation-and-
prod ction management
and services. The combined resources are the factors of production which are the building
blocks of the economy. These factors of production are categorized into four, namely:
land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. Among the four factors of production,
entrepreneurship is the factor that combines the other three factors – land, labor, and
capital to produce and develop goods and services that are brought and made available to
the market.
Charles Swab, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, and Andrew Carnegie are just a few names listed in
The 10 Greatest Entrepreneurs.
14 | P a g e
Below is an article on The 10 Greatest Entrepreneurs who are examples of starting small
but are able to turn their ventures into a business empire.
As you go through all the names in the list, you must be asking yourself what does it takes
to become an entrepreneur like them, and, further wonder, whether every person
possesses that ability to become one. Going over the list, it is also worth noticing their
significant contribution to society.
times, the vast majority of small businesses fail. In this article, we'll look at
ten entrepreneurs who not only succeeded but built vast business empires.
Here are the ten greatest entrepreneurs who built business empires, like John D.
Rockefeller of Standard Oil and steel-magnate Andrew Carnegie.
Thomas Edison founded General Electric (GE), while Henry Ford revolutionized
manufacturing bringing cars to the masses.
Sam Walton started Walmart and modernized distribution, while Walt Disney
created the largest media company on earth.
Bill Gates of Microsoft and Steve Jobs of Apple also made the list, among others.
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller was the richest man in history by most measures.
He made his fortune by squeezing out efficiencies
and devoted the rest of his life to philanthropy. More than 80 years after his death,
Rockefeller remains one of the great figures of Wall Street.
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie loved efficiency. From his start in steel, Carnegie's
mills were always on the leading edge of technology. Carnegie
combined his superior processes with an excellent sense of timing,
snapping up steel assets in every market downturn. Like Rockefeller,
Carnegie spent his golden years giving away the fortune he spent most
of his life building (though not as well-remembered as some of his
contemporaries, Andrew Carnegie's legacy is strong and moralistic).
Thomas Edison
There is no doubt that Edison was brilliant, but it's his business sense, not his talent as an
inventor, that clearly shows his intelligence. Edison took innovation and made it the
process now known as research and development. He sold his services to many other
companies before striking out on his own to create most of the electrical power
infrastructure of the United States. While Edison is a founder of General Electric (GE),
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Henry Ford
Henry Ford did not invent the automobile. He was one of a group
working on motorcars and, arguably, not even the best of them.
However, these competitors were selling their cars for a price that
made the car a luxury of the rich. Ford put America–not just the
rich–on wheels, and unleashed the power of mass production. His
Ford Model T was the first car to cater to most Americans. Ford's
progressive labor policies and his constant drive to make each car
better, faster, and cheaper made certain that his workers and everyday
Americans would think Ford (F) when they shopped for a car.
Charles Merrill
Charles E. Merrill brought high finance to the middle class. After the
1929 crash, the general public had sworn off stocks and anything
more financial than a savings account. Merrill changed that by using
a supermarket approach by sacrificing high commissions to serve
more people, making up his money on the larger volume. Merrill
worked hard to "bring Wall Street to Main Street," educating his
clients through free classes, publishing rules of conduct for his firm,
and always looking out for the interests of his customers first.
Sam Walton
Sam Walton picked a market no one wanted and then instituted a
distribution system no one had tried in retail. By building warehouses
between several of his Wal-Mart (WMT) stores, Walton was able to
save on shipping and deliver goods to busy stores much faster. Add a
state-of-the-art inventory control system, and Walton was lowering his
Charles Schwab
Charles Schwab, usually known as "Chuck," took Merrill's love of the little guy and belief in
volume over price into the internet age. When May Day opened the doors for negotiated
fees–all broker trades had previously been the same price–Schwab was
among the first to offer a discount brokerage for the individual
investor.2 To do this, he trimmed the research staff, analysts, and
advisors, and excepted investors to empower themselves when making
an order. From a bare-bones base, Schwab then added services that
mattered to his customers, like 24-hour service and more branch
locations. Merrill brought the individual investors back to the market, but
Chuck Schwab made it cheap enough for them to stay.
