Power Electronic Converters and Systems

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Power Electronic
Converters and
Other volumes in this series:

Volume 1 Power Circuit Breaker Theory and Design C.H. Flurscheim (Editor)
Volume 4 Industrial Microwave Heating A.C. Metaxas and R.J. Meredith
Volume 7 Insulators for High Voltages J.S.T. Looms
Volume 8 Variable Frequency AC Motor Drive Systems D. Finney
Volume 10 SF6 Switchgear H.M. Ryan and G.R. Jones
Volume 11 Conduction and Induction Heating E.J. Davies
Volume 13 Statistical Techniques for High Voltage Engineering W. Hauschild and W. Mosch
Volume 14 Uninterruptible Power Supplies J. Platts and J.D. St Aubyn (Editors)
Volume 15 Digital Protection for Power Systems A.T. Johns and S.K. Salman
Volume 16 Electricity Economics and Planning T.W. Berrie
Volume 18 Vacuum Switchgear A. Greenwood
Volume 19 Electrical Safety: a guide to causes and prevention of hazards J. Maxwell Adams
Volume 21 Electricity Distribution Network Design, 2nd Edition E. Lakervi and E.J. Holmes
Volume 22 Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems K. Warwick, A.O. Ekwue and
R. Aggarwal (Editors)
Volume 24 Power System Commissioning and Maintenance Practice K. Harker
Volume 25 Engineers’ Handbook of Industrial Microwave Heating R.J. Meredith
Volume 26 Small Electric Motors H. Moczala et al.
Volume 27 AC-DC Power System Analysis J. Arrillaga and B.C. Smith
Volume 29 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission, 2nd Edition J. Arrillaga
Volume 30 Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Y-H. Song (Editor)
Volume 31 Embedded generation N. Jenkins et al.
Volume 32 High Voltage Engineering and Testing, 2nd Edition H.M. Ryan (Editor)
Volume 33 Overvoltage Protection of Low-Voltage Systems, Revised Edition P. Hasse
Volume 36 Voltage Quality in Electrical Power Systems J. Schlabbach et al.
Volume 37 Electrical Steels for Rotating Machines P. Beckley
Volume 38 The Electric Car: Development and future of battery, hybrid and fuel-cell cars
M. Westbrook
Volume 39 Power Systems Electromagnetic Transients Simulation J. Arrillaga and N. Watson
Volume 40 Advances in High Voltage Engineering M. Haddad and D. Warne
Volume 41 Electrical Operation of Electrostatic Precipitators K. Parker
Volume 43 Thermal Power Plant Simulation and Control D. Flynn
Volume 44 Economic Evaluation of Projects in the Electricity Supply Industry H. Khatib
Volume 45 Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles J. Miller
Volume 46 Distribution Switchgear S. Stewart
Volume 47 Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks, 2nd Edition J. Gers and E. Holmes
Volume 48 Wood Pole Overhead Lines B. Wareing
Volume 49 Electric Fuses, 3rd Edition A. Wright and G. Newbery
Volume 50 Wind Power Integration: Connection and system operational aspects B. Fox et al.
Volume 51 Short Circuit Currents J. Schlabbach
Volume 52 Nuclear Power J. Wood
Volume 53 Condition Assessment of High Voltage Insulation in Power System Equipment
R.E. James and Q. Su
Volume 55 Local Energy: Distributed generation of heat and power J. Wood
Volume 56 Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical Machines P. Tavner, L. Ran, J. Penman and
H. Sedding
Volume 57 The Control Techniques Drives and Controls Handbook, 2nd Edition B. Drury
Volume 58 Lightning Protection V. Cooray (Editor)
Volume 59 Ultracapacitor Applications J.M. Miller
Volume 62 Lightning Electromagnetics V. Cooray
Volume 63 Energy Storage for Power Systems, 2nd Edition A. Ter-Gazarian
Volume 65 Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks, 3rd Edition J. Gers
Volume 66 High Voltage Engineering Testing, 3rd Edition H. Ryan (Editor)
Volume 67 Multicore Simulation of Power System Transients F.M. Uriate
Volume 68 Distribution System Analysis and Automation J. Gers
Volume 69 The Lightening Flash, 2nd Edition V. Cooray (Editor)
Volume 70 Economic Evaluation of Projects in the Electricity Supply Industry, 3rd Edition
H. Khatib
Volume 74 Power Electronic Converters and Systems: Frontiers and applications
Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski (Editor)
Volume 76 Power System Stability: Modelling, analysis and control B. Om P. Malik
Volume 78 Numerical Analysis of Power System Transients and Dynamics A. Ametani (Editor)
Volume 79 Vehicle-to-Grid: Linking electric vehicles to the smart grid J. Lu and J. Hossain (Editors)
Volume 905 Power system protection, 4 volumes
Power Electronic
Converters and
Frontiers and applications
Edited by
Andrzej M. Trzynadlowski

The Institution of Engineering and Technology

Published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, United Kingdom
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England &
Wales (no. 211014) and Scotland (no. SC038698).
† The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016
First published 2015

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This book is dedicated to those countless researchers and
engineers around the world who diligently strive to maintain
the high rate of progress in modern power electronics

Preface xvii

Part I Converters 1
1 Semiconductor power devices 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 High-voltage SiC power devices 4
1.2.1 Characterization of 15 kV SiC N-IGBTs 4
1.2.2 Characterization of 10 kV SiC MOSFETs 9
1.3 Low-voltage SiC devices and its characteristics 11
1.3.1 Low-voltage gate drive design 11
1.3.2 Common-mode current minimization 12
1.4 Characterization of 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET 12
1.4.1 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET device characterization
without complementary device of the half-bridge module 12
1.4.2 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET device characterization
with complementary device of the half-bridge module 12
1.4.3 Hard-switching characterization of 1,700 V SiC
MOSFET [11] 14
1.4.4 Performance comparison of MOSFET and IGBT 16
1.4.5 Gate drive design and characterization of 1,200 V/45 A
infineon SiC JFET module [12] 23
1.4.6 SiC super-junction transistor characteristics 24
1.5 Zero voltage switching characterization of 12 kV SiC [14] 25
1.5.1 ZVS turn-on characteristics 26
1.5.2 ZVS turn-off characteristics 28
1.6 All SiC-based SST 34
1.7 Summary 39
Acknowledgements 41
References 41

2 Multilevel converters 43
2.1 Introduction 43
2.2 Basic concepts of multilevel converters 43
2.2.1 One-branch converter 44
2.2.2 Two branches, ‘‘H-bridge’’ converter 46
2.3 Electronic switches to implement the converters 47
viii Power electronic converters and systems

2.3.1 NPC converter 47

2.3.2 FC converter 49
2.3.3 CHB converter 49
2.3.4 Combined topologies 53
2.4 Three-phase multilevel converters 54
2.4.1 Phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages 55
2.4.2 Space vector representation 56
2.5 Modulation strategies for multilevel converters 60
2.5.1 Voltage levels–based algorithms 61
2.5.2 Space vector–based algorithms 69
References 72
Further reading 73

3 Multi-input converters 75
3.1 Introduction 75
3.2 Realizing multi-input converter topologies 76
3.3 Multi-port converters 87
3.3.1 Synthesis of multi-port converters by extending
multi-input topologies 87
3.3.2 Multi-port converters with dc link 89
3.3.3 Ac link multi-port power converters 92
3.4 Applications of multi-port power converters 97
3.4.1 Multi-port power converters for renewable energy systems 99
3.4.2 Application of multi-input converters in micro-grids 101
3.4.3 Multi-port converters for vehicular power systems 103
3.5 Summary 106
References 106

4 Modular converters 111

4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Modular converter topologies and description 115
4.2.1 MMCC arrangements and SM topologies 116
4.2.2 Basic modular multilevel cascade converters 121
4.3 Control strategies 125
4.3.1 Voltage-balancing control 125
4.3.2 Circulating current control 128
4.4 Modulation techniques 130
4.4.1 High switching frequency techniques 130
4.4.2 Low switching frequency techniques 132
4.5 Operational issues in MMCCs 134
4.5.1 Fault-tolerant operation 134
4.5.2 Floating DC capacitor pre-charging procedures 136
4.6 Main applications 136
Acknowledgements 138
References 138
Contents ix

5 Matrix converters 147

5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 Direct matrix converter 147
5.2.1 Circuit topology 147
5.2.2 Modulation techniques 147
5.3 Indirect matrix converter 159
5.3.1 Circuit topology 161
5.3.2 Modulation techniques 162
5.4 Technological issues of MCs 165
5.5 MC versus voltage back-to-back converter 167
5.6 Summary 167
References 168

6 Soft-switching converters 169

6.1 Resonant converters 169
6.1.1 Second-order resonant converters 169
6.1.2 Resonant converters with three or more resonating elements 178
6.2 Quasi-resonant converters 181
6.2.1 Example 1 – half-wave ZCS-QRC 183
6.2.2 Example 2 – full-wave ZCS-QRC 185
6.2.3 Example 3 – half-wave ZVS-QRC 186
6.2.4 Example 4 – full-wave ZVS-QRC 188
6.2.5 The effect of parasitic oscillations in QRCs 189
6.3 Multi-resonant converters 190
6.4 Quasi-square-wave converters 191
6.5 Other types of ZVS and ZCS converters 196
References 200

7 Z-source converters 205

7.1 Introduction 205
7.1.1 General overview 205
7.1.2 Basic principles 207
7.1.3 Modeling and control 209
7.2 Categories of impedance source power converters based
on conversion functionality 215
7.2.1 DC–DC converter topologies 215
7.2.2 DC–AC inverter topologies 222
7.2.3 AC–AC converter topologies 226
7.2.4 AC–DC converter topologies 227
7.3 Impedance source network topologies 227
7.3.1 Non-transformer based 229
7.3.2 With transformer or magnetic coupling 233
7.4 Conclusions 236
References 237
x Power electronic converters and systems

8 Switching power supplies 245

8.1 Introduction 245
8.2 Non-isolated converters topologies 246
8.2.1 Buck converter 246
8.2.2 Boost converter 249
8.2.3 Buck–boost converter 251
8.2.4 Integrated buck and boost converter 252
8.2.5 Power factor correction 253
8.3 Isolated converters topologies 254
8.3.1 Flyback converter 254
8.3.2 Forward converter 255
8.3.3 Half-bridge converter 256
8.3.4 Full-bridge converter 258
8.3.5 Rectifiers 259
8.4 Parasitics in DC–DC converters 262
8.5 Continuous and discontinuous conduction modes 264
8.6 Synchronous rectification 264
8.7 Bidirectional converters 265
8.8 Interleaving 266
8.9 Control principles 268
Further reading 272
9 Smart power electronic modules 273
9.1 History 273
9.2 Technology background 276
9.2.1 IGBT device technologies and their performance 277
9.2.2 Gate driver technology 280
9.2.3 Packaging technologies 282
9.3 Basic usage 284
9.3.1 Protection 284
9.3.2 Bootstrap power supply 285
9.3.3 Digital interface 287
9.4 Reliability 287
9.5 Variety of products 288
9.6 Future usage and emerging solutions 290
9.6.1 Grid interface with multiple power modules 290
9.6.2 Matrix converter with SPM devices 295
9.6.3 Multilevel converter with SPM devices 296
9.6.4 A different direct converter with SPM devices 298
9.7 Conclusion 306
References 306

Part II Applications 311

10 Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 313
10.1 Introduction 313
10.2 Trends in sensorless control of PMSM 314
Contents xi

10.2.1 Key factors for sensorless controls evaluation 315

10.2.2 A glance to HF injection methods 316
10.2.3 A HF sensorless technique for IPM and
PMASR motors 318
10.2.4 A HF injection method for surface-mounted
permanent magnet motors 319
10.2.5 A glance to extended EMF-based methods 320
10.2.6 Sliding mode observers for the extended EMF 321
10.3 Trends in MPC of PMSM 322
10.3.1 Key factors for MPC 323
10.3.2 Direct torque and flux control 323
10.3.3 An MPC method for IPM motors 324
10.3.4 A perspective on centralised MPC-based structures 325
10.4 Some hints about energy efficiency in PMSM drives 326
10.5 Final considerations 327
Acknowledgements 328
References 328

11 Induction motor drives 333

11.1 Induction motors 333
11.2 IM model 334
11.3 Variable frequency drives 335
11.3.1 Scalar control 335
11.3.2 Field-oriented control 335
11.3.3 Direct torque control 336
11.4 DTC schemes 336
11.4.1 Space vector modulation DTC 336
11.4.2 Feedback linearization and sliding mode DTC 337
11.4.3 Intelligent DTC schemes 340
11.5 IM speed estimation with Kalman filtering 342
11.5.1 High-speed operation 343
11.5.2 Low-speed operation 344
11.5.3 Implementation considerations 346
11.6 Switched reluctance sensorless drives 348
References 349

12 Wind energy systems 351

12.1 Introduction 351
12.1.1 Overview of the wind energy technology 351
12.1.2 Types of WT rotors 352
12.1.3 Generators for WTs and standard configurations
of WECSs 354
12.2 Power electronic interfaces for variable speed WTs 361
12.2.1 Conventional power electronic building blocks 363
12.2.2 Common PEC topologies for WTs 366
12.2.3 Emerging PEC topologies for WTs 369
12.2.4 PEC topologies for high power WTs 371
xii Power electronic converters and systems

12.3 Control algorithms for PECs 374

12.3.1 Maximum power point tracking 375
12.3.2 Control for DC/DC boost converters 377
12.3.3 Control for IS converters 378
12.3.4 Field oriented control 380
12.3.5 Direct torque control-space vector modulated 382
12.3.6 Voltage oriented control 382
12.3.7 Direct power control-space vector modulated 384
12.3.8 Single-phase grid converter control 385
12.3.9 Control for stand-alone mode of operation 386
Acknowledgements 388
References 388

13 Photovoltaic energy systems 395

13.1 Introduction 395
13.1.1 Brief overview of photovoltaic generation 395
13.1.2 PV inverter circuit 395
13.1.3 Centralized PV plant 397
13.2 The technologies 399
13.2.1 State-of-the-art technologies 399
13.2.2 Reliability 404
13.3 The grid interface 409
13.3.1 Basic control of real and reactive power in a
two-bus power system 409
13.4 The standards 414
13.4.1 Protection 417
13.4.2 Islanding 417
13.4.3 Power quality 419
13.4.4 Ancillary services 420
13.5 The field measurements 422
13.5.1 Intermittence in solar field results 422
13.5.2 LVRT test results of the 500 kW RX series 422
13.6 Summary and conclusions 423
Acknowledgements 424
References 424

14 Automotive energy systems 425

14.1 Electric vehicle batteries 425
14.1.1 Introduction 425
14.2 EV charging 440
14.2.1 Plugged charging 440
14.3 Wireless charging 456
14.3.1 Introduction 456
14.3.2 Necessity of compensation for wireless charging 458
14.3.3 Analysis of series–series topology 461
14.3.4 Analysis of series–parallel topology 461
Contents xiii

14.3.5 Peak efficiency of series–series and series–parallel

topology 462
14.3.6 Control strategies for SS and SP topology 463
14.3.7 Advantages of EV wireless charging 464
References 464

15 Shipboard power systems 469

15.1 Shipboard power system topologies 469
15.2 Shipboard propulsion drives 472
15.2.1 Voltage link systems 474
15.2.2 Current link systems 477
15.2.3 Direct AC–AC conversion – cycloconverters 478
15.3 Power quality requirements in shipboard systems 479
15.4 Harmonic mitigation in shipboard systems 483
15.4.1 Harmonic cancellation 483
15.4.2 Reactive harmonic suppressors 485
15.4.3 Active filters 489
15.4.4 Case study 492
15.5 Frequency variation and converter control 495
15.6 Concepts for future shipboard power systems 495
15.6.1 Power electronics building block 495
15.6.2 Medium voltage DC integrated power system 496
Acknowledgements 498
References 498

16 Converters in power grid 501

16.1 Introduction 501
16.2 Power converter topologies 501
16.2.1 AC–DC converters 502
16.2.2 AC phase controllers 505
16.2.3 AC pulse width modulated controllers 505
16.2.4 Modular multilevel converter 508
16.3 Application examples of power converters in power grid 512
16.3.1 Shunt compensation 512
16.3.2 Series compensation 515
16.3.3 Shunt-series compensation 521
16.3.4 Series-series compensation 523
16.3.5 High-voltage direct current transmission 524
16.3.6 Low-frequency high-voltage ac transmission 526
16.3.7 Solid-state power transformer 528
16.4 Summary 529
References 530

17 Distributed generation and microgrids 535

17.1 Introduction 535
17.2 Distribution generators 536
xiv Power electronic converters and systems

17.2.1 Examples of DGs 536

17.2.2 Technical impacts due to DG 541
17.2.3 IEEE1547 544
17.3 Microgrid 545
17.3.1 DC and AC microgrids 546
17.3.2 Stand-alone microgrids 546
17.3.3 Grid-tied microgrids 546
17.3.4 Centralized control 547
17.3.5 Conventional droop control method 547
17.3.6 Local control 550
17.3.7 Multifunctionalities 551
References 553

18 Uninterruptible power supplies 557

18.1 Introduction 557
18.2 Topologies 557
18.2.1 On-line UPS systems 557
18.2.2 Off-Line UPS 558
18.2.3 Line-interactive UPS 560
18.2.4 Delta conversion UPS 561
18.2.5 Tri-mode UPS 561
18.2.6 Rotary UPS 562
18.2.7 Hybrid static and rotary UPS 563
18.2.8 Flywheels 564
18.2.9 DC UPS for pulse load with power leveling 565
18.2.10 Redundant bus 566
18.3 Controls for UPS systems 566
18.4 Applications 571
18.4.1 Desktop personal computers 572
18.4.2 Industrial systems 572
18.4.3 Data centers 572
18.4.4 Medical equipment 572
References 573

19 Wireless power transfer 577

19.1 Introduction 577
19.2 Basic principles and two fundamental concepts of WPT 579
19.2.1 Basic principles 579
19.2.2 Two fundamental concepts 580
19.3 Different forms of WPT systems 582
19.3.1 Two-coil systems 582
19.3.2 Three-coil systems 583
19.3.3 Four-coil systems 584
19.3.4 WPT systems with relay and domino resonators 585
Contents xv

19.4 Power electronics and control 585

19.4.1 Series and parallel tuned primary and
secondary circuits 586
19.4.2 Practical circuit topologies 588
19.4.3 Control 592
19.5 Safety regulations 594
19.5.1 Electromagnetic compatibility 594
19.5.2 Human exposure 595
19.6 Conclusion 597
Acknowledgements 597
References 597

20 Advanced control of power electronic systems 601

20.1 Introduction 601
20.2 Brief overview of historic advanced nonlinear controllers
for PES applications 601
20.3 Switching SBC [9–11] 604
20.3.1 SBC for standalone PES 604
20.3.2 SBC for networked PESs 610
Acknowledgements 617
References 617

Index 619

The era of modern power electronics began in the late 1950s when the silicon-
controlled rectifier (SCR) was developed by General Electric Corporation. Most of
the early applications of SCRs involved electric drives. In recent decades, power
electronic converters spread to the electric grid, distributed generation systems,
renewable energy sources, transportation, and a variety of industrial processes.
Today’s power electronics is sustaining a robust growth.
This book is intended as a reference for professionals who are already familiar
with the fundamentals of power electronics. Consequently, in contrast to typical
textbooks, no coverage of basic principles of electric power conditioning is pro-
vided. It is assumed that Readers do not need explanation of such terms as the
rectifier, inverter, chopper, or pulse width modulation.
The content of the book is mostly focused on recent advances in power
electronic converters and systems, but the technological progress in the area of the
associated semiconductor devices cannot be overlooked. The traditional silicon-
based semiconductor power switches, such as thyristors or IGBTs, are reaching
limits of their highly impressive operating parameters and characteristics.
However, a new era of the so-called wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor devices
has already begun, promising revolutionary enhancement of the existing power
electronic circuits. The most advanced WBG technology is that of silicon carbide
devices, which are described in details in Chapter 1.
Most of the first part of the book deals with those power electronic converters,
which thanks to their unique properties, enjoy currently high interest of researchers.
Thus, the subjects of Chapters 2–7 include multilevel, multi-input, modular, matrix,
soft switching, and Z-source converters. Switching power supplies, explained
in Chapter 8, provide high-quality power to electronic devices, including the
ubiquitous laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Chapter 9 describes ‘‘smart’’ power
electronic modules, which combine power and control circuits in the same package.
The second part of the book describes the most common applications of
modern power electronics systems. Electric drives with synchronous and induction
motors have always been in the mainstream of power electronics. Photovoltaic and
most of the wind energy sources are interfaced with the power grid through power
electronic converters. Recently, battery-fed electric cars, with a power electronic
inverter driving an ac motor, have been gaining popularity. Hybrid cars, in which
sophisticated gearing links an electric drive system with an internal combustion
engine, have already entered the mainstream of automobile markets. Shipboard
xviii Power electronic converters and systems

power systems progressively employ power electronics. Those topics are covered
in Chapters 10–15.
Modern power grids increasingly use power electronic systems for energy
conversion, control of the power flow, and stability enhancement. Integration of the
renewable energy sources through distributed generation and microgrids would not
be possible without those systems. The ubiquitous data and communication centers
require uninterruptable power supplies to prevent catastrophic information loss
due to power outages and disturbances. Wireless power transfer allows remote
energizing of battery-fed devices and vehicles. All the sophisticated power elec-
tronic systems need correspondingly advanced control methods. Chapters 16–20
deal with the aforementioned issues.
The Editor wants to express his deep gratitude to the forty-four contributing
Authors, all accomplished specialists in various areas of power electronics and its
applications. Their collective expertise and efforts, supported by the most helpful
Publisher’s personnel, made this book a highly valuable source of engineering
Part I
Chapter 1
Semiconductor power devices
Arun Kadavelugu*, Samir Hazra*, Sachin Madhusoodhanan*,
Awneesh Tripathi*, Kasunaidu Vechalapu*, Ankan De*,
Krishna Mainali*, Dhaval Patel*, Kamalesh Hatua*
and Subhashish Bhattacharya*

1.1 Introduction
Power electronics systems are very important part of today’s energy conversion
systems. Power semiconductor devices are the basis for power electronics systems.
In power electronics system, a power semiconductor device is used as a switch either
in the ON or OFF state. Thus, power devices are optimized to be used in commu-
tation mode (either ON or OFF). Common power devices are power diode, thyristor,
bipolar junction transistor (BJT), metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor
(MOSFET), insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), and different derivatives of
them. Since the very first power device, power electronics technologies have been
developed on silicon material. With more than 60 years of silicon technology
development, the silicon power device fabrication process is very mature.
The demand for faster switching speed devices and higher voltage blocking
capabilities is growing. Silicon-based power devices are limited in these performances
due to inherent material properties. Silicon has low band gap energy, low critical
electric field, low thermal conductivity, and limited switching frequency. Since early
1980s, research has been focused on wide band gap semiconductor materials for
power devices to overcome these limitations of the silicon-based power devices. Now,
silicon carbide (SiC) is considered to be most promising material for power devices.
SiC is wide band gap semiconductor, with much lower leakage currents and higher
operating temperatures compared to silicon power devices. It has high critical electric
fields; device can have high doping concentrations with thin blocking layers giving
lower specific on-resistance. SiC has higher electron saturation velocity which leads
to higher operating frequencies. SiC also has higher thermal conductivity which
improves the heat dissipation and helps in achieving higher power densities.
In this chapter, the characteristics of high-voltage SiC IGBT, SiC MOSFET,
SiC junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET), and low-voltage SiC MOSFET are

*North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA

4 Power electronic converters and systems

1.2 High-voltage SiC power devices

The several fold increase in critical electric field in comparison to silicon makes it
feasible to build high-voltage unipolar (majority carrier) devices with extremely
low resistance as predicted by Baliga’s figure of merit [1]. The better thermal
conductivity of SiC is another factor of considerable importance which is critical in
heat removal process [2,3]. The high-temperature capability of SiC, due to its wider
band gap, is another attractive feature.
These unique advantages of SiC led to development of MOSFETs beyond
10 kV [4,5]. The 10 kV SiC MOSFETs have been demonstrated on a single-phase
1 MVA soft-switched Solid State Power Substation by GE in 2010 [5]. The 13 kV
SiC MOSFETs have been demonstrated on a 20 kVA single-phase solid-state
transformer (SST) by FREEDM Systems Center at North Carolina State University
(NCSU) [6,7].
However, similar to the case of silicon, as the voltage is scaled-up, IGBT is
more efficient due to its bipolar physics with metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS)
gate structure. Therefore, significant research effort has been spent in the recent
years to develop high-voltage 4H-SiC IGBTs. Due to difficulty in producing low-
resistivity Pþ substrate, the initial SiC IGBTs have been developed with P-channel
(using Nþ substrate) [8]. However, with advances in SiC technology, low-resistivity
Pþ substrates have been developed leading to the development of SiC N-IGBTs [9].

1.2.1 Characterization of 15 kV SiC N-IGBTs

The simplified cross-sectional view of the 15 kV SiC N-IGBT is shown in
Figure 1.1. The drift layer is 140 mm thick with doping concentration of 2
1014 cm3. The IGBT used for the characterization has a buffer layer thickness
of 5 mm, and its chip area is 0.84 cm 0.84 cm, with an active area of 0.32 cm2.
The current-sense resistors and the thermistor integrated in the module for over
current and temperature protection are seen in Figure 1.2.

Emitter Emitter

N+ N+
P-well P-well

140 μm, 2×1014 cm–3

N– epilayer

N field-stop buffer

P+ injector epilayer


Figure 1.1 Simplified cross-sectional view of 15 kV SiC N-IGBT

Semiconductor power devices 5





Figure 1.2 15 kV SiC N-IGBT co-pack module




Figure 1.3 The double-pulse test circuit schematic with different parasitic

The clamped inductive (or fully hard-switched) characteristics are most widely
provided data for power semiconductor devices to cover majority of applications.
The schematic of the double-pulse test circuit is shown in Figure 1.3. Figure 1.4
shows turn-on switching loss (Eon) and turn-off switching loss (Eoff) at 25 C, at
10 kV, 2–10 A. Unlike the turn-on loss, the turn-off loss is weakly dependent on the
current. Figure 1.5 shows the turn-off transitions at 10 kV, 5 A, and 10 A at 25 C.
The duration of the 10 A transition is about 60% of that of the 5 A transition,
resulting in very slight variation of energy loss from 5 to 10 A. The temperature
dependency of the turn-off loss is shown in Figure 1.6. The energy loss is increased
to a factor of three from 25 to 175 C, due to increased injection at higher
temperature resulting in significantly larger amounts of charge in the drift region.
As shown in Figure 1.7, the larger amount of charge to be removed at higher
temperature is slowing down the voltage rise (before punch through) which in
consequence is resulting in higher energy loss.
The turn-on loss behavior at high temperatures is evaluated with higher
gate resistance of 33 W (turn-off loss is evaluated with gate resistance of 10 W).
6 Power electronic converters and systems


Eon vs. Ic
Eon, Eoff (mJ)


10 Eoff vs. Ic

2 4 6 8 10
Ic (A)

Figure 1.4 Turn-on and turn-off energy loss values with current variation at
10 kV and 25 C, under clamped inductive load


Vce at 10 A Vce at 5 A

Vce (kV), Ic (A)

Ic at 10 A Ic at 5 A

–2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) × 10–7

Figure 1.5 Turn-off switching transitions at 10 kV, 25 C, 5 and 10 A, under

clamped inductive load conditions

Based on the results shown in Figure 1.8, the turn-on energy loss is not drastically
varying with temperature, unlike the turn-off energy loss.
The 15 kV SiC N-IGBT characteristics reported earlier has 5 mm thick field-
stop buffer layer. The reduction in buffer layer thickness from 5 to 2 mm reduces the
conduction drop from 7.2 to 6.0 V at 20 A. Both the IGBTs have been designed
with same drift layer parameters and same buffer layer doping, except for its
Semiconductor power devices 7



Eoff at 10 kV, 10 A
Eoff (mJ)



Eoff at 10 kV, 5 A

0 50 100 150 200
Temperature (◦C)

Figure 1.6 Turn-off switching loss variation with temperature at 5 and 10 A

at 10 kV, under clamped inductive load conditions

Vce at 25 °C Vce at 106 °C Vce at 175°C

Vce (kV), Ic (A)

Ic at 25 °C Ic at 106 °C Ic at 175 °C

–2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) × 10–7

Figure 1.7 Turn-off switching transitions with temperature at 10 kV and 10 A,

under clamped inductive load conditions

thickness. Figure 1.9 shows turn-off transition of 2 and 5 mm buffer layer IGBTs at
10 kV and 10 A. The turn-off transition of the 5 mm buffer layer IGBT is much
faster than that of the 2 mm buffer layer IGBT, due to reduced injection.
The turn-on transitions of both the IGBTs at 10 kV, 8 A are shown in Figure 1.10.
The 2 mm IGBT has significantly larger dv/dt above the punch-through voltage
resulting in a large current spike due to discharge of the capacitance of the free-
wheeling diode (FWD) of the clamped inductive test circuit. Table 1.1 summarizes
8 Power electronic converters and systems


10 kV, 8 A

Eon (mJ)

10 kV, 5 A

8 kV, 8 A

15 8 kV, 5 A

0 50 100 150 200

Temperature (◦C)

Figure 1.8 The turn-on energy loss variation of 15 kV N-IGBT with temperature
with RG(ON) ¼ 33 W


Vce of 5 μm IGBT Vce of 2 μm IGBT

Vce (kV), Ic (A)

Ic of 5 μm IGBT Ic of 2 μm IGBT

–2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) × 10–7

Figure 1.9 Turn-off transitions of 15 kV, 2 and 5 mm thick buffer layer, SiC IGBT
at 10 kV, 10 A, 25 C with RG(OFF) of 10 W

dv/dt values of both the devices at 25 C with RG(ON) ¼ 50 W and RG(OFF) ¼ 10 W.

Table 1.2 summarizes energy loss values of both the IGBTs. Based on the data shown
in these two tables, the thicker buffer layer IGBT has significantly lower turn-off loss
and turn-on dv/dt (over punch-through voltage). However, the conduction drop is
moderately increased due to the thicker buffer layer. Thus, the 5 mm devices are more
suitable for high-frequency, high-voltage power conversion.
Semiconductor power devices 9

15 Vce of 2 μm IGBT

Vce of 5 μm IGBT

Vce (kV), Ic (A)

0.33 × Ic of 2 μm IGBT

Ic of 5 μm IGBT

–2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) × 10–7

Figure 1.10 Turn-on transitions of 15 kV, 2 and 5 mm thick buffer layer, SiC IGBT
at 10 kV, 8 A, 25 C with RG(ON) of 50 W (the 2 mm IGBT current is
scaled down to 0.33 to accommodate the current spike)

Table 1.1 dv/dt of 2 and 5 mm IGBTs at 10 kV, 8 A (turn-on) and

10 A (turn-off)

Parameter 2 mm IGBT (kV/ms) 5 mm IGBT (kV/ms)

Turn-on dv/dt (above PT ) 135 39
Turn-on dv/dt (under PT) 7.3 9.0
Turn-off dv/dt (before PT) 12 30
Turn-off dv/dt (after PT) 39 47
PT, punch through.

Table 1.2 Energy loss values of 15 kV, 2 and 5 mm SiC IGBTs

Parameter 2 mm IGBT 5 mm IGBT

Forward drop at 20 A, 25 C (VGE ¼ 20 V) 5.52 V 7.12 V
Turn-off energy loss at 10 kV, 20.4 mJ 7.2 mJ
10 A and 25 C (RG(ON) ¼ 10 W)

1.2.2 Characterization of 10 kV SiC MOSFETs

Cree Inc. has developed 10 kV, 10 A SiC MOSFET module with 10 kV, 10 A
Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) diode. At the room temperature, MOSFET has a
3 V threshold on gate voltage. The on state drop across the device Vdson is 4.1 V
while conducting 10 A and gate voltage of 20 V, as shown in Figure 1.11. At the
10 Power electronic converters and systems

Vds,on = 4.1 V at 10 A
Rds,on sp = 127 mΩcm2 0V
Vth = 3.0 V =2
12 Vg
Drain current (A)


0 2 4 6 8 10
Drain voltage (V)

Figure 1.11 SiC 10 kV, 10 A MOSFET drain conductance: Rds,on ¼ 400 mW with
Vg ¼ 20 V [5]

6 30
5 Id 25
4 QG total = 351 nC 20
Id (A), Vgs (V)

3 15
Vds (kV)

2 10

1 Won = 4.48 mJ 5

0 0

–1 –5
6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Time (μs)

Figure 1.12 Turn-on waveform for SiC 10 kV, 10 A MOSFET [5]

room temperature, the JBS diode has knee voltage of 1.2 V and forward drop VF of
4 V with 10 A current. Both the MOSFET and JBS diode have positive temperature
coefficient for their on-resistance, thus it facilitates the parallel operation for higher
current ratings. In the OFF state, both the devices have sub microampere leakage
currents at 10 kV; and avalanche at 12 kV. The clamped inductive switching turn-
on measurements are shown in Figure 1.12; it reveals the fast transition times for
the MOSFET and no stored minority carrier charge in the JBS diode reverse
Semiconductor power devices 11

6 30
5 Id 25

4 20

Id (A), Vgs (V)

3 15
Vds (kV)

2 10
Woff = 0.81 mJ

1 5

0 0

–1 –5
11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4
Time (μs)

Figure 1.13 Turn-off waveform for SiC 10 kV, 10 A MOSFET [5]

recovery. The MOSFET completes the turn-on transient in 150 ns and requires
351 nC of gate charge. The turn-off transient is shown in Figure 1.13; the transition
is fast and takes 144 ns without any tail current effects. The total switching power
losses is much lesser than those of Si devices [5].

1.3 Low-voltage SiC devices and its characteristics

1.3.1 Low-voltage gate drive design
The gate driver is an essential subsystem of the power converter and influences
the switching characteristics of the devices; and therefore the development of
a suitable gate driver for SiC devices is discussed. The gate drive circuit has eight
isolated channels to drive eight devices. Each channel is galvanically isolated at
power supply side and optically isolated at signal side. The salient features of the
gate drive are:
● Gate signal from control circuit is passed to the device through opto-coupler
(HCPL-316J) based gate driver which provides optical isolation.
● Isolated power supply is used to provide power supply to the gate. Gate supply
voltage for SiC MOSFET is þ20/5 V. The power supply levels can be changed.
● The gate driver can provide protection from current shoot through, by sensing
drain to source voltage, Vds of the device.
● Common-mode current injection in the control circuit through the coupling capa-
citor of isolated power supply is minimized by inserting common-mode choke.
The designed gate drive board is shown in Figure 1.14 with different sections of it
12 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 1.14 Eight channel gate driver for SiC devices

1.3.2 Common-mode current minimization

Common-mode current is generated in the switched mode power converter due to
presence of parasitic capacitance to ground. Due to faster switching of the SiC
device, the dv/dt of converter common-mode voltage is much higher compared to
Si device. Therefore, even a small coupling capacitor across either isolated power
supply or across optically isolated driver, can cause significant amount of common-
mode current to flow into control ground. To minimize the common-mode current
flow into the control circuit, a common-mode choke is used at the input side of the
isolated power supply. High impedance of common-mode choke can reduce the
common-mode current peak substantially.

1.4 Characterization of 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET

1.4.1 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET device characterization without
complementary device of the half-bridge module
Characterization of 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET is performed in two different
ways. In the first case, the top device is taken out of the circuit by not connecting in
to dc bus. Instead, a FWD is used. Turn-ON characteristics at 800 V and 100 A with
gate resistance (Rg) of 15 W is shown in Figure 1.15, and the turn-ON energy loss
(Eon) is measured to be 8.2 mJ. Turn-OFF characteristics are shown in Figure 1.16,
and turn-OFF energy loss (Eoff) is measured to be 5 mJ. During turn ON, device
current is seen to be ringing due to L-C oscillation of FWD capacitance and stray
inductance of the bus bar and device layout. Device voltage overshoot is observed
during turn OFF because of the stray inductance.

1.4.2 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET device characterization with

complementary device of the half-bridge module
In this section, device characterization, using complementary device in the module
as FWD, has been discussed. From the turn-ON characteristics in Figure 1.17,
Semiconductor power devices 13

Tek Stopped Single Seq 1 Acqs 03 Jul 13 00:01:27

y1: –100.0 μWs

Vds y2: 8.1 mWs
∆y: 8.2 mWs




Ch1 200V BW Ch2 50.0A M 200ns 1.25GS/s IT 4.0ps/pt 52.0μs

Ch3 10.0V A Ch4 1.32V
Math1 5.0mWs 200ns

Figure 1.15 Turn-ON characteristics with Rg ¼ 15 W and Tj ¼ 125 C, measured

Eon ¼ 8.2 mJ, scale: Vds ⇒ 200 V/div, Id ⇒ 50 A/div, Vgs ⇒ 10 V/div,
energy ⇒ 5 mJ/div, time ⇒ 200 ns/div

it can be seen that the device current has a spike which is not present without the
complementary device in the circuit as shown in Figure 1.15. This is due to the high
drain to source capacitance (Cds) of the top device. When diode of the top device
free wheels, the voltage across the top device is the forward drop of the diode. At
low voltage, Cds is higher and the current spike is generated from high dv/dt. The
turn-ON current spike magnitude can be related with dv/dt as

DId ¼ Coss (1.1)
The current spike causes additional turn-ON loss which is measured as 10.2 mJ
against 8.2 mJ in the case when the complementary device remains unused. How-
ever, turn-OFF characteristics with and without complementary device shown in
Figures 1.16 and 1.18, respectively, show almost same amount of overshoot of
switch voltage. This is due to the unchanged commutation inductance in the circuit.
The voltage overshoot can be expressed as
DVds ¼ Lcom (1.2)
14 Power electronic converters and systems

Tek Stopped Single Seq 1 Acqs 03 Jul 13 00:02:16

y1: –1.3 mWs
y2: 3.7 mWs
Vds ∆y: 5.0 mWs



Ch1 200V BW Ch2 50.0A M 200ns 1.25GS/s IT 4.0ps/pt 48.0μs

Ch3 10.0V A Ch4 ʃ 1.32V
Math1 5.0mWs 200ns

Figure 1.16 Turn-OFF characteristics with Rg ¼ 15 W and Tj ¼ 125 C,

measured Eoff ¼ 5 mJ, scale: Vds ⇒ 800 V/div, Id ⇒ 50 A/div,
Vgs ⇒ 10 V/div, energy ⇒ 5 mJ/div, time ⇒ 200 ns/div

The turn-ON and turn-OFF transients at different gate resistances are shown in
Figures 1.19 and 1.20. Device voltages, device currents, and gate voltages are
captured. It can be seen from Figure 1.19 that the delay and fall time of voltage
decrease as the gate resistance is reduced. However, faster turn ON increases dv/dt
and hence the device current spike is increased. From Figure 1.19, it can be seen
that the dv/dt of the voltage fall at Rg of 5 W is 6 kV/ms.
During turn OFF, delay and fall time of current decrease with the decrease of
gate resistance. Faster turn OFF increases di/dt and hence the device voltage
oscillation and overshoot increase as seen from Figure 1.20. Switching losses
versus device current is plotted in Figure 1.21.

1.4.3 Hard-switching characterization of 1,700 V SiC

MOSFET [11] SiC MOSFET switching
The 1,700 V, 50 A SiC MOSFET is tested with the dc bus voltage of 1,200 V
and maximum switch current of 50 A. The gate voltage for SiC MOSFET is
Semiconductor power devices 15

Tek Stopped Single Seq 1 Acqs 07 Jul 13 23:11:28

y1: 2.3 mWs
Vds y2: 8.2 mWs
∆y: 10.5 mWs






Ch3 10.0V Ch2 50.0A M 200ns 1.25 GS/s IT 20.0ps/pt 50.6μs

Math1 5.0mWs 200ns Ch4 200V A Ch1 1.5V

Figure 1.17 Module turn-ON characteristics at Rg ¼ 15 W and Tj ¼ 125 C,

measured Eon ¼ 10.5 mJ, scale: Vds ⇒ 200 V/div, Id ⇒ 50 A/div,
Vgs ⇒ 10 V/div, energy ⇒ 5 mJ/div, time ⇒ 200 ns/div

þ20 V during turn-ON condition and 5 V during turn-OFF condition. In

Figure 1.22(a), the turn-ON characteristics are shown using 20-W gate resistance
at junction temperature of 125 C. Switching energy is measured by integrating
the product of device voltage (Vds) and device current (Id). Measured energy
loss (Eon) during turn-ON transient is 3.38 mJ. Turn-OFF behavior of the device
is shown in Figure 1.22(b) and measured turn-OFF loss (Eoff) is 2.16 mJ. The
maximum turn-ON and turn-OFF dv/dts are found to be 23.7 and 24.5 kV/ms,
respectively. The turn-ON and turn-OFF di/dts are 0.75 and 2.25 kA/ms,
respectively. Si IGBT switching

Characterization of the 1,700 V, 32 A Si IGBT is performed in the same test setup
with the gate voltage of 15 to þ15 V. The turn-ON and turn-OFF behaviors are
shown in Figure 1.23 using gate resistance of 5 W at junction temperature of 125 C.
The energy loss during ON and OFF transients is 6.6 and 19.8 mJ, respectively.
Turn-OFF loss of IGBT is much higher due to tailing effect of the current.
16 Power electronic converters and systems

Tek Stopped Single Seq 1 Acqs 07 Jul 13 23:08:56

y1: 2.1 mWs
y2: 7.3 mWs
∆V = 108 V Vds
∆y: 5.2 mWs

∆t = 38 ns

∆I = 75 A




Ch2 50.0A M 200ns 1.25 GS/s IT 20.0ps/pt 48.0μs

Ch3 10.0V Ch4 200V A Ch1 / 1.5V
Math1 5.0mWs 200ns

Figure 1.18 Module turn-OFF characteristics at Rg ¼ 15 W and Tj ¼ 125 C,

measured Eoff ¼ 5.2 mJ, scale: Vds ⇒ 200 V/div, Id ⇒ 50 A/div,
Vgs ⇒ 10 V/div, energy ⇒ 5 mJ/div, time ⇒ 200 ns/div BiMOSFET switching

BiMOSFET, a silicon device from IXYS Corporation, is constructed by keeping
MOSFET and IGBT in its structure. Switching losses of the 1,700 V, 42 A
BiMOSFET are evaluated using the same circuit setup with gate voltage of 15
and þ15 V for OFF and ON conditions. Figure 1.24 shows the BiMOSFET turn-ON
and turn-OFF characteristics using a gate resistance of 5 W at junction temperature
of 125 C. The turn-OFF tail current is observed, and the turn-OFF loss is much
higher compared to turn-ON loss. Also, the switching loss found to be similar to
the IGBT.

1.4.4 Performance comparison of MOSFET and IGBT

Variation of switching energy loss with different gate resistances is shown in
Figure 1.25. Gate resistance has prominent effect on both turn-ON and turn-OFF
energy losses of SiC MOSFET. The turn-OFF loss of the bipolar device is dominated
by the tail current and it is not influenced by the change of the gate resistance as can
Semiconductor power devices 17

Switch voltage, Vds (V)

800 Rg = 5 Ω
600 Rg = 10 Ω
400 Rg = 15 Ω
200 Rg = 20 Ω

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Switch current, Id (A)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Gate voltage, Vgs (V)


0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (μs)

Figure 1.19 Turn-ON transient behavior with different gate resistances, Rg at

junction temperature, Tj ¼ 125 C

be seen in Figure 1.25. Turn-ON loss tends to decrease with faster switching by
lowering the gate resistance. However, at lower gate resistances, the change becomes
insignificant. Switching energy loss of three devices as a function of the device
current at dc bus voltage of 1,200 V is characterized and given in Figure 1.26. It can
be seen that the total loss of both BiMOSFET and IGBT is almost 5–6 times higher
than that of SiC MOSFET. The devices are characterized at different junction tem-
peratures to find out their switching loss dependency on junction temperature which
is important for scaling up the power. The switching loss variation with junction
temperature is plotted in Figure 1.27. Turn-ON loss of SiC MOSFET goes down
slightly whereas its turn-OFF loss remains constant with the increase of junction
temperature. As a result, the total switching loss (Esw) decreases slightly with tem-
perature elevation. Whereas, the increase of junction temperature causes steady
increase of both turn-ON and turn-OFF losses of IGBT as well as BiMOSFET. The
junction temperature of the devices is raised up to 150 C.
18 Power electronic converters and systems

Switch voltage, Vds (V)


Rg = 5 Ω
500 Rg = 10 Ω
Rg = 15 Ω

0 Rg = 20 Ω
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Switch current, Id (A)



0 200 400 600 800 1,000

Gate voltage, Vgs (V)



0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Time (μs)

Figure 1.20 Turn-OFF transient behavior with different gate resistances, Rg at

junction temperature, Tj ¼ 125 C Forward characterization

Generally, due to conductivity modulation of the drift region, the on-state voltage
drop of Si IGBT is quite low. However, with the use of a wide band gap material
like SiC, for the same break down voltage the drift region width of MOSFET is
shorter. Hence, it offers considerably lower on-state voltage drop than the Si
devices. The forward characteristics of the devices are given in Figure 1.28. The
maximum current of characterization is limited by the curve tracer. Over the entire
temperature range, the forward voltage drop of SiC MOSFET is found to be sig-
nificantly less compared to IGBT and BiMOSFET. Therefore, the use of SiC
MOSFET reduces the conduction loss substantially in the high-power converters. Operating boundary in output power-switching

frequency plane
The results from the device characterization are put together to evaluate the oper-
ating capabilities of these devices in a particular converter. A non-isolated dc–dc
boost converter is selected to compute the limits of the output power and frequency
Semiconductor power devices 19

Eon, 800V Vg = +20/–5 V
7 Rg = 5 Ω
Switching loss, Eon, Eoff (mJ) Eoff, 800V
Tj = 125 °C
L = 380 μH

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Drain current, Id (A)

Figure 1.21 Eon and Eoff measured with Rg ¼ 5 W and Tj ¼ 125 C at different
device currents, Id

of operation using each device. The thermal arrangements and gate resistances are
assumed to be fixed for computing the operating points. For each device, the ON
and OFF condition gate resistances are selected to be 5 and 10 W, respectively. It is
assumed that the thermal arrangements can dissipate 150 W of heat at 125 C of
device junction temperature at a certain ambient temperature. Also, the output
voltage of the converter is assumed to be 1,200 V while operating at 40% duty ratio
(D). Now, the switching power loss, Psw and conduction loss, Pcond are expressed as

Psw ¼ Esw fsw (1.3)

Pcond ¼ Vfwd Isw D (1.4)

where fsw, Esw, Vfwd, and Isw are switching frequency, total switching loss, forward
voltage drop, and switch current, respectively. In the analysis, ripple current is
assumed to be small and insignificant. Switching loss and forward voltage drop can
be expressed as the functions of device current with fixed junction temperature, ON
and OFF gate resistances, and blocking voltage as

Esw ¼ f ðIsw ; 125 C; 5 W; 10 W; 1; 200 VÞ ¼ f1 ðIsw Þ (1.5)

Vfwd ¼ f ðIsw ; 125 CÞ ¼ f2 ðIsw Þ (1.6)

Esw and Vfwd can be found by curve fitting of the experimental results given in
Figures 1.26 and 1.28. For SiC MOSFET, the switching loss is scaled appropriately
for the lower gate resistance. By selecting a particular switch current, the power
Voltage overshoot
Current overshoot
Voltage fall Id Id Current fall

Vds Eoff

2 2

3 3 Vgs

Zoom 1 Ch2 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 – Zoom 1 Math 1– Zoom 1 Ch2 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 – Zoom 1 Math 1–
250V 50.0ns 20.0V 50.0ns 15.0A 50.0ns 1.0mWs 50.0ns 250V 50.0ns 20.0V 50.0ns 15.0A 50.0ns 1.0mWs 50.0ns

(a) (b)

Figure 1.22 Switching characteristics of SiC MOSFET: Rg ¼ 20 W and Tj ¼ 125 C; measured Eon ¼ 3.88 mJ and Eoff ¼ 2.16 mJ;
scale: Vds ⇒ 250 V/div, Id ⇒ 15 A/div, Vgs ⇒ 20 V/div, time ⇒ 50 ns/div. (a) Turn-ON. (b) Turn-OFF


Ic Vce Ic
2 2

3 3
M1 M1
Vge Vge

Zoom 1 Ch2 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 – Zoom 1 Math 1– Zoom 1 Ch2 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 – Zoom 1 Math 1–
250V 100.0ns 20.0V 100.0ns 15.0A 100.0ns 5.0mWs 100ns 250V 400ns 20.0V 400ns 15.0A 400ns 5.0mWs 400ns

(a) (b)

Figure 1.23 Switching characteristics of Si IGBT: Rg ¼ 5 W and Tj ¼ 125 C; measured Eon ¼ 6.6 mJ, Eoff ¼ 19.8 mJ; scale:
Vce ⇒ 250 V/div, Ic ⇒ 15 A/div, Vge ⇒ 20 V/div, time ⇒ 100 ns/div (turn-ON), 400 ns/div (turn-OFF). (a) Turn-ON.
(b) Turn-OFF


Ic Ic
2 2

3 Vge 3
M1 M1 Vge

Zoom 1 Ch2 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 – Zoom 1 Math 1– Zoom 1 Ch2 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 – Zoom 1 Math 1–
250V 100.0ns 20.0V 100.0ns 15.0A 100.0ns 5.0mWs 100.0ns 250V 400ns 20.0V 400ns 15.0A 400ns 5.0mWs 400ns

(a) (b)

Figure 1.24 Switching characteristics of Si BiMOSFET: Rg ¼ 5 W and Tj ¼ 125 C; measured Eon ¼ 6.1 mJ, Eoff ¼ 25.2 mJ; scale:
Vce ⇒ 250 V/div, Ic ⇒ 15 A/div, Vge ⇒ 20 V/div, time ⇒ 100 ns/div (turn-ON), 400 ns/div (turn-OFF). (a) Turn-ON.
(b) Turn-OFF
Semiconductor power devices 23

Eon Eoff

Switching energy, turn-ON, Eon turn-OFF, Eoff (mJ)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


10 Si IGBT

5 10 15 20



5 10 15 20
Gate resistance, Rg (Ω)

Figure 1.25 Switching loss variation with gate resistance, Rg; junction
temperature of SiC MOSFET, Tj ¼ 125 C; junction temperature of
IGBT and BiMOSFET, Tj ¼ 25 C; dc bus voltage, Vdc ¼ 1,200 V;
switch current ¼ 40 A

output and the corresponding switching frequency can be found from (1.7) and (1.8),
Po ¼ Vo Isw ð1 DÞ 150 (1.7)
f1 ðIsw Þfsw þ f2 ðIsw ÞIsw D ¼ 150 (1.8)
For simplicity, losses except in the device are neglected for computation of power
output. The operating boundary for each device is plotted in Figure 1.29. It can be
seen that, over the entire region of operation, the SiC MOSFET can operate at much
higher frequency while delivering the same power output. At 10 kW, the switching
frequency multiplicity is almost ten; and at 30 kW, it is found to be around seven.
Here, three 10-kW converters are demonstrated using these devices and compared
for maximum possible switching frequency of operation.

1.4.5 Gate drive design and characterization of 1,200 V/45 A

infineon SiC JFET module [12]
The 1,200 V/45 A Infineon SiC JFET module features two pairs of cascodes in series.
However, the design approach is novel – the low-voltage MOSFET is p-type and the
24 Power electronic converters and systems


Eon (mJ)

Eoff (mJ)


Total loss (mJ)



0 10 20 30 40 50
Switch current (A)

Figure 1.26 Switching loss comparison at different switch currents; gate

resistance for IGBT and BiMOSFET, Rg ¼ 5 W; gate resistance
for SiC MOSFET, Rg ¼ 20 W; Tj ¼ 125 C and dc bus voltage,
Vdc ¼ 1,200 V

gate of the JFET is not tied to ground as in the classic case. The JFET and MOSFET in
each pair have an anti-parallel diode across them, as shown in Figure 1.30. These anti-
parallel diodes serve as freewheeling agents for the current when the JFET modules
are tested under load.
The double-pulse test results with zero gate resistance are shown in Figure 1.31.
Zoomed waveforms of the turn-on for Rg ¼ 0 W are shown in Figure 1.32. The turn-
on current spike is appeared due to the capacitance charging of the complementary
With zero external gate resistance, the turn-ON and turn-OFF losses of JFET
switching are 1.3 and 1.9 mJ, respectively.

