SBM Validation Mechanics

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Creation and Organization of SBM TWG ( School Level)

Principle 1 Principle 4
Members Members

Principle 2 Principle 3
Members Members

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence





Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

SBM and the AURA of the School Heads

In School-Based Management the Authority,

Responsibility and Accountability of the School
Head encompasses all the PAPs or Programs,
Activities and Projects from planning,
implementation, periodic review of progress,
Monitoring and Evaluation, plan adjustment, and
alignment with the strategic objectives will lead to
the achievement of targets.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

DepEd Order No. 83 s. 2012

 Enabling policies on SBM were formulated

 Establishment of the School Governing Council or SGC

 School Improvement Planning (SIP)
 Conduct of Assessment of Level of Practice
 School Report Card (SRC)

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

RA 9155
 provides a framework for governance of basic education
which shall set the general directions for educational
policies and standards and establish the AUTHORITY,
in achieving higher learning outcomes.


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

QMS in School-Based Management

DepEd Order No. 83 s. 2012

on the Implementing Guidelines on the
Revised SBM Framework, Assessment
Process and Tool (APAT) has pushed forward
to strengthen the level of practice with the
involvement of the relevant community basic
education service delivery

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

What is DOD?

• It is an acronym for Documentary Analysis,

Observation, and Discussion - three essential
steps in evaluating the validity of an evidence of
an SBM practice.
• The Calibrated SBM-QMS Assessment Tool uses
evidence to determine a school’s level of practice.
• DOD is a means of evaluating the validity or
truthfulness of the evidence.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

How to conduct DOD?

• Obtain and assemble all existing artifacts

related to the indicator being assessed.
• Artifacts are the things used by the school
community to achieve educational goals.
Examples: documents, lesson plans, annual
reports, assessment tools, test results,
community learning centers, computers,
organization charts, development plans,
things made by learners and the like.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

1. The members of the Regional Validation Team shall consist of the following to with:
a. Currently employed in the Department of Education as ASDS, Chiefs (FDs,
SGOD, and CID), Regional/Division EPSs, PSDS, PDOs, SEPS, and
Regional/ Division SBM Coordinators that composed the RFTACT
and DivTAT

b. He/she should not be currently assigned as school head; and

c. He/she should have attended any Capability Building/Retooling activities

for the Regional Validation of SBM Level of Practice.

2. Division: SGOD and District SBM Teams

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Principle 1:

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence



Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

SBM-QMS Calibrated Assessment Process and Tool (APAT) with Contextualized MOVs
Principle Principle of Collective Leadership and Governance
Standard A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics

Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in the
absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list

1.1 Sustained An Enhanced School 1. Copy of the     An ESIP that fostered The ESIP showed The reference The reference    
implementation of improvement Plan approved ESIP with broader ownership no proof of documents documents and
School Development (ESIP) that fostered Annexes ( DO 44, s. and involvement of external presented the other evidences
Plan /Enhanced School collaboration of 2015) the internal and stakeholders involvement of at have shown the
Improvement school and 2. Attendance sheets external involvement; only least 7 engagement and
Plan(ESIP) that is well communities to duly accomplished by stakeholders to work school personnel stakeholders as collaboration of
understood and work together to the participating together to serve are involved. stipulated in DO more than 7
collaboratively serve the best community stakeholder the best interest of 44, s.2015. stakeholders in the
supported by interest of the in the drafting of the the learners and SPT for broader
stakeholders. learners and their SIP/AIP. their access to ownership in the
access to quality 3. Narrative quality basic delivery of basic
basic education. Reports/photo education. education services.
documentation of the
activities, minutes and
proceedings of
meetings, conferences,
trainings, workshops ,
and capacity building
program for the School
Planning and Project

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


SBM-QMS Calibrated Assessment Process and Tool (APAT) with Contextualized MOVs
Principle Principle of Collective Leadership and Governance
Standard A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in the
absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.2. A collaboratively School- 1. Copy of the     All relevant Not all programs, The The engagement    
developed, Community accomplished Project programs, Projects, and implementation of stakeholders
implemented, broader ownership Monitoring projects, and Activities in the of the Programs, evidently shows
regularly reviewed, in the Report/SMEA. activities ESIP are Projects, and that the School
2. Minutes of the
Enhanced School management and meetings organized targetted in the implemented Activities in the Community
Improvement Plan implementation of and led by the ESIP successfully, ESIP are takes the lead in
(ESIP) that is PAPs and in the community implementation reviewed monitored, and the review and
responsive, relevant regular review for stakeholders/SPT and are regularly regularly and reviewed adjustment of
to the varrying the improvement FGDs conducted for reviewed and adjusted collaboratively by the relevant
contexts and needs of process and ESIP review. adjusted by the according to the the school Programs,
of the school and practice. 3. Photo school community emerging needs stakeholders and Projects, and
community. documentation on making them of the school and adjusted to the Activities
the the SIP review responsive to the community. emerging needs, inmplemented
conducted. emerging issues challenges and according to the
4. Attendance sheets
duly accomlished by and concerns of opportunities. ESIP targets,
the participants. the school. timelines and
5. Logbook of measurable
incoming /Outgoing outcomes.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

