Reviewer in Clinical Psych

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A test that is supposed to measure overall

PSYCHOLOGY intelligence includes only mathematical
questions. This test clearly lacks __________
1. The Mismeasure of Man is a critique of – D.
validity. - A. Content
Intelligence testing written by Stephen J. Gould
12. If an intelligence test administered to 6th
2. By the 1960s, many individuals and groups
graders correlates strongly with the high school
were criticizing intelligence tests for what
GPAs of these students, it can be concluded
reason? – C. They believed that some test
that the test has high __________ validity. – B.
items were unfair and discriminated against
certain groups.
13. If an intelligence test administered to 4th
3. In 1994, Hernstein and Murray published a
graders correlates strongly with their 4th grade
controversial book called The Bell Curve. Why
teachers' estimates of their intelligence, it can
was this book so controversial? – D. All of the
be concluded that the test has high
__________ validity. – A. Concurrent
4. With regard to psychological tests, reliability
14. Dr. Richards has developed the Wide-
is most synonymous with. – B. Consistency
Range Intelligence Test (WRIT). All but which
5. The consistency of scores across two of the following would suggest that this
alternative versions of a test is labeled. – B. instrument has good validity? – C. Scores on
Equivalent forms reliability the WRIT correlate negatively with current
measures of extraversion.
6. Which of the following is an accurate
statement about the assessment of reliability? - 15. __________ is a measure of what one has
A. Equivalent forms reliability is used to avoid already learned. – A. Achievement
the problems with test-retest reliability.
16. The definition of intelligence that has been
7. Dr. Vorst has created a new intelligence test, universally accepted. – D. Does not yet exist.
and the research conducted to date suggests
17. According to Spearman, "g". – D. Is one of
that the items on the test are highly
the seven primary types of intelligence.
intercorrelated (i.e., they are measuring the
same thing). Another way to say this is that Dr. 18. Joel has high innate intellectual ability; his
Vorst's test has high __________ reliability. – brother James is more "book smart," excelling
A. Internal Consistency at school. Using the terms from Cattell's theory
of intelligence, we would say that Joel has
8. The internal consistency of an intelligence
__________ and James has __________. – B.
test is measured by calculating. - A. Split-half
high fluid intelligence; high crystallized
9. In evaluating the reliability of an intelligence
19. Guilford argued that intelligence could be
test, Dr. Xavier computes __________, which
organized into three dimensions: __________.
is the average of all possible __________
- A. operations, contents, and products.
correlations for the test. - C. Cronbach's alpha;
split-half 20. In comparison to traditional approaches,
recent approaches to the definition of
10. In general, the __________ of an
intelligence have emphasized. – D. more than
intelligence test is the extent to which it
one of the above.
measures what it is supposed to measure. - B.
Validity 21. Charlotte is attending a school that not only
focuses on the three Rs (reading, writing, and
arithmetic), but also instructs students with
regard to music, language, spatial ability, bodily To date, psychosocial interventions have been
movement, self-knowledge, the understanding very effective in improving IQ scores.
of others, and the understanding of nature. It
33. Q scores tend to be more stable over time
sounds as if this school is based on whose
for __________ than for __________. - A.
theory of intelligence? –
adults; children
A. Gardner
34. What is meant by the term "the Flynn
22. The ratio IQ equals __________ times 100. effect"? – B. the observation that the average
– C. mental age divided by chronological age IQ of successive generations is increasing
23. The concept of deviation IQ scores. – D. all 35. The most recent edition of the Stanford-
of the above Binet intelligence test was published in the. – D.
24. The correlation between IQ scores and
grades in school is approximately. – B. 50 36. In the most recent edition of the Stanford-
Binet intelligence test, the examinee's starting
25. IQ scores have the weakest correlation with
point for the subtests is determined by – C. the
which of the following? – B. Success after
examinee's scores on subtests of verbal and
gaining entry to a profession.
nonverbal ability.
26. Most studies comparing the overall
37. Reliability and validity data obtained for the
intelligence of males and females conclude that.
Stanford-Binet 5th Edition suggest that it is
– C. no significant differences exist in overall
generally. – A. reliable and valid
38. Which of the following was developed first?
27. Which of the following statements is true? –
- A. the original Stanford-Binet test
D. all of the above
39. On the WAIS-IV, the average IQ score is –
28. ALL BUT WHICH of the following
B. 100
circumstances would suggest a significant
genetic influence in the appearance of a 40. What is the purpose of the reversal items
characteristic like intelligence? – D. All of the on the WAIS-IV? – D. They reduce the number
above suggest a significant genetic influence. of items examinees must complete that are
well below their ability levels.