Walt Disney
The 1920s found Walt Disney on the verge of creating a cultural
juggernaut. A gifted animator for an advertising company, Disney
began creating his own animated shorts in a studio garage. Disney
created a character inspired by the mice that roamed his office,
Mickey Mouse, and made him the hero of "Steamboat Willie" in 1928.
The commercial success of Mickey Mouse allowed Disney to create a
cartoon factory with teams of animators, musicians, and artists.
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Bill Gates
When people describe Bill Gates, they usually come up with "rich",
"competitive" and "smart." Of the three traits, it's Gates' competitive
nature that has carved out his fortune. Not only did he fight and win
the operating system (OS) and internet browser wars, but Gates stored
up the profits that came with the victories–and Microsoft's
dominance–to fund future fights and ventures. The Xbox is just one of
the many sideline businesses that the massive war chest has funded.
The fact is that Microsoft's cash and Gates' reluctance to pay it out is
a big part of what saw the company through hard times and funded
expansion in good times.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs co-founded Apple (AAPL), one of the only tech
companies to offer a significant challenge to Microsoft's
dominance. In contrast to Gates' methodical expansion, Jobs'
influence on Apple was one of creative bursts. Apple was a
computer company when Jobs returned to it. Now, the iPod, the
iPhone, and the iPad are the engines of growth that have pushed
Apple past the once unassailable Microsoft. In 2010, Apple
surpassed Microsoft's market cap for the first time. As of 2019, there are more than 500
million Apple customers worldwide.
These ten entrepreneurs succeeded by giving the customer something better, faster, and
cheaper than their nearest competitors. No doubt, some like Rockefeller will always be on
these lists, but there is plenty of room for the right person to find their place among the
entrepreneur's pantheon.
Source: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/10/the-10-greatest-
17 | P a g e
My 3 Personal
1. What significant contribution do you think the product or service of your chosen
entrepreneurs has made?
2. Cite at least 2 reasons that the product or service has been useful in the current
situation, brought about by the COVID19 pandemic, which people are facing.
18 | P a g e
of society. Moreover, to an economist, an entrepreneur is
also an innovator and one who introduces changes.
On the other hand, from the point of view of a psychologist, an entrepreneur is a person
who is typically driven by certain forces. Such are the driving force of personal goals of the
need to obtain or attain something, to experiment, to accomplish, or even the need to
escape the authority of others.
However, from the point of view of one businessman, an entrepreneur is a person who
appears as a threat and an aggressive competitor. The same entrepreneur may be looked
upon though as an ally, a source of supply and in other positive ways by another
entrepreneur is a person who possesses the kind of behavior or mindset that includes the
a. initiative taking;
Image Source;
19 | P a g e
To introduce you to the topic, you may access the school’s zcspcmyeclass or you may
watch the video from youtube using the link below. However, if you are not able to access
both, you may refer to the transcript of the video on the next page.
(QR Code - Why Entrepreneurs Are Important for the Economy)
Video Transcript:
Why are entrepreneurs important for the Economy? For starters, entrepreneurs create new
business; they invent goods and services resulting in employment which then results in
more and more development. For example a few IT companies found in the Indian IT
industry in the 1990s businesses and associated industries then flourished. Entrepreneurs
also add to national income. Existing businesses may remain confined to their markets and
hit a glass ceiling when it comes to go deeper, but new products or technologies create
new markets and new wealth and increase employment and higher earnings contribute to a
nation's taxes and spending. Further, entrepreneurs create social change. They break
tradition with unique inventions that reduce dependence on obsolete systems.
Smartphones and their apps, for example, have revolutionized work and play across the
globe. Finally, entrepreneurs can invest in community projects and help charities and other
good causes; further developing ventures beyond their own. Bill Gates, for example, used
According to Medina (2014, p.2), as long as all the requirements in a capitalist economy
are in place, the entrepreneur can assume his assigned role in the development of the
economy. A review of the contributions of entrepreneurs will reveal that no business, big or
small, started without the hand of the entrepreneur. Even if many of these businesses
failed to survive, still a sizable number developed and proceeded to make the capitalist
economy a viable concern. This is made possible because the surviving enterprises are
responsible for providing the following:
2. employment;
3. taxes;
20 | P a g e
Self-Check #1:
DIRECTIONS: Read each statement below. Circle T if the statement is TRUE and F if the
statement is FALSE. (2 points per item)
T – F 5.) If entrepreneurship is creating something new that is of value, then
entrepreneurship is an important economic activity.