SBM-QMS Calibrated Assessment Process and Tool (APAT) with Contextualized MOVs
Principle Principle of Collective Leadership and Governance
Standard A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics

Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in the
absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.3 The school is The school is     The school has a The school has The school has The school    
organized by a clear guided by an clear structure and an organizational efficiently significantly
structure and work agreed Business Process structure or Flow conducted the utilizes its
arrangements that organizational Map where the Chart with a orientation on Organizational
promote shared structure/Flow 1. PTA /SGC CBL/ roles and well-defined the roles and Flow /Business
leadership and Charts/ Business Manual responsibilities all roles and responsiblities of Process Map to
governance and a Process Map 2. Roles/Functions the existing clubs responsibilities of external and realign related
well-defined roles where the elaborated in the and organizations, all school internal processes that
and responsibilities community minutes of meeting committees and personnel. stakeholders promote shared
of the stakeholders. stakeholders take 3. Matrix of the teams involving based on its well leadership and
the lead in technical assistance stakeholders defined governance
defining the roles provided to support are well- Organizational where TA and
and stakeholders to defined, discussed, Structure/Flow administrative
responsibilities in sustain shared and practiced. Chart or Business support are in
providing technical leadership and Map. place.
and administrative governance.
support. 4. Organizational
Business Process

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

SBM-QMS Calibrated Assessment Process and Tool (APAT) with Contextualized MOVs
Principle Principle of Collective Leadership and Governance
Standard A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and practices in the Initiatives in the 1 2 3
Mechanisms) absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list
1.4 A leadership The network 1. Documented     The school has The school has The school has The school has    
network that allows easy Information on an institutionalized a developed a established a institutionalized a
facilitates exchange and expanded access to communication mechanism for functional dynamic
communication access to information and network that the presentation comprehensive organizational
between and among information network of facilitates efficient of school data communication communication
school and sources beyond communication with reporting system profile including system that system that
community leaders the school other government and easy access to but not limited to allows the facilitates
for informed community. agencies, information. the financial regular information
decision-making and organizations and liquidations and presentation of sharing to reach
solving of school- partners. performance the updated individuals,
community wide- 2. Compillation of indicators. school data groups,
learning problems. reports on the Fora, profile including organizations,
symposia and other but not limited to LGUs,agencies
activities conducted. the financial for school-
3. School Website/ liquidations and community
Dash Board performance partnership.
4. School Report indicators.
Card/SMEA Reports

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

SBM-QMS Calibrated Assessment Process and Tool (APAT) with Contextualized MOVs
Principle Principle of Collective Leadership and Governance
Standard A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics

Qualitative documentary Documented Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Innovations/ Local Criteria
III (MOVs, and 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
practices in the Initiatives in the
Mechanisms) absence of the New Normal
MOVs in the list

1.5 A sustained The School 1. Copy of the     The School The school has The school has The School    
development Leaders efficiently Training and Initiated Training crafted a long implemented the Initiated Training
program is in carried out the Development Plan , and Development term Training and and
operation where all responsibility for Self- monitoring Programs development Development Development
school personnel are their own training and evaluation tool responsive to the plan based on Plan that is Program that is
trained and and development, 2. Copy of the needs of the needs of all responsive to the sustained, all
capacitated and the School community Training/Activity personnel and school personnel. needs of school personnel are
stakeholders are leaders working Design for Teaching information personnel and trained and
well-informed and individually or in and Non-Teaching sharing activities stakeholders. capacitated ,
engaged in school groups, coach and personnel and for stakeholders stakeholders and
development mentor one Stakeholders. and other community
activities. another to achieve 3. Report on the community leaders are
the VMG. TIP/LAC/SLAC /LDM leaders. informed and
sessions conducted, engaged in
with the attached school
List of participants. development
4. ESIP/AIP 5. activities.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence



Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Innovations/ Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents (MOVs, evidence of Local Criteria Score Recommendation
III best practices 1 2 3
and Mechanisms) in the absence Initiatives in
of the MOVs in the New
the list Normal
2.1 A curriculum that The delivery of the 1. CI Project/Action     The basic The school has The evidence of The school    
leads to a change in basic education Research for Teaching education implemented practice supports regularly assesses
practice, inclusive, curriculum is Learning process curriculum has inclusive and that the school the over-all
relevant and efficient and it 2. Results of Action provided responsive has designed and efficiency and
responsive to the suits the varying Research are adapted and opportunities for special program/s implemented the effectiveness of
needs of all types of contexts of the applied. the learners to adress diverse Contextualized instruction to
learners thereby school and 3. Contextualized holistic needs of learners. Intervention drive continuous
producing graduates community, Intervention programs for development. programs that are improvement of
who are equipped teaching and learning. regularly the learning
with the 21st century 4. Learners monitored, outcomes and
skills. Profile/tracking System assessed and the quality of
5. Culminating adjusted education.
Performances and Recital according to the
6. varrying contexts
Documentation on the of the school and
school offerings and community.
specialized programs.
7. Quaterterly
Assessment Results 8.
COT 9. List
of learners who are NC II
Holders. (JHS & SHS)
10. Profile of SHS

