Specific Practices and Documents Needed To Support Diff. Principles For Validation

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A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to
achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and
relevant to the context of diverse environments.

1. In place is a Development Plan (e.g. SIP)

developed collaboratively by the stakeholders of
the school and community.
What Documents to prepare (MOVs)

*SIP/AIP (Extent of participation of stakeholders)

*Annual procurement Plan
*Annual Budget
(Minutes of the meeting, attendance, photos)
Principle I cont …

2. A network of leadership and governance guides

the education system to achieve its shared VMG
making them responsive and relevant to the
context of diverse environments
What Documents to prepare(MOVs)
SIP Review documentation process, SMEPA docs
(Minutes of the review; attendance; pictures)

3. The school is organized by a clear structure and

work arrangements that promote shared
leadership and governance and define the roles
and responsibilities of the stakeholders.
What documents to prepare(MOVs)
SGC structure; Sch. Faculty Asso.& PTA CBL – DO No.54, s.2009,
DO No.67, s. 2009; SSG/SPG (DM 4, s.2012)
Principle I cont……
4. A leadership network facilitates communication
bet. & among sch. and community leaders for
informed decision-making and solving of school
community wide-learning problems.
What documents to prepare/MOVs
Organizational Chart showing the flow of communication;
SGC/PTA, SBO, Teachers Org, Sch. Website, Newsletter, Linkages
with BLGU and other Sectoral Groups- MOA, MOU, etc,
5. A long term program is in operation that addresses the
training and development needs of school and community

What documents to prepare/MOVs

T&D System, Indl Plan/Sch. Plan for Professional Dev’t., Trng and
Dev’t Program for Leaders, Parenting Seminar Program, Training
The Curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and
learners’ contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and
continuously improved.

1. The curriculum provides for the needs of all

types of learners in the school community.

What documents to prepare (MOVs)

Implementation Documents:
*Different Curriculum (e.g. Science, Sports, Arts, Journalism,
Foreign Language, TechVoc, SPED, Madrasah Educ., IP Educ.,
Senior High School Curriculum) – duly supported by its
respective DepEd Order.
Principle 2 cont……

2. The implemented curriculum is localized to

make it more meaningful to the learners and
applicable to life in the community.
What documents to prepare (MOVs):

*Localized Curriculum
-Contextualized LMs/TGs, Big Books,
Curriculum Adaptation, Orthography, MTB
Dictionary, Ims on IKSP, Improvised Ims, ARATA
based on EGRA, Senior High School Curriculum.
Principle II cont……

3. A representative group of school and

community stakeholders develop the methods
and materials for developing Creative thinking
and problem solving.

What documents to prepare/MOVs

Action Research on effective Teaching Methods and
Strategies; LPP Implementation; Lesson Plans;
Daily Logs; Science Investigatory Projects;
Linkages with CSOs/NGOs/HEIs in improving
Quality Instruction; Visual Aids; ICT-Based
Instruction (ex. Txt2Teach); Workbooks/Worksheets
locally developed.
Principle II cont….

4. The learning systems are regularly and

collaboratively monitored by the community using
appropriate tools to ensure the holistic growth
and development of the learners and the

What documents to prepare/MOVs

*Action Research on students Learning Outcomes – basis for

developing Remedial Programs
* SMEPA Dashboards and Results
Principle II cont…..

5. Appropriate assessment tools for teaching

and learning are continuously reviewed and
improved, and assessment results are
contextualized to the learner and local situation
and the attainment of relevant life skills.

What documents to prepare/MOVs

Teachers’ Test notebook; Teachers’ portfolio; Test
results (quizzes, unit, periodical, NAT; Pre&post,
Diagnostic tests, etc.) basis of interventions for the
learners ; Enhanced assessment Tools adopted from
partners (ex. Save the Children, etc.)
Principle II cont……
6. Learning managers and facilitators (teachers,
administrators and community members) nurture
values and environments that are protective of all
children and demonstrate behaviour consistent to
the organization’s VMG.

What documents to prepare/MOvs

*Child Protection Policy Implementation cum CFSS

* Co- curricular Activities Report (ex. Scouting, Religious
Instruction, Science Camp, ect.)
Principle II cont…….

