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DLP English2 Made-Up and Real

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 2 Innovative
February 26, 2024
9:30 am – 10:30 am
A. Content Standard
The learners express understanding about made-up and real.
B. Performance Standard
The learners use knowledge of identifying made-up and real in the statements.
C. Learning Competencies
Recognize the difference between “made-up” and “real” in texts listened to. EN2LC-
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a. Identify whether the statements are made-up or real.
b. Write whether the image given are made-up or real and;
c. Participate actively and cooperatively in a group activity.
a. Topic: Made-up and Real
b. References: MELCS, English 2 Module, Pinterest
c. Materials: Ppt, Tv, Laptop, Worksheets, pictures, Card board, Chalk
d. Strategy: Explicit teaching, Collaborative Group Activity, Visualizing.
e. Values Integration: Knowing the truth itself.

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
 Prayer
Okay class, please stand for the prayer. The students will stand and pray.
Prayer leader for today please lead the
 Greetings
Good morning kids! Good morning sir ken!
How are you today? We’re fine sir!
That’s good to hear!
 Classroom Management
Before you sit, please pick up some The students will pick up some pieces
paper and arrange your chairs. of papers and arrange their chairs.
 Attendance
Let’s check your attendance.
When your name is called, say present.
 Classroom Rules
1. Listen quietly when the teacher is
2. Raise your right hand if you want to
speak or answer.
3. Participate during the group activity.
 Drill
Now, we will have an ice breaker called
“yes, no, stand up” on this game I will ask
you some question. If your answer is yes
you may stand up and if your answer is
no you will just remain sitting down.
Are you ready class? Sir! Yes sir!

1. Does the sun smile?

2. Is 2 + 2 = 5?
3. Can the bird sing?
4. Do you believe in unicorn?
5. Is 5x1 = 5?
Thank you class for participating.
 Review
Class, do you remember our last lesson
in English last week?
Alright we talk about Synonyms and
What is synonyms and antonyms again?
Very good! Synonyms are the words that
have the same meaning of another
Who can give me an example of
Very good! Happy and glad.
How about the antonyms who can give
me an example?
Very good! Fast and slow.
Good job class!

B. Motivation
Class, before we start to our new lesson
for today I have a picture here.
What can you say about it? She is sleeping.
Have you also experienced dreaming? Yes, sir! I dream of becoming a hero.
Can you tell me about it? I dream of something scary
Today I want you to listen to the story (Pupil's answer may vary)
"Ana's Crazy Dream".

One day, Ana went to school wearing an

old dirty clothes. All her classmates
laughed at her. So, she left them. She
was walking alone looking for her sister,
but she couldn’t find her. Then, she
continued walking until she saw an
old woman saying, “What are you
looking for little girl?” She was so scared
with her look. So, she ran as fast as she
could. She was so nervous and didn’t
know what to do. Until she saw a big
bird asking her “Are you looking for
your sister?” Ana was shocked after
hearing the bird talked to her. Then, she
replied “Yes”. And so, she rode at the
bird’s back. She saw the clouds smiling
and waving at them. Then, all of a
sudden, the bird turned into a carabao.
She was so afraid while riding a carabao,
until she finally reached home. When she
arrived home, she still couldn’t find her
sister. She walked and walked until
someone sneaked up and captured her.
The men put her in a big pot of boiling
water to make soup out of her. She felt
hotter and hotter! Till finally, she woke up
and realized that the aircon was turning
off that’s why she felt very hot.

Let's go back to the story. Now, I am

going to ask you a question about the
story that you just listened to.
1. Who had a dream? Ana
2. What was Ana's dream all about? It's all about riding a bird and carabao
3. Who was she looking for? to find her sister at home.
4. Based on the story, do you Her sister
believe that her dream would come true? No, because birds can't turn into
Why? carabao. Also, no clouds can be able to
smile and wave.
C. Presentation of the Lesson (Pupil's answer may vary)
Class, do you have any idea of what is
our lesson for today?
Our lesson for today is all about Made-
up and Real.
So what is made-up and real?
First let’s talk about made-up.

D. Discussion
- it means invented or fabricated.
- it is when something cannot happen in
real life because it actually doesn’t exist.
- it is when you pretend that something is
true or real even if it’s not.

The clouds are smiling and waving.

There is no such thing that a cloud
smiling and waving. We called it Made-

The bird turned into a carabao. There is

no such thing that a bird can transform
into carabao. We called it Made-up.

- it means true, genuine and real.
- things exist and we can see, hear, feel,
taste or touch them.
- it can happen in real life because it’s
actually exist.
The stories of our heroes are true. Their
stories happened in real life because
they really exist.
Now class, did you understand our Yes sir!
That’s good!
E. Application
Now let’s have a group activity. I will
divide you class into 4 groups and each
of the group will have a card board. I will
show you a picture here in the TV. All you
have to do is to write in your card board
if you think the picture are made-up or
Direction: Write letter M if you think the
image are Made-up and write letter R if
you think the image are real.
Remember to always cooperate with
your group mates, because cooperation
is very important in a group activity.

F. Generalization
Class, did you enjoy in our activity? Yes sir!
Okay, that’s good!
Now class, what was our lesson all about Sir, it’s all about made-up and real
Very good! It’s all about made-up and
What is made-up again? Sir, It means invented and fabricated or
Very good! It means invented and it means not true because it’s not actually
fabricated or it means not true because exist.
it’s not actually exist.
Who can give me an example of made- The sun is smiling. And the clouds are
up? waving.
Very good! The sun is smiling. And the
clouds are waving.
Now, what is real? Sir, real means true or exist in real life
Very good! It means true or exist in real and we can see, hear, feel, taste or touch
life and we can see, hear, feel, taste or them.
touch them.
Who can give me an example of real? Sir, birds, trees, and grass.
Very good! Birds, trees, and grass is an
example of real.
Good job class! You truly understand our
lesson today.
Class, why do you think it is important to
know what is real and made-up.
It is very important because people often
easily fooled by many by making a fake
news or stuff that don’t have enough
explanation to tell if it’s true or not.
Remember that it’s very important to
know what is real and made-up for you
not to be easily fooled by others.

Listen and understand carefully the following sentences.
Identify whether the statement is Made-Up or Real. On your answer sheet,
draw a if it is Made-Up, then draw a . if it is Real.

1. The ducks cook their food in the kitchen.

2. The people are busy cleaning the streets.

3. My pet dog is a good writer.

4. The flowers greet me “Good Morning”.

5. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins.


Inihanda ni: Ipinasa kay:

Khen Lloyd M. Mansueto Jonathan U. Sabalo
Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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