Medicinal and Economic Value of Spondias Mombin
Medicinal and Economic Value of Spondias Mombin
Medicinal and Economic Value of Spondias Mombin
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4 authors, including:
Akinsomisoye Stephen
Obafemi Awolowo University
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Mini -Review
Medicinal and Economic Value of Spondias
Ayoka A.O, Akomolafe R.O, Akinsomisoye O.S & Ukponmwan O.E
This article reviewed the folk medical value of Spondias mombin with
the correlated research findings on the uses of Spondias mombin. Most
of the folk uses had been scientifically proven in most of the regions
February 2008 where those beliefs are based. The plant was described with habitat, the
local uses including the uses of its parts mentioned. We reviewed the
Accepted (Revised): ethnomedicinal uses, the biological activities and the phytochemistry of
April 2008 Spondias mombin.
May 2008
Abstracted by:
African Index Medicus (WHO), CAB Abstracts, Index Copernicus, Global Health Abstracts, Asian Science Index, Index
Veterinarius, Bioline International , African Journals online
African Journal of Biomedical Research 2008 (Vol. 11) / Enohumah and Imarengiaye
like olives with salt and chili, as they do with utilized in indigo-dyeing in Africa. The bark is
unripe purple mombin. Young leaves are cooked used in dyeing. It is so thick that it is popular for
as greens. carving amulets, statuettes, cigarette holders and
The fruits are widely valued as feed for cattle various ornamental objects. Portable water can be
and pigs. The tree exudes a gum that is used as derived from the roots in emergency. The flowers
glue. The wood is yellow or yellowish-brown with worked intensively by honeybees early in the
darker markings, light in weight, buoyant, flexible morning.
and prone to attack by termites and other pests. It
is much used in carpentry, for match sticks, match ETHNOMEDICINAL USES OF Spondias
boxes, physician’s spatulas, stick for sweet meats, mombin
pencils, pen-holders, packing cases, interior The fruit juice is drunk as a diuretic and febrifuge.
sheathing of houses and boats and as a substitute The decoction of the astringent bark serves as an
for cork. It is not suited for turnery and does not emetic, a remedy for diarrhea, dysentery,
polish well. In Brazil, the woody tubercles on the haemorrhoids and a treatment for gonorrhoea and
trunk are cut off and used for bottle stoppers and leukorrhea. In Mexico, it is believed to expel
to make seals for stamping sealing wax. In tropical calcifications from the bladder. The powdered
Africa, saplings serve as poles for huts, branches bark is applied on wounds. A tea made from the
for garden poles and for axes and hoe handles. In flowers and leaves is taken to relieve stomach
Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, the wood is employed ache, biliousness, urethritis, cystitis and eye and
only as fuel. Ashes from the burnt wood are throat inflammations.
Table 1
Local Uses of Spondias mombin
S/N Morphological part Non-Medicinal Uses
1 Root It is used for emergency water source
2 Stem Living fences in farm land. Shelter by artisans and has low quantity wood
3 Wood In carpentry for match sticks, match boxes, physicians spatulas, stick for sweet,
meats, pencils, pen-holder, racking cases, interior sheathing of homes and boats and
as a substitute for cork. In Brazil, used as bottle stoppers and to make seal wax. In
Tropical Africa, it serves as poles for huts, garden poles and for axes and hoe
handles. In Costa Rica, it is used as fuel
4 Wood Ashes In Africa, it is used as indigo-dye
5 Bark It is used in carving figures like amulet, statuettes, cigarette holder and various
ornamental objects and also as dyeing agent
6 Gum Glue
7 Leaves The young leaves are cooked as green vegetable
8 Fruit Edible – eaten out of hand in stewed with sugar, extracted to prepare ice-cream, cool
beverages and jelly in Costa Rica and Brazil. It is used as jam in Panama, Peru and
Mexico; wine in Guatemala and Mexicans pickle the green fruit into vinegar. It is
widely valued as feed for cattle and pig
9 Flowers It is used for decoration
10 Nector It is worked on intensively by honey bees
In Belize, a decoction of the young leaves is a to the survival of medicinal plants and the healers
remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. The juice of that use them (Swain, 1975).
crushed leaves and the powder of dried leaves are
used as poultices on wounds and inflammations. Biological Activities
The gum is employed as an expectorant and to All parts of the tree are medicinally important
expel tapeworms (Rodrignes and Hesse, 2000; in traditional medicine. The fruits decoction is
Rodrigne and Samuels, 1999; Corthout et al, 1994; drunk as a diuretic and febrifuge, the decoction of
Sierra and Buchelli, 1986; Ajao and Shonukan, the bark and the leaves as emetic, antidiarrhoea
1985; Morton, 1987 and USDA, ARS, 2002). and used in the treatment of dysentery,
Concerning the popular use of this plant, the haemorrhoids, gonorrhoea and leukorrhea. The
leaves were mentioned in the literature as antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and the
abortifacient (Offiah and Anyanwu, 1989), anti- antiviral properties of Spondias mombin have been
diarrhoea (Irvine, 1961), anti-microbial (Abo et al, reported (Ajao et al, 1985; Verpoorte and Dihal,
1999), anti-viral (Corthout et al, 1979; Corthout et 1987; Abo et al, 1999; Corthout et al, 1991;
al, 1991; Corthout et al, 1999); contain a lot of Rodrigues and Hasse, 2000). A tea of the flowers
vitamin C (Keshinro, 1985); wound-healer (De and the leaves is taken to relieve stomach ache,
Ferreyra 1981 and Jaramillo and Ahunada-barona various inflammatory conditions and wound
1983); but this healing effect could not be healings (De Ferreyra, 1981; Jaramillo and
confirmed by Vellegas et al (1997). Daniel (1990) Ahunada-Barona, 1983; and Villegas et al, 1997).
