q3w1 DLL English

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Teacher: JOSEPHINE M. LEGASPI Learning Area: English
GRADE 2 February 13-17, 2022
Teaching Date: Quarter: 3rd Quarter Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content demonstrates understanding about the concepts about print
B. Performance correctly identifies book parts and follows reading conventions
C. Learning Give the meaning of words used in stories presented through real Use an understanding of characters, Use an understanding of incidents, Use clues to answer questions, clarify
Competencies/Obj objects, illustrations, demonstration and context clues incidents and settings to make characters and settings to validate understanding
ectives predictions predictions and justify predictions before, during
Write the LC and after
Code for each reading (titles, pictures, etc.)
II. CONTENT Use of Clues to Answer Use of Clues to Answer Questions, Use of Clues to Answer Questions, Use of Clues to Answer Questions, Use of Clues to Answer Questions,
Questions, Clarify Clarify Understandings and Justify Clarify Understandings and Justify Clarify Understandings and Justify Clarify Understandings and Justify
Understandings and Predictions Before,During and Predictions Before,During and After Predictions Before,During and Predictions Before,During and
Justify Predictions After Reading Reading After Reading After Reading
Before,During and
After Reading

A. References
1. Teacher’s BOW 14
2. Learner’s SLM 6-9 SLM 6-9 SLM 6-9 SLM 6-9 SLM 6-9
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning www.google.com https://www.youtube.com/watch? www.google.com www.google.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Resources www.youtube.com v=7lT04HIf7hM www.youtube.com www.youtube.com v=BbyZ4HpAShE
pictures, pptx pictures, pptx pictures, pptx pictures, pptx pictures, pptx
A. Reviewing Read the following Read the following words. How can a picture help you know the What is a character? What is a prediction?
previous lesson or words. meaning of a word? Incident?
presenting the Setting?
new lesson
B. Establishing a Read the words that you Read the words that you know the Examine the picture. Tell what the By reviewing out lesson yesterday,
purpose for the know the meaning. meaning. picture is showing. what do you think our topic will be?
lesson How did you know those How did you know those words?

What does the picture show?

C. Presenting Look at the picture What do you see in the picture? Read the sentences. Choose which word Read the sentences. Choose which Look at the pictures carefully.
examples/instance carefully. Identify what Can you guess what is the story about applies. word applies. Identify what character does in each
s of the new lesson character does in each the picture? ____ 1. Everyone wants to play outside. ____1. I feel hungry! It’s lunchtime picture.
picture. Children are happy to go already.
to the park.
a. eat something b. play around c.
a. summer b. rainfall c. windy clean the
____2. Ana and Mika wear their
complete uniform. Everyone is on ____2. The mother needs to buy
their way to work. supplies for the whole week. She
prepares the list of foods and other
a. night b. morning c. afternoon stuff.

a. grocery store b. pharmacy c.

hardware store

D. Discussing new * Prepare the realia for * Show the pictures and demonstrate Read the story. Answer the question Watch: Clues help us determine the meaning
concepts and the words to be used in each words used in the discussion. given. https://www.youtube.com/watch? of words that we do not
practicing new the discussion. Let us read: “A Birthday Wish” v=SD75X4vsbM8 understand. An image may serve as a
skills #1 Bunch The hungry fox who got caught in clue in providing meaning or
Grapes the tree trunk Maybell woke up early in the morning. description about a given sentence.
Lofty branch Once upon a time, there was a hungry She’s so excited
Quench fox that was looking for something to because she’s going to celebrate her
eat. He was very hungry. No matter birthday. Everybody is busy.
how hard he tried, the fox could not Her mother bakes cake, cooks food and
find food. Finally he went to the edge prepares all the
of the forest and searched there for necessary materials needed for the party.
food. Teddy and Mika, her
siblings, are cleaning the house. Maybell
looked around the house
and she whispered, I hope my father was
also here.” I miss him so
much.” At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the
foods are all set and her
S visitors came. Maybell was so happy for
uddenly he caught sight of a big tree all the birthday greetings
with a hole in it. and gifts she received. After a while, her
mother called her to
make a wish and blow the candle on her
cake. Maybell closed
her eyes, uttered a wish and blew the
candle. When she opened
her eyes, she was amazed because her
father was there.

Money Who are the characters?
Fowls Inside the hole was a package. The What is the setting in the story?
Dimity Frock hungry fox immediately thought that What are the incidents in the story?
Chip hat there might be food in it, and became
hatch very happy. He jumped into the hole. Give the possible ending of the story.
When he opened the package, he saw _________________________________
slices of bread, meat and fruit in it! _________________________

An old woodcutter had placed the

food in the tree trunk before he began
to cut down trees in the forest. He
was going to eat it for his lunch.
The fox happily began to eat. After he
finished eating, he felt thirsty and
decided to leave the hole and drink
some water from a nearby spring.

ver, no matter how hard he tried, he
could not get out of the hole.

o you know why? Yes, the fox had
eaten so much food that he became
too big to fit through the hole!