1.4.6 SiC super-junction transistor characteristics

Super-junction transistor (SJT) is a bipolar junction transistor with higher gain,
which reduces the base (gate) drive significantly. This device has very low
switching energy loss and can operate with high switching frequency. The
switching waveforms are given in [13], shown in Figure 1.33. SJT device can
Semiconductor power devices 25

Eon Eoff Esw

Switching energy (mJ)

10 Si IGBT


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Junction temperature, Tj (°C)

Figure 1.27 Switching loss variation with junction temperature, Tj; gate
resistance for IGBT and BiMOSFET, Rg ¼ 5 W; gate resistance for
SiC MOSFET, Rg ¼ 20 W; dc bus voltage, Vdc ¼ 1,200 V; switch
current ¼ 40 A

operate at higher junction temperature without any significant rise of its switching

1.5 Zero voltage switching characterization of 12 kV SiC [14]

Zero voltage switching (ZVS) technique is a proven method of reducing dv/dt stress
and switching losses. In this section, the ZVS characteristics of the SiC IGBTs are
The 2 mm buffer layer N-IGBT has about 20% lower forward drop than the
5 mm buffer layer IGBT. However, the 5 mm buffer layer IGBT has significantly
lower turn-off loss and turn-on dv/dt. Therefore, the 5 mm buffer layer IGBT is a
favorable candidate for high switching frequency applications, whereas, the 2 mm
IGBT is favorable for high-current, low-frequency applications. The high dv/dt
should be limited to minimize common-mode currents, stress on insulation, and
parasitic ringing for reliable operation of power converter systems. To achieve that
objective, ZVS performance of the SiC IGBTs is being investigated.
26 Power electronic converters and systems


Forward current (A)


25 °C 75 °C 125 °C
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Forward drop (V) Forward drop (V) Forward drop (V)

Figure 1.28 Forward characteristics of IGBT ( Vge ¼ 5 V), BiMOSFET ( Vge ¼

15 V), and SiC MOSFET ( Vgs ¼ 20 V) at different junction temperatures

Power output (kW)





100 101 102
Switching frequency (kHz)

Figure 1.29 Boundary of converter operating points with 150 W of heat dissipation
from the device for maximum junction temperature of 125 C

1.5.1 ZVS turn-on characteristics

Under ZVS conditions, the turn-on gate bias is provided for the IGBT just before
the circuit gets configured to conduct current through it. Despite formation of the
MOS channel, the conductivity modulation lag (forward recovery) in the drift
region results in higher forward drop (Vce) across the IGBT, when the current starts
to flow with reasonable di/dt. Once the drift layer is fully modulated, the Vce of the
IGBT settles down to steady-state saturation value. Consequently, higher di/dt
Semiconductor power devices 27






Figure 1.30 Novel cascode topology with P-MOSFET and anti-parallel diodes

Tek Stopped Single Seq 1 Acqs 11 Feb 13 11:39:07





Ch1 10.0V Ds M 2.0μs 625MS/s 1.6ns/pt

Ch3 2.0V Ds Ch4 200V Ds A Ch1 / –15.6V

Figure 1.31 Switching waveforms – Vdc ¼ 600 V, Rg ¼ 0 W ( Vds ¼ 200 V/div,

Ids ¼ 40 A/div, Vgs ¼ 10 V/div)
28 Power electronic converters and systems

Tek Stopped Single Seq 1 Acqs 11 Feb 13 11:43:18

1 Ch1 10.0V Ds M 2.0μs 625MS/s 1.6ns/pt
Ch3 20.V Ds Ch4 200V Ds S Ch1 / –15.6V





Max(C4) 768.0V Max(C3) 3.92V

Zoom 1 Ch1 – Zoom 1 Ch3 – Zoom 1 Ch4 –
10.0V 100.0ns 2.0V 100.0ns 200V 100.0ns

Figure 1.32 Zoomed switching waveforms – Vdc ¼ 600 V, Rg ¼ 0 W ( Vds ¼

200 V/div, Ids ¼ 40 A/div, Vgs ¼ 10 V/div)

results in higher voltage spike because of instant high current availability in the
unmodulated drift region.
Figures 1.34 and 1.35 show the turn-on voltage spike under different di/dt
conditions for the 2 and 5 mm buffer layer IGBTs, respectively. The voltage spike
has increased from 6 V to over 15 V when the di/dt is increased from 1 to 10 A/ms for
both IGBTs. Also, it can be noticed that the 5 mm IGBT has about 1 V higher steady-
state voltage drop, as explained earlier. The reduced mobility at higher temperatures
also increases the resistance of unmodulated drift that result in higher voltage spike.
Figure 1.36 shows the effect of temperature on the voltage spike for the 5 mm buffer
layer IGBT. Similar behavior is observed for the 2 mm buffer layer IGBT. The
voltage spike is found to have negligible influence due to package inductance.
The ZVS turn-on and turn-off characteristics are obtained through experiments
on the test circuit with 10 kV SiC MOSFET/JBS diode co-packs used in place of
the switch 1 and also FWDs (with gate shorted).

1.5.2 ZVS turn-off characteristics

The turn-off characteristics at different temperatures, with and without a 1.1 nF
external snubber capacitor are presented in this section along with the explanation
of underlying physics.
Semiconductor power devices 29

14 Rg(on) = 22 Ω
Vgs = –8/15 V
12 250 °C 800
25 °C

Drain-source voltage (V)

Drain current (A) 10

6 400

tr =12 ns

0 0
0 50 100 150 200
(a) Time, t (ns)

10 1,200


Drain-source voltage (V)

Drain current (A)

Rg(on) = 22 Ω 600
Vgs = –8/15 V
t f =13 ns

250 °C
25 °C

0 0
0 50 100 150 200
(b) Time, t (ns)

Figure 1.33 (a) Turn-ON and (b) turn-OFF drain current and voltage transients
recorded for switching at 800 V and 8 A through a 3 mm2 SiC SJT.
There is no difference in switching speed between 25 and 250 C, due
to the unipolar nature of the SJT device design [13] 12 kV, 2 mm buffer layer N-IGBT

Figure 1.37 shows turn-off transition at 7 kV, 10 A at 25 and 150 C without
external snubber capacitor. The turn-off current has five different stages during the
transition: a dip at the beginning of the transition resulting from transferring load
inductor current into the IGBT capacitance (and capacitance of the FWD); the
characteristic bump existing until the punch-through voltage (4.3 kV); a slow drop
in current from punch-through voltage until the voltage reached dc bus value of
7 kV; a sudden drop in current once the voltage reached dc bus value of 7 kV; and,
30 Power electronic converters and systems


Vce with 10 A/μs

Vce with 5 A/μs

10 Vce with 1 A/μs

Vce (V)

–2 0 2 4 6 8
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.34 Turn-on voltage spike of 12 kV, 2 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT under
different di/dt conditions at 150 C


Vce with 10 A/μs

Vce with 5 A/μs
Vcewith 1 A/μs
Vce (V)

–2 0 2 4 6 8
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.35 Turn-on voltage spike of 12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT under
different di/dt conditions at 150 C

the current tail resulting from recombination of the stored charge. The voltage
transition has two slopes, relatively slower one before the punch-through voltage,
followed by faster one above the punch-through voltage. It is to be noted that the
magnitude of collector–emitter capacitance, CCE, of the IGBT is significantly dif-
ferent in the sweep-out phase (under 4.3 kV, removal of excess carriers), and
punch-through phase (over 4.3 kV). Once the punch-through phase has been
reached, the amount of minority carriers removed by the increase in VCE becomes
very small, resulting in much faster voltage rise, comparable to the ones in majority
carrier devices.
Semiconductor power devices 31

Vce at 150 ºC
Vce at 25 ºC

Vce (V) and Ic (A)


Ic with 5 A/μs

0 5 10
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.36 Turn-on voltage spike of 12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT under
di/dt of 5 A/ms at 25 and 150 C

Ic at 150 ºC
Vce at 150 ºC
Vce (kV) and Ic (A)

Ic at 25 ºC
Vce at 25 ºC
0 1 2 3
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.37 Turn-off transitions of 12 kV, 2 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT at 25 and
150 C without an external snubber capacitor

At 150 C, the magnitude of the characteristic current bump is higher and its
duration is longer. The current bump is resulting from base drive current to the
internal PNP transistor provided by the dv/dt, but with much larger magnitude due
to deep punch-through design adopted for the SiC IGBT. The magnitude of the
current bump, with voltage rise, is decided by the amount of base drive current
dictated by dv/dt [i ¼ C (dv/dt)], and the gain of the IGBT. At 150 C, the dv/dt is
lower than that at 25 C. However, the increased injection at 150 C has resulted in
higher current gain of the internal BJT, which in turn, is causing higher current
bump. There is no current tail at 25 C, but the increased stored charge at 150 C is
responsible for the small tail current.
32 Power electronic converters and systems

Figures 1.38 and 1.39 show turn-off transitions with a 1.1 nF external snubber
capacitor at 25 and 150 C. The external capacitor is providing reduced dv/dt, but
for longer duration. Consequently, the magnitude of the current bump is lower and
is existing for longer duration. The increase in magnitude of the current bump as
the voltage is rising is due to trade-off between IGBT capacitance reduction with
voltage, and the increase in gain of the IGBT resulting from reduced undepleted
drift layer. Over 4.3 kV, the low-depletion capacitance has dominant effect in
comparison to the increase in the IGBT gain. Therefore, the current is dropping
once the IGBT reaches its punch-through voltage. The same explanation is valid for
the case of 150 C shown in Figure 1.39, except for the presence of short tail

Ic with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce (kV) and Ic (A)

Ic without snubber
Vce without snubber
0 1 2 3
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.38 Turn-off transitions of 12 kV, 2 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT at 25 C

with and without the 1.1 nF external snubber capacitor

Ic with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce (kV) and Ic (A)

Ic without snubber
Vce without snubber
0 1 2 3
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.39 Turn-off transitions of 12 kV, 2 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT at 150 C
with and without the 1.1 nF external snubber capacitor
Semiconductor power devices 33

current for the case without the external snubber. In the presence of external
snubber, the voltage rise is slower, providing enough time for charge recombination
and no current tail is observed. 12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer N-IGBT

The turn-off characteristics of the 5 mm buffer layer IGBT without external snubber
capacitor are shown in Figure 1.40. By comparing with the similar results of the
2 mm buffer layer IGBT (shown in Figure 1.37), it is apparent that the transitions of
the 5 mm IGBT at 25 and 150 C are significantly faster resulting in considerably
lower switching loss. The 2 and 5 mm buffer layer IGBTs are identical, except for
thickness of the buffer layer. The thicker buffer layer results in lower hole con-
centration at the junction of buffer and drift layers (due to reduced injection) and in
the entire drift layer which causes faster rise of voltage. The lower gain of the
internal PNP transistor (due to lower injection) is consequently resulting in current
bump of smaller magnitude for the 5 mm buffer layer IGBT, as shown in Figure 1.40.
The transitions with 1.1 nF external snubber capacitor at 25 and 150 C are shown in
Figures 1.41 and 1.42, respectively. The explanation of the transitions for the 2 mm
buffer layer IGBT is completely valid for the 5 mm IGBT as well.
The 5 mm buffer layer IGBT, in comparison to the 2 mm IGBT, has lower
magnitude and shorter duration of the turn-off current bump because of lower gain of
the internal PNP transistor (due to reduced injection). Also, the turn-off energy loss
of the 5 mm IGBT about 40%–50% of that of 2 mm IGBT, with and without the
external snubber capacitor. In addition, the percentage turn-off loss reduction
resulting from using external snubber capacitor is found to be about 10% more for
the 5 mm IGBT. Considering these points, it is promising to explore further optimi-
zation of buffer layer parameters (e.g. thickness, doping concentration, and life time)
as a promising future research direction for further efficient high-power devices.

Ic at 150 ºC
Vce at 150 ºC
Vce (kV) and Ic (A)

Ic at 25 ºC
Vce at 25 ºC
0 1 2
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.40 Turn-off transitions of 12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT at 25 and
150 C without an external snubber capacitor
34 Power electronic converters and systems

Ic with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce (kV) and Ic (A)

Ic without snubber
Vce without snubber
0 1 2
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.41 Turn-off transitions of 12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT at 25 C

with and without the 1.1 nF external snubber capacitor

Ic with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce with 1.1 nF snubber
Vce (kV) and Ic (A)

Ic without snubber
Vce without snubber
0 1 2
Time (s) × 10–6

Figure 1.42 Turn-off transitions of 12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer SiC IGBT at 150 C
with and without the 1.1 nF external snubber capacitor

1.6 All SiC-based SST

An all SiC power device based three-phase SST topology is shown in Figure 1.43.
This topology has been referred as ‘‘Transformerless Intelligent Power Substa-
tion’’ (TIPS) which interfaces the three phase, 13.8 kV and 480 V distribution
grids [15]. TIPS has three power conversion stages. The active front-end con-
verter (AFEC) is tied to medium voltage (MV) 13.8 kV distribution grid with a
three-level neutral point clamped (3L-NPC) converter built using the 15 kV
Reactive Power Flow Reactive Power Flow

Bi-directional Active Power Flow

22 kV dc Bus
Front End Dual Active Low Voltage Side
Zout_rect(s) Inverter
Converter Bridge 800 V dc Bus

L1 L2

13.8 kV, 3-phase, C 480 V, 3-phase,

60 Hz grid 60 Hz grid


15 kV/20 A SiC
Co-pack module 1,200 V/100 A SiC
Co-pack module

Figure 1.43 Schematic of the TIPS – a 13.8 kV–480 V grid-interfaced three-phase SST
36 Power electronic converters and systems

SiC 0IGBTs. It is a PWM boost rectifier with 22 kV dc bus on the output, and is
operated with hard-switched PWM at 3–5 kHz. The AFEC dc bus (22 kV) is
converted to low voltage (LV) side dc bus (800 V) using a high-frequency dc link,
enabled by a three-phase dual active bridge converter (DABC). The DABC is
responsible for isolation and voltage conversion in the TIPS system. The DABC is
ZVS soft-switched converter operated at 10 kHz. The MV side of DABC is also
3L-NPC converter built using 15 kV SiC IGBTs, and the LV side has 1,200 V SiC
MOSFET half-bridge modules based two-level converter for each star- and delta-
connected secondary winding. The output LV inverter stage is developed using
1,200 V SiC MOSFET modules with three interleaved 17–20 kHz, 35 kVA con-
verters. The foremost advantage of the 15 kV SiC IGBT is simplified converter
topologies for MV applications.
The complete hardware setup of the TIPS system developed at FREEDM
Systems Center at NCSU is shown in Figure 1.44.
The 3L-NPC converters on the MV side of the TIPS have a modular structure
with three poles for AFEC stage and three poles for primary side of the DABC.
Each 3L-NPC pole has its own dc-link capacitor with a bus-bar connection to the
15 kV SiC IGBTs and 20 kV (2 10 kV) SiC JBS clamping diodes for low-stray
inductance. The poles have been individually tested up to 10 kV dc input in inverter
mode at 5 kHz and 7.5 kW before integrating them into the three-phase TIPS [15].
Figure 1.45 shows a 3L-NPC pole mounted on high-voltage bushings for reducing

Figure 1.44 Experimental setup of TIPS system at FREEDM Systems Center at

Semiconductor power devices 37

Gate driver Bleeder

power supply resistor
board with high
voltage isolation
pole bus
Gate driver bar

DC bus
20 kV SiC capacitors
JBS clamping
Heat sink
15 kV SiC choke

Outlet fan set Heat sink Porcelain Fiber glass

insulation insulation

Figure 1.45 A pole of 3L-NPC converter

common-mode currents. The PWM signals are transmitted optically to minimize

EMI issues and provide higher voltage isolation and also controller operation dis-
tant from the TIPS 3L-NPC converter poles.
Figures 1.46 and 1.47 show the test waveforms of the FEC and DABC under
integrated mode, the complete TIPS in operation. The three-phase input currents are
sinusoidal. The switching ripple in the current can be improved by designing filter
inductors with very low capacitance. Also, the ringing currents in DABC currents,
shown in Figure 1.47, are contributed by the parasitic coupling capacitances of the
high-frequency transformer. Along with the SiC devices, improvements in the
magnetic design have to be done to harness the benefits of SiC devices.
Two-level three-phase converters for the low-voltage side of the DABC and the
inverter stage for 480 V grid interface are built with 1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET
half-bridge modules packaged by Powerex with dies from Cree. The V–I character-
istics of the 1,200 V SiC MOSFET and its anti-parallel JBS diodes are given in [16].
Hard switching characterization of these 1,200 V SiC MOSFETs are performed to
evaluate their turn-on and turn-off switching behaviors. Switching loss is measured
as the function of switch current at different junction temperatures and gate resis-
tances. Also, the switching dv/dts are characterized with varying gate resistances to
select a suitable gate resistance to limit dv/dt to 15 kV/ms. With the experimentally
evaluated switching energy loss data, the cooling system of the converters and its
packaging are designed.
The gate driver is designed to provide high-peak current (up to 15 A if required)
and shoot through capability tested up to 1 kV dc bus voltage. Since these gate
drivers handle comparatively lower dv/dt (in the range of 15 kV/ms) compared to the
MV side gate drivers, commercially available isolated dc–dc converters are used for
38 Power electronic converters and systems

Tek Run Hi Res 3887 Acqs 18 Dec 14 22:34:45

iaFEC [500 V/dev.] A
Ch4 Position
Ch4 Scale
B ibFEC [5 kV/dev.] 5.0kV
RMS(C1) 1.683A

RMS(C2) 1.545A
icFEC [10 A/dev.] C

2 RMS(C3) 2.112A

Grid drawn FEC currents FEC

Vao [2 A/dev.] Max(C1) 4.155A

Pk-Pk(C4) 6.937kV

Mean(C4) –73.84V
PWM voltage [5 kHz]

Figure 1.46 AFEC converter three-phase currents and phase A pole voltage
under ac 3.42 kV grid tied TIPS system integration mode

2014/10/23 20:32:55 10k Normal

YOKOGAWA 482698 T 50MS/s 20μs/di
[5 kV/μs] 〈〈 Main: 10k 〉〉
MV Converter
[50kV/μs] [5 kV/μs] V [2kV/dev.]
Voltage Vro[2kV/dev.] yo

LV Delta VΔr[500A/dev.]
L-L Voltage

Iyr[50A/dev.] Vyr[500V/dev.]
LV Star
L-L Voltage
10 kHz

Figure 1.47 Experiment waveforms of DABC operation at 6 kV–400 V, 7.4 kW

and 10 kHz switching frequency
Semiconductor power devices 39

Figure 1.48 The 1,200 V, 100 A, SiC half-bridge MOSFET module-based

three-phase, two-level voltage source converter

isolated gate driver power supply. The packaged three-phase two-level converter is
shown in Figure 1.48. All components of the converter including the 1,200 V, 100 A
modules, sandwiched dc bus bar, gate drivers, heat sink with forced air cooling
system, and dc bus capacitor are shown in Figure 1.48. Each converter has been
demonstrated up to 50 kVA at 20 kHz switching frequency and 800 V dc bus voltage
[10]. The converter test results at 35 kVA operation are shown in Figure 1.49.
At this point of time, the 15 kV SiC IGBT used in TIPS system are experi-
mental devices and are not commercially available. With future commercialization
of HV SiC devices, more industries, focusing on grid connected power electronics,
will develop commercial SSTs applied to distributed renewable energy integration,
MV motor drives, MV traction applications, MV shipboard power systems and
disaster recovery transformers and many more applications.

1.7 Summary
Power electronics is a fundamental industry finding its usage everywhere where
energy is used. Advances in power electronics devices would also impact all these
applications and open avenues for more applications which were previously not
possible. Silicon-based power devices are widely used in power electronics sys-
tems. With more demand for high switching frequency, high-power density, and
higher blocking voltage, the application of the silicon-based power devices are
limited. SiC, a wide band gap semiconductor has received tremendous interest from
40 Power electronic converters and systems

Tek Stopped 21 Acqs 27 Oct 12 18:30:55




Ch2 50.0A Ω M 2.0ms 5.0MS/s 200ns/pt

Ch3 500V Ch4 500V A ch1 / 13.8V

Figure 1.49 Experimental waveforms of 1,200 V SiC MOSFET-based converter

operating at 35 kVA (line current, Iload: 50 A/div; converter line
voltage, Vconv: 500 V/div; load line voltage, Vload: 500 V/div; time:
8 ms/div)

academia and industry in last two decades. Various manufacturers like Cree,
GeneSiC, ROHM, Infineon, Panasonic, STMicroelectronics and others are making
the commercial devices. The advantages of SiC over Si for power devices include
lower losses for higher efficiency, higher switching frequencies to reduce passive
components size, and higher breakdown voltages and high-temperature operating
conditions. SiC power devices will have large applications on renewable energy
generation, geothermal (down-hole drilling), automotive (hybrid/electric vehicles),
transportation (aircraft, ships, and rail traction), military systems, space programs,
industrial motor drives, and grid power processing applications.
The present high-power converters are used for mostly the MV drive appli-
cations and use most often the Si IGBTs. These IGBTs are typically limited to
6.5 kV blocking voltage. With the advancement in SiC high-voltage technology,
higher blocking voltage SiC devices are expected to come to market and impact the
MV applications. Mitsubishi Electric has recently announced 40% power saving
with SiC power modules used in electric railway in Japan.
Semiconductor power devices 41

This work was supported by US Government through the DOE ARPA-E program
under Contract No. DE-AR0000110. This work made use of FREEDM ERC shared
facilities supported by NSF under Award No. EEC-0812121. The authors also
thank CREE, POWEREX, and DOE POWER AMERICA for their support. Part of
this work related to current source-based converter systems and testing was sup-
ported through Department of Energy (DOE) grant and by Varentec Inc.

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[2] A. Agarwal, M. Das, B. Hull, S. Krishnaswami, J. W. Palmour, J. Richmond,
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IEEE 12th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics, June
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and C. Scozzie, ‘‘Silicon carbide power MOSFETs: breakthrough perfor-
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Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2014, pp. 79–82.
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MOSFET modules suitable for high frequency, medium voltage appli-
cations,’’ Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2011,
pp. 2689–2692.
[6] G. Wang, A. Huang and C. Li, ‘‘ZVS range extension of 10 A 15 kV SiC
MOSFET based 20 kW dual active half bridge (DHB) DC–DC converter,’’
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2012, pp. 1533–
[7] F. Wang, G. Wang, A. Huang, W. Yu and X. Ni, ‘‘Design and operation of a
3.6 kV high performance solid state transformer based on 13 kV SiC
MOSFET and JBS diode,’’ IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposi-
tion (ECCE), 2014, pp. 4553–4560.
[8] Q. Zhang, C. Jonas, S. Ryu, A. Agarwal and J. Palmour, ‘‘Design and
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posium on Power Semiconductor Devices and IC’s, ISPSD, 2006, pp. 1–4.
[9] B. J. Baliga, Advanced high voltage power device concepts. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 293–294.
42 Power electronic converters and systems

[10] S. Hazra, S. Madhusoodhanan, G. K. Moghaddam, K. Hatua and S. Bhatta-

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[11] S. Hazra, A. De, L. Cheng, J. Palmour, M. Schupbach, B. A. Hull, S. Allen
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[12] V. Baliga, S. Hazra, S. Singh, S. Roy, S. Bhattacharya, J. Paulakonis and
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pp. 273–278.
[13] S. Sundaresan, R. Singh and R. W. Johnson, ‘‘Silicon carbide ‘super’ junction
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[14] A. Kadavelugu, S. Bhattacharya, B. J. Baliga, S. H. Ryu, D. Grider and
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2014, pp. 350–353.
[15] A. Kadavelugu, K. Mainali, D. Patel, S. Madhusoodhanan, A. Tripathi,
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[16] http://www.mskennedy.com/products/Bridges/MSK4804.prod
Chapter 2
Multilevel converters
Juan W. Dixon, Ph.D.*

2.1 Introduction

This chapter introduces the concept and application of power converters using many
voltage sources to increase the quality of output voltage and the power rating of
those devices. They are called ‘‘multilevel converters’’ (or multilevel inverters) and
their mission is to improve efficiency in industrial process and expand applications
in new areas such as renewable energy conversion, power transmission and dis-
tribution, and transportation. Most of converters used today work with two or three
levels of voltage and contribute with important part of total harmonic distortion
(THD). The reduction of THD strongly depends on switching frequency of the power
semiconductors and are limited to low and medium power conversion. These reasons
have generated much interest on the topic of Multilevel Converters [1–5]. Multilevel
converters make use of a series connection of switches, which allow the use of
switches with reduced voltage ratings. These lower voltage switches have lower
conduction losses and can operate at a higher frequency. Higher switching fre-
quencies with many voltage levels result in higher quality voltage waveforms.

2.2 Basic concepts of multilevel converters

Multilevel converters comprise a new type of topologies that generate very much
cleaner voltage and current waveforms, reducing significantly the amount of har-
monics. Given the special topologies that can be implemented, they permit appli-
cation in high-power conversion, not achievable with conventional two-level
converters. The term ‘‘multilevel’’ defines topologies with more than one power
source, and one of the first commercially available converters of this type is the
three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) converter. Subsequently, other multilevel
topologies, such as cascaded H-bridge (CHB) and flying capacitors (FCs), have been
developed. CHBs can reach high output voltage and power levels and high reliability
due to its modular topology. H-bridge converters can be combined with NPC
topologies to improve energy conversion quality and reach higher levels of power.

*Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,

Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago 7820436, Chile
44 Power electronic converters and systems

2.2.1 One-branch converter

Multilevel converters include an arrangement of semiconductors and DC voltage
sources required to generate a staircase output voltage waveform. Figure 2.1 shows
the schematic diagram of voltage source inverters with different number of levels,
which utilize only one branch of switches. As it is well known, a two-level inverter,
like the one shown in Figure 2.1(a), generates an output voltage with two different
levels: 0 and VDC, while a three-level module, like the one shown in Figure 2.1(b),
generates three different output voltages: 0, VDC, and 2VDC. The different positions
of the ideal switches are implemented with a number of semiconductors that are in
direct relation with the number of levels.
It can be observed that the larger the number of DC sources, the greater the
number of steps that can be generated and the number of sources is directly related
with the number of levels through (2.1):

s¼n1 (2.1)

where s is the number of DC supplies connected in series and n is the number of

voltage levels generated.
As it was already mentioned, multilevel converters are implemented with a
number of DC sources to form a staircase AC waveform, which follows a given
reference template. For example, with ten DC sources, an 11-level waveform
can be obtained (five positive, five negatives, and zero with respect to the
middle point between the ten sources). If the template is a sinusoidal waveform
like the one shown in Figure 2.2, it is possible to obtain a waveform with very
low THD.


VDC(2) –
+ Ln−1
L2 L3 VDC(n−2) Ln

+ Ln−2
– L2
Lk L
L1 L1 2L 1
VDC(1) –

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.1 Basic multilevel converter topologies: (a) two levels, (b) three levels,
and (c) n levels

VDC(7) L11
V (6)
L6 M VDC(5)

L5 VDC(4) L1
To get level “0” it is required
to have an odd number of levels L4 VDC(3)


Figure 2.2 Voltage output waveform from an 11-level inverter

46 Power electronic converters and systems

2.2.2 Two branches, ‘‘H-bridge’’ converter

To increase the number of levels, two branches of the previous topologies are
combined to get the well-known ‘‘H-bridge’’ (HB) converter. It consists of con-
necting two of the previously discussed topologies using a common set of DC
sources, which almost doubles the number of levels generated. This topology is
displayed in Figure 2.3.
In this type of topology, the concept of ‘‘redundant levels’’ appears. The
‘‘H-bridge’’ topology has many redundant combinations to produce the same vol-
tage level. As an example, the level ‘‘zero’’ can be generated with the load con-
nected between L1 and L10 , or in general, between Lk and Lk0 . In a similar way, the
level that produces VOUT ¼ 2VDC can be generated connecting L3–L10 or Lkþ2–Lk0 .
Negative levels are generated in reverse way (e.g., VOUT ¼ 2VDC is obtained
between positions Lk–Lkþ20 ). In general, all levels generated with inner switches of
any of the two branches are redundant, that means, from L20 to Ln10 (or L2 to
Ln1). Figure 2.4 shows, with black circles, all the positions (or switches) that can
be removed, because they only generate redundant levels, and this removal can be
done in whichever of the two branches.
When these switches are eliminated, only one redundant level remains: the
L1–L10 because it generates the same level as Ln–Ln0 (VOUT ¼ 0). The total number
of redundant levels can be easily obtained from Figure 2.4, because each one of the
(n 2) removed switches produces nR redundant levels and hence the total number
of them is
nR ¼ n ðn 2Þ þ 1 (2.2)
where nR is the number of redundant levels and n is the number of voltage
levels in one branch. Equation (2.2) includes the redundant L1–L10 (or else Ln–Ln0 ).

+ VDC(n−1)

+ VDC(n−2)

+ VDC(n−3)

Ln Ln′
a b
+ –
L1 L1′


+ VDC(1)

Figure 2.3 ‘‘H-bridge’’ inverter topology

Multilevel converters 47

+ VDC(n−1)

+ VDC(n−2) Redundant switches

+ VDC(n−3)
Ln Ln′

a b
+ –
L1′ L2′


+ VDC(1)

Figure 2.4 Redundant switches in an ‘‘H-bridge’’ converter

On the other hand, the total number of non-redundant levels reached with this
topology is

nab ¼ 2n 1 (2.3)

From (2.3), it can be observed that H-bridges only produce odd number of levels,
which ensures the existence of VOUT ¼ 0 at the load.

2.3 Electronic switches to implement the converters

The above-described multilevel converters need electronic switches to operate, like
metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors, insulated gate bipolar transistors,
or gate turn-off thyristors. These devices cannot replace the ideal switches shown
in previous sections, because they have some limitations. They are unidirectional,
are limited in switching speed and produce power losses. Besides, none of them
can commutate from one power source to another; it is required the use of special
topologies for multilevel implementation, which will be described in the next

2.3.1 NPC converter

The NPC topology was invented in Japan by Akira Nabae et al. [6] at Nagaoka
University of Technology in 1980. The NPC converter found widespread applica-
tions in the 1990s and gradually, the number of levels of the converter was
increased. Currently, the NPC topology is the one most commonly used. Figure 2.5(a)
shows an n-level topology and Figure 2.5(b) shows the well-known three-level
+ VDC(n−1) D(n−2)′

– D(n−3)′ S(n−2)′

D(1)′ S(2)′ –
D1′ S(1)′

D(n−2) S(n−1)

D(n−3) S(n−2) D1 S(2)

VDC(2) –
+ D(1) S(2) S(1)
– S(1)

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5 Neutral point clamped (NPC) topology. (a) n-level and (b) three-level
Multilevel converters 49

To explain how this type of topology works, Figure 2.6 shows a specific
example using a seven-level NPC converter. The figure shows only four of the
seven possible outputs: VOUT ¼ 0 V, VOUT ¼ 2VDC, VOUT ¼ 3VDC, and VOUT ¼
5VDC. As can be seen, a chain of six transistors is moved together to get the desired
In general, if the required voltage at the output is kVDC, the entire chain of
transistors located between the diodes D(k) and D(k)0 should be ON. This will allow
the current to flow bidirectionally. In this way, all the DC sources located at the
bottom of diodes D(k) and D(k)0 will create the output voltage VOUT. For example, if
a 3VDC voltage is required at the output, then all transistors located between diodes
D(3) and D(3)0 must be switched ON:

VOUT ¼ VDC ð1Þ þ VDC ð2Þ þ VDC ð3Þ ¼ 3VDC (2.4)

2.3.2 FC converter
The FC voltage source converter was proposed about 15 years ago [7,8]. As with
the NPC, the main characteristic of the FC technology is the connection of several
semiconductors in series to share the voltage. However, instead of introducing
clamping diodes to provide new nodes to connect the output, they are replaced by
capacitors, which are connected as shown in Figure 2.7. These capacitors are pre-
charged to certain voltage levels, always at a fraction of the main DC source [9].
When properly charged, they can generate intermediate voltage levels. Although
three levels and up (with no theoretical limit) are possible, today the four-level FC
is produced by one manufacturer of industrial medium voltage drives. The circuit
configuration of the topology is depicted in Figure 2.7. Figure 2.7(a) shows an
n-level topology and Figure 2.7(b) shows a three-level topology. The number of
transistors required for a FC converter is the same as the NPC converter.
The FC topology can be presented in a more modular way, also known as
multicell, as shown in Figure 2.8.
Figure 2.9 shows how the levels of a four-level FC converter are generated.
Level 1 (VOUT ¼ 0 volt) is generated by switching-on transistors S(1), S(2), and
S(3); level 2 (VOUT ¼ VDC) is obtained by switching-on transistors S(2), S(3), and
S(3)0 ; level 3 switching-on S(3), S(2)0 , and S(3)0 , and level 4 with S(1)0 , S(2)0 , and S(3)0 .
Note that VOUT ¼ VDC is not generated using the voltage from C1. Instead, the source
3VDC Vc2 is utilized. In a similar way, the voltage VOUT ¼ 2VDC is obtained.

2.3.3 CHB converter

The CHB inverter uses a combination of many H-bridges in cascade, usually of the
two-level type. There are two kinds of CHB converters: symmetric CHB (SCHB)
and asymmetric CHB (ACHB). In the SCHB, each H-bridge uses power sources of
the same value (VDCj ¼ VDCk), while in the ACHB the power sources have different
values (VDCj 6¼ VDCk). One of the advantages of the ACHB is that with the same
number of H-bridges and power sources more voltage levels are obtained. Its
drawback is that the H-bridges are not interchangeable.
+ D(5)′ S(6)′ D(5)′ S(6)′
VDC(6) VDC(6)
– D(4)′ S(5)′ D(4)′ S(5)′

+ D(3)′ S(4)′ + D(3)′ S(4)′
VDC(5) VDC(5)
– D(2)′ S(3)′ – D(2)′ S(3)′
+ D(1)′ S(2)′ + D(1)′ S(2)′
VDC(4) VDC(4)
– S(1)′ – S(1)′
+ +
VDC(3) S(6) VDC(3) S(6)
– D(5) – D(5)
S(5) S(5)
+ +
VDC(2) D(4) S(4) VDC(2) D(4) S(4)
– D(3) VOUT = 0 – D(3)
S(3) S(3)
+ +
D(2) D(2)
VDC(1) S(2) VDC(1) S(2)
– D(1) – D(1)
S(1) S(1)

(a) (b)

Figure 2.6 (Continued )

D(5)′ S(6)′ D(5)′ S(6)′
+ +
VDC(6) VDC(6)
D(4)′ S(5)′ D(4)′ S(5)′
– –
+ D(3)′ S(4)′ + D(3)′ S(4)′
VDC(5) VDC(5)
– D(2)′ S(3)′ D(2)′
– S(3)′

+ D(1)′ S(2)′ + D(1)′ S(2)′

VDC(4) VDC(4)
– S(1)′ – S(1)′
+ S(6) +
VDC(3) VDC(3) S(6)
– D(5) – D(5)
S(5) S(5)
+ +
VDC(2) D(4) S(4) VDC(2) D(4) S(4)
– 3VDC – 5VDC
D(3) D(3)
S(3) S(3)
+ D(2) + D(2)
VDC(1) S(2) S(2)
– D(1) –
S(1) D(1) S(1)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.6 Seven-level NPC topology. (a) VOUT ¼ 0, (b) VOUT ¼ 2VDC, (c) VOUT ¼ 3VDC, and (d) VOUT ¼ 5VDC
52 Power electronic converters and systems

S(n–2)′ S(2)′

S(2)′ S(1)′
(n – 1)∙VDC + 2VDC
Cn–1 Cn–2 C2 C1 S(1)′ + +
– S(n–1) – –
S(n–2) S(2)

S(2) S(1)
(a) (b)

Figure 2.7 Flying capacitors (FC) topology. (a) n-level and (b) three-level

S(3)′ S(2)′ S(1)′
+ + +
+ 3VDC + 2VDC VDC S(1)′ C2 C1
– – –
– – C2 C1 S(3)

S(2)VOUT S(1) S(2) S(3) VOUT


(a) (b)

Figure 2.8(a) Four-level FC configuration and (b) multicell representation

Figure 2.10(a) shows a SCHB inverter with three H-bridges and Figure 2.10(b)
shows an ACHB of the same type, but with the power sources scaled in power of 3.
In the first case, only seven levels are obtained, while the second topology is able to
generate 27 levels of voltage.
In general, ACHB converters produce more levels because they use redundant
combination of switches from the SCHB converters. ACHB converters scaled in
power of 3 optimize the number of levels because a two-level H-bridge can gen-
erate three different levels: ‘‘1’’, ‘‘0’’, and ‘‘1’’. The total number of levels that an
ACHB converter with m bridges scaled in power of 3 is 3m. More details about
other ACHB characteristics will be discussed later on.
Multilevel converters 53

S(3)′ S(3)¢

S(2)′ S(2)′

S(1)′ 3VDC + S(1)′

+ 3VDC + 2VDC + VDC + 2VDC + VDC

– – C2 – C1 S(3) – – C2 – C1 S(3)
S(2) S(2)

S(1) S(1)

(a) (b)

S(3)¢ S(3)¢

S(2)¢ S(2)¢

S(1)′ 3VDC + S(1)¢

+ 3VDC + 2VDC + VDC + 2VDC + VDC

– – C2 – C1 S(3) – – C2 – C1 S(3)
S(2) S(2)

S(1) S(1)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.9 Voltage levels generation in a four-level FC converter. (a) VOUT ¼ 0,

(b) VOUT ¼ VDC, (c) VOUT ¼ 2VDC, (c) VOUT ¼ 3VDC

2.3.4 Combined topologies

Other topologies are obtained using combination of different converters.
Figure 2.11 shows a simple two-level H-bridge which uses sub-cells to generate as
many levels as the number of sub-cells. As each sub-cell can generate two different
levels (level ‘‘0’’ and level ‘‘1’’), the number of levels generated by the sub-cells is
optimized when their power sources are scaled in power of 2. In this case, redun-
dant levels do not exist, and with m sub-cells, 2m positive levels are generated. The
H-bridge is in charge of producing positive and negative half cycles, and then the
total number of levels is given by (2.5).

nab ¼ 2m2 1 (2.5)

54 Power electronic converters and systems

S(1)′ S(2)′ S(2)′ S(1)′
+ 27 levels +
– –
S(1) S(2) S(2) S(1)

S(1)′ S(2)′ S(2)′ S(1)′
+ +
V 1/3VDC
– DC –
S(1) S(2) S(2) S(1)

S(1)′ S(2)′ S(2)′ S(1)′
+ +
V 1/9VDC
– DC –
S(1) S(2) 7 levels S(2) S(1)

(a) (b)

Figure 2.10 CHB converters using three two-level H-bridges. (a) SCHB type,
(b) ACHB type with power supplies scaled in power of 3

Sub-cell H-Bridge

VDC(n−1) +

VDC(2) +
a b
+ –

VDC(1) +

Figure 2.11 Multilevel inverter using sub-cells

Figure 2.12 shows a combined topology for an H-bridge, using one branch
with a three-level converter and one branch with a two-level converter.

2.4 Three-phase multilevel converters

Most of the applications of static converters are for industrial purposes, which
require three-phase topologies. Some of these applications are for electric machine
drives, active power filters, reactive power compensation, renewable energy con-
version, flexible AC transmission systems and voltage source high-voltage DC
Multilevel converters 55

VC/2 C2 S(3)′

D1′ S(1)′
a b

+ VOUT –
VC/2 C1 S(3)


Figure 2.12 Combined H-bridge with NPC three-level and two-level converters

VDC/(n − 1)

1 1 1 +
VDC/(n − 1) n−1 n−1 n−1
VDC n– − 2 n−2 n −2
0 0 0
– 21 0 21 0 – 21 0

VDC/(n − 1)

a b c
a b c

(a) (b)

Figure 2.13 Three-phase converters. (a) Two-level and (b) n-level topologies

transmission. Multilevel inverters for most of those applications mean better per-
formance, less harmonic distortion, higher levels of power conversion, and less
power losses in electrical equipment. Figure 2.13 shows the schematic of a two-
level and an n-level, three-phase converters.

2.4.1 Phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages

Generally, three-phase converters use the load in wye connection with neutral
floating. This connection, shown in Figure 2.13, generates more voltage levels at
the load because it corresponds to the phase-to-neutral voltage. As the phase-to-
phase voltage have the same number of levels than an H-bridge, phase-to-neutral
voltage can be obtained from the following relation:
nf f ¼ nab ¼ 2n 1 (2.6)
56 Power electronic converters and systems

where nf f is the phase-to-phase voltage and n the number of levels in one branch
of the inverter. Similarly, the number of levels in the phase-to-neutral connection
with respect to phase-to-phase voltage is
nf N ¼ 2nab 1 (2.7)
Replacing (2.6) in (2.7) it yields:
nf N ¼ 2 ð2n 1Þ 1 ¼ 4n 3 (2.8)
where nf N is the number of levels in the phase-to-neutral voltage in whichever of
the three phases, VaN, VbN, or VcN.

2.4.2 Space vector representation

Three-phase systems can be analyzed using vector diagrams, which are especially
useful for machine drives applications. The vector diagrams show, in a two-
dimensional way, the instantaneous magnitude of each phase-to-neutral voltage at
the load. Figure 2.14 shows the vector diagram of an ideal sinusoidal source and
Figure 2.15 shows the vector diagram of a two-level converter. The composition of
the three phases generates a rotating vector of voltage, which travels at an angular
speed of w rad/s and describes a perfect circle, whose magnitude is VT ¼ 3/2VMAX,
where VMAX is the peak value of phase-to-neutral voltage.
Assuming that
va ¼ VMAX cos w t
t vb ¼ VMAX cosðw t 120 Þ (2.9)

vc ¼ VMAX cosðw t 240 Þ
where va, vb, and vc are the instantaneous voltages of phases a, b, and c, respec-
tively, and w is the angular frequency of the mains supply.

Va Vb Vc


t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t

c VT c c c c c w c
w VT w
a a a a
w a a a
w b
b b bw VT b b b
VT = VMAX ∙ [cos(wt – j)]

Figure 2.14 Vector diagram of a pure sinusoidal power source

Multilevel converters 57

va vb vc

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t

c c c c c
c c
a a a a
a a

b b b b b b b
3 3 2
2 2 3 DC

Figure 2.15 Phase-to-neutral voltages and vector diagram of a two-level inverter

Assuming that the vector VT is being measured at a specific angle j with

respect to phase a:

V T ¼ va cos f þ vb cosðf 120 Þ þ vc cosðf 240 Þ (2.10)

Replacing (2.6) in (2.7):

V T ¼ VMAX ½ cosðwtÞ cosðfÞ þ cosðwt 120 Þ cosðf 120 Þ

þ cosðwt 240 Þ cosðf 240 Þ (2.11)

It yields:

1 cosðwt þ fÞ þ cosðwt fÞ þ cosðwt þ f 240 Þ þ cosðwt fÞ
2 þ cosðwt þ f 120 Þ þ cosðwt fÞ
cosðwt þ fÞ þ cosðwt þ f 240 Þ þ cosðwt þ f 120 Þ ¼ 0 (2.13)
And finally,
V T ¼ VMAX ½cosðwt fÞ (2.14)
Equation (2.14) represents a rotating vector that travels at w rad/s and have a
constant magnitude of 3/2VMAX.
In the case of a two-level converter, the vector VT only has six positions, because
each phase can only be at two different locations (two levels): ‘‘0’’ and ‘‘VDC’’, where
VDC is the voltage of the power source of the converter. Besides, there are two
58 Power electronic converters and systems

(0,0,1) (1,0,1)
+ 1 1 1
– 0 0 0

(0,1,1) (1,1,1) a
a b c (0,0,0) (1,0,0)

+VDC/3 N
(0,1,0) b (1,1,0)
−VDC/3 t
0 Two-level converter
(a) (b)

Figure 2.16 Two-level inverter. (a) Phase-to-neutral voltage and (b) space vector

redundant vectors of magnitude ‘‘zero’’, which are generated with switches in posi-
tion (0,0,0) or (1,1,1). Figure 2.16 shows the phase-to-neutral voltage waveform and
vector diagram of a two-level converter, which can be associated with a six-sided
polygon (hexagon). In this hexagon, each vertex represents one of the six vectors and
at the center are located vectors (0,0,0) and (1,1,1). In this case, the magnitude of
vector VT ¼ VDC, where VDC is the voltage source that feeds the converter.

3 3 2
jV T j ¼ VMAX ¼ VDC ¼ VDC (2.15)
2 2 3
When the number of levels is increased, more vectors with different magnitudes
and angles appear. Figures 2.17 and 2.18 show similar diagrams for two-level and
four-level converters, respectively. No matter the number of levels, theP peak values
of phase-to-neutral voltages are always ⅔VDC (assuming that VDC ¼ VDCi ).
Each dot represents a new voltage vector that starts from the center of the
hexagon. The number of vectors with magnitude ‘‘zero’’ is equal to the number of
levels and hence, an n-level converter has n vectors at the origin: (0,0, . . . ,0),
(1,1, . . . ,1), . . . , (n 1, n 1, . . . , n 1). There are no redundant levels at the
periphery of the hexagon, but they increase by one unit when going to the center of
the polygon. At the center there are (n 1) redundant levels.
Figure 2.19 shows the space vector diagram of an n-level inverter. The total
number of non-redundant vectors in an n-level inverter can easily be found from the
space vector diagram. The hexagon can be decomposed in six sectors (six equi-
lateral triangles in Figure 2.19), where each triangle has a number of vectors vD
given by
n ðn 1Þ
vD ¼ (2.16)
Multilevel converters 59

+VDC/2 c (1,0,2)
2 2 2 (0,0,2) (2,0,2)

+ 1 1 1
+VDC/2 0 0 0 (0,1,2) (2,1,2) (1,0,1) (2,0,1)
– (1,1,2) (0,0,1)

(1,2,2) (0,1,1) (1,0,0) (2,1,1) a

a b c (0,2,2) (1,1,1) (2,2,2)
VaN (0,0,0)
(2,2,1) (1,1,0)
(0,2,1) (1,2,1) (0,1,0) (2,1,0)
+1/3VDC N
–1/6VDC t (0,2,0) b (1,2,0) (2,2,0)
–1/3VDC 0
–1/2VDC Three-level converter
(a) (b)

Figure 2.17 Three-level inverter. (a) Phase-to-neutral voltage and (b) space
vector diagram

+VDC/3 c
– (1,0,3)(2,0,3) (3,0,3)
2 3 2 3 2 3 (0,0,3)
– (0,1,3) (3,0,2)
+ 1 0 1 0 1 0
+VDC/3 (0,2,3) (3,0,1)

(0,3,3) a
a b c (3,0,0)
VaN (0,3,2) (3,1,0)
+4/9VDC (0,3,1) (3,2,0)
+2/9VDC N
+1/9VDC (0,3,0) (3,3,0)
–2/9VDC t b (1,3,0) (2,3,0)
–1/3VDC 0 Four-level converter
(a) (b)

Figure 2.18 Four-level inverter. (a) Phase-to-neutral voltage and (b) space
vector diagram

where n is the number of levels of the three-phase converter. Hence, the total
number of non-redundant vectors is
n ðn 1Þ
vNR ¼ 6 þ 1 ¼ 3n ðn 1Þ þ 1 (2.17)
The total number of vectors (redundant and non-redundant) may also be
evaluated from Figure 2.19, and they correspond to all combination of switches of
the three-phase inverter. The switches of phase a may be in n different positions for
60 Power electronic converters and systems

+ (0,0,n − 1) (n − 1,0,n − 1)
VDC/(n − 1)

VDC/(n − 1) n−1 n−1 n − 1 (0,n − 1,n − 1)
– n−2 n−2

21 0 21 0 21 0

+ a
VDC/(n − 1)

a b c
(n − 1,0,0)

(0,n − 1,0) (n − 1,n − 1,0)

N b
n-levels converter n levels

Figure 2.19 n-level inverter and space vector diagram

Space vector for n-level converter

c Number of levels :n
Number of levels Vf – f : nf – f = 2n – 1
Number of levels Vf – N : nf – N = 2nf – f – 1 = 4n – 3

(n – 1)n
Non-redundant vectors : vNR = 6 +1 = 3n (n – 1) + 1
Redundant vectors : vR = nS – nV = (n – 1)3
n levels Total number of vectors : vT = n3

Figure 2.20 n-level space vector diagram and related equations

each one of the n positions of the phase b and also for each one of the n positions of
phase c. As a result, the total number of vectors vT is
vT ¼ n n n ¼ n3 (2.18)
The total number of redundant vectors, vR is obtained from (2.16) and (2.17)
vR ¼ vT vNR ¼ ðn 1Þ3 (2.19)
Figure 2.20 resumes the results obtained in previous sections.

2.5 Modulation strategies for multilevel converters

With the development of multilevel inverter, topologies came the challenge to extend
traditional modulation methods for two-level converters to the multilevel case. On the
Multilevel converters 61

Multilevel Modulation Methods

Voltage Level–Based Algorithms Space Vector–Based Algorithms

Multicarrier PWM Nearest Level Control Nearest Vector Control Space Vector Control


Figure 2.21 Modulation methods for multilevel converters

one hand, there is the inherent additional complexity of having more power electro-
nics devices to control, and on the other hand, the possibility to take advantage of the
extra degrees of freedom provided by the redundant switching states generated by
these topologies. As a consequence, a large number of different modulation algo-
rithms have been developed or adapted, each one with unique features and drawbacks,
depending on the application. A classification of some of the modulation methods for
multilevel inverters is presented in Figure 2.21. The modulation algorithms can be
classified in to two different ways [10]: (a) the time domain, in which the method is
based on the voltage level generation over a time frame, and (b) the space vector
domain, in which the operating principle is based on the voltage vector generation.

