Nabh Entry Level Standards
Nabh Entry Level Standards
Nabh Entry Level Standards
Total 45 167
Chapter 1
Access, Assessment and Continuity
of Care (AAC)
The organization defines its scope of service provision and provides information to
patients about the services available. This will facilitate appropriately matching patients
with the organization’s resources. Once the patient is in the organization, the patient is
registered and assessed, whether in OPD, IPD or Emergency. The laboratory and
imaging services are provided by competent staff in a safe environment for both
patients and staff.
Summary of Standards
AAC.1. The organization defines and displays the services that it can provide.
AAC.4. Patient care is continuous and all patients cared for by the organization
undergo a regular reassessment.
AAC.5. Laboratory services are provided as per the scope of the hospital's services
and laboratory safety requirements.
AAC.6. Imaging services are provided as per the scope of the hospital's services
and established radiation safety programme
The organization defines and displays the services that it can provide.
AAC. 1
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
b. Process addresses mechanism for transfer or referral of patients who do not match
the organizational resources.
Objective Elements
a. The organization defines the content of the assessments for the out-patients, in-
patients and emergency patients.
Objective Elements
a. During all phases of care, there is a qualified individual identified as responsible for
the patient’s care who coordinates the care in all the settings within the
Objective Elements
a. Scope of the laboratory services are commensurate to the services provided by the
c. Laboratory results are available within a defined time frame and critical results are
intimated immediately to the concerned personnel.
e. Laboratory personnel are trained in safe practices and are provided with
appropriate safety equipment/ devices.
Objective Elements
a. Scope of the imaging services are commensurate to the services provided by the
c. Imaging results are available within a defined time frame and critical results are
intimated immediately to the concerned personnel.
d. Imaging personnel are trained in safe practices and are provided with appropriate
safety equipment/ devices.
Objective Elements
b. A discharge summary is given to all the patients leaving the organization (including
patients leaving against medical advice).
e. Discharge summary incorporates instructions about when and how to obtain urgent
f. In case of death the summary of the case also includes the cause of death.
Chapter 2
Care of Patients (COP)
Intent of the standards
The standards in this chapter aim to guide and encourage patient safety as the overall
principle for providing care to patients.
Summary of Standards
COP. 3 Documented procedures define rational use of blood and blood products.
COP. 4 Documented procedures guide the care of patients as per the scope of
services provided by hospital in intensive care and high dependency units.
COP. 5 Documented procedures guide the care of obstetrical patients as per the
scope of services provided by hospital
COP. 6 Documented procedures guide the care of paediatric patients as per the
scope of services.
Objective Elements
a. The care and treatment orders are signed and dated by the concerned doctor.
b. Clinical Practice Guidelines are adopted to guide patient care wherever possible.
Objective Elements
a. Documented procedures address care of patients arriving in the emergency
including handling of medico-legal cases.
b. Staff should be well versed in the care of emergency patients in consonance with
the scope of the services of hospital.
Objective Elements
a. Documented policies and procedures are used to guide the rational use of blood
and blood products.
c. The transfusion services are governed by the applicable laws and regulations.
d. Informed consent is obtained for donation and transfusion of blood and blood
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
e. The children’s family members are educated about nutrition and immunization.
Objective Elements
h. Defined criteria are used to transfer the patient from the recovery area.
Objective Elements
d. Qualified persons are permitted to perform the procedures that they are entitled to
e. The operating surgeon documents the operative notes and post-operative plan of
f. The operation theatre is adequately equipped and monitored for infection control
Chapter 3
Management of Medication (MOM)
The organization has a safe and organised medication process. The process includes
policies and procedures that guide the availability, safe storage, prescription, dispensing
and administration of medications.
The process also includes monitoring of patients after administration and procedures for
reporting and analysing adverse drug events, which include errors and events.
Special emphasis is laid on use of radioactive drugs.
Summary of Standards
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
b. Medications are stored in a clean, safe and secure environment, and incorporate
manufacturer’s recommendations.
e. List of emergency medicines is defined, stored, and available all the time.
Objective Elements
d. The organization defines a list of high risk medication & process to prescribe them.
Objective Elements
a. Medications are checked prior to dispensing including expiry date to ensure that
they are fit for use.
Objective Elements
e. A proper record is kept of the usage, administration and disposal of narcotics and
psychotropic medications.
Objective Elements
b. Adverse drug events are documented and reported within a specified time frame.
Objective Elements
Chapter 4
Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
Intent of the standards
The HCO defines the patient and family rights and responsibilities. The staff is aware of
these and is trained to protect patient rights. Patients are informed of their rights and
educated about their responsibilities at the time of admission. The costs are explained
in a clear manner to patient and/or family. The patients are educated about the
mechanisms available for addressing grievances.
A documented process for obtaining patient and/or families consent exists for informed
decision making about their care.
Patient and families have a right to information and education about their healthcare
needs in a language and manner that is understood by them.