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
documentar Documented
Qualitative y evidence of Innovations/ Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents best Criteria Score Recommendation
III Local Initiatives 1 2 3
(MOVs, and Mechanisms) practices in in the New
the absence Normal
of the MOVs
in the list
2.2 A school that Best practices in 1. Contextualized     The school and its Learning The school has The adoption of    
has created a localizing the approaches are integrated teachers are standards and the compillation the approaches
positive climate for curriculum are in the DLP/DLL /ILP adaptive and competencies of localized to localization
curriculum mainstreamed 2.   Compilation of Quality- technically are adhered in learning and
assured localized learning
innovation, and benchmarked materials and resources equipped in the the delivery of materials and contextualization
localization and by other schools. 3. Lesson Guides and localization and instructions and context-based has provided
contextualization to A remarkable WHLP contextualization preceded with resources that avenues for the
achieve clearly increase increase 4. Schedule for the of the curriculum localization and are produced exploration of
defined objectives in the number of Remedial for the 21st contextualization and utilized to relevant
which cast the projects that Instruction/Intervention century learners of relating the achieve higher modalities which
learners in an active, utilizes the Program to be holistically content of the learning casted the 21st
dynamic self- community as 5.Compillation of Least and skillfully curriculum to outcomes. century learners
actualizing role, learning learned competencies and developed. local condition to be holistically
competent and laboratory, and the appropriate and real life and skillfully
responsible for the schools as an program/activity and the situations. developed.
learning lifeskills. agent of change list of learners who have
for development. not meet the expectations
7. Sample of
students creative and
innovative outputs

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of Innovations/
Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III best practices 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
(MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the absence Initiatives in
of the MOVs in the New
the list Normal

2.3 Escalating in the Learning 1. School Reading Program     The school has Developed/Prod Locally The Self-    
Stakeholder Materials /SLMs 2. Math Thinkers Quest collaboratively uced Self- developed Self- Learning
engagement/suppor and basic (Math Camp, Jingles) produced/publish Learning Learning modules,
t in the production/ approaches to 3. Copy of Strategic ed locally Modules (SLMs), Modules (SLMs) Strategic
Intervention Materials
publication of the develop creative, (SIM)/Science Investigatory developed Strategic Strategic Intervention
learning materials critical thinking Projects (SIPs) approved by learning Intervention intervention Materials, and
that facilitate the and problem the Division Office materials/SLMs Materials (SIMs), Materials (SIMs), other resources
development of solving skills of 4. Collaboration with with the support and other and other are efficiently
creative, critical learners are SGC/BRGY Educ. of its references for learning utilized for
thinking and being Committee/PTA in the stakeholders. learning. resources are instruction and
problem solving used/adopted in production of localized collaboratively information
skills among school, in the IMs. produced and sharing which
learners. family and in 5. School Assessment made available casted a strong
community Result (NAT, CFSS) with the support school and
6. Teacher-Made or
Teacher-Developed of the community
Materials 7. community connections and
MOU and DOD experts. actions that
support better
outcomes for

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of Innovations/ Local Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III (MOVs, and best practices 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
Initiatives in the
Mechanisms) in the absence New Normal
of the MOVs in
the list
2.4 An M & E The monitoring 1. Records/documents   The schools has The school has The school has The school    
Framework to system is accepted of the monitoring established an M adopted installed a utilizes the
ensure the holistic and regularly used System/utilization of & E Framework monitoring functional monitoring and
growth and for collective data gathered that outlines the tool/s (from the monitoring evaluation
2. Feedback on the
development of the decision. monitoring conducted objectives, inputs, national, system that results for
learners and the 3. Pictures, outputs and regional and tracked the collective action,
community. ( National, Attendance, Narrative outcomes in the division )or has achevement of recommendation
Regional, Division Report/ PIAs. developed its the curriculum when changes
or School-Based) Accomplishment own tool to goals and maybe needed
Reports monitor objectives and for improvement
4. SRC reported to the progress, output the of practice.
-LGU,SGC and outcomes. implementation
Meeting of the targeted
-PTA/Gen. Assembly PAPs in the ESIP.
5. Reports in the
conduct of FGD with
6. Data on the
Assessment (NCs) of
JHS/SHS Students
under the TVL/ICT
Track and Strand (This
does not apply for