2.5.1 Voltage levels–based algorithms

There are many methods that use this strategy, some of them based on traditional
pulse width modulation (PWM) used in two-level topologies, in which a carrier
signal is compared with a reference frame. In this case, with the increased number
of levels, a bigger number of carriers comes out.
Other strategies that appear with the development of multilevel inverters are
related with the direct utilization of a particular level, depending on the desired out-
put. One of them is the so-called ‘‘nearest level control’’ or NLC, which is very simple
to implement and has very low THD when the number of levels is larger than 9. Multicarrier PWM
In this modulation method, each cell is modulated independently using PWM with
the same reference signal. One of the methods, called ‘‘phase shift PWM’’ (PS-
PWM), uses a phase shift across all the carrier signals of each cell in order to
produce the stepped multilevel waveform. The lowest output voltage distortion is
achieved with 180/k phase shifts between the carriers.
62 Power electronic converters and systems





Figure 2.22 Twelve-cell (25 levels) PS-PWM waveform generation

The operating principle is illustrated in Figure 2.22 for a 12-level CHB

example. Since the phase shift introduces a multiplicative effect, the amplitude of
inverter output voltage has k times the amplitude of fundamental component of
each cell. In a similar way, the frequency of the inverter output voltage switching
pattern is k times the cell switching frequency. This is very useful, since the device
switching frequency (hence the switching losses) is k times lower than the apparent
switching frequency perceived by the load.
Since all the cells are controlled with the same reference and same carrier
frequency (which has only been shifted), the power is evenly distributed among the
cells, achieving current harmonic reduction. An example of application is illu-
strated in a back-to back, 50–60 Hz, system in Figure 2.23.
Another modulation method based on multicarrier is the ‘‘level shifted PWM’’
(LS-PWM). This method consists of an arrangement in vertical shifts instead of the
phase shift used in previous method. Each carrier is set between two voltage levels,
therefore the name level shifted. Since each carrier is associated with two levels,
the carriers cover the whole amplitude range that can be generated by the converter.
Figure 2.24 shows one phase of the typical NPC three-level converter, controlled
with the LS-PWM method. As can be seen, each power source is controlled by a
different triangular carrier.
Figure 2.25 shows the waveform generation for an 11-level converter. It can be
implemented with any type of converter, NPC, FC, or CHB.
Multilevel converters 63

"H" "H"
"H" + "H"
"H" "H"
50 Hz "H" "H"
60 Hz
A "H"◦ "H"

"H" "H" A
C "H" "H"
"H" "H"
"H" "H"
"H" – "H"
"H" "H"
Neutral "H" "H" Neutral


Figure 2.23 Back-to-back PS-PWM system using 12 cells

VDC S(2)′
+ 2
vmod + 1
S(2)′ –
t – 0 D1′ S(1)′
vcr1 N a

vcr2 S(1)′
1 VDC D1 S(2)
vaN +
S(1) +
+VDC 2
– 0
vcr2 –
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.24 LS-PWM for NPC: (a) waveform generation, (b) control diagram,
and (c) NPC Nearest level control

The NLC also known as the rounding method consists of selecting the nearest
voltage level that can be generated by the inverter to the desired output voltage
reference. It can be expressed as

v0 ¼ VDC Round (2.20)

where VDC is the voltage of each power source and vREF is the reference voltage,
which normally is a sinusoidal waveform template. Figure 2.26 shows the wave-
form generation for an n-level inverter using the NLC strategy.
64 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 2.25 LS-PWM for and 11-level converter

vREF n-level-NLC



0 ωT/4 ωt

Figure 2.26 Waveform generation for an n-level inverter using the NLC strategy

As can be seen, the NLC method only produces one commutation between two
voltage levels, which minimizes the switching frequency. However, the THD is
large unless the number of levels is larger than 20 levels, because the THD of
voltage becomes lesser than 4%. Figure 2.27 shows the THD of voltage as a
function of number of levels for the NLC modulation.
Multilevel converters 65

Voltage THD

20% .6%
15% .2

10% 7. 4%
6. 5% 8% 3%
5. 4. 9%





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 Levels

Figure 2.27 THD of voltage as a function of number of levels, using the NLC

To generate more than 20 levels, at least ten HBs are needed. One option to
reduce the number of bridges is using ACHBs, which were mentioned in
Section 2.3.3. ACHBs use power sources with different voltages, and when power
sources have voltages scaled in power of 3, the number of H-bridges required is
A 27-level inverter using ACHB was shown in Figure 2.10(b) (Section 2.3.3),
in which the NLC modulation is utilized. This ACHB uses only three H-bridges
and it is of interest doing a complete analysis of this particular topology.
Figure 2.27 shows half cycle of the voltage waveform, using the NLC modulation
in a 27-level converter. It is composed of three H-bridges whose power supplies
are scaled in power of 3. The bigger bridge is the MAIN Bridge, and the ones
located at the middle and at the bottom are called Aux-1 and Aux-2, respectively.
This figure shows the voltage waveforms of each H-bridge (VMAIN, VAux-1, and
VAux-2) and the resultant voltage waveform (VLOAD) that feeds one phase of the
load. As can be seen in Figure 2.28(a), the MAIN Bridge switches at fundamental
frequency, reducing power losses. The sinusoidal waveform (VMAX)REF shown in
Figure 2.28(c) is the amplitude of the reference voltage that generates the NLC
modulation and (VMAX )LOAD is the amplitude of the fundamental of VLOAD (load
According to the analytical development given in [11,12], the value of

wt¼cos1 2jþ1
3N þ1 1 ð 3N þ1
4 VDC X2

cosðw tÞ dw t (2.21)
3 p j¼0
where N is the number of Aux Bridges and VDC is DC voltage that feeds the MAIN
66 Power electronic converters and systems

S(1)′ S(2)′
– Fundamental of VMAIN
S(1) S(2)
Aux-1 3
S(1)′ S(2)′ VDC
9 VAux-2

S(1) S(2)

S(1)′ S(2)′
+ VLOAD =VMAIN +VAux-1+VAux-2

S(1) S(2)
(V 1MAX)Aux-1 (V 1MAX)Aux-2
(a) (c)

Figure 2.28 (a) 27-level ACHB and voltage VLOAD, (b) voltage waveforms at each
H-bridge, using the NLC modulation, and (c) fundamentals of
voltages in each bridge and reference voltage

Equation (2.21) allows getting the values of VMAX LOAD
for whatever number
of Aux Bridges. If the number of Aux Bridges is zero (N ¼ 0), then the topology
becomes a three-level inverter:
wt¼cos1 ð2jþ1
3 Þ
N ¼0 4 V X j¼1 ð
ÞLOAD ¼ cosðw tÞ dw t ¼ 1:2 VDC
p j¼0
Multilevel converters 67

Now, when the converter has only one Aux Bridge (Aux-1 or N ¼ 1), it
becomes a nine-level device, and from (2.21):
wt¼cos1 ð2jþ1
9 Þ
N ¼1 4 V X j¼4 ð
ÞLOAD ¼ cosðw tÞ dw t ¼ 1:44 VDC
3p j¼0
And when the number of Aux 1Bridges
is two (N ¼ 2), then it becomes a
27-level inverter, and the value of VMAX LOAD
in terms of VDC is
wt¼cos1 ð2jþ1
27 Þ
N ¼2 4 V j¼13
X ð
ÞLOAD ¼ cosðw tÞ dw t ¼ 1:49 VDC
9p j¼0
Theoretically, if the number of Aux Bridges ? ?:
wt¼cos 1
N !1 ð ð0Þ

ÞLOAD ¼ N cosðw tÞdw t ¼ 1:5 VDC ¼ ðVMAX
3 p j¼0
It can be noted that when N ? ?:
1 1

The particular values of ðVMAX

ÞAux-1 and ðVMAX
ÞAux-2 can be obtained with

ÞAux-1 ¼ ðVMAX
ÞLOAD N ¼0 ¼ 0:24 VDC (2.27)

ÞAux-2 ¼ ðVMAX
ÞLOAD N ¼1 ¼ 0:05 VDC (2.28)
This mean, in terms of VMAX LOAD :

ÞLOAD jN ¼0 1:2
¼ ¼2
¼ ¼ 0:81 ¼ 81% (2.29)
1 1 N 1:49

ÞAux-1 0:24
¼ ¼ 0:16 ¼ 16% (2.30)

ÞAux-2 0:05
¼ ¼ 0:03 ¼ 3% (2.31)

Equations (2.29)–(2.31) show the percentage of voltage distribution between the

H-bridges: MAIN, Aux-1, and Aux-2. As the H-bridges have a common output
(they are series connected with the load), the currents and displacement factor are
the same for all the H-bridges [11]. As a consequence, the percentage of power
68 Power electronic converters and systems

(V 1MAX)REF (k =1) = 3N+1 (½ ) ∙ VDC / 3N = 1.5VDC
(V 1MAX)REF (k=0.8) = k ∙ 1.5V
DC = 1.2VDC

0.8 (V 1MAX)REF (k=0.6) = k ∙ 1.5V

DC = 0.9VDC

(1/2) ∙ VDC /3N

0.6 2j+1
∙ VDC/3N
2 j1=0 2j+1
VDC/3N αj = cos–1 = cos–1
k ∙ 1.5VDC k ∙ 3N+1

(5/2) ∙ VDC/3N
(3/2) ∙ VDC/3N
(1/2) ∙ VDC/3N
0 αj /2 α = ωt

Figure 2.29 Reference voltage modulated in amplitude for N Aux Bridges

distribution is also the same as the voltage distribution. This means that over 80%
of the power is controlled by the MAIN Bridge.
The previous analysis corresponds to the maximum reference voltage (VMAX )REF
that can be applied to avoid distortion. This maximum value is equal to 1.5VDC and can
be modulated changing the amplitude of this reference as shown in Figure 2.29, by
multiplying it by a factor k (0 k 1). With this form of modulation, the number of
levels decreases when (VMAX)REF(k) decreases, as shown in Figure 2.4. Using (2.21),
which correspond to factor k ¼ 1, a generalized equation for different values of k is

a¼cos1 2jþ1
N þ1
j¼3 2 1 ð k3N þ1
ÞLOAD ½k ¼ N cos a da (2.32)
3 p j¼0
with a ¼wt.
Using this equation for different values of N (number of Aux Bridges), the
voltage variation for the MAIN and Aux Bridges as a function of k can be obtained.
For example, for Aux-1:
N ¼1 N ¼0

ÞAux-1 ½k ¼ ðVMAX
2 2jþ1
a¼cos1 a¼cos1
6X ð 9k
X ð 3k 7
4 VDC 6 7
j¼4 j¼1
¼ 6 cos a da cos a da7 (2.33)
3p 6 4 j¼0 j¼0
a¼0 a¼0

8 9
a¼cos1 ð2jþ1
<X ð 9k Þ a¼cos1 ð3k1 Þ
ð >
VMAX Aux-1
½k ¼ cos a da 3 cos a da
3p > : j¼0 >

a¼0 a¼0

Multilevel converters 69
(V MAX)Aux-1 [k]

k = 0.783


0 k
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Number of levels
Figure 2.30 Amplitude of (VMAX )Aux-1 as a function of k

Figure 2.30 is obtained by plotting (2.34) as a function of k.

As can be seen from Figure 2.30, Aux-1 does not give power to the load
when k ¼ 0.783, k ¼ 0.38, and k < 0.115. Of particular interest is the first value
(k ¼ 0.783), because at this value the converter works with 23 levels and without
the need to feed the Aux-1 Bridges. As a result, these H-bridges behave like
Series Active Power Filters [13,14] because they do not transfer power to
the load. If the same analysis is applied to Aux-2, it does not give power when
k ¼ 0.796. In this case, there are many more values of k where Aux-2 transfers
zero power to the load.

2.5.2 Space vector–based algorithms

Two kinds of methods using space vector control are the most common: nearest
vector control (NVC) and space vector modulation (SVM). The operation princi-
ples of each one are presented in the next sections. Nearest vector control

NVC was first introduced in 2002 [15], as an alternative to selected harmonic
elimination or staircase modulation, to provide a low-switching frequency mod-
ulation method, without the offline requirements and poor dynamic performance.
The basic idea is to take advantage of the high number of voltage vectors
generated by a multilevel inverter, by simply approximating the reference to the
closest voltage vector that can be generated. This principle is illustrated in
Figure 2.31, where a nine-level space vector complex plane is illustrated. Each
circle is one of the possible voltage vectors generated by the inverter. They are
surrounded by hexagons that represent the boundary of the area closest to the
corresponding vector. The circle is the voltage space vector reference trajectory
through the plane. When the reference falls into a certain hexagon, the closest
vector VT will be generated by the inverter.
70 Power electronic converters and systems


Figure 2.31 Nearest vector control (NVC) Space vector modulation

The main idea behind SVM is to synthesize the rotating reference vector by a time
average of a combination of the fixed vectors generated by the inverter. For a given
reference vector magnitude and position (angle), the three closest vectors are used
to generate the mean value over the modulation period. This strategy reduces
distortion in voltage by reducing the dv/dts. Consider for example, the reference
vector vr is illustrated in Figure 2.32. The mean value of the inverter voltage can be
expressed as
vr ¼ vi t i þ vj t j þ vk t k (2.35)
where ti, tj, and tk are the times in which the fixed vectors vi, vj, and vk are applied to
the load, with the restriction
TM ¼ ti þ tj þ tk (2.36)
where TM is the modulation period. Special topologies for electric machine drives

Despite space vector–based algorithms are a technology useful for any application,
they are especially applicable to electrical machines. Vector control permits a
dynamic behavior not reachable with other technologies, because they allow
changing vector position in a matter of milliseconds. Besides, different topologies
of multilevel inverters can be combined to increase the size and number of vectors.
Figure 2.33 shows one of these topologies, in which a two-level converter is
combined with a three-level converter using H-bridge topologies. As these con-
verters are fed with independent power supplies, their voltages can be selected
using different magnitudes. It is interesting to mention that the H-bridges can
operate with capacitors instead of power sources, using an adequate control
Multilevel converters 71

Vj Vk


vr = 1 (Vi ∙ ti + Vj ∙ tj + Vk ∙ tk)

Figure 2.32 Space vector modulation (SVM)

2L –
VDC2 < 1/4VDC1 VDC2 = 1/4VDC1 VDC2 = 1/3VDC1 VDC2 = 1/2VDC1
eight levels seven levels five levels
– (extended) (extended)
VDC2+ VDC1 = 1/2VDC2 VDC1 = 1/3VDC2 VDC1 < 1/3VDC2

four levels six levels eight levels (extended) over-extended

Figure 2.33 Combined topology using conventional two-level with three-level

HB. White circles are the basic hexagon of the HB three-level

strategy. The figure shows how the space vector changes when relative amplitudes
of VDC1 and VDC2 change. In the hexagons at the top of the figure, VDC1 is kept
constant and in the hexagons at the bottom, VDC2 is kept constant.
Figure 2.34 shows a combined topology using three different converter
schemes: (a) two three-level NPC, (b) one three-level NPC with one three-level
HB, and (c) two three-level HBs. As in Figure 2.32, the space vector diagram can
be modified changing the voltage relation between the first and the second con-
verter. The number of levels increases until the smaller hexagons do not interact
72 Power electronic converters and systems
VDC2+ VDC1 +
– –
– – DC2 DC1–
VDC1+ +V V +
– – DC2 DC1–
VDC1 +
– –


VDC1 > 5VDC2
VDC1 = 5VDC2
VDC1 = 4VDC2
VDC1 = 3VDC2
VDC1 = 2VDC2

5 levels
7 levels
9 levels
11 levels
13 levels

Figure 2.34 Combined topologies using two three-level converters

with the larger one. In this case, until 13 levels are obtainable, but some vectors,
due to over extension of each hexagon, are not obtainable. Up to a limit of nine
levels can be reached in this case, to have all vectors within the hexagon. With
more than nine levels, some vectors cannot be generated (extended and over-
extended vector diagrams) [16].
It is possible to get other combined topologies using more than two
converters, and each one with different values of voltage supplies. Besides, as
was mentioned before, with an adequate strategy some converters can work with
capacitors instead of power sources. In this case, these converters do not supply
any power but they increase the number of vectors improving the quality of the
output voltage. When some converters work using capacitors, they work as series
active power filters.

[1] Tolbert L., Peng F., Habetler T., ‘Multilevel Converters for Large Electric
Drives’. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 1999, vol. 35(1),
pp. 36–44.
[2] Franquelo L., Rodriguez J., Leon J., Kouro S., Portillo R., Prats M., ‘The
Age of Multilevel Converters Arrives’. IEEE Industrial Electronics Maga-
zine. 2008, vol. 2(2), pp. 28–39.
[3] Rodrı́guez J., Lai J.-S., Zheng Peng F., ‘Multilevel Inverters: A Survey of
Topologies, Controls, and Applications’. IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics. 2002, vol. 49(4), pp. 724–737.
[4] Lai J.-S., Peng F. Z., ‘Multilevel Converters – A New Breed of Power
Converters’. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 1996, vol. 32(3),
pp. 509–517.
Multilevel converters 73

[5] Dixon J., Bretón A., Rı́os F., Rodrı́guez J., Pontt J., Pérez M., ‘High-Power
Machine Drive, Using Non-Redundant 27-Level Inverters and Active Front
End Rectifiers’. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2007, vol. 22(6),
pp. 2527–2533.
[6] Nabae A., Takahashi I., Akagi H., ‘A New Neutral-Point-Clamped PWM
Inverter’. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 1981, vol. IA-17(5),
pp. 518–523.
[7] Meynard T. A., Foch H., ‘Electronic device for electrical energy conversion
between a voltage source and a current source by means of controllable
switching cells’ US patent 5,737,201, Apr. 1998 (priority Jul. 1991).
[8] Fazel S. S., Bernet S., Krug D., Jalili K., ‘Design and Comparison of 4-kV
Neutral-Point-Clamped, Flying-Capacitor, and Series-Connected H-Bridge
Multilevel Converters’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications. 2007,
vol. 43(4), pp. 1032–1040.
[9] Wilkinson R. H., Meynard T. A., du Toit Mouton H., ‘Natural Balance of
Multicell Converters: The Two-Cell Case’. IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics. 2006, vol. 21(6), pp. 1649–1657.
[10] Kouro S., Multilevel Converter Performance Improvements. Ph.D. Thesis,
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Marı́a, Valparaı́so, Chile. 2008.
[11] Dixon J., Pereda J., Castillo C., Bosch S., ‘Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter
for Traction Drives, Using Only One DC Supply’. IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology. 2011, vol. 59(8), pp. 3736–3743.
[12] Dixon J., Pereda J., ‘High Frequency Link: A Solution for Using Only One
DC Source in Asymmetric Cascaded Multilevel Inverters’. IEEE Transac-
tions on Power Electronics. 2011, vol. 58(9), pp. 3884–3892.
[13] Dixon J., Pereda J., ‘23-Level Inverter with Only One Power Supply, Using
Series Active Filters’. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2012,
vol. 61(3), pp. 1043–1051.
[14] Varschavsky A., Dixon J., Rotella M., Morán L., ‘Cascaded Nine-Level
Inverter for Hybrid Series Active Power Filter, Using Industrial Con-
troller’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2010, vol. 57(8),
pp. 271–277.
[15] Rodrı́guez J., Morán L., Correa P., Silva C., ‘A Vector Control Technique
for Medium Voltage Multilevel Inverters’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics. 2002, vol. 49(4), pp. 882–888.
[16] Pereda J., Dixon J., ‘Cascaded Multilevel Converters: Optimal Asymmetries
and Floating Capacitor Control’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electro-
nics. 2013, vol. 60(11), pp. 4784–4793.

Further reading
[1] Dixon J., Morán L., ‘High-Level Multistep Inverter Optimization Using a
Minimum Number of Power Transistors’. IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics. 2006, vol. 21(2), pp. 330–337.
74 Power electronic converters and systems

[2] Franquelo L. G., Prats M. M., Portillo R., León J. I., Carrasco J. M., Galván E.
et al., ‘Three Dimensional Space Vector Modulation Algorithm for Four Leg
Multilevel Converters Using abc Coordinates’. IEEE Transactions on Indus-
trial Electronics. 2006, vol. 53(2), pp. 458–466.
[3] Prats M. M., León J. I., Portillo R., Carrasco J. M., Franquelo L. G., ‘A
Novel Space Vector Algorithm for Multilevel Converters Based on Geo-
metrical Considerations Using a New Sequence Control Technique’. Journal
of Circuits, Systems and Computers. 2004, vol. 13(4), pp. 845–861.
[4] Rech C., Pinheiro J. R., ‘Hybrid Multilevel Converters: Unified Analysis and
Design Considerations’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2007,
vol. 54(2), pp. 1092–1104.
[5] McGrath B. P., Holmes D. G., ‘Multicarrier PWM Strategies for Multilevel
Inverters’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2002, vol. 49(4),
pp. 858–867.
[6] Meynard T., Foch H., Thomas P., Cournault J., Jakob R., Nahrstaedt M.,
‘Multicell Converters: Basic Concepts and Industry Applications’. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2002, vol. 49(5), pp. 955–964.
[7] Escalante M., Vannier J. C., Arzondé A., ‘Flying Capacitor Multilevel
Inverters and DTC Motor Drive Applications’. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics. 2002, vol. 49(4), pp. 805–815.
[8] Pou J., Boroyevich D., Pindado R., ‘New Feedforward Space-Vector PWM
Method to Obtain Balanced AC Output Voltages in a Three-Level Neutral-
Point-Clamped Converter’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
2002, vol. 49(50), pp. 1026–1034.
[9] Corzine K., Baker J., ‘Multilevel Voltage Source Duty Cycle Modulation:
Analysis and Implementation’. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
2002, vol. 49(5), pp. 1009–1016.
Chapter 3
Multi-input converters
Babak Farhangi* and Hamid Toliyat*

3.1 Introduction
Conventional unidirectional power electronic converters have a single input and a
single output. These converters are time-variant, nonlinear, single-input, single-
output electric systems [1–3]. In contrast, in hybrid systems or integrated power
systems, more than one source may supply the load. Such systems may be realized
through a set of single-input, single-output power converters from each source to
the load. In this case, the converters may be coupled to the load in a parallel scheme
through a capacitive filter or in a series scheme through an inductive filter [4,5]. If
the separated power conversion paths combine into one power converter, they form
a multi-input power converter. This approach can potentially reduce the component
count. Moreover, the multi-input converters may be designed for improving func-
tionality and reliability of the system.
In multiple-input, single-output converters, each source is conditioned through
unidirectional power converter stages [5–21]. In this case, the sources are not able
to exchange energy between them. When bidirectional sources or energy storage
elements exist in the system, bidirectional power conditioning stages are needed to
condition each input. The sources may freely exchange power together. Such sys-
tems are called multi-port systems as each port can be either a load or a source to
the system [22–30]. In this situation, a group of sources supply a group of loads in a
multi-input, multi-output system. Multiple-input, multiple-output systems can also
interconnect a group of unidirectional sources to a group of active and passive loads
[31,32]. The multi-input converters may be dc–dc, dc–ac, ac–dc or hybrid dc and ac
systems, according to the nature of the loads and the sources. The galvanic isolation
between the sources and loads depends on the application requirements.
Several emerging applications utilize multi-input converters. Renewable
energy systems have been the subject of interest in academia and industries. The
renewable sources, such as photovoltaic sources and wind turbines, are not con-
stantly available. A hybrid renewable system may benefit from multiple energy
sources in an integrated power system or a micro-grid. This will improve the

*Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

76 Power electronic converters and systems

versatility of the system. Moreover, energy storage elements, such as batteries or

flywheels, introduce bidirectional ports to the system. Integrated power systems
and micro-grids are implemented in a small physical space; they are appealing
applications for multi-input converters [7,12,19,20,24,27,33]. More specifically,
hybrid electric and fully electric vehicles are mobile systems that host multi-input
converters. Battery-powered vehicles, grid-connected automobiles, all electric
ships and airplanes, and satellites need multi-input vehicular systems for land, sea,
air, and space applications [4,20,22,23,34–40].
This chapter is dedicated to recent advances in multi-input converters. The
novel applications for multi-input converters need customized power converter
topologies. These topologies need to be synthesized considering the power con-
ditioning requirements of the sources and the loads. The techniques recently pro-
posed for synthesizing multi-input power converter topologies will be introduced in
Section 3.2. The trivial multi-input topologies including dc link and ac link con-
figurations will be discussed in Section 3.3. The major applications of the multi-
input converters are reviewed in Sections 3.4 and 3.5. Section 3.5 belongs to the
renewable energy systems, and Section 3.6 belongs to the vehicular power systems.
The specific requirements of the mentioned applications are discussed from a
designer point of view in these two sections. Finally, this chapter is summarized in
Section 3.7.

3.2 Realizing multi-input converter topologies

Multi-input converters have emerging applications, and it is desired to develop
novel topologies customized for each application. The fundamental concepts for
developing single-input, single-output power converters can be extended to the
synthesis of multi-input converters. Fundamentally, power converters consist of
switching networks and passive elements between the sources and loads [1,2]. In
other words, between each source and load there is graph that contains time-
variant components, such as switches and diodes, and passive elements, such as
inductors and capacitors. By cascading switching stages and passive networks, a
multi-stage converter is formed. While there are different definitions for power
conversion stages, the definition used in this chapter is the number of switching
networks separated by passive elements between sources and loads determines
the stages count. According to this definition, basic buck and boost converters are
single-stage converters, and so is the differential synchronous buck converter,
the h-bridge converter. In contrast, the z-source converter is not a single-stage
converter because a diode is separated from the other switches by the z-source
network [34,35,41]. Extending the multi-stage switching power conversion net-
works, it is possible to connect several sources through switching networks and
passive elements to form a multi-input power converter. If each converter is
directly connected to the load, it is a separated solution. In contrast, a multi-input
power converter is realized if there is a common power conversion path in
between the multiple sources and loads.
Multi-input converters 77

Assuming each source is either a voltage source or a current source, it is pre-

ferred to connect each source through a switching stage to the power converter
network. If the ideal voltage sources are in parallel, they have to be identical, or
they would violate Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL). Alternatively, if the current
sources are in series, they have to be identical, or they would violate Kirchhoff’s
Current Law (KCL). If a number of voltage sources are in series or a number of
current sources are in parallel, they will add up according to KVL and KCL and
represent as one unified source to the power converter network. It is not possible to
condition these sources individually, which does not satisfy the goal of developing
multi-input converters. The conceptual theory presented in this section describes
the fundamentals of realizing multi-input power converters.
In [1], the fundamental theory of power converters as repetitive switching
networks is applied to the analytical synthesis of single-input, single-output
switching power converters; moreover, the properties of different switching
power converters are discussed. The buck and the boost converters are two basic
converters, and several converters can be derived by cascade or differential
connection of these two basic converters as shown in Figure 3.1. As an example,
buck–boost converter is derived by cascading buck and boost converters and
simplifying the passive elements in between. The h-bridge converter can be
derived by differential connection of two buck converters. The boost converter is
actually dual of the buck converter [42]; also, it can be realized by the inversion
of the source and the load in the buck converter. Not all power converters can be
derived similarly from buck and boost converters. The single-ended primary
inductor converter (SEPIC) and Watkins–Johnson converters are two examples
shown in [1]. These two topologies are shown in Figure 3.2. In both converters,
the passive network between the switches is more complicated than a simple
inductor or a single capacitor; a transformer, which is a network of inductors and
capacitors, is used within the sources and switching networks. A generalized
approach is proposed to realize single-input, single-output power converters using
the state space equations in [1]. This method uses connection matrices for
describing the power converters’ graphs.

Vin +
– Converter
Vin +
– Converter Converter Vout
1 2 SISO
(a) (b)

Figure 3.1 Converters can be derived from the existing converters.

(a) The cascade connection of the converters and (b) the
differential connection of the converters
78 Power electronic converters and systems

L C1 T M
Vin + M C2 Vout Vin +
– Vout
– D C

(a) (b)

Figure 3.2 SEPIC and Watkins–Johnson topologies cannot be derived from buck
and boost converters. (a) SEPIC and (b) Watkins–Johnson converter


Vin +
– D Vin +

M D Vin +
– L D

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3.3 Examples of voltage input cells to introduce new voltage sources into
existing dc–dc converters. The configurations are inspired from:
(a) buck converter, (b) Cuk converter, and (c) Zeta converter.
These input cells are connected in series with an inductor of the
existing converters

In [3], the single-input, single-output dc–dc power converters are realized by

defining various converter cells. Each converter cell is a three terminal graph of
switches, inductors, and capacitors. Rotating the cell between the input and output
generates different converters with the same converter cell. A conceptual method
extending the existing single-input, single-output power converters to multi-input
single-output converters is proposed in [6]. This method is limited to the multiple-
input, single-output topologies and only allows unidirectional power flow out of the
sources. Only non-isolated dc–dc converters can be derived using this method.
Three networks consisting of a switch, a diode, and reactive elements are con-
sidered for connection of the voltage sources to the existing power converters as
shown in Figure 3.3. These connection schemes are inspired from existing power
converter topologies, specifically, buck, Cuk and Zeta converters. The source
connection schemes shown in Figure 3.3 are called pulsating voltage source cells
(PVSCs) in [14].
The conceptual idea of [14] is synthesizing new multi-input converters by
connecting the voltage source cells in series with a current buffer or a current sink
(an inductor) in one of six existing power converters, specifically, the buck, boost,
buck–boost, Cuk, Zeta, and SEPIC converters. Similarly, pulsating current source
cells (PCSCs) are inspired from boost, buck–boost, and SEPIC converters as shown
in Figure 3.4. These networks have to be connected in parallel with a voltage buffer
or a voltage sink (a capacitor) in one of the six existing converters. This method is
addressed as the nested approach in this chapter. The nested approach for realizing
multi-input converters is adding a new source through a power conversion stage to
Multi-input converters 79

L M L1 C

Vin +

M Vin +
– L Vin +

M L2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3.4 Examples of current input cells to introduce new voltage sources
into existing dc–dc converters, these configurations are inspired from:
(a) boost converter, (b) buck–boost converter, and (c) SEPIC.
These networks are connected in series with an inductor of the existing

an existing power converter topology. The method can be repetitively applied to

realize a more complicated multi-input topology.
Acronyms, such as PVSC and PCSC, are repetitively used in [6,14]. In this
chapter, PVSCs are called voltage input cells, and PCSCs are called current input
cells. Alternatively, the network that connects a source to the power converter
circuit is called the source’s power conditioning stage. This is based on the general
theory of power converters as receptive networks of switching and passive ele-
ments, which was introduced in beginning of this chapter.
The source and its power conditioning network are combined into one input
cell according to [6,14]; hence, the cell has only one free terminal. This will limit
the realized topologies, as the power conditioning stage cannot be altered. In con-
trast, in [3], a three terminal network of switches and passive elements was defined
as a power converter cell. The power converter cells defined in [3] do not include
any source or load (input or output). The three terminal power converter cells can
rotate between the input and output and form alternative power converter topolo-
gies; whereas, the input cells that are defined in [6,14] are fixed and cannot rotate.
The voltage input cells need to be connected within a mesh containing an
output sink. Alternatively, the current input cells need to form a mesh with an
output sink. This will assure all the inputs can transfer power to the load separately;
otherwise, the sources have to work together to supply the load simultaneously.
Such configurations are called quasi-multi-input converters in [6].
An example of the nested extension of the existing dc–dc converters is illu-
strated for a dual-input, single-output dc–dc converter for renewable energy
applications in [19]. A voltage input cell is introduced to the buck–boost converter
as shown in Figure 3.5. This topology saves an inductor and an output capacitor
when compared with two individual buck or buck–boost converters. The multi-
input converter of Figure 3.5 saves one inductor compared with two separate dc–dc
converters supplying a common load.
The steady-state transfer function of this converter is formulated in (3.1),
where d1 and d2 are the duty cycles of M1 and M2, respectively. If d2 is zero, Vs1
supplies the load through a buck converter with duty cycle of d1. If d2 is not zero
and d1 is zero, Vs2 supplies the load through a buck–boost converter. Finally, both
voltages can supply the load according to (3.1), when both d1 and d2 are not zero.

Vin +
– L C Vout D1 M2 L
M1 D2 C – +
Input Passive Output +

+ Vout –
Vin2 + D2 C
– Vout
Stage Element Stage Vin1 M2 + –
+ Vin2
M2 M1

Vin2 + D2 –
Vin1 + D1

Buck Input Cell

Figure 3.5 Extending a buck–boost converter to a dual-input single-output converter through a buck type voltage input cell
Multi-input converters 81

M2 L M2 L

Vin2 + C + + C +
– D2 Vout Vin2 – D2 Vout
– –
M1 M1
D1 D1
Vin1 +
– Vin1 +

M2 L M2 L

C + C +
Vin2 +
– D2 +
Vout Vin2 – D2 Vout
– –
M1 M1
D1 D1
Vin1 +
– Vin1 +

Figure 3.6 Switching states of dual-input converter as shown in Figure 3.5

Q1 D1 Q2 D2 D1 D2 T
Q1 D1 Q2 D2 D1 D2
Vin +
– +
Vin –

Q3 D3 Q4 D4 D3 D4
Q3 D 3 Q4 D4 D3 D4

(a) (b)

Figure 3.7 Examples of the isolated input cells: (a) full bridge type network for a
voltage input cell and (b) current source full bridge network as a
current input cell

There are two switches and four switching states for this converter, as shown in
Figure 3.6.
d1 d2
Vo ¼ Vin1 þ Vin2 (3.1)
1 d1 1 d1
The idea of building multi-input converters by introducing input cells is
extended in [14] by introducing isolation transformers to the input cells. Exam-
ples of the isolated input cells are shown in Figure 3.7. The approach proposed in
[14] is a modular approach. In addition to source cells, filter cells are defined.
The multi-input converters are formed by series and parallel connections of the
input cells and filter cells to the load. The voltage input cells are connected in
series in a loop containing an inductive capacitive (LC) filter cell and the source,
as shown in Figure 3.8. The current input cells are connected in parallel with a
capacitive filter to the source. The parallel connection of the voltage input cells
and the series connection of the current input cells are discussed, but only the
parallel connection of the voltage input cells is recommended in [14]. Compared
to the nested approach discussed earlier, this approach can realize fewer power
82 Power electronic converters and systems

conversion graphs. Similarly to the nested approach, realized multi-input con-

verters will be unidirectional and single output.
Looking at Figure 3.7, the whole isolated full bridge converter is selected as
the input voltage cell. When a number of similar cells are connected to an LC filter,
only an output inductor is saved compared to the case in which separate power
converters were used for different sources. This criticism is partially addressed in
the same reference by employing common rectifiers or transformers in the multi-
input converter as shown in Figure 3.8. Initially, an example of cascaded full bridge
converters connected to the single load through the LC filter is shown. In this
realization, each input has a dedicated high-frequency inverter, an isolation trans-
former, and a rectifier. The outputs are cascaded. Next, the rectifier stage is shared
between both sources through the secondary of the isolation transformer. Inputs
excite the primaries of the isolation transformer, the secondary supplies a common
rectifier. A winding, a transformer core, and four diodes are reduced comparing to
the cascaded full bridges. The third alternative of this topology cascades the outputs
of h-bridges and eliminates one more winding. In this case, the input voltages need
to be isolated. Both sources share the same turn ratio to the output side winding
when they share the same primary winding. This simplification is not seen in the
fundamental synthesizing rules suggested by Yan et al. [14]. The described short-
coming, presented in Figure 3.8, suggests the power conditioning stages include too
many components and the suggested connection schemes are oversimplified.
The hybrid input cells by combining known power input cells according to the
rules suggested for the nested approach are discussed in [14]. It will make it pos-
sible to realize more complicated power conversion graphs; whereas, the input cells
will be even larger. An additional observation from the example shown in
Figure 3.8 is that, the more features that are introduced into the power converter,
the more effective a multi-input topology becomes. Adding an isolation transfor-
mer and rectifier stages provided more flexibility for combining power converter
stages between the multiple sources and the loads.
In [14], the filter cells were defined to condition the load. A second look at the
example shown in Figure 3.8 suggests more common elements can be gathered into
the load-side cells in multi-input converters. This is the approach suggested in [5] for
synthesizing multi-input power converters by extending single-input, single-output
power converters. In addition to the input cells, the common output cell is defined.
The multiple-input, single-output converter is divided into input cells and the com-
mon output cell. Multiple-input cells will be employed for conditioning additional
inputs in multi-input converters. The common output cell is the common portion of
the power converter network between all the input cells and the load. In order to
achieve the minimum component count in the multi-input converter, the maximum
possible number of components should be moved into the common output cell. At
the same time, each input needs to be controlled individually. The following rules are
developed to achieve the described multi-input power converter:
‘‘Rule 1: The input cell must contain at least one forward conducting and
bidirectional blocking switch.
Multi-input converters 83

Rule 2: Only one switch terminal can be connected to the input cell terminals.
This assures the input cell will not have a redundant switch between several
input cells.
Rule 3: If the input cell has a center capacitor, this capacitor average voltage
should be independent from the source voltage.
Rule 4: The input source cannot directly be connected to both of the input cell

Q11 D11 Q2 D12 D31 D32
Vin1 +

Q13 D13 Q14 D14 D33 D34

C +

Q21 D21 Q22 D22 D41 D42
Vin2 –

Q23 D23 Q24 D24 D43 D44


Q11 D11 Q2 D12
+ L
Vin1 –

Q13 D13 Q14 D14 D31 D32 +


Q21 D21 Q22 D22 D33 D34

Vin2 –

Q23 D23 Q24 D24


Figure 3.8 (Continued )

84 Power electronic converters and systems

Q11 D11 Q2 D12

+ L
Vin1 –

Q13 D13 Q14 D31 D32 +
D14 C

Q21 D21 Q22 D33 D34

Vin2 +

Q23 D23 Q24 D24


Figure 3.8 Simplifying isolated multi-input converters by employing common

transformer or rectifier stages: (a) two cascaded full bridge
converters supplying a load, (b) separated primary windings supply
the common rectifier, and (c) the cascaded ac voltage is applied to the
common primary winding and rectified by a common rectifying stage

The various converter cells listed in [3] are evaluated as potential candidates
according to the mentioned rules. This results into four input cells; buck, buck–boost,
G1, and G6 satisfy these rules as feasible input cells. G1 and G6 topologies are
introduced in [3]. These topologies are shown in Figure 3.9. If these input cells draw
pulsating current from the source, a source conditioning filter can be employed as
shown in Figure 3.10. More feasible input cells can qualify if the third rule is relaxed
by moving the middle capacitor to the input cells from the common stage; accord-
ingly, additional cells, which are shown in Figure 3.11, will be feasible. Non-minimal
multi-input power converters are realized from the input cells shown in Figure 3.11.
Two examples of multi-input converters realized by following the rules
mentioned in [5] are shown in Figures 3.12 and 3.13. Figure 3.12 shows a multi-
input converter extended from the G6 topology shown in Figure 3.9. It has the
minimum possible components in the input cell. The multi-input topology shown in
Figure 3.13 is based on the SEPIC topology. The middle capacitor filter is dis-
tributed among all the input cells. Although the approach proposed in [5] system-
atically leads to multi-input converters with minimal components, the derived
topologies are limited to those with the identical input cells. It does not discuss if
the common output stages can be shared among several different input cells.
This section provided an overview of the proposed methods for realizing multi-
input converters. The fundamental procedure suggested by each reference briefly
presented and the limitations of each method were discussed. All the methods were
Multi-input converters 85

S2 L S1 S2

Vin + Vout + L C Vout

– S1 C Vin –

(a) (b)

S2 L1

S2 C1 L2
Vin +

S1 L1
C2 Vout Vin +
– S1 C2 Vout

(c) (d)

Figure 3.9 Feasible single-input, single-output topologies to be extended into

multi-input, single-output topologies according to the rules indicated
by Kwasinski [5], (a) buck, (b) buck–boost, (c) G1, and (d) G6


Vin +
– +
Vin – C

Figure 3.10 Employing current source conditioning filter (L and C) into the buck
type input cell

L C L S S1

Vin +
– S Vin +
– Vin + L
– C


S L S1
Vin +
– Vin +


Figure 3.11 More feasible input cells if the middle capacitor is distributed into
the non-minimal input cell
86 Power electronic converters and systems

Input Cell 1
– Common
Output Stage
S2 L1
+ D
– +
C2 Vout
L1 –

Input Cell n

Figure 3.12 A multiple-input topology extending the G6 converter as shown in

Figure 3.9

Input Cell 1
L1 C1

V1 +
– S1

Input Cell 2 Output Stage
L2 C2

V2 +
– S2 Lo Co Vout

Input Cell n
Ln Cn

Vn +
– Sn

Figure 3.13 A multiple-input topology extending SEPIC

able to creatively realize new multi-input topologies; however, none of the discussed
methods were able to address all the requirements of the practical applications. In
contrary, the trivial rules of extending the power converters through dc and ac links
remain as two flexible methods that can be applied to several multi-input, multi-output
Multi-input converters 87

power converter systems. The multi-input converters formed around a link will be
discussed in the next section that is dedicated to realization of the multi-port

3.3 Multi-port converters

Multi-input converters only enable unidirectional power conversion paths from
sources to the load. The ac grid and batteries are examples of sources and energy
storage elements that accept bidirectional power flow. As discussed in Section 3.1,
multi-port converters can provide bidirectional power flow for the bidirectional
components. Multi-port converters can be synthesized similarly to multi-input
converters. Multi-port converters may also be realized through dc link and ac link
configurations. All these methods will be presented in this section.

3.3.1 Synthesis of multi-port converters by extending

multi-input topologies
In Section 3.2, extending multi-input, single-output converters from the single-
input, single-output converters was discussed. In [25], an approach for extending
double-input, single-output converters to three-port converters is proposed. These
three-port converters have one bidirectional port, one unidirectional source, and
one unidirectional load. An example of this system is a renewable system with an
energy storage element. When the source and the energy storage element supply
the load, the converter is a double-input single-output converter. Alternatively, the
converter is a single-input double-output converter when the source supplies the
load and the energy storage element.
In [25], adding a unidirectional power conversion path from the bidirectional
port (energy storage element) to the input (source) in order to realize a three-port
converter is suggested. The procedure is applied to a boost dual-input converter,
which was realized in [6], as shown in Figure 3.14. Initially, a boost path is added;
then, the converter is simplified in a few steps to the final topology. Only one
inductor, three active switches, and three diodes exist in the final power converter
topology. The simplification process is called topology optimization in [25].
Although conceptual directions are given for topology optimization, this procedure
needs to be manually customized for each power converter topology.
The relationship between the outputs and the input in the dual-output mode is
written in (3.2) for steady-state conditions. The outputs are not decoupled and need
to be controlled together through a central controller. The output is related to the
inputs according to (3.3) during the dual-input mode. The steady-state relationship
between the inputs and outputs in (3.2) and (3.3) shows the control variables are
coupled. In [27,29,30], a decoupling method is suggested for a converter with two
inputs, one bidirectional port, and one dc load.
Vin ¼ Vo ð1 D1 Þ Vb D2 (3.2)

Vin ð1 D3 Þ þ D3 Vb
Vo ¼ (3.3)
1 D1
88 Power electronic converters and systems

L1 L1

D1 Vin + M1
L3 + M1 –
Vin –

Vout D4 Co
C2 Vout
D3 D2
M3 M2 L2 D2
Vb M2

(a) (b)


D1 L1
Vin +
– D5 D1

M4 D4
Co Vin +
– Co Vout
Vout M4 D 4
L2 D2 Vb

(c) (d)

Figure 3.14 Extension of a three-port converter from the dual-input boost

converter as described in [25]. (a) A power conversion path is added
from the source to the battery, (b) L1–M1 and L3–M3 paths are
merged, (c) adding M4 enables independent power flow from Vin to
Vb and Vout, (d) two boost paths are paralleled in the previous sub-
figure (L1–M1–D1 and L2–M2–D2), these two paths are merged and
M5–D5 are placed in order to regulate Vin output and block reverse
current into Vin

If a three-port converter has two bidirectional ports, following a similar con-

cept will result in four unidirectional power conversion paths or two unidirectional
paths and one bidirectional path. If all the components of a three-port converter
need bidirectional power flow, then six unidirectional paths or three bidirectional
paths are needed in the converter. In a four-port converter, up to six bidirectional
paths or twelve unidirectional paths are required. This is illustrated in Figure 3.15.
Generally, in an n-port converter the required number of power conversion paths
can be calculated as kn in (3.4).
< nðn 1Þ Bidirectional paths
knðmaxÞ ¼ 2 (3.4)
nðn 1Þ Unidirectional paths
If each power conversion path is implemented with a diode and an active
switch, then the n-port converter needs 2n(n 1) switches; whereas, the number of
Multi-input converters 89

3 3

1 n 1 n

(a) (b)

1 Link n


Figure 3.15 Power conversion paths in multi-port converters; the number of

paths for an n-port converter is: (a) n(n 1) unidirectional paths,
(b) n(n 1)/2 bidirectional paths, and (c) 2n unidirectional paths or
n bidirectional paths to the link

switches is 2n if each power conversion path is connected to a dc link. This analysis

suggests the benefit of developing a multi-port converter around a dc or ac link.
This benefit becomes more significant as the number of ports grows. Multi-port
converters formed around a dc link will be discussed in the next subsection.

3.3.2 Multi-port converters with dc link

Developing multi-port power converters around a dc link is a trivial approach. The
capacitive dc link integrates multiple voltage source power converters into one
multi-port power converter. All the loads, sources, and energy storage elements are
connected to the dc link through a power conditioning stage. The capacitive dc link
is a parallel dc link as all the power conditioning stages will be in parallel with the
link. The dc link decouples the controller function of each stage from rest of the
power converter according to KVL.
In [28], the implementation and control of a five-port power converter around a
dc link is considered. The sources include a fuel cell, a solar panel, and a low-
power wind turbine. Three unidirectional boost converters have been coupled to the
dc link. The wind turbine generator has an ac output and is conditioned through a
rectifier prior connecting to the dc–dc stage. A battery is connected through a
bidirectional boost (buck) converter. A bidirectional h-bridge inverter (rectifier) is
the grid’s power conditioning stage. This topology includes six legs in parallel with
the dc link. The general topology of a similar multi-port system formed around a dc
link is shown in Figure 3.16.
In the topology of Figure 3.16, each source is conditioned through an inductor.
The inductors currents and the dc link voltage are the state variables of the system.
Da12 Da21 Da22
La1 Lan
Q11 Q21 Qn1 Qa11 Qa12 Qa21 Qa22
L1 D11 L2 D21 Ln Dn1 Da11
C Vac1 Vacn
D12 D22 Vn Dn2
V1 V2 Da13 Da23
+ + +

– –
Q12 Q22 Qn2 Qa13 Qa14 Da14 Qa23 Qa24 Da24

Figure 3.16 Multi-port power converter formed around the capacitive dc link
Multi-input converters 91

Thus the system described in [28] is a fifth-order system. The average and small
signal models of the system are developed; moreover, the control system is
developed in [28]. The system is partitioned into the sources and loads. The main
control goal is regulating the dc link voltage. One converter may regulate the dc
link voltage, and the other converters will exchange power accordingly. Similarly
to the single-input, single-output converters with a dc link, the sources’ and the
loads’ power flows are synchronized if the dc link voltage is regulated.
In contrast to the capacitive dc link, the inductive dc link can be employed in a
power converter system. In this case, all the power converters are in series with an
inductor. An example is shown in [31,32]. The general topology of this multi-input,
multi-output power converter is shown in Figure 3.17. Each source is connected
through a forward conducting bidirectional blocking switch similar to the switches
used in [5]. In this chapter, the described switches are realized with a MOSFET in
series with a diode. The diode is needed to avoid paralleling different voltage
sources when the switches are on simultaneously. The small signal model of the
system is derived by the state space averaging method for a two-input, two-output
system. The controller for the same system is designed. This system is evaluated by
implementing a three-input, two-output prototype. Although the inductor L in
Figure 3.17 serves as an inductive dc link, the converter is essentially an extension
of single-input, single-output converters to multi-input, multi-output converters.
This topology is a limited multi-input, multi-output topology formed around
an inductive dc link. When several sources are connected to the dc link inductor,
only the one with the highest voltage transfers energy. The sources with lower
voltages will be blocked by the series diodes. Only sequential power transfer is
possible with this topology. The accommodation of bidirectional components such
as batteries is not discussed in [31,32]. One solution can be connecting the battery
to the switching cells on both sides of the series dc inductor. In the proposed
switching scheme, all the input switches are initially turned on. The switches will
be turned off from the highest input source to the lowest input source sequentially.

Mi1 Do1
V1 – Vo1

Mi2 Di2 Mo2 Do2

V2 – Vo2

Dim Mon Don
+ Mon+1
Vm – Dim+1 Von

Figure 3.17 Multiple-input multiple-output converter formed around the

inductive dc link
92 Power electronic converters and systems

Similarly, the output switches are turned off sequentially. The source and load
power conditioning stages are oversimplified in [32]. Looking at the source cells,
only one switch is used. This will limit the controllability of the sources. The
flexibility of the system is lost in exchange for simplicity when compared to
Figure 3.16.

3.3.3 Ac link multi-port power converters

When galvanic isolation is required between the system components, an isolation
transformer needs to be placed between the ports. Moreover, the transformer
improves power converter utilization when the voltages of either side are very dif-
ferent. In order to reduce the transformer’s volume and weight, the switching fre-
quency needs to be increased. This is especially important for portable applications,
such as vehicular applications. Ac link converters are ideal topologies for accom-
modating isolation transformers. Besides galvanic isolation, ac link converters
provide benefits such as soft switching, resonant power conversion, and multiple-
quadrant power conversion. The ac link current and voltage are alternating and have
zero crossings. Switching at zero crossings enables zero voltage switching and (or)
zero current switching.
Similarly to the dc link implementation, the ac link is implemented by one
or more passive components and an isolation transformer, when galvanic isola-
tion is required. In contrast to dc link approach, the dc bias is avoided for the ac
link components. This is mandatory for proper transformer utilization. The ac
link components may be integrated into the isolation transformer. The electric
model of the transformer consists of the leakage inductance and magnetizing
inductance. If the leakage inductance is utilized as the ac link, this is a series
inductive ac link. If the magnetizing inductance is utilized as the ac link, this is a
parallel ac link.
The dual active bridge (DAB) converter is an example of a single-input, single-
output, series ac link topology. The DAB topology was introduced in the early
1990s [43]. The two-quadrant DAB is shown in Figure 3.18. A four-quadrant DAB
is investigated in [44] as shown in Figure 3.19. The equivalent circuit of a DAB is
shown in Figure 3.20. The equivalent circuit includes two equivalent ac sources
which are connected though an inductor, L, in series. The ac inductor, L, shown in
Figure 3.20, is the key component for transferring power between the ac sources.

D11 D12 D21 D22

V1 M11 M12 M21 M22
+ +
– –
D13 D23 D24

M13 M14 D14 M23 M24

Figure 3.18 A two-quadrant DAB is a series ac link dc–dc converter

Multi-input converters 93

D11p D21p D22p

M11p M12p M21p M22p
M11n M12n M21n M22n
D11n T D21n D22n
V1 V2
+ +
– –

D13p D14p D23p D24p

M13p M14p M23p M24p

M13n M14n M23n M24n

D13n D14n D23n D24n

Figure 3.19 A four-quadrant DAB is implemented with four-quadrant switches

+ IL +
Vac1 Vac2
– –

Figure 3.20 DAB equivalent circuit

The power flow is controlled by controlling the phase shift between the primary-
side bridge’s ac voltage and the secondary-side bridge’s ac voltage. This modula-
tion method is called phase shift modulation [43]. Phase shift modulation enables
maximum power transfer between the bridges.
The flyback converter and the converter proposed in [26] are examples of
parallel ac link converters. A single-input, single-output, parallel ac link converter
is shown in Figure 3.21. The modulation method proposed in [45] can be applied to
the power converter as shown in Figure 3.21. This modulation method results in a
triangular ac link current waveform.
In order to compare the ac link topologies, the ac link utilization factor (UF) is
defined in (3.5) [39]. The ac link UF is the ratio of the average power to the
maximum power transferred through the ac link. The ac link is cascaded with the
power path; thus, this definition determines the power utilization of the converter;
furthermore, it evaluates the power density. In (3.5), ilink is the link current and vsec
is the transformer’s secondary-side voltage.
Ts ðilink ðtÞ vsec ðtÞÞdt
UF ¼ (3.5)
ilinkðmaxÞ vsecðmaxÞ
Line Filter 4 Quadrant Line Side Bridge Ac Link 4 Quadrant Battery Side Bridge Battery

Q11p D11p Q13p D13p Q15p D15p Q21p D22p Q22p D22p
Q11n Q13n Q15n Q21n Q11n
D11n D13n D15n D22n D22n

L1 T
208 V 208 V
L2 LL2
LL3 C Lm CB Battery
L3 LBn
208 V

Q14p D14p Q16p D16p Q12p D12p Q23 D23p Q24p D24p
Q14n D14n Q16n D16n Q12n D12n Qp23 D23n Q24n

Figure 3.21 Single-input single-output ac–dc converter based on a parallel ac link converter
Multi-input converters 95

Vmax to Line
VBat VL3L1


Charging VL1L2
to Link VL1L3 −VBat


Figure 3.22 Ac link waveforms of the parallel ac link converter as shown in

Figure 3.21

The ac link UF will be calculated for the discussed topologies by considering the
ac link waveforms. The diagrams of Figures 3.22 and 3.23 are the ac link waveforms of
parallel and series ac link topologies, respectively. In the parallel ac link topology, the
link is parallel with the power conversion path. All the transferred power is charged
into the link inductor and then discharges to the output port alternatively during each
switching cycle. In contrast, the series ac link is in series with the power conversion
path. With phase shift modulation, square waveform voltages are applied to each side
of the link, with a phase shift. Only the difference of primary and secondary sides’
voltages will store energy into the link. Thus, the ac link inductance causes less cir-
culating power for the series configuration with the phase shift modulation.
The proposed ac link UF criterion supports the previous statement about
the series ac link configuration’s excellence. Following (3.5), it suggests the
maximum UF for a square waveform, which is 1. The phase shift modulation
with low-phase shift is the closest to a unity UF. On the other hand, UF is less
than 0.5 for a triangular link current. Since only half of the switching cycle is
dedicated to each side in parallel series ac link converter, the UF is less than
0.25 for this configuration. The UF for the discussed topologies is approxi-
mately calculated as follows. The parallel ac link converter’s UF is estimated as
(3.6). If the resonating cycles are neglected, the UF is 0.25 for this topology.
Similarly, the series ac link converter UF is calculated in (3.7). In (3.7), PS is the
phase shift between the bridges in radians. The phase shift is always below 180 ;
hence, the UF is always more than 0.5. In practice, the phase shift is controlled
96 Power electronic converters and systems

Vpri Vsec


Link Exchanges
Energy During
Phase Shift

Figure 3.23 Ac link waveforms of the phase shift modulated DAB as the series ac
link converter

below 90 in order to avoid excessive reactive power. Thus, the UF for series ac
link topology would be more than 0.75.
VBat ILmax T4s 1
UFPar Ts ¼ (3.6)
VBat ILmax 4
UFSer 1 (3.7)
When galvanic isolation is required, the magnetizing inductance will be the ac
link. In other words, the energy needs to be stored in the magnetizing inductance,
and the magnetizing inductance acts as an ac inductor. The magnetizing inductance
easily saturates, hence an air gap needs to be integrated into the core. This reduces
the magnetic coupling and increases the leakage flux. The leakage inductance is not
utilized in this topology and leads to a low efficiency for the magnetic components.
Both the series and parallel ac link topologies can be extended to multi-port
configurations. This can be achieved by introducing more windings around the
transformer’s core. In [26], an example of a multi-port parallel ac link converter is
presented. In [46–50], examples of multi-active bridge converters are suggested.
Figure 3.24 shows a triple-active bridge converter as an example of a multi-active
bridge topology. Alternatively, Figure 3.25 shows a system based on the three-port,
parallel, high-frequency ac link topology.
The multi-port variations of these two topologies inherit the characteristics that
were discussed earlier in this subsection. Additionally, the multi-active bridge is
more flexible for power flow control between the ports. All the ports may
Multi-input converters 97

M22 M21
T D22 D21
Vac2 + V2

M11 M12
D11 D12 M24 M23
Lac1 D24 D23
V1 +
– Vac1

M32 M31
M13 M14 D32 D31
D13 D14
Vac3 + V3

M34 M33
D34 D33

Figure 3.24 MOSFET realization of the triple-active bridge

simultaneously increase or decrease the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit. On

the other hand, in the parallel ac link multi-port converter, the link is charged and
discharged sequentially by the ports, and it is not possible for several ports to
charge or discharge the link at the same time. As a result, the UF can potentially
approach the unity for the multi-active bridge topology, but the UF will be less than
0.25 for any of the sources that are attached to the parallel ac link converter. Indeed,
the more sources that are added, the lower UF each has from the ac link. This
translates to higher power density and more flexibility for the series ac link con-
figuration that utilizes the phase shift modulation. In conclusion, the fundamental
comparison between the isolated multi-port topologies suggested that the multi-
active bridge topology is the superior topology to interconnect all isolated sources.