Summary of Standards
PRE. 1 Patient rights are documented displayed and support individual beliefs,
values and involve the patient and family in decision making processes.
PRE. 2 Patient and families have a right to information and education about their
healthcare needs.
Objective Elements
a. Patient rights include respect for personal dignity and privacy during examination,
procedures and treatment.
d. Patient rights include obtaining informed consent before carrying out procedures .
Objective Elements
a. Patients and families are educated on plan of care, preventive aspects, possible
complications, medications, the expected results and cost as applicable.
b. Patients are taught in a language and format that they can understand .
Chapter 5
Hospital Infection Control (HIC)
Intent of the standards
The standards guide the provision of an effective infection control programme in the
organization. The programme is documented and aims at reducing/eliminating infection
risks to patients, visitors and providers of care.
Summary of Standards
HIC. 1 The hospital has an infection control manual, which is periodically updated
and conducts surveillance activities.
HIC. 2 The hospital takes actions to prevent or reduce the risks of Hospital
Associated Infections (HAI) in patients and employees.
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
a. Hand hygiene facilities in all patient care areas are accessible to health care
b. Adequate gloves, masks, soaps, and disinfectants are available and used
c. Appropriate pre and post exposure prophylaxis is provided to all concerned staff
Objective Elements
b. Proper segregation and collection of bio-medical waste from all patient care areas
of the hospital is implemented and monitored.
c. Bio-medical waste treatment facility is managed as per statutory provisions (if in-
house) or outsourced to authorized contractor(s).
Chapter 6
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Intent of the standards
The standards introduce the subject of continual quality improvement and patient safety.
The quality and safety programme should be documented and involve all areas of the
organization and all staff members. The organization should identify and collect data on
structures, processes and outcomes, the collected data should be collated, analysed
and used for further improvements.
Summary of Standards
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
Chapter 7
Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
Intent of the standards
Leaders ensure that patient-safety and risk-management issues are an integral part of
patient care and hospital management.
Summary of Standards
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
a. These committees include Quality and Safety, Infection Control, Pharmacy and
Therapeutics, Blood Transfusion, and Medical Records.
Chapter 8
Facility Management and Safety (FMS)
The standards guide the provision of a safe and secure environment for patients, their
families, staff and visitors. To ensure this, the organization conducts regular facility
inspection rounds and takes the appropriate action to ensure safety.
The organization provides for equipment management, safe water, electricity, medical
gases and vacuum systems.
The organization plans for emergencies within the facilities and the community.
Summary of Standards
FMS. 2 The organization has a program for clinical and support service equipment
FMS. 3 The organization has provisions for safe water, electricity, medical gas and
vacuum systems.
FMS. 4 The organization has plans for fire and non-fire emergencies within the
Objective Elements
c. There the hospital has a system to identify the potential safety and security risks
including hazardous materials.
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
b. Alternate sources are provided for in case of failure and tested regularly.
The organization has plans for fire and non-fire emergencies within
FMS. 4 the facilities
Objective Elements
a. The organization has plans and provisions for detection, abatement and
containment of fire and non-fire emergencies.
b. The organization has a documented safe exit plan in case of fire and non-fire
Chapter 9
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Intent of the standards
The most important resource of a hospital and healthcare system is the human
resource. Human resources are an asset for effective and efficient functioning of a
hospital. Without an equally effective human resource management system, all other
inputs like technology, infrastructure and finances come to naught. Human resource
management is concerned with the “people” dimension in management.
The goal of human resource management is to acquire, provide, retain and maintain
competent people in right numbers to meet the needs of the patients and community
served by the organization. This is based on the organization’s mission, objectives,
goals and scope of services. Effective human resource management involves the
following processes and activities:-
(b) Training and development relates to the performance in the present and future
anticipated jobs. The employees are provided with opportunities to advance
personally as well as professionally.
The term “employee” refers to all salaried personnel working in the organization. The
term “staff” refers to all personnel working in the organization including employees, “fee
for service” medical professionals, part-time workers, contractual personnel and
Summary of Standards
HRM. 1 The organization has staffing commensurate with patient care needs.
HRM. 1 The organization has staffing commensurate with patient care needs
Objective Elements
a. The mix of staff is commensurate with the volume and scope of the services.
Objective Elements
a. All staff is trained on the relevant risks within the hospital environment.
b. Staff members can demonstrate and take actions to report, eliminate/ minimize
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
a. Health problems of the employees are taken care of in accordance with the
organization’s policy.
Objective Elements
Chapter 10
Information Management System (IMS)
Intent of Standards
Summary of Standards
IMS. 1 The organization has a complete and accurate medical record for every
IMS. 4 Documented procedures exist for retention time of records, data and
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
c. Operative and other procedures performed are incorporated in the medical record.
d. The medical record contains a copy of the discharge note duly signed by
appropriate and qualified personnel.
e. In case of death, the medical records contain a copy of the death certificate
indicating the cause, date and time of death.
Objective Elements
Objective Elements
c. The destruction of medical records, data and information is in accordance with the
laid down procedure.