English Country Garden

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Free Guitar Ensemble Music

arranged by Derek Hasted

English Country Garden - Trad

Arrangement Derek Hasted - downloaded from www.derek-hasted.co.uk/free

This is a well-known piece; there are many different versions - this one is in simple time (the beats
divide into equal parts), others are in compound time (the beats divide into long and short parts)
To make the rests effective (in bar 4, for example), silence the guitar with the side of the right
hand. Not only does this kill the note, but it also kills

Strings vibrating in sympathy - e.g. in bar 4 part 2, the 2nd harmonic on string 5 will echo
the A you just played.
2. Guitars vibrating in sympathy - e.g. in bar 4, Guitar 1 or 2's D string may vibrate in
sympathy with Guitar 3.
Bar 5 is different to bar 1, to conceal the repetition in the music.
Bar 17 brings a second verse - there is a Bach-like fugal entry. The second verse contains more
movement, but the call & response section (bars 9&10, 25&26) is unchanged.
I hope you enjoy this very easy but quintessentially English piece!

Find me on the web...



Buy my professionally published music at derek-hasted.co.uk/shop - Diffrent Dances, Tiny Trios, Teddy Bears Picnic & more

English Country Garden - Trad

Page 1

Arrangement Derek Hasted - downloaded from www.derek-hasted.co.uk/free

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Find me on the web - derek-hasted.co.uk - classical-guitar-lessons.co.uk - hago.org.uk - guitar-workshop.org.uk

Buy my professionally published music at derek-hasted.co.uk/shop - Diffrent Dances, Tiny Trios, Teddy Bears Picnic & more

English Country Garden - Trad

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Arrangement Derek Hasted - downloaded from www.derek-hasted.co.uk/free

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Find me on the web - derek-hasted.co.uk - classical-guitar-lessons.co.uk - hago.org.uk - guitar-workshop.org.uk

Buy my professionally published music at derek-hasted.co.uk/shop - Diffrent Dances, Tiny Trios, Teddy Bears Picnic & more

English Country Garden - Trad

Page 3

Arrangement Derek Hasted - downloaded from www.derek-hasted.co.uk/free

As well as different rhythms, there are different lyrics too, and for the fun of it, I include two very different sets of
words. There are also, let us say, slightly more risqu words, but Ill let you go and find those elsewhere!
In the right hand version, the differences are italicised so you can see just how much has changed...
How many kinds of sweet flowers grow
In an English country garden?
We'll tell you now of some that we know
Those we miss you'll surely pardon
Daffodils, heart's ease and phlox
Meadowsweet and lady smocks
Gentian, lupin and tall hollyhocks
Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, forget-me-nots
In an English country garden

How many gentle flowers grow

In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some I know
And those I'll miss I hope you'll pardon
Daffodils, heart's ease and flox
Meadowsweet and lilly (sic) stalks
Gentain (sic), lupine (sic) and tall hollihocks
Roses, foxgloves, snowdrops, blue forget-me-nots
In an English country garden

How many insects come here and go

In an English country garden?
We'll tell you now of some that we know
Those we miss you'll surely pardon
Fireflies, moths and bees
Spiders climbing in the trees
Butterflies drift in the gentle breeze
There are snakes, ants that sting
And other creeping things
In an English country garden

How many insects find their home

In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some I know
Those I miss I hope you'll pardon
Dragonflies, moths, gnats and bees
Spiders falling from the trees
Butterflies sway in the mild gentle breeze
There are hedgehogs that roam
And little garden gnomes
In an English country garden

How many songbirds fly to and fro

In an English country garden?
We'll tell you now of some that we know
Those we miss you'll surely pardon
Bobolink, cuckoo and quail
Tanager and cardinal
Bluebird, lark, thrush and nightingale
There is joy in the spring
When the birds begin to sing
In an English country garden

How many songbirds make their nests

In an English country garden?
I'll tell you now of some I know
Those I miss I hope you'll pardon
Bobolink, coo cooing doves
Robins and the whirlwind thrush
Bluebird, lark, pigeon, nightingale
We all smile in the spring
When the birds all start to sing
In an English country garden

Reprise of Verse 1

Reprise of Verse 1

Find me on the web - derek-hasted.co.uk - classical-guitar-lessons.co.uk - hago.org.uk - guitar-workshop.org.uk

Buy my professionally published music at derek-hasted.co.uk/shop - Diffrent Dances, Tiny Trios, Teddy Bears Picnic & more

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