3.4 Applications of multi-port power converters

Different methods for realizing multi-port power converter topologies were intro-
duced in the previous sections. In this section, the major applications of multi-port
power converters will be reviewed. Renewable energy systems, micro-grids, and
vehicular power systems are among the major applications for multi-port power
converters. These applications have been the subject of interest in recent publica-
tions. The following subsections are dedicated to the multi-port converters proposed
for the applications mentioned above. In each subsection, a brief introduction to the
application will be provided and a few examples of recent works will be reviewed.
T Q21p D21p Q22p D22p

Q21n D21n D22n D22n


CD2 +
– V2

Q11p D11p Q13p D13p Q15p D15p Q23p D23p Q24p D24p

L1 LL1 Q11n D11n D13n D13n Q15n D15n D23n D23n D24n D24n
208 V 208 V
L3 LL3

208 V
Q14p D14p Q16p Q31p D31p Q32p D32p
D16p Q12p D12p
D14n D14n D16n D16n D12n D12n Q31n D31n D32n D32n

CD3 +
– V3

Q33p D33p Q34p D34p

D33n D33n D34n D34n

Figure 3.25 Three-port parallel high-frequency ac link converter

Multi-input converters 99

3.4.1 Multi-port power converters for renewable energy systems

Distributed generation is possible due to renewable energy resources. Renewable
energy resources, including photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, are program-
mable by the load. A combination of multiple renewable sources and energy sto-
rage elements increases the availability of renewable power in grid-connected and
stand-alone systems [7,12,19,20,24,27,33].
A hybrid renewable energy system or renewable backup system includes a
renewable source, an energy storage system, and loads. Renewable backup systems
are being commercialized. A photovoltaic backup system includes a photovoltaic
plant, a battery pack, and interconnections to the ac grid and local ac and dc loads.
A solution practiced in industry includes separate commercial converters that are
all connected to the low-frequency ac grid [33]. In contrast, a multi-port converter
can integrate all these sources and loads into one power conditioner [7,19,24,25].
Figure 3.26 shows a multi-port power converter proposed in [7] for renewable
energy systems. The core of this topology is a non-isolated multi-port converter,
which is realized with two switching legs (half-bridges). The battery can be con-
ditioned by both switching legs. The ac load is supplied through the differential
connection of the switching legs. Each leg is supplied by a number of loads con-
nected through a dc link. This solution is a multi-port power converter extended
through two dc links. The authors discuss different operating modes and suggest the
state-feedback control method for the converter. The battery does not have a
dedicated power conditioning cell in this system. It balances the supply and
demand in this system. If the source provides more power than the load, the battery
is charged. Alternatively, the battery is discharged to supply to the load if the
source power is less than the demanded load power. In Figure 3.26, the battery does
not have a dedicated power conditioning stage. The switches are reduced at the cost
of less flexibility in the power conditioning of the battery.
The solution used in [33] is a bidirectional, high frequency, isolated inverter
that connects the battery to the low frequency (50 Hz/60 Hz) ac grid. This solution
aims to form energy storage systems from blocks that are all connected to the
terrestrial ac grid. In contrast, a more integrated photovoltaic backup system is
developed in [24]. In this system, both the photovoltaic array and the batteries are
connected to the dc link. The photovoltaic array is conditioned through a non-
isolated boost converter. The battery is conditioned through a bidirectional push–
pull forward isolated dc–dc converter. The dc link is also connected to the grid
through a bidirectional ac–dc converter. These photovoltaic backup systems are
compared in Figure 3.27.
It is possible for more than one source to need to be isolated from rest of the
system. In this case, the sources may use a multi-input converter. In [12], multiple
renewable sources are conditioned by the source cells as shown in Figures 3.3 and
3.4, which were suggested by Yuan-Chuan and Yaow-Ming [6]. The output of the
resulting converter is cascaded with an isolated dc–dc converter. This approach
includes a non-isolated dc–dc stage and an isolated dc–dc stage, which is illustrated
in Figure 3.28. It has one more stage when compared with the approach proposed in
+ Vout –

Dm1 D31 D42 Dn2

Q12 L1 L2 Q22
Lm Ln C2 L4 Ln
Vm Dm2 D32 D41 Dn1
+ + Dn1 + V4 + Vn
– – Vb – –
Qm2 Q32 Q11 Q21 Q41 Qn1

Figure 3.26 A multi-port power converter proposed for renewable energy systems
Multi-input converters 101

AC Grid

DC Link 1
Panel Isolated
DC Link 2

Isolated AC/DC
Battery DC/DC


DC Link

PV AC Grid
Isolated AC/DC
Battery DC/DC


Figure 3.27 Photovoltaic backup systems, (a) the system is formed around the ac
grid and (b) the sources are integrated through the dc link

[14], which is shown in Figure 3.8. However, fewer switches are used to condition
each dc source.
The idea of a multi-port converter cascaded with an isolated dc–dc converter is
also illustrated in [29]. A four-port converter is proposed as shown in Figure 3.29. Two
unidirectional inputs, which are solar and wind sources, are conditioned. Additionally,
a bidirectional battery is integrated into the system. The converter has an isolated dc
source which is connected through an LC filter. The isolated dc–dc converter is a half-
bridge converter with a synchronous rectifier, which is integrated into the multi-port
converter. This four-port system is controlled through a decoupling network in [29].
The three-port variation of this converter is proposed for a satellite power system in
[30]; this is an example of multi-port power converters in space power systems.

3.4.2 Application of multi-input converters in micro-grids

Micro-grids are areas in a grid that may either work independently or in conjunc-
tion with the main grid. Each micro-grid needs to be supplied by distributed
102 Power electronic converters and systems

M1 D1 L
V1 −
D2 Do1 Do2 +
M2 C
V2 − Vout

D3 MF Do3 Do4
+ M3
V3 −

(a) Multi-Input Stage Isolated dc–dc Converter

M1 D1 L
V1 −
D11 D12
D2 M11 M12 D21 D22 +
V2 −
M2 Vout
D13 −

D3 M13 M14 D14 D23 D24

+ M3
V3 −

(b) Multi-Input Stage Isolated dc–dc Converter

Figure 3.28 Multi-input converters cascaded with an isolated dc–dc converter,

(a) three buck input cells in parallel are cascaded with the flyback
converter and (b) three buck input cells in parallel are cascaded with
the full-bridge converter

V1 D7
C1 V2
+ C2 D2
− T
− M3 D3
M2 D5
Lo Co
D8 Lp
Vout − M6

Vb Cb M4 M1

Figure 3.29 A four-port converter built with a multi-port converter and an

isolated half-bridge converter for renewable energy applications

generation and backed-up with energy storage. The distributed sources can be
renewable sources, which were discussed in the previous subsection. Small diesel
generators are examples of the distributed generators that are not renewable.
Multi-input converters 103

Multiple-input converters enable the integration of multiple distributed resources

and energy storage elements into the micro-grids through cost-effective and effi-
cient solutions. In bipolar dc micro-grids, a positive and a negative voltages are
distributed [16,51]. A double-input single-output, a single-input double-output, or a
triple-port converter is needed to interface unipolar and bipolar dc micro-grids.
This is an example of how multi-input converters can be used as the building blocks
of futuristic dc micro-grids.
A telecommunications power system is an example of a micro-grid that is
implemented with a multi-input, non-isolated positive buck–boost converter in
[15]. This converter is formed around an inductive dc link similarly to the converter
as shown in Figure 3.17; in contrast, the multiple-input positive buck–boost con-
verter does not condition multiple outputs. Alternatively, bidirectional power flow
through the dc link inductor is allowed [17]. The switches are unidirectional con-
ducting and bidirectional blocking in [15]. Bidirectional switches are utilized in
[17] to condition several current sources.

3.4.3 Multi-port converters for vehicular power systems

Hybrid electric and fully electric vehicles include several electric components
gathered in a mobile electric power system [52]. If all the sources and loads are
interconnected within a vehicle, a vehicular integrated power system is formed
[23]. The integrated power system concept was specifically investigated for the
shipboard power systems [4]. An integrated shipboard power system requires less
reserve power and offers more reliability than a segregated shipboard power
Multi-port power converters are attractive topologies for vehicular power
systems, because multi-port power converters can reduce the component count and
increase the power density of the converter. Vehicular power systems are mobile,
and power density matters for such applications. Multi-port power converters can
be designed for interconnecting several components in a vehicular system. This can
improve the reliability and reduce the required power capacity of the system as
used in integrated shipboard power systems. This subsection provides a few
examples of multi-port power converters that have been proposed for battery-
powered vehicles.
A conceptual block-diagram of a battery-powered vehicle is shown in
Figure 3.30 [23]. This system includes two dc buses, a high-voltage dc bus and a
low-voltage dc bus. The voltage of the high-voltage bus is determined by the
high-voltage battery of the vehicle. The traction drive is connected to this battery.
This battery is charged from the ac grid. Additionally, the battery’s power
can be transferred to the ac grid for vehicle-to-grid operation [38,39,53,54]. The
low-voltage bus is determined by the low-voltage battery in the vehicle.
The control system and the cabin loads are connected to this low-voltage bus. The
low-voltage battery is charged from the high-voltage bus. Renewable sources
may be connected to the low-voltage or the high-voltage dc bus. The low-voltage
components are grounded to the chassis. The high-voltage components are
referenced to the chassis through a high impedance grounding network. The
104 Power electronic converters and systems

High PV
Voltage DC/DC
Traction Low
Motor Voltage


AC/DC AC/DC Control

Grid Services
Voltage LV BUS

Figure 3.30 Conceptual single-line block diagram of a conventional vehicular

power system

high-voltage components need to be isolated from the low-voltage components

due to safety standards [38].
In [36], a hybrid battery and ultra-capacitor energy storage system are inves-
tigated for battery-powered vehicles. The authors indicate that the multi-input
converter is expensive for this particular application. They have placed the ultra-
capacitor as the dc link and interconnected the battery and the ultra-capacitor
through a dc–dc converter. The power flow between the energy storage elements is
controlled by adjusting the ultra-capacitor’s voltage. In addition to the battery and
ultra-capacitor, a fuel cell is integrated into the vehicle’s propulsion system in [20].
A multiple-input topology based on the dc link connection is utilized. Each source
is conditioned through a synchronous buck–boost converter. All the dc–dc con-
verters are connected to the dc link that supplies the drive’s inverter in [20].
A charger that is able to charge both the low-voltage and the high-voltage
batteries in the vehicle is an attractive product. In [55], a unidirectional auxiliary
power conditioning pass is added to a two-stage non-isolated vehicular utility
interface. The shortcomings are that the auxiliary mode requires the power con-
verter to be reconfigured and there is no means to transfer energy from the low-
voltage battery to the high-voltage battery. In [56], an isolated three-stage charger
connects to the high-voltage dc bus, and an auxiliary unidirectional dc–dc converter
interconnects the low-voltage battery bus to the high-voltage dc bus. In order to
avoid the mentioned shortcomings, a multi-port series ac link converter is proposed
for interconnecting the low-voltage battery and the grid side converter in [23].
The system shown in Figure 3.31 interconnects all the sources and loads
of a vehicle into a vehicular integrated power system [23]. The core of
this vehicular integrated power system is a multi-port isolated converter.
Lac3 H3
Voltage HG H1 + +
LG C1 Lac1 Vac3 +
+ –

VG – Vdc3
+ + – –
+ Vdc1 + Vac1 Low Voltage
– –
– – H4 Loads
+ +
Traction Vac4 + Vdc4 Photovoltaic
HM H2 – Panel
Motor L
M VHVB Lac2 – –
+ +
M + Vdc2 + Vac2 Lac5 H5

+ –
– – CS
– –
+ + Capacitors/
Vac5 + Vdc5 Ultra

– – Capacitors
Onboard Power Conditioner

Figure 3.31 A vehicular integrated power system realized with ac–dc power conditioning stages connected through multi-port series
ac link converter
106 Power electronic converters and systems

The isolated components are conditioned through a series ac link, which offers
high-power density power conversion. Several dc links extend the system
where needed. The design procedure for the magnetic components of this
system is presented in [22,37].

3.5 Summary

Recent advances in multi-input and multi-port converters were reviewed in this

chapter. Multi-input converters bring new features to the emerging applications
such as renewable energy systems, micro-grids, and vehicular systems. Synthesis of
multi-input converters by extending existing single-input, single-output converters
was presented. Additionally, realizing multi-port systems through dc link and ac
link converters was discussed. The examples of recent multi-input and multi-port
power converters in several applications were presented. Multi-port converters can
be developed in order to reduce the component count. Alternatively, multi-port
converters can offer more flexibility to the power conversion system. Both aspects
of realizing multi-port converters were discussed. This chapter provided an over-
view to realizing the proper multiple-input topologies for several applications.
Furthermore, the proper control techniques and design procedures were referenced
from the latest works. Finally, potential applications of the multi-input converters
were evaluated for the researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs.

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Chapter 4
Modular converters
Italo Roger F. M. P. da Silva*, Cursino B. Jacobina* and
Alexandre C. Oliveira*

4.1 Introduction

In the last two decades, voltage source (VS) topologies based on modular structure
have been used in various applications of power electronics, such as power con-
ditioning system (PCS) for renewable energy sources; battery energy storage system
(BESS) for power leveling; active power line conditioner (APLC) system for har-
monic minimization and reactive power compensation; adjustable speed drive (ASD)
system, and high-voltage direct current (HVDC) system. The similarity of modular
converters is the unlimited capability of combining identical low- or medium-power
subsystems to achieve a system with higher power ratings. Mainly due to the high
degree of modularity, modular topologies provide high output energy quality, high
reliability, high efficiency, easy maintenance, and cost-weight-volume reduction. All
these features are due to the series connection of submodules (SMs), whereas they
are identical with the same rated power and can be seen as power cells with similar
circuit topology and controlled by the same control and modulation schemes. Thus,
for high-power large-scale modular structures, in which the number of power cells
per arm (m) are usually more than ten, designing the SMs with standard low- or
medium-voltage technology devices has a significant impact on converter efficiency,
since it is possible to obtain a high number of voltage levels, allowing an expressive
reduction in average switching frequency without compromising the power quality.
Since the mid-1990s, the cascade H-bridge (CHB) topology has been the
subject of many studies due to its modularity feature [1,2]. Intrinsically, the mod-
ular concept has already been used, since the CHB topology is designed from
multiple single-phase converters, which are simple and mature building blocks of
power electronics systems. Likewise, a few years later, a novel topology also based
on single-phase converters was proposed by Marquardt et al. [3]. At first, it was
named modular multilevel converter (M2 LC) [4] and, unlike the CHB, this
topology is composed of half-bridge (HB) inverters connected in series, providing a
common DC-link, which made it very attractive for back-to-back (BTB)

*Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Paraı́ba, Brazil

112 Power electronic converters and systems

applications. Therefore, the terminology ‘‘modular converters’’ has become

increasingly popular, but it has been leading to a vast group of topologies, whose
structure is based on the connection of power cells or SMs. So, the concept of what
power cell and SM means is important to define a reasonable classification of
modular converters. In this case, both the power cell and SM are considered an
arrangement of a switching devices, DC capacitors or sources, based on the same
electrical circuit. However, an SM should be designed with the same power semi-
conductor technology, so that thermal components have an equal project for each
SM as well. This ensures the modularity and the redundant operation, once a
defective SM can be bypassed without interrupting the energy transfer [5].
From Figure 4.1, it is possible to understand that all SMs are power cells, but
the reverse is not true. The modular structure allows the use of different kinds of
converter topologies as SMs, besides the conventional HB and full-bridge (FB)
configurations, such as neutral-point clamped (NPC), flying capacitor (FC), and
neutral-point piloted (NPP), which lead to the advanced modular topologies. From
these advanced solutions, it is possible to reach high output waveform quality with
less SMs, and better fault tolerance, or even to reduce the SM switch-count,
extending to unidirectional topologies. Although the use of advanced SM topolo-
gies can provide some benefits, it also results in loss of modularity though, since
less SMs are needed to obtain the desired output waveform. It is important to
mention that taking as basis the duality principle, current source (CS) circuits can
be derived from VS ones. Nami et al. [6] investigated different CS modular
topologies for HVDC systems. Notwithstanding, this study focuses on the main
modular topologies, whose SMs are based on VSs, hence the CS-based SMs will
not be discussed.
In the literature, ‘‘modular converters’’ are usually included in ‘‘multicell’’,
‘‘chain link’’, and ‘‘cascaded’’ topologies [6–9]. However, recently, the search for
modular converters focuses on a particular family of multilevel topologies named
modular multilevel cascade converter (MMCC) [9]. The basic topologies of the
MMCC family are based on HB- and FB-SM topologies. For instance, the star- and
delta-connected CHB converters are detached in single-star bridge-cells (SSBCs)
and single-delta bridge-cells (SDBCs), respectively, as well as the M2 LC, MMC,
and M2C which are other nomenclatures of the double-star chopper-cells (DSCCs).
The terminology adopted for the MMCC family follows the arrangement of the
arm-clusters, which are a set of SMs per arm, and the circuit configuration used as
SM. For this reason, it is possible to classify the multilevel converters according
to the diagram illustrated by Figure 4.2 based on the classification proposed in [9].

Power cell

Identical Submodule

Figure 4.1 SM definition

Modular converters 113

As it can be seen, the FC and the MMCC topologies are included in multicell
topologies, since they are composed by a set of power cells. Nevertheless, to be
considered a modular structure, besides the series connection of SMs, the scaling to
different voltage and power levels should be achieved only by varying the number
of SMs (with no additional central components). Figure 4.3(a) and (b) illustrates
one phase-leg of a FC converter and one phase-leg of a DSCC converter, respec-
tively. Since the DSCC topology is composed of two sets of SMs per phase-leg, it
has double the number of power cells per phase (M) in comparison to the FC. In
order to better understand the proposed classification, both topologies are taken
as a basis of comparison between multicell and modular topologies. Therefore,
Figure 4.4 illustrates the parameter M as a function of the voltage and current
levels. As shown in Figure 4.4(a), the voltage level in each power cell of the FC
converter is unequal and increases proportionately with the expansion of M, while
in Figure 4.4(b), the modular structure ensures an equal voltage distribution, even if
M is enlarged. As a result, the FC and its derivations, such as stacked FC, cannot
meet these requirements. Also, the asymmetric CHB (ACHB) cannot be considered
as MMCC, because in medium- and high-power applications, different switching
device technologies are required, leading to different thermal designs for each
power cell and consequently eliminating the modularity benefit. Further details


Basic MMCC




Multicell topologies

Modular topologies





Figure 4.2 Multilevel converter classification

114 Power electronic converters and systems

Cell 1
P M Vdc Cell m
M Vdc
Vdc 2 1
0 M Vdc M Vdc j

Vdc M = 2m
Cell 1 j
N 0
Cell m Cell 2 Cell 1 2
Cell m M Vdc
M=m 2
M Vdc

(a) (b)

Figure 4.3 Multilevel converter circuit configuration. (a) One phase-leg of FC

converter and (b) one phase-leg of DSCC converter

Number of cells Number of cells

(per phase) (per phase)
M−1 M−1

4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
M Vdc
2 Current 2 Current
3 M Vdc M Vdc
M Vdc 4
M Vdc
Voltage Voltage

(a) (b)

Figure 4.4 Number of cells as function of voltage and current levels. (a) Multicell
approach based on FC topology and (b) modular approach based on
DSCC topology

about the performance and operation of ACHB converters can be found in [10].
Alternative topologies have been proposed by mixing different converter technol-
ogies. Denoted hybrid MMCC, the topologies of this set present a certain degree of
modularity; although they improve some aspect of the MMCC topologies, they lose
modularity, reducing the reliability of the whole converter, since their design is not
totally modular [6,11]. Thus, as can be seen in Figure 4.2, hybrid MMCC topolo-
gies are not included in the MMCC family. All in all, the modular topologies
correspond to the darkened boxes in the classification diagram shown in Figure 4.2.
This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive review on modular topologies
based on the proposed classification of multilevel converters. The review is
Modular converters 115

conducted by discussing the most relevant characteristics of the new MMCC

family, concerning the circuit configurations, control strategies, modulation tech-
niques, operational issues, and main applications. The new MMCC family not only
includes the basic modular topologies, but also covers the latest topology devel-
opments, such as the advanced modular topologies and the derivation of basic ones.
Notwithstanding, the object of study is focused on the basic MMCC topologies,
whose advantages have made them a competitive solution for industry and the
utility systems in recent years, especially with the high demand of sustainable
energy supply. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 4.2
describes the MMCC circuit configuration, presenting a complete review of the
different MMCC arrangements, and several SM topologies that can be used in the
design of converters. Section 4.3 presents the main contributions on the voltage-
balancing and circulating current control strategies. Next, the modulation techni-
ques are approached in Section 4.4. Section 4.5 presents the latest developments on
operational issues, regarding the fault-tolerant operation and pre-charging proce-
dures of the floating DC capacitors. Finally, a brief overview of the main appli-
cations is addressed in Section 4.6.

4.2 Modular converter topologies and description

The contribution that multilevel converters have been providing to the power
electronic in high-power applications is well known and with proven performance
[12,13]. Performed by the proper switching states, multilevel converters can pro-
vide a quasi-sinusoidal output waveforms with low harmonic contents, which
reduce or even eliminate the need of passive filters. Also, they can reduce the
voltage stress across semiconductor devices, demanding smaller cooling systems.
As a result, the power quality has been improved, but to achieve high number of
voltage levels and expand the power capacity of the multilevel converters, the
complexity of design, the capacitor voltage unbalance problems, and the compu-
tational efforts have to be considered. With this in mind, the NPC and FC topolo-
gies, for example, have some problems with excessive number of clamping diodes
and bulk capacitors, respectively, when the number of levels is high. In this way,
the modular topologies arise with a different approach of stepped output waveform
Figure 4.5(a) and (b), respectively, illustrates the conventional multilevel
solution (based on NPC topology) and the modular solution (based on DSCC
topology), wherein the stepped voltages are obtained by selecting different voltage
levels from a single DC-link voltage (Vdc), resulting in the output phase voltage
(vj), where j is the converter phase, as shown in Figure 4.5(c).
The main difference between both solutions is in the arrangement proposal of
the capacitive DC-link. In the conventional solution as presented in Figure 4.5(a),
the central DC-link capacitor is required for the DC energy storage, while the
modular solution provides a distributed DC energy storage from the floating DC
capacitors, without the need of a common DC-link capacitor between the DC
116 Power electronic converters and systems



Vdc Vdc vj
j 0 j
+ +
vj vj
– –
n n Vdc

(a) (b)

Figure 4.5 Multilevel converter solutions. (a) Conventional solution based on

NPC topology, (b) modular solution based on DSCC topology, and
(c) nine-level output waveform

terminals (P, N ) according to Figure 4.5(b). This increases the overall converter
reliability against extremely high surge currents and subsequent damage, if short
circuits occur at the DC terminals [14]. Also, the modular solution transmits the
idea of easy failure management, maintenance, and consistent redundancy concept.
Although the mentioned modular solution is based on the DSCC topology (see
Figure 4.3(b)), the main idea of separated DC-link capacitors and their advantages
can be widespread for the other modular topologies.

4.2.1 MMCC arrangements and SM topologies

The MMCC topologies are basically composed of series-connected SMs, forming a
cluster of SMs in the arm, or just arm-cluster. The combination of arm-clusters
can originate different basic groups of possible modular phase-leg arrangements:
single-star (SS), single-delta (SD), double-star (DS), and triple-star (TS). The initial
letter defines the number of the set of the three arm-clusters (single, double, or
triple) and the subsequent letter represents the disposition (star or delta) of these
arm-clusters. To simplify, both the SS and SD arrangements can generally be
named Sx (x ¼ S or D). Figure 4.6(a) and (b) illustrates MMCC topologies based on
SS and SD arrangements, respectively. The SS arrangement in particular can be
divided into positive SS (P-SS) and negative SS (N-SS) subconverters, which
depend on the connections of the arm-clusters in relation to the common terminals
(P, N). As a result, the combination of P-SS and N-SS subconverters originates the
DS arrangement, as shown in Figure 4.7. Besides, the parallel connection of three
N-SS or P-SS subconverters originates the TS arrangement, as shown in Figure 4.8.
The MMCC family members composed by FB- or HB-SMs are considered as
basic MMCC topologies, while the advanced MMCC ones are those in which the
SMs are based on the circuits unlike the FB and HB. Hence, depending on the SM
topology, several MMCC topologies can be created. Figure 4.9 shows various SM
circuit configurations proposed over the past two decades. The output voltage of
Modular converters 117

AC Side AC Side
1 1
2 2
3 3


Arm-cluster 3

Arm-cluster 1

Arm-cluster 2

Arm-cluster 3

(a) (b)

Figure 4.6 Sx arrangements. (a) SS arrangement and (b) SD arrangement

AC Side

Arm-cluster 3

Arm-cluster 1

Arm-cluster 2

Arm-cluster 3



Common DC-link

Figure 4.7 DS arrangement

each SM (vm) in relation to the floating DC capacitor voltage (vC) is described in

Table 4.1. The FB-SM, as in Figure 4.9(a), can provide a symmetrical three-level
bipolar voltage [8], unlike the HB-SM, as in Figure 4.9(b), which can achieve only
two unipolar voltage levels [3,4]. The HB-SM is only used in the DS arrangement,
because it can only provide unipolar voltages. Otherwise, bipolar SMs are inter-
esting to cut-off arm currents in any direction by impressing the appropriate
polarity of terminal voltages in the arm [15]. For instance, in case of MMCC
topologies with DC-link availability and a subsequent DC short circuit, FB-SM
offers better DC fault-handling capability than the HB-SM, since reverse voltage
can be generated from the capacitor voltage to block the AC side currents when all
118 Power electronic converters and systems

AC Side 1
1 1














Arm-cluster 1-4

Arm-cluster 2-4

Arm-cluster 3-4

Arm-cluster 1-5

Arm-cluster 2-5

Arm-cluster 3-5

Arm-cluster 1-6

Arm-cluster 2-6

Arm-cluster 3-6














AC Side 1














AC Side 2 AC Side 2 4 5 6

(a) (b)

AC Side 1 1
1 Ar
2 r 1-6 clu
ste er
clu 1-4
3 m-
6 1 4
AC Side 1

Arm-cluster 2-4
3 2
Arm-cluster 1-4

Arm-cluster 2-4

Arm-cluster 3-4

Arm-cluster 1-5

Arm-cluster 2-5

Arm-cluster 3-5

Arm-cluster 1-6

Arm-cluster 2-6

Arm-cluster 3-6

Arm-cluster 3-6

6 4
AC Side 2
3 2
Ar -5
m- r2
N clu ste
N-SS ste clu
4 r3 m-
-5 Ar
6 5
AC Side 2
(c) (d)

Figure 4.8 TS arrangements. (a) TS arrangement with P-SS subconverters,

(b) typical representation of the TS arrangement with P-SS
subconverters, (c) TS arrangement with N-SS subconverter, and
(d) hexagonal configuration based on TS arrangement

switches of the FB-SM are off, potentially driving the fault current to zero [5].
Since the HB-SM cannot provide DC fault-handling capability, protective thyr-
istors should be equipped parallel to the endangered diode to bypass the fault
Meanwhile, using SMs based on multilevel topologies allows for reducing
the dimensions of the whole converter at the expense of complicating the SM
technology. Well-known multilevel topologies such as the three-level NPC and FC
vC1 +
- + +
+ + + + + -
vC1 -
+ vC + +
vC vC2
- vm - vm +
vm vm vm vC2
- - - - -

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

+ + + + +
vC1 + + + vC1 vC2 +
- - - -
+ + vC1 vC2
+ - - vm vm
vm vC2 vm vC1 vC2
- - - -

(f ) (g) (h) (i)

+ +
- + + vm
+ +
+ + + vC1 vC2 + -
- -
vC vC
- -
vm vC2 vm
- - -

(j) (k) (l) (m)

+ + +
+ vC1 vC2 + vC + iL
- - -
vm vm vm
- - -

(n) (o) (p)

Figure 4.9 SM topologies. (a) FB-SM, (b) HB-SM, (c) NPC-SM, (d) FC-SM, (e) NPP1-SM, (f) NPP2-SM, (g) TC-SM, (h) CD-SM,
(i) CCC-SM, (j) ACD-SM, (k) MC-SM, (l) RC1-SM, (m) RC2-SM, (n) RC3-SM, (o) HB-SM with IPT capability, and
(p) CS-based FB-SM
120 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 4.1 Output voltage for the VS-based SM topologies

Acronym Number of voltage levels Output voltage of each SM (vm)

FB 3 vC, 0, vC
HB 2 0, vC
NPC 3 0, vC1, vC2, (vC1 þ vC2)
FC1 3 0, vC2, (vC1 vC2), vC1
NPP1 3 0, vC1, (vC1 þ vC2)
NPP2 3 0, vC1, (vC1 þ vC2)
TC 3 0, vC1, vC2, (vC1 þ vC2)
CD2 4 v C ; 0, v C ; vC1, vC2, (vC1 þ vC2)
CCC 5 (vC1 þ vC2), vC1, vC2, 0, vC1, vC2, (vC1 þ vC2)
ACD 4 vC2, 0, vC1, vC2, (vC1 þ vC2)
MC 4 vC2, (vC1 vC2), 0, vC1, vC2, (vC1 þ vC2)
RC1 2 0, vC
RC2 2 0, vC
RC3 3 0, vC1, (vC1 þ vC2)
vC1 ¼ 2vC2.
v C ¼ {vC1, vC2}, during a fault (FB mode).

have been applied as SMs [16], as shown in Figure 4.9(c) and (d), respectively.
Both the NPC- and FC-SM can synthesize three-level unipolar voltage, although
using two NPC-SM or FC-SM in parallel, forming a bridge, it is possible to obtain
symmetrical bipolar voltages too [17]. Notwithstanding, these solutions imply in
modularity reduction, not to mention the inherent issues of FC and NPC topologies.
Following this reasoning, Sahoo et al. [18] proposed two new multilevel SM
topologies based on the NPP topology, as shown in Figure 4.9(e) and (f). The first,
named NPP-type 1 (NPP1), is based on the conventional circuit of the NPP con-
verter, and the second one, named NPP-type 2 (NPP2), is an alternative solution for
the NPP1-SM, although working in a similar way. Likewise, the NPC- and FC-SM,
both NPP1- and NPP2-SM can synthesize three-level unipolar voltage.
Other SM topologies have been proposed to improve the power density and the
fault-handling capacity, as well as to achieve more output voltage levels. The
combination of two HB-SMs connected by the terminals of the floating DC capa-
citors can result in four different SM concepts: twin-cells (TCs) [19], clamp-double
(CD) [14], cross-connected cells (CCCs) [20], and asymmetric CD (ACD) [6], as
shown in Figure 4.9(g)–(j), respectively. Besides, the combination of HB- and FB-
SMs originates a mixed cell (MC) [6], as shown in Figure 4.9(k). In normal
operation, the CD-SM represents an equivalent of two HBs, just like the TC-SM,
both operating in the same manner and synthesizing three-level unipolar voltage.
However, in a DC fault condition, the CD-SM operates as the FB-SM, due to the
opening of the intermediate switch between the two HBs, which results in voltage
clamping and energy absorption. During the voltage clamping, the CD-SM can
provide reverse voltage to clear a DC fault current as well as to ensure minimized
over-voltage [14]. The ACD-SM is another way of doubling the commutation cells
and achieving reverse voltage. Therefore, just like the CD-SM, both the ACD- and
Modular converters 121

MC-SM can synthesize asymmetrical four-level bipolar voltage, and the CCC-SM
can synthesize symmetrical five-level bipolar voltage [6].
When the bidirectional power flow is not necessary, unidirectional topologies
can be a suitable alternative for energy conversion systems, reducing the switch-
count and the overall cost, as well as leading to a simpler design, compared to full-
controlled structures. The MMCC concept can be extended to unidirectional
topologies by using SMs based on reduced cells (RCs). Two unidirectional SM
topologies resulted from the HB-SM, named RC-type 1 (RC1) and RC-type 2
(RC2), as shown, respectively, in Figure 4.9(l) and (m), and another from the TC-
SM, named RC-type 3 (RC3) as shown in Figure 4.9(n). Nevertheless, these can
switch the output voltage only in case of positive current flows through the SM,
whereas if the negative current flows, the output voltage remains constant. Both
RC1 and RC2 are two-level unipolar SMs, while RC3 can reach one more voltage
level. Similar to bridge-based NPC- and FC-SM, the bridge-based RC-SM can
synthesize symmetrical bipolar voltage.
Furthermore, additional benefits can be achieved by connecting different
subsystems parallel to each SM. For example, the inductive power transfer (IPT)
technology was used to keep the floating DC capacitors in the HB-SMs balanced
within tight bounds [21]. As shown in Figure 4.9(o), an IPT-based converter was
parallel connected to a HB-SM to exchange energy among the floating DC capa-
citors and keep them regulated around the nominal value. Also, to improve the
fault-tolerant operation and to achieve better DC voltage regulation, boost rectifiers
were used parallel-connected to FB-SMs [22]. As can be noticed, however, these
solutions increase the cost and the converter switch-count when compared to the
original circuit. Furthermore, from the duality concept, SM topologies based on
CSs can be designed for enhancing the fault-handling capability [6]. Figure 4.9(p)
illustrates a dual version of the FB-SM presented in [23]. The CS-based SMs can be
applied to transmit a higher power compared to the standard VS-based SMs;
however, the losses are increased and large footprints are required for the DC
inductors [6].

4.2.2 Basic modular multilevel cascade converters

Despite most of the SM topologies presented in Section 4.2.1 having been imple-
mented to improve the performance of systems based on single-star or -delta
bridge-cells (SxBC) and DSCC topologies, motivated by their increasing popularity
amongst academic and industrial community, other SM topologies can also be
extended for the remaining MMCC family members. From now on, this study will
be directed to the basic MMCC topologies: SxBC, DSCC, double-star bridge-cells
(DSBCs), and triple-star bridge-cells (TSBCs), since the FB- and HB-SM are the
default power cells of the MMCC family members. The modular design of the
MMCC topologies, theoretically, allows for expanding the cascading SMs to an
unlimited number, without increasing the complexity of the circuit, which makes
the MMCC topologies easily scalable to different power and voltage levels. As a
result, low voltage steps can be generated, which lead to higher output wave
122 Power electronic converters and systems

quality, lower harmonic content, as well as lower electromagnetic interference

emission. Thus, small or even no passive filters are required, which results in
a space-saving and cost-effective system. Hence, using only industrial proven-
technology low-voltage components, MMCC topologies are suitable for a very
wide range of high-power applications.
Each arm-cluster in MMCC topologies is followed by inductors, which make
the arm currents be continuous shaped. Besides, they have an important role in
limiting the rate of fault current through the phase-leg. The use of a single-coupled
inductor is very common in each phase-leg of DS-based topologies, which results
in size and weight reduction compared to two non-coupled inductors. In all basic
MMCC topologies, except in the SSBC, the arm-clusters are connected in a way
that inner current loops are formed, wherein the arm currents flow carrying a
component defined as a circulating current that is needed to keep the floating DC
capacitors energized. The voltage imbalance among the arm-clusters originate this
current, whose main function is to exchange active power between the DC-link and
the arm-clusters, or even among the arm-clusters themselves. Additionally, AC
components provided from the AC side flow through each SM, and due to this,
MMCC topologies are subjected to voltage fluctuations in the floating DC capa-
citors. Hence, the circulating current may also contain undesired harmonics.
Therefore, circulating currents can be controlled to improve the performance, to
reduce the losses and energy fluctuations and even to reach the operation stability
in conditions previously not possible.
However, the primary purpose of controlling the circulating currents is to
achieve the average voltage balance among the arm-clusters. The voltage of each
floating DC capacitor must be regulated, so that the converter synthesizes the
correct voltage level. Both the voltage-balancing and circulating current control
strategies, as well as the modulation techniques, will be discussed in Sections 4.3
and 4.4, respectively. Considering the five basic MMCC topologies, the choice of
the converter depends mainly on its application, semiconductor ratings and energy
storage requirements, because each topology has its own characteristics in the
terms of performance and viability [9]. In Sections–, the main
characteristics of each basic modular topology will be approached, comparing each
one by taking into account physical and technical constraints and suitability for
some application segments. Further considerations about the applicability of the
basic MMCC family members in the current literature scenario will be discussed in
Section 4.6. SxBC topologies

The first works about SxBC topologies were presented in [1,2]. Both SxBC topol-
ogies are arranged with one arm-cluster per phase-leg (i.e., M ¼ m), then no
common DC-link is available. Therefore, when SxBC topologies are used in direct
DC-to-AC power inversion, such as in ASD applications, isolated DC sources for
each SM are required, which usually are provided by rectifiers fed by phase-
shifting transformers, i.e., multipulse transformers [13]. For regenerative applica-
tions, the use of SxBC converters is not usual, owing to the high number of devices
Modular converters 123

required by active front-end rectifiers used to improve the input power quality. On
the other hand, they are very suitable for grid-connected applications intended to
enhance power quality, like reactive power and harmonic compensation [24,25], in
which only floating DC capacitors can be used instead of isolated DC sources [8].
The SSBC has the capability of controlling positive sequence by leading and lag-
ging reactive power [9]; however, at unbalanced conditions, it is not suitable for
compensation of negative-sequence power without increasing the converter voltage
ratings, because it should exchange both negative-sequence active and reactive
power with the grid [26]. In principle, the first exchange results in charge/discharge
of the floating DC capacitors, which is against the basic operation of a STATic
synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM) [27], and the second is not feasible, since
the SSBC has no circulating current unlike the SDBC [9]. However, several studies
have implemented control strategies based on the zero-sequence voltage injection
to achieve the desired operating range for practical unbalanced conditions up to
some extent, since the increase of the maximum attainable output voltage will raise
the cost [28,29]. So, the power converter rating and the degree of unbalance (ratio
between the negative-sequence current and the positive-sequence current compo-
nents) must be considered in the SSBC design when used to compensate negative-
sequence reactive power [28]. Nevertheless, an active power control can also be
implemented to achieve the state-of-charge (SOC) in SSBC-based BESS [30,31],
as well as to control low-frequency active power in SDBC-based STATCOM
intended for flicker compensation [32]. Hagiwara et al. [32] proved that the SDBC
can control at the same time positive- and negative-sequence reactive power
beyond the low-frequency active power, considering a symmetrical and sinusoidal
three-phase supply. However, in case of serious unbalanced conditions (e.g.,
unbalanced load under asymmetrical grid fault), large circulating current is
required to balance the floating DC capacitors, so the capability of compensating
negative-sequence reactive power is reduced, and the SDBC is not able to com-
pensate it sufficiently. DSCC topology

The DSCC topology was first intended to be applied in HVDC transmission sys-
tems, whereas the modular design provides high scalability, the DS arrangement
can make a common DC-link available and the internal arm inductors limit both
parasitic and fault currents. But the DSCC also has found applications in medium-
voltage high-power ASD by AC-to-AC indirect power conversion as well as
in improvement of the power quality in grid-connected systems. In the DSCC,
the arm-clusters are composed by a stack of HB-SMs, which produces unipolar
voltages with a phase difference of 180 between the arm-clusters of the same
phase-leg. Furthermore, the common DC-link capacitor can be removed in many
applications, such as BTB and grid-connected systems, because the energy storage
in the DSCC is distributed among the floating DC capacitors. Regarding the
floating DC capacitor voltage, its ripple is one of the most important issues in the
DSCC, because it is inversely proportional to the frequency of the load current and
directly proportional to the magnitude of the load current as well [33]. Hence, the
124 Power electronic converters and systems

DSCC has restrictions to drive motors at low frequency, especially for constant-
torque loads, wherein the ripple magnitude will have direct influence from the
frequency. Conversely, for driving quadratic-torque loads, this issue is less severe.
Nevertheless, using the appropriate control strategy based on common-mode vol-
tage and AC circulating current injection, the DSCC can operate in a wide range of
frequency, even at start-up and low-speed operation for constant-torque motor drive
[34–36]. Just as the SDBC, the DSCC (and also the DSBC) has the capability
of exchanging negative-sequence reactive power with the grid due to the presence
of circulating currents [9]. Unlike the SDBC, the DSCC is able to achieve full
negative-sequence reactive power compensation with a small amount of DC circu-
lating current, as well as being able to be applied to compensate unbalanced
non-linear loads even under asymmetrical grid fault conditions [37]. Besides, to deal
with large-current requirements, a parallel configuration of the DSCC was proposed
by Pirouz and Bina [38] named extended MMC (EMMC). Initially, the EMMC or
parallel DSCC has separated DC-links, but a version of the parallel DSCC sharing the
same DC-link was presented in [39]. DSBC topology

The DSBC topology is an interesting derivation of the DSCC. Its control and
modulation techniques are very similar to the DSCC ones, but the DSBC presents
more flexibility than DSCC topology, practically speaking. By replacing the HB-
SMs with FB ones, it is possible to synthesize bipolar voltages, providing the
DSBC with an additional capability for bucking and boosting the DC-link voltage
in power rectification or inversion [9]. As a result, the DSBC can produce an AC
voltage independently from DC-link voltage, which also means that it carries out
AC-to-AC direct power conversion when a single-phase AC VS is connected to the
DC-link terminals [40–42]. Furthermore, depending on the DC-link voltage utili-
zation, the number of voltages levels can also vary [43]. Summarizing, the DSBC
can operate not only as DC-to-AC converter [43], such as the DSCC, but also as
a single-phase-to-three-phase and single-phase-to-single-phase direct AC-to-AC
converter. When the DSBC operates as single-phase-to-three-phase AC-to-AC con-
verter, the input and output frequencies must not be the same for proper operation
[42]. Hence, this topology is very suitable to distributed PCSs for renewable energy
resources, in which the DC-link voltage varies over a wide range [9]. TSBC topology

The TSBC topology consists of a set of three SSBCs, each of which is denoted by a
subconverter (P-SS or N-SS). Also known as modular multilevel matrix converter
(M3C), the first approach about this topology was presented by Erickson and
Al-Naseem [44]. The TSBC is suitable for three-phase-to-three-phase AC-to-AC
direct power conversion, especially for medium-voltage high-power motor drives
at low frequency and regenerative braking [45–48]. Just like the DSBC when used
for single-phase-to-three-phase AC-to-AC conversion, the TSBC are not recom-
mended for synchronous frequency operation, due to the serious increasing ripple in
the floating DC capacitors. Also, without appropriately controlling the circulating
Modular converters 125

currents, further voltage fluctuations in the floating DC capacitors increase,

whereas the output frequency is reduced below one-third of the input frequency
[45,46]. To overcome the synchronous operation problem and achieve a broad
range frequency operation, a control method was proposed in [47]. The operation
has become possible when the input and output frequencies are close or equal, albeit
with restrictions, because this method enlarged the ripple in the floating DC capa-
citors at low-frequency range, compared to the previous methods proposed in
[45,46]. Besides, since some energy variations may still occur in lower frequencies,
the semiconductor ratings have to be designed to support them [48]. Therefore, the
control method to achieve synchronous operation commits the operation at lower
frequencies. Furthermore, an alternative topology of the TSBC based on hexagonal
configuration was presented in [49], called ‘‘hexverter’’. It consists of a reduced
version of the TSBC, since one arm-cluster is counted out in each subconverter,
totaling six arm-cluster for the whole topology, as shown in Figure 4.8(d). The
hexverter or hexagonal TSBC presents similar performance in comparison to the
conventional one, but with the advantage of having fewer SMs. Comparisons
between DSCC and TSBC topologies for three-phase AC-to-AC conversion was
conducted by Ilves et al. [48]. Both the DSCC and TSBC topologies can be applied
for AC-to-AC conversion in a broad range frequency, presenting better perfor-
mance and stable operation with proper control technique. Considering that, the
DSCC-based BTB system is found to be the most suitable solution for synchronous
frequency operation as well as at higher frequencies, while the TSBC topologies
can provide superior performance and efficiency than DSCC at low nominal fre-
quency applications.

4.3 Control strategies

4.3.1 Voltage-balancing control
Under practical circumstances, there are voltage differences due to losses and other
non-ideal conditions among the phase-legs, resulting in non-zero active power
flowing into the phase-legs, since the capacitors can be floating in MMCC topo-
logies. Therefore, it is convenient to implement voltage-balancing control strate-
gies to regulate a constant voltage level. In order to assist in the floating DC
capacitors regulation, as well as to achieve high-performance and to improve the
operational range, circulating current control strategies have been implemented.
Both the voltage-balancing and circulating current control strategies are usually
based on the overall control schemes illustrated by Figures 4.10 and 4.11, one for
each individual regulation scheme of the floating DC capacitors.
Generally, voltage-balancing control is implemented by controlling the aver-
age voltage per phase and also by simply regulating the voltage of each SM. The
averaging voltage control, also known as cluster-balancing control, is a closed-loop
strategy that regulates the average value of the sum of all M floating DC capacitors,
ensuring the energy balance among the converter legs [50–53]. The individual
regulation can be implemented in two basic ways: feeding back each SM capacitor
126 Power electronic converters and systems

Output phase Typical control scheme

Floating DC Application voltage references SSBC path
capacitor voltages control Additional control block

No circulating current
Averaging control is used in SSBC
control Gate
Modulation signals MMCC
technique topology
Arm currents control

Only used in control
Floating DC
capacitor voltages

Figure 4.10 Block diagram of the overall control scheme based on individual-
balancing voltage control principle

Output phase Typical control scheme

Application voltage references SSBC path
Floating DC
capacitor voltages control Additional control block
Floating DC
No circulating current capacitor voltages
Averaging control is used in SSBC
Number of Gate
voltage SMs ins/byp signals
Modulation SM Sorting MMCC
control Circulating
technique algorithm topology
Arm currents control Polarity of the
arm currents

Figure 4.11 Block diagram of the overall control scheme based on SM voltage
sorting algorithm principle

voltage in a closed-loop control, also known as individual-balancing voltage con-

trol [50–52] or sorting the SM capacitor voltages through an algorithm that selects
which SMs need to be inserted or bypassed [53–55]. Moreover, depending on the
arrangement of the MMCC topology, modifications can be implemented to achieve
the desired voltage balance, e.g., since the SSBC converter has no circulating
current [9], adding a zero-sequence voltage [51,52] or slightly shifting the
switching pattern [24,56], can either be used to compensate the converter losses and
maintain the SMs balanced. Thus, as can be seen in Figures 4.10 and 4.11, the block
of the circulating current control is despised (by a dashed line path) in the control
scheme for SSBC converter. On the other hand, SDBC, DSCC, DSBC, and TSBC
converters have circulating currents, and the averaging voltage control is usually
combined to an inner circulating current control. The circulating current control
strategies will be broached in the Section 4.3.2.
Modular converters 127 Individual-balancing voltage control

Peng et al. [1] introduced a voltage-balancing voltage control for SxBC topologies
linked to the selective harmonic elimination (SHE) technique by using the averaging
voltage control. A slight shifting in the SHE switching pattern was used to guarantee
the balance of the individual voltages by a closed-loop controller. Furthermore, this
voltage-balancing strategy was optimized in [24] by swapping the pulse patterns
among the SMs per arm instead of fixed ones. From this, to keep all SMs balanced,
only a single floating DC capacitor needs to be measured and fed back. Fujii et al.
[57] implemented the averaging voltage control for SDBC topology with m SMs
using unipolar sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (PWM) with phase-shifted carriers
(PSCs) while the individual-balancing voltage control was implemented by feeding
back m 1 SMs. Akagi et al. [51] presented a voltage-balancing strategy for SSBC
topology similar to that proposed in [57]; however, the individual-balancing control
fed back all of m floating DC capacitors, as well as an inner decoupled current loop
for independent active and reactive power control was introduced in the averaging
voltage control [30]. Considering an eventual SM number expansion, the delay time
of this PSC-PWM voltage-balancing control should also be considered [52]. There-
after, other works have been published based on PSC-PWM voltage-balancing
control (averaging and individual-balancing voltage controls) for all basic MMCC
topologies, as follow: SSBC [51,52], SDBC [32], DSCC [58], DSBC [42,43], and
TSBC [47]. Hagiwara et al. [50,59] introduced the arm-balancing voltage control to
balance the voltage between the converter arms for DS-based topologies, since they
have two arms per phase-leg, and make possible the voltage-balancing control pro-
posed in [58] stable in four-quadrant operation. SM voltage sorting algorithm

The first SM voltage sorting algorithms were developed for DSCC topology [53–55].
In these algorithms, the SMs are inserted or bypassed to produce the required voltage
level, according to the voltage magnitude of each floating DC capacitor sorted in
ascending (or descending) order and the direction of the arm currents. The basic
principle of the SM voltage sorting algorithms was described in [4,40]. Following
this reasoning, Ängquist et al. [60] presented the open-loop control based on the
estimation of the stored energy using the SM sorting algorithm principle to minimize
the impact of delays in the measurement and communication systems of the con-
verter, which can be a critical factor in large-scale MMCC topologies [61]. The open-
loop scheme does not use any voltage feedback controllers to balance the floating DC
capacitors; however, the voltage of each SM capacitor is still measured and then
compared directly in the sorting process [60]. Nevertheless, Ilves et al. [62] proposed
an SM sorting algorithm based on round-robin schedule, wherein the floating DC
capacitors do not need to be measured to achieve the voltage balance. To do so, the
converter must be controlled insomuch that the average energy transfer is null. Fur-
thermore, a predictive SM voltage sorting algorithm, aiming to reduce the capacitor
voltage ripple under low switching frequency modulation was proposed by Ilves
et al. [63], since in conventional voltage-balancing strategies, there is a trade-off
between switching frequency and the capacitor voltage ripple. As can be noticed, SM
128 Power electronic converters and systems

voltage sorting algorithms do not control the voltages of the floating DC capacitors,
but instead all voltages remain within a small voltage band [54] by selecting the
inserted or bypassed SMs, which, in turn, depends on the sampling frequency
[61,64]. Even though most the sorting algorithms are implemented for DSCC
topology, they also have been implemented for the remaining MMCC topologies,
such as SxBC [65], DSBC [41], TSBC [49], and advanced MMCC topologies
[18,66]. Furthermore, over last the years, several studies have proposed SM voltage
sorting algorithms associated to different modulation techniques, improving the
switching frequency efficiency [54,61–64,67–70] and the quality of the output
waveforms [71,72], as well as reducing the number of sensors [62,63,73] and the
algorithm complexity [64,73].

4.3.2 Circulating current control

After the DSCC topology was proposed, special attention has been paid to circu-
lating current control strategies. Before that, just the SDBC had been proposed,
among the MMCC topologies which have circulating currents, and in this case the
circulating current control had not been fully explored and detailed as reported by
the authors in [32]. Thus, the most of the papers dedicated to circulating current
control have been used in DSCC-based systems. The mathematical model of the
DSCC has been thoroughly studied by several papers [74–79], both under the
context of the dynamic behavior and the steady state to develop active and passive
solutions to regulate the circulating currents.
Under ideal conditions, the circulating currents in the DSCC topology consist
of a portion of the DC-link current (or even itself in case of single phase-leg) for
energy transfer between the DC-bus and arm-clusters. While in the DSBC topology,
an additional fundamental-frequency component is present to exchange active
power between the upper and lower arm-clusters in the same phase-leg, and in the
SDBC and TSBC topologies, the circulating currents are composed of only the
fundamental-frequency component, since no DC-bus is available in both of them.
As reported in [9], circulating currents have an important role in exchanging active
power among the arm-clusters of the MMCC topologies and have no influence on
the AC side signals as well. However, in real conditions, oscillating components rise
in the circulating currents, degrading the waveform of the arm currents. This study
considers these oscillating components as circulating harmonics. In balanced sys-
tems, these components are mostly composed by low-order harmonics at negative-
sequence double-line frequency, but under unbalanced voltage conditions, zero- and
positive-sequence components should be considered too [80]. The modulation and
control schemes, as well as the operating converter point, have significant influence
on the appearance of harmonics in circulating currents [54], not to mention that
resonances between the arm inductances and SM capacitances can contribute to the
increase of these harmonics [81].
Circulating harmonics have direct impact on the ripple of the floating DC
capacitors, since they distort the arm currents, and thereby if not controlled, they can
not only compromise the converter stability, but also affect the rating of capacitors
and semiconductor devices, and increase the total power losses. Thus, controlling the
Modular converters 129

circulating currents is one of the most important issues in MMCC topologies.