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Other Documente
Qualitative d
documentary Innovations Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best / Local Criteria
III 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
(MOVs, and Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives
absence of the
MOVs in the list inNormal
the New

The monitoring 1. Clients' feedback     M&E mechanism Feedback Monitoring The school has    
tool covers both 2. Analysis of the that measures mechanism is system, process created a Quality
qualitative and monitoring results productivity, estalished to and tools are Assurance /M&E
quantitative 3. Copy of the efficiency and improve the adjusted , gaps Team to help set
indicators. Monitoring Tool effectiveness of monitoring are identified , out basic
(National, Regional, the school system , process challenges are principles of
Division and operation. and tool . addressed, school operation
Contextualized) performance that measures
4. List of QA/M &E indicators are productivity,
Team clearly defined. efficiency and

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level evidence of Innovations/ Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents Local Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in thepractices
absence Initiatives in 1 2 3
of the MOVs the New
in the list Normal
2.5 Assessment School 1. Copy of the     Classroom-Based The school has The school Classroom-    
Results showed the assessment contextualized learning Assessment Tools utilized existing recognizes the Based
development of a results are used program/s are reviewed and assessment tools active role of Assessment
broader range of to develop 2. Copy of School-Initiated adjusted as a for teaching and teachers in results are,
life skills among community-based Intervention (S.I.I.)
3. Attendance of quarterly systematc basis learning. designing reviewed,
learners and the learning programs parent-teacher conference for making authentic analyzed and
significant academic that are during distribution of inferences for performance- utilized to
progress across responsive to the progress report cards. teaching and based improve
learning areas and needs of diverse 4. School Forms learning to assessment tool instruction,
grade levels. learners. 5. Assessment Tools determine the with rubrics that adjust teaching
6. Assessment Rubrics academic made the strategies,
7. Reading Proficiency progress of learning learning
Profile for Oral and Silent diverse learners. objecties and approaches and
Reading. 8. Profile the evaluation find creative
of Non-readers and
learners with special criteria explicit ways that meet
needs. and measurable. the needs of
diverse learners.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics

Qualitative evidence of Documented Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents best practices Innovations/ Criteria Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the Local Initiatives 1 2 3
absence of in the New
the MOVs in Normal
the list

2.6. An inclusive, A Community- 1. Accomplished checklist Learning The school has The school has The school has    
gender-sensitive driven learning in adherence to Child managers and conducted Child functional Child initiated
School Learning environment that Protection and Child facilitators Mapping and Protection Policy community-
environment, that is inclusive and Friendly School Learning observed profiling. Committee driven
Environment methods
nurtures the vision, adherent to child’s and resources(to be inclusivity of ensuring that all programs ,
mission and goals of rights and clarified, if checklist is learners and learners are projects and
the department of protection available ) ensure that they protected. activities in
Education; where" requirements. 2. Copies of Child- are protected with ensuring
no learner shall be centered DLL,/strategies their basic rights learners' safety
left behind". and other instructional in the school, and protection in
materials home and the new normal.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents (MOVs, evidence of Innovations/ Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
best practices Local Initiatives 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
III and Mechanisms) in the absence in the New
of the MOVs Normal
in the list
2C. A Child Friendly 1. Curriculum Guides/ A learning All School School manager, The school has    
Learning Teachers Manuals/ environment that Personnel are teachers, non- incorporated the
Environment that Teacher’s Guides promotes the best well- oriented on teaching child-rights
gives value to the focusing on children’s interests of every the CFSS and CPP. personnel and approach in the
over-all well-being 2. Copy of the learner where the other delivery of the
of individuals teacher-made child-rights stakehoders teaching and
where every Learning Materials approach is have ensured the learning that
learner gets equal utilized for instruction incorporated in the best insterests of exemplifies the
opportunities to 3. CFSS Assessment teaching and the learners,, aim of education
develop holistically 4. CPP learning to set out their rights to for the holistic
his/ her fullest Committee/Action the aim for holistic safety and holistic development of
possible potential. Plan 5. education. education are every learner.
DLP/ILP integrating cared for
CFSS and CPP properly.
6. PAPs Implementation
and Evaluation

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
documentary Documented
Qualitative evidence of Innovations/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents best practices Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Local 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the Initiatives in
absence of the New
the MOVs in Normal
the list
2.7. Learners are 1C. A continuous 1. Learners School The school has Various Forged    
equipped with exchange of Achievement/ mechanisms and established Initiatives to partnership with
essential information accomplishment report various initaitives mechanisms in develop self- the stakeholders
knowledge, skills, sharing and 2. Progress/tracking that forged the directed for information
and values to exchange of 3. SF 9 partnership with management of learners are sharing,
assume expertise and 4. Learners Projects stakeholders in resources for evident. exchange of
responsibility resurces in 5. Portfolio (student’s building learners curriculum expertise and
accountability for school, home and output) who are implementation. resources that
their own learning community for 6. Instructional accountable for build learners
in varying contexts the development devices/materials their own who are
of the new normal of self-directed 7. Learning Modules/ learning and accountbale for
in education. learners. Contextualized Activity development. their own
Sheets across Learning learning to
Areas equip
8. Community LCs
9. Availability of themseleves
Instructional Managers/ with KSA and
Mobile Teachers for ALS values in the
10. Bridging/Catch-up varying contexts
Program/ADM of the new
11. Reading Center/ normal in
Sentro ng Pagbasa education.
12. Workshop


