The document contains details of an English language lesson plan for pupils in Year 3. The lesson focuses on writing and involves pupils writing about the four seasons. The lesson plan lists the date, subject, theme, topic, skills, objectives, materials, and assessment. It describes pre-lesson, lesson delivery, and post-lesson activities. The pre-lesson involves pupils singing a song about the four seasons. During lesson delivery, pupils will write descriptions of the four seasons. The post-lesson assessment is for pupils to complete their writing.
The document contains details of an English language lesson plan for pupils in Year 3. The lesson focuses on writing and involves pupils writing about the four seasons. The lesson plan lists the date, subject, theme, topic, skills, objectives, materials, and assessment. It describes pre-lesson, lesson delivery, and post-lesson activities. The pre-lesson involves pupils singing a song about the four seasons. During lesson delivery, pupils will write descriptions of the four seasons. The post-lesson assessment is for pupils to complete their writing.
The document contains details of an English language lesson plan for pupils in Year 3. The lesson focuses on writing and involves pupils writing about the four seasons. The lesson plan lists the date, subject, theme, topic, skills, objectives, materials, and assessment. It describes pre-lesson, lesson delivery, and post-lesson activities. The pre-lesson involves pupils singing a song about the four seasons. During lesson delivery, pupils will write descriptions of the four seasons. The post-lesson assessment is for pupils to complete their writing.
The document contains details of an English language lesson plan for pupils in Year 3. The lesson focuses on writing and involves pupils writing about the four seasons. The lesson plan lists the date, subject, theme, topic, skills, objectives, materials, and assessment. It describes pre-lesson, lesson delivery, and post-lesson activities. The pre-lesson involves pupils singing a song about the four seasons. During lesson delivery, pupils will write descriptions of the four seasons. The post-lesson assessment is for pupils to complete their writing.
SUBJECT English MODULE Listening THEME World of Knowledge DATE TOPIC Module 4: Year in, year out TIME
Content Standard Pre-lesson: Pupils play Hot Seat. A pupil is called in front Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar and asked to pick a card. Everyone else must ask contexts. questions.
Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and Lesson delivery:
on-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate 1. Play a random quiz about places in the world. Teacher reading strategies. shows Google Earth. Ex: Where can we find the pyramid? Pupils are directed to the place via Google Earth. Learning Standard 2. Pupils refer to textbook page 116. Pupils are explained Main: 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information the concept of the different time zone. and details of short simple texts. 3. Pupils read the text. 4. Labels from SOW page 114 are handed out. Pupils listen Complementary: 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short as the teacher reads. Pupils raise their hand when teacher simple texts. asks. Post lesson: Pupils play ‘Chinese Whisper. Use the same labels. Pupils line up based on their group. OBJECTIVES MATERIALS Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen Textbook page 116 and raise their hands correctly. Teacher’s Book (page 65) *for reference CCE (CURRICULUM / HOTS / VALUES) Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and raise their hands correctly. Language Autonomous learning IMPACT/REFLECTION
MissAsh Daily English Language Lesson Plan
DAY (Lesson 60) YEAR 3 NUM. OF PUPILS:
SUBJECT English MODULE Speaking THEME World of Knowledge DATE TOPIC Module 4: Year in, year out TIME
Content Standard Pre-lesson: Pupils play Word Ladder where teacher writes a Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly. word and draw a ladder. Pupils continue to write words related with the correct spelling. Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly. Lesson delivery: 1. Pupils are asked if they know the sports in textbook page Learning Standard 39 and others that they might have done during the Main: 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic everyday holidays. routines. 2. Pupils listen to track 60. They match the children to the sport. Complementary: 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using 3. Pupils are introduced to a sentence pattern. suitable words and phrases. What did you do during the holidays? You _______________. 4. Pupils are explained about Activity 4 from the Teacher’s Book. Pupils think of an activity that they have done during the holidays and how to mime the action for it. They are going to go around the class. One student asks the question and the other mimes the action. They take turns.
Post-lesson: Pupils complete their learning diaries.