Besides, suppressing undesired circulating harmonics is essential to achieve high
performance and efficiency of the converter, in which it can be ensured that only
active power is exchanged inside the converter, although the injection of selective
harmonics in the circulating current can be used to overcome some operational
issues, like reducing voltage fluctuations in the floating DC capacitors.
The primary purpose of the circulating current control strategies is to achieve
the energy balance of the floating DC capacitors during the dynamic state and
maintain these capacitors regulated in the steady state operation. Thus, considering
an ideal scenario for a DSCC-based system, wherein the circulating current is
purely DC, just a proportional-integral (PI) controller would be sufficient to per-
form a satisfactory dynamic response [58]. However, this controller cannot elim-
inate circulating harmonics due to its limited gains in other harmonics frequencies.
This encouraged several studies to find a suitable solution to eliminate or suppress
these harmonics to an acceptable magnitude threshold. The literature is full of
control schemes to control/suppress the circulating harmonics covering the various
kinds of closed-loop and open-loop strategies, which will be defined henceforward
as active methods. Passive methods, conversely, involve physical modifications,
which may be used to minimize the circulating harmonics.
Ilves et al. [75] proved that the value of the arm inductances and SM capaci-
tances can be calculated to avoid a specific resonant harmonic frequency. Since
each SM capacitance is calculated according to energy storage requirements and
maximum permissible fluctuation magnitude, modifications in the arm inductors
have been evaluated for DSCC converters [74,75]. Tu et al. [74] developed
a theoretical analysis which resulted in the arm inductances as function of the
second-order circulating harmonic and the fault current rise rate as well. This
harmonic order can be minimized to a certain limit by increasing the arm induc-
tances; however, this solution enlarges the overall size and weight of the converter,
not to mention that high voltage across the arm inductors can compromise perfor-
mance. In contrast, the use of coupled inductors is an interesting and easy alternative
not only to suppress circulating harmonic currents, but also to reduce the size,
weight, and cost of the magnetic core [58]. Other passive solution was proposed in
[75], which is based on the insertion of a tuned LC filter for elimination of the
second-order circulating harmonic. The passive methods are limited solutions for
circulating harmonic elimination, because they can be designed just to suppress
undesired low-order circulating harmonics to some extent. Hence, an effective way
to use these methods is allying them to active methods.
Regarding the active suppress method based on closed-loop controllers for the
DSCC, the control strategy proposed by Hagiwara and Akagi [58] had some
restrictions concerning the point operation, which were overcome in [50,59] by
inserting the arm-balancing voltage control to the voltage-balancing control strat-
egy. In doing that, the circulating current controller was changed to a proportional
(P) controller and there was a soft reduction of the circulating harmonics. Clearly,
these works were not fully concerned about the circulating harmonic elimination,
but actually, they aimed to achieve stable four-quadrant operation. Hence, Tu et al.
130 Power electronic converters and systems

[67] used PI controllers to suppress second-order circulating harmonics in a nega-

tive-sequence rotational dq coordinate. This control strategy can perform an
effective circulating harmonic suppression; however, it is restricted to three-phase
systems, since it is not applicable to multiphase or single-phase systems, and only
under balanced conditions, whereas in real conditions other even-order harmonics
are also presented in circulating currents [81]. Therefore, proportional-resonant
(PR) controllers were used to suppress other even-order circulating harmonics,
which are applicable to both single-phase and multi-phase systems [76]. As
described in [81], the circulating harmonics can be represented as a series of even-
order harmonics, then resonant transfer functions are tuned in the harmonic orders
that need to be suppressed, and due to this, the implementation of PR controllers
becomes difficult when multiple harmonics have to be eliminated.
As presented in [77], the minimization of circulating harmonics above the
tenth order by using multi-resonant controllers has been ineffective. Thus, a plug-in
repetitive plus PI control strategy was proposed in [77,78]. The repetitive control
scheme based on the internal mode principle has shown a good steady-state per-
formance in circulating harmonic suppression, inasmuch as it can provide higher
gains at fundamental frequency and its multiples. To overcome the slow dynamic
response of the repetitive controller, a PI controller has been combined with it.
Some drawbacks of repetitive control are the requirement of accurate control
parameters, e.g., sampling frequency and number of samples in a cycle, and the
noise sensitivity at intermediate frequencies. As aforementioned in Section,
open-loop control strategies have been studied aiming to reduce the number of
closed-loop controllers. Although the results have showed an effective dynamic
performance and suppression of the circulating harmonics, this open-loop method
requires precise analytical model and parameters. Harnefors et al. [79] included a
circulating current control in the open-loop control proposed in [60] (with slight
modifications) derived on the basis of a continuous-variable dynamic model. The
circulating current control in question uses a P controller (referred to as ‘‘active
resistance’’) to regulate the internal arm voltage and a feedforward path of the
circulating current reference. Under another perspective, the circulating currents
can be controlled to reduce voltage fluctuations in the floating DC capacitors by
injecting zero-sequence components [34–36,45–48]. As investigated in [36], it is
clear that there is a trade-off between mitigation of the voltage fluctuations and the
reduction of the peak current. Nevertheless, the validity in using these control
strategies is the capability of operating over a wide frequency range for both the
DSCC and the TSBC.

4.4 Modulation techniques

4.4.1 High switching frequency techniques
High switching frequency techniques can be highlighted in carrier-based and
space-vector (SV) techniques, as illustrated in Figure 4.12. For the MMCC family,
level-shifted carrier (LSC) and PSC are the most common carrier-based PWM
Modular converters 131

v* θsw v* Im


π π Re
2 2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.12 Basic principle of high-frequency modulation techniques.

(a) LSC-PWM technique, (b) PSC-PWM technique, and
(c) SV-PWM technique

techniques [18,82], particularly due to their easy implementation. Both LSC- and
PSC-PWM techniques are based on multiple carrier arrangements. In LSC-PWM
technique, m carriers are stacked on top of each other, so that each voltage level
corresponds to one carrier, as shown in Figure 4.12(a). Since each carrier is asso-
ciated to a certain voltage level, this technique produces unequal power distribution
across the SM terminals.
Thus, some modifications can be implemented to overcome this problem and
equalize the voltage distribution, such as: (i) simple alternance in the level between
the contiguous carriers each switching frequency [83]; (ii) signal rotation [82,84];
(iii) carrier rotation each fundamental frequency [82,85]; and (iv) continuous car-
rier rotation at the end of each carrier cycle [86]. For DSCC topology, LSC-PWM
produces m þ 1 pole voltage levels [55] with the possibility of expanding up to
2m þ 1 voltage levels by controlling the number of inserted SMs (Non) (or number
of on-state SMs per arm) [54,69,87] and/or doubling the number of carriers com-
pared to the conventional [88].
As can be seen in Figure 4.12(b), the conventional PSC-PWM technique is
based on the phase shifting of carriers, in which low-order harmonics can be sup-
pressed for multilevel converters [67]. Naturally, this technique provides equal
power distribution, since all SMs are commanded by the same voltage reference (v*)
and all the carriers are on the same level with phase-shifting such that they are
equally spaced in one cycle [18]. The PSC-PWM technique requires m carriers
for SxBC and TSBC topologies and 2m carriers for DSCC topology to synthesize
2m þ 1 pole voltage levels, so that the phase-shifted angle (qsw) is defined by 180 /m
[83,84]. However, it is possible to reduce the number of carriers to a half for DSCC
topology by modifying the conventional technique [89] and controlling the number
Non as well [67,73,87]. For DSBC topology, 2m carriers are also required to use
PSC-PWM, but the number of voltage levels can vary depending on the DC-link
voltage utilization [43].
Therefore, considering that both LSC- and PSC-PWM techniques have the
same number of switching transitions, the first technique provides a better line
132 Power electronic converters and systems

voltage harmonic spectrum under both normal and over-modulation conditions

[5,82,90]. Also, LSC-PWM technique produces less semiconductor losses in
comparison with the conventional PSC [87]. The combination of both techniques
was investigated in [18,91]. Besides, when the conventional PSC-PWM is used in
MMCC topologies, feedback voltage-balancing control strategies are usually
implemented to ensure the energy balance among the converter phases and indi-
vidually in each SM [50,51,58]. Conversely, the implementation of the LSC-PWM
technique is a bit more complex than the PSC-PWM, due to the appropriate mod-
ifications to ensure equal power distribution for all SMs.
Continuing with high switching frequency techniques, SV-PWM is also widely
applied in MMCC topologies [92–94], especially if the converter does not
synthesize a high number of voltage levels. In comparison with carrier-based
techniques, SV-PWM provides higher DC-link voltage utilization [93] and has
more flexibility in optimizing the switching pattern design [94], since additional
switching states can be selected to reduce the output voltage distortion, besides the
fact that the proper selection of the switching states avoids unnecessary switching
transitions [92]. For multilevel converters, the SV-PWM technique can produce a
large number of switching states represented by vectors, which are derived from the
voltage reference mapping, as shown in Figure 4.12(c). Then, as the level number
increases, a significant number of redundancy state sequences are generated, which
make the computational implementation extremely complex. However, there are
studies focused to simplify the SV-PWM implementation [93,94].
High switching frequency techniques can fulfil the total harmonic distortion
(THD) level standards with low-order harmonic distortion in the output waveforms,
covering the entire modulation range. Harmonic sidebands of the carrier frequency
are displaced to higher frequencies, which makes the filtering easier by passive
filters [84]. Nevertheless, the increased number of commutation per cycle still leads
to high switching losses. In three-phase systems, zero-sequence voltage injection
technique has been implemented in high-frequency PWM techniques to extend the
linearity range of the voltage utilization, so that the switching losses can be reduced
and the output waveform quality can be improved. For this reason, high-frequency
PWM techniques are very suitable for MMCC topologies with a low number of
SMs per arm, usually less than ten, since the THD has not been the major issue for
large-scale MMCC topologies, but instead the computational effort and algorithm
complexity of these PWM techniques are, not to mention that the voltage-balancing
strategies also have to be considered. Therefore, the implementation of low
switching frequency techniques has been taking advantage of the high modularity
degree of MMCC topologies to synthesize good quality output waveforms with
minimal switching commutation, thus improving the overall efficiency and relia-
bility of the converter.

4.4.2 Low switching frequency techniques

The implementation of low switching frequency techniques in large-scale MMCC
topologies has been an attractive manner to combine quality of converter output
waveform, closely related to the uniform sampling frequency, with semiconductor
Modular converters 133

losses closer to the thyristor technology [61]. For high-power applications, low
switching frequencies are considered to be those below 1 kHz [12]. So, it is
possible to detach low switching frequency techniques in those whose frequency is
based on the fundamental, such as the nearest vector control (NVC) and nearest
level control (NLC), and those whose frequency is above of the fundamental
frequency and below 1 kHz, such as the SHE technique and its variations.
The SHE technique has been applied in conventional VS converters (VSCs)
providing the elimination of undesired low order harmonics by switching angles
(am) per quarter of the fundamental period [12], as can be seen in Figure 4.13(a).
These angles are calculated off-line and stored in lookup tables for various mod-
ulation indices, and that is why this technique is also known as ‘‘programmed
technique’’. In MMCC topologies with FB-SMs, the output waveform synthesized
by the SHE technique usually has a stair-like shape, wherein each SM is associated
to a switching angle at fundamental frequency, providing 2m þ 1 pole voltage
levels [1,12]. Thus, to improve the THD levels even in higher harmonic orders, the
active harmonic elimination (AHE) technique was proposed in [95], in which new
switching angles were added corresponding to the high-order harmonic fre-
quencies. In case of the DSCC, SHE-based techniques have also been developed
at fundamental frequency [62]. Konstantinou et al. [72] proposed a SHE-based
technique, considering a significant number (up to 17) of switching angles per
quarter-wave, providing high-quality output waveforms. Also, depending on the
number of inserted SMs per arm, the DSCC can reach m þ 1 or 2m þ 1 pole
voltage levels, which can lead to the absence or presence of high-frequency com-
ponents in the DC-link voltage, respectively.
Even though the SHE and SHE-based techniques can provide low THD levels
in the output waveforms for MMCC topologies, the computational difficulty
increases significantly, due to the need to pre calculate a high number of non-linear
equations [70]. Moreover, the poor dynamic response makes these techniques not
feasible for real projects. Rodrı́guez et al. [92] proposed the NVC technique, which

mvC mvC
vC v*j vC v*j


2vC 2vC }vC/2

vC vC

α1 α2 ... αm π π
2 2

(a) (b)

Figure 4.13 Basic principle of low-frequency modulation techniques.

(a) SHE technique and (b) NLC technique
134 Power electronic converters and systems

is a version of the SV-PWM for low switching frequency. However, for large-scale
MMCC topologies, finding the nearest vector is more difficult than calculating the
nearest voltage level [12]. Therefore, the NLC has been considered the most efficient
technique for large-scale MMCC topologies commanded at fundamental frequency
[61,64], as shown in Figure 4.13(b). The NLC technique is a result of a simple
mathematical operation in time-domain, producing the pulse patterns by finding the
nearest voltage level. Due to its simplicity, several papers have implemented the
NLC combined to SM voltage sorting algorithms to drive the DSCC [61,64,70,96].
By doing so, the NLC technique returns the number Non that is needed to generate the
desired output voltage level. Once the number of SMs is large, the sampling fre-
quency of a digital implementation must be considered, because if the sampling
frequency is not high enough to ensure that all SMs can produce the required voltage
level, the voltage step will increase and quality of the output voltage waveform can
be degraded [61]. Similar to the SHE technique, the NLC technique can synthesize
2m þ 1 and m þ 1 pole voltage levels with a staircase-shaped waveform for MMCC
topologies, respectively, based on FB- and HB-SM.

4.5 Operational issues in MMCCs

4.5.1 Fault-tolerant operation

Fault-tolerant operation is essential to increase system reliability. For MMCC
topologies, the faults can be highlighted in external and internal faults. The external
faults can occur at the AC side or DC side (if the converter has a common DC-link),
and the internal faults can be comprehended by defects occurred in the SMs or
short-circuit at the floating DC capacitors. External faults

In case of AC-side short circuits, several studies have been investigating the
MMCC topologies to maintain the operation even in asymmetrical grid fault con-
ditions, due to their good fault ride-through (FRT) capability without additional
hardware cost [29,37,55,80]. In case of DC-link short circuit, fast interruption of
the DC fault current is a very important factor to avoid irreparable damage to the
system. This is a significant issue in HVDC systems, and so, three solutions are
commonly implemented to extinguish the DC fault current: open the AC side cir-
cuit breakers or DC side circuit breakers and use advanced SM topologies. Opening
the AC side circuit breakers is known to be worst solution of the three aforemen-
tioned, because it may require enough time to damage the components involved
[5,97]. When HB-SMs are used, the first procedure to initiate the DC-link fault
protection is bypassing all SMs soon after detecting the fault to avoid the converter
feeding the DC fault current. The basic solution to this procedure is to connect
press-pack thyristor to protect the free-wheeling diodes from over-current; how-
ever, this provides a one-way path to the DC fault current, making its fast inter-
ruption difficult to accomplish, inasmuch as the DC arc cannot be extinguished
until the AC side circuit breaker is opened. Hence, Li et al. [97] proposed the use of
double-thyristor switches to provide bidirectional path for DC non-permanent fault
Modular converters 135

current, eliminating the diode-bridge rectifier mode. In doing so, the DC arc can
naturally be extinguished and the converter can be restarted to normal operation
after a few fundamental cycles. Although the double-thyristor strategy represents a
simple, reliable, and cost-effective protection scheme, the DC fault current cannot
be extinguished faster than employing DC side circuit breakers or using CD-SM
[5,97]. Besides, using a DC side circuit breaker can quickly extinguish DC fault
current, however, it is costly and its technology is not yet mature [15,97].
At last, advanced SM topologies can be used to achieve the high-performance
fault-tolerant operation [14,20,66]. SM topologies that provide bipolar voltages, like
FB- and CCC-SM, can impose the reverse voltage polarity to block the AC side
currents during the DC short-circuit. However, in applications like HVDC trans-
mission, the reverse voltage has no utility in normal operation and the high number of
semiconductor devices increases the design cost and the losses (around 70% more
than the HB-SM) [15]. On the other hand, the CD-SM operates as HB-SM with only
an extra current path, but during the DC short-circuit, it operates as FB-SM produ-
cing reverse voltage polarity by the two capacitors to clear the DC fault current. In
comparison with HB-SM, the CD-SM topology has around 35% more losses, due to
the extra current path [15]. Nevertheless, in the literature, the CD-SM is considered
one of the best SM topologies for MMCC-based HVDC system, which can simul-
taneously offer high reliability and low losses. Whereas CD-SM has more semi-
conductor devices than the HB-SM and slightly increases the conduction losses, it is
important to evaluate the overall cost of the system, since using HB-SMs in the
current technology scenario may require bulky and expensive DC side circuit breaker
to achieve good performance in DC fault clearance like the CD-SM. Internal faults

In order to maintain the operation, faulty SMs must be bypassed and the system can
be carried out compensating their operation by redundant SMs [68,98] or by soft-
ware [85,99]. The redundancy process is a reliable way to ensure the functionality
of the MMCC topologies without decreasing the output power quality. The basic
procedure to use the redundant SMs is to design the converter with additional SMs,
which are pre charged and in stand-by mode. In the event of failure, the faulty SM
is shorted out by highly reliable high-speed bypass switch and replaced by the
redundant SM. Son et al. [68] investigated the use of spare SMs to guarantee a fail-
safe operation and reinforce the redundancy process. As presented in [68], the spare
SMs are not only bypassed in principle, like the redundant ones, but also dis-
connected from the system, i.e., these SMs are totally discharged. The spare SMs
are connected to the system when the number of fault SM exceeds the redundancy,
which may lead to same voltage transients, due to the capacitor charging procedure.
Konstantinou et al. [98] proposed the use of redundant SMs, not always bypassed,
but instead included in the normal operation as active redundant SMs. In this way,
the SMs in the same arm are swapped and selected by a voltage algorithm. As a
result, a fault-tolerant operation could be achieved, reducing the floating DC
capacitor ripple as well. Another way to achieve fail-safe operation in case of SM
failure is based on software modifications in the control and modulation strategies.
The procedure of bypassing the faulty SM occurs similarly to the redundancy
136 Power electronic converters and systems

process. Hence, Maharjan et al. [99] proposed a technique based on the funda-
mental-frequency zero-sequence voltage injection, named ‘‘neutral shift’’. The
zero-sequence component is added in each healthy SM to compensate the operation
of the faulty SM and maintain the line voltages balanced. From another perspective,
Shen et al. [85] proposed a modification (based on the carrier rotation) in the LSC-
PWM technique to maintain the system operating under a SM failure. While
redundant solutions basically improve system reliability by hardware backup,
though increasing the cost, the software solutions may lead to higher voltage
requirement than the rated value, not to mention that the phase voltages can have
the waveform quality degraded.

4.5.2 Floating DC capacitor pre-charging procedures

Before the MMCC topologies start the operation, the floating DC capacitors are
generally under de-energized condition. Thus, to avoid large inrush currents at the
start-up, capacitors must be pre-charged up to their nominal value or near it.
Besides, after a DC fault (in case of topologies with DC-link availability) the re-
charging procedure has to be considered for the same reason. Hence, pre-charging
or black-start solutions have been implemented to ensure a fast, soft, and failsafe
start-up [4,66,100,101]. Most solutions are based on current-limiting resistor
[66,100] or auxiliary DC VS [4,101]. A simple pre-charging procedure can be
accomplished by using an AC side current-limiting resistor in parallel to a magnetic
contactor, wherein both are in series with AC circuit breaker. From this procedure,
all floating DC capacitors are charged up to a value near the rated voltage from the
supply currents that flow through the current-limiting resistor. Once the capacitors
are pre-charged, the AC circuit breaker is turned on and the magnetic contactor
bypasses the current-limiting resistor. Although this procedure is simple, there is no
control of the time of charging. It is not an efficient solution and can lead to bulky
resistances in high-power systems [7]. Another common solution uses an auxiliary
DC VS and DC circuit breaker to charge the capacitors in a staggered sequence one
by one through a constant time up to their rated value [4]. However, this solution is
not cost-effective, due to the need of a costly DC circuit breaker [102]. The start-up
procedure based on current-limiting resistors was expanded to different controlled
schemes [66,100,102]. For instance, Li et al. [102] proposed a closed-loop pre-
charging control producing a constant charging current from either the DC side or
the AC side main voltage. By doing so, no auxiliary power supply is required, the
charging time is reduced, and inrush current is eliminated.

4.6 Main applications

The benefits and prominent features of MMCC topologies have attracted a lot of
interest in all applications segments, especially those requiring high output power
quality. SxBC topologies have been widely used as APLCs in high-voltage trans-
mission grid, known as flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices, or in
distribution systems, known as custom power (CP) devices. Among the APLC
systems, STATCOM is the most implemented device based on SxBC topologies,
Modular converters 137

due to their simplest layout, since isolated DC sources are not required [27–
29,32,51,56,57,65]. Nevertheless, depending on the connection among the arm-
clusters, both the star- and delta-type topologies present some issues for reactive
power and harmonic compensation. The SSBC is suitable for positive-sequence
reactive power compensation [51,56,65]; however, the compensation of negative-
sequence reactive power is restricted by voltage requirements [28]. Conversely, the
SDBC has the additional capability of compensating negative-sequence reactive
power [27,32,57], although it is suitable up to some extent of unbalanced condi-
tions. Hence, Hagiwara et al. [59] have investigated the negative-sequence reactive
power compensation using a DSCC-based STATCOM. Besides, a DSCC-based
distribution STATCOM (D-STATCOM) was applied for full compensation under a
more critical scenario with unbalanced non-linear load and asymmetrical grid
voltages [37]. The harmonic filtering was performed not only by SSBC-based
active power filter (APF) [24,25], but also by DSCC-based APF [103]. Further-
more, Ota et al. [29] investigated FRT capability of a SSBC-based STATCOM, and
Sotoodeh and Miller [104] applied a DSCC-based D-STATCOM for regulating
active and reactive power transferred to the grid by a wind energy conversion
system (WECS). As reported in [9], the DSBC can fulfil the requirements for PCSs
for renewable energy sources, since DC-link voltage can vary over a wide range
without interfering with the AC voltage. Therefore, Thitichaiworakorn et al. [43]
have investigated the DSBC to be applied in WECSs. On the other hand, the
interface between the renewable energy sources and the grid was also achieved by
SxBC-based photovoltaic systems (PVSs) [105], SxBC-based WECSs [22], as well
as by DSCC-based PVSs [69]. Under the same perspective, BESSs intended for
active-power levelling have been investigated based on the SSBC [30,31] and
DSCC [106]. Regarding the ASDs, the SxBC can achieve a high-performance
operation, however, the lack of a DC-link requires the use of isolated DC sources,
which results in complex front ends [13]. Unlike the SxBC, the DSCC has been
arousing interest in BTB systems, especially in those requiring regenerative
applications. In this case, the common DC-link capacitor is dispensable [89], and
the AC-to-AC conversion is carried out indirectly. The direct AC-to-AC conversion
can be achieved by TSBC, which is suitable for ASDs requiring regenerative
braking [46,47], and also by the DSBC as investigated by Glinka and Marquardt
[40]. The TSBC is practical under asynchronous operation [44,45]. Whereas the
DSCC does not have restrictions to drive with the input and output frequencies
synchronized, it has issues when operating at lower frequencies [33]. However, by
using the proper control strategy, not only the problems of the TSBC with syn-
chronous operation, but also the difficulty of the DSCC in driving at low speeds can
be overcome [48]. Hence, the DSCC has also been become a competitive alter-
native for ASD [34–36,45,48]. The advent of modular converter technology has
resulted in the fourth generation of VSC transmission [6]. Since the DSCC was
introduced in [3], several papers have been published, evaluating it for HVDC
transmission [4–7,55,64,68,96,97]. A summary of some commercialized DSCC-
based HVDC systems and projects underway can be found in [7]. From another
perspective, the DSBC has also been investigated for HVDC systems [5,6,14], due
to its better capability of DC fault-handling than the DSCC.
138 Power electronic converters and systems

This work was supported in part by the Coordination for the Improvement of
Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), in part by the Postgraduate Program in
Electrical Engineering (PPgEE)/COPELE, Department of Electrical Engineering
(DEE), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). The authors also
acknowledge the support of Dra Camila Seibel Gehrke, who generously helped us
in the text editing and for her valuable suggestions.


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Chapter 5
Matrix converters
Mehdi Farasat*

5.1 Introduction

Voltage and/or current back-to-back converters are traditionally used to interface

an ac source with an ac load. An energy storage element is used to couple the dc-
link of the front-end ac–dc rectifier to the back-end dc–ac inverter. A matrix con-
verter (MC), however enables ac–ac conversion without any intermediate energy
storage element. Conventional MCs, known as direct matric converters (DMCs),
are single-stage converters that connect an m-phase voltage source to an n-phase
output load through an m n array of bidirectional switches. On the other hand, an
indirect matrix converter (IMC) requires separate stages for the voltage and current
conversion. In this chapter, the most popular MC topologies along with their
control and modulation strategies are presented. A brief discussion on the techno-
logical and practical issues facing MCs, and a comparative assessment of their
performance with the voltage back-to-back converters is given.

5.2 Direct matrix converter

5.2.1 Circuit topology

Figure 5.1 depicts the circuit topology of a three-phase to three-phase DMC. The
circuit consists of nine bidirectional switches which enable direct connection of a
three-phase input source to a three-phase load. The LC filter is employed to com-
pensate the input current harmonics, so that sinusoidal currents are drawn from the
source. Furthermore, the LC filter mitigates the overvoltages caused by the input
current commutation.

5.2.2 Modulation techniques

The modulation techniques can be categorized into scalar and pulse width
modulation (PWM) techniques. The PWM techniques in turn are divided into

*Louisiana State University, LA, USA.

148 Power electronic converters and systems

VsA Rf Lf iA

isA SAa SAb SAc

VsB Rf Lf iB

isB SBa SBb SBc

VsC Rf Lf VC iC

isC SCa SCb SCc

va vb vc

Cf Cf Cf
ia ib ic

ea eb ec

Figure 5.1 Three-phase direct matrix converter topology

carrier-based PWM and space vector modulation (SVM) methods. The detailed
description of the scalar and SVM techniques is presented in the following sub-
sections. Recently, predictive control technique has been applied to the MCs. This
technique is discussed, as well. Scalar technique

In this method, a desired set of three-phase output voltages are synthesized from the
three-phase input voltages by sequential piecewise sampling [1]
2 3 2 32 3
va tAa tBa tCa VA
4 v b 5 ¼ 4 tAb 5 4
tBb tCb VB 5 (5.1)
vc tCa tCb tCc VC

where v j ; j ¼ fa; b; cg is the average value of the output phase voltage, Ts is the
sampling period, and tij ; i 2 fA; B; C g; j 2 fa; b; cg is the time during which switch
Sij is on (see Figure 5.1). The following duty ratios can be defined assuming
Ts ¼ tAj þ tBj þ tCj
tAj tBj tCj
mAj ðtÞ ¼ ; mBj ðtÞ ¼ ; mCj ðtÞ ¼ (5.2)
Ts Ts Ts
Matrix converters 149

Therefore, (5.1) can be rewritten as

2 3 2 3 2 3
va mAa ðtÞ mBa ðtÞ mCa ðtÞ VA
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 v b 7 ¼ 6 mAb ðtÞ mBb ðtÞ mCb ðtÞ 7 6 VB 7 (5.3)
4 5 4 5 4 5
vc mCa ðtÞ mCb ðtÞ mCc ðtÞ VC
|fflffl{zfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflffl{zfflfflffl}
vout ðtÞ MðtÞ vin ðtÞ

where v out ðtÞ represents the average output voltage vector, vin ðtÞ is the input voltage
vector, and M ðtÞ is the transfer matrix.
Following the same procedure, the equation that describes the average input
current vector, i in ðtÞ, in terms of the transfer matrix and output current vector,
iout ðtÞ, can be derived as follows

i in ðtÞ ¼ M T ðtÞi out ðtÞ (5.4)

Here, M T ðtÞ is the transpose of the transfer matrix.
Consider the three-phase input voltages and the output currents as follows
2 3
cosðwin tÞ
6 7
6 2p 7
6 cos win t 7
vin ðtÞ ¼ Vin 6
6 3 77 (5.5)
6 7
4 4p 5
cos win t
2 3
cosðwout t þ fout Þ
6 7
6 2p 7
6 cos wout t þ fout 7
iout ðtÞ ¼ Iout 6
6 3 77 (5.6)
6 7
4 4p 5
cos wout t þ fout

where win and wout are the source and load frequencies, respectively, Vin and Iout are
the input voltage and output current amplitudes, respectively, and fout is the load
phase angle. The input currents can be written as
2 3
cosðwin t þ fin Þ
6 7
6 2p 7
6 cos win t þ fin 7
i in ðtÞ ¼ Iin 6
6 3 77 (5.7)
6 7
4 4p 5
cos win t þ fin

with Iin and fin denoting the input current amplitude and input displacement angle,
150 Power electronic converters and systems

Assume that the output voltages are described by the following equation
2 3
cosðwout tÞ
6 7
6 2p 7
6 cos wout t 7
vout ðtÞ ¼ qVin 6
6 3 77 (5.8)
6 7
4 4p 5
cos wout t
Here, q is the voltage gain of the MC.
Venturini proposed the transfer matrix that yields output voltages as (5.8) with
the following elements [1]

1 2vi v j
mij ðtÞ ¼ 1 þ 2 (5.9)
3 Vin
This solution is of little practical significance, since the voltage gain of the MC
cannot exceed 50%. This is because the reference output voltage to be synthesized
must remain within an envelope formed by the input voltages [2]. In order to
enlarge the area within the input voltage envelope, common-mode voltages are
added to the reference output voltages
2 3
1 1
cosðwout tÞ cosð3wout tÞ þ pffiffiffi cosð3win tÞ
6 6 2 3 7
6 7
6 7
6 2p 1 1 7
vout ðtÞ ¼ qVin 6 cos wout t cosð3wout tÞ þ pffiffiffi cosð3win tÞ 7
3 6 7
6 2 3 7
6 7
4 4p 1 1 5
cos wout t cosð3wout tÞ þ pffiffiffi cosð3win tÞ
3 6 2 3
The transfer matrix that yields output voltages as (5.10) is given as

1 2vi v j 4q
mij ðtÞ ¼ 1 þ 2 þ pffiffiffi sinðwin t þ bi Þsinð3win tÞ (5.11)
3 Vin 3 3

where bi ¼ 0; 2p 4p
; 3 for i ¼ fA; B; C g [1]. This method yields the maximum
voltage gain of 2 . Typicalwaveforms of the output voltage and current are shown
in Figure 5.2. pffiffi
Another scalar method proposed by Roy yields the same voltage gain of 23. In
this technique, the modulation duty ratios are expressed as follows [2]

1 2vi v j 2
mij ðtÞ ¼ 1 þ 2 þ sinðwin t þ bi Þsinð3win tÞ (5.12)
3 Vin 3
Comparing (5.11) and (5.12), it can be concluded that the only difference is
that the term q is used in Venturini method and is fixed at its maximum in Roy’s
Matrix converters 151

0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06



0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06

Figure 5.2 (a) Output phase voltage, (b) Output phase current of DMC with
Venturini’s method

method. The two methods result in the same output voltage quality except at low
switching frequencies where the Venturini method is superior [2]. Space vector modulation

The MC is typically supplied from a voltage source. Therefore, the input terminals
should not be short circuited. On the other hand, the output current should never be
interrupted as the load is mostly inductive. Based on these considerations, there are
27 switching states available, given in Table 5.1. The available switching states
produce three groups of output vectors, as follows:
Group I: Output voltage vectors with constant amplitude and rotating at the
input frequency. These vectors are generated by connecting each output
phase to a different input phase. Hence, there are six vectors in this group.
Group II: Output stationary vectors with variable amplitude. This group can be
classified into three subsets with each subset consisting of six vectors which
are generated by connecting two output phases to the same input phase.
Group III: Zero output vectors. This group consists of three vectors that are
generated by simultaneous connection of the three output phases to the same
input phase.
In the SVM, only the Groups II and III vectors are used. The SVM is based on
the indirect transfer function approach which emulates the back-to-back voltage
source rectification (VSR) and voltage source inversion (VSI), as shown in
Figure 5.3 [3]. Here, Vpn represents a fictitious dc-link voltage. In the following
subsections, VSR and VSI are reviewed, and the steps to combine those methods
for control of the MC are explained.
Table 5.1 Switching states of the DMC

No. a b c SAa SAb SAc SBa SBb SBc SCa SCb SCc vab vbc vca iA iB iC

Group III 1 A A A 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 B B B 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 C C C 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Group I 4 A C C 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 VCA 0 VCA ia 0 ia
5 B C C 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 VBC 0 VBC 0 ia ia
6 B A A 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 VAB 0 VAB ia ia 0
7 C A A 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 VCA 0 VCA ia 0 ia
8 C B B 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 VBC 0 VBC 0 ia ia
9 A B B 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 VAB 0 VAB ia ia 0
Group II 10 C A C 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 VCA VCA 0 ib 0 ib
11 C B C 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 VBC VBC 0 0 ib ib
12 A B A 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 VAB VAB 0 ib ib 0
13 A C A 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 VCA VCA 0 ib 0 ib
14 B C B 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 VBC VBC 0 0 ib ib
15 B A B 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 VAB VAB 0 ib ib 0
16 C C A 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 VCA VCA ic 0 ic
17 C C B 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 VBC VBC 0 ic ic
18 A A B 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 VAB VAB ic ic 0
19 A A C 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 VCA VCA ic 0 ic
20 B B C 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 VBC VBC 0 ic ic
21 B B A 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 VAB VAB ic ic 0
22 A B C 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 VAB VBC VCA ia ib ic
23 A C B 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 VCA VBC VAB ia ic ib
24 B A C 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 VAB VCA VBC ib ia ic
25 B C A 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 VBC VCA VAB ic ia ib
26 C A B 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 VCA VAB VBC ib ic ia
27 C B A 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 VBC VAB VCA ic ib ia
Matrix converters 153


A B C a b c

SpA SpB SpC Sap Sbp Scp


SnA SnB SnC San Sbn Scn

Figure 5.3 Emulation of VSR–VSI conversion

I2 (SpB, SnC)

I3 (SpB, SnA) 2 I1 (SpA, SnC)

3 0

I4 (SpC, SnA)
4 5 I6 (SpA, SnB)

I5 (SpC, SnB)

Figure 5.4 Diagram of input current space vectors Voltage source rectification

Based on the available switching states, there are six active and two zero current
vectors, as shown in Figure 5.4. Location of the reference vector within one of the
60 sectors defines the framing vectors Il and I d . For example, in Figure 5.4, the
current reference angle is in the first sector.
The reference current vector is synthesized from the adjacent vectors and a
zero vector. Denoting the local angle of the reference current by qR , the duty ratios
of the active, dl ; d d ; and zero, d0R ; vectors are calculated as
dl ¼ mc sin qR (5.13)
dd ¼ mc sinðqR Þ (5.14)
d0R ¼ 1 ðdl þ dd Þ (5.15)
where 0 mc 1 is the current modulation index [4].
154 Power electronic converters and systems Voltage source inversion

Similar to VSR, the reference voltage vector is synthesized from six active and two
zero voltage vectors, as shown in Figure 5.5. Location of the reference vector
within one of the 60 sectors defines the framing vectors V a and Vb . For example,
in Figure 5.5, the reference vector of output voltage is in the zero sector.
Denoting the local angle of the reference voltage by qi , the duty ratios of the
active, da , db , and zero, d0i , vectors are calculated as
da ¼ mv sin qi (5.16)
db ¼ mv sinðqi Þ (5.17)

d0i ¼ 1 da þ db (5.18)

where 0 mv 1 is the voltage modulation index [4]. Combined VSR and VSI

The time-averaged power outputs from the rectifying stage and the inversion stage
are equal. This allows combining the two modulation strategies. Assuming the
input displacement angle of zero, the combined duty ratios are given by
p p
dla ¼ dl da ¼ mc mv sin qR sin qi ¼ Tla =Ts (5.19)
3 3
dlb ¼ dl db ¼ mc mv sin qR sinðqi Þ ¼ Tlb =Ts (5.20)
dda ¼ dd da ¼ mc mv sinðqR Þsin qi ¼ Tda =Ts (5.21)
ddb ¼ dd db ¼ mc mv sinðqR Þsinðqi Þ ¼ Tdb =Ts (5.22)

d0 ¼ 1 dla þ dlb þ dda þ ddb ¼ T0 =Ts (5.23)

V3 (n, p, n) V2 (p, p, n)

2 0
V4 (n, p, p) V1 (p, n, n)
3 5

V5 (n, n, p) V6 (p, n, p)

Figure 5.5 Diagram of output voltage space vectors

Matrix converters 155

Final step is to determine the switching sequence within one switching period.
The selection of zero vectors in the sequence is important. Those zero vectors
which require switches to change state only once during a switching period are
normally selected. A commonly used sequence is dla dlb ddb dda d0 .
The relationship between the voltage modulation index and fundamental
component of the output voltage, V^ out , can be expressed as follows

V^ out
mv ¼ (5.24)
Neglecting the losses in the rectification stage, the input power to the MC, Pin ,
equals the fictitious dc-link power, Pdc
3^ ^
Pin ¼ Pdc ) V in I in cos fin ¼ Vpn Ip (5.25)
where V^ in and ^I in represent the fundamental input line voltage and current com-
ponents, respectively, and Ip is the dc-link current. The current modulation index
relates the fundamental input current to the dc-link current as follows
^I in
mc ¼ (5.26)
Using (5.25) and (5.26), it can be written
Vpn ¼ V in mc cos fin (5.27)
Substituting (5.27) into (5.24), the following equation can be derived to
express the relation between the input and the average output voltages of the MC
V^ out ¼ mv mc V^ in cos fin (5.28)
Assuming a unity input power factor, i.e. cos finp¼
ffiffiffi 1, the maximum voltage
ratio at maximum voltage and current modulation is 3=2 [4]. Figure 5.6 depicts
the typical output voltage and current waveforms. Predictive control technique

The main characteristics of predictive control are the use of a model of the system
for predicting the future behavior of the controlled variables. This information is
used by the controller to obtain the optimal actuation, here the switching states of
the converter, to minimize a cost function which describes the desired behavior of
the system [5]. The most desired objectives that must be achieved are control of the
input power factor and the load current.
The model of the MC for predictive current control considers (5.3) and (5.4),
which relate the input and output currents and voltages. However, the load and
input filter models should be derived, as well.
156 Power electronic converters and systems









0 0.05 0.1 0.15









0 0.05 0.1 0.15

Figure 5.6 (a) Output phase voltage, (b) Output phase current of DMC
with SVM

The load model gives the value of the load current in the next sampling time
for each of the 27 switching states of the MC. The equation for the R–L–E load in
Figure 5.1 is

di out ðtÞ
LL ¼ vout ðtÞ RL i out ðtÞ eðtÞ (5.29)
Matrix converters 157

Discretizing the above equation yields the value of the load current in the next
sampling time, i out ðk þ 1Þ, as follows

p RL Tsam Tsam
i out ðk þ 1Þ ¼ 1 i out ðk Þ þ ðvout ðk Þ ^e ðk ÞÞ (5.30)
where Tsam represents the sampling time.
The filter model can be described by the following equation in the matrix form
(see Figure 5.1)
" # " #" # " #" #
v:in ðtÞ 0 1=Cf vin ðtÞ 0 1=Cf vs ðtÞ
¼ þ (5.31)
i :s ðtÞ 1=Lf Rf =Lf is ðtÞ 1=Lf 0 i in ðtÞ
|fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl}
xðtÞ A xðtÞ B uðtÞ

vs ðtÞ ¼ VsA þ ej120 VsB þ ej240 VsC (5.32)
i s ðt Þ ¼ isA þ ej120 isB þ ej240 isC (5.33)
For the MC predictive control, the value of the source current in the next
sampling time, i s ðk þ 1Þ, is required, which can be calculated as follows
is ðk þ 1Þ ¼ Bd ð2; 1Þvs ðk Þ þ Ad ð2; 1Þvin ðk Þ þ Ad ð2; 2Þi s ðk Þ þ Bd ð2; 2Þiin ðk Þ
n o
Ad ¼ eATsam ¼ L1 ðsI AÞ1 jt¼Tsam (5.35)
ð Tsam
Bd ¼ eAðTsam tÞ Bdt ¼ A1 ðA I ÞB (5.36)

with I represents the identity matrix.

The most commonly used cost function, g, improves the input power factor by
minimizing the instantaneous reactive power, and controls the load current to fol-
low the reference with acceptable accuracy

g ¼ iouta ðk þ 1Þ ipouta ðk þ 1Þ þ jioutb ðk þ 1Þ ipoutb ðk þ 1Þj

þ C jQ Qp ðk þ 1Þj (5.37)

Here, iouta
and ioutb
are the a b components of the reference load current, ipouta
and ioutb are the a b components of the predicted load current calculated by (5.30),
and C is the weighting factor. The values of the instantaneous reactive power along with
the predicted reactive power, Qp ðk þ 1Þ, can be calculated by the following equations

Q ¼ vsb isa vsa isb (5.38)
158 Power electronic converters and systems

Qp ðk þ 1Þ ¼ vsb ðk þ 1Þisa ðk þ 1Þ vsa ðk þ 1Þisb ðk þ 1Þ (5.39)

Subscripts a and b represent the a b components of the corresponding vectors

The weighting factor, C, is the only parameter that should be adjusted in
the predictive control. However, there is no analytical method to determine
the weighting factor for a system with certain operational constraints and
specific structures of the cost function. Figure 5.7 depicts the block diagram of
the predictive current control strategy with minimization of the input reactive
Figure 5.8 illustrates the behavior of the model predictive control scheme for
the DMC when the cost function has a value of C ¼ 0 for the weighting factor. The
output current is sinusoidal. However, the input current is highly distorted. In order
to improve the quality of the input current as well as the input power factor, the
weighting factor is increased in Figure 5.9.




vin vs is iin vin

Reactive power
Cf iin

Q p (k + 1)
SAa,…, SCc
i*out Cost function
Q* minimization

p (k + 1)
Output current iout

iout vout Three-


Figure 5.7 Block diagram of the predictive current and reactive power control
Matrix converters 159




0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12




0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1




0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

Figure 5.8 Model predictive control of DMC without reactive power control.
(a) Input phase current, (b) Output phase voltage, (c) Output phase
current, (d) Input reactive power

5.3 Indirect matrix converter

The IMC, shown in Figure 5.10, is the physical implementation of the VSR and
VSI idea which is used to control the DMC. In this type of MC, a conventional
voltage-source-type inverter is supplied from a current-source-type rectifier, which
160 Power electronic converters and systems

0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12




0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1




0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

Figure 5.9 Model predictive control of DMC with reactive power control.
(a) Input phase current, (b) Output phase voltage, (c) Output phase
current, (d) Input reactive power

is able to operate with positive and negative dc currents, and provides bipolar
dc-link voltage [6]. Similar to the DMC, the IMC employs 18 unipolar switches and
18 diodes. Sparse and ultra-sparse matrix converters (USMCs) are two types of
IMCs with reduced number of switching devices. In the following subsections, the
circuit topology and modulation techniques of these converters are explained.
Matrix converters 161

A a
B b
C c

Figure 5.10 Circuit topology of the indirect matrix converter

p p






n n
(a) (b)

Figure 5.11 Structure of a bride leg of the input rectifier stage, (a) IMC and (b) SMC

5.3.1 Circuit topology

The sparse matrix converter (SMC) is derived from the fact that the voltage-source-
type inverter does not require a bipolar dc-link voltage to operate. Figure 5.11(a)
depicts one leg of the IMC. Assuming that SAp and SpA are conducting, it is obvious
162 Power electronic converters and systems

A a
B b
C c

Figure 5.12 Circuit topology of the ultra-sparse matrix converter

that for a positive dc-link polarity, Vpn > 0, SAn is blocking voltage, while for a
negative dc link, SnA is blocking voltage. By restricting the operation to Vpn > 0,
blocking of SnA within the conduction interval of SAp is not necessary. Therefore,
the two transistors can be combined to form a single transistor which connects
a to p or a to n, as shown in Figure 5.11(b). The resulting leg topology provides
bidirectional current flow for Vpn > 0. Therefore, the functionality of the SMC is
realized by employing 15 switches and 18 diodes. It should be mentioned that
despite the reduction in number of switches, the controllability and the operating
range of the SMC are not restricted compared to the DMC [6,7].
Further reduction in the number of switches can be achieved by omitting Spi
and Sin switches in the rectifier stage. However, the operating

range of the resulting
topology is restricted to unidirectional power flow Vpn > 0; i > 0 . Furthermore,
the controllability of the phase displacement of input voltage and input current
fundamental is limited to p=6. The same restriction exists for the phase dis-
placement of load current and load voltage fundamental. This topology, shown in
Figure 5.12, consists of nine switches and 18 diodes and is known as USMC [6,7].
Due to significant reduction in the number of switches, this converter is of high
practical interest.

5.3.2 Modulation techniques Space vector modulation
The modulation concept explained in this section is applicable to both SMC and
USMC. The rectifier stage should provide a maximum voltage for the inverter stage
in order to achieve a maximum voltage gain. Therefore, in every p=3-wide interval,
a phase voltage with the highest absolute value is clamped to the positive or
negative dc-link bus. Consequently, the required operating condition Vpn > 0 of the
SMC and USMC is inherently satisfied. The following discussions are limited to
Matrix converters 163

the 0 < win t < p=6 interval where phase a remains clamped to the positive dc bus
p assuming the following input voltages
VA ¼ Vin cosðwin tÞ

VB ¼ Vin cos win t
3 (5.40)

VC ¼ Vin cos win t
It is also assumed that the average value of the dc-link current, I, remains
constant in each rectifier switching state. In this interval, the dc-link voltage, Vpn, is
formed by segments of the input line-to-line voltages VAB and VAC. Therefore, the
output voltage formed by the inverter shows two different levels within each pulse
half period. In order to simplify the modulation scheme, the switching of the rec-
tifier stage should occur during the freewheeling interval of the inverter and the
output voltage zero vector should be generated by operating only the inverter stage
with freewheeling intervals. At the rectifier input stage during 0 < win t < p=6
interval, this can be achieved by
dab þ dac ¼ 1 (5.41)
where dab and dac are the relative on-time of the switching states that will result in a
dc-link voltage of VAB and VAC, respectively. The average input phase currents in
this interval are given as follows

i a ¼ ðdab þ dac ÞI; i b ¼ dab I; i c ¼ dac I (5.42)

In order to achieve unity input power factor, the average value of an input
phase current during a pulse period must be proportional to the average value of the
corresponding input phase voltage
ib vb ic vc
dab ¼ ¼ ; dac ¼ ¼ (5.43)
ia va ia va
Equation (5.43) is derived assuming that v a þ v b þ v c ¼ 0.
At the inverter output, a voltage space vector vout of given amplitude vout and
phase fout ¼ wout t has to be formed over half a pulse period, Tp =2. The following
discussions are limited to the 0 < fout < p=6 interval. In this interval, the output
voltage is synthesized by active voltage space vectors (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) and zero
voltage space vectors (1 1 1) or (0 0 0). In the time intervals Tac ¼ dac Tp =2 and
Tab ¼ dab Tp =2, the dc-link voltage is VAC and VAB , respectively. For calculating the
on-times of the active switching states, the local average value of the dc-link vol-
tage can be employed. The following equations express the on-times of the output
voltage space vectors in the 0 < fout < p=6 interval
2 V p
T100ðacÞ ¼ pffiffiffi Tp out 2
Vc cos fout þ (5.44)
3 3 Vin 6
164 Power electronic converters and systems

2 V p

T100ðabÞ ¼ pffiffiffi Tp out V b cos f out þ (5.45)
3 3 Vin2 6

2 V
T110ðacÞ ¼ pffiffiffi Tp out Vc sin fout (5.46)
3 3 Vin2

2 V
T110ðabÞ ¼ pffiffiffi Tp out Vb sin fout (5.47)
3 3 Vin2

The voltage transfer ratio of the SMC and UMC is given by

V 3
M ¼ out (5.48)
Vin 2
The maximum voltage transfer ratio is only available for unity input power
factor, i.e. cos fin ¼ 1 [6]. Figure 5.13 [6] depicts the formation of the dc-link
voltage and dc-link current along with the switching states of the rectifier and
inverter stages for 0 < win t < p=6 and 0 < wout t < p=6. In this figure, Sa ; S b ; and
Sc are the switching states of the upper switches in each leg of the output inverter
stage. Figure 5.14 shows the typical output voltage and current waveforms of
an USMC. Predictive control

The predictive control of SMC and USMC is conceptually very similar to that of
the DMC. However, in addition to minimizing the line side current error and
reactive power, the dc-link voltage of the SMC and USMC must be maintained
positive for proper operation. Therefore, the cost function should be modified as

g ¼ Qkþ1 þ C:Di1kþ1 þ hkþ1 (5.49)


Di1kþ1 ¼ iouta ðk þ 1Þ ipouta ðk þ 1Þ þ ioutb ðk þ 1Þ ipoutb ðk þ 1Þ

Qkþ1 ¼ jQ Qp ðk þ 1Þj

0; Vpnp
ðk þ 1Þ > 0
N ; Vpn ðk þ 1Þ < 0

Here, N is the maximum positive number that can be generated by the arithmetic
unit of the controller [8].
The weighting factor C can be adjusted empirically such that the output current
has no noticeable deviations from the reference and in the meantime, the input
currents are not highly distorted.
Matrix converters 165


ia ia ia
–ic –ic –ic –ic
















Tac Tab Tab Tac


Figure 5.13 Top to bottom: dc-link voltage, dc-link current, switching states of
the rectifier stage, and switching states of the inverter stage

5.4 Technological issues of MCs

The MC topology is based on the bidirectional semiconductor switches to both
conduct current in each direction and block voltage in both directions. However, such
a device is currently not commercially available. Therefore, insulated gate bipolar
transistor (IGBT) devices and diodes are mostly used to create the power circuit. The
reverse blocking IGBT has been reportedly used in the MC topology since anti-
parallel diodes can be eliminated from the converter. Other arrangements include the
diode bridge arrangement which uses only one active device, and the common
emitter and common collector arrangements which use two active devices and two
diodes, as shown in Figure 5.15 [9].
166 Power electronic converters and systems










0.035 0.05 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08








0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08

Figure 5.14 (a) Output phase voltage, (b) Output phase Current of USMC
with SVM

Similar to any converter, a simple LC filter is often used at the input of the MC
in order to reduce the switching harmonics of the input current. However, the LC
circuit creates overvoltages during the transient operation, especially the power-up
procedure of the MC. Some passive solutions such as connecting damping resistors
in parallel with the input inductors have been proposed to reduce overvoltages.
Overvoltages can also occur due to an open circuit of the load as there are no
freewheeling paths within the MC circuit for the inductive load [9]. Several
Matrix converters 167

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 5.15 Possible bidirectional switch arrangements. (a) Common emitter,

(b) common collector, (c) diode bridge, and (d) reverse blocking

schemes, such as passive and active clamp circuits, have been proposed and suc-
cessfully applied to protect the MCs against these overvoltages.

5.5 MC versus voltage back-to-back converter

Within a certain switching frequency range, the DMC and IMC enable higher
maximum power density and maximum power-to-mass ratio at a higher efficiency
compared to the voltage back-to-back converter. The back-to-back converter
requires a significantly smaller semiconductor chip area compared to the DMC and
IMC for switching frequencies below a specific switching frequency, whereas
above that frequency, the back-to-back converter requires the largest chip area,
followed by the DMC and IMC.
Alas, those advantages are outweighed by the low-voltage transfer ratio, con-
strained input reactive power compensation, dependency of control of the input
currents on the output currents, and restriction on single-phase operation of MCs.
Consequently, the MC is not suitable for applications where a bidirectional, low-
voltage, and low-power ac–ac converter system is required. The voltage back-to-
back converter clearly is the preferred choice for such requirements [10].

5.6 Summary
Due to intensive research on MCs during the past two decades, these converters are
finding wide variety of applications in the power converter industry, as to date, two
drive manufacturers, i.e. Yaskawa and Fuji Electric Systems, offer MC products.
Features such as lack of large and fragile dc-link components make these con-
verters suitable for deep-sea remotely operated vehicle applications where extreme
undersea pressure is present. Furthermore, due to the higher power density and the
elevated temperature capability, MCs are employed in the aircraft industry. The
direct and indirect matrix converters have also been applied to doubly fed induction
generator based wind energy systems with the advantage of controlling a high-
power generator with a relatively low power, four-quadrant power converter. MCs
168 Power electronic converters and systems

are finding applications in the power supply generation area, as well, where a fixed
voltage and frequency power supplies are implemented from variable frequency
diesel generators.

