THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 12/8/2024 TOPIC Unit 7: Get dressed! TIME 4.30-6.00 SKILLS PEDAGOGY (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher points at his / her clothes and ask Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of pupils what is it. familiar contexts Lesson delivery: Complementary: 1.3 Use appropriate listening 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 83. strategies in a variety of contexts 2. Pupils are introduced to the sentence pattern to Learning Standard: practise. Main: 1.2.5 Understand an increased range of Do you like this hat? Yes, I do. short supported questions Do you like these shoes? No, I don’t. 3. Teacher demonstrates the Q & A with pupils. Complementary: 1.3.1 Understand the 4. Pupils draw a table. Pupils are explained the ways to message the teacher or classmate is conduct the activity. communicating by using visual clues when they 5. Pupils go around the class to complete the table. are speaking Post-lesson: Pupils share their answers with teacher. OBJECTIVES TEACHING AIDS: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be textbook able to listen and answer at least 4 questions correctly. a) THINKING c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: Games SKILLS: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils Applying will be able to listen and respond to at least 3 b) d) 21ST CL METHOD: questions based on the visual clues in the CLASSROOM- Community-based textbook correctly. BASED ASSESSMENT: Q and A REFLECTION / REMARKS: 1. LESSON was conducted and 31/31 pupils able to listen and answer all the 8 questions correctly. YEAR 2 DAILY LESSON PLAN DAY MIONDAY (Lesson 30) YEAR 1KR SUBJECT English Language MODULE Language Art THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 12/ 8/ 2024 TOPIC Unit 1: At school TIME 3.00-6.00 SKILLS PEDAGOGY (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher says a few words with /ae/ sound Main: 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and other words. Pupils stand when they listen to words and songs with /ae/ sound and sit for other words. Lesson delivery: Complementary: 5.3 Express an imaginative 1. Pupils recap the ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ response to literary texts song. Learning Standard: 2. Pupils are introduced to the modified of the song with Main: 5.1.2 i) simple chants and raps ii) simple phrases of words with /ae/ sound. rhymes iii) simple action songs 3. Teacher sings and demonstrates the song. Pupils follow teacher’s gestures. Complementary: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively 4. Pupils sing the song in their groups. and intelligibly through creating simple art and 5. In groups, pupils must change at least 2 phrases with craft products. Other imaginative responses as /ae/ sound to another phrase with the same sound (M). appropriate Pupils are guided with another phrase (L). Post-lesson: Pupils sing and perform their own song in their groups.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be songs/audio clips . able to say at least 2 phrases in the song with the correct pronunciation and rhythm. a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: Creating Performing Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD: will be able to come out with at least 1 suitable ASSESSMENT: Group-based activities phrase for their song. Performance REFLECTION / REMARKS: LESSON POSTPONED DUE TO SPORTS PRACTICE. YEAR 1 DAILY LESSON PLAN YEAR 2 DAILY LESSON PLAN DAY TUESDAY(Lesson 61) YEAR 2 SUBJECT English Language MODUL Listening E THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 13/8/2024 TOPIC Unit 7: Get dressed! TIME 4.30-6.00 SKILLS PEDAGOGY (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher points at his / her clothes and ask Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of pupils what is it. familiar contexts Lesson delivery: Complementary: 1.3 Use appropriate listening 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 83. strategies in a variety of contexts 2. Pupils are introduced to the sentence pattern to Learning Standard: practise. Main: 1.2.5 Understand an increased range of Do you like this hat? Yes, I do. short supported questions Do you like these shoes? No, I don’t. 3. Teacher demonstrates the Q & A with pupils. Complementary: 1.3.1 Understand the 4. Pupils draw a table. Pupils are explained the ways to message the teacher or classmate is conduct the activity. communicating by using visual clues when they 5. Pupils go around the class to complete the table. are speaking Post-lesson: Pupils share their answers with teacher. OBJECTIVES TEACHING AIDS: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be textbook able to listen and answer at least 4 questions correctly. a) THINKING c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: Games SKILLS: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils Applying will be able to listen and respond to at least 3 b) d) 21ST CL METHOD: questions based on the visual clues in the CLASSROOM- Community-based textbook correctly. BASED ASSESSMENT: Q and A REFLECTION / REMARKS: 1. LESSON POSTPONED DUE TO A MEETING ATTENDED AT SK KANTAN PERMAI. YEAR 2 DAILY LESSON PLAN YEAR 1 DAILY LESSON PLAN DAY WEDNESDAY (Lesson 61) YEAR 2 SUBJECT English Language MODULE Listening THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 13/8/2024 TOPIC Unit 7: Get dressed! TIME 4.30-6.00 SKILLS PEDAGOGY (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher points at his / her clothes and ask Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of pupils what is it. familiar contexts Lesson delivery: Complementary: 1.3 Use appropriate listening 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 83. strategies in a variety of contexts 2. Pupils are introduced to the sentence pattern to Learning Standard: practise. Main: 1.2.5 Understand an increased range of Do you like this hat? Yes, I do. short supported questions Do you like these shoes? No, I don’t. 3. Teacher demonstrates the Q & A with pupils. Complementary: 1.3.1 Understand the 4. Pupils draw a table. Pupils are explained the ways to message the teacher or classmate is conduct the activity. communicating by using visual clues when