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Condiments and their chemistry in man( a Review)
Condiments and their chemistry in man( a Review)
Condiments and their chemistry in man( a Review)
Ebook32 pages20 minutes

Condiments and their chemistry in man( a Review)

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Condiments are food substances that are made primarily made to enhance the taste and other properties of food. Condiments and spices have been prepared traditionally from ancient times for various reasons. This processes of preparation which involves mainly natural fermentation still occurs in most developing countries while other varying forms exists in Europe. Traditional condiments have various nutritional benefits if hygienically prepared and packaged. Modern condiments and spices include chemical food preservatives, pascalization, biopreservation, the use of glutamate salts, emulsifiers, sweeteners amongst others etc. Metabolism of Glutamate salts and other Confectioneries in the body has some biochemical effects on the biological system in organs like the blood vessels, liver, kidney amongst others. Monosodium glutamates have been related to activities resulting to oxidative stress, neurological effects and obesity especially after prolonged usage.

Release dateMar 18, 2021
Condiments and their chemistry in man( a Review)

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    Condiments and their chemistry in man( a Review) - Elijah Edache Ehoche

    Abstract and introduction


    Condiments are food substances that are made primarily made to enhance the taste and other properties of food. Condiments and spices have been prepared traditionally from ancient times for various reasons. This processes of preparation which involves mainly natural fermentation still occurs in most developing countries while other varying forms exists in Europe. Traditional condiments have various nutritional benefits if hygienically prepared and packaged. Modern condiments and spices include chemical food preservatives, pascalization, biopreservation, the use of glutamate salts, emulsifiers, sweeteners amongst others etc. Metabolism of Glutamate salts and other Confectioneries in the body has some biochemical effects on the biological system in organs like the blood vessels, liver, kidney amongst others. Monosodium glutamates have been related to activities resulting to oxidative stress, neurological effects and obesity especially after prolonged usage.


    Condiments and spices are special food substances prepared not for its direct consumption but as additives to enhance the taste, smell and other nutritional qualities. They are food additives that serve to boost appetites, with their characteristic smell and taste. The Presence of volatile essential oils and some amino acids in the plants enables for their sensory distinctiveness (Ehoche and Adeyemi, 2019).

    Globally, spices used includes: vanilla, ginger(Zingiber spp), coriander(Coriandrum spp), thyme, nutmeg (Myristica spp), basils(Ocimum spp), pepper mint(Mentha spp), rosemary etc. Over 123 edible fruits have characterized with about 7 indicated as peperish in Nigeria. Food condiments, on the other hand, have an endless list (Isawumi 1981).

    Condiments are very important as they have played a large role in the various food habits among the various populations. The use of condiments as a matter of fact is common in almost all diets while varying from culture to culture. Thus, historically, chemically and physiologically, spices

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