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

2. Curriculum and Instruction
Principle Principle of Community-Based Learning
Standard The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners' contexts and aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level evidence of Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents Local Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) best practices Initiatives in 1 2 3
in the absence the New
of the MOVs Normal
in the list
A learning 1. Implementation of Efficient execution The school has Teachers have The    
program that is mainstreamed of the identified, contributed to mainstreamed
continuously program( Inclusive mainstreamed adopted, the efficient programs and
improved , Education) programs for basic benchmarked management of other Special
2. SMEA ( School
mainstreamed Monitoring Evaluation education that efficient the Programs for
and relevant to and Adjustments) of blends learners of approaches and mainstreamed basic education
emergent mainstreamed program differing strategies for programs and are efficiently
demands of Implementation capabilites and mainstreaming the implemented
learners with 3. School Forms and special needs. programs in corresponding and delivered to
special needs., the Class Program education. resources for help learners
gifted and the 4. Sample learning learning. with special
talented. Resources/Output needs including
5. Enrichment Programs the gifted and
implemented with the talented.
measurable impact, output
and outcomes.


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence



Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

3. Accountability and Continuous Improvement
Principle Principle of Accountability for Performance and Results
Standard A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Other Documented
Qualitative documentary Innovations/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level evidence of Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents Local Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) best practices in Initiatives in
the absence of the New
1 2 3
the MOVs in the Normal
3.1 An increasingly An excalating 1. RA 9155/ PPST/ Roles and The school has The school has The school has    
enlightened vision of expansion of PTA/SGC/SSG/ SPG/CPP resposibilities are organized a escalated installed
shared leadership School and CBL/Manual collectively agreed functional expansion of accountability
and a renewed community 2. Roles/Functions by the community PTA/SGC, school and mechanism in
elaborated in the minutes
commitment in the partnership and of meeting stakeholders. Stakeholders community the performance
performance of sprouting local 3. Attendance sheets, Forum, adopters partnership, of multifaceted
multifaceted roles of initiatives have accomplishment report/ supporting the collaboration roles of
stakeholders to weaved resources minutes pictorials/ execution of the and shared stakeholders to
sustain best for learning to documentations of the ESIP/AIP leadership and sustain best
practices for achieve desired meeting conducted on accountability to practices for
continuous goals. the roles and achieve desired continuous
improvement. responsibilities of SPT goals. improvement.
DOD/MOU 5. Plan
alignment documents
6 . DRRM
Implementation Plan and
Evaluation 7.
Intervention Program 8..
Enrichment Programs 9.
Special Program
Implementation Plan and
Evaluation results if


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

3. Accountability and Continuous Improvement
Principle Principle of Accountability for Performance and Results
Standard A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative y evidence Documented
Innovations/ Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents of best Criteria
Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) practices in Local in
the New
1 2 3
the absence
of the MOVs Normal
in the list
3.2. A sustained An improved school 1. Stakeholder’s An enabling The school has The school has The school has    
Resiliency Program and community Recognition/Appreciation/ mechanism for R given recognition organized and sustained best
adaptive to varying service access to Certificate of Awards and & R that suits the to performing established a practices for R &
contexts, changing provide equal Incentives need of the teachers, system for R and other
opportunities for 2. List of awardees (external
times and learning, shared and internal) changing times learners and rewards and support services
educational trends in decision making 3. List of School Awards and trends in basic stakeholderss at recognition of that are adaptive
the delivery of with stakeholders, 4. School program education. least once a year. school to varying
quality basic recognition of best initiatives personnel, contexts, trends
education. practices ,initiatives 5. Photo documentation learners and in the
that support higher 6. Approved O/IPCRF 7. stakeholders. educational
performance Ressiliency Program . system and in the
outcomes. delivery of
inclusive and
quality basic


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

3. Accountability and Continuous Improvement
Principle Principle of Accountability for Performance and Results
Standard A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Other Documented
Qualitative documentary Innovations/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level evidence of Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents Local Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in thepractices
absence the Newin
Initiatives 1 2 3
of the MOVs Normal
in the list
3.3. Management School community 1. SMEA/Performance The accountability The school has The school has The school has    
structures & stakeholders Review Documents system, processes, conducted designed/adopte installed
mechanisms are continuously & 2. Documents showing mechanism, and monitoring d monitoring performance
responsive to the collaboratively collaborative activities for tools are regularly activities. tools for review,
Continuous Improvement
emerging learning review & enhance e.g program, survey tool, reviewed. performance evaluation, and
needs & demands of accountability pictures with caption review and adjustments to
the community. systems’ evaluation of enhance
processes, school PAPs. accountability
mechanisms & system.