To overcome boredom, one of the things that people do during the imposed quarantine
period is movie marathon. One popular internet site where people go is Netflix. The site
offers a variety of movie genre. What is amazing, movies that did not do well in cinemas
years back, ranked Top 1 in the list on Netflix. One classic example is the movie “Through
Night and Day” starred by Alessandra de Rossi and Paulo Contis. In 2018, when the movie
opened in cinemas, it was pulled out three days after it was shown because nobody was
watching (Panaligan, 2020). In other words, the movie was a flop! Amazingly though,
through NETFLIX, it ranked number #1, and it became a trending movie in the entire
Looking at the movie, there were no changes made about the movie, nor was it updated
neither was it promoted again to the public. In fact, it was not even re-launched. However,
the producers or those who are handling the movie changed the approach used in
marketing the movie; not to mention the patience in waiting for the right timing.
DIRECTIONS: Reflect on the above situation by answering the guided questions below.
Write your answers on your Reflective Journal. Label it as “Journal Entry #1” Send your
output through our google classroom.
21 | P a g e
1. What specifically was the mechanism used that led to the success of the movie
after experiencing failure?
2. What entrepreneurial mindset or behavior can be seen from the situation?
3. Is there a similar experience in your life or what you observe around you that is
similar to the above scenario? In 3 – 4 complete sentences, elaborate on your
TOPIC: Innovation and the Entrepreneur
have learned that an entrepreneur is not only a risk taker, but he is also an
innovator. The capitalist economy, which is an economy where private
individuals or businesses own capital goods, is an environment where the
Below are three images of things that are considered as trash. Use your creativity and
innovate to turn the trash into something new that is of value. Show your output on the box
below the picture.
22 | P a g e
ANALYSIS “Entrepreneurs Think”
Processing Questions
DIRECTIONS: Write your answers on the space provided after each number.
1. In 2-3 complete sentences, assess the value of the new product that was created
from the things that were already considered as trash?
23 | P a g e
To introduce you to the topic, you may access the school’s zcspcmyeclass
or you may watch the video from youtube using the link below.
Innovation Defined
Medina defines innovation as “the
introduction of a new method, procedure,
custom, and device, among others.
It could be any of the following: Image Source:
1. new product; development/process-innovation-the-key-to-
b. development – which refers to the process by which the ideas and principles
generated the stage of invention are embodied in concrete products and
techniques; and
Innovation, if it must be made successful, must provide value to the buyers over
and above those offered by competitors. To achieve this innovation must
reduce costs or improve the quality of products or services offered for sale.
1. cordless microphone;
24 | P a g e
2. microwave oven;
3. cellular phone;
Considering the current situation brought about by the COVID19 pandemic, innovations like
face shields, face masks, alcohol and sanitizer dispensers, are just a few to mention which
relates to the definition of what is innovation.
Innovation and the Entrepreneur
According to Kuratko and Hodgetts (2007, p.155), there are three things that must be
remembered in the innovation process:
1. Most innovations are the result of a conscious and purposeful search for new
2. Most successful innovations are simple and focused. The product is clear, specific,
and carefully designed. As a result, new customers and new markets are created.
An example to this is the camera on cell phones. These cameras are easy and
convenient to use, yet they are highly sophisticated and quite appealing to people
who are into photography.
3. Innovation involves more work than genius. Thomas Edison had put it accurately:
“1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”.
25 | P a g e
Five Types of Innovators
There are 5 Types of Innovators as described by Frohman and Pascarella (1990, as cited in
Kuratko & Hodges, 2007, p.159):
1. Gatekeepers – these people collect and channel information about changes in the
technical environment. They stay current with events and ideas through personal
contacts, professional meetings, and the news media. When gatekeepers find
relevant information, they send it to the appropriate person or unit for follow-up.
2. Idea Generators – this role involves analysis of information about new technologies,
products, or procedures in order to yield new idea for the company. The fresh idea
may be an innovative solution to an existing problem in product or business
development or the identification of a new marketplace opportunity.
