SBM Validation Mechanics
SBM Validation Mechanics
SBM Validation Mechanics
Principle 1 Principle 4
Members Members
Principle 2 Principle 3
Members Members
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in the
absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.1 Sustained An Enhanced School 1. Copy of the An ESIP that fostered The ESIP showed The reference The reference
implementation of improvement Plan approved ESIP with broader ownership no proof of documents documents and
School Development (ESIP) that fostered Annexes ( DO 44, s. and involvement of external presented the other evidences
Plan /Enhanced School collaboration of 2015) the internal and stakeholders involvement of at have shown the
Improvement school and 2. Attendance sheets external involvement; only least 7 engagement and
Plan(ESIP) that is well communities to duly accomplished by stakeholders to work school personnel stakeholders as collaboration of
understood and work together to the participating together to serve are involved. stipulated in DO more than 7
collaboratively serve the best community stakeholder the best interest of 44, s.2015. stakeholders in the
supported by interest of the in the drafting of the the learners and SPT for broader
stakeholders. learners and their SIP/AIP. their access to ownership in the
access to quality 3. Narrative quality basic delivery of basic
basic education. Reports/photo education. education services.
documentation of the
activities, minutes and
proceedings of
meetings, conferences,
trainings, workshops ,
and capacity building
program for the School
Planning and Project
SBM-QMS Calibrated Assessment Process and Tool (APAT) with Contextualized MOVs
Principle Principle of Collective Leadership and Governance
Standard A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in the
absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.2. A collaboratively School- 1. Copy of the All relevant Not all programs, The The engagement
developed, Community accomplished Project programs, Projects, and implementation of stakeholders
implemented, broader ownership Monitoring projects, and Activities in the of the Programs, evidently shows
regularly reviewed, in the Report/SMEA. activities ESIP are Projects, and that the School
2. Minutes of the
Enhanced School management and meetings organized targetted in the implemented Activities in the Community
Improvement Plan implementation of and led by the ESIP successfully, ESIP are takes the lead in
(ESIP) that is PAPs and in the community implementation reviewed monitored, and the review and
responsive, relevant regular review for stakeholders/SPT and are regularly regularly and reviewed adjustment of
to the varrying the improvement FGDs conducted for reviewed and adjusted collaboratively by the relevant
contexts and needs of process and ESIP review. adjusted by the according to the the school Programs,
of the school and practice. 3. Photo school community emerging needs stakeholders and Projects, and
community. documentation on making them of the school and adjusted to the Activities
the the SIP review responsive to the community. emerging needs, inmplemented
conducted. emerging issues challenges and according to the
4. Attendance sheets
duly accomlished by and concerns of opportunities. ESIP targets,
the participants. the school. timelines and
5. Logbook of measurable
incoming /Outgoing outcomes.
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in the
absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.3 The school is The school is The school has a The school has The school has The school
organized by a clear guided by an clear structure and an organizational efficiently significantly
structure and work agreed Business Process structure or Flow conducted the utilizes its
arrangements that organizational Map where the Chart with a orientation on Organizational
promote shared structure/Flow 1. PTA /SGC CBL/ roles and well-defined the roles and Flow /Business
leadership and Charts/ Business Manual responsibilities all roles and responsiblities of Process Map to
governance and a Process Map 2. Roles/Functions the existing clubs responsibilities of external and realign related
well-defined roles where the elaborated in the and organizations, all school internal processes that
and responsibilities community minutes of meeting committees and personnel. stakeholders promote shared
of the stakeholders. stakeholders take 3. Matrix of the teams involving based on its well leadership and
the lead in technical assistance stakeholders defined governance
defining the roles provided to support are well- Organizational where TA and
and stakeholders to defined, discussed, Structure/Flow administrative
responsibilities in sustain shared and practiced. Chart or Business support are in
providing technical leadership and Map. place.
and administrative governance.