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

3. Accountability and Continuous Improvement
Principle Principle of Accountability for Performance and Results
Standard A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Other Documented
Qualitative documentary Innovations/ Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of best Local Criteria Score Recommendation
III 1 2 3
(MOVs, and Mechanisms) practices in the Initiatives in
absence of the the New
MOVs in the list Normal
3.4.A progressive School community 1. 100% of the PAPs in the The accountability The school has The school The school    
mechanisms, tools stakeholders context of the ESIP are system, processes, conducted community has community has
and processes at all continuously & articulately & mechanism, and review on the colaboratively regularly
levels of school collaboratively collaboratively reviewed tools are accountability developed and reviewed the
by the school & other
governance have review & enhance stakeholders. collaboratively system and implemented the accountability
demonstrated the the accountability 2. Minutes of the review developed and mechanism. accountability system and
accomplishment of systems , on the enhance agreed. system and mechanism for
desired interventions processes, accountability systems, mechanism. enhancement of
over time. mechanisms & process mechanisms & practice and for
tools. tools continuous
improvement at
all levels of


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

3. Accountability and Continuous Improvement
Principle Principle of Accountability for Performance and Results
Standard A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative evidence Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level of best Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents practices Innovations/ Local 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) Initiatives in the
in the
absence New Normal
of the
MOVs in
the list
3.5. A systemic   1. SMEA/Performance Fostered School The school has The results of Fostered School-    
change in the Review Documents and Community designed/adopte performance Community
existing school (MPRE) connections and d mechanisms, assessment and connections for
governance has 2. Minutes of the has tools and evaluation, an increasing
quarterly meetings,
moved towards regular assembly of institutionalized processes to clientele resilience in
shared decision parents (online/face to an enabling measure school feedback and systemic change
making that face) resilience coping performance. satisfaction are that embraces
instiutionalizes 3. Technical Assistance mechanisms, tools utilized as basis shared
resilience coping (TA) Plan and processes in for strategic governance as an
mechanisms, tools 4. Report on the TA the utilization of action, TA optimal
and processes for provided. 5. CI performance provision and approach in
continuous Projects completed and assessment and alignment of blending
improvement. its utilization and evaluation results plans for PAPs resources for the
adoption 6. to achive the implementation continuous
Performance assessment
and evaluation results desired goals. and improvement in
improvement in the achievement
the delivery of of the desired
services. goals.


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence



Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

4. Management of Resources
Principle Principle of Convergence to Harness Resources for Education
Standard Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics

Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents (MOVs, evidence of Innovations/ Criteria Rating/ Score Recommendation
III best practices Local Initiatives 1 2 3
and Mechanisms) in the absence in the New
of the MOVs in Normal
the list

4.1. A caring Collaboratives are 1. WFP, PPMP, APP & Annual The school has The school has The school has The school has    
community that sprouting in the Implementation Plan (AIP) fostered accomplished and observed efficient fostered
2. Cash Disbursement
represents a management and Register ( CDR) & Cash accountability submitted annual use of its mechanism on
promising direction utilization of Disbursement Journal ( CDJ), mechanism that is inventory of resources, the efficent
and support to school resources , Updated Transparency board compliant to COA school facilities facilities and management of
address emerging facilities and in all generated funds guidelines on and equipment. equipment resources
3. Physical inventory of
issues and concerns equipment for facilities, materials, chairs school property compliant to COA compliant to COA
to address learning teaching and fixtures, lab. Apparatus/ management and guidelines and guidelines on
gaps and generate learning that Enhanced Basic Education has observed policies. property
resources needed in evolved a wide Information System-National efficiency and management and
the effective delivery spectrum of School Building Inventory transparency in the utilization,
of instructions. stakeholder 4. Minutes of the meeting management and observed
responsibilities reflecting the presentation of utilization of transparaency
school budget to teachers itsresources. and maintained
and community during PTA updated school
meetings (opening, Mid-year,
Year- end) inventory of
5. Updated Human Resource supplies, facilities
Profile and equipment,
6. SF3 buildings and
purchased and


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

4. Management of Resources
Principle Principle of Convergence to Harness Resources for Education
Standard Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level evidence of Innovations/ Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents Local
best practices Initiatives 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in
in the absence
of the MOVs in the New
the list Normal

