Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
Teacher shows a globe to the pupils. Teacher asks questions (how many countries
in the world, countries that they know, etc) to the pupils.
35/35 pupils were able to achieve the
learning objectives and given
Lesson development:- enrichment exercise (s).
1. Use the flag flashcards to introduce the vocabulary (countries).
2. Pupils sing or say the words to the song (Activity 1 : CD 1 - Track 3). 35/35 pupils were able to achieve the
3. Have pupils draw the Malaysian flag. Talk to pupils about the colours and learning objectives with guidance and
patterns in English. The activity is not about making the flags as much as it is given reinforcement exercise (s).
on having the pupils listen to you talking about the colours in English.
-/- pupils were not able to achieve the
4. Continue the lesson with all the flashcards and paste them on whiteboard. learning objectives and given remedial
Jot down the countries’ name. exercise (s).
5. Practice pronouncing the countries name.
6. Distribute mini whiteboard to the pupils. TODAY’S LESSON:
7. Play a game in pair. Teacher shows the flag (s) and pupils guess the name. Excellent /
Write them on the mini whiteboard. Need improvement
1. Answer matching exercise.
2. Teacher plays the audio 3 times and discuss the exercise with pupils.
HOTS Analysis 21st CA Stretch to Sketch
Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment:
Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment.
THEME World of Self, Family and Friends DATE 19/3/2024
UNIT 0 - Welcome DAY Tuesday
LESSON 2 (Writing 1) TIME 9.10-10.10am
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able:
1. Write detailed information about themselves and others.
2. Give detailed information about themselves and others.
1. Review previous lesson’s personality adjectives and pupils’ names with a short class
quiz: ‘Who is [kind]?’ Ask pupils to display their name cards.
2. Teacher shares learning objectives and success criteria of the lesson.
Lesson development:-
1. Briefly review the content of Activity 1 (Pupil’s Book, p.5) by asking pupils what they
remember about the four children. They can check what they remember by looking at
their answers to Activity 1 from the previous lesson.
2. Pupils work individually to write questions. Support your pupils as necessary by writing gapped
questions on the board when eliciting these before the pupils write. If pupils find this challenging,
review present simple questions at this stage. (HOTS)
3. Pupils use their questions to ask a partner about themselves. They should check the
accuracy of their questions as they do this. Monitor to assess pupils’ ability to write
questions. Check the answers with class.
4. Pupils ask members of their group (4–6 pupils) the questions and make a note of the answers.
(21st CA)
5. Ask pupils to write about their group in their notebooks.
6. Pupils share their writing with their group and ask each other to check content and
7. Language. (CBA)
8. Pupils do worksbook page 5.
POST-LESSON TASK 6: MAKE A WORD LADDER* to review content and/or language pupils had
difficulty with during the lesson
Play the song from Activity 1 (CD 1 - Track 3) and have pupils sing along in groups.
Say some sentences about hobbies and interests. Pupils stand up if the sentence you say is true for
them. For example: You like ___. You don’t like ___. Your favourite hobby / interest is ___.
Lesson development:-
1. Write on board numbers 1 – 9. Pupils look at sentence starters in p.4 Activity 3, then say a number
for you to complete the sentence. Put a tick beside number on board. Repeat.
2. Pupils listen to CD track 1-04 and complete sentences about people on CD.
3. Pupils do p.4 Activity 4. They write six sentences about their hobbies and interests. (CBA)
4. Choose two pupils to read speech bubbles in Activity 5. Pupils work with a different partner and
repeat dialogue substituting hobbies and interests with theirs. (21st CA)
5. Pupils do p. 5 Activities 1, 2 and 4 to remind them about subject pronouns and possessive
adjectives. If time, they should check in pairs first. Teacher checks with whole class. (HOTS)
Play Is it true, is it false? Pupils write in capital letters TRUE and FALSE on two pieces of paper. They
take turns to say or make up a hobby or interest that a member of their family has. Then ask: Is it true?
Is it false?
Lesson development:-
1. Pupils do Activity 1. Ask which word is the most difficult to spell (dictionary).
2. Pupils focus on the pictures in Activity 2. Teacher reads out each preposition in turn and elicit the
meaning. Pupils fill in the gaps and listen to the audio (CD 1.06) to check their answers.
3. Pupils in pairs do memory test in Activity 3. They look at sentences in Activity 2 again for one
minute, close their books and write down as many sentences as they can remember. Ask: who can
remember 3, 5, 7, more than 7 sentences? (21st CA)
4. Pupils do Activity 4. They draw a desk and write sentences to describe what’s on the desk. Swap
with a partner and check if any of the objects and sentences are the same. (HOTS)
5. Pupils works in pairs. Pupils listen to partner describing their pictures and draw what they hear.
Refer pupils to the pictures again and says: The laptop is under the desk. Ask if the sentence is true or
false. Pupils write three false sentences about the objects in the pictures. Then, in pairs pupils read
their sentences to each other and correct them. (CBA)