Sensory and Microbiological Analysis of Tiger Nut
Sensory and Microbiological Analysis of Tiger Nut
Sensory and Microbiological Analysis of Tiger Nut
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Research Article
Sensory and Microbiological Analysis of Tiger Nut
(Cyperus esculentus) Beverage
A.M Sa’id, 1H. Abubakar and 2B. Bello
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Bayero University Kano, P.M.B 3011, Kano State, Nigeria
Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, P.M.B 2076, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Background and Objective: Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) is an edible perennial grass-like plant of the Sedge family. It is widely used
for human and animal consumption as a nutritious food and feed in Africa, Europe and America. Tiger nut can be eaten raw, roasted, dried,
baked or made into a refreshing beverage which is very nutritive and healthy both for the young and old. There were many attempts to
industrialize the locally prepared tiger nut beverage, but the inability to preserve the drink for a long time without spoilage has been a
major drawback. Therefore, understanding the cause of the spoilage and promoting the process of production of the beverage from local
home consumption to wider commercial consumption are the major objectives of this research study. Materials and Methods: Tiger nut
tubers were processed into 4 major groups through different processing treatments, water soaked tiger nut beverage (WSTB), roasted
tiger nut beverage (RTB), methanol soaked tiger nut beverage (MSTB) and boiled tiger nut beverage (BTB). Each of these mixtures was
divided into two portions, one treated with Nisin (an antibiotic preservative) and the other portion left untreated. The two portions were
further divided into two treatment, one stored at refrigerating temperature and the other one at room temperature, making 4 different
treatments per mixture and a total of 16 samples. The samples were subjected to sensory and microbial analyses. Results: The results of
the sensory analysis, colour, flavour, taste, mouth feel and overall acceptability showed that the water soaked tiger nut beverage samples
were significantly different (p<0.05) than the other treatments. WSTB samples had the highest overall acceptability while BTB had the
least. Microbiological analysis was carried out over a 3 week storage period. The products were microbiologically stable during the
first week, but a rapid growth of microorganisms was observed after the 1st week which was high enough to cause spoilage.
Conclusion: Results of the study indicated that processing treatments has effect on the stability and acceptability of tiger nut beverage
Key words: Nisin, water soaked tiger nut beverage (WSTB), roasted tiger nut beverage (RTB), methanol soaked tiger nut beverage (MSTB), boiled tiger nut
beverage (BTB)
Received: December 24, 2016 Accepted: August 30, 2017 Published: September 15, 2017
Citation: A.M Sa id, H. Abubakar and B. Bello, 2017. Sensory and microbiological analysis of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) beverage. Pak. J. Nutr.,
16: 731-737.
Corresponding Author: A.M Sa id, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Bayero University Kano, P.M.B 3011, Kano State, Nigeria
Copyright: © 2017 A.M Said et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Competing Interest: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.
Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files.
Pak. J. Nutr., 16 (10): 731-737, 2017
Pak. J. Nutr., 16 (10): 731-737, 2017
C Water soaked tiger nut beverage+preservative (2 g to 2 L The sensory analysis was carried out on the day of
of the filtrate) at refrigeration temperature (WSTB+PRef.T) production, while total microbial count of the sample was
C Water soaked tiger nut beverage+preservative (2 g to 2 L analyzed at an interval of 1 week for 3 weeks consecutively.
of the filtrate) at room temperature (WSTB+PRT)
C Water soaked tiger nut beverage stored at refrigeration Analysis of products
temperature (WSTBRef.T) Sensory evaluation: Sixteen samples of tiger nut beverage
C Water soaked tiger nut beverage stored at room were subjected to sensory evaluation by 30 trained panelists
temperature (WSTBRT) selected from among 500 level students of Food Science and
Technology (Kano University of Science and Technology
Second portion: Here, the fresh tiger nut was roasted at Wudil, Kano State) who were familiar with beverages. Samples
110±5EC for 30 min in an open pan. It was then blended and of the tiger nut beverage were coded and presented to the
mixed and divided into 4 portions as done for the 1st portion. panelist using white transparent disposable cups. Water was
provided for mouth wash in between evaluations. Panelists
C Roasted tiger nut beverage+preservative (2 g to 2 L of the were asked to evaluate the samples for colour, flavour, taste,
filtrate) at refrigeration temperature (RTB+ PRef.T) mouth feel and overall acceptability using a 9-point hedonic
C Roasted tiger nut beverage+preservative (2 g to 2 L of the scale (9 = like extremely and 1 = dislike extremely)15.