29. Recent estimates of the percentage of IQ
variance associated with genetic factors range 41. The Index Scores of the WAIS-IV,
from approximately __________%. – C. 50-80 representing the major ability factors that
underlie the subtest scores, are – B. Verbal
30. Which of the following statements is NOT
Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning,
accurate based on behavior genetics studies of
Working Memory, and Processing Speed.
intelligence? – D. In general, identical twins
reared together are perfectly concordant for 42. The WAIS-IV consists of __________
intelligence. subtests. – C. 15
31. Petunia is 54; her daughter Daisy is 32; 43. _________ is a WAIS-IV subtest that
and her granddaughter Rose is 4. For which of measures short-term memory and attention. –
these individuals is intelligence most heavily A. Digit Span
influenced by environmental factors? – C. Rose
44. Which of the following statements
32. ALL BUT WHICH of the following is an regarding WAIS-IV subtests is FALSE? – D.
accurate statement regarding the influence of none of the above
genes and environment on intelligence? – C.
45. A person whose lowest WAIS-IV subtest supported by preliminary research. – B.
scores are Picture Completion, Block Design, Personality disorders-psychopathy
and Matrix Reasoning most clearly has a
5. Objective test typically. – C. both of the
relative weakness in. – C. Perceptual
6. The purpose of the validity scales of the
46. Erika is referred for IQ testing, and she
MMPI-2 is – A. to detect malingering (faking
performs exceptionally well on the Arithmetic,
bad), response sets, or carelessness in test-
Digit Span, and Letter-Number Sequencing
subtests. Based on this information alone, we
could assert that Erika has a relative strength 7. A clinical psychologist conducting a
with regard to. – B. working memory personality assessment instructs an examinee
to "make up a story about each of these
47. Initial factor analyses on the WISC-IV
pictures." The test being administered is
suggest that the WISC-IV has a __________-
probably the – D. Thematic Apperception Test
factor structure. – B. four
48. A clinical psychologist assessing the
8. The domains measured by the NEO-PI-R
intelligence of an 8-year-old client with a
include. – A. Neuroticism and Openness to
Wechsler test should use the. – C. WISC-IV
49. In real clinical settings, intelligence tests
9. Which of the following is an accurate
are frequently used to. – D. all of the above
statement about research on the reliability and
50. Randall has been referred for IQ testing, validity of the Rorschach? – D. Research
and on the basis of his performance, the evaluating the Rorschach has been mixed and,
examiner determines that he has a full-scale IQ at times, of questionable quality.
of 104. Which of the following is a safe
10. Information gathered on a sentence
assertion to make on this basis alone? – D.
completion test, may also be gleaned from: - A.
neither of the above
An extensive clinical interview.
11. Which of the following is most accurate? –
B. Psychologists should obtain informed
1. Which statement about intelligence is most consent for the entire assessment process
closely aligned to Carol Dweck's research? – D.
12. Dr. Thomas is a behavioral clinical
A child's intelligence is malleable and can
psychologist who is conducting an assessment
change depending on their experiences.
of a child whose parents and teachers think he
2. Which of the following personality may be diagnosable with Oppositional Defiant
assessments is used by more clinical Disorder. Dr. Thomas's focus during these
psychologists than any other personality assessments is probably on. – C. the things the
assessment? - A. MMPI-2 child does that are viewed by others as
oppositional and defiant.
3. Test bias refers to the situation in which. – C.
different decisions or predictions are made for 13. Which of the following is the thesis
members of two groups even when they obtain underlying functional analysis? – A. Behaviors
the same score on a test such as the MMPI-2. are learned and maintained because of
consequences that follow them.
4. The NEO-PI-R was developed from a model
of "normal" personality but is increasingly being 14. Todd, Jamal, and Samuel are trained
used with clinical populations. Specifically, its observers for a research project. Just after
use in assessing __________ has been completing their training, their interrater
reliability is very high. However, over time and 3. Interviews conducted by a computer, as
without their awareness, their observations opposed to those conducted by a clinician – B.
converge less and less closely. The term for are more comfortable for some clients.
this phenomenon is. – A. observer drift.
4. Interviews should generally be conducted in
15. The Dysfunctional Thought Record is an an environment in which the client – A. can be
example of a __________ technique. – B. self- assured of privacy and protection from
monitoring interruptions.