4.2. Continuous Stakeholders 1. SMEA/ A Strategic Plan The school has The school has The school has    
engagement of collaborate to Performance that intensified conducted involved the involved the
stakeholders in ensure timely and Review documents resource strategic stakeholders in stakeholders in
strategic planning, need-based 2. Minutes of the mobilization to planning the strategic the regular
implementation of planning and planning address issues and participated by planning to dialogue and
PAPs, monitoring, resource conferences, concerns in the the internal address issues strategic
evaluation to programming that meetings with the delivery of basic stakeholders. and concerns in planning for
upgrade component support stakeholders. education in the the new normal. resource
of best intervention continuous 3. MOU/MOA/DOD new normal. mobilization,
in the New Normal. implementation to 4. Attendance Sheets intervention and
address key on Stakeholder adjustment of
phases of task and Engagement ESIP targets for
plan 5. Other Evidences efficient delivery
implementation. 6. Resource of basic
Mobilization education in the
Documents new normal.
7. BE/ASP Documents


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

4. Management of Resources
Principle Principle of Convergence to Harness Resources for Education
Standard Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics

Qualitative documentary Documented
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Reference Documents evidence of Innovations/
Local Criteria
Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
III best practices 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
(MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the absence the Newin
of the MOVs in
the list Normal

4.3. Judicious, Clientele-focused 1. SMEA/ Performance A successful The school has The school has The school has    
appropriate, and resource Review Documents implementation of developed a designed and sustained the
effective use of management 2. Prompt submission of the resource resource successfully implementation
school resources to system is Liquidation report management plan, management implemented its of the
3. Updated Report on the
provide quality basic sustained, Utilization of School efficiently installed system that is resource community-
education for all replicated and MOOE and other Local a system that suits responsive to the management developed
learners. becnhmarked by Funds (e.g PTA, SSG, and school context, needs of the plan and has resource
other schools, Canteen) 4. sustained, community. effciently management
individuals and Logbook for incoming and replicated and installed its system,
group. outgoing benchmarked by system, tools and replicated and
communications. 5. other schools, processes. becnhmarked by
Attendance registry for individuals and other schools,
the activities group. individulas and


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

4. Management of Resources
Principle Principle of Convergence to Harness Resources for Education
Standard Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
Other Documented
Qualitative documentary Innovations/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level evidence of Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents Local Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) best practices Initiatives in 1 2 3
in the absence the New
of the MOVs in Normal
the list
4.4. School Heads School- 1. SMEA/ Performance The Annual The School The results on The School    
and Learning Community Review Documents Implementation Planning and the monitoring of Priority
Facilitators have Collaboration are 2. Other documents Plan and the Project Teams PAPs Improvement
delineated high level in place,effective such as Brigada Eskwela School PIAs are collaboration in implementation Areas are
of accountability and and appopriate Portfolio/Report 3, reviewed and the monitoring are utilized for reviewed to
resilliency collaboration of Inventory of School revisited, and evaluation of the plan make significant
mechanism in the school teams are resources for learning. management of PAPs adjustments that impact in the
management, considered as key 4. List and resources implementation. addressed implementation
acquisition and facets of accomplishment implementation of emerging issues of PAPs and in
utlization of addressing issues reports of school teams PAPs are regularly and concerns. strengthening
resources for in the 5. monitored and on-going efforts
learning that weaved management of Monitoring and evaluated to note supported by
the support of resources. evaluation results 6. significant impact stakeholders.
Stakeholders. documents on Project on school
W.A.T.C.H. performance
implementation and


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

4. Management of Resources
Principle Principle of Convergence to Harness Resources for Education
Standard Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.
Documentary Analysis Scoring Rubrics
documentary Documented
Qualitative evidence of Innovations/
Intended Outcomes Indicators for Level Criteria Rating/ Observation/Discussion/
Reference Documents best practices Local Initiatives 1 2 3 Score Recommendation
III (MOVs, and Mechanisms) in the
absence of in the New
the MOVs in Normal
the list
4.5. Upgraded An established 1. MOA, MOU & Building capacity The school has The school has The school has    
network and system of resolutions and infrastruce forged sustained upgraded
linkages, partnership with 2. Deed of that sustained partnership with partnership with network and
multifaceted and stakeholders is donation/ school-community stakeholders in the LGUs at all linkages and
integrated sustained and acceptance partnership and the levels, Industries, sustained
partnerships are carried out in daily 3. List of donors, stakeholder implementation agencies, groups stakeholder
built to address activities to build adopters, existing engagement in of PAPs. and Individuals. engagement in
complex needs in essential support partners and raising the bar of raising the bar of
resource to SBM. potential partners SBM Level of SBM Level of
management. 4. List of resources, Parctice. practice and the
projects acquired Continuous
through donations, Improvement of
partnership and the learning
stakeholders outcomes.
5. Brigada Eskwela
Report and Evaluation


Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility
I. Pre-Validation a. AVP or Slide Deck  The school head is given School Head
  on the School Context the leeway on the details SBM TWG
is made available for a and contents of the
ten(10) minute presentation to be shown
presentation. during the Regional

  b. Electronic Copies of  Scan only the SBM TWG

the SBM MOVs for documents/MOVs with at the School Level
validation are prepared evidence-based
information, with creative,
innovative impact, relevant
and compelling content.
 Place the scanned
documents in one folder per