they 5. Pupils go around the class to complete the table. are speaking Post-lesson: Pupils share their answers with teacher. OBJECTIVES TEACHING AIDS: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be textbook able to listen and answer at least 4 questions correctly. a) THINKING c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: Games SKILLS: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils Applying will be able to listen and respond to at least 3 b) d) 21ST CL METHOD: questions based on the visual clues in the CLASSROOM- Community-based textbook correctly. BASED ASSESSMENT: Q and A REFLECTION / REMARKS: 1. LESSON POSTPONED DUE TO SPORTS PRACTICE. DAY THURSDAY (Lesson 30) YEAR 1PA & 1KR SUBJECT DAY English WEDNESDAY Language (Lesson 30) MODULE YEAR Language 1PA Art THEME SUBJECT English Language and friends World of self, family DATE MODULE 15/ 8/ 2024Art Language TOPIC THEME Unit World 1: of At self, schoolfamily and friends TIME DATE 3.00-6.00 14/ 8/ 2024 SKILLS TOPIC Unit 1: At school PEDAGOGY TIME (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) 4.30-6.00 Content SKILLS Standard: Pre-lesson: PEDAGOGY Teacher says a few words with /ae/ sound (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) Main: Content5.1 Standard: Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and other words. Pre-lesson: TeacherPupils saysstand a fewwhen wordsthey listen with /ae/tosound words and Main:songs 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems with and /ae/ othersound words. and sit forstand Pupils otherwhen words.they listen to words and songs Lesson delivery: with /ae/ sound and sit for other words. Complementary: 5.3 Express an imaginative 1. Pupilsdelivery: Lesson recap the ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ response to literary5.3 Complementary: texts Express an imaginative song. 1. Pupils recap the ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ Learning Standard: response to literary texts 2. Pupils are introduced to the modified of the song with song. Main: Learning 5.1.2 i) simple chants and raps ii) simple Standard: phrases 2. Pupilsofarewords with /ae/ introduced to sound. the modified of the song with rhymes iii) simple Main: 5.1.2 action i) simple songs chants 3. and raps ii) simplephrases of words with /ae/ sound. the song. Pupils Teacher sings and demonstrates rhymes iii) simple action songs follow teacher’s 3. Teacher singsgestures. and demonstrates the song. Pupils Complementary: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively 4. Pupils sing the song in their groups. follow teacher’s gestures. and intelligibly through Complementary: 5.3.1creating Respondsimple art and imaginatively 5. 4. In groups, Pupils singpupils mustinchange the song at least 2 phrases with their groups. craft products. Other and intelligibly throughimaginative responses creating simple as art and/ae/ 5. Insound groups, to pupils anothermust phrase with at change theleast same sound (M). 2 phrases with appropriate craft products. Other imaginative responses as Pupils are guided with another phrase (L). /ae/ sound to another phrase with the same sound (M). appropriate Post-lesson: Pupils are guidedPupilswith singanother and perform phrasetheir (L).own song in their groups. Pupils sing and perform their own song in Post-lesson: their groups. OBJECTIVES TEACHING AIDS: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be OBJECTIVES songs/audio TEACHING clips AIDS: . able Main:to At saythe at end leastof2the phrases in pupils lesson, the song willwith be songs/audio clips . the correct pronunciation and rhythm. a) THINKING c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: able to say at least 2 phrases in the song with SKILLS: a) THINKING Creating Performing c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: the correct pronunciation and rhythm. Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils b) SKILLS: Creating d) 21ST CL METHOD: Performing will be able to come Complementary: out end At the with of at the leastlesson, pupils CLASSROOM-BA 1 suitable b) Group-based d) 21ST CL METHOD: activities phrase for their will be able song.out with at least 1 suitable to come SED CLASSROOM-BA Group-based activities phrase for their song. ASSESSMENT: SED Performance ASSESSMENT: REFLECTION / REMARKS: Performance LESSON REFLECTION POSTPONED / REMARKS: DUE TO SPORTS PRACTICE. LESSON POSTPONED DUE TO SPORTS PRACTICE. YEAR 1 DAILY LESSON PLAN
DAY FRIDAY (Lesson 30) YEAR 1PA &1 KRE
SUBJECT English Language MODULE Language Art THEME World of self, family and friends DATE 16/ 8/ 2024 TOPIC Unit 1: At school TIME 3.00-6.00 SKILLS PEDAGOGY (STRATEGY/ACTIVITY) Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher says a few words with /ae/ sound Main: 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and other words. Pupils stand when they listen to words and songs with /ae/ sound and sit for other words. Lesson delivery: Complementary: 5.3 Express an imaginative 1. Pupils recap the ‘If you’re happy and you know it’ response to literary texts song. Learning Standard: 2. Pupils are introduced to the modified of the song with Main: 5.1.2 i) simple chants and raps ii) simple phrases of words with /ae/ sound. rhymes iii) simple action songs 3. Teacher sings and demonstrates the song. Pupils follow teacher’s gestures. Complementary: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively 4. Pupils sing the song in their groups. and intelligibly through creating simple art and 5. In groups, pupils must change at least 2 phrases with craft products. Other imaginative responses as /ae/ sound to another phrase with the same sound (M). appropriate Pupils are guided with another phrase (L). Post-lesson: Pupils sing and perform their own song in their groups.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be songs/audio clips . able to say at least 2 phrases in the song with the correct pronunciation and rhythm. a) THINKING SKILLS: c) 21ST CL ACTIVITIES: Creating Performing Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD: will be able to come out with at least 1 suitable ASSESSMENT: Group-based activities phrase for their song. Performance REFLECTION / REMARKS: LESSON POSTPONED DUE TO SPORTS PRACTICE. YEAR 1 DAILY LESSON PLAN