support. 4. Organizational
Business Process
Qualitative documentary Documented Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
practices in the Initiatives in the
Mechanisms) absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.5 A sustained The School 1. Copy of the The School The school has The school has The School
development Leaders efficiently Training and Initiated Training crafted a long implemented the Initiated Training
program is in carried out the Development Plan , and Development term Training and and
operation where all responsibility for Self- monitoring Programs development Development Development
school personnel are their own training and evaluation tool responsive to the plan based on Plan that is Program that is
trained and and development, 2. Copy of the needs of the needs of all responsive to the sustained, all
capacitated and the School community Training/Activity personnel and school personnel. needs of school personnel are
stakeholders are leaders working Design for Teaching information personnel and trained and
well-informed and individually or in and Non-Teaching sharing activities stakeholders. capacitated ,
engaged in school groups, coach and personnel and for stakeholders stakeholders and
development mentor one Stakeholders. and other community
activities. another to achieve 3. Report on the community leaders are
the VMG. TIP/LAC/SLAC /LDM leaders. informed and
sessions conducted, engaged in
with the attached school
List of participants. development
4. ESIP/AIP 5. activities.
2.3 Escalating in the Learning 1. School Reading Program The school has Developed/Prod Locally The Self-
Stakeholder Materials /SLMs 2. Math Thinkers Quest collaboratively uced Self- developed Self- Learning
engagement/suppor and basic (Math Camp, Jingles) produced/publish Learning Learning modules,
t in the production/ approaches to 3. Copy of Strategic ed locally Modules (SLMs), Modules (SLMs) Strategic
Intervention Materials
publication of the develop creative, (SIM)/Science Investigatory developed Strategic Strategic Intervention
learning materials critical thinking Projects (SIPs) approved by learning Intervention intervention Materials, and
that facilitate the and problem the Division Office materials/SLMs Materials (SIMs), Materials (SIMs), other resources
development of solving skills of 4. Collaboration with with the support and other and other are efficiently
creative, critical learners are SGC/BRGY Educ. of its references for learning utilized for
thinking and being Committee/PTA in the stakeholders. learning. resources are instruction and
problem solving used/adopted in production of localized collaboratively information
skills among school, in the IMs. produced and sharing which
learners. family and in 5. School Assessment made available casted a strong
community Result (NAT, CFSS) with the support school and
6. Teacher-Made or
Teacher-Developed of the community
Materials 7. community connections and
MOU and DOD experts. actions that
support better
outcomes for
The monitoring 1. Clients' feedback M&E mechanism Feedback Monitoring The school has
tool covers both 2. Analysis of the that measures mechanism is system, process created a Quality
qualitative and monitoring results productivity, estalished to and tools are Assurance /M&E
quantitative 3. Copy of the efficiency and improve the adjusted , gaps Team to help set
indicators. Monitoring Tool effectiveness of monitoring are identified , out basic
(National, Regional, the school system , process challenges are principles of
Division and operation. and tool . addressed, school operation
Contextualized) performance that measures
4. List of QA/M &E indicators are productivity,
Team clearly defined. efficiency and
Qualitative evidence of Documented Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents best practices Innovations/ Criteria Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the Local Initiatives 1 2 3
absence of in the New
the MOVs in Normal
the list
2.6. An inclusive, A Community- 1. Accomplished checklist Learning The school has The school has The school has
gender-sensitive driven learning in adherence to Child managers and conducted Child functional Child initiated
School Learning environment that Protection and Child facilitators Mapping and Protection Policy community-
environment, that is inclusive and Friendly School Learning observed profiling. Committee driven
Environment methods
nurtures the vision, adherent to child’s and resources(to be inclusivity of ensuring that all programs ,
mission and goals of rights and clarified, if checklist is learners and learners are projects and
the department of protection available ) ensure that they protected. activities in
Education; where" requirements. 2. Copies of Child- are protected with ensuring
no learner shall be centered DLL,/strategies their basic rights learners' safety
left behind". and other instructional in the school, and protection in
materials home and the new normal.