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility
c. SBM TWG and  All members of the SBM School Head, SBM
other stakeholders TWG are capacitated and Coordinator, TWG, SGC
are well oriented and oriented on the SBM- President, PTA President
capacitated on the QMS validation and Treasurer, SSG/SPG
SBM-QMS mechanisms and President, President of the
Validation process. processes. Teachers Organization or
Faculty Club
d. The School  The school management School Head
Physical showcases inclusiveness School Project Team
Environment and powerful support in  
upkeeps health and creating and maintaining School Planning Team
safety protocols, a healthy school’s  
accessibility, well- physical environment  
where efficient delivery  
of quality basic education  
infrastructures and is evident.  
learning facilities.  

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility

  e. SBM Hub (or The SBM Hub is an School Head

room/corner) with ICT area/space or a room where SBM TWG/Task Force
facilities and all artifacts/MOVs are
equipment installed is displayed and made ready
made ready for the for the Regional Validation
virtual/onsite on the SBM Level of
II- Validation a. Prefatory/Opening  Brief Introduction and School Head
Program (at most 20 Orientation on the Regional SBM TWG/Task Force
minutes) Validation Processes and Regional Validation Team
 Breakout Session of the
School Team for the four(4)
SBM Principles.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility

 II- Validation b. Validation Proper  Conduct the Document- Regional Validation Team
(at most 3 hours for Observation-Discussion School Head
Region, 1 hour for (DOD) analysis per SBM TWG/Task Force
Division) principle as stipulated in
  DepEd Order 83, s.2012

   Appraise the Regional Validation Team
documents/MOVs School Head
presented according to the SBM TWG/Task Force
Contextualized SBM-QMS
qualitative and quantitative
 Discuss with the team the
validation results and the

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility

 II- Validation c. Exit Conference/  SBM Validation Findings Validation Team

Closing Program shall be discussed by the School Head
(at most 1 hour assigned Validators for each SBM TWG/Task Force
for Region, 30 principle. Division Team
minutes for  Declare the  
Division) Overall Result/s
of the
Validation and
n of the RVT.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility
c. Exit Conference/  SBM Validation Findings shall Regional
Closing Program be discussed by the assigned Validation Team
(at most 1 hour for Validators for each principle. School Head
Region, 30 minutes for  Declare the Overall SBM TWG/Task
Division) Result of the Force
Validation and the Division Team
Recommendation of  
Validation Team
 Submit the SBM Validation
results to the Field Technical
Assistance Division after the
validation activity
  d. SBM Validation Results  Validation Results shall be Regional
on the SBM Level of submitted to FTAD for Validation Team
Practice accomplished by consolidation.
the RVT
Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence
Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility

III- Post-Validation a. Consolidated  Conduct Post-conference of the FTAD

 Regional Regional/Division RVT/DVT. Regional
Convergence and Validation Results of  Organize TWG for the Regional Validation Team
the Recognition of the SBM Level III Convergence of SBM level III
SBM Level 111 schools in the 11 SDOs schools.
Schools  Prepare all the needed resources
and manpower for the event.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Phases Deliverables Mechanisms Responsibility

III- Post- a. Consolidated  Conduct Post-conference FTAD

Validation Regional of the RVT/DVT. Regional
 Regional Validation Results  Organize TWG for the Validation
Convergence of the SBM Level Regional Convergence of Team
and the III schools in the SBM level III schools.
Recognition of 11 SDOs  Prepare all the needed
resources and manpower
SBM Level 111
for the event.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


1.Online/digital, Face to Face/Onsite  The validation platform to be used shall be
or blended determined by the school in considerations with the
IATF health protocols and the Omnibus Guidelines.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


   For online/digital platform for the virtual validation

event, the school shall choose an excellent tool for
the live experiences, user-friendly and can support
multiple hosts for breakout groupings

   The school must also consider the ICT equipment

available and address connectivity issues for virtual
2. SBM -QMS Calibrated APAT  The SBM-QMS Assessment Tool with the
with Contextualized MOVs Contextualized Means of Verification (MOVs) shall
be utilized as appraisal instrument for the Regional
Validation on the SBM Level of Practice in all
schools in the eleven (11) SDOs.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence


The Regional Validation of Schools with SBM Level 111 of practice

shall only be scheduled upon the recommendation of the Schools
Division Superintendent certifying that the Division SBM Validation
has been conducted.
Likewise, all schools in DavNor shall be validated as scheduled as
per Division Memorandum No. 424, s. 2021, dated April 21, 2021.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Observe Ethics for DOD

If you open up yourself to scrutiny, it forces you to a higher

I believe you should deliver on your promise.
Promise responsibly.

Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

Take a method and try
it. If it fails, admit it
frankly, and try another.
But by all means, try
Empowerment Adaptability Goal-oriented Leadership Excellence

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