[1] P. W. Wheeler, J. Rodriguez, J. C. Clare, L. Empringham, and A. Weinstein,
‘‘Matrix converters: a technology review,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,
vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 276–287, Apr. 2002.
[2] J. Rodriguez, M. Rivera, J. W. Kolar, and P. W. Wheeler, ‘‘A review of
control and modulation methods for matrix converters,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind.
Electron., vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 58–70, Jan. 2012.
[3] L. Huber, and D. Borojevic, ‘‘Space vector modulated three-phase to three-
phase matrix converter with input power factor correction,’’ IEEE Trans.
Ind. Appl., vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1234–1246, Nov./Dec. 1995.
[4] E. Karaman, M. Farasat, and A. M. Trzynadlowski, ‘‘A comparative study of
series and cascaded Z-source matrix converters,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec-
tron., vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 5164–5173, Oct. 2014.
[5] J. Rodriguez, and P. Cortes, ‘‘Predictive Control of Power Converters and
Electric Drives,’’ John Wiley, Chichester, 2012.
[6] J. W. Kolar, F. Schafmeister, S. D. Round, and H. Ertl, ‘‘Novel three-phase
AC–AC sparse matrix converters,’’ IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22,
no. 5, pp. 1649–1661, Sep. 2007.
[7] J. W. Kolar, T. Friedli, J. Rodriguez, and P. W. Wheeler, ‘‘Review of three-
phase PWM AC–AC converter topologies,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.,
vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 4988–5006, Nov. 2011.
[8] P. Correa, J. Rodriguez, M. Rivera, J. R. Espinoza, and J. W. Kolar,
‘‘Predictive control of an indirect matrix converter,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind.
Electron., vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 1847–1853, Jun. 2009.
[9] L. Empringham, J. W. Kolar, J. Rodriguez, P. W. Wheeler, and J. C. Clare,
‘‘Technological issues and industrial application of matrix converters: a
review,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 4260–4271, Oct.
[10] T. Friedli, J. W. Kolar, J. Rodriguez, and P. W. Wheeler, ‘‘Comparative
evaluation of three-phase AC–AC matrix converter and voltage DC-link
back-to-back converter systems,’’ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59,
no. 12, pp. 4487–4510, Dec. 2012.
Chapter 6
Soft-switching converters
Mahshid Amirabadi*

Switch-mode power converters are used in a wide variety of applications. In most

applications, it is desirable to design high-frequency switching power converters to
increase their power density. However, the switching losses are increased by increasing
the frequency. Moreover, large dv/dt and di/dt produce electromagnetic interference.
To minimize the problems associated with the high-switching frequencies of
power converters, several soft-switching techniques have been developed. In this
chapter, these techniques will be reviewed.

6.1 Resonant converters

As mentioned earlier, power density of the converters is limited by their switching
losses. Resonant converters were among the early solutions that were proposed for
addressing this limitation. In resonant converters, as shown in Figure 6.1, a resonant
tank network interfaces two switch networks. In case of a dc–dc converter, the switch
networks are an inverter and a rectifier. In this converter, switches can benefit from
zero-current turn-off or zero-voltage turn-on; therefore, switching losses are mini-
mized, and the switching frequency may be increased to very high values. The
resonant tank network may be formed by two or more resonating elements. In
Section 6.1.1, the performance and specifications of the second-order resonant con-
verters, in which the resonant tank network is formed by an inductor and a capacitor,
will be studied. Section 6.1.2 studies resonant converters that use three or more
resonating elements.

6.1.1 Second-order resonant converters

Resonant tank network in a second-order resonant converter is formed by a reso-
nating inductor–capacitor pair. Figure 6.2 shows possible combinations for a
resonant tank network that contain only one inductor and one capacitor [1]. Similar
to other types of converters, resonant converters obey the following rules:
● Current sources, including inductors, cannot be placed in series.
● Voltage sources, including capacitors, cannot be placed in parallel.

*Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA

170 Power electronic converters and systems

Switch Switch
Source Tank Load
Network Network

Figure 6.1 Resonant converters

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)



Figure 6.2 Resonant tank networks with two resonating elements (adapted
from [1])

These two rules should be taken into consideration when developing resonant
Among all the combinations that are illustrated in Figure 6.2, resonant tank
networks shown in Figure 6.2(a) and (b) have attracted more attention. These
resonant tanks, which are called series resonant tank and parallel load resonant
tank, form the traditional series resonant converters (SRCs) and parallel resonant
converters (PRCs).
The series resonant tank network can only interface a voltage source and a
voltage sink; thus it can be implemented by a voltage source inverter and a current
source rectifier. Similarly, the parallel resonant network interfaces a voltage source
inverter and voltage source rectifier. Figure 6.3 illustrates the SRC and PRC using a
full-bridge inverter and a diode rectifier. Dc–dc SRCs

To study the performance of the SRC, its equivalent circuit, as depicted in
Figure 6.4, will be used [2]. The output of the full-bridge inverter is a square-wave
voltage. To be able to use sinusoidal analysis, fundamental component of this
voltage is considered. The rectifier is assumed to be ideal; hence, the load voltage,
Vo, and the load current, Io, are pure dc. Since the rectifier is connected to a voltage
Soft-switching converters 171


Vin Vo Ro


Vin C Ro


Figure 6.3 Dc–dc series and parallel resonant converters. (a) Series resonant
converter (SRC) and (b) parallel resonant converter (PRC)

Vac,i(t) Vac,o(t) Rac,o

Figure 6.4 Equivalent circuit used for analyzing the SRC

sink with pure dc voltage, the voltage seen at the input of the rectifier is a square
wave. The amplitude of the fundamental component of this voltage is:
Vac,o,peak ¼ Vo (6.1)
The current seen at the output of the rectifier is the rectified sinusoidal current
passing through the resonant circuit formed by the series inductor L and Capacitor C.
The average of the rectified current is equal to the load current (Io). Therefore, the
amplitude of the sinusoidal current is as follows:
Iac,o,peak ¼ Io (6.2)
The equivalent load resistance, Rac,o, can be determined as follows [2]:
Vac,o,rms 8 Vo 8
Rac,o ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ 2 Ro (6.3)
Iac,o,rms p Io p
172 Power electronic converters and systems

Using the sinusoidal analysis, voltage gain ratio of this converter is equal to:
Vac,o Rac,o Rac,o Cws 1
¼ ¼ ¼
Vac,i Rac,o þ jðXL XC Þ Rac,o Cws þ j LC ðws Þ2 1 ððws Þ2 ðwo Þ2 ÞL
1 þ j Rac,o Cws
where ws and wo are the switching and the resonant angular frequencies, and:
wo 1
fo ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6.5)
2p 2p LC
fs ¼ (6.6)
By defining Q as:
wo L
Q¼ (6.7)
We can simplify (6.4) as follows:
Vo Vac,o 1
¼ ¼ h i (6.8)
Vin Vac,i 1 þ j p2 Q ws wo
8 wo ws

Vo Vac,o,rms 1
¼ ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
in ac,i,rms
h i2ffi (6.9)
p2 ws wo
1 þ 8 Q wo ws

Figure 6.5 depicts the voltage gain ratio versus the normalized frequency for
different values of Q. This figure shows that the SRC can only step down the
voltage. At any specific load, we may regulate the voltage by changing the



0.8 Q=2
0.6 Q=4
Q = 0.001


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Figure 6.5 Voltage gain versus normalized frequency ( fs/fo )

Soft-switching converters 173

switching frequency. However, as seen in Figure 6.5, at light loads, voltage gain is
almost fixed. Therefore, one of the major drawbacks of the SRC is its poor voltage
regulation at light loads or no-load condition.
The current in the resonant tank of a SRC is equal to:
Vac,o 1 Rac,
Iac,o ¼ ¼ ¼ (6.10)
Rac Rac þ jðXL XC Þ ððws Þ2 ðwo Þ2 ÞL
1 þ j Rac,o Cws

According to (6.10), the phase shift between Iac,o and Vac,i is as follows:
0 1
ðw s Þ2 ð w o Þ2 L
q ¼ tan1 @ A (6.11)
Rac Cws

This implies that depending on ws and wo, the current passing a switch may be
leading or lagging the voltage across that switch. Figure 6.6 depicts the current
and voltage of a switch at above resonance and below resonance frequencies of
operation. As seen in these figures, operating below the resonating frequency
results in zero-current turn-off; whereas, operating above the resonating frequency
allows the switches to benefit from zero-voltage turn-on.
The peak of the sinusoidal current passing the resonant tank, which is equal to
the maximum switch current, may be calculated as follows:
p2 p
Vac,i,peak Vin
8Ro 2Ro
Iac,o,peak ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi ¼ s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi (6.12)
p4 2 ws wo 2 p4 2 ws wo 2
1þ Q 1þ Q
64 wo ws 64 wo ws
It can be seen that the current passing the switches is proportional to the load.
Therefore, the conduction losses will be lower at light loads, and the efficiency is
high at these loads.
Important features of the SRCs may be summarized as follows:
● The SRC is a step-down converter.
● At light loads, voltage regulation is very poor.
● Operating below the resonating frequency results in zero-current turn-off of the
switches; whereas, operating above the resonating frequencies allows the
switches to benefit from zero-voltage turn-on.
● At light loads, the efficiency of the converter is high. Dc–dc PRCs

Similar to a SRC, the equivalent circuit of a PRC is developed as shown in
Figure 6.7 [2]. The input side of the equivalent circuit is similar to that of the SRC;
however, the load side is a current sink; therefore, the equivalent resistance is not
the same as that of the SRC. Assuming the rectifier is ideal, the load current, Io, and
load voltage, Vo, are pure dc. Therefore, the current seen at the input of the rectifier
174 Power electronic converters and systems






Figure 6.6 Current and voltage of a switch in SRC. (a) fs < fo and (b) fs > fo


Vac,i(t) C Vac,o(t) Rac,o

Figure 6.7 Equivalent circuit of a PRC

is a square wave that varies between Io and Io, and the peak of the fundamental
component of this current is equal to:
Iac,o,peak ¼ Io (6.13)
Soft-switching converters 175

The average of the rectified voltage is equal to Vo; thus, the peak of the sinu-
soidal voltage seen at the input of the rectifier is as follows:
Vac,o,peak ¼ Vo (6.14)
The equivalent load resistance in the PRC can be calculated as follows:
Vac,o,rms 8 Vo p2
Rac,o ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ Ro (6.15)
Iac,o,rms p Io 8
Using the sinusoidal analysis, the voltage gain in this converter can be derived
as follows:
Vac,o 1
¼ 2 (6.16)
Vac,i ws 8 ws 1
1 wo þj
p2 wo Q

¼ 8 Vac,o,peak ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Vin p2 Vac,i,peak 2 2 2
64 1 wo þ wwos Q1

where ws and wo are the switching and the resonant angular frequencies, and:
wo 1
fo ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6.18)
2p 2p LC
fs ¼ (6.19)
Q¼ (6.20)
wo Lo
Figure 6.8 depicts the voltage gain of the PRC versus the normalized frequency
for different values of Q. Unlike SRC, the PRC is capable of stepping up the
voltage. If Q is more than 2, maximum voltage gain occurs at resonant frequency.
When the converter operates at frequencies below this frequency, switches will be
turned on at zero voltage; whereas, when they operate at frequencies above this
point, they will be turned off at zero current.
The peak value of the inductor current, which is equal to the maximum
current passing through the conducting switches of the inverter, can be calculated
as follows:
u 2 !
4 Vin u t 1 þ p Q ws
4 2

p Ro 64 wo
IL,o,peak ¼ vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6.21)
u " 2 #2 2
up4 w w 1
t 1
64 wo wo Q
176 Power electronic converters and systems


4 Q=2


2 Q=5

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 6.8 Voltage gain of a PRC versus normalized frequency

By increasing Q, the maximum current of the switches becomes equal to a fixed

non-zero value:
4 Vin ws
IL,o,peak ¼ (6.22)
p L ðwo Þ2 ðws Þ2

This implies that in this converter, the current passing the switches, and conse-
quently the conduction losses are noticeable at light-load or no-load condition.
Important features of the PRCs may be summarized as follows:
● The PRC can step up the voltage.
● Voltage can be regulated at light loads.
● Operating above the resonating frequency results in zero-current turn-off of the
switches; whereas, operating below the resonating frequency allows the
switches to benefit from zero-voltage turn-on.
● At light loads, the efficiency of the converter is low. Poly-phase series resonant ac-link converters

Resonant converters shown in Figure 6.3 convert dc voltage to dc. By extending the
principles of the operation of these converters, dc–ac, ac–dc, or multi-phase reso-
nant converters may be developed.
In [3], a SRC with bipolar output voltage was introduced and the principles of
the operation of the dc-to-single-phase ac SRC was studied. Dc-to-poly-phase ac
SRC was investigated in [4]. Poly-phase ac–ac SRCs were proposed and studied in
[5–7]. Figure 6.9 depicts a three-phase ac–ac SRC, in which the switches benefit
from zero-current turn-off. Therefore, thyristors can be used in this converter. In a
three-phase ac–ac SRC, two of the three input phases, and two of the output phases
will be connected to the resonating circuit at each moment. Therefore, the
Soft-switching converters 177

Or Or

Figure 6.9 Three-phase ac–ac series ac-link resonant converter

Lo Co I_Link


Figure 6.10 Three-phase ac–ac series dc-link resonant converter

performance of the circuit will be similar to that of the dc–dc converter. In this
converter, bidirectional-conducting bidirectional-blocking switches are required. Poly-phase series resonant dc-link converters

One of the limitations of the series ac-link resonant converters was the large
number of switches. As seen in Figure 6.9, for a three-phase ac–ac series ac-link
converter, 24 active switches are required. To address this problem, a modified
configuration, called series resonant dc-link converter, was proposed in [8,9]. This
configuration is depicted in Figure 6.10. As shown in this figure, another inductor is
added to the link such that the current of the link is sinusoidal with a dc offset. This
inductor (Ld) that controls the dc bias of the link inductor is much larger than Lo;
therefore, it will not be involved in the resonance. Since the link current is always
positive in this converter, only 12 active switches are required. Poly-phase parallel resonant ac-link converters

Another type of three-phase ac–ac resonant link converter was proposed in [10,11].
This converter uses the resonant tank network shown in Figure 6.3(c), which is a
parallel LC pair. Therefore, this converter is called parallel resonant ac-link con-
verter. This converter is dual of the series resonant ac-link converter, and interfaces
current sources and current sinks, as shown in Figure 6.11.
178 Power electronic converters and systems


Figure 6.11 Three-phase ac–ac parallel ac-link resonant converter

Co Lo


Figure 6.12 Three-phase ac–ac parallel dc-link resonant converter Poly-phase parallel resonant dc-link converters

Similar to the series resonant ac-link converter, the parallel resonant ac-link con-
verter requires bidirectional-blocking bidirectional-conducting switches. Therefore,
24 active switches are required for a three-phase ac–ac converter. To reduce
the number of switches to 12, the parallel resonant dc-link converter, shown in
Figure 6.12, was proposed in [12]. In this converter, another capacitor, Cd in
Figure 6.12, is added to the link to add a dc bias to the link voltage. This capacitor
is not involved in resonance. The link voltage will be positive in this converter.

6.1.2 Resonant converters with three or more resonating elements

Both SRC and PRC have limitations that can affect the overall performance of the
system. To overcome these shortcomings, hybrid resonant converters, in which the
resonant tank is formed by three or more resonating elements, were proposed.
There are numerous combinations for forming a resonant tank network with
three elements. A number of these combinations are shown in Figure 6.13. Among
these combinations, the LCC resonant tank that is formed by an inductor (L) and
two capacitors (C) as shown in Figure 6.13(a), is the most common solution.
Figure 6.14 depicts the LCC resonant converter. To analyze this converter, its
equivalent circuit, shown in Figure 6.15, is used. The output side of this converter is
similar to that of the PRC; therefore, the equivalent resistance is equal to:
Vac,o,rms 8 Vo 8
Rac,o ¼ ¼ 2 ¼ 2 Ro (6.23)
Iac,o,rms p Io p
Soft-switching converters 179

(a) (b) (c)

(e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 6.13 Examples of the third-order resonant tank network


L Cs
Vin + Vo
– Cp Ro

Figure 6.14 LCC resonant converter

L Cs

Vac,i(t) Cp Vac,o(t) Rac,o

Figure 6.15 Equivalent circuit of the LCC resonant converter

180 Power electronic converters and systems

Using the sinusoidal analysis, it can be shown that the voltage gain of this converter
is as follows:
Vac,o 1
¼h i h i (6.24)
Vac,i 1 þ Cs LCp ðws Þ þ j Qp8 wwo1s wwo1s
C p 2 2

Vo 1
¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
h i2 h i2ffi (6.25)
1 þ
LC ð w Þ 2
þ Q 2 ws wo1
64 Cs P s wo1 ws

wo1 1
fo1 ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6.26)
2p 2p LCs
wo2 1
fo2 ¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6.27)
2p 2p LCs Cp
Cp þCs

fs ¼ (6.28)
wo L
Q¼ (6.29)
Voltage gain of the LCC resonant converter versus normalized frequency is
depicted in Figure 6.16. In this figure, it is assumed that Cs and Cp are equal. The
maximum gain of the LCC resonant converter can occur at fo1 or fo2.
For frequencies above fo2, switches benefit from zero voltage switching (ZVS);
whereas, for frequencies below fo1, the switches have zero current switching (ZCS).


1.6 Q=1

1.4 Q=2

1.2 Q=3

1 Q=4

0.8 Q=5




0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9

Figure 6.16 Voltage gain of an LCC resonant converter

Soft-switching converters 181

For frequencies between fo1 and fo2, the load value determines whether the switches
will benefit from ZVS or ZCS [13].
The LCC resonant converter has superior performance compared to SRC or
PRC. It can both step up and step down the voltage. Moreover, at light loads, its
voltage can be regulated and its efficiency is high.

6.2 Quasi-resonant converters

Another category of the converters that are capable of operating at high frequencies
and benefit from the soft switching are quasi-resonant converters (QRCs). In these
converters, each switch is substituted by a ‘‘resonant switch’’ that includes a switch,
an inductor, and a capacitor. QRCs are classified as follows:
● Zero Current Switching Quasi-Resonant Converters (ZCS-QRCs)
● Zero Voltage Switching Quasi-Resonant Converters (ZVS-QRCs)
Each of these converters can be half-wave or full-wave. To benefit from ZCS, the
inductor should be placed in series with the switch. The possible resonant switch
arrangements for half-wave and full-wave configurations are shown in Figures 6.17
and 6.18, respectively. As seen in these figures, bidirectional-conducting switch
needs to be used for full-wave configuration. Figures 6.19 and 6.20 show possible
resonant switch configurations in order for the switches to benefit from ZVS
[14,15]. Full-wave configuration in ZVS-QRCs requires bidirectional-blocking

Lr Lr


(a) (b)

Figure 6.17 Resonant switch for half-wave ZCS-QRC

Lr Lr



Figure 6.18 Resonant switch for full-wave ZCS-QRC

182 Power electronic converters and systems

A wide variety of soft-switching power converters can be developed by using

the resonant switches in the Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) converters [14].
In a ZCS-QRC, when the switch is on, an LC resonant circuit is formed;
therefore, Lr, Cr, switch, and possibly a voltage source will be in series. In a ZVS-
QRC, during the time that the freewheeling diode conducts the LC resonant circuit
will be resonating; therefore, the diode, Lr, Cr, and possibly a voltage source will be
in series. Figure 6.21 shows the equivalent circuit of a ZCS-QRC and a ZVS-QRC
when voltage sources are shorted and current sources are open circuit.
In this section, performance of the quasi-resonant buck–boost converters will
be studied.

Lr Lr


(a) (b)

Figure 6.19 Resonant switch for half-wave ZVS-QRC



(a) (b)

Figure 6.20 Resonant switch for full-wave ZVS-QRC

Lr Lr

Cr Cr

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.21 (a) PWM switch network, (b) ZCS-QRC circuit when voltage sources
are shorted and current sources are open circuit, (c) ZVS-QRC
circuit when voltage sources are shorted and current sources are
open circuit
Soft-switching converters 183

6.2.1 Example 1 – half-wave ZCS-QRC

Figure 6.22 depicts the schematic of a half-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC. Lr and Cr
are the resonating components, and Ld is the energy storage component that
transfers power from input to the output. The resonance inductance, Lr, should be
much smaller than the link inductance, Ld.
There are four modes of operation in each switching cycle of this converter.
Figure 6.23 shows the behavior of the converter in each mode, along with the
current and voltage waveforms. Mode 1 is initiated when the switch is turned on.
Before this mode, the diode was conducting and the voltage across Cr was equal to
‘‘Vo’’. In a conventional buck–boost converter, once the switch is turned on, the
diode stops conducting and the current of the switch becomes equal to the link
inductor current (ILd). However, in this converter Lr does not allow the current of
the switch have a sharp change. Thus, during mode 1, both the diode and switch
will be conducting. The current of Lr increases linearly during this mode:
dðiLr ðtÞÞ iLr ðtÞ
Vin þ Vo ¼ Lr ¼ Lr (6.30)
dt t
This mode continues until the current of the switch becomes equal to ILd. At this
moment, the diode stops conducting. Duration of this mode, t1, may be calculated
as follows:
t1 ¼ Lr (6.31)
Vin þ Vo
During mode 2, Cr and Lr resonate until the current of Lr, which is equal to the
switch current, becomes zero. The following equations describe the behavior of the
circuit during this mode:
Vcr ðtÞ ¼ ðVin þ Vo Þcos wo t þ Vin (6.32)
iLr ðtÞ ¼ ðVin þ Vo Þwo Cr sin wo t þ ILd (6.33)
wo ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (6.34)
Lr Cr


Vin +

Cr Ld Ro Vo

Figure 6.22 Half-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC

184 Power electronic converters and systems








1 2 3 4
Lr D Lr
– –
Vin – Vin +

Ld RoVo Vo
Co Cr Ld Co Ro
+ +
(b) (c)

– –
+ Vin +

Vin– V
Ld RoVo Cr Ld Ro o
Cr Co Co
+ +
(d) (e)

Figure 6.23 Modes of operation in half-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC.

(a) Waveforms, (b) mode 1, (c) mode 2, (d) mode 3, and (e) mode 4

In the above equations, Vcr(t) and iLr(t) are the voltage across Cr and the current of
Lr, respectively.
This mode is over when current of Lr becomes zero. Duration of mode 2, t2,
may be calculated as follows:
t2 ¼ (6.35)

1 ILd
a ¼ sin (6.36)
ðVin þ Vo Þwo Cr
It should be noted that for the half-wave operation, a is in the third quadrant:
pa (6.37)
Soft-switching converters 185


sin a < 0 (6.38)

cos a < 0 (6.39)

The voltage across Cr at the end of this mode is equal to:

Vcr ðt2 Þ ¼ ðVin þ Vo Þcos a þ Vin (6.40)

The maximum current of the switch is as follows:
ILr,max ¼ ðVin þ Vo Þwo Cr þ ILd (6.41)

During mode 3, the current of the switch remains zero, and the voltage across
Cr decreases. This results in zero-current turn-off. During this mode, the voltage
of Cr decreases linearly:

Vcr ðt2 Þ
ILd ¼ Cr (6.42)
ðVin þ Vo Þcos a þ Vin
t3 ¼ Cr (6.43)

When the voltage across the capacitor becomes equal to ‘‘Vo’’, the diode
becomes forward biased, and mode 4 during which the diode conducts is initiated.
Duration of this mode may be found by:
t4 ¼ t1 t2 t3 (6.44)
where fs is the switching frequency.

6.2.2 Example 2 – full-wave ZCS-QRC

Figure 6.24 depicts a full-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC. The performance of this
converter is similar to that of half-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC; however, since the
diode that was in series with the switch is removed and an antiparallel diode is
added, the switch can handle bidirectional current and its current becomes negative
during mode 2. Therefore, the duration of mode 2 (t2) will be different than that of

Lr D

+ SW
Vin – Vo
Ld Ro
Cr Co

Figure 6.24 Full-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC

186 Power electronic converters and systems






1 2 3 4

Figure 6.25 Waveforms in full-wave ZCS buck–boost QRC

the previous example. Equations (6.35) and (6.36) may still be used; however, a is
in the fourth quadrant in this case:
a 2p (6.45)
sin a < 0 (6.46)
cos a > 0 (6.47)
Figure 6.25 shows the current and voltage waveforms in this case. If the duty
cycle of the gate signal is increased the resonant switch will be capable of con-
ducting multiple cycles [16].

6.2.3 Example 3 – half-wave ZVS-QRC

In converters shown in Figures 6.22 and 6.24, the switch could benefit from zero-
current turn-off. In order for the switch to be turned on at zero voltage, the con-
figuration of the resonant switch should be changed. Figure 6.26 shows a half-wave
ZVS buck–boost QRC. Again, there are four modes of operation in this converter.
Figure 6.27 shows the behavior of the circuit during each mode along with the
current and voltage waveforms.
Before turning off the switch, the current of Lr is equal to ILd, the diode is
turned off, and the voltage across Cr is 0. Once the switch is turned off, mode 1,
during which the voltage across Cr will be increasing, starts. Freewheeling diode
(diode ‘‘D’’) remains reverse biased during this mode. When the voltage across Cr
becomes equal to Vin þ Vo, the diode becomes forward biased, and it starts to
conduct (mode 2). During mode 2, Lr and Cr resonate. When the voltage across Cr
Soft-switching converters 187



Vin +

Ld Ro Vo

Figure 6.26 Half-wave ZVS buck–boost QRC







1 2 3 4

Cr Cr

Lr D Lr D
SW – –
Vin +
– V + –
Ld RoVo in Ld RoVo
Co Co
+ +
(b) (c)

Lr D Lr D
– –
Vin +
– V + –
Ld C RoVo in Ld C RoVo
o o
+ +
(d) (e)

Figure 6.27 Modes of operation in half-wave ZVS buck–boost QRC.

(a) Waveforms, (b) mode 1, (c) mode 2, (d) mode 3, and (e) mode 4
188 Power electronic converters and systems

becomes zero the anti-parallel diode becomes forward biased and the voltage across
Cr remains zero. This initiates mode 3, during which the freewheeling and the
antiparallel diodes conduct. The switch should be turned on during this mode
before the current of Lr becomes positive. Once the polarity of ILr changes, the anti-
parallel diode stops to conduct and the switch starts to conduct. The voltage across
the switch at the turn-on moment is zero. Mode 4 is initiated when the current of the
freewheeling diode becomes zero.

6.2.4 Example 4 – full-wave ZVS-QRC

If switch SW in Figure 6.26 is substituted by a bidirectional-blocking switch, as
shown in Figure 6.28, the voltage across the switch will be allowed to become
negative during mode 2. The full-wave ZVS-QRC and the corresponding wave-
forms are depicted in Figures 6.28 and 6.29, respectively.


Lr D

Vin +

Ld RoVo

Figure 6.28 Full-wave ZVS buck–boost QRC







1 2 3 4

Figure 6.29 Waveforms in full-wave ZVS buck–boost QRC

Soft-switching converters 189

6.2.5 The effect of parasitic oscillations in QRCs

Parasitic elements can affect the performance of the QRCs. It can be shown that the
output capacitance of the active switch deteriorates the performance of the ZCS-
QRCs; whereas, the junction capacitance of the diode affects the performance of
the ZVS-QRCs. Figures 6.30 and 6.31 depict the current and voltage across the
active switch and diode in a full-wave ZCS-QRC and a full-wave ZVS-QRC when
the parasitic capacitors are modeled [15].





Figure 6.30 Voltage across the active switch, current of the switch, diode voltage,
and diode current in a full-wave ZCS-QRC when parasitic elements
are present





Figure 6.31 Voltage across the active switch, current of the switch, diode voltage,
and diode current in a full-wave ZVS-QRC when parasitic elements
are present
190 Power electronic converters and systems

6.3 Multi-resonant converters

In a ZCS-QRC, the active switch benefits from zero-current turn-off and the free-
wheeling diode starts to conduct at zero voltage. Therefore, the active switch has a
hard turn-on, and is exposed to large values of dv/dt when it is turned on. On the
other hand, in a ZVS-QRC, the active switch is turned on at zero voltage and
benefits from low dv/dt; whereas, the freewheeling diode is exposed to high-
voltage stress.
Multi-resonant converters (MRCs) were proposed to allow both the active
switch and the diode benefit from zero-voltage turn-on or to allow them both
benefit from zero-current turn-off [15,17–21].
In a MRC, the PWM switch network is replaced by a multi-resonant switch
network as shown in Figure 6.32.
A half-wave ZVS buck–boost MRC is shown in Figure 6.33. There are four
modes of operation in this converter. Figure 6.34 shows the behavior of the con-
verter in each mode along with the waveforms. As seen in this figure, both the
diode and active switch can benefit from low dv/dt.
Another advantage of the ZVS-MRC is that in this converter the output capa-
citance of the active switch and the junction capacitance of the diode will not affect
the performance of the converter.

Lr1 Lr2 Lr

Cr1 Cr2

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6.32 (a) PWM switch network, (b) ZCS-MRC circuit when voltage sources
are shorted and current sources are open circuit, (c) ZVS-MRC
circuit when voltage sources are shorted and current sources are
open circuit



Ld Cr2 Ro Vo

Figure 6.33 A half-wave ZVS buck–boost MRC

Soft-switching converters 191





Mode 1 2 3 4
Lr Lr
– –
Vin Cr2
V Ld RoVo
Ld Co Ro o Co
+ +
(a) (b)
Cr1 Lr Cr1 Lr
– –
Vin Cr2 Vin
Ld RoVo Ld RoVo
Co Co
+ +
(c) (d)

Figure 6.34 Principles of the operation of the ZVS buck–boost MRC. (a) Mode 1,
(b) mode 2, (c) mode 3, and (d) mode 4

6.4 Quasi-square-wave converters

MRCs offer several advantages over QRCs; however, in both converters, switches
and diodes have higher current or voltage ratings compared to their corresponding
PWM configurations. To address this concern, quasi-square-wave converters
(QSWCs) were proposed in [22,23].
In a QSWC, the PWM switch network is substituted by a quasi-square wave
resonant switch network as shown in Figure 6.35. T sections need to be placed
between a voltage source and a voltage sink to offer ZVS; whereas, the Pi sections
can be placed between a current source and a current sink to offer ZCS. Several
new converters can be formed using T and Pi sections. One of the advantages of
using T or Pi sections is that the energy storage elements that exist in a switch
network can be used as a resonant tank element, as well.
In this part, the behavior of a ZVS buck–boost QSWC will be studied. The
schematic of this converter is depicted in Figure 6.36(a). Section Tb is used in this
converter and the link inductor plays the role of the resonating inductor, as well. As
shown in Figure 6.36(b)–(d), there are four modes of operation in this converter.
192 Power electronic converters and systems


(a) (b)




Figure 6.35 T and Pi sections used in QSWCs. (a) Ta, (b) Tb, (c) Pia, and
(d) Pib (adapted from [23])

During the first mode, the inductor is charged through input voltage source. When
the switch is turned off, mode 2, which is a resonating mode starts. During mode 2,
the LC link resonates, and this results in soft turn off of the switch. When the
voltage across the inductor becomes equal to the output voltage, which is negative,
diode starts to conduct and the inductor will be discharged into the output (mode 3).
Once the inductor is fully discharged, mode 4 starts. Mode 4 is another resonating
mode that guaranties ZVS in this converter. The converter should be designed such
that the resonating capacitor will not affect the performance of the converter during
modes 1 and 3. If the impedance of the capacitor is much higher than that of the
inductor, no current will flow through the capacitor during modes 1 and 3.
The principles of the operation of the QSWCs have been extended to three-
phase ac–ac configuration, as well. In [24], a bidirectional three-phase ac–ac
converter that could benefit from ZVS of the switches was proposed. In [24], gate
turn-off thyristors were employed; however, any other forward conducting bidir-
ectional-blocking switch can be used. Figure 6.37 shows the schematic of this
converter, which is also called partial resonant link converter. Since there are three
phases at the input of this converter, in each cycle one input phase pair should be
selected for charging the link inductor. Similarly, one output phase pair is selected
for being charged from the link inductor. There are different methods for choosing
these phase pairs. In [24], the output phase pair whose voltage has the maximum
error from its reference is chosen. The current and voltage of the link inductor are
shown in Figure 6.37. These waveforms are similar to the waveforms of the dc–dc
Soft-switching converters 193

+ 100
Vdc C 0
R –100
– 100
(a) 0
SW1 –200
0.0051 0.005125 0.00515 0.005175
Time (s)
VL L 250
C0 150
– 50
(b) 0

C 100
L 50
IL –50
0.0051 0.005125 0.00515 0.005175
Time (s)

(c) 250
D 150

C 50
R 0
IL C0 –100
(d) 0.0051 0.005125 0.00515 0.005175
Time (s)
Mode 1 2 3 4


Figure 6.36 Buck–boost QSWC (a) configuration, (b) behavior during mode 1,
(c) behavior during modes 2 and 4, (d) behavior during mode 3,
and (e) waveforms (inductor current, inductor voltage, switch
current, switch voltage, diode current, and diode voltage)
converter shown in Figure 6.36; however, since the output-side switches are turned
off before the link current becomes zero, mode 4 is longer.
To increase the utilization of the inductor, in [25] the partial resonant ac-link
converter, also called parallel ac-link universal converter or soft-switching ac-link
buck–boost converter, was proposed. This converter operates similar to the con-
verter shown in Figure 6.37; however, by doubling the number of switches it is
capable of charging and discharging of the link inductor in both positive and
negative directions. This not only results in better utilization of the inductor, but
also minimizes the duration of mode 4. Although resonating modes are required for
providing ZVS, their duration is preferred to be as short as possible. The ac-link
feature of the converter proposed in [25] doubles the number of modes when
compared to the converter proposed in [24]. Another modification that was
proposed in [25], is dividing each charging and discharging mode in a three-phase
ac-to-ac configuration into two modes, such that all the input and output phases are
194 Power electronic converters and systems

ac IL L C ac




Figure 6.37 ZVS three-phase ac-to-ac buck–boost converter proposed in [24]

(a) configuration and (b) link current and voltage
involved in charging and discharging of the link during each cycle. This results in a
much smaller total harmonic distortion, and reduces the size of the required filter
elements. Therefore, there will be 16 modes of operation in this converter. This
converter is depicted in Figure 6.38(a), and the waveforms corresponding to this
converter are shown in Figure 6.38(b). The order of input phase pairs for charging
the link inductor, and the order of output phase pairs for discharging the link are
determined such that the resonating time is minimized. Therefore, the input phase
pair having higher voltage charges the link before the phase pair having a lower
voltage. However, the output phase pair having lower voltage discharges the link
before the output phase pair that has higher voltage.
The principles of the operation of this converter when used as dc-to-three-
phase ac, three-phase ac-to-ac, and hybrid converters are described in [26–28]. One
of the advantages of this converter is that regardless of the form, frequency, or
number of phases of the input or output, it can provide galvanic isolation by the
addition of a single-phase high-frequency transformer to the link. In dc-link con-
verters, which are formed by a three inverter and a three-phase rectifier, galvanic
isolation is provided by a bulky three-phase low-frequency transformer. Therefore,
the parallel ac-link universal converter has a very high power density. The main
problem associated with this converter is the large number of switches.
Soft-switching converters 195

ac IL L C ac


Link Voltage

Link Current







Modes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9–16

Figure 6.38 ZVS ac-link three-phase ac-to-ac buck–boost converter proposed in

[25] (a) configuration and (b) link voltage, link current, and
unfiltered phase currents
196 Power electronic converters and systems

Input Switch Bridges Intermediate Cross-over Switching Circuits Output Switch Bridges

Si1 Si2 Si3 Si9 Si7 So7 So10 So3 So2 So1
Ai Ao

Bi Bo

Ci Co

Si4 Si5 Si6 Si8 Si10 So9 So8 So6 So5 So4

Figure 6.39 Sparse ac-link buck–boost converter

In [29], a reduced switch configuration, called sparse ac-link buck–boost

converter, was proposed. The principles of the operation of this converter is similar
to that of the converter introduced in [25]; however, unidirectional switches are
used at the input and output switch bridges. To allow the link to be charged and
discharged in both positive and negative directions, and have an alternating current,
one switch-bridge at the input side and another switch-bridge at the output side are
added. As depicted in Figure 6.39, these switch bridges each contain four switches.
In [30,31], another soft-switching converter was introduced, which was an
extension of a soft-switching Cuk converter. In this converter, which is called series
ac-link universal converter, all the switches can benefit from zero-current turn-off
and soft turn-on. As shown in Figure 6.40, this converter is dual of the parallel
ac-link universal converter.

6.5 Other types of ZVS and ZCS converters

The main advantage of the ZVS-QSWCs is providing zero-voltage turn-on without
increasing the voltage stress over devices. In a ZVS-QSWC, the performance of the
converter during the switching transitions is similar to that of the resonant con-
verters; whereas, at other modes the converter operates similar to a PWM con-
verter. This feature is very desirable. Several other soft-switching topologies have
been proposed with a similar feature. Among these converters are pseudo-resonant
full-bridge DC–DC converter [32], phase-shifted ZVS full-bridge DC–DC
converter [33,34], and the auxiliary resonant commutated bridge converter [35,36].
A class of zero voltage transition (ZVT) converters can be developed by sub-
stituting the PWM switch network by a zero-voltage-resonant-transition (ZVRT)
switch composite as shown in Figure 6.41 [37].
The principles of the operation of the converters developed by this method are
similar to those of the QSWCs. During the voltage transition, the converter operates
similar to a resonant converter to benefit from the soft switching; whereas, during
the normal operation, the converter operates similar to a PWM converter.
Figure 6.42 shows a ZVT buck–boost converter developed by this method along
with the corresponding waveforms [13,37].
Soft-switching converters 197

S0 S1 S2 S12 S13 S14
S6 S7 S8 S18 S19 S20
3-ph B B 3-ph

S3 S4 S5 S15 S16 S17

S9 S10 S11 S21 S22 S23

Link Voltage

Link Current

9.00 9.025 9.05 9.075

Time (ms)

Modes 1–8 Modes 9–16


Figure 6.40 ZCS ac-link three-phase ac-to-ac Cuk converter proposed in [30,31]
(a) configuration (b) and link voltage and link current

(a) (b)

Figure 6.41 (a) PWM switch network and (b) zero-voltage-resonant-transition

switch composite (adapted from [37])
198 Power electronic converters and systems








0.0051 0.00515 0.0052 0.00525

Time (s)
Mode 1 2 3 4

Figure 6.42 ZVT Buck–boost converter (a) configuration and (b) waveforms
(inductor current, inductor voltage, switch sw1 current, switch sw1
voltage, switch sw2 current, and switch sw2 voltage)
Soft-switching converters 199

Figure 6.43 shows another soft-switching converter that is developed using the
switch composite shown in Figure 6.41 [38]. This topology, which is a ZVS full-
bridge converter, is of specific importance, and is well suited for high power
applications. In this converter, the two legs of the switch bridge operate with phase
shift, and this allows the switches to benefit from the ZVS. The leakage inductance
of the transformer (L) can play the role of the resonating inductor.
Another class of ZVT converters is formed by adding an auxiliary switch that
allows controlling the path of current such that a resonating element is involved
only during the switching transition. Figure 6.44 shows a ZVT converter that uses
an auxiliary switch [39–42]. One problem with this converter is that the auxiliary
switch has a hard switching.
The concept of resonant pole, which is shown in Figure 6.45(a), was also
proposed to allow the switches benefit from ZVS without increasing their voltage
stress. This converter operates similar to a PRC; however, the voltage of the link is
clamped to the input voltage. This implies that before an active switch conducts,
the corresponding anti-parallel diode conducts. The pseudo-resonant converter,
which is formed by two resonant poles, is depicted in Figure 6.45 [32].

Figure 6.43 ZVS-full-bridge converter



Figure 6.44 ZVT boost converters with an auxiliary switch

200 Power electronic converters and systems


V_Primary L



C1 L2 C2 +


Figure 6.45 (a) Resonant pole circuit and (b) pseudo-resonant converter formed
by two resonant pole circuits (adapted from [32])

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Chapter 7
Z-source converters
Yam P. Siwakoti*, Frede Blaabjerg* and Poh Chiang Loh*

7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 General overview
Impedance-sourced networks provide an efficient means of power conversion
between source and load in a wide range of electric power conversion applications
(dc–dc, dc–ac, ac–dc, and ac–ac). Various topologies and control methods using
different impedance source networks have been presented in the literature, e.g. for
adjustable-speed drives, uninterruptible power supply, distributed generation (fuel
cell, photovoltaic (PV), wind, etc.), battery or super-capacitor energy storage,
electric vehicles, distributed dc power systems, avionics, flywheel energy storage
systems, electronic loads, dc circuit breaker, and many more [1–13]. A variety of
converter topologies with buck, boost, buck–boost, unidirectional, bidirectional,
isolated as well as non-isolated converters are possible by proper implementation of
the impedance source network with various switching devices, topologies, and
configurations. Figure 7.1 shows the general configuration of an impedance source
network for electric power conversion.
The impedance source network was originally invented to overcome the lim-
itations of the voltage source inverter (VSI) and current source inverter (CSI)
topologies, which are commonly used in electric power conversion [1]. The ac
output voltage of the VSI is limited to be below the input voltage, i.e. the VSI is a
buck type inverter which cannot serve the need of distributed generation and ac
drives alone. It requires an additional dc–dc boost converter to obtain a desired ac
output, which increases system cost and lowers the efficiency. In addition, the
switching devices are vulnerable to electromagnetic interference as misgating-on
causes a short circuit across the inverter bridge and destroys the switching devices.
The dead time introduced in such cases causes waveform distortion at the output.
On the other hand, in the case of the CSI, the output voltage cannot be less than the
input voltage. For applications where a wide voltage range is desirable, an addi-
tional dc–dc buck converter is needed. In addition, the upper and the lower switches

*Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

206 Power electronic converters and systems

Power Flow

dc or ac Load or Source
Voltage or current
Source or Load

– OR

Impedance Network Switching


Figure 7.1 A general circuit configuration of an impedance-sourced network for

power electronic conversion


A A’

C1 C2

B L2 B’

Figure 7.2 Basic Z-source impedance network with two inductors and capacitors

of the inverter have to be gated on and maintained on at any time. Otherwise, an

open circuit of the dc inductor would occur and destroy the devices.
The impedance-sourced converter overcomes the above-mentioned conceptual
and theoretical barriers and limitations of the classical VSI and CSI and provides a
novel power-conversion concept. The major advantage of this topology is that it
can operate as V-source or an I-source depending on the application and needs, and
the output voltage can be varied from 0 to 1. Since the publication of the first
impedance source network, called a ‘‘Z-source network’’, in year 2002 [1], many
modified topologies with improved modulation and control strategies have been
proposed and published to improve the performance in various applications [14].
Figure 7.2 shows the basic Z-source impedance network, which consists of induc-
tors L1 and L2 and capacitors C1 and C2 connected at both ends (Z-shape) and acts
as a buffer between load and source (voltage source or current source).
According to the conversion functionality, impedance (Z-) source power con-
verter can be divided into four main categories: dc–dc converters, dc–ac inverters,
ac–ac converters, and ac–dc rectifiers. A further breakdown leads to two-level and
multilevel, ac–ac and matrix converters, and non-isolated and isolated dc–dc con-
verters. From the Z-source network topology standpoint, it can be voltage-fed or
current-fed. Further, impedance networks can be divided based on the magnetics
used in the impedance source network, i.e. non-transformer based and transformer
or coupled inductor based. Each topology has its own unique features and
Z-source converters 207

applications to which it is best suited. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is

expected that new Z-source topologies will continuously be put forth to meet and
improve converter performance in different applications.

7.1.2 Basic principles

The concept of the impedance source network can be applied to any dc-to-dc, ac-to-
ac, ac-to-dc, and dc-to-ac power conversion. The dc source and/or load can be a
voltage or current source and/or a load. A Z-source impedance network is used as
an example to briefly illustrate the operating principle and control of the impedance
source network. Figure 7.3 shows the circuit diagram of the Z-source converter and
its equivalent circuit during active and shoot-through states. During the shoot-
through state, the output terminals of the impedance networks A0 and B0 are short
circuited by a switch or a combination of switches which will, in turn, cause diode
D in the network to reverse-bias as shown in Figure 7.3(a). The energy stored in the
inductor and capacitor during this shoot-through state is transferred to the load
during the next active state, in which the diode D is returned to conduction. The
switching circuit viewed from the dc side during the active state is equivalent to a
current source as shown in Figure 7.3(b). Averaging of these two switching states

L1 – + + –
D A + A′
A A′ +
DC/AC Load

VA′B′ = 0
C1 – – C2
C1 C2
Vin Vin

B L2 B′ B L2 B′
– –
– +
(a) (b)

Vgs (1-dST)Ts

L1 t
– + + –
+ A′ VA′B′
VA′B′ = BVin

+ +
C1 – – C2 t
Vin VC1
B t
L2 B′

– – VC2
+ t

(c) (d)

Figure 7.3 Voltage-fed Z-source converter: (a) circuit diagram, (b) equivalent
circuit at a shoot-through, (c) equivalent circuit in the active state,
(d) current and voltage waveforms
208 Power electronic converters and systems

results in an expression to compute the peak dc-link voltage ^v A0 B0 across terminals

A0 and B0 , in terms of its input voltage V in as
^v A0 B0 ¼ Vin (7.1)
1 bdST
¼ BVin (7.2)
where dST is the fractional shoot-through time assumed in a switching period, and
b 2 is a factor determined by the impedance network chosen, e.g. for Z-source
inverter and quasi-Z-source inverter (ZSI and qZSI), b ¼ 2. Equating the denomi-
nator of the boost factor (B) to zero then results in the permissible range of dST as
0 dST < b1, whose upper limit corresponds to an infinite gain. Waveforms of
current and voltage considering single switch at the dc-link (A0 and B0 ) are illu-
strated in Figure 7.3(c).
A three-phase voltage-fed Z-source inverter, as shown in Figure 7.4, is used as an
example to briefly illustrate the operating principle as described in Figure 7.3. The
three-phase Z-source inverter bridge has nine permissible switching states (six active
states, two zero states, and one shoot-through state), unlike the traditional three-phase
VSI, which has eight (six active states and two zero states). During zero states, the
upper three or lower three switches of the inverter bridge are turned on simulta-
neously, thus shorting the output terminals of the inverter and producing zero voltage
across the load. During one of the six active states, the dc voltage is impressed across
the load, positively or negatively. However, during the shoot-through states, the load
terminals are shorted through both the upper and lower devices of any phase leg, any
two-phase legs, and all three-phase legs [1] producing zero voltage across the load.
This shoot-through state has the same effect, i.e. producing zero voltage across the
load as the traditional zero states. However, these shoot-through states can boost the
output voltage. The shoot-through state is forbidden in the traditional VSI, because it
would cause a short circuit across the dc-link and damage the converter. The Z-source
network and the shoot-through zero state provide a unique buck–boost capability for
the inverter by varying the shoot-through time period and modulation index (M) of the
inverter. Theoretically, the output voltage of the inverter can be written as
^v ac ¼ (7.3)
¼ M ½1 2dST 1 ðVin =2Þ (7.4)


AC load
3-Phase C1 C2
Source Vin ˆʋA'B'

Figure 7.4 Voltage-fed Z-source three-phase inverter – an example of a Z-source

Z-source converters 209

The output voltage in (7.4) can be set to any value between 0 and 1 by
varying the value of M and dST . However, some practical aspects and performance
of the converter need to be considered for large voltage buck or boost operation in
order to avoid exceeding device limitations. Some of the waveforms during boost
operation are illustrated in Figure 7.5.
All traditional pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes can be used to control
the impedance-source converter, and their theoretical input–output relationships
still hold true. However, in addition to all states in the traditional modulation
techniques, a new state called a ‘‘shoot-through state’’ is introduced and embedded
in the modulation strategy for the impedance network–based power converter
without violating the volt-sec balance in the operating principle. With the unique
feature of these shoot-through states, several new PWM methods modified from the
traditional techniques are prevalent in the literature. Figure 7.6 shows a broad
categorization of the impedance-network–based power converter using different
switch configurations [15].

7.1.3 Modeling and control

A Z-source network shows non-minimum phase behavior due to the presence of
zero in the right-half-plane (RHP) which could impose a limitation on the controller
design. In order to implement a good control strategy, it is imperative to have a
good dynamic model of the converter. Various small-signal analysis and mathe-
matical models are presented in the literature to study the dynamic behavior of the
system, which then can be implemented in different closed-loop control strategies
with different complexities based on various applications [16–24].
To derive an accurate small-signal model, various state variables are selected,
such as the input current ðiin ðtÞÞ, inductor currents ðiL1 ðtÞ; iL2 ðtÞ; . . .Þ, capacitor
voltages ðvC1 ðtÞ; vC2 ðtÞ; . . .Þ, and load currents iL ðtÞ; id ðtÞ; iq ðtÞ). The small-signal
model provides the required transfer function for the controller design and provides
a detailed view of the system dynamics, which helps to understand the system

100 Input voltage (Vin)

Input voltage (Vin) 100
50 Input current (iin)
Input current (iin) 50
dc-link voltage (û A'B') dc-link voltage (û A'B')
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
Output voltage (ua ,ub ,uc) capacitor voltage (VC1)
Output voltage (ua ,ub ,uc)
200 200
0 0
–200 –200

Figure 7.5 Illustration of some of the voltage and current waveforms in voltage-
fed Z-source inverter
Modulation Techniques for Impedance
Source Network-based Power Converter

AC Output DC Output

Single-phase Three-phase (2-level) Three-phase multilevel Matrix

Optimized PWM control with
One-cycle PWM control Sinusoidal PWM Modified SVPWM shoot-through during zero states

Modified reference PWM Simple boost control Hybrid PWM control Shoot-through during
freewheeling states
Hysteresis current control Maximum boost control Multilevel SVM
Phase shifted modulation (PSM) control
Maximum constant boost Sinusoidal PWM with shoot-through during zero states
Non-linear sinusoidal PWM
control (SPWM)
Low-frequency Harmonics Constant boost control with Shoot-through by
elimination PWM third-harmonic injection Hybrid PWM control overlap of active states

Modified SVPWM Hybrid PWM Pulse-Width-Amplitude Shoot-through during zero

Modulated states and shifted shoot-through
ZSVM6 ZSVM4 ZSVM2 ZSVM1 Modified PWM Scheme

Figure 7.6 Categorization of modulation techniques for impedance source network–based power converter
Z-source converters 211

ig vS1 vL1 iL1 i1 L IL SM

Ix Vx
+S – + L1 v – +
C1+ vC1 +C2
– – v1 z1 C C
vg SD
vg SD
iC2 iC1
L2 – L
– v +i Load
L2 L2
(a) (b)

Figure 7.7 Simplified equivalent circuit of Z-source converter for small-signal

modeling: (a) Dst as control variable and (b) Dst and M as control

limits, and provides guidelines for system controller design. In general, M and Dst
are considered as control variables and the capacitor voltage ðvC ðtÞÞ or the dc-link
voltage ðvPN ðtÞÞ and the load voltage ðvx ðtÞÞ as variables to be controlled.
Figure 7.7(a) shows the simplified Z-source converter model for small-signal ana-
lysis, where vC ðtÞ is controlled using Dst as a control variable (control switch SD).
This is the most simplified model, however it does not guarantee tight control of
vx ðtÞ, which requires an additional control variable M (control switch SM) as shown
in Figure 7.7(b) [16]. In addition to the state variables, the parasitic resistance of the
inductor (r) and the equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor (R) also
influence the dynamics of the impedance source networks and hence are also
considered during modeling of the converter to analyze the sensitivity of the circuit
under parameter variations [17–19].
Based on some of the above state variables, several small-signal models have
been proposed for symmetrical or asymmetrical ZSI [16,20,21] and qZSI [17].
Considering the symmetry of the network (using vC1 ðtÞ ¼ vC2 ðtÞ ¼ vC ðtÞ and
iL1 ðtÞ ¼ iL2 ðtÞ ¼ iL ðtÞ), a simplified small-signal model is presented in [18,20] for
ZSI, where the load current is represented by a constant current source. However,
such a model describes only the dynamics of the impedance network and fails to
describe the dynamics of the ac load. To overcome this disadvantage, a third-order
model is presented in [16] using vC1 ðtÞ ¼ vC2 ðtÞ ¼ vC ðtÞ, iL1 ðtÞ ¼ iL2 ðtÞ ¼ iL ðtÞ,
and il ðtÞ as state variables. In this model, the ac side of the inverter is referred to the
dc side with RL load and taking its current as a third state variable. A similar third-
order small-signal model is presented in [22], which considers the dynamics of the
input-side current. In this, the current-fed qZSI is analyzed using vC ðtÞ, iL ðtÞ, and
iin ðtÞ as state variables to demonstrate the transient response of the inverter during
the motoring and regeneration modes of operation for application in electric vehi-
cles. Subsequent fourth- and higher-order small-signal models are also presented
for inverters [23] and rectifiers [24] to better understand the dynamics of the input/
output (load/source) and the impedance network. However, the complexity in
formulating the small-signal model and the control-loop design increases with
the increase in state variables. To simplify this, various assumptions (symmetry
in impedance network, balanced load) and simplifications (representation of ac
212 Power electronic converters and systems

load/source by its equivalent dc load/source) are prevalent in the literature without

loss of generality and changes to dynamic performance.
The state-space-averaged small-signal modeling provides a derivation of
various control-to-output ðG^dv0c ðsÞÞ and disturbance-to-output ðG^vvinc ðsÞ; G^ivload
transfer functions, which helps to predict the system dynamics under the influence
of various parameter changes. The root-locus of the control-to-output transfer
function in the s-domain gives a clear map of the converter dynamics. In addition,
predicting a RHP zero in the control-to-output transfer function is a major advan-
tage of small-signal modeling. The presence of RHP zeros indicates that the non-
minimum phase undershoot (the controlled capacitor voltage dips before it rises in
response to a Dst increase), generally tends to destabilize the wide-band feedback
loops, implying high gain instability and imposing control limitations. This means
that the design of a feedback loop with an adequate phase margin becomes critical
when RHP zeros appear in the transfer function. Various analyses of the pole-zero
location and the impact of parameter variations on the converter dynamics are
studied considering the wide operating ranges of different sources, e.g. fuel cells
and photovoltaics. Figure 7.8 shows the locus of the poles and zeros with changes
in various parameters such as L, C, Dst, R, and r. The impact of these parameter
variations on the converter dynamics is summarized in Table 7.1.
The impact of parameter variations on the system dynamics as discussed above
can provide direction to designers beforehand to choose component values while

With varying L With varying C With varying Dst

x x x
Imaginary Axis
Imaginary Axis

Imaginary Axis

x x x
x x x
x x x
o o o o o o o o o
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x

Real Axis Real Axis Real Axis

(a) (b) (c)
With varying r (parasitic resistance of L)
With varying R (ESR of capacitor)

Imaginary Axis

Imaginary Axis

x x
x x
x x o o o o x x o o o o
x x
x x
x x

Real Axis Real Axis

(d) (e)

Figure 7.8 Locus of poles and zeros of control-to-output transfer function with
varying (a) inductance ( L), ( b) capacitance (C), (c) shoot-through
duty cycle ( Dst), (d) parasitic resistance of inductor (r), and (e)
equivalent series resistance (ESR) of capacitor (R). The direction of
the arrow indicates an increasing value of the parameter
Table 7.1 Summary of impact of parameter variations on the Z-source converter dynamics

Parameter Change Effect on position of Impact on system dynamics

Conjugate poles RHP zeros
Inductance (L) Increasing Move towards the Move towards the ● Increase non-minimum phase
imaginary axis imaginary axis undershoot
● Increase settling time
● Increase oscillatory response
● Decrease damping ratio
● Decrease natural frequency
Capacitance (C ) Increasing Move towards the Constant ● Increase system damping
real axis ● Increase rise time
● Increase system settling time
● Decrease natural frequency
Shoot-through duty Increasing Move towards the Move towards the imaginary ● Increase non-minimum phase
cycle (d ST ) real axis axis undershoot
● Increase system settling time
● Decrease natural frequency
Equivalent series resistance Increasing Move towards the Move towards the imaginary ● Increase system damping
(ESR) of capacitor (R) real axis axis ● Increase non-minimum phase
● Increase current ripple through C
Parasitic resistance Increasing Move towards the Move towards the ● Increase system damping
of inductor (r) real axis imaginary axis ● Increase non-minimum phase
● Increase voltage ripple across L
214 Power electronic converters and systems

considering the design constraints, such as feedback control bandwidth, ripple

content, size and cost of components, damping factor, resonant frequency, and
overshoot/undershoot in the desired output.
When considering the effect of parameter variations and the effect of poles and
RHP zero, several closed-loop control methods are proposed in the literature to
achieve a desired performance and to control the dc-link voltage and the ac output
voltage of the impedance-source converter [25–29]. In all these control methods,
there are two control degrees of freedom (Dst and M). The dc-link voltage is con-
trolled by the shoot-through duty ratio (Dst ) and the output voltage is controlled by
the modulation index M.
The dc-link voltage across the inverter bridge can be controlled both directly
and indirectly. In the direct dc-link voltage control method [25], the voltage across
the inverter bridge is sensed directly by special sensing and scaling circuits as
shown in Figure 7.9(b). This improves the transient response, enhances disturbance
rejection capability and simplifies the controller design process. In the indirect
method, the capacitor voltage at the impedance network is typically sensed and
compared with the desired voltage as shown in Figure 7.9(a), (c), and (d). There are
two control methods in this category: (1) measurement of capacitor voltage (VC ) in
the impedance source network as shown in Figure 7.9(a) [23,26] and (2) mea-
surement of capacitor voltage (VC ) and input voltage (Vin ) to estimate the peak dc-
link voltage as shown in Figure 7.9(c) and (d) [27].

