LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts
1. Use the clock/clock face to show different times. Ask pupils to tell their partner what
they were doing at that time yesterday/on Saturday/etc. Monitor and remind pupils of the use of past
continuous if necessary.
2. Pupils listen Audio 1.3 and say (Activity 1). Pupils are introduced to the dialogue.
3. Pupils read and complete the text with when or while (Activity 2).
5. Pupils work in pairs. They take one or two ideas from Activity 3 or from the unit as a
whole, or they use their own ideas to create a story. Pupils make detailed notes about
their story in pairs and practise telling their story. Remind pupils to use the target
LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to talk about daily routines.
1. Stick the flashcards of ice-skate, play chess, football and ice-skating rink on the board.
Point to each one, say the word / phrase and encourage pupils to repeat.
Lesson delivery
3. Give pupils the title of the text(s). Using the pictures, elicit the meaning of figure skater
and chess player. (HOTS)
4. Have pupils read the text to find the meaning of the key vocabulary, topic: ice-skate and
ice-skating rink.
5. Pupils listen and read. (CD 1, Track 11)
7. Pupils compare their answers in pairs first, then check as a class. (21st CA)
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
Brainstorm classroom objects on board. Draw a mind map with classroom objects written
in centre. Pupils classify the objects into groups e.g. furniture, electric things, things for
writing/ reading, things for the wall.
Lesson development:-
1. Pupils do Activity 1. Ask which word is the most difficult to spell (dictionary).
2. Pupils focus on the pictures in Activity 2. Teacher reads out each preposition in turn
and elicit the meaning. Pupils fill in the gaps and listen to the audio (CD 1.06) to check
their answers.
3. Pupils in pairs do memory test in Activity 3. They look at sentences in Activity 2 again
for one minute, close their books and write down as many sentences as they can
remember. Ask: who can remember 3, 5, 7, more than 7 sentences? (21 CA) st
4. Pupils do Activity 4. They draw a desk and write sentences to describe what’s on the
desk. Swap with a partner and check if any of the objects and sentences are the
same. (HOTS)
5. Pupils works in pairs. Pupils listen to partner describing their pictures and draw what
they hear.
Refer pupils to the pictures again and says: The laptop is under the desk. Ask if the
sentence is true or false. Pupils write three false sentences about the objects in the
pictures. Then, in pairs pupils read their sentences to each other and correct them. (CBA)