Survey of Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) Among The Girl Students of Bishop Heber College, Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Survey of Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) Among The Girl Students of Bishop Heber College, Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Survey of Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) Among The Girl Students of Bishop Heber College, Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India
e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 5, Issue 4 Ver. I (Jul. - Aug. 2016), PP 44-52
Abstract: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a very common endocrine disorder encountered in women
and is associated with problems, such as menstrual irregularities; hirsuitism; obesity; insulin resistance; acne;
and, in later life, infertility with diabetes mellitus and uterine cancer. Early diagnosis is necessary for early
interventions to minimize the immediate and chronic consequences. The prevalence of PCOS among the girl
students has not yet been clearly determined. This study is an attempt to assess its prevalence in the girl students
of a college. We undertook a survey among the female students of Bishop Heber College (Autonomous),
Trichirappalli City of Tamil Nadu. Since students from all parts of India study here, the study population
represents a random sample of female students (252 Students) in the college and age group was between
18-31yrs. The study period was five months from November 2015 to March 2016. PCOS was diagnosed by
using a questionnaire with Rotterdam’s criteria and the prevalence was found to be 7.14%. This study definitely
created awareness among the adolescent college girls about PCOS. This will help them to modify their life style
and to have better reproductive life later. During this study we identified the adolescents with risk for
developing PCOS, we ask them to take proper diagnosis and treatment with consultation of a gynecologist. In
married girl students, especially in the presence of other risk factors for infertility, early conception is advised
and to find the effectiveness of awareness programme.
Keywords: PCOD, PCOS, Menstrual abnormalities, 'Stein-Leventhal Syndrome', 'Syndrome O.
I. Introduction
The term Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) was first described by Irving Stein and Michael
Leventhal as a Triad of 'Amenorrhoea', 'Obesity' and 'Hirsutism' In 1935 when they observed the relation
between obesity and reproductive disorders.[1].It is hence also known as the 'Stein-Leventhal Syndrome' or
'Hyperandrogenic Anovulation' (HA)and is the most common endocrine ovarian disorder affecting
approximately 2-8% women of reproductive age worldwide.[2] Now a days, it is also referred to as the
'Syndrome O' i.e. Overnourishment, Overproduction of insulin, Ovarian confusion and Ovulatory disruption. So,
PCOD is called as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS is currently considered as a lifestyle disorder affecting 2.2-26% of young girls in their
reproductive age in India. A study conducted on 460 girls in the age group of 15-18 years from a residential
college of Andhra Pradesh reported a prevalence of 9.13% in Indian adolescents.[3] Though globally it has an
alarming incidence, its diagnosis is difficult as it manifests as a spectrum of symptoms than a specific one. It is
primarily characterized by an extremely irregular menstrual cycle in which ovulation may not occur.[4].Normal
pubertal events include Oligomenorrhoea, Hirsutism, Acne and Weight gain. However, no single criterion is
sufficient for clinical diagnosis due to multiple aetiologies and presentations.[4].Paediatric Endocrinologists
nowadays tend towards an earlier work-up instead of the traditional practice of waiting for two years post-
PCOS is a common disorder, often complicated by chronic anovulatory infertility and
hyperandrogenism with the clinical manifestation of oligomenorrhoea, hirsutism and acne.[6] Many women
with this condition are obese and have a higher prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes and
sleep apnoea than is observed in the general population. They exhibit an adverse cardiovascular risk profile,
characteristic of the cardiometabolic syndrome as suggested by a higher reported incidence of hypertension,
dyslipidaemia, visceral obesity, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinaemia.[7]
PCOS is frequently diagnosed by gynaecologists and it is therefore important that there is a good
understanding of the long-term implications of the diagnosis in order to offer a holistic approach to the disorder.
The calculation of the prevalence of PCOS depends on the criteria used to define this syndrome. Because the
symptoms of PCOS emerge insidiously and are coincident with changes that accompany normal pubertal
development, subtle features may not be realized in the early stages; this may account for the failure to identify
the disorder in young girls.
It is possible to identify the early clinical manifestations of PCOS in late puberty and early
adolescence. The disease is on its rise because of lifestyle and environmental changes occurring with
modernization. Initially, the condition is asymptomatic in young women, progressing to produce menstrual
irregularities, excessive weight gain, and infertility; eventually, in late middle age, it leads to several major
health hazards. Early diagnosis is necessary for early intervention, including behavior modification, to minimize
the immediate and chronic consequences of PCOS. Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common hormone
disorder in women, affecting 5 percent to 10 percent of adolescent girls and adult women of child-bearing age.