3. Champions – champions advocate and push for the new idea. This role involves
obtaining and applying the resources and staff to demonstrate the idea’s feasibility.
Champions are concerned about results, not risk, and do not spend time studying
the consequences of failure. Their mission is to remove obstacles.
5. Coaches – this function addresses the technical and interpersonal aspects of the
work in the innovation process. Coaches provide technical training related to new
developments, and help people work together to return an idea into a tangible result.
26 | P a g e
Self-Check #2:
1) DIRECTIONS: Match the activity in column A in connection to the concept in
column B. Write the letter on the blank before the number in Column A. Take note
of the underlined phrases.(1 point for each item)
Column A Column B
A. Innovator/
______ 1. A gardener selling coconut husks Entrepreneur
turned into plant pots.
B. Innovation
______ 2. The gardener who came up with the
above idea. C. Conception
2) DIRECTIONS: Match the situation in column A in relation to the type of innovator in
column B. Write the letter on the blank before the number in Column A. (1 point for
each item)
Column A Column B
1 2
3 4
27 | P a g e
7 8
Across Down
1. the discovery or devising of a new 2. the development and construction phase
product in the innovation process
5. the phase in the innovation process 3. this type of innovators collect and channel
when the new product is launched information about changes in the technical
6. innovator, risk-taker environment
8. _______________innovation brings up new 4. the key function of the entrepreneurial
set of possibilities process
10. in the innovation process, it is 7. don't care about consequences or failure
generation of idea 9. the type of innovators who provide
technical training related to new
Crossword puzzle is made through: http://www.armoredpenguin.com/crossword/
Do this independently.
It is observed that during this pandemic, lots of businesses were greatly affected
because they have to stop operating. The construction industry is just one of those that
suffered. This resulted to income loss due to decrease in sales and as a result loss of
jobs among construction workers. The Contractors Guild and the Association of
Architects and Draftsmen in Zamboanga City, will be conducting a virtual meeting to
seek ideas on how to keep the construction industry relevant during this pandemic. As a
graduate of Architectural Drafting, and a young entrepreneur, you were chosen by your
fellow draftsmen to represent your group. Your task is to come up with an idea for an
alternative business that will still make use of your drafting skills. The idea will be
presented to the contractors, architects and your fellow draftsmen during the virtual
28 | P a g e
meeting. In your presentation, you need to cite the important contribution the alternative
business can provide to society. Your presentation shall be in the form of a leaflet. Your
work in this activity will be assessed based on the facts about the kind of behavior and
mindset an entrepreneur possesses. Your output will serve as your summative
assessment for this lesson. An analytic rubric will be used to grade your work.
Directions: Before you do the leaflet, you need to answer the following questions:
1. What is the purpose of the virtual meeting? (Goal)
3. To whom are you going to present your idea? (Audience)
4. What specific situation is being addressed? (Situation)
Other Instructions:
You may use publisher, canva.com, or others apps in making the leaflet.
Upload your personalized leaflet in the answer box of your quiz in the portal.
For the rubrics in assessing this task, refer to Figure 1.1 Rubrics for
Process/Performance Based Assessment
29 | P a g e
Figure 1.1
30 | P a g e
References Careful and accurate
records are kept to
document the source
of the facts and
graphics in the
Total Points 60
Adapted from:
Capitalist Economy An economy where private individuals or businesses own capital goods.
effort, money, or skills; assumes the risks of the competitive marketplace to implement
these ideas; and realizes the rewards from these efforts.
31 | P a g e
Answer Key
Self-Check #1
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
Self-Check #2
1) 1. B
2. A
3. D
2) 1. E
2. A
3. D
4. B
32 | P a g e
AlGhamdi, A. (2016, October 1). Why Entrepreneurs Are Important for the
Economy [Video]. Investopedia. You Tube.
Kuratko, D. F. & Hodgetts, R. M. (2007). Entrepreneurship theory, process,
practice (7th ed.) Canada: Thomson South-Western.
Medina, R. G. (2014). Entrepreneurship and small business management (3rd
ed.). Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Inc..
33 | P a g e