7. Methods and resources are learner and

community-friendly, enjoyable, safe, inclusive,
accessible and aimed at developing self-directed
learners. Learners are equipped with essential
knowledge, skills, and values to assume
responsibility and accountability for their own
What documents to prepare/MOVs
Daily Lesson Plan/Lesson Logs; Student’s portfolio
Materials used/ Practices:
-Library, Guidance Services, Computer
Laboratory, ADM Modules
Awards received by learners; learner initiated projects;
classroom structuring, Reading Center, Study Lounge
A clear, transparent, inclusive and responsive accountability system
is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which
monitors performance, and acts appropriately on gaps and gains.

1. Roles, responsibilities of accountable person/s

and collective body/ies are clearly defined and
agreed upon by community stakeholders.
What documents to prepare/MOVs

Structure of School Accountable Organizations: CBL of Sch.

Faculty Asso., PTA, SSG/SPG, and SGC. (Attendance,
photos,Minutes of the meeting regarding the crafting of Definition
of roles and Responsibilities of Sch. Organizations)

2. Achievement of goals is recognized based on a

collaboratively developed performance
accountability system; gaps are addressed through
appropriate action.
What documents to prepare/MOVs

Appropriate Actions to address gaps based on the following:

•SMEPA Implementation; Recognition and incentive system;
General PTA Assembly Meetings; Homeroom PTA Meetings.
- Attendance, Photos, Minutes of the meeting in the
development/capability building program on Performance
Accountability System (SMEPA)
Principle III cont…..

3. The accountability system is owned by the

community and is continuously enhanced to
ensure that management structures and
mechanisms are responsive to the emerging
learning needs and demands of the community.

Accountability System processes, mechanisms and tools

(Attendance, photos and minutes of the meeting of the
enhancement and review of M&E System)
Principle III cont…..

4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools,

feedback mechanisms, and information
collection and validation techniques and
processes are inclusive and collaboratively
developed and agreed upon.


*Assessment Tools: Clients’ satisfaction Survey, Parent’s

Opinionnaire, Checklist Form, Survey Questionnaire, etc.
*Feedback Mechanisms: Gen. Assembly meeting, Educ.
Summit/Conference, SOSA, Parents’ Conference, Home
Visitation, Parenting Seminar, etc.
*Information Collection: Suggestion Box, Documentation,
Sampling- convenient & purposive, Conduct Survey
*Processes: FGD, Interview, Brainstorming, Observation, etc.
(Attendance, photos, Minutes of the meeting)
Principle III cont…….
5. Participatory assessment of performance is
done regularly with the community. Assessment
results and lessons learned serve as basis for
feedback technical assistance, recognition and
plan adjustment.


*M&E Process – Midyear/Annual Review, SMEPA

Institutionalization focusing on Assessment of : KPIs on Access (
Enrolment and Drop out), Quality (NAT) and Governance (SBM
Assessment); School PPA:WSRP; Brigada Eskwela; Gulayan sa
Paaralan; guidance program, etc.
*Assssment Results based on M&E Feedback: Enhanced
Implementation of school’s PPAs; TA: Remedial Instruction
Program, Proposed New Programs – Recognition, etc.
(Attendance, Photos, Minutes of the meeting in the conduct of

Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with

transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.

1. Regularly resource inventory is collaboratively

undertaken by learning managers. Learning
managers, facilitators, and community
stakeholders as basis for resource allocation
and mobilization.

Process – Regular Resources Inventory of: Human Resources;
Financial resources; Technological; Instructional Materials,
Furniture, Rooms; WatSan; Sch. Site Titling; Instructional tools
and Equipment.

2. A regular dialogue for planning and resource

programming, that is accessible and inclusive
continuously engage stakeholders and support
implementation of community education plans.

• Process - Regular Resource Planning and Programming

through Strategic Planning
Sustainability plan
Principle IV cont……
3. Resources are collectively and judiciously
mobilized and managed with transparency,
effectiveness, and efficiency.
Updated Transparency Board of all finances (MOOE, PTA, IGP,
Canteen Fund, Donations, etc.); Some innovations on collective
processes, effective and efficient resource mgt system.

4. Regular monitoring, evaluation and reporting

processes of resource mgt. are collaboratively
developed and implemented by the lrng. Mngrs,
facilitators, and community stakeholders.

SMEPA of the ff: HRDP, FMDP, TRIP, SPDP, APP, Inventory

List of all resources.
Principle IV cont….

5. There is a system that manages the network

and linkages which strengthen and sustain
partnership for improving resource management.


Cash Disbursement (MOOE); Transparency Board; Financial

Reports (PTA, Canteen, School Clubs/organization)

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