C Boiled tiger nut beverage+preservative (2 g to 2L of the Effect of processing on the sensory quality of tiger nut
filtrate) at refrigeration temperature (BTB+PRef.T) beverage: Various treatments differed in most of the quality
C Boiled tiger nut beverage+preservative (2 g to 2 L of the attributes evaluated indicating the effect of processing on
filtrate) at room temperature (BTB+PRT) the organoleptic properties of the beverage. There was a
C Boiled tiger nut beverage stored at refrigeration significant difference observed between the various
temperature (BTBRef.T) processing treatments in terms of colour and flavor, where
C Boiled tiger nut beverage stored at room temperature the WSTB+PRefT had the highest mean score for colour
(BTBRT) (8.0±0.9) and WSTB+PRT had the highest mean score for
Pak. J. Nutr., 16 (10): 731-737, 2017
Table 1: Sensory attributes of tiger nut beverage products obtained from various processing treatments
Treatment samples Colour/Appearance Flavour/Aroma Taste Mouth feel Overall acceptability
WSTB+PRef.T 8.0±0.9 7.1±1.6 7.9±1.1 7.4±1.9 8.1±0.8
WSTB+PR T 7.5±1.1 7.3±1.4 7.9±1.0 7.0±1.5 7.6±1.1
WSTBRef.T 7.4±1.5 7.2±1.4 7.1±1.9 7.0±1.9 7.3±1.6
WSTBRT 7.2±1.7 7.2±1.6 7.4±1.7 7.0±1.7 7.4±1.7
RTB+PRef.T 5.6±2.1 6.1±2.0 6.6±1.9 6.3±2.0 6.6±1.8
RTB+PRT 6.5±1.8 6.1±2.2 6.7±1.5 5.8±2.3 6.3±2.1
RTBRef.T 5.6±2.1 5.9±1.9 5.8±1.8 6.0±1.8 6.0±2.0
RTBRT 5.7±2.2 5.7±2.0 6.0±2.1 5.8±1.9 6.1±1.9
MSTB+PRef.T 7.3±1.6 5.7±1.9 6.4±1.7 5.6±2.2 6.4±1.8
MSTB+PRT 7.5±1.5 6.0±2.2 6.1±1.9 6.0±2.6 6.2±2.2
MSTBRef.T 7.0±2.1 5.5±1.7 5.4±1.8 5.2±2.2 6.2±1.8
MSTBRT 7.1±1.8 5.8±1.7 5.8±2.0 5.7±2.1 6.1±2.1
BTB+PRef.T 5.4±2.3 5.3±2.4 6.6±2.3 5.2±2.3 6.1±2.3
BTB+PRT 5.4±2.2 5.8±2.2 6.3±2.3 5.3±2.3 5.8±2.4
BTBRef.T 5.9±2.1 5.3±2.4 6.2±2.3 5.4±2.4 5.9±2.3
BTBRT 6.9±1.8 5.8±2.1 6.4±1.5 6.1±2.0 6.3±1.8
Values are Mean±SD of 30 determinations, WSTB+PRef.T: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink+preservative (at refrigerating temperature). WSTB+PRT: Soaked tiger nut
beverage drink+preservative (at room temperature), WSTBRef.T: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink (at refrigerating temperature), WSTBRT: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink
(at room temperature), RTB: Roasted tiger nut beverage drink, MSTB: Methanol soaked tiger nut beverage drink and BTB: Boiled tiger nut beverage drink
flavor(7.3±1.4), while BTB+PRT and BTBRefT had the least mean the freshly prepared samples. A rapid growth of
score for colour (5.4±2.2) and flavor (5.3±2.4), respectively. microorganisms was observed after the 1st week of
The WSTB+PRT had the highest mean score for taste (7.9±1.1) storage in both the refrigerated and room temperature
and WSTB+PRefT had the highest mean score for mouth feel samples. The total bacterial count was presented in Table 2
(7.4±1.9), while MSTBRefT had the least mean score for both which revealed that bacterial growth was highest in
taste and mouth feel. The highest mean score for overall WSTBRefT (8.5×105 CFU mLG1) and lowest in WSTB+PRT
acceptability was observed in WSTB+PRefT, while the least score (6.3×105 CFU mLG1) for all the samples at 1st week and was
was observed in BTB+PRT. The WSTB samples had the highest highest in BTBRT (8.7×105 CFU mLG1) and lowest in BTB+PRT
score for colour, flavour, mouth feel, taste and overall (7.0×105 CFU mLG1) in all samples at 2nd week. In the
acceptability compared to the other treatments. The high 3rd week, bacterial growth was highest in WSTBRefT
mean score of WSTBRT might be attributed to its high fat (8.1×105 CFU mLG1) and lowest in WSTB+PRT
content (6.5%). This is because fat is known to promote good (6.9×105 CFU mLG1).