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents (MOVs, evidence of Innovations/ Criteria Rating/ Score Recommendation
III best practices Local Initiatives 1 2 3
and Mechanisms) in the absence in the New
of the MOVs in Normal
the list
4.1. A caring Collaboratives are 1. WFP, PPMP, APP & Annual The school has The school has The school has The school has
community that sprouting in the Implementation Plan (AIP) fostered accomplished and observed efficient fostered
2. Cash Disbursement
represents a management and Register ( CDR) & Cash accountability submitted annual use of its mechanism on
promising direction utilization of Disbursement Journal ( CDJ), mechanism that is inventory of resources, the efficent
and support to school resources , Updated Transparency board compliant to COA school facilities facilities and management of
address emerging facilities and in all generated funds guidelines on and equipment. equipment resources
3. Physical inventory of
issues and concerns equipment for facilities, materials, chairs school property compliant to COA compliant to COA
to address learning teaching and fixtures, lab. Apparatus/ management and guidelines and guidelines on
gaps and generate learning that Enhanced Basic Education has observed policies. property
resources needed in evolved a wide Information System-National efficiency and management and
the effective delivery spectrum of School Building Inventory transparency in the utilization,
of instructions. stakeholder 4. Minutes of the meeting management and observed
responsibilities reflecting the presentation of utilization of transparaency
school budget to teachers itsresources. and maintained
and community during PTA updated school
meetings (opening, Mid-year,
Year- end) inventory of
5. Updated Human Resource supplies, facilities
Profile and equipment,
6. SF3 buildings and
purchased and
4.2. Continuous Stakeholders 1. SMEA/ A Strategic Plan The school has The school has The school has
engagement of collaborate to Performance that intensified conducted involved the involved the
stakeholders in ensure timely and Review documents resource strategic stakeholders in stakeholders in
strategic planning, need-based 2. Minutes of the mobilization to planning the strategic the regular
implementation of planning and planning address issues and participated by planning to dialogue and
PAPs, monitoring, resource conferences, concerns in the the internal address issues strategic
evaluation to programming that meetings with the delivery of basic stakeholders. and concerns in planning for
upgrade component support stakeholders. education in the the new normal. resource
of best intervention continuous 3. MOU/MOA/DOD new normal. mobilization,
in the New Normal. implementation to 4. Attendance Sheets intervention and
address key on Stakeholder adjustment of
phases of task and Engagement ESIP targets for
plan 5. Other Evidences efficient delivery
implementation. 6. Resource of basic
Mobilization education in the
Documents new normal.
7. BE/ASP Documents
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of Innovations/
Local Criteria
Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III best practices 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
(MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the absence the Newin
of the MOVs in
the list Normal
4.3. Judicious, Clientele-focused 1. SMEA/ Performance A successful The school has The school has The school has
appropriate, and resource Review Documents implementation of developed a designed and sustained the
effective use of management 2. Prompt submission of the resource resource successfully implementation
school resources to system is Liquidation report management plan, management implemented its of the
3. Updated Report on the
provide quality basic sustained, Utilization of School efficiently installed system that is resource community-
education for all replicated and MOOE and other Local a system that suits responsive to the management developed
learners. becnhmarked by Funds (e.g PTA, SSG, and school context, needs of the plan and has resource
other schools, Canteen) 4. sustained, community. effciently management
individuals and Logbook for incoming and replicated and installed its system,
group. outgoing benchmarked by system, tools and replicated and
communications. 5. other schools, processes. becnhmarked by
Attendance registry for individuals and other schools,
the activities group. individulas and
II- Validation b. Validation Proper Conduct the Document- Regional Validation Team
(at most 3 hours for Observation-Discussion School Head
Region, 1 hour for (DOD) analysis per SBM TWG/Task Force
Division) principle as stipulated in
DepEd Order 83, s.2012
Appraise the Regional Validation Team
documents/MOVs School Head
presented according to the SBM TWG/Task Force
Contextualized SBM-QMS
qualitative and quantitative
Discuss with the team the
validation results and the
1.Online/digital, Face to Face/Onsite The validation platform to be used shall be
or blended determined by the school in considerations with the
IATF health protocols and the Omnibus Guidelines.