16. Behavioral assessors use role-playing 5. Which of the following is an accurate
techniques to – C. sample clients' behavioral statement about taking verbatim notes during
skills and deficits. interviews or therapy sessions? – B. Taking
verbatim notes may keep the clinician from
17. Dr. Witwicky believes that people's self-
understanding what the client is feeling during
statements play an important role in what they
the interview or session.
do (or do NOT do) in a situation. Knowing only
this, we would guess that she adheres to the 6. In order to establish rapport, an interviewer
approach. – A. cognitive-behavioral should – D. adopt an attitude of acceptance
and respect for the client.
18. In the context of behavioral assessment,
handheld computers may be used in which of 7. What is an accurate statement about rapport?
the following ways? – D. any of the above – D. neither of the above
19. EMG, EDA, and EEG are most relevant to 8. Which of the following is an accurate
– B. psychophysiological assessment statement? – C. The interviewer should have
the client clarify words or terms when their
20. Naturalistic observation has taken place in
meanings are not clear to him/her.
– D. all of the above
9. During an interview, a client mentions that
21. A behavioral assessor is using the SORC
he occasionally experiences panic attacks. The
model to describe a client's problem. The client
interviewer asks, "Can you tell me a little more
is phobic of dogs. Running inside after seeing a
about the panic attacks you mentioned?" This
dog should be listed under – C. R
is an example of a(n) __________ interview
--------------------------------------------------------------- question. – A. facilitative
10. During an interview, the interviewer says,
1. Clinical Assessment - is crucial for helping "I'm not sure what you mean when you say
clinicians to solve problems and/or make your friend 'really let him have it.' Can you
decisions. explain?" This is an example of a(n)
__________ interview question. – A. clarifying
2. Mr. and Mrs. Hargett set up an assessment
appointment for their 15-year-old son, Tommy; 11. Dr. Hebb and his client are of the same sex
when they bring him in, they say that they want and ethnicity. Dr. Vernon and his client differ
to find out "what is wrong" with him. According with regard to both sex and ethnicity. What
to the text, what should the psychologist do in assumption below is a safe one to make? – D.
this case? – C. The therapist should talk with neither of the above
the parents to help them narrow down their
12. According to the text, in what two basic
questions about Tommy, and then conduct an
respects do the various types of clinical
assessment around these questions.
interviews differ? – C. purpose and level of
13. Intake-admission interviews generally have 25. An interview designed to measure panic
the purpose of – D. more than one of the above disorder correlates positively with several
measures of psychoticism. This suggests that
14. Case-history interviews of adult clients – B.
the interview has __________ validity. – B.
cover sexual development and medical history.
poor discriminant
15. If a clinical psychologist is going to work
with psychiatrists extensively, it is particularly
important that he/she be familiar with 1. IQ scores tend to be more stable over time
__________ interviews, as they are one of the for __________ than for __________. – adults;
primary assessment tools used by psychiatrists. children
- A. mental status examination
2. If an intelligence test administered to 6th
graders correlates strongly with the high school
GPAs of these students, it can be concluded
that the test has high __________ validity. –
16. The purpose of __________ interviews predictive
includes the provision of immediate resources.
3. __________ is a measure of what one has
– A. crisis
already learned. – achievement
17. What is the term for the type of interview
4. Which of the following statements is NOT
that consists of a standard set of questions and
accurate based on behavior genetics studies of
follow-up probes that are asked in a
intelligence? - In general, identical twins reared
predetermined sequence? – B. Structured
together are perfectly concordant for
18. The SCID-I – B. is a structured interview intelligence.
designed to yield a DSM-IV diagnosis
5. What is the purpose of the reversal items on
19. The __________ of an interview concerns the WAIS-IV? - They reduce the number of
how well the interview measures what it items examinees must complete that are well
intends to measure. – A. validity below their ability levels.
20. The most common type of reliability ---------------------------------------------------------------
assessed and reported for structured -----
diagnostic interviews is – A. interrater reliability.
21. Test-retest reliability is expected to be high
when – B. the variable being assessed is a
long-standing personality trait
22. In general, a kappa value __________ is
considered to reflect excellent interrater
agreement beyond chance. – B. between .75
and 1.00
23. A clinical psychologist develops a clinical
interview to assess for the presence of alcohol
abuse and dependence. What kind of validity
does this study appear to be assessing? – C.
concurrent validity
24. Predictive validity is a subtype of
__________ validity. - A. criterion-related

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