mouth feel17. The MSTB samples also had a high score for The total fungal count was presented in Table 3 which
colour as the samples appeared to be creamier like dairy milk. revealed that the mould and yeast contaminants in the
Boiled tiger nut beverage samples had the least mean score samples ranged from 7.6×105 CFU mLG1 (WSTB+PRefT) to
for most of the sensory attributes especially colour, flavour 8.7×105 CFU mLG1 (WSTBRefT,MSTBRefT and BTBRefT), 7.7×105
and mouth feel. This was attributed to the heating process CFU mLG1 (MSTB+PRT and BTB+PRT) to 8.5×105 CFU mLG1
(boiling) of the beverage samples after mixture. However, (RTBRefT, RTBRT and BTBRefT) and 7.8×105 CFU mLG1
despite the significant differences that existed, the panelists (WSTB+PRT and MSTB+PRefT) to 9.0×105 CFU mLG1 (MSTBRefT) for
commented that all the tiger nut beverage products were the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week, respectively. It was observed
good but WSTB samples were the best and the BTB samples that all the samples that had least bacterial and fungal growth
were least preferred. are the preservative treated samples (both at room and
Tiger nut beverage drink has no beany flavour and refrigerated temperature).
throat-catching sensations like other phytomilk (e.g., Soybean The WSTBD and MSTBD recorded more fungal counts
milk). Similar processing treatment carried out on tiger nut4,18 than bacterial counts. Comparatively, 8.7×105 and 9.0×105 of
and other similar vegetable milk recorded high overall bacterial and fungal counts, respectively were above
acceptability19. 1.2×103 and 0.2×103 CFU mLG1 microbial load for exposed
and unexposed tiger nut beverage, respectively as indicated
Effect of processing on the microbial load of tiger nut by Onovo and Ogaraku20. This implies that the microbial
beverage drink: The microbial quality of tiger nut beverage counts (Table 2, 3) were above the limit of acceptance which
products from various processing treatments are shown is 2.0×105 CFU mLG1 for dairy milk by Codex Alimentarius
in Table 2 and 3. There was no growth of microorganisms on Commission21.
Pak. J. Nutr., 16 (10): 731-737, 2017
Table 2: Bacterial count (CFU mLG1) of various tiger nut beverage products stored under freezing and room temperature
Storage period (weeks)
Treatment samples 0 1 2 3
WSTB+PRef.T NG 7.2×105 7.8×105 7.9×105
WSTB+PRT NG 6.3×105 7.7×105 6.9×105
WSTBRef.T NG 8.5×105 8.5×105 8.1×105
WSTBRT NG 8.1×105 8.4×105 7.8×105
RTB+PRef.T NG 7.5×105 7.8×105 7.3×105
RTB+PRT NG 8.0×105 7.5×105 7.1×105
RTBRef.T NG 8.3×105 8.4×105 7.5×105
RTBRT NG 8.4×105 7.7×105 7.2×105
MSTB+PRef.T NG 6.4×105 8.0×105 7.0×105
MSTB+PRT NG 6.6×105 7.9×105 7.1×105
MSTBRef.T NG 8.2×105 8.6×105 8.0×105
MSTBRT NG 8.3×105 8.1×105 7.4×105
BTB+PRef.T NG 7.4×105 7.3×105 7.3×105
BTB+PRT NG 7.0×105 7.0×105 7.0×105
BTBRef.T NG 7.3×105 8.4×105 8.0×105
BTBRT NG 8.5×105 8.7×105 7.6×105
Values are means of triplicate determinations, Key: WSTB+PRef.T: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink+preservative (at refrigerating temperature). WSTB+PRT: Soaked
tiger nut beverage drink + preservative (at room temperature), WSTBRef.T: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink (at refrigerating temperature), WSTBRT: Soaked tiger nut
beverage drink (at room temperature), RTB: Roasted tiger nut beverage drink, MSTB: Methanol soaked tiger nut beverage drink, BTB: Boiled tiger nut beverage drink
and NG: No growth
Table 3: Fungal count (CFU mLG1) of various tiger nut beverage products stored under freezing and room temperature
Storage period (weeks)
Treatment samples 0 1 2 3
