Audit Checklist For HIC

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Audit Checklist for HIC

Location : __________________________ Date : ____________________

S.No Parameter Yes / No Remarks

Whether the hospital infection prevention and control
1 programme is documented?
A hospital infection control committee and team is
2 formed?
A designated and qualified infection control nurse(s) is
3 present?
4 A designated infection control officer is present?
5 Has the hospital Identified high risk areas?
Does the hospital implements policies and/or procedures
6 to prevent infection in these areas?
Does the organization adheres to standard precautions
7 at all times?
Equipment cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
8 practices as per the polices?
An appropriate antibiotic policy is established and
9 implemented?
Hospital adheres to laundry and linen management
10 processes?
Hospital adheres to kitchen sanitation and food handling
11 issues?
Does the hospital has appropriate engineering controls to
12 prevent infections?
13 Does the hospital adheres to mortuary practices?

14 Does the safe injection and infusion practices foollowed?

Is the infection prevention and control programme

15 updated at least once in a year?
16 Is the HIC surveillance data collected regulary?
Is the Verification of data done on a regular basis by the
17 infection control team?
In cases of notifiable diseases, information (in relevant
18 format) is sent to appropriate authorities?
Tracking and analysing of infection risks, rates and
19 trends

20 Organization adheres to housekeeping procedures?

Does the surveillance activities include monitoring the

21 effectiveness of housekeeping services.
22 HAI rates monitored?

Appropriate feedback regarding HAI rates provided on a

23 regular basis to appropriate personnel?

24 Organization adheres to hand hygiene guidelines?

Adequate and appropriate facilities for hand hygiene in
25 all patient care areas Provided?
Are adequate and appropriate personal protective
26 equipment, soaps, and disinfectants available ?
Are the personal protective equipment used correctly by
27 the staff?

28 Compliance with hand hygiene guidelines monitored?

Documented procedure for identifying an outbreak

29 present?
30 Implementation of laid down procedure done?
Does the organization have adequate space and
31 appropriate zoning for sterilization activities?
Documented procedure guides the cleaning, packing,
32 disinfection and/or sterilization, storing and issue of
Regular validation tests for sterilizationare carried out is
33 done and documented?
Is there an established recall procedure when breakdown
34 in the sterilization system is identified?
35 Isolation / barrier nursing facilities are available?
Statutory provisions with regard to biomedical waste
36 present?
37 Adherence to various conditions of the act done?
Appropriate personal protective equipment used by the
38 BMW handlers?
Visit by the hospital authorities to the disposal site done
39 and documented?
Does the hospital makes available resources required for
40 the infection control programme

Does the organization earmarks adequate funds from its

41 annual budget for infection control activities?

Does the organization conducts induction training for all

42 staff?
Appropriate “in-service” training sessions for all staff at
43 least once in a year conducted?
Appropriate pre and post exposure prophylaxis is
44 provided to all concerned staff members?
45 Staff interview

Signature of Auditor :

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