Training: Medical Kpis in Hemodialysis Nephrocare Balance Score Card & Medical Patient Review
Training: Medical Kpis in Hemodialysis Nephrocare Balance Score Card & Medical Patient Review
Training: Medical Kpis in Hemodialysis Nephrocare Balance Score Card & Medical Patient Review
Matteo Savoia
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis
NephroCare Balance Score Card
& Medical Patient Review
Dr. Vratislava Kovarova
Dr. Otto Arkossy
© Copyright 2020 Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
Medical science is subject to constant change. The continuous expansion of our knowledge through new
research results and clinical experience requires constant changes and reassessments of the therapies
used. The therapies described in this learning course are partly not yet established standards and
subject of intensive research. To ensure that the information provided is up to date and corresponds with
the knowledge at the time of publication, the authors have therefore used sources that can be classified
as reliable: Medical Guidelines, reviews and selected clinical studies. Despite the greatest possible care,
it cannot be guaranteed that the information contained therein is free of errors. Therefore, no liability can
be accepted for any consequences resulting from the use of this information. Readers are cautioned not
to rely solely on the information contained in this learning course but to gain a comprehensive overview
of the current scientific information themselves.
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
Currently, in the Region of EMEA 24 Countries and 653 active clinics are using the clinical database EuCliD
and can have access to the Medical Patient Review Reports (status as of Q3 2021)
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
The patient perspective focuses on the increase of life expectancy and the improvement of
the quality of life of patients treated within the NephroCare network. The selected performance
measures (Key Performance Indicators, KPIs) describe how well the dialysis process has been
performed and report clinical status of the patient. Patients
The employee perspective bind qualified personnel and promote their professional development.
Therefore, the corresponding performance measures focus on human resource management.
The shareholder perspective has as object the continuous development of the company and
attractive returns for its shareholders; performance measures relate to well-established management
processes and financial controls.
The community perspective are the upholding of various social responsibilities, the following of all
legal and regulatory requirements and safety standards, and the contribution to the maintenance of
the environment.
The corresponding performance measures are heterogeneous, including performance indicators for the minimization of accidents
to employees, for achievement of ISO certification, and for the reduction of water, electricity and waste.
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
Improve dialysis Single pool Kt/V is at least 1.4 with at least 2 treatments per week (or lower when more than 4 treatments per week) based either on
Single Pool Kt/V
process average of CM spkt/V or on average lab test spkt/V within last month.
Vascular Access Native Fistula or graf used as vascular access for all treatments during the month.
Hepatitis B At least 3 HBV Vaccinations were done for eligible patients within first 9 month or at any other time before admission for HbsAg negative
vaccination and HbsAb <10 IU/l patients.
Albumin Last lab value for Serum albumin within last 3 months is at least 3,5 g/dL with green or purple test.
Haemoglobin Last lab value for haemoglobin of last month is at least 10 g/dL (if no EPO was submitted) or ≥10 and ≤12 g/dL (if EPO was submitted).
Hydration Status Average relative overhydration from the last BCM measurement within last 13 weeks is at maximum 13% for females and 15% for males.
If in one of the last two consecutive months the Patient is in the following conditions: Pre-HD sys BP ≥130 and <160 mmHg without
Hameodynamic antihypertensive therapy.
Improve Dialysis Status Pre-HD sys BP <130 mmHg without antihypertensive therapy with normal hydration Status.
Outcomes Pre-HD sys BP ≥130 and <160 mmHg with antihypertensive therapy but with normal hydration Status.
Last lab value for phosphate of last 2 months is below mg/dl. (if no phosphate binder was submitted) or ≥2.5 and <5.5 mg/dL (if
phosphate binder was submitted).
Last lab value for Calcium Corrected of last 3 months is ≥8,4 and ≤10,2 mg/dL or <8,4 mg/dL (after Parathyroidectomy or iPTH Corrected
<130 pg/ml and on Vit D oral).
Last lab value for iPTH corrected of last 6 months is ≥130 and ≤585 pg/ml or ≥130 pq/ml for patients after Parathyroidectomy or <130
iPTH pq/ml and without Calcium mimetics or without Vit D IV or <130 pg/ml and calcium corrected ≥8,4 and ≤10,2 mg/dL or <130 pg/ml and
calcium corrected «<8,4 mg/dL and on Vit D oral.
Support Kidney Patients on transplant % of HD and PD patients on kidney transplant waiting list from all patients (excluding not eligible patients, patients <12 months at FME,
Transplantation waiting list patients in the incremental dialysis and HD patients under 16 years of age) at end of the selected month.
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
The Medical Patients Review (MPR) is a fast, illustrated and easy-to-generate reporting tool developed to support
the Country Medical Directors (CMDs) and NephroCare staff in the regular monitoring of clinical activities, using data
collected in EuCliD.
It supports the medical staff to understand for each patient the target achievement for the medical KPIs of the NC BSC
and provides complementary information in order to assess all parameters of the individual patient.
It represents one of the pillars of our Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) cycles applied in all clinics of the network
aiming at evidence-based goals established by the company in respect of the medical guidelines, to guarantee the
delivery of appropriate care and increase the quality of life for each patient.
The reports can easily be generated from EuCliD. They are formatted to facilitate the detection of deviations from
predefined targets, hereby allowing the immediate application of corrective actions. Over time, the impact of these
corrective actions can be followed.
This common system of reporting allows to benchmark patient outcomes and clinical performance across dialysis units
and countries.
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
Patient data
BSC Active In red patients defined not in target according
Patients the business logic of the NC BSC KPIs
Clinic results are resumed on the page bottom as percentage of BSC active patients in target for each KPI
BSC Active Problems: numbers of KPIs not in target (red cells) for the NC BSC KPIs on 100 patients
Scoring System: Clinics are divided in tiers based on the number of Active Problems and defined by a
color code
A lower number of Active Problems indicates more patients in target and Better Performances
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review
BSC Active
A lower number of Active Problems indicates more patients in target and Better Performances
Active Problems Extended: numbers of KPIs not in target (red cells) for the extended set of KPIs
(NC BSC + Others) on 100 patients
Dual Scoring System: Clinics are divided in tiers based on the number of Active Problems Extended and defined by a color
code. On this report a second score display the active problem adjusted on patients characteristics, defined by the age
adjusted Charlton comorbity index (aaCCI)
Medical KPIs in Hemodialysis and Medical Patient Review