The fox was very sad and upset. He

told himself, “I wish I had thought a
little before jumping into the hole.”
E. Discussing new Context clues are hints Let us answer: How to Make Predictions? Examples:
concepts and found within a sentence, 1. What is the title of the Watch:
practicing new paragraph, or passage story? https://www.youtube.com/watch?
skills #2 that a reader can use to 2. Who is the character in the v=NV7cFkGvfJI
understand the meanings story?
of new or unfamiliar 3. What is the fox feeling
words. before jumping in a tree
Examples: 4. What happened to the
packaged left by an old
wood cutter?
5. What happened to the fox
after eating the package?
6. What did the fox learn from
his experience?
7. How did you know the
story well?

The illustrations can assist in your

beginning reader “seeing” what is
important in the story and helps teach
them specific vocabulary.

Demonstration can help you know the

meaning of a word by analyzing the
way it is demonstrated or acted.

Read and understand the story using

the illustrations:
the Thirsty Crow

F. Developing Match the items in Complete the sentences by choosing Direction: Choose letter of the correct Read the following sentences. Choose Identify the picture that best matches
mastery Column A with the your answer that closely from the given choices the each description.
(Leads to pictures they answers from the box. Use the matches the underlined word in a one that shows what may happen
formative represent in Column B. pictures as your clues. Write your sentence. next.
assessment) Write the letters of your answers on your answer sheet. 1. Tanya won the contest because of her 1. There is a very strong wind.
answers on your answer witty answer that make a. Roofs of houses and trees will be
sheet. the crowd and judges laughed. blown away. b. The street will be
a. pretty flooded.
b. intelligent c. People will feel happy.
c. funny 2. Dark clouds cover the sky.
2. The pupils of grade 2 made an a. The children play outside.
enormous effort to finish their b. There will be heavy rain.
project in science and technology. c. There will be no classes.
a. huge
b. lift 3. The sky is cloudy.
c. tiny a. The rain is coming.
3. Alma is very engaged in her brother’s b. Some leaves fall down.
bizarre discussion. c. There will be a typhoon.
a. confident
b. strange
c. adoptive

G. Finding How do we know the We use illustrations and Predicting is an important reading Predicting can make our imaginations Clues can help us understand what we
practical/applicati meaning of a word? demonstrations for clues to better strategy. It help us to think more about open and our minds awake. are reading.
ons of concepts an unfamiliar word is understand story events. the story or text we are reading.
and skills in daily explained within the
living sentence or in the
sentence immediately
after the word.
Or we can use realia to
know the meaning of the
unfamiliar words.
H. Making Clues are indicator that Clues help you predict, understand, A clue is a piece of evidence that
generalizations the author gives to help and comprehend better. There helps solve a problem. It is a hint or
and abstractions you understand are many types of clues but what’s guide on how you can identify the
about the lesson the meaning of difficult common among them is that they problem or mystery, and
word/s in a sentence. guide you when you encounter leads you towards the solution. It is
They make it easier difficulties when reading. helpful in defining unfamiliar word,
to understand the story, phrase, image, idea, and action.
poem, and/or articles
that you read.
I. Evaluating The teacher will Find in the box below the possible ending of Identify the letter of the most appropriate
Learning provide the realia the sentence. Write ending in the given
of the following: the letter of the correct answer after the sentence. Write your answer in a separate
sentences. sheet of paper.
1. Lina plants flowers in the garden. 1. Myca studies her lesson every day. She
bitter 2. It is a sunny day. is active in the class. She
gourd 3. Rico practices his talent in table tennis get a perfect score in the recitation. One
everyday. day, the teacher gave a
sweetsop 4. Baby Ella is crying in the crib. test.
5. My father’s cellphone rang in his pocket. a. Myca didn’t know the answer on the
b. Myca answered the test correctly.
c. Myca got the lowest score in the test.
2. Pepe played in the rain, then the next
day he did not go to
a. He got sick.
b. He woke up early.
c. He was happy.
3. Melissa practices her talent in dancing
every day, when the
competition came,
a. she can’t perform very well
cabbage b. she feels shy
Fill out the blanks c. she got the first place
below by using 4. Jay and Anthony plant some vegetables
the real objects in the garden, they put
presented by the fertilizer and they watered it.
teacher in front. a. The vegetables grow well.
b. The vegetables will die.
1. We c. The vegetables did not grow.
need to 5. Joel plays with his friends day and
chop night.
the a. His mother was happy.
______ b. He had sick.
__ c. He can’t wake up early because of being
becaus tired.
e it is
2. A
_ has a
lot of
It is
bite it.
3. There’s
a lot of
you eat
4. We cut
____ to
we put
it in
5. ______
may be
but this
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of
who e
B. arned
80% of
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
to remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized material
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

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