C1 AC load
C1 AC load
C2 Vin V

Peak detection circuit
Vc Modulation Modulation
* *
Vc Vdc
Gc Tsh Gc Tsh

(a) Capacitor voltage control (b) Direct dc-link voltage control

L1 L1

C1 AC load C1 AC load
C2 C2
V Vin V VVin V
L2 L2
VM control Gate Vin IL
CPM control Gate
Vdc sensing circuit driver Vdc sensing circuit driver
Vdc Gating signals Vdc Gating signals

(c) Voltage Mode Control (VM) (d) Current-Programmed Mode (CPM)

Figure 7.9 Control of dc-link voltage by indirect ((a), (c), and (d)) and direct
methods (b) for Z-source inverters
Z-source converters 215

In the indirect control methods, the peak dc-link voltage becomes uncontrol-
lable, while regulating the shoot-through duty cycle for fast changing input vol-
tages. This effect is unacceptable as it affects the output voltage, which forces a
change in the modulation index. This may result in higher semiconductor stress and
increases the harmonic distortion [26,27] in the output waveforms. The peak dc-
link voltage is kept constant in the direct measurement technique; however, the
control scheme becomes more complex, with additional circuitry. To resolve this
limitation, the peak dc-link voltage is estimated by measuring the input voltage and
capacitor voltage as shown in Figure 7.9(c) (voltage mode (VM)) and Figure 7.9(d)
(current-programmed mode (CPM)), however additional voltage/current sensors
are required.
Figure 7.10 shows a block diagram of two popular closed-loop voltage control
methods of ZSI which consist of both dc-link control and ac output control [28,29].
In both control methods, the capacitor voltage is controlled by regulating the shoot-
through duty cycle ðDst Þ and the output voltage is controlled by regulating the
modulation index (M), by using separate control loops with propotional (P) and/or
Proportional & Integral (PI) controllers. However, both control parameters are
dependent on each other, as a change in one parameter imposes a limitation of the
changeability of the other due to the insertion of a shoot-through time inside the
null period. Putting a maximum limit on the control variable could mitigate
this limitation.

7.2 Categories of impedance source power converters

based on conversion functionality
Figure 7.11 shows a broad categorization of the impedance source power con-
verters using different switching configurations, which will be discussed in the
following subsections in details.

7.2.1 DC–DC converter topologies

Various isolated/non-isolated dc–dc converters are proposed in the literature with
different control and modulation techniques. For example, a dc–dc converter rea-
lized using a qZSI with two- or three-leg H-bridge switching topology is proposed
for distributed generation [30,31] as shown in Figure 7.12(a). A new quasi-Z-source
push–pull converter topology with a reduced number of switching device is also
proposed in [32] as shown in Figure 7.12(b). It has the same gain as in [30,31],
however, with reduced complexity in gate circuit design.
A family of four-quadrant dc–dc converters using a Z-source or a quasi-Z-source
network with a minimal number of switches and passive devices is presented in [33].
The converter provides four-quadrant operation using four-quadrant switches. Two
basic converter topologies derived from ZSI and qZSI are shown in Figure 7.13. The
converter has both buck/boost characteristics in the 0–1 range of the duty cycle.
This feature along with changing the polarity of the load voltage by just controlling
Vin Z-Source PWM Filter Three-phase
Impedance Network Inverter Network load

Vc-m IL-m
Z-Source dST Icf
VC_m dST Low pass Vcf
Vc 1-dST filter
– 3
Vc* Calculate K Vs_cal
Tsh – – dq/ABC
+ Pl P
+ 3
* + MSV P
Vsp Vref Vs_ref
P – ABC/

+ dq

1 θe –
Vsp f P + Pl 3

Calculate Vs(a,b,c) ABC/
– +
Vsp dq
Load +
(a) (b)

Figure 7.10 Indirect dc-link voltage controller modules with two degrees of freedom: (a) controller for both dc boost
and ac output voltage of Z-source inverter and (b) multi-loop closed-loop controller
Z-source converters 217

Impedance Source
Power Converter

dc–dc dc–ac ac–ac ac–dc

(Converter) (Inverter) Frequency and Phase Converter (Rectifier)

Two-Level Multilevel/NPC Miscellaneous Matrix

Unidirectional Bidirectional

Single Switch
Isolated Non-isolated
Two Switch

Two-leg H-bridge Three-leg H-bridge Push-pull

Cascaded Multilevel Series/Parallel Input/output

Figure 7.11 Categorization of impedance source network–based power converters

the duty cycle of the switch makes the converter very simple and more economical
for many applications, e.g. dc drives and other renewable energy systems.
A new boost dc–dc converter topology was proposed in [34] with three cou-
pled inductors and called a Y-source converter as shown in Figure 7.14. It can
achieve a very high boost at a lower shoot-through duty cycle of the switch and has
one more degree of freedom to choose the voltage boost. The converter can be
designed compact with integrated magnetics, and fewer components are required to
attain a high-voltage boost. An isolated high-voltage boost converter using a
Y-source impedance source network is also proposed in [35] which reduced the
number of switching devices and the corresponding switching complexities.
Modulation of single-switch [34] and two-switch [35] dc–dc converter topolo-
gies is fairly simple and can be achieved by controlling the duty cycle of the switch
depending on the dc-link voltage. However, a dc–dc converter using an intermediate
H-bridge as shown in Figure 7.15 involves more complex control, as four switches
are required to be switched optimally to get the desired output and performance.
Various modulation techniques are proposed in the literature, including shoot-
through during freewheeling states, shoot-through during zero states, phase-shift
modulation (PSM) control with shoot-through during zero states [31,36] shoot-
through by overlap of the active states [31,37] and shifted shoot-through [38], as
shown in Figure 7.16. Due to insertion of shoot-through in PWM, the switches in
the H-bridge are compelled to commute at 2–3 times higher than the switching
frequency. In shoot-through during freewheeling states, the top-side and bottom-
side switches of the inverter bridge operate at three times the switching frequency
fsw;top ¼ 3fs and fsw;bottom ¼ 3fs Þ as shown in Figure 7.16(a). This leads to high
switching loss. Similarly, the number of commutations of the bottom-side switches
remains the same while reducing the switching frequency of the top-side switch
fsw;top ¼ fs and fsw;bottom ¼ 3fs Þ in the shoot-through during zero states modulation
C2 L1 S1
C2 n:1
L1 D1 L2 + + +
D2 D2
S1 S3 1:n
D1 L2
Ip 1
VDC Vtr,p Vtr,s D3 C4 Vo Vin D3 C4 Vo
Vin C1
C1 Vtr,p
S2 S4 – 2 –

Greinacher Voltage Voltage
Quasi Z-Source Network Full Bridge Inverter Quasi Z-Source Network Push-pull
Doubler Rectifier Doubler
(a) (b)

Figure 7.12 qZSI-based isolated dc–dc converter with (a) intermediate H-bridge switching topology and (b) push–pull topology
Z-source converters 219

S2 Z-Source Network Quasi Z-Source Network S1

L1 L1

C1 C2
C1 C2 S1
V0 RL L2
Vin RL Vin
L2 S2

(a) (b)

Figure 7.13 Family of four-quadrant dc–dc converters using (a) Z-source and
(b) quasi-Z-source network

D1 N1 N3 D2
Vin N2 S VOut
C1 VC1

Figure 7.14 Y-source boost dc–dc converter

A n:1
S1 S3
DC link Voltage

Vin Rectifier Vo(dc)

S2 S4
B HF-Isolation –
Impedance-Source Network D H-Bridge Transformer

Figure 7.15 A general circuit configuration of impedance source network for

dc–dc power conversion with intermediate H-bridge topology using
various impedance source networks

techniques (see Figure 7.16(b)). PSM control with shoot-through during zero states
(see Figure 7.16(c)) equalizes the switching losses of the top-side and bottom-side
switches fsw;top ¼ 2fs and fsw;bottom ¼ 2fs Þ, but this method is not effective in redu-
cing the commutation time of the switches. The switching loss is minimized in the
shoot-through by the overlap of active states fsw;top ¼ fs and fsw;bottom ¼ fs Þ as shown
in Figure 7.16(d); however, the active state and shoot-through state duty cycles
are not independently controllable. The inter-dependency of the active state and
shoot-through state duty cycle could cause problems in the output-voltage compen-
sation and also for systems which require independent control of active and shoot-
through state. A shifted shoot-through modulation technique (see Figure 7.16(e))
could reduce the switching frequency of the switches but it is complex and difficult
220 Power electronic converters and systems

S1 fs
S1, S4 3fs S2 3fs
t t
S4 3fs
S2, S3 3fs t
S3 fs
t t
Ts Ts
(a) (b)

S1 2fs
t S1 fs
2fs t
S2 S1, S4 fs
t S2 2fs
2fs t t
S4 2fs
t t
S3 2fs S2, S3 fs fs
t S3
t t
Ts Ts Ts
(c) (d) (e)

Figure 7.16 Some of the modulation techniques for a dc–dc converter with
intermediate H-bridge shown in Figure 7.15. (a) Shoot-through
during freewheeling states, (b) shoot-through during zero states,
(c) phase-shift modulation (PSM) control with shoot-through during
zero states, (d) shoot-through by the overlap of active states, and
(e) shifted shoot-through ( ? shoot-through)

to implement particularly in the microcontroller due to large number of comparator

requirement. It also requires additional external components (logic gates, etc.) for
implementation. The major disadvantage of this modulation technique is the loss of
full soft-switching properties.
Every addition of the shoot-through state increases the commutation time of the
semiconductor switches and so increases the switching loss in the system. Hence,
minimization of the commutation time by optimal placing of the shoot-through state
in a switching time period is necessary in order to minimize the switching loss. In
addition, the following points should be considered while placing the shoot-through
state in the PWM control system for a qZSI-based dc–dc converter:
1. The maximum shoot-through duty cycle should never exceed 0.5; otherwise,
the system may become unstable.
2. The minimum number of shoot-through states per switching period is two. One
shoot-through state per period causes a discontinuous current and the converter
will behave abnormally.
3. The shoot-through state should be in the zero state, i.e. the intact active state.
4. The active state and the shoot-through state should be independently controllable.
A new modulation technique called ‘‘optimized PWM control with shoot-
through during zero states’’ incorporating the shoot-through state to minimize the
number of commutations in semiconductor switches for any impedance network–
based dc–dc converter with intermediate H-bridge switching topology is presented
in [30]. Figure 7.17 shows a block diagram of the optimized PWM control with
shoot-through during zero states and the corresponding switching sequence.
Saw-tooth Signal Active-state ref. signal
S1 fs
0.75*Vp t
≥ S1 S2 2*fs
Ts Comp 1

Td = 0.5*Ts S2 S3 fs
Shoot-through Signal Generation t

Pl S3
S4 2*fs
0–0.5 Delay 1

A B S4 Vdc
0.3 Td = 0.25*Ts link fs
Comp 2 t
– + dST dST

1/2 ≥ Td = 0.5*Ts Vtr, p

Delay 2 t1t2t3t4 t5 t6
– Ts
1 +
Delay 3 Active-State
Switch positon: A→Closed voltage control loop Shoot-through State
B→Open Loop Zero State

(a) (b)

Figure 7.17 Optimized PWM control with shoot-through during zero states illustrating (a) a block diagram and (b) switching
sequence for a dc–dc converter
222 Power electronic converters and systems

DC Link Voltage

PV, Voltage Source/
Fuel Cell, Current Source 1-ph or 3-ph H-Bridge 110/230/440 V
Supercapacitor, Impedance Source Switching Topology 1-ph/3-ph AC
Battery Bank, Network
Grid, etc.

Figure 7.18 General impedance source inverter for one-phase or three-phase

Ref-Va (S4)
Ref-Va (S3)

Ref-Va (S1)
Ref-Va (S2)
Shoot-through State

Figure 7.19 Generation of switching signal for one-phase Z-source inverter using
(a) non-linear sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM), (b) one
cycle control method and (c) modified space vector modulation

7.2.2 DC–AC inverter topologies

Different dc–ac topologies inspired from the traditional converter topologies are
implemented to utilize the basic properties of the impedance source network, e.g.
two-level H-bridge, multilevel/neutral point clamped, as well as the dual bridge.
This will be discussed in detail in the following subsections. Two-level H-bridge topologies

The impedance source network was originally implemented with a three-phase
H-bridge switching topology as voltage source and a current source to demonstrate
its superiority over the traditional VSI and CSI. Both single-phase as well as three-
phase inverters can be implemented with an impedance source using the H-bridge
circuit. Most of the topologies derived for two-level voltage inversion have the
general topology shown in Figure 7.18.
A standard carrier-based PWM as shown in Figure 7.19(c) is used for a single-
phase H-bridge topology [39]. A shoot-through state is placed instead of null state
without altering the normalized volt-sec average voltage. The duration of each
active state in a switching cycle is kept the same as in the traditional sinusoidal
Z-source converters 223

pulse width modulation (SPWM). Therefore, the output waveforms are still sinu-
soidal; however, they are boosted to the desired level by properly controlling the
shoot-through time period. The paper extends the modulation concepts to the more
complex three-phase H-bridge and four-phase H-bridge topologies for a voltage-
fed Z-source inverter in both continuous and discontinuous modes.
For three-phase H-bridge topologies (two-level), SPWM and space-vector PWM
(SVPWM) are used. SPWMs include simple boost control, maximum-boost control,
maximum-constant-boost control, and constant-boost control with third-harmonic
injection [40–42]. Simple boost control is the most basic and is derived from the
traditional SPWM where a carrier triangular signal is compared to the three-phase
reference signal for sinusoidal output voltage and two straight lines (Vp and Vn) to
create shoot-through for voltage boost as shown in Figure 7.20(a). The disadvantage
of this modulation technique is a decrease of the modulation index with an increase
of the shoot-through range. The maximum shoot-through duty ratio of the simple
boost control is limited to Dst; max ¼ ð1 M Þ which limits the boost factor to
B ¼ ½2M 11 . As a result, the device stress increases for the application, which

Vp Vp
Va Vb Vc Va Vb Vc

× 1e–2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 × 1e–2
Sap0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Sbp Sbp
Scp Scp
San San
Sbn Sbn
Scn Scn
(a) (b)

Vp Vp
Va Vb Vc Va Vb Vc

Vn Vn
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 × 1e–2 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 × 1e–2
Sap Sap
Sbp Sbp
Scp Scp
San San
Sbn Sbn
Scn Scn
(c) (d)

Figure 7.20 Sine wave PWM (a) simple boost control, (b) maximum-boost
control, (c) maximum-constant-boost control, and (d) constant-boost
control with 1/6 of third harmonic injection ( ? shoot-through
224 Power electronic converters and systems

requires a higher voltage boost. To address this issue, a maximum-boost PWM

control method is presented in [40]. This modulation technique maintains six active
states unchanged from those of the traditional carrier-based PWM method; however,
it utilizes all zero states to make shoot-through states
p as shown in Figure 7.20(b).
These increase the range of the boost factor B ¼ p½3 3M p1 compared to using
simple boost, which reduces the device stress.
However, due to the variable shoot-through time intervals, low-frequency ripple
components are present in the capacitor voltage and inductor current, which increase
the size and cost of the components in the impedance network. To achieve a constant
shoot-through duty ratio and a maximum-boost factor, a maximum-constant-boost
PWM control method is proposed in [41,42] which eliminates the low-frequency
harmonic component in the impedance source network. Figure 7.20(c) illustrates the
switching waveforms of the maximum-constant-boost p PWM control. The range of
the modulation index is extended from 1 to 2= 3 by injecting a third-harmonic
component with 1/6 of the fundamental component magnitude to the three-phase
voltage references. In this modulation technique, two straight lines Vp and Vn are
required to generate a shoot-through time period as shown in Figure 7.20(d).
Besides SPWM, space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) has similarly
been proven to be an effective modulation technique for traditional inverter
topologies as it effectively reduces the commutation time of the switches, reduces
the harmonic content in the output voltage/current, and better utilizes the dc-link
voltage, and consequently reduces the voltage stress and switching loss. This
benefit encourages researchers and engineers to retrofit SVPWM for various
impedance source inverters. However, proper insertion of the shoot-through state in
the switching cycle without altering the volt-sec balance is crucial to reduce addi-
tional commutation time of the switches and corresponding switching loss. Various
SVPWM techniques are presented in the literature, e.g. ZSVM2 [43], ZSVM4 [44],
and ZSVM6 [45]. Modified SVPWM techniques are also being used to reduce the
common-mode voltage and leakage currents for photovoltaic systems [46,47] and
motor drives [48]. Multi-level/neutral point clamped

The concept of a multilevel approach is adopted with an impedance source network
to overcome some of the disadvantages of the classical multilevel topologies.
Various impedance-sourced multilevel topologies with special modulation techni-
ques are proposed to control the multilevel converter to get reduced harmonic
distortion and device commutations. Figure 7.21(a) shows a three-level neutral
point clamped (NPC) converter using two ZSIs [49–52]. The neutral point is con-
nected to a common point of the two ZSIs and is grounded. There are other
topologies implemented with a reduced number of passive [53] and active devices
[54] to reduce the size and cost of the system (see Figure 7.21(b)).
The PWM schemes for Z-source NPC inverters are developed from classical
three-level SVPWM modulation concepts using two-dimensional vectorial repre-
sentations with ‘‘origin shifting’’. However, correct integration of the shoot-through
state sequence with the classical PWM is essential for proper Z-source NPC
Z-source converters 225

D11 L11

Vin1 C11 C12

L12 D1 S1 D3 S5
D5 S9

3-ph Vo
S2 S6 S10
S3 D4 S7 D6 S11
L21 S4 S8 S12
Vin2 C21 C22
D21 L22 ≡


Lf D1 S1
D3 S5 D5 S9
Grid S10

3-ph Vo
C1 C2 S2 S6
S3 D4 S7 D6 S11
Cf S4 S8 S12


Figure 7.21 Various impedance network source multilevel converter topologies:

(a) two-sourced NPC and (b) single-sourced NPC

operation, as some of the vectors can cause a short circuit across the full dc-link,
which then results in zero voltage output. It is important to maintain the normalized
volt-sec balance while sequencing the shoot-through states to accurately reproduce
the desired three-phase sinusoidal voltages. In addition, careful integration of
shoot-through with the conventional switching sequences is required to achieve
maximal voltage-boost, minimal harmonic distortion, lower semiconductor stress
and a minimal number of device commutations per switching cycle. To achieve
this, there are various continuous and discontinuous PWM schemes reported in [52]
for controlling Z-source NPC inverter with two impedance networks at its input
side. The former modulation scheme is divided into two, i.e. continuous edge
insertion (EI) PWM with symmetrical voltage boost and continuous modified
reference (MR) PWM with minimal device commutation, and the latter modulation
scheme is also divided into two, i.e. conventional 60 -discontinuous PWM and
origin-shifted 60 -discontinuous PWM with reduced common-mode (RCM)
switching. The device commutation count with EI PWM is the maximum of eight,
which reduces to six with the continuous MR technique. The number further
reduces to a minimum of four with the discontinuous PWM technique is opted for.
However, with the same shoot-through duty ratio, the reduced number of shoot-
through per switching cycle in the discontinuous scheme will produce lower
226 Power electronic converters and systems

common-mode voltage but higher inductor current ripples which significantly

increase the size of the passive component in the impedance network. A detailed
comparison of continuous and discontinuous PWM schemes is provided in [52].
A nearest-three-vector modulation principle and RCM switching is proposed in
[49] to minimize harmonic distortion, device commutation and common-mode
voltage of the inverter. A hybrid PWM strategy similar to [55] for a two-level
Z-source inverter is implemented for the Z-source NPC topology [56] to reduce its
algorithm calculation by combining the theory of SVPWM and triangular-
comparison PWM. A reduced component count Z-source NPC converter with
modified modulation technique is reported in [53] using a single Z-source network.
This topology reduces the requirement of an additional impedance network to
create a neutral point as explained in [49,52,56]. The modulation scheme is mod-
ified to create a full DC-link and a partial DC-link shoot-through state to boost the
output voltage without increasing the commutation time as in the conventional
NPC modulation techniques [49,52]. An effective control method for a cascaded
quasi-Z-source inverter using multilevel space vector modulation is presented in
[57] for single phase and in [58] for three phase to generate seven-level voltage.
This control scheme achieves independent control of maximum power point tech-
nique for each photovoltaic panel and also balances the dc-link voltage across each
H-bridge inverter to accomplish premium power quality for grid integration of
photovoltaic panels for low switching frequency design.

7.2.3 AC–AC converter topologies

The matrix converter consists of nine bidirectional switches that allow any output
phase to be connected to any input phase. It is a direct ac–ac converter with sinu-
soidal input/output waveforms and a controllable input power factor.
The maximum voltage gain of a traditional matrix converter does not exceed
0.866. In addition, the switches are more vulnerable to shoot-through on the same
output phase leg. These limitations are overcome by the impedance source matrix
converter [59] as shown in Figure 7.22. A traditional matrix converter with an
impedance network can buck–boost the voltage as well as the frequency for the ac

S1 S4 S7
b Voltage/Current Fed b′
3-φ AC
Impedance Network
S2 S5 S8

S3 S6 S9
≡ AC Load

Figure 7.22 Impedance source network–based matrix converter

Z-source converters 227

load requiring adjustable voltage and frequency, e.g. motor drives. Many modula-
tion and control methods, e.g. simple maximum-boost control, maximum-boost
control, maximum-gain control, and hybrid minimum-stress control have been
proposed to improve the performance and reliability of the converter [60,61].
With some modifications made to the conventional modulation techniques
(SVPWM, carrier-based PWM, PWAM, etc.) to incorporate the shoot-through state,
various modified modulation techniques are implemented to control direct and indir-
ect impedance-network–based matrix converters. The traditional carrier-based
SPWM [40–42] is applied to control and modulate various Z-source and quasi-Z-
source direct matrix converters with a few modifications, e.g. four control strategies:
simple maximum-boost control, maximum-boost control, maximum-gain control, and
hybrid minimum-stress control are proposed in [59, 61]. In the simple maximum-boost
control, the modulation index is limited to M ¼ 0:5 which means that the maximum
voltage gain can only go up to 0.944. Maximum-boost control utilizes all the zero
states as shoot-through states. The range of modulation index is extended to 0.866 by
injecting 1/6 of the third harmonic signal in the reference signal. The maximum-gain
control method can obtain the maximum gain at the same modulation index among all
four techniques, and the hybrid minimum-voltage-stress control can obtain the
minimum-voltage stress at the same voltage gain. In terms of the total harmonic
distortion at the output, the maximum-constant-boost control method is effective in
eliminating low-order harmonics compared to the simple boost and maximum-boost
controls. A comparison of various control methods is also presented in [61].
Pulse-width-amplitude-modulation (PWAM) with a maximum-constant-boost
shoot-through control strategy is also implemented in [62] to control a voltage-fed
quasi-Z-source direct-matrix converter. This modulation technique reduces the
switching frequency of the matrix converter by 1/3 compared to the SVPWM,
which helps to reduce the switching losses by more than 50% compared to the
SVPWM and 87% compared to the SPWM.

7.2.4 AC–DC converter topologies

Rectifiers based on impedance source networks have the capability to both buck
and boost the input voltage in a single stage compared to a traditional rectifier. In
addition, they can provide good input power factor, low line-current distortion,
regeneration and improved reliability. Figure 7.23 shows Z-source [63,64] and
quasi-Z-source [65] based rectifier topologies. A new concept of a bidirectional
converter based on a matrix converter is also presented in [59]. The advantages of
the ac–dc matrix converter are controllable input power factor, tight dc voltage
regulation, wide bandwidth with quick response to load variations and single-stage
buck voltage ac–dc power conversion.

7.3 Impedance source network topologies

Impedance source networks are mainly derived from the Z-source network by
modifying the original impedance network, or by rearranging the connections of
228 Power electronic converters and systems

S1 S3 S5 L1 S7 L2
Lf S1 S3 S5 Lf
3-φ CO 3-φ C2
C1 C2 CO Vdc
S2 S4 S6 S2 S4 S6

≡ ≡
(a) (b)

Figure 7.23 Ac–dc rectifier topologies based on (a) Z-source and (b) quasi-Z-
source network

Impedance Source Network


Non-transformer Transformer/Coupled

Z-Source Y-Source

Quasi Z-Source Γ-Source

Enhanced/Improved Z-Source T-Source

Semi Z-Source/Semi Quasi Z-Source TZ-Source

Embedded Z-Source LCCT Z-Source

Z-H Converter Trans Z-Source

Z-Source B4 Improved Trans Z-Source

Diode/Capacitor Assisted HF transformer isolated Z-Source

Switched Capacitor/Inductor

TSTS Z-Source

Distributed Z-Source

Figure 7.24 Impedance source network topologies

inductors and capacitors [66–87]. New topologies are still being developed, mainly
for four reasons: (1) reduction of the Z-source network component count and rating;
(2) extension of voltage gain range; (3) achieving higher power density; and
(4) application oriented optimization and improvement.
The impedance source network is broadly classified into two categories based
on magnetics: (a) non-transformer based and (b) coupled or transformer based as
shown in Figure 7.24. Each topology has distinct features and advantages and will
be discussed briefly in the following subsections.
Z-source converters 229

7.3.1 Non-transformer based Z-source/quasi-Z-source
Z-source converters are broadly classified into two types, voltage-fed and current-
fed. However, unlike the traditional voltage-fed/current-fed inverter, the impedance
source network provides a buffer between the source and the inverter bridge and
facilitates a short- and an open-circuit at any time depending on the mode of
operation. Traditional voltage-fed/current-fed Z-source impedance networks suffer
from problems like discontinuous input current in the boost mode for the voltage-fed
ZSI (Figure 7.25(a)) and high current stress on the inductor in the current-fed ZSI
(Figure 7.26(a)). Various voltage- and current-fed topologies derived from ZSI and
qZSI (Figures 7.25(b) and (c) and 7.26(b) and (c)) with improved performance were
proposed in [66] to solve the problem of ZSIs [1]. It should be noted that all three
current-fed ZSIs, Figure 7.26(a)–(c), are capable of bidirectional power flow and
buck–boost operation, although the switches have to be reverse-blocking devices.
These new benefits extend this topology to applications of renewable energy gen-
eration and motor drives. Enhanced-boost Z-source inverter is also proposed in [67]
with alternate-cascaded switched and tapped-inductor cells using some lower-rated
components. Similarly, an improved Z-source [68] and an improved trans-Z-source
[69] are proposed, respectively, to reduce the capacitor voltage stress. However,
additional components are required to implement the circuit. This makes the system
more costly and also decreases the power density of the converter.

D1 L1 C2 C2
L1 D1 L1 D1
Vin C1 C2 Vo Vin L2 Vo Vin L2 Vo
C1 C1
Full Bridge Full Bridge Full Bridge
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.25 Various voltage-fed ZSI topologies: (a) ZSI with discontinuous input
current; (b) qZSI with continuous input current; and (c) qZSI with
discontinuous input current

L3 L1 L1
C2 L3 L C2
Vin D 1 C1 C2 Vo Vin Vo Vin
D1 Vo
L2 D1
C1 L2
Full Bridge
Full Bridge Full Bridge
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.26 Various current-fed ZSI topologies (switches have to be reverse-

blocking devices): (a) ZSI with continuous input current; (b) qZSI
with discontinuous input current; and (c) qZSI with continuous input
230 Power electronic converters and systems Semi-Z-source/semi-quasi-Z-source
Semi-Z-source inverters were proposed (see Figure 7.27) to achieve low cost and
high efficiency in applications such as single-phase grid-tied PV power systems.
A semi-Z-source inverter with only two active switches has a voltage boost
function and a double-ground feature (both PV panel and ac output can be
grounded) that eliminates the need to float/isolate PV panels without leakage
current and which improves safety [70]. Unlike the traditional ZSI/qZSI, a
shoot-through state is not applicable to a semi-Z-source inverter. An improved
non-linear SPWM method is used to get the desired duty cycle to generate a
sinusoidal output.
The advantage of the semi-Z-source and semi-quasi-Z-source inverters [71] is
that they can be implemented using fewer switches compared to a traditional ZSI
and qZSI, but unfortunately the voltage stress on the switching devices is high. This
topology is suitable for a grid-connected micro-PV inverter with high-voltage SiC
Two modulation techniques are prevalent in the literature to control and
modulate the two switches of a single-phase Z-source/quasi-Z-source to get the
desired output voltage, namely one-cycle control [72] and non-linear SPWM [70].
The voltage gain of the semi-Z-source/quasi-Z-source converter is not a
straight line as with a full-bridge inverter. So, instead of a sinusoidal reference
signal ðv ¼ V sin wtÞ, a non-linear sinusoidal reference signal v ¼ ½2 Msin wt1
is compared with the carrier signal to generate the gate drive signal for the two
switches as shown in Figure 7.28(a).
A one-cycle control method is adopted to control a single-phase semi-Z-source
topology in [72]. In this control method, two switches work in a complementary
fashion where the clock signal (CLK) is used to turn-on any one switch. The turn-
on time of the switch is determined by the integrated voltage across the switch, and
when it reaches the sinusoidal signal ðvi vref Þ, the integrator is reset and the
switch turns off as shown in Figure 7.28(b). This control method has the ability to
reject input perturbations and is insensitive to the system model, which provides a
high-efficiency constant-frequency control.

S1 L2
S2 C1
L1 C1
1-ph AC


C2 C2
Vin L2 Vin

(a) (b)

Figure 7.27 Semi-Z-source topologies: (a) semi-Z-source inverter and (b) semi-
quasi-Z-source inverter
Z-source converters 231

1 , (M ε [0,1])
2-M sin(ωt)

V i-Vref V i
V int
S1 S1
S2 S2
(a) (b)

Figure 7.28 Generation of switching signal for one-phase Z-source inverter using
(a) non-linear SPWM and (b) one-cycle control method


L1 S1 S3
C2 S5

3-ph Vo
D1 S6

Vin/2 ≡

Figure 7.29 Two-level embedded Z-source inverter Embedded Z-source

The embedded Z-source was proposed to achieve continuous input current and
lower capacitor voltage rating, and its multi-source feature is especially suitable for
PV power generation [73]. Figure 7.29 shows the circuit topology of a two-level
embedded Z-source inverter. There are other similar embedded topologies with one
or two DC sources suitable for battery storage systems. Z-source B4 converter

Inspired by the traditional B4 VSI, a Z-source B4 topology is proposed in [74] with a
reduced number of active components, enhanced reliability and lower cost. Figure 7.30
shows the Z-source B4 converter topology for a three-phase power conversion. Switched inductor/capacitor

Extra inductors and capacitors have been added in the Z-source and quasi-Z-source
impedance network, with the aim of improving the boost capability of the circuit.
Many topologies are presented in the literature to reduce the stress on the passive
components and also to eliminate the start-up inrush current. A switched inductor/
capacitor ZSI/qZSI provides continuous input current and reduced voltage stress on
the capacitor [75]. An embedded Z-source with a switched inductor combines the
advantages of both topologies, e.g. high boost ratio, reduced capacitor voltage
stress, and low input ripple current [76]. However, this switched inductor/capacitor
232 Power electronic converters and systems

D1 L1

S1 S3

3-ph Vo
N C1 C2
L2 S2 S4

Figure 7.30 B4 Z-source inverter topology

C3 C4
D2 C3
+ L1 D1 L2 D2 L3
+ L1 D1 L2 L3

H Bridge

3-ph Vo
H Bridge

3-ph Vo

C2 C2
Vin Vin C1

– –

(a) (b)

Figure 7.31 Assisted qZSI topologies: (a) diode assisted and (b) capacitor

topology needs a large number of passive devices, which increase cost and volume
of the converter. Capacitor/diode assisted

The voltage-boost capability of the Z-source and quasi-Z-source is extended with
the aid of capacitors and diodes in order to meet the needs of applications requiring
very high-voltage boost [77]. The impedance network can be extended by using
diodes and/or capacitors as shown in Figure 7.31. The advantages of this topology
are high voltage gain and reduced capacitor stress; however, this is at the cost of
extra passive components. TSTS Z-source

Three-switch three-state single-phase Z-source inverters (TSTS-ZSIs) were pro-
posed recently in [78], and are classified into two groups, boost-TSTS-ZSI and
buck–boost-TSTS-ZSI as shown in Figure 7.32.
This topology can be assembled using fewer switches compared to the tradi-
tional impedance source topologies, so higher power density can be achieved. In
addition, it has a lower voltage stress and dual grounding, which makes it
suitable for PV power generation. Distributed Z-source

Distributed impedance networks such as transmission lines and hybrid inductor (LC)
components can be used for a Z-source network [79] as shown in Figure 7.33. These
distributed Z-source networks are difficult to implement, but a distributed Z-source
Z-source converters 233

+ Lf L1 S3 + + S1 L1 S3 +
C2 C2
S2 S2
Vo C3
Vin C3 Vin Vo
L2 L2
S1 C1 Lf C1
– – – –

Figure 7.32 Three-switch three-state single-phase Z-source inverters (TSTS-

ZSIs): (a) boost topology and (b) buck–boost topology

DC ( Voltage or current)

1 Distributed Z-Source network 3

Source or Load

DC/AC Load

2 4
x x+∆ x

Figure 7.33 A general topology of distributed Z-source converter

inverter does not need any extra diode or switch to achieve the voltage boost func-
tion, thus having the minimum component count. This topology could open a door
for an impedance source networks to radio-frequency power converter design by
utilizing the distributed inductance and capacitance prominent at higher frequencies.

7.3.2 With transformer or magnetic coupling

Magnetically coupled inductors and transformers find a niche in impedance net-
works to improve the voltage boost capability as well as the modulation index. In
addition, they reduce the number of passive components needed in the network,
which improves the power density and reducing the cost of the system. A generic
method is presented in [80] to illustrate the derivation of some of the magnetically
coupled network topologies. The following subsections describe the impedance
network topologies based on transformer or coupled inductor. Y-source
A unique impedance source network called the ‘‘Y-source network’’ topology was
proposed in [33] using coupled inductors with three windings (N1, N2, and N3)
having versatile characteristics and features (see Figure 7.14). The gain of the
converter is presently not matched with existing networks operated at the same duty
ratio. The proposed converter has one more degree of freedom (three windings and
shoot-through duty cycle of switch (dST)) to choose the voltage boost, as compared
to a classical impedance network–based boost converter [81]. Theoretically, any
magnitude of voltage boost can be obtained by adjusting the turns ratio and shoot-
through duty cycle of the switch.
234 Power electronic converters and systems

D W1

W2 ⎡⎡Z:1
1 3 5

3-ph Vo

2 4 6 ≡

Figure 7.34 G-Z-source network topology


S1 S5

3-ph Vo

S2 S6 ≡

Figure 7.35 T-source network topology G-Z-source
A unique G-shape two-winding coupled transformer is also implemented in an
impedance network [82] to increase the gain and modulation ratio simultaneously,
while reducing the component count. Unlike other transformer-based impedance
networks whose gains increases with an increased turns ratio, e.g. T-source, trans-
Z-source, TZ-source or inductor-capacitor-capacitor-transformer Z-source (LCCT
Z-source), the G-Z-source gain increases with a decrease in the turns ratio.
Figure 7.34 shows the G-Z-source network topology for an inverter. T-source
The T-source inverter also utilizes a two-winding coupled inductor and one capa-
citor [83] as shown in Figure 7.35. The gain of the converter can be set higher than
the traditional ZSI and qZSI using a transformer turns ratio greater than 1. This
topology is suitable for a NPC converter as it shares a common voltage source for
both the passive arrangement and the converter circuit. Trans-Z-source
Theoretically, the original Z-source, quasi-Z-source, and embedded Z-source all
have unlimited voltage gain. Practically, however, a high voltage gain (>2) will
result in a high-voltage stress imposed on the switches. Trans-Z-source (two vol-
tage-fed and two current-fed) inverters were proposed to have higher voltage gains
while keeping voltage stress low and reducing the Z-source network to one trans-
former (or one coupled inductor) and one capacitor [84] as shown in Figure 7.36.
Z-source converters 235

D1 1:n 1:n
+ L2 + L1 L2
L1 S1 S3 S5 Ldc S1 S3 S5

3-ph Vo
3-ph Vo
Vin C1 Vin
D1 C1

S2 S4 S6 S2 S4 S6
– –
≡ ≡

(a) (b)
D1 1:n
+ L1 L2
L2 S1 S3 S5 S1 S3 S5
3-ph Vo

3-ph Vo
Vin C1
C1 L1 S2 S4 S6
S2 S4 S6

(c) (d)

Figure 7.36 Trans-Z-source inverter. (a) Voltage-fed trans-Z-source; (b) current-

fed trans-Z-source; (c) current-fed trans-quasi-Z-source; and
(d) voltage-fed trans-quasi-Z-source

L22 L21

n22 n21 S1 S3 S5
3-ph Vo

C1 C2
L12 L11 S2 S4 S6

n12 n11 ≡

Figure 7.37 TZ-source network topology TZ-source
The TZ-source also achieves high voltage gain by setting the turns ratio of the
transformer to greater than 1 [85]. Comparatively, it requires a lower transformer
turns ratio than the trans-ZSI; however, it requires four coupled inductors as well as
the same number of other passive components as the traditional ZSIs. So, this
topology is not very effective in reducing the number of components and size.
Figure 7.37 shows the circuit topology of the TZ-source network for a three-phase
inverter. LCCT Z-source

With the inductor and a transformer integrated into a common core, the LCCT-Z-
source inverters as shown in Figure 7.38 achieve higher voltage gains and
236 Power electronic converters and systems

D S1 S3 S5


3-ph Vo
Vin C1
S2 S4 S6

Figure 7.38 LCCT network topology

D L1p L1s
S1 S3 S5

3-ph Vo
C1p C1s C2s
Vin C2p
L2p L2s S2 S4 S6

T 2(1:N) ≡

Figure 7.39 HF transformer isolated Z-source inverter

modulation index [86]. This topology maintains a continuous input current even at
a light load, and also filters out high-frequency ripples from the input current. HF transformer isolated Z-source/quasi-Z-source/

A family of impedance source networks with intermediate high frequency (HF)
isolation is presented with different topologies for applications requiring isolation
for safety reasons [87]. These topologies inherit all the benefits of the Z-source
networks along with a higher boost ratio and lower device stress. However, this
topology increases the number of active and passive components. In addition, the
coupled transformer must be designed properly to minimize the leakage induc-
tance. One example of a voltage-fed HF-isolated ZSI is shown in Figure 7.39.

7.4 Conclusions
Impedance source networks have added a new chapter in the field of power elec-
tronic topologies with their unique features and properties that overcome most of the
problems faced by traditional converter topologies. Since the publication of the first
Z-source network, there have been numerous contributions in the literature modifying
the basic topology to suit the needs of many applications. In principle, it overcomes
the conceptual and theoretical barriers and limitations of the traditional VSI and CSI
and provides a novel power conversion concept. The superior performance of the
impedance source network to design more robust and versatile converter topologies
for various applications attracts researchers and designers from both academia and
Z-source converters 237

industry to explore it in depth. Many topologies were developed to overcome the

limitations and disadvantages of the traditional impedance source network. The
number of combinations is large and the topologies might in cases be confusing. In
this chapter, an attempt to provide a global picture of the impedance source networks
proposed in the literature to comprehend and identify their pros and cons. A broad
classification of the topologies and modulation techniques in this chapter with further
sub-classification aims to provide easy selection of control and modulation techni-
ques for appropriate topologies for particular application. Further, a comparison of
various modulation techniques for particular switching topologies based on theore-
tical complexity and performance informs the selection of the correct control and
modulation technique for the respective switching topologies to achieve maximal
voltage boost, minimal harmonic distortion, lower semiconductor stress and a mini-
mal number of device commutations per switching cycle.

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Chapter 8
Switching power supplies
Dariusz Czarkowski* and Mariusz Bojarski*

8.1 Introduction

Power supplies for modern electronic systems should be small, lightweight, reliable,
and efficient. Linear power regulators, whose principle of operation is based on a
voltage or current divider, are inefficient. They are limited to output voltages smaller
than the input voltage. Also, their power density is low because they require
low-frequency (50 or 60 Hz) line transformers and filters. Linear regulators can,
however, provide a very high-quality output voltage. Their main area of application is
at low power levels as low dropout voltage regulators. Semiconductor components in
linear regulators operate in their active (linear) modes. At higher power levels,
switching regulators are used. Switching regulators use power electronic semi-
conductor switches in on and off states. Since there is a small power loss in those states
(low voltage across a switch in the on state, zero current through a switch in the off
state), switching regulators can achieve high-energy conversion efficiencies. Modern
power electronic switches can operate at high frequencies. The higher the operating
frequency, the smaller and lighter the transformers, filter inductors, and capacitors.
In addition, dynamic characteristics of converters improve with increasing operating
frequencies. The bandwidth of a control loop is usually determined by the corner
frequency of the output filter. Therefore, high operating frequencies allow for achieving
a fast dynamic response to rapid changes in the load current and/or the input voltage.
The functions of dc–dc converters are:
● to convert a dc input voltage VIN into a dc output voltage VOUT;
● to regulate the dc output voltage against load and line variations;
● to reduce the ac voltage ripple on the dc output voltage below the required
● to provide isolation between the input source and the load (isolation is not
always required);
● to protect the supplied system and the input source from electromagnetic
interference (EMI);
● to satisfy various international and national safety standards.

*New York University, New York, NY, USA

246 Power electronic converters and systems

Two main types of dc–dc converters can be distinguished: hard-switching pulse

width modulated (PWM) converters, and resonant and soft-switching converters. This
chapter describes the PWM converters which have been very popular for the last four
decades. They are widely used at all power levels. Topologies and properties of PWM
converters are well understood and described in the literature. Advantages of PWM
converters include low component count, high efficiency, constant frequency opera-
tion, relatively simple control and commercial availability of integrated circuit con-
trollers, and ability to achieve high conversion ratios for both step-down and step-up
applications. A disadvantage of PWM dc–dc converters is that PWM rectangular
voltage and current waveforms cause turn-on and turn-off losses in semiconductor
devices which limit practical operating frequencies to a megahertz range. Rectangular
waveforms also inherently generate high levels of EMI.
This chapter starts from a section on non-isolated dc–dc converters. Four basic
dc–dc converter topologies are presented in Sections 8.2.1–8.2.4: buck, boost,
buck–boost, and integrated buck and boost converters. In Section 8.2.5, the concept
of power factor correction is explained. Popular isolated converter topologies are
discussed in Sections 8.3.1–8.3.4: flyback, forward, half-bridge, and full-bridge
converters. Various rectifier types are presented in Section 8.3.5. Operation of
converters is explained under ideal component and semiconductor device
assumptions. Section 8.4 discusses effects of non-idealities in PWM converters.
Section 8.5 introduces concepts of various types of conduction modes. Section 8.6
presents topologies for increased efficiency at low output voltage. In Section 8.7,
examples of bidirectional power converter topologies are presented. Section 8.8
discusses a concept of paralleling multiple converters. Section 8.9 reviews control
principles of PWM dc–dc converters. Two main control schemes, voltage-mode
control and current-mode control, are described. Finally, a list of modern textbooks
on power electronics is provided in Section 8.10. These books are excellent
resources for deeper exploration into the area of dc–dc power conversion.

8.2 Non-isolated converters topologies

Converters discussed in this chapter utilize PWM to control the output. The PWM
signal is obtained with a switch, for instance a transistor, which is turned-on for
time tON and then turned-off for time tOFF. The process of turning on and off is
repeated continuously with a period T ¼ tON þ tOFF. Hence, the switch duty ratio D
could be defined as
D¼ (8.1)
ton þ toff
It can be seen from the above equation that the theoretical range of duty ratio D is
from 0 to 1.

8.2.1 Buck converter

Figure 8.1 shows a step-down dc–dc converter, commonly known as a buck con-
verter. The buck converter consists of dc input voltage source VIN, controlled
Switching power supplies 247


IL +
IC –

Figure 8.1 The buck converter topology diagram



(a) t



(b) t



(c) t


(d) t

Figure 8.2 Typical voltage and current waveforms in the buck converter:
(a) switch current, (b) inductor current, (c) diode current, and
(d) diode voltage

switch S, diode D, filter inductor L, filter capacitor C, and load resistance RL.
Typical waveforms in the converter are shown in Figure 8.2 under the assumption
that the inductor current is always positive. It can be seen from the circuit that when
the switch S is driven to the on state, the diode D is reverse biased.
248 Power electronic converters and systems

When the switch S is off, the diode conducts to support an uninterrupted cur-
rent in the inductor. The relationship among the input voltage, output voltage, and
the switch duty ratio D can be derived from, for instance, the waveform of the
voltage across the inductor L, which is a difference between the output voltage
VOUT and the voltage across the diode D. The voltage across the inductor is equal to
VIN VOUT when the switch S is on and equal to VOUT when the switch is off.
According to Faraday’s law, the inductor volt–second product over a period of
steady-state operation is zero. For the buck converter
Hence, the dc voltage transfer function, defined as the ratio of the output voltage to
the input voltage, is
MV ¼ ¼D (8.3)
It can be concluded from the above equation that the output voltage of the buck
converter is within the range from 0 to VIN.
The filter inductor current iL consists of a dc component IO with a super-
imposed triangular ac component. This ac component forms the inductor current
ripple. Its peak-to-peak value can be calculated as
ILr ¼ ¼ (8.4)
The maximum and minimum values of the inductor current iL are
ILmax ¼ IO þ (8.5)
ILmin ¼ IO (8.6)
In most design cases, the filtering inductance value L is selected to keep the
current ripple below certain limit ILrmax. Thus, the inductance value can be calcu-
lated as
Lmin ¼ (8.7)
Almost the entire ac component of the inductor current flows through the filter
capacitor as a current iC. Current iC causes a small voltage ripple across the dc
output voltage VOUT. To limit the peak-to-peak value of the ripple voltage below
certain value Vr, the filter capacitance C must be greater than
VOUT ð1 DÞ ILrmax
Cmin ¼ ¼ (8.8)
8Vr Lf 2 8Vr f
Equations (8.7) and (8.8) are the key design equations for the buck converter.
The input and output dc voltages (hence, the duty ratio D), and the range of load
Switching power supplies 249

resistance RL are usually determined by preliminary specifications. The designer

needs to determine values of passive components L and C, and of the switching
frequency f. The value of the filter inductor L is based on desired level of inductor
ripple current using (8.7). The value of the filter capacitor C is obtained from the
voltage ripple condition (8.8). For the compactness and low conduction losses of a
converter, it is desirable to use small passive components. Equations (8.7) and (8.8)
show that it can be accomplished with a high switching frequency f. The switching
frequency is limited, however, by the type of semiconductor switches used and by
switching losses. It should be also noted that values of L and C may be altered by
effects of parasitic components in the converter, especially by the equivalent series
resistance (ESR) of the capacitor. The issue of parasitic components in dc–dc
converters is discussed in Section 8.4.

8.2.2 Boost converter

Figure 8.3 presents a step-up or a PWM boost converter. It is composed of dc input
voltage source VIN, boost inductor L, controlled switch S, diode D, filter capacitor
C, and load resistance RL. Typical waveforms in the converter are shown in
Figure 8.4 under the assumption that the inductor current is always positive. When
the switch S is in the on state, the current in the boost inductor increases linearly.
The diode D is off at that time. When the switch S is turned off, the energy stored in
the inductor is released through the diode D to the output RC circuit. The voltage
across the inductor is equal to VIN when the switch S is on and equal to VIN VOUT
when the switch is off. Using the Faraday’s law for the boost inductor
VIN DT ¼ ðVOUT VIN Þð1 DÞT (8.9)
from which the dc voltage transfer function could be derived as
MV ¼ ¼ (8.10)
It can be concluded from (8.10) that the output voltage of the boost converter is
within the range from VIN to infinity. Thus, a duty ratio limitation or the over



L +


Figure 8.3 The boost converter topology diagram

250 Power electronic converters and systems



(a) t









Figure 8.4 Typical voltage and current waveforms for the boost converter:
(a) switch current, (b) inductor current, (c) diode current, and
(d) switch voltage

voltage protection at the output is strongly recommended as the boost converter can
generate very high voltage at the output.
The peak-to-peak value of the inductor current ripple can be calculated as
ILr ¼ ¼ (8.11)
The maximum and minimum values of the inductor current iL are
ILmax ¼ IO þ (8.12)
ILmin ¼ IO (8.13)
Switching power supplies 251

In most cases, the filtering inductor value L is selected to keep the current
ripple below certain limit ILrmax. Thus, the inductor value can be calculated as
Lmin ¼ (8.14)
In the boost converter, the current is delivered to the output RC circuit only
when diode D is conducting. Thus, this current is discontinuous which implies a
larger filter capacitor requirement compared to that in the buck-derived converters
to limit the output voltage ripple. The filter capacitor must provide the output dc
current to the load when the diode D is not conducting. The minimum value of the
filter capacitance that results in the voltage ripple Vr is given by
Cmin ¼ (8.15)
Vr Rf

8.2.3 Buck–boost converter

Figure 8.5 depicts a buck–boost converter. It is comprised of dc input voltage
source VIN, inductor L, controlled switch S, diode D, filter capacitor C, and load
resistance RL. Typical waveforms in the converter are shown in Figure 8.6 under
the assumption that the inductor current is always positive. When the switch S is in
the on state, the current in the inductor increases linearly. The diode D is off at the
time. When the switch S is turned off, the energy stored in the inductor is released
through the diode D to the output RC circuit. The voltage across the inductor is
equal to VIN when the switch S is on and equal to VOUT when the switch is off.
Using the Faraday’s law for the inductor
VIN DT ¼ VOUT ð1 DÞT (8.16)
from which the dc voltage transfer function turns out to be
MV ¼ ¼ (8.17)
Equation (8.17) shows that the output voltage of the buck–boost converter is within
the range from 0 to negative infinity. Hence, a duty ratio limitation or the over


IC +

Figure 8.5 The buck–boost converter topology diagram

252 Power electronic converters and systems



(a) t



(b) t






Figure 8.6 Typical voltage and current waveforms for the buck–boost converter:
(a) switch current, (b) inductor current, (c) diode current, and
(d) switch voltage

voltage protection at the output is strongly recommended since the buck–boost

converter can generate very high voltage at the output.
The output voltage VOUT is negative with respect to the ground. Its magnitude
can be either greater or smaller (equal at D ¼ 0.5) than the input voltage as this
converter name implies.
The structure of the output part of the converter is similar to that of the boost
converter (reversed polarities being the only difference). Thus, the same equation
for current ripples, inductor L value, and filtering capacitor C value can be applied.

