Chapter 4 Sikpil
Chapter 4 Sikpil
Chapter 4 Sikpil
In addition to the 24 personality scales and 2 validity Scales of the Mapa ng Loob
scales, 19 items were designed to assess culturally
Neuroticism – Hina ng Loob,
relevant behaviors and attitudes for use as criterion
Pagkamaramdamin, Pagkamapag-alala,
variables in personality research studies, such as
gambling behavior: “I am prone to gambling,” drinking
Extraversion – Pagkamasayahin,
behavior: “I am prone to drinking alcohol,” praying
Pagkapalakaibigan, Pagkamasigla,
behavior: “I do not forget to pray, even when I have no
particular wish or problem,” and accident-proneness:
“I don’t know why, but I often get hurt or meet Openness to Experience – Kakaibang pag-iisip,
accidents.” Hilig sa Bagong Kaalaman, Pagkamakasining,
The PUP is scored either manually, using 15 scoring Agreeableness – Pagkadimayabang,
acetates, or using the computerized system developed Pagkamapagtiwala, Pagkamaunawain,
for scoring the test. The test takes about 30-45 Pagkamapagparaya
minutes to finish. Conscientiousness – Pagkamasikap,
Pagkamapagplano, Pagkaresponsable,
The Masaklaw na Panukat ng Loob (Mapa ng Loob) is a
Significance of the Study
188-item personality inventory that operationalizes
the Five-Factor Model with Filipino trait constructs. It The Mapa: sought to measure its target constructs,
is made up of four facets per factor, two interstitial but also the five factors
scales (N and A, A and C), and a Social Desirability
scale. Each of the scales, except for the SD scale, is Method
made up of 8 items. The inventory, constructed from Participants: Two hundred forty-five (245)
2010 to 2013 by the Personality Research Laboratory introductory psychology students from UP Diliman,
of the UP Department of Psychology, is available in
both online and pen-and-paper formats. Preliminary Instruments: the Mapa ng Loob and the PPP
norms based on 384 college students from Metro Procedure: The participants were administered the
Manila and a Luzon university, and 190 adults from online version of the Mapa at the beginning of the
Metro Manila, are available. Reliability, validity, and semester.
factor structure evidence for the scales are adequate.
Locally- Developed Psychological Tests by
Started in 2010, completed in 2013: 5 semesters Cipres – Ortega and Guanzon – Lapena
Administered to more than 4,000 participants during Cipres-Ortega and Guanzon-Lapeña (1997)
scale development documented and organized the information on both
published and unpublished work in the area of
Total sample mostly of students from UP Diliman, but psychological measurement, and saw a recent upsurge
final sample made up also of students from 3 other in the development of indigenous psychological
institutions in Metro Manila and Luzon, plus an adult measures. Interest has grown by leaps and bounds
sample: N=576 from the handful of tests in educational psychology
188 items: 22 scales with 8 items each, 12-item which were locally developed in the1950s, to the
Social Desirability scale interest in personality testing of the projective type in
the 1960s.
The Five-Factor Model: A breakthrough model
They further noted that ‘‘the 1970s saw tests
Put an end to 40 years of inquiry into the structure of developed in creativity, selfperception, personality and
the trait universe: Neuroticism, Extraversion, vocational testing, and the 1980s an increased interest
Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, in personality testing, with a number of researchers
Conscientiousness A powerful model, comprehensive doing studies on the Filipino child and the Filipino
adolescent. And in the 1990s, tests were developed to indigenous psychological measures during the last five
measure a wide variety of Filipino characteristics – years. Interests has grown by leaps and bound from
katalinuhan [intelligence], pagkarelihiyoso [religiosity], the handful of tests in educational psychology, which
kaasalang-sekswal [sexual behavior], kakayahang where locally-developed in the 1950s, to the interest
magdala ng tension [ability to handle stress], in personality testing of the projective type in the
pagkamabahala [anxiety],kahustuhang emosyonal 1960s.
[emotional stability], kakayahang berbal sa Filipino
[verbal ability in Filipino], Filipino management style,
dementia screening, empathy, and trustworthiness, to
name a few’’ (Cipres-Ortega & GuanzonLapeña, 1997
obtain order, meaning and directions for
research’’(Torres, 1982, p. 171).1976; Ramos,1977).