The signs of PCOS include excessive hair growth on the face and abdomen, acne, irregular or absent menstrual
periods, failure of ovulation, and reduced fertility. PCOS usually begins at or soon after puberty and is a life-
long condition. Obesity is present in 50 percent of individuals with PCOS. In addition, women with PCOS are at
increased risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obstructive sleep apnea, and cancer of the uterus.
In view of this and the fact that the prevalence of this syndrome in our community remains unknown,
we attempted to find its prevalence in a community of women aged between 18–31 years.
1.3.2. Obesity
Obesity is also a feature observed and estimated to effect 50% of PCOS women[13], classically
presented in patients with upper body obesity which has been associated with menstrual disturbances [14].It
amplifies biochemical and clinical abnormalities of PCOS.[15].Previously obesity was thought to be the cause
of PCOS but now understood as a modifier of the condition.
1.3.3. Infertility
Another complicating feature of PCOS is the effects it has on ovulation and fertility with >75% of
women with anovulation infertility [16] and treatment is based upon the patient‟s characteristics. Besides
follicular arrest and impaired selection of dominant follicle is possible [17] as also the risk of multiple
pregnancy with treatment. [18]
1.4.4. Depression
There was a higher prevalence of depression in PCOS patients associated with higher body mass index
(BMI, P=0.05) and greater insulin resistance (P=0.02) [26].Besides, Impaired Glucose Tolerance[27],
Dyslipidaemia, Metabolicsyndrome, Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and higher levels of C-reactive protein, a
disease marker for cardiovascular diseases are other probable risks involved.
The Questionnaire
Anthropometric, clinical, and biochemical parameters
(1) Age _________yrs
(2) Height_________cms
(3) Weight_________kg
(4) Body Mass Index (BMI) _____________kg/m2 (calculated)
(5) Waist circumference__________ (cm)
Fig -1
Table-II : Total Number Of Students Having Hirsutism
Fig -2
Table-III : Total Number Of Students Having Incresed Acne
Fig -3
Fig -4
Table-V: Mean Height (Cm), Mean Weight (Kg), Body Mass Index
1 17-19 144.03 48.5 23.4
2 20-22 154.58 50.32 21.1
3 23-25 149.33 52.37 23.5
4 26-28 152.32 56.23 24.2
5 29-31 150.28 53 23.5
Fig -5
Fig -6
DOI: 10.9790/1959-0504014452 49 | Page
Survey of Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (Pcod) Among The Girl Students of Bishop Heber College,..
Results indicated that there are 7.14% (Table-VI) of surveyed girls were having PCOS and the
identified adolescents with risk for developing PCOS, we ask them to take proper diagnosis and treatment with
consultation of a gynecologist for treatment for acne, hyperandrogenism, and menstrual abnormalities.
However, the primary treatment is a healthy diet and regular exercise. Implications for practice included; a need
for increased awareness, early recognition, comprehensive screening, prompt treatment, and frequent follow-ups
for all PCOS adolescents to prevent future morbidities. In married girl students, especially in the presence of
other risk factors for infertility, early conception is advised. The final implication was the need for more
research involving adolescent females with PCOS.The crude prevalence rate determined from this study was
17%. The findings of this study revealed that PCOS occurs in about 3 of 20 women. This once again proved that
PCOS is the most common endocrine abnormality among women in the reproductive and adolescent age groups.
Among the patients with PCOS, 70% had oligomenorrhoea and polycystic ovaries, 13.3% had
hirsutism and polycystic ovaries, and 3.3% had oligomenorrhoea and hirsutism. Another 13.3% had all the 3
features. Thus, the majority of the patients had oligomenorrhoea with polycystic ovaries, which stresses the
importance of the proper evaluation of young girls presenting with irregular cycles or excessive hair growth
before considering them as normal changes associated with pubertal development.
Obesity aggravates this alone or in combination with other factors. In 2005, reports showed that
lifestyle changes in both rural and urban areas have influenced the prevalence of PCOS.[28] Further, Studies
showed that lack of exercise and low physical activity play a role in the prevalence of PCOS.[29]. Long-term
preventive measures should be implemented early. We recommend that an optimal body mass index of <27 and
W/H ratio of <0.8 be maintained.
Various lifestyle modifications, including regular exercise half hour daily or one hour on alternate days
and dietary modifications in the form of small frequent meals will be required to achieve weight reduction.
Proper evaluation and early diagnosis should be done in adolescents presenting with features of PCO. In married
girl students, especially in the presence of other risk factors for infertility, early conception is advised.