8.2.4 Integrated buck and boost converter

Figure 8.7 depicts an integrated buck and boost converter. It is comprised of dc input
voltage source VIN, inductor L, two controlled switch S1 and S2, two diodes D1 and
Switching power supplies 253


L +
IL –

D1 IS2 S2

Figure 8.7 The integrated buck and boost converter topology diagram




(a) (b)

Figure 8.8 Block diagrams of ac–dc converters: (a) with a traditional rectifier
and (b) with a power factor corrector

D2, filter capacitor C, and load resistance RL. This converter has two operation
modes: buck and boost. In the buck mode, the switch S2 is off and the switch S1 is
being turned on and off with duty ratio D and frequency f. Assuming a positive
current in the inductor L, diode D2 always conducts in this operation mode. Thus, the
converter works as a regular buck converter and all related equations are applicable.
In the second operation mode, the converter behaves as a boost converter. In
this case, switch S1 is always on and diode D1 does not conduct. The switch S2 is
being turned on and off with duty ratio D and frequency f. Thus, the converter
works as a regular boost converter and all related equations apply.
The integrated buck and boost converter is used where the output voltage needs
to be regulated in a range which extends from below to above the input voltage.
Such regulation is not achievable by the buck or boost converter alone. It can be
achieved by sepic or Cuk converters which are, however, higher order converters
and their analysis and control are more complex. Thus, the integrated buck and
boost converter is preferred by the industry in most such applications.

8.2.5 Power factor correction

Typical power supplies take the ac voltage from the grid (50 or 60 Hz) as an input.
Thus, the power supply usually consists of a low-frequency rectifier followed by a
dc–dc converter as shown in Figure 8.8(a). In recent years, regulations and stan-
dards have put tight restrictions on the quality of input current of power supplies.
In many cases, a sinusoidal input current with low harmonic distortion level is
254 Power electronic converters and systems

required. Thus, the power factor corrected pre-regulators are used instead of tra-
ditional rectifiers as shown in Figure 8.8(b).
The power factor corrector (PFC) consists usually of a rectifier followed by the
boost converter. Other topologies, including bridgeless variants, are also used. The
primary objective of the PFC is to provide a sinusoidal input current. Thus, the
control is designed accordingly in order to follow the input voltage as a reference
for the current. The input current to the power supply with and without PFC is
shown for comparison in Figure 8.9, neglecting distortions that typically happen at
current values close to zero.

8.3 Isolated converters topologies

8.3.1 Flyback converter
A PWM flyback converter is a very practical isolated version of the buck–boost
converter. The circuit of the flyback converter is presented in Figure 8.10. The
inductor of the buck–boost converter has been replaced by a flyback transformer.


(a) t


(b) t

Figure 8.9 Input voltage and current of an ac–dc converter: (a) with a traditional
rectifier and (b) with a power factor corrector

VIN + TR +
IS S –

Figure 8.10 The flyback converter topology diagram

Switching power supplies 255

The input dc source VIN and switch S are connected in series with the primary
transformer. The diode D and the RC output circuit are connected in series with the
secondary of the flyback transformer. Refer to Figure 8.10 for the converter
operation. When the switch S is on, the current in the magnetizing inductance of the
transformer increases linearly. The diode D is off and there is no current in the
secondary side winding of the transformer. When the switch is turned off, the
magnetizing inductance current is discharged through the diode D, and the trans-
formed magnetizing inductance current is supplied to the RC load. The dc voltage
transfer function of the flyback converter is
MV ¼ ¼ (8.18)
VIN nð1 DÞ
It differs from the buck–boost converter voltage transfer function by the turns ratio
factor n ¼ N1/N2. A positive sign has been obtained by an appropriate coupling of
the transformer windings.
Unlike in other isolated dc–dc converters, the magnetizing inductance Lm of
the flyback transformer is an important design parameter, as it works also as the
filtering inductor.

8.3.2 Forward converter

The circuit diagram of a forward converter is depicted in Figure 8.11. When the
switch S is on, diode D1 conducts and diode D2 is off. The energy is transferred
from the input, through the transformer, to the output filter. When the switch is off,
the state of diodes D1 and D2 is reversed. Thus, the output filter operates exactly
like in the buck converter. When the switch S is on, the voltage across the inductor
is equal to VIN/n VOUT, and when the switch is off, the inductor voltage is equal
to VOUT. The transformer turns ratio n ¼ N1/N2. Thus, the dc voltage transfer
function of the forward converter is
MV ¼ ¼ (8.19)
In the forward converter, the energy-transfer current flows through the transformer
in one direction. Hence, an additional winding with diode D3 is needed to bring the

D1 L
D2 +


Figure 8.11 The forward converter topology diagram

256 Power electronic converters and systems

magnetizing current of the transformer to zero. This prevents transformer satura-

tion. The turns ratio N1/N3 should be selected in such a way that the magnetizing
current decreases to zero during the time interval when the switch is off. In the most
common configuration, the duty ratio D is limited to 0.5 and the mentioned turns
ratio N1/N3 ¼ 1.
A disadvantage of this topology is a high-voltage stress across the switch S. In
the most common configuration, the voltage across the switch S when it is open is
equal to 2VIN. This affects the efficiency of the converter and makes it not
suitable for high- or medium-power applications. As the structure of the converter
is relatively simple and only one transistor is employed, the forward converter is
commonly used for low-power applications.
The high-voltage stress problem of the basic forward converter topology could
be solved by the two-switch topology variant, which is presented in Figure 8.12.
The operation principle is very similar. Both switches SH and SL are turned on and
off at the same time. When the switches are on, diodes DH and DL do not conduct.
On the secondary side, diode D2 is off and diode D1 conducts delivering current to
the output filter. When switches SH and SL are off, diodes DH and DL conduct
allowing transformer to demagnetize before the next cycle. Diode operation at the
secondary is reversed, as in the basic forward converter described above. Thus, the
output filter design is identical for both of them. In the two-switch forward con-
verter, duty ratio D must be limited to 0.5 to allow demagnetization of the

8.3.3 Half-bridge converter

The PWM dc–dc half-bridge converter is shown in Figure 8.13. In the half-bridge
converter, two switches generate a rectangular voltage waveform in a range from 0
to VIN. To avoid saturation of the transformer, a dc offset is cut off by the capacitor
divider to which transformer is connected. The switches SH and SL operate shifted
in phase by T/2 with the same duty ratio D. The duty ratio must be smaller than 0.5.
When switch SH is on, diode D1 conducts and diode D2 is off. Diode states are


VIN + D1
– IP D2 +
DL –

Figure 8.12 The two-switch forward converter topology diagram

Switching power supplies 257


VIN + D1
– +
TR D2 VR –

Figure 8.13 The half-bridge converter topology diagram

reversed when switch SL is on. When both controllable switches are off, the diodes
are on and share the filter inductor current equally. Typical waveforms in the
converter are shown in Figure 8.14 under the assumption that the inductor current is
always positive. The dc voltage transfer function of the half-bridge converter is
MV ¼ ¼ (8.20)
where D < 0.5 and n is the turns ratio equal to N1/N2. The inductor current ripple is
calculated in a similar manner as in the buck converter. Its peak-to-peak value is
ILr ¼ (8.21)
The maximum and minimum values of the inductor current iL are
ILmax ¼ IO þ (8.22)
ILmin ¼ IO (8.23)
The filtering inductor value L is typically selected to keep the current ripple
below certain limit ILrmax. Thus, the inductor value can be calculated as
Lmin ¼ (8.24)
Almost all of the inductor current ripple flows through the filter capacitor as
current iC. Current iC causes a small voltage ripple at the dc output voltage VOUT.
To limit the peak-to-peak value of the ripple voltage below certain value Vr, the
filter capacitance C must be greater than
Cmin ¼ (8.25)
32Lf 2
258 Power electronic converters and systems



(a) t



(b) t



(c) t



(d) t

Figure 8.14 Typical voltage and current waveforms for the half-bridge converter:
(a) transformer primary voltage, (b) switch currents, (c) inductor
current, and (d) transformer primary current

8.3.4 Full-bridge converter

The PWM dc–dc full-bridge converter is shown in Figure 8.15. Its comparison to
the half-bridge converter reveals that the capacitive voltage divider has been
replaced by two controllable switches. The controllable switches are operated in
pairs. When SH1 and SL2 are on, voltage VIN is applied to the primary of the
transformer and diode D1 conducts. With SL1 and SH2 on, there is voltage VIN
across the primary transformer and diode D2 is on. With all controllable switches
off, both diodes conduct, similarly as in the half-bridge converter. The dc voltage
transfer function of the full-bridge converter is
MV ¼ ¼ (8.26)
Switching power supplies 259



VIN + D1
– IP IL I +
TR D2 VR –

Figure 8.15 The full-bridge converter topology diagram

Filtering components and current ripples are calculated in identical manner as for
the half-bridge converter.
The full-bridge topology allows also for another very popular control strategy,
called phase-shift control. In this scenario, each half-bridge generates a square
wave with the duty cycle equal to 0.5. The regulation is obtained by the phase-shift
of those two square waveforms as shown in Figure 8.16. The phase-shift control
allows for obtaining zero voltage switching conditions for all switches. At the
secondary, this control strategy provides similar waveforms as in a regular half- or
full-bridge converter. The phase-shift of 0 is equivalent to duty cycle equal to
zero, and the phase-shift of 180 is equivalent to duty cycle of 0.5.

8.3.5 Rectifiers
There are three basic rectifier topologies applicable for half- and full-bridge con-
verters topology: full-bridge rectifier, center-tap rectifier, and current-doubler rec-
tifier. The full-bridge rectifier is presented in Figure 8.17. It consists of four diodes
D1–D4, inductor L, capacitor C, and load resistance RL. The rectifier is supplied by
the single winding of the transformer TR. The advantage of the full-bridge rectifier
is that the voltage stress across diodes is equal to the peak input voltage to the
rectifier. It also works with a simple two-winding type of the transformer. A dis-
advantage of the full-bridge rectifier is that the inductor current always flows
through two diodes which increases conduction losses. It makes this type of the
rectifier not suitable for low-voltage applications.
The center-tap rectifier is presented in Figure 8.18. It is composed of two
diodes D1 and D2, inductor L, capacitor C, and load resistance RL. The rectifier is
supplied by the center-tapped secondary winding of the transformer TR. The
advantage of this rectifier is that the inductor current flows through only one diode
at a time, which makes it more suitable for low-voltage applications than a full-
bridge rectifier. The disadvantage of this rectifier is a requirement for more com-
plicated transformer winding and high-voltage stress for the diodes. In this kind of a
rectifier, diodes experience two times higher voltage compared to an equivalent
case with the full-bridge rectifier topology.
260 Power electronic converters and systems

(a) t









Figure 8.16 Typical voltage and current waveforms for the phase-controlled
full-bridge converter: (a) the lower switches voltages,
(b) transformer primary voltage, (c) inductor current, and
(d) transformer primary current

The current-doubler rectifier is presented in Figure 8.19. It comprises two

diodes D1 and D2, two inductors L1 and L2, capacitor C, and load resistance RL. The
rectifier is supplied by the single winding of the transformer TR. The advantage of
this rectifier is that the inductor current flows through only one diode at a time,
which makes it more suitable for low-voltage applications than a full-bridge rec-
tifier. The output current is shared by the two inductors which simplifies design for
high-current applications. Also, the transformer winding in this case provides two
times higher voltage, but there is two times lower current flowing through it. Thus,
the transformer winding is greatly simplified, especially for high-current and low-
voltage applications. The disadvantage of this rectifier is a high-voltage stress
Switching power supplies 261


D1 D2 IL

TR D3 D4

Figure 8.17 The full-bridge rectifier diagram


IL +
TR D2 –

Figure 8.18 The center-tap rectifier diagram


TR D2 –



Figure 8.19 The current-doubler rectifier diagram

across the diodes. In the current-doubler rectifier, diodes are subject to two times
higher voltage in comparison with an equivalent case of the full-bridge rectifier
topology. Typical voltage and current waveforms for this type of rectifier are pre-
sented in Figure 8.20. In the current-doubler rectifier, both inductors operate at the
same frequency as the transformer but the current in them is shifted in phase by
180 . Thus, after summation of those currents, there is a partial current ripple
cancelation at the output.
262 Power electronic converters and systems



(a) t







IL1 + IL1


Figure 8.20 Typical voltage and current waveforms for the current-doubler
rectifier: (a) transformer primary voltage, (b) diode currents,
(c) inductor current, and (d) sum of inductor currents (not in scale)

8.4 Parasitics in DC–DC converters

The analysis of converters in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 has been performed under ideal
switch, diode, and passive component assumptions. Non-idealities or parasitics of
practical devices and components may, however, greatly affect some performance
parameters of dc–dc converters. In this section, modeling and effects of parasitics
on output voltage ripple, efficiency, and voltage transfer function of converters are
An ideal and a more realistic model of a capacitor are shown in Figure 8.21.
The realistic model consists of a series connection of capacitance C and resistance
rC. The resistance rC is called an ESR of the capacitor and is due to losses in the
dielectric and physical resistance of leads and connections. Recall (8.8) which
Switching power supplies 263


(a) (b)

Figure 8.21 Capacitor model: (a) ideal one and (b) with series resistance

L rL L

(a) (b)

Figure 8.22 Inductor model: (a) ideal one and (b) with series resistance

− +

(a) (b)

Figure 8.23 Diode model: (a) ideal one and (b) with series resistance and
constant forward voltage

provided a value of the filter capacitance in a buck converter that limits the peak-to-
peak output voltage ripple to Vr. The equation was derived under an assumption
that the entire triangular ac component of the inductor current flows through a
capacitance C. It is, however, closer to reality to maintain that this triangular
component flows through a series connection of capacitance C and resistance rC.
Thus, the ripples across the resistance rC adds to the ripples across the capacitor.
The peak-to-peak voltage ripple value across the resistance rC can be calculated as
VrC ¼ rC ILr ¼ (8.27)
where ILr is the peak-to-peak current ripple value in the buck converter inductor.
Depends on the used capacitor type and size one of the ripples can be dominant. In
most cases, especially when electrolytic capacitors are employed, the ripples over
resistance rC are significantly larger than ripples over a capacitance itself. Thus, many
times for the ripples requirements, only the series resistance effect can be considered.
Ideal and realistic models of an inductor, a diode, and a transistor switch are
presented in Figures 8.22–8.24. An efficiency of a dc–dc converter is defined as the
ratio of the output power to input power and is commonly expressed in percent. All
the parasitics shown in parts (b) of the figures in this section decrease converter
efficiencies. In well-designed practical converters, efficiencies range from high
eighties to medium nineties percent. Parasitic components also lower voltage
transfer functions of practical converters resulting in maximum values of about ten
instead of theoretical limits of infinity for boost or buck–boost converters.
264 Power electronic converters and systems


S S rds

(a) (b)

Figure 8.24 Switch model: (a) ideal one and (b) with series resistance and
parallel capacitance

8.5 Continuous and discontinuous conduction modes

PWM dc–dc converters may operate in three of conduction modes: continuous con-
duction mode (CCM), critical conduction mode, and discontinuous conduction mode
(DCM). The analysis of the converters in this chapter was done under assumption that
current in the inductor is always positive, which is specific to the CCM. The critical
conduction mode is a boundary between the other two and is obtained when the
current in the inductor drops to zero and then immediately starts rising. This boundary
relates the inductor ripple current peak-to-peak value to the output current as
ILr ¼ 2IO (8.28)
Thus, for a converter to operate in CCM, the inductor value needs to be calculated
accordingly. For instance, for a buck converter it should be calculated as
Lmin ¼ (8.29)
where IOmin is the minimum output current for which CCM is desired.
In the DCM, the inductor current drops to zero, remains there for some time,
and starts increasing only at the beginning of the next cycle. The disadvantage of
this mode is a high-current stress on the converter components. Advantages of
DCM are simpler control, as the current in the inductor starts from zero in each
cycle, and a lower size of the inductor. Thus, DCM is often used in low-power
applications. Typical inductor current waveforms for the three conductions modes
are presented in Figure 8.25.

8.6 Synchronous rectification

The idea of synchronous rectification is to replace a diode, which has a constant

voltage drop, by a switch with a very low on-resistance, usually a metal–oxide–
semiconductor field-effect transistor. It is especially important in a low-voltage
applications, where the typical diode forward voltage drop is significant compared
to the converter output voltage even when Schottky diodes are used. There are
Switching power supplies 265









Figure 8.25 Power converter inductor current for various conduction modes:
(a) continuous conduction mode, (b) critical conduction mode,
and (c) discontinuous conduction mode

many such applications, for instance supplying central processor unit (CPU) cores.
The synchronous rectification can greatly increase the efficiency of the power
converters in low-output voltage supplies. Nevertheless, a synchronous rectifier
needs an additional control circuit which increases the converter complexity.

8.7 Bidirectional converters

Some applications, for instance battery storage converters, require a bidirectional
power flow capability of the converter. In non-isolated converters, it can be
achieved by applying synchronous rectification and proper control methods.
Figure 8.26 shows an example of such a converter. It can be observed that after
replacing a diode with a controlled switch, buck and boost converter topologies are
identical, only the power flow is reversed. Thus, the converter can operate in one
direction as a buck, in reverse as a boost. The integrated buck and boost converter
topology gives much more flexibility in bidirectional operation in terms of the
input and output voltage ratio.
266 Power electronic converters and systems




Figure 8.26 The bidirectional non-isolated converter topology diagram



V1 + V2 +
− L −


Figure 8.27 The dual active bridge converter topology diagram

For the applications where galvanic isolation between two sides is required, the
dual active bridge (DAB) converter can be used. Its block diagram is presented in
Figure 8.27. It consists of two full bridges, transformer, and inductor. As an
inductor, the leakage inductance of the transformer could be used. Since this con-
verter has a symmetrical structure, it naturally allows for bidirectional operation.
The DAB is usually controlled using the phase-shift control approach.

8.8 Interleaving
In the recent years, the concept of interleaving has become very popular. It is related to
the growing requirements on the power quality in supplying CPU cores. Modern CPU
cores are supplied with very low voltages (below 2 V) and in many cases require
significant amount of power (tens to hundreds of watts) which implies very high
currents. To meet those requirements, multiple converters are connected in parallel to
split the current among them. In addition, a phase-shift between converters is intro-
duced to allow for ripple cancelation. An example of a two-phase interleaved buck
topology is presented in Figure 8.28. Typical voltage and currents waveforms are
Switching power supplies 267


IL1 +



Figure 8.28 The interleaved buck converter topology diagram



(a) t



(b) t

Figure 8.29 Typical voltage and current waveforms for the interleaved buck
converter: (a) switch current and (b) inductor current

shown in Figure 8.29. The two paralleled converters are controlled to share the current
equally to minimize losses. The introduced phase-shift allows for partial ripples
cancelation. Thus, interleaving facilitates an increase in the efficiency of converters,
reducing the filtering components size, and improving the output power quality.
268 Power electronic converters and systems

8.9 Control principles

A regulated dc output voltage must be provided by a dc–dc converter under varying
load and input voltage conditions. The converter component values also change
with time, temperature, pressure, etc. Hence, the control of the output voltage
should be performed in a closed-loop manner using principles of negative feed-
back. Two most common closed-loop control methods for PWM dc–dc converters,
namely, the voltage-mode control and the current-mode control, are presented
schematically in Figure 8.30.
In the voltage-mode control scheme shown in Figure 8.30(a), the converter
output voltage is sensed and subtracted from an external reference voltage in an
error amplifier (EA). The EA produces a control voltage that is compared to a
constant-amplitude sawtooth waveform. The comparator produces a PWM signal
which is fed to drivers of controllable switches in the dc–dc converter. The duty
ratio of the PWM signal depends on the value of the control voltage. The frequency
of the PWM signal is the same as the frequency of the sawtooth waveform. An
important advantage of the voltage-mode control is its simple hardware imple-
mentation and flexibility.
The EA in Figure 8.30(a) reacts fast to changes in the converter output voltage.
Thus, the voltage-mode control provides good load regulation, that is, regulation


EA Comparator Signal DC/DC
− and

Output Voltage


EA Comparator Signal DC/DC
− and

Switch or Inductor Current

Output Voltage

Figure 8.30 Main control schemes for dc–dc converters: (a) voltage-mode control
and (b) current-mode control
Switching power supplies 269

against variations in the load. Line regulation (regulation against variations in the
input voltage) is, however, delayed because changes in the input voltage must first
manifest themselves in the converter output before they can be corrected. To alle-
viate this problem, the voltage-mode control scheme is sometimes augmented by
so-called voltage feedforward path. The feedforward path affects directly the PWM
duty ratio according to variations in the input voltage. As will be explained below,
the input voltage feedforward is an inherent feature of current-mode control
The current-mode control scheme is presented in Figure 8.30(b). An additional
inner control loop feeds back an inductor current signal. This current signal, con-
verted into its voltage analog, is compared to the control voltage. This modification
of replacing the sawtooth waveform of the voltage-mode control scheme by a
converter current signal significantly alters the dynamic behavior of the converter.
The converter takes on some characteristics of a current source. The output current
in PWM dc–dc converters is either equal to the average value of the output inductor
current (buck-derived and Cuk converters) or is a product of an average inductor
current and a function of the duty ratio. In practical implementations of the current-
mode control, it is feasible to sense the peak inductor current instead of the average
value. Since the peak inductor current is equal to the peak switch current, the latter
can be used in the inner loop, which often simplifies the current sensor. Note that
the peak inductor (switch) current is proportional to the input voltage. Hence, the
inner loop of the current-mode control naturally accomplishes the input voltage
feedforward technique. Among several current-mode control versions, the most
popular is the constant-frequency one which requires a clock signal. Advantages of
the current-mode control include input voltage feedforward, limit on the peak
switch current, equal current sharing in modular converters, and reduction in the
converter dynamic order. The main disadvantage of the current-mode control is its
complicated hardware, which includes a need to compensate the control voltage by
ramp signals (to avoid converter instability).
Among other control methods of dc–dc converters, a hysteretic (or bang-bang)
control is very simple for hardware implementation. The hysteretic control results,
however, in variable frequency operation of semiconductor switches. Generally, a
constant switching frequency is preferred in power electronic circuits for easier
elimination of EMI and better utilization of magnetic components.
Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are commercially available
that contain main elements of voltage- or current-mode control schemes. On a
single 14- or 16-pin chip, there is EA, comparator, sawtooth generator or sensed
current input, latch, and PWM drivers. The switching frequency is usually set by an
external RC network and can be varied from tens to hundreds of kilohertz. The
controller has an oscillator output for synchronization with other converters in
modular power supply systems. A constant voltage reference is generated on the
chip as well. Additionally, the ASIC controller may be equipped in various diag-
nostic and protection features: current limiting, overvoltage and undervoltage
protection, soft start, dead time in case of multiple PWM outputs, and duty ratio
limiting. In several dc–dc converter topologies, e.g., buck and buck–boost, neither
270 Power electronic converters and systems

control terminal of semiconductor switches is grounded (so-called high-side

switches). ASIC controllers are usually designed for a particular topology and their
PWM drivers may be able to drive high-side switches in low-voltage applications.
In high-voltage applications, external PWM drivers must be used. External PWM
drivers are also used for switches with high input capacitances. To take a full
advantage of the input–output isolation in transformer versions of dc–dc converters,
such isolation must be also provided in the control loop. Signal transformers or
optocouplers are used for isolating feedback signals.
Another approach to dc–dc converter control implementation is digital control.
It is usually realized using microcontrollers (MCU), digital signal processors
(DSPs), or programmable logic, for instance field programmable gate arrays
(FPGAs). In the digital controller, all analog signals, like voltages and currents, are
converted to digital signals by analog to digital converters (ADCs). An ADC
sampling frequency is usually synchronized with the converter switching fre-
quency. The obtained digital signal corresponding to the output voltage is sub-
tracted from the reference value to obtain an error signal. The error signal is
processed by the digital implementation of the controller, for instance, a PID
controller. The digital controller is recalculating its output every time when new
sample is obtained. In other words, it is synchronized with the ADC sampling
frequency. The calculated controller output is then passed to a digital pulse width
modulator (DPWM). The DPWM operates in a very similar way to a voltage-mode
controller. The input signal is compared with a ramp (sawtooth) and proper pulse
width is generated. In digital domain, both signals are digital and have discrete
values. The ramp is usually generated by the counting-up counter, which is reset
periodically in order to obtain the desired switching frequency. Thus, the resolution
of the DPWM is proportional to a ratio of the counter clock frequency to the
switching frequency. There are techniques, commonly used in dedicated for power
converters DSPs, which allow to increase the resolution of the DPWM in some
limited range. The other limitation of digital controllers is computation time. The
dynamics of the digital controller is naturally limited by the sampling frequency.
The sampling frequency can be easily increased, but it may lead to overloading an
MCU or a DSP. It means that the update of the controller output will not be cal-
culated before the next cycle is started. It can be overcome by using FPGA and
paralleling calculations, but it is much more complex and expensive solution. The
biggest advantage of digital controllers is their flexibility. They allow modification
of parameters of the controller by reprogramming, which can be even done on the
fly, while the converter is running. Moreover, it allows for implementation of
extensive diagnostic and protection algorithms that could be not available or hard
to implement in analog controllers. Depending on the application, a low-cost MCU,
powerful DSP, or FPGA can be used. All of them offer various performances and
costs. In recent years, there have been also available dedicated ASICs with
implemented digital controllers together with gate drivers and other necessary
circuits for low- and medium-power applications.
Dynamic characteristics of closed-loop controlled dc–dc converters must ful-
fill certain requirements. To simplify analysis, these requirements are usually
Switching power supplies 271

translated into desired properties of the open loop. The open loop should provide
a sufficient (typically, at least 45 ) phase margin for stability, high bandwidth
(about one-tenth of the switching frequency) for good transient response,
and high gain (several tens of decibels) at low frequencies for small steady-state
The open-loop dynamic characteristics are shaped by compensating
networks of passive components around the EA. Second- or third-order RC
networks are commonly used. Since the converter itself is a part of the control
loop, the design of compensating networks requires knowledge of small-signal
characteristics of the converter. There are several methods of small-signal
characterization of PWM dc–dc converters. The most popular methods provide
average models of converters under high switching frequency assumption. The
averaged models are then linearized at an operating point to obtain small-signal
transfer functions. Among analytical averaging methods, state-space averaging
has been popular since late 1970s. Circuit-based averaging is usually performed
using PWM switch or direct replacement of semiconductor switches by
controlled current and voltage sources. All these methods can take into account
converter parasitics.
The most important small-signal characteristic is the control-to-output transfer
function. Other converter characteristics that are investigated include the input-to-
output (or line-to-output) voltage transfer function, also called the open-loop
dynamic line regulation or the audio susceptibility, which describes the input–
output disturbance transmission; the open-loop input impedance; and the open-loop
dynamic load regulation. Buck-derived, boost, and buck–boost converters are
second-order dynamic systems; Cuk and sepic converters are fourth-order systems.
Characteristics of buck and buck-derived converters are similar to each other.
Another group of converters with similar small-signal characteristics is formed by
boost, buck–boost, and flyback converters. Among parasitic components, the ESR
of the filter capacitor rC introduces additional dynamic terms into transfer func-
tions. Other parasitic resistances usually modify slightly the effective value of the
load resistance.
Buck-derived converters can be easily compensated for stability with second-
order controllers. The boost converter (as well as buck–boost and flyback con-
verters) is a non-minimum phase system. Non-minimum phase dc–dc converters
are typically compensated with third-order controllers. Step-by-step procedures for
a design of compensating networks are usually given by manufacturers of ASIC
controllers in application notes.
Finally, the behavior of dc–dc converters in distributed power supply systems
should be considered. An important feature of closed-loop regulated dc–dc
converters is that they exhibit a negative input resistance. As the load voltage is
kept constant by the controller, the output power changes with the load. With slow
load changes, an increase (decrease) in the input voltage results in a decrease
(increase) in the input power. This negative resistance property must be carefully
examined during the distributed supply system design to avoid conditions that may
lead to instabilities.
272 Power electronic converters and systems

Further reading
[1] R. Erickson and D. Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, 2nd
Ed., Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic, 2001.
[2] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, and W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics:
Converters, Applications and Design, 3rd Ed., New York, NY: John Wiley
& Sons, 2002.
[3] M. K. Kazimierczuk, Pulse-Width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters,
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
[4] A. I. Pressman, K. Billings, and T. Morey, Switching Power Supply Design,
3rd Ed., New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2009.
[5] D. W. Hart, Power Electronics, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
[6] A. M. Trzynadlowski, Introduction to Modern Power Electronics, 2nd Ed.,
New York, NY: Wiley Interscience, 2010.
[7] A. Ioinovici, Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Systems: Funda-
mentals and Hard-Switching Converters (Volume 1), Chichester: John Wiley
& Sons, 2013.
[8] M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices, and Applications, 4th
Ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2013.
[9] P. T. Krein, Elements of Power Electronics, 2nd Ed., New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 2014.
Chapter 9
Smart power electronic modules
Dorin O. Neacşu*

9.1 History

With the simultaneous advent of power semiconductor devices and microcontroller

platforms in late 1980s and early 1990s, the circuit topologies and the principle of
power electronics conversion have matured. Certain solutions have emerged as win-
ners of worldwide acceptance. This allowed the transition into the next technological
phase with a paradigm shift towards continuous improvement of the way power
converters are actually built. It was the time for new packaging methods to emerge for
the hardware and novel control architectures and platforms to gain popularity.
Initiated in late 1994, the Power Electronics Building Blocks (PEBB) program,
conceived in the Office of Naval Research (ONR, a top research sponsorship institu-
tion of the US Department of Defense), Ship Hull, Mechanical and Electrical Systems
Science and Technology Division, has sponsored and led a series of electronics,
materials, and manufacturing techniques. Another major program of ONR Division
334, the ‘‘Ship Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical Systems Science and Technology
Division’’ was the Advanced Electrical Power Systems (AEPS) [1]. Both PEBB
and AEPS programs included academia and industry, with notable contributions
from CPES at Virginia Tech and SatCon Technology Corporation.
Additional to the actual R&D effort [2,3], these programs set the basis for
standardization in power electronics converters of medium power (tens to hundred
kilowatt). Similar programs were carried within Oak Ridge National Laboratory
[4,5] or major power converter manufacturers. Later on, ABB Corporation has
actually extended the PEBB program into the multi-megawatt range. Even more
recently, the PEBB became a technology of choice for the development of future
more-electric aircraft systems.
Springing off this R&D effort, a series of principles responded the modularity
demands of the production lines and after-market service expectations. The effort
was continued by industry in mid-2000s with the implementation within hybrid
integrated circuits, especially for the low-kilowatt range. While it is hard to draw a
line and to identify the precise moment the first smart power module has been

*Technical University of Iaşi, Romania

274 Power electronic converters and systems

created, it certainly came as a natural technological evolution and it has been

adopted by power semiconductor manufacturers and system integrators alike [6–9].
Figure 9.1 illustrates the technology evolution in low-voltage, medium-power
An explosive development in all semiconductor device technologies was
occurred after 1980 [10–12]. According to the Moore’s law, the number of tran-
sistors on the same integrated circuit chip has continuously doubled at each two
years. This increasing technological capacity combined with the advances in
computer-aided design has allowed creation of new very large-scale integrated
circuits able to achieve impressive performance in signal processing and size
reduction in electronics equipment. Integrated circuits spread into various fields of
application including power electronics conversion.
While the main issue against smaller packaging of the power electronics
equipment relies on the limited heat extraction capability, progress has been
achieved in system level packaging of the gate driver, sensing logic, and power
semiconductor (Figure 9.2). A new set of devices has hence emerged and various
manufacturers called them either ‘‘intelligent power modules’’, ‘‘smart power
modules’’, or ‘‘advanced power converters’’. For the sake of uniformity, we will
address herein such devices as Smart Power Modules or SPM.
Advantages of the SPM-type devices consist of
● Reduction of system packaging space and weight.
* The current targets for year 2020, for complete three-phase inverter design
(including filters and cooling) in the tens kilowatt range: power density ¼
14 kW/l and specific power ¼ 14 kW/kg [2]. These milestones decrease
with the installed power. In horsepower range, the expectancy is within
8 kW/l range.
* Easier debugging and field repair of the overall electronics. Less packa-
ging speeds up replacement of damaged components, and smaller package
simplifies storage.
* Simplified power connection (VDCþ, VDC, A, B, C) and controller
connection through logic-level inputs.
● A better thermal design and an optimized layout, both with effects on the
system reliability.
* Using a power module supplied from the manufacture rather than indivi-
dual components yields hence recommended for the inverter application
* Improved reliability and lifetime [6–9]. This topic will be expanded later
on in this chapter.
* Better power cycling capability than conventional devices [6–9].
● Lower circuit inductance than discrete solutions.
* Benefits in voltage spike reduction and operation at higher switching
frequency with lower switch loss.
* Improved reliability and lifetime [6–9].
Re-analyze everything under the
reliability concern

- Design for reliability

How to better package the solution
Look Ma! It's working! within hybrid modules?
Improvements on heat removal,
parasitics minimization, Alternative use of
How to optimize what size/weigth reduction hybrid modules for
seemed to be the solution? new topologies

- Work on established
How to benefit from topologies
electronics - PEBB, AEPS
[semiconductor] boom?
- New power devices
- Control HW improvement

How to convert energy’s form?

- First power devices

- Circuit understanding

1950–1980 1980–1995 1995–2002 2002–2011 2009–

Figure 9.1 Time evolution of technology foci

276 Power electronic converters and systems

Six-channel S1 S3 S5
gate driver
interface to µC B

management A

Sensing and signal

Analog -Temperature S2 S4 S6
interface to µC - DC voltage
- Currents

Figure 9.2 Typical architecture of a SPM

● Expanding possibilities within control integrated circuits.

* Propagation delays for all low-side and high-side insulated gate bipolar
transistors (IGBTs) are matched within the same implementation platform.
* Protection to over-current and over-temperature.
* More sensing and measurements of temperatures, currents, and voltages.
The initial limitations of using SPM devices are nowadays mitigated [13–17].
The first SPM devices were dedicated strictly to horsepower range applications due
to the limited thermal capabilities of the existing packaging. After December 2011,
SPM products were extended to currents like 300 A, covering basically the entire
range of medium-power applications [18]. Another initial concern related to main-
taining the switching frequency under 10 kHz due to the same limited thermal
capabilities. Even if the switching frequencies have been increased over years, the
use of these SPM devices in motor drive applications justifies maintaining the
switching frequency below 10 kHz. Finally, let us mention that all the merits of
SPM technology do not eliminate the need for cooling and DC bus filtering. These
two components are occupying the largest volume within the power conversion unit.
The success of SPM devices would have not been possible without the tech-
nology achievements related to IGBT device technology, packaging materials, and
improved gate driver control. Their importance is outlined in the next section.

9.2 Technology background

While the goal of this chapter is not to provide a comprehensive review of power
semiconductor technologies, the most important trends that encouraged the devel-
opment of Smart Power Modules are described herein. This is especially important
since the richness in advanced technological equipment allowed a wide variety of
power semiconductor devices with a clear trend for specialization with application.
Smart power electronic modules 277

The IGBT used within SPM devices are highly specialized for medium-power
motor drives [10–12].
The performance of modern power switches is quantified
● with reduction in power loss through lowest VCE(ON), tentatively with zero
temperature coefficient,
● with controlled or softer transients able to reduce electromagnetic interference
(EMI) [10–12].

9.2.1 IGBT device technologies and their performance

The historical evolution of IGBT technologies after 1990 and their advantages to
the creation of a smart or intelligent power module worth are briefly mentioned.
Several major device structures marked the evolution of IGBT devices: punch-
through, non-punch through and more recently, field-stop. A possible classification
can be further extended with the possible gate structures: planar or trench. Without
entering technology details, Figure 9.3 illustrates the internal structures for each
class of IGBT power devices.
Punch-through planar IGBT devices are mostly recommended for voltages in
the range of 250–1,200 V, and represent today a cost effective technology, opti-
mized for speed or short-circuit rating up to 10 ms. The non-punch-through planar
IGBT devices are mostly recommended for higher voltages, like 600–1,200 V, for
their ruggedness, with short-circuit tolerance up to 10 ms, and optimized for high
switching frequency. A more recent option, the field-stop trench IGBT devices are

Planar gate Trench gate

Gate Emitter Gate Emitter Emitter

N+ N+ N+


N drift N–drift N–drift


Non-punch through P+collector

P+substrate Collector


Figure 9.3 Typical IGBT device structures

278 Power electronic converters and systems

IGBT technology usage within IPM


IRF IRAMS Fairchild IRF IRAMS Fairchild Mitsubishi L Mitsubishi L1 ST SLIMM Infineon Fuji V-series
Gen1 2004 SPM 2005 Gen2 2014 Motion SPM2 2005 2009 2010 CIPOS 2010 2011

Figure 9.4 Usage of IGBT chip technology within smart power module or
intelligent power module (SPM/IPM), with product examples

recommended for lower voltages, like 350–650 V, optimized for both conduction
and switching performance, with a rated 5 ms short-circuit capability, and able to
allow higher current rating in smaller packages. Alternatively, some rare punch-
through trench IGBT devices may be used for 600 V, and they are a cost effective
technology at low switching frequencies, below 5 kHz, with a 3 ms short-circuit
For illustration purposes, some actual examples of the usage of these tech-
nologies within intelligent or smart power modules (SPM devices) are shown in
Figure 9.4 [13–17].
The current trend is the specialization of the IGBT chip depending on appli-
cation and power level. This leads to products ranging from very low power levels,
under 100 W, to tens of kilowatt for a motor drive application. From application
point of view, most SPM products are created for appliance market, where the
application is a motor drive with a switching frequency below 5 kHz, with transi-
tions generally below 5 kV/ms (or 5 V/ns) to contain EMI emissions, and with a
focus of IGBT design on reduction of the conduction loss. This is mostly the case of
a Smart Power Module detailed within this chapter.
Since products from various historical technological stages (punch-through,
non-punch through, or field-stop, associated with either planar or trench gate con-
figurations) are simultaneously present on the market, let us quickly illustrate the
performance evolution with the example of a single set of devices to avoid
competitive interpretations. We have chosen for this exercise, the Fuji’s IGBT
products [11]. First, Figure 9.5 illustrates the inverter power loss in watt, when the
inverter switch is implemented with 300 A IGBT devices carried out with diverse
technologies over the years. Figure 9.6 illustrates the evolution in chip area, while
Figure 9.7 expresses the resolution with the design rule used for semiconductor
Smart power electronic modules 279

Technology evolution – Fuji IGBT

Inverter loss 300 A/1,200 V (W)




1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


Figure 9.5 Example for evolution of IGBT-based inverter power loss, with
time and technology [11]

Technology evolution – Fuji IGBT



Chip area (%)



1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Figure 9.6 Example for relative decrease in IGBT chip size, with time and
technology [11]
280 Power electronic converters and systems

Technology evolution – Fuji IGBT


6.0 6.0

Design rule (µm)

4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Figure 9.7 Example for semiconductor design rule decrease, with time and
technology [11]

9.2.2 Gate driver technology Variable gate resistance
The performance of the IGBT chip is further delineated with the optimization of the
gate driver [19,20] through inclusion of all its requirements within high-voltage
integrated circuits.
The effect of the two obvious extreme values for the gate resistance (small and
large) on various system performance indices is shown in Figure 9.8.
A commonly used solution provided improvement of the gate transition with
usage of different turn-on and turn-off resistors, eventually in accordance with the
slope of the commutated current. Such solution was further improved with a vari-
able resistance controlled with a feedback from the collector voltage. A step closer
to a full semiconductor implementation replaced the variable resistance with a
controlled MOS transistor inside the integrated circuit (Figure 9.9) [20]. Mitigation of the Miller current

Other advanced gate drivers (like STMicroelectronics’ TD351 [21]) mitigate the
effect of the Miller current during the turn-off process. At turn-off of any IGBT, the
gate-collector capacitance is subject to a large dv/dt able to create a gate current
often referred to as Miller current. This parasitic current may in certain circum-
stances trigger the gate and switch the IGBT into conduction. The conventional
solution, mostly used by industry consists in using a negative voltage to bring the
IGBT to the OFF state. This is not very easy to implement with integrated circuits
Smart power electronic modules 281

switching and reduce loss

Small Rgate to speed-up
Small Rgate to speed-up

Small Rgate to
charging to threshold

Small Rgate to

reduce loss
increase dv/dt


Large Rgate to
reduce di/dt

Figure 9.8 Nonlinear gate resistance


Gate driver

Figure 9.9 Implementation of the nonlinear gate resistance [20] shown with a
drawing from the power electronic simulation software PSIM

since it would require a second power supply. Various compromises are herein
possible with local power supplies converting the existing positive voltage into a
smaller, local negative power supply; or the use of a discharge capacitor in between
gate and emitter to provide a friendly path for the Miller current. Unfortunately, the
282 Power electronic converters and systems



Figure 9.10 Mitigation of the Miller current

use of an additional capacitor may interfere with the ability of the driver to control
the gate.
Advanced gate drivers like TD351 [21] use an additional path for the Miller
current during the OFF state of the IGBT (Figure 9.10). A low impedance path is
established between IGBT’s gate and emitter to carry the Miller current. It is
important to mention that this solution does not affect the IGBT’s turn-off chara-
cteristics while it rather keeps the gate at a low level during the entire off-time. Reduction of the IGBT’s tail current and minimum dead time
Another important improvement for the gate circuit requirements refers to the
reduction of the IGBT’s tail current through an optimized design of the power
semiconductor. This has effects in reduction of the required dead time from
something around 2.4 ms to a value around 1 ms for kilowatt range drives, where the
most IPMs are working.

9.2.3 Packaging technologies

Most importantly, the technology of package fabrication has seen several evolu-
tionary steps [22–25]. First, the transfer mold technology based on copper lead
frames has been a good candidate for power semiconductor devices. For larger power
levels, the requirements for heat extraction increase and the heat transfer through the
copper leads is not enough. Hence, the integration of some cooling structures like
mold resin and aluminum heat sink provided a performance leap. Since the SPM
devices expanded towards 300 A, even higher power levels require even more heat
extraction which is now possible with integrated ceramic substrates (Figure 9.11).
The role of the substrate in a power module is to provide the circuit connections
as well as cooling. Different from low-power integrated circuit (IC) technology, the
substrate of a power module must carry higher currents, provide larger voltage
Smart power electronic modules 283

Conventional smart power modules Extended range smart power modules


1A 10 A 100 A 400 A

Figure 9.11 Packages for SPM devices using integrated ceramic substrates

insulation, and deal with increased amount of power loss and heat. It is common to
face operation up to 150 or 200 C. The most used substrate technologies are the
Direct Bonded Copper (DBC) substrate and the insulated metal substrate (IMS).
DBC substrates are composed of a ceramic tile (commonly alumina) and a
sheet of copper bonded to one or both sides. The copper and ceramic tile are heated
to a controlled temperature, in an atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen, until a
copper–oxygen eutectic forms which bonds successfully both to copper and the
oxides used as substrates. The top copper layer can use printed circuit board tech-
nology to form an electrical circuit, while the bottom copper layer is usually kept
plain for further attachment to a heat spreader.
The DBC substrates offer a low coefficient of thermal expansion, capable for
good thermal cycling performances (up to 50,000 cycles). Other advantages include
excellent electrical insulation and good heat spreading characteristics.
The ceramic material used within DBC substrates can be:
● alumina (Al2O3)
* Widely used because of its low cost despite the limited thermal perfor-
mance (24–28 W/mK) and despite being somewhat brittle.
* The thickness of this substrate was reduced from 0.63 to 0.38 mm over the
past years in order to reduce the thermal resistance (Rth) from the chip to
the heat sink.
● aluminum nitride (AlN)
* more expensive, but with better thermal performance (>150 W/mK).
● beryllium oxide (BeO)
* good thermal performance, but somewhat toxic.
IMS represents a newer technological solution. It starts with a metal baseplate
like aluminum, covered by a thin layer of dielectric (usually an epoxy-based layer),
followed with a layer of copper (35 mm to more than 200 mm thick). Due to its
structure, the IMS is a single-sided substrate. Thus, it can accommodate compo-
nents on the copper side only.
284 Power electronic converters and systems

The SPM can be designed with or without a baseplate. If the baseplate is

missing, the DBC substrate is directly placed on the heat sink. Sometimes the
copper baseplate is replaced with composite materials such as AlSiC or Cu–Mo due
to their low thermal conductivity.
An important aspect related to packaging concerns the terminal connection.
The conventional solution of soldering joints has been proven critical to device
lifetime. Modern solutions propose replacement of solders with ultrasound
welding [25].
This brief review of technologies incorporated within a SPM allows us to
understand the efforts that made possible the integration of the entire power
inverter within a single highly integrated module. Let us see how these technolo-
gies fit into the complete three-phase inverter.

9.3 Basic usage

SPM have been introduced for a compact solution of large-volume production
motor drives. Hence, a series of precautions have to be considered before usage.

9.3.1 Protection
All SPM have internal protection of the IGBT against:
● under-voltage lockout – it triggers when the low voltage (~15 V) was required
to supply the gate drivers and miscellaneous electronics falls below a certain
threshold when the gate driver IC would cease operation.
● over-current – it triggers when a DC or phase current within the power stage
gets above a certain value. The simplest version is a simple desaturation cir-
cuit which monitors the IGBT’s collector–emitter voltage and triggers if such
voltage is above a threshold (usually 7 V) for a longer than usual time interval.
Most complex solutions include a current sensing device and a comparison
with a fixed threshold. Such circuit does not fully sense the current and there
may not be any current information available for the microcontroller.
● over-temperature – it triggers when the semiconductor die gets above a certain
level. The most used solution implies a thermistor. However, monitoring the
voltage across another semiconductor junction is in certain cases used.
The phase or DC bus currents, the DC bus voltage, and semiconductor die’s
temperature are sometimes measured and reported back to the microcontroller as
feedback information. This is not always a feature of a SPM, only the newer
devices with advanced mixed-mode ICs have this implemented feature.
Just a few SPM devices allow an isolation barrier for either digital or analog
signals sent to the microcontroller. Most SPM devices work directly on the
grounding provided by the high-voltage DC bus. This in turn requires that the
microcontroller is separated from any other circuit, or the external communication
channels (RS232, RS485, SPI, IC2, CAN, etc.) are isolated. Commonly, the iso-
lation requirements for grid-connected low-voltage drives are under 2,000 Vrms.
Smart power electronic modules 285

9.3.2 Bootstrap power supply

Most SPM are designed for low-kilowatt power ranges, with phase currents less
than 30 A. The power supply required for the control of each high-side IGBT
travels together with the controlled device from ground of the DC bus voltage to the
positive DC bus voltage. This means hundreds of volts, and the local power supply
needs to be isolated from the low-side electronics. The cheapest solution, possible
at such power levels consists in a bootstrap power supply (Figure 9.12).
Obviously, the newer SPM operated at currents towards 300 A require proper
power supplies for the high-side IGBTs. They are usually included within the
hybrid integrated circuit.
A typical bootstrap circuit is shown in Figure 9.12. When the low-side IGBT
turns-on, a current path is created from the power supply VDC (usually 15–18 Vdc)
through the Rbootstrap, Dbootstrap, Cbootstrap. The capacitor charges towards the Vdc.
When the low-side IGBT turns-off and the high-side IGBT turns-on, its gate cir-
cuitry is supplied from the capacitor Cbootstrap. The diode needs to be designed to
carry the initial charging current and to withstand the entire bus voltage as reverse
voltage. The series resistor is used to limit the initial charging current, and it is
missing in low-power applications. The capacitor needs to be selected to maintain
the voltage decrease within an allowable band while the IGBT is kept ON. The
initial charging of the capacitor is usually achieved with a special charging pro-
cedure where the microcontroller turns-on the low-side IGBT for a time long
enough to allow the voltage rise from 0 to Vdc. Alternatively, the initial charging
current is limited with a duty cycle control of the low-side IGBT.
In order to avoid the initial struggle with proper microcontroller program,
some low-power systems use a low-power resistor (like 100 kW, 1–3 W) in parallel
with the low-side IGBT, and simply wait for several seconds before starting

Rbootstrap Dbootstrap

VDC Gate driver


Figure 9.12 Principle of a bootstrap power supply

286 Power electronic converters and systems

the actual pulse width modulation (PWM) generation. Unfortunately, it is all a

qualitative process since it is virtually impossible to monitor the high-side gate
circuit voltage. Ultimately, an Under Voltage Lock-Out protection prevents the
IGBT against a very low-high side gate power supply, usually around 8 V. Alter-
natively, the STMicroelectronics products consider an active-low state for the low-
side IGBTs and an active-high state for the high-side IGBTs. This allows a quick
charging of the bootstrap power supply at initial power-up, when the low-side
IGBTs turn-on and the high-side IGBT stay off.
The bootstrap capacitor is usually a multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC)
able to behave well in high frequency while storing some energy. While tradi-
tionally a combination of ceramic and electrolytic capacitors was of choice,
recently the expansion of ceramic capacitors into the large value domain would
limit the bootstrap capacitor to a single ceramic capacitor of 1–47 mF, at 25 V.
The bootstrap diode needs to withstand 1.5 times the bus voltage, that is,
usually a requirement for a 1,000 V diode for a conventional 600 V IPM. Moreover,
it has to be a fast recovery diode, 50 ns or better, at 1–2 A.
An alternative solution would obviously be the independent supply of each
gate driver. This is done in industrial systems with special configurations of flyback
power supplies, having a large number of secondary circuits and counting on
asymmetrical loading of the gate driver circuits. Hence, the specific of such power
supplies is that the installed power is considerably higher than the actual power,
allowing thus the proper operation of the flyback converter. Interesting advances on
the flyback control IC are also seen recently. They include advanced start-stop,
provisions for quasi-resonant flyback, valley switching for low EMI, stand-by
requirements, meeting the no-load power requirements (usually less than 300 mW),
green mode status indicator, burst operation at low load, pulse skipping or pulse
density modulation. All of these functions are implemented on the same integrated
circuit platform as the high-power gate drivers.
A more modern highly integrated alternative suggests directly using a
switch-mode unregulated DC/DC converter, that is, an ideal circuit substitute for
the bootstrap diode. The RECOMTM DC/DC switch-mode converter comes in a
small SIP4 package, works without any external components and without any heat
sink, and offers unregulated 15 V/15 V conversion, 1,000 V isolation, 2 W output
(133 mA) at an efficiency of 80%–85% (Figure 9.13). It can accommodate
a capacitive load of up to 680 mF, more than enough for a large majority of
gate driver applications. For instance, considering a maximum gate current
request of 4.5 A for 500 ns, the minimum supply capacitor was required to mini-
mize the voltage drop at 1 V yields 2.25 mF. A ceramic capacitor MLCC of 10 mF at
25 V, in a surface mount 1206 package can be adopted for any IRF IRAMS (Smart
Power Module). Alternatively, a 22 or 47 mF are also available in ceramic
Obviously the use of a DC/DC hybrid converter is more expensive, but it
solves a series of problems with bootstrap power supply and can provide for a great
laboratory setup needed to develop new control algorithms, like PWM with 60 no-
switching intervals.
Smart power electronic modules 287

15 V/15 V

VDC Gate driver

Figure 9.13 Using the unregulated 15 V/15 V power supply, with 1,000 V

9.3.3 Digital interface

Ideally, the SPM device is directly connected with the microcontroller through proper
selection of the logic family (like 3.3 or 5 V). Even modern microcontrollers with a
core operated at 1.2 or 1.8 V must have a higher voltage interfacing at 3.3 or 5 V. It is
important to pay attention to the ON-state logic of these signals, since most European
and Japanese companies use an active-low signal for turning ON the IGBTs, while
certain American companies use an active-high signal for turning ON the IGBT. As
already mentioned, STMicroelectronics has a special convention of using active-high
signals for control of the high-side IGBT, and active-low signals for turning on
the low-side IGBTs. Apparently, this helps with the start-up of the bootstrap power
supply before the microcontroller starts the PWM.
Additionally, these logic inputs may