OBJECTIVES MATERIALS Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to ask Textbook page 39 and find out about at least 3 friends correctly. Track 60 Teacher’s Book (page 65) *for reference Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to describe their friends’ activity with at least 2 words CCE (CURRICULUM / HOTS / VALUES) at the end. Language Multiple intelligences IMPACT/REFLECTION CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (PBD) MissAsh
Daily English Language Lesson Plan
DAY (Lesson 61) YEAR 3 NUM. OF PUPILS:
SUBJECT English MODULE Reading THEME World of Knowledge DATE TOPIC Module 4: Year in, year out TIME
Content Standard Pre-lesson: Pupils play the Hangman game using Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear vocabulary like months, days, seasons, clothes and print and digital texts by using appropriate reading weather. strategies. Lesson delivery: Complementary: 3.3 Read independently for information 1. Pupils revisit page 38 in the textbook and read the texts and enjoyment. again. 2. Pupils are explained about the board game in textbook Learning Standard page 40. Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of 3. Each group gets a coin. Students tosses the coin to see short simple texts. how many spaces to move forward: one space for heads and two spaces for tails. Complementary: 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/ non- 4. Pupils take turns to play the board game. fiction print and digital texts of interest. 5. Pupils complete a word search on clothes during summer and winter.
Post-lesson: Pupils draw a Venn Diagram in their exercise
books. Example shown in the Teacher’s Book. Inform pupils what to bring for tomorrow’s lesson and draw lots for the country. OBJECTIVES MATERIALS Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read Textbook page 38 and 40 answer at least 5 questions correctly. Counters and coins Summer and Winter word search Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Teacher’s Book (page 66 and 67) *for reference able read and find out at least 4 words from the word search. CCE (CURRICULUM / HOTS / VALUES) Language Multiple intelligences IMPACT/REFLECTION CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (PBD) MissAsh Daily English Language Lesson Plan
DAY (Lesson 62) YEAR 3 NUM. OF PUPILS:
SUBJECT English MODULE Writing THEME World of Knowledge DATE TOPIC Module 4: Year in, year out TIME
Content Standard Pre-lesson: Pupils sing the Four Seasons song track 52 in Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a textbook page 35. range of purposes in print and digital media. Lesson delivery: Complementary: 2.2 Use appropriate communication 1. Pupils lay down the pictures and materials that they strategies. have got from home or teacher can provide the materials. 2. Pupils are explained about their project work. Learning Standard 3. Pupils talk about the materials they have and how it is in Main: 4.2.4 Describe people and objects using suitable that particular country. words and phrases. 4. Roles are assigned to the kids (designer, cutter & sticker, writer). Complementary: 2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from a 5. A sample by the teacher is shown to the pupils. Pupils teacher or classmate by using suitable questions. start making their collage guided by the teacher.
Post-lesson: Pupils’ works are displayed on the wall and
they start their gallery walk. Pupils are guided on how to explain. OBJECTIVES MATERIALS Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Textbook page 41 describe at write at least 4 sentences in their collage Pictures and manila cards for the kids *if necessary correctly. Teacher’s Book (page 69) *for reference CCE (CURRICULUM / HOTS / VALUES) Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Language able to speak and explain at least 3 things about their Communication collage. IMPACT/REFLECTION CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (PBD) Country collage MissAsh
Daily English Language Lesson Plan
DAY (Lesson 63) YEAR 3 NUM. OF PUPILS:
SUBJECT English MODULE Language Arts THEME World of Knowledge DATE TOPIC Module 4: Year in, year out TIME
Content Standard Pre-lesson: Pupils are shown a snow globe or a picture of a Main: 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts. snow globe. Ask pupils if they have seen or have one. Lesson delivery: Complementary:4.2 Communicate basic information 1. Ask pupils if the story has snow globes, what is it going to intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital be about? media. 2. Pupils are directed to textbook page 42. Teacher can be the narrator. Learning Standard 3. Pupils are guided frame to frame with gestures and Main: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through sounds. creating simple action songs on familiar topics. Other 4. Pupils are asked comprehension questions based on the imaginative responses as appropriate. story from the teacher’s book. 5. Pupils are asked where would they like to go if they Complementary: 4.3.4 Describe people and objects using found a magic globe. They can write and draw the places suitable words and phrases. they would like to go in page 25 in the Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets Module. Pupils can be guided with the adjectives. Post-lesson: Pupils’ works are displayed. OBJECTIVES MATERIALS Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Textbook page 42 & 42 describe at least 2 places they would like to go correctly. Page 25 in the Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets Module Teacher’s Book (page 70 & 71) *for reference Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be CCE (CURRICULUM / HOTS / VALUES) able to describe and write at least 4 sentences correctly. Collaborative learning / Language Creativity and innovation IMPACT/REFLECTION