ED Patient Safety Checklist in Word v1.2 I6waMNE

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ED patient safety checklist

Date Time booked in

Action Time Initials Comments

Patient in queue  or department 
Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded
Chest Pain:
ECG recorded (within 10 minutes)
ECG reviewed by Dr (within 30 minutes – time on ECG)

Undressed and gown

1st hour completion time

Pain score assessed
Analgesia administered (if appropriate)
Infection control screening

Investigations Initiated (as appropriate):

IV access + care plan
Blood tests
Imaging (stroke, # NOF within 1 hour)
Specific Pathway Triggered (s e e box 1)
Specialty bed required
Pathway commenced (e.g. stroke, DKA, NOF, GI bleed, sepsis)

Patient in queue  or department 

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

Pain score assessed

Analgesia administered (if necessary)
2nd hour completion time

Next of kin aware

Patient has dementia (This is me commenced)
Refreshments offered (if not NBM)
Pressure Area Care:
Assessment undertaken
Care plan commenced (as appropriate)
Patient good to go:
Patient ready for transfer
Specialty bed confirmed
3rd hour completion

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

Pain score assessed
Analgesia administered (if necessary)

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)

Review by senior doctor
Regular medication administered (if appropriate)

Vital signs measured + NEWS Recorded

completion time

Pain score assessed

4th hour

Analgesia administered (if necessary)

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)
Regular medication administered (if appropriate)

Adult safeguarding referral

Referrals & pathway/Specialty

Child cause for concern referral

Triggers if required

Mental health matrix completed

Mental health referral Space for local adaption eg specialist
Domestic or sexual violence Yes / No
referrals or checking skin integrity
Independent domestic and sexual violence referral
Paddington Alcohol Test Yes / No
Referral to Alcohol Clinical Nurse Specialist
Referral to Drug Clinical Nurse Specialist
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ED patient safety checklist (contd)

Date Time booked in

Action Time Initials Comments

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded
completion time

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate

5th hour

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)

Medication administered as appropriate - regular meds, abx
6th hour completion

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate
Refreshments offered (if not NBM)

Review by senior doctor

Medication administered as appropriate – regular meds, abx
completion time

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate
7th hour

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)

Medication administered as appropriate – regular meds, abx

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

completion time

Pain score assessed

8th hour

Analgesia administered (if necessary)

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)
Medication administered as appropriate – regular meds, abx
9th hour completion

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate
Review by senior doctor

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)

Medication administered as appropriate – regular meds, abx

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

completion by
10th hour

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)
Medication administered as appropriate - regular meds, abx

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

completion by
11th hour

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)
Medication administered as appropriate – regular meds, abx

Vital signs measured + NEWS recorded

completion by

Pain score assessed & analgesia administered as appropriate

12th hour

Review by senior doctor

Refreshments offered (if not NBM)
Medication administered as appropriate - regular meds, abx

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