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P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2017; 5(4): 1407-1412 Antioxidant potential of processed Vigna
© 2017 IJCS
Received: 08-05-2017 umbellate (L.) seeds: An Indian underutilized
Accepted: 10-06-2017
Savita Rani
Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, CCS Haryana Savita Rani and M Khabiruddin
Agricultural University, Hisar,
Haryana, India Abstract
The raw and processed seeds of rice bean variety (RBL-6) grown in India were examined for bioactive
M Khabiruddin compounds (total phenolic content, hydrophilic and hydrophobic phenols, o-dihydric phenols,
Department of Chemistry and flavonoids) and antioxidant potential (free radical scavenging capacity by DPPH, total antioxidant
Biochemistry, CCS Haryana
activity using ferric thiocyanate assay). One-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in
Agricultural University, Hisar,
Haryana, India
phytochemical constituents in different methanolic extracts. Results concluded that phenolic contents in
seed parts as well as in cooked cotyledons correlated (p<0.05) significantly with antioxidant properties in
most of the extracts. Hence, the methanolic extracts of seed coat showed highest phenolics (103.62 mg
GAEg-1) and highest scavenging efficiency against DPPH (0.17 mg/ml) as a consequence. The present
study demonstrated that ricebean, an unexploited legume endowed with high bioactive constituents as
well as antioxidant potential and thus serve as future nutraceutical source.
Keywords: Vigna umbellate (L.), Indian underutilized legume, processed seeds, ferric thiocyanate assay
Several studies have shown a highly significant correlation between uptake of foods with high
antioxidant potential such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and decreasing occurrence of severe
diseases namely cancer, cardiovascular diseases, hypocholesterolemic effects, diabetes etc.
(Nithiyanantham et al., 2012) [11]. Based on the mechanism of antioxidant activity, poly
phenolics are categorized as chain breaker, oxygen scavenger, metal in activator and peroxide
decomposer. Legumes which play an important role as human food or animal feed are widely
utilized for health perspective. Rice bean (Vigna umbellate L.) is one of the unexploited and
underutilized legume crop widely grown in rice fields after the harvesting of paddy on residual
soil moisture. Kaur and Kapoor (1991) [6] have studied the nutrient profiles in rice bean and
reported that rice bean is comparable to commonly-consumed pulses such as black gram and
green gram. The red rice beans are used to relieve oedema in some illnesses and are an integral
part of traditional Chinese therapy. Rice bean as a grain legume is attracting attention
throughout the world as a potential source of high-quality protein for the future for bridging
the ‘protein gap’. Hence, it is one example of the ‘underutilized crops’ or ‘orphan crops’ that
have received attention over the last few years due to the still narrower species and genetic
base in the global food supply. Although the nutritional value of rice bean seeds has been
discussed in previous literature still information regarding phenolic content and antioxidant
profile of seed material is scanty.
Most of the legumes need to be processed before consumption to improve their palatability. In
spite of that, the processing may affect their antioxidant potential of food. Hence, the objective
of this study was to evaluate the profile and content of phenolic compounds and their relation
to the antioxidant capacity as affected by processing like de hulling, cooking etc. in rice bean
grown in Haryana (India). Therefore, the present study has been aimed at:
1. To determine the chemical composition of whole seeds, seed coats, de-coated raw and
cooked dal of rice bean.
Correspondence 2. To evaluate the anti-radical and antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts of the
Savita Rani above samples.
Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, CCS Haryana This study will provide much beneficial information for the food and nutraceutical industry
Agricultural University, Hisar,
from underutilized legume crop and serve as a good base for other researchers to investigate
Haryana, India
legume antioxidants in future research.
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International Journal of Chemical Studies
Materials and Methods used (mg). A blank was also prepared by following same
Seed material aforementioned procedure without extract.
For experimental analysis, healthy seeds of rice bean var.
RBL-6 were provided by the Pulses section, Department of Determination of flavonoids
Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural The aluminum chloride colorimetric assay, as described by
University (India). These seeds were cleaned to remove Zhishen et al. (1999) [20] with modification was used. Briefly,
foreign materials, damaged seeds and immature seeds. After 1 ml of diluted (1:4) extracts were added. A blank solution
sorting, amajor portion of seeds from each variety wasde- using doubled distilled water was prepared. Then 0.3 ml 5%
husked to obtain seed coat and dal. Dehusked dal was divided NaNO2 was added to the testing samples, followed by 0.3 ml
into two sets. The first set was kept for extraction which 10% AlCl3, 2 ml of 1M NaOH and the total volume was
constitutes intact dehusked seeds and thesecond part was made10ml with dilution and mixed thoroughly. Then the
cooked using distilled water in 1:10 (w/v) ratio at 100◦C, dried absorbance was measured at 510 nm against blank. Total
at 55 ◦C. Thus, we obtained four samples of rice bean, 100 gm flavonoid contents were expressed as mg catechin equivalent
each for further analysis. per gram of the extract (mg CAE/g).
Estimation of ortho - dihydric phenolic content hydrophilic phenols (ratio of approx. 1:1, w/w) respectively
Analysis of variance of means (p<0.05) showed that there was (Fig. 1). In thecase of raw dal extract, it contained 12.87 mg
thesignificant statistical difference between theo-dihydric GAEg-1 hydrophobic and 32.23 mg GAEg-1 hydrophilic
content of all the extracts. It was observed that ortho-dihydric phenols which constituted 29% (w/w) and 71% (w/w) of total
phenolic content was highest in seed coat extract (42.35 mg phenolics (45.10 mg GAEg-1). Similarly, cooked dal extract
COEg-1) analogous with theresult obtained for total phenolics. possessed 12.12 mg GAEg-1 hydrophobic (55%, w/w) and
Corresponding values for o-dihydric phenolic content in raw 9.82 mg GAEg-1 hydrophilic phenols (45%, w/w). Whole
dal, cooked dal, whole seed extracts were 30.57, 9.92, 32.32 seed methanolic extract had total phenol with the value of
mg COEg-1 which were statistically different from each other. 52.15 mg GAEg-1 and it exhibited 60% and 40% (w/w) for
For 100 g sample, the o-dihydric phenols were observed as hydrophilic (31.26 mg GAEg-1) and hydrophobic (20.88 mg
0.22 % in seed coat extract, 0.18 % in raw dal extract, 0.03 % GAEg-1) phenols respectively. Graphical representation for
in cooked dal extract and 0.29 % in whole seed extract. This total hydrophobic and hydrophilic phenolic content (mg
data was in close agreement with total phenolics (305 GAEg-1) in ricebean extracts is given in Fig 1.
mg/100g) determined by Gujral et al., 2011 who reported
25% decrease in total phenolic on cooking.
cooking. Segev et al., 2010 [14], reported 85% decrease in total effects of processing on the phenolic compounds and
phenolics by cooking in Kabuli chickpea. Similarly, Hwang et antioxidant activities of an underutilized pulse crop
al., 2012, found that boiling and steaming significantly ‘Ricebean’. In this context, it was concluded that
decreased the ascorbic acid content, total phenolics, and phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity were
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