The prevalence of PCOS is traditionally estimated at 4% to 8% from studies performed in Greece,
Spain and the USA. [30-33]. Our study is also proved that 7.14% are identified with PCOS in the age of 18-31
yrs. It is coincides with the exploratory survey to identify the adolescents with high risk for Polycystic Ovarian
Syndrome (PCOS) and to find the effectiveness of an awareness programme among students of selected pre
university colleges of Udupi District [34]. Likewise our study is also to identify the adolescents with risk for
developing PCOS and to find the effectiveness of awareness programme.
Seventy five percent of women suffering from PCOS were in between the age group of 19 to 26 years
and ten percent were below 19 years of age. This was also proved in our study. This could be attributed to the
age at marriage in rural area and subsequent investigations for evaluation of infertility. Eighty percent of women
were unmarried and only twenty percent were married at the time of investigation. During investigation
unmarried girls presented mainly with complaints of menstrual abnormalities like oligo and or hypomenorrhoea.
Remaining cases had isolated secondary amenorrhoea. In married girls the duration of married life was less than
two years at the time of investigation.[35]
Thirty five percent women were either overweight or obese at the time of diagnosis. Only ten percent
women belonged to lean PCOS category. Eighty to eighty five percent cases had Ultrasonographic and
endocrinal evidence of PCOS. Weight reduction and life style modification were advised to all women having
abnormal BMI values.
Most of the unmarried girls and few recently married girls with menstrual abnormalities were asked to
take treatment with the consultation of gynecologist.In our study we identified 43 (i.e:17%) students with
irregular periods. It has been known for many years that severe oligo- and amenorrhoea in the presence of
premenopausal levels of estrogen can lead to endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma. In women with PCOS
intervals between menstruations of more than 3 months may be associated with endometrial hyperplasia.
Women who are oligomenorrhoeic and do not have normal withdrawal bleeds should be investigated
and send for the consultation of gynecologist. This may include ultrasound scan, endometrial sampling and/or
hysteroscopy. In our study we identified 8 students with obese out of 28 PCOS cases. Lifestyle changes through
diet and exercise remain the first line for treatment of obesity in PCOS. PCOS is often associated with obesity
and abnormal fat distribution, especially of abdominal fat, even where the BMI is normal. Obesity worsens
insulin resistance that may exacerbate this dysfunction [36].
In our study we identified 28 (i.e:11%) students with hirsutism. Hirsutism in the setting of PCOS is
difficult to treat and there are currently no large randomized control trials on its treatment in this patient group.
Licensed treatments for hirsutism include oral contraceptive pills, dianette (oestrogen and cyproterone acetate),
cosmetic measures (such as laser, electrolysis, bleaching, waxing and shaving) and topical facial eflornithine.
However, there is a paucity of good-quality robust placebo controlled trials for hirsutism treatment, particularly
for combination therapy.
Lifestyle alteration will reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes later stages in life. Effects
of hyperandrogenisation are among the most deleterious long-term consequences of PCOS when taken into
consideration of its impact on a woman’s self-image perception and the subsequent psychological effects.
IV. Conclusion
In conclusion, PCOS is a common endocrine disorder of female adolescence and adulthood with exact
etiology unknown but pathophysiology rooted in insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism, and chronic anovulation.
A multitude of clinical factors can present including hirsutism, menstrual irregularities, metabolic abnormalities,
acne, and increased BMI. History, physical exam, and laboratory tests are all components of making a diagnosis
as some adolescents do not present with all clinical factors. Treatment options include healthy dietary habits and
regular exercise accompanied by additional medications to treat presenting symptoms.
Primary care providers should be suspicious of PCOS in adolescent females regardless of their weight.
A high level of suspicion will facilitate timely recognition, prompt treatment, and potential reduction or
elimination of future morbidities until more information is known. This study will explore the complex
mechanisms behind the manifestation of PCOS and how these, and other factors, may make diagnosis difficult.
In order to thoroughly understand these aspects of PCOS, the causes, symptoms, and treatments were explored.
The diversity of causes and symptoms of the disease add to the difficulty in diagnosis and treatment of PCOS.
The best treatment option varies among individuals, and the effectiveness of each treatment can vary according
to an individual’s condition. The research on all of these aspects of PCOS will inform the public about how
PCOS can affect them and their loved ones. From this newly gathered knowledge, individuals may be able to
protect themselves from some of the negative consequences associated with PCOS.
Our grateful thanks are due to the Principal, HOD and other Staff members of Zoology Department,
Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichirappalli for the permission, many helpful suggestion, support,
constructive advice and encouragement rendered throughout for the completion of this work. Our heartfelt
thanks to all the girls participating in this study; thank you for your positive attitude, trust and patience.
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