reports the several uses of the plant based on oral Offiah and Anyanwu (1989) have also reported the
communication and not on any recorded scientific abortifacient activity of the aqueous extract.
investigation. Infusion of its leaves has been used Preliminary reports suggest that the phenolic acid,
since long time, without any report of collateral 6-alkenyl-salicylic acid from Spondias mombin are
effects, due to its activity (Corthout et al, 1991). responsible for the antibacterial and molluscicidal
This plant is part of the ‘Living Pharmacy’ of this plant extract (Corthout et al, 1994). In
program developed by the Laboratory of Natural another study, the anacardis acid derivative from
Products University ‘Federal de Cearal’, Brazil, a the hexane extract of the plant was showed to
project aiming to teach local people how to possess beta lactamase inhibitory properties
cultivate and use correctly traditional medicinal (Coates et al, 1994).
plants. One step to preserving this knowledge will
be the establishment of ‘Forest Reserve’ dedicated
Table 4
Phytochemical Isolates from Spondias mombin
S/N Compound Biological Effect Author(S)
1 Geraniin, Balloyl Geraniin Anti viral Corthout et al, 1991
2 Allohydroxycitric acid, Anti viral Corthout et al, 1992
Chorogenic acid, Butylester
3 Tannin Not tested Onwuka, 1992; Abo et al, 1999; Apori, 1998;
Ayoka et al, 2006
4 Limonoids, Naphthoquinones Not tested Caraballo et al, 2004
They are geraniin and galloygeraniin. Spondias sehistome life cycle. Corthout et al (1990) isolated
mombin has high extractable phenolic and tannin a long chain compound belonging to phenolic acid
content (Apori, 1998). The anti-malarial activity of group from Spondias mombin; later in 1992, they
Spondias mombin may be linked to a range of isolated two caffeoyl esters with antiviral
compounds like anthraquinones, berberine, properties from the leaves and stem of Spondias
flavonoids, naphthoquinones, sesquiterpenes, mombin by bioguided array. The compounds are
quassiniods, indole and quinoline alkaloids 2-0-caffeoyl-(+)-allohydroxycitric acid and
(Caraballo et al, 2004). chlorogenic acid butylester. Onwuka (1992)
Abo et al (1999) reported that Spondias equally reported tannin and saponin in Spondias
mombin contains tannins, saponins and mombin while Adedeji et al (1991) reported that
anthraquinone glycosides that showed significant the flavour compound in Spondias mombin is
antimicrobial activity without any significant isobutyl-3-hydroxybutanoate.
antifungal activity. Moronkola et al (2003) Most of the effects observed with extract of
reported more than 54 component constituents of Spondias mombin may be attributed to the
the Spondias mombin’s essential oils, chiefly constituent compounds of phenols, tannins,
caryophyllene as most abundant compound, delta anthraquinones and flavonoids presence in the
cadinine, alpha-muurolene, alpha-gurjunene, 5- plant (Ayoka, 2004; Ayoka et al, 2005 and 2006;
isocedranol and –cadinene. Augusto et al (2000) Akubue et al, 1983; Caraballo et al, 2004;
screened Spondias mombin’s fruit to contain Corthout et al, 1994). The presence of these active
alcohols, esters, carbonyl compounds and compounds has been reported for several activities
terpernoids. Lemos et al (1995) showed that like antibacterial (Corthout et al, 1994; Ajao et al,
Spondias mombin leaf oil was rich in 3-hexenol 1985), anti-inflammation (Abad et al, 1996),
and beta-caryophyllene. Edeoga and Eriata (2001) haemostatic activity (Kone-Bamba et al, 1987),
showed that it contains alkaloids, proanthocyanins anti-microbial (Corthout et al, 1994; Abo et al,
and saponins. 1999; Verpoorte and Dihal, 1987), antioxidant
Carthout et al (1994) isolated 6-alkenylsalcylic (Castner et al, 1998; Shaltes and Raffauf, 1990),
acid from the ethanolic extract of the leaves using abortifacients (Akubue et al, 1983; Offiah and
chromatographic methods. The structures were 6- Anyanwu, 1989), purgatives (Akubue et al, 1983),
1 1
(7\8 Z, 11 Z, 14, Z-heptadecatrienyl)-salicylic hypnotics (Akubue et al, 1983; Ayoka et al, 2005),
1 1 anti-diarrhoea (Akubue et al, 1983), anti-helmintic
acid, 6-(8 Z, H Z-heptadecadienyl)-salicylic acid (Ademola et al, 2005), anti-malarial (Carabalo et
1 1
and 6-(10 Z-heptadecenyl)-salicylic acid, 6-(12 Z- al, 2004), wound-healing (Villegas et al, 1997;
nonadecenyl)-salicylic acid. These phenolic acids Ajao et al, 1985), enzyme inhibitor (Coates et al,
and pelandjuaic acid were active against 1994), increased capillary permeability in rats
Biomphalaria glabrats, an intermediate host in the (Villegas et al, 1997), anti-free radical action, anti-
aging, reduced glutathione synthesis (Pauly and Alternative Medicine 2 (2), 153 – 165.
Fleury, 2002). The phenolic acids composition Ayoka A. O., Akomolafe R. O., Iwalewa E. O.,
was observed to cause antibacterial and Akanmu M. A. and Ukponmwan O. E. (2006):
molluscicidal effect (Corthout et al, 1994). Sedative, antiepileptic and antipsychotic effects of
Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiacaea) in mice and rats.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 103, 166 – 175.
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