WSTB+PRef.T NG 7.6×105 7.9×105 8.4×105
WSTB+PRT NG 8.0×105 8.1×105 7.8×105
WSTBRef.T NG 8.7×105 8.1×105 8.2×105
WSTBRT NG 8.2×105 8.2×105 8.6×105
RTB+PRef.T NG 7.8×105 8.1×105 8.5×105
RTB+PRT NG 7.7×105 7.9×105 8.5×105
RTBRef.T NG 8.6×105 8.5×105 8.6×105
RTBRT NG 8.3×105 8.5×105 8.2×105
MSTB+PRef.T NG 8.1×105 8.1×105 7.8×105
MSTB+PRT NG 7.9×105 7.7×105 8.6×105
MSTBRef.T NG 8.7×105 8.2×105 9.0×105
MSTBRT NG 8.5×105 8.4×105 8.7×105
BTB+PRef.T NG 7.8×105 7.8×105 8.2×105
BTB+PRT NG 7.7×105 7.7×105 8.2×105
BTBRef.T NG 8.7×105 8.5×105 8.6×105
BTBRT NG 8.3×105 8.3×105 8.9×105
Values are means of triplicate determinations, Key: WSTB+PRef.T: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink+preservative (at refrigerating temperature). WSTB+PRT: Soaked
tiger nut beverage drink+preservative (at room temperature), WSTBRef.T: Soaked tiger nut beverage drink (at refrigerating temperature), WSTBRT: Soaked tiger nut
beverage drink (at room temperature), RTB: Roasted tiger nut beverage drink, MSTB: Methanol soaked tiger nut beverage drink, BTB: Boiled tiger nut beverage drink
and NG: No growth
The growth of these microorganisms may be presence of these bacteria in food samples in this study may
attributed to the cells of lactic acid bacteria that might be inevitable because the spores of some strains of these
have survived through processing treatments. In a study organisms are resistant to pasteurization temperature. Others
conducted by Nyarko et al.22 on the assessment of include Enterococcus spp. (16.2%), S. aureus and
microbiological safety of tiger nut in the cape coast P. aeruginosa (13.5% each) and Streptococcus spp. (10.8%).
metropolis of Ghana, it was observed that the most Staphylococcus aureus is a common environmental
predominantly encountered species were E. coli and Bacillus bacterium and could have been introduced after processing
spp. which had 18.9% each. Bacillus are spore-forming through cross-contamination. Staphylococcus aureus is
bacteria that are commonly found in soil, water (through known to produce an enterotoxin of importance in food-
soil-water contamination) and also on vegetables. The borne illness23.
Pak. J. Nutr., 16 (10): 731-737, 2017
High moisture content typically allows microbial growth24. nut beverage that many researchers were not able to explore.
The possible sources of these organisms in the samples Thus, a new processing treatment on the preparation of tiger
could be from nose, hand, skin and clothing of handlers, nut beverage may be considered.
coughing, talking and sneezing droplets which could settle on
the food during storage25,26. The fungal count of tiger nut ACKNOWLEDGMENT
beverage samples calls for concern. This has been linked to
the spoilage of the storage microflora. The microbial spoilage
The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts of Engineer
of refrigerated tiger nut beverage is manifested primarily
Nura Salihi, some members of staff and sensory evaluation
by development of off-flavours. A study conducted by
panelists from Department of Food Science and Technology
Chukwu et al.27 indicated that some fungus (Aspergillus
of Kano University of Science and Technology (KUST) for
niger, A. flavus and A. terreus) were associated with both
their cooperation. The cooperation was much indeed
fresh and dry tiger nuts and they can possibly endure
processing treatments. Also, pH values of the various appreciated.
treatment samples of tiger nut beverage decreased with
storage time. The treatments became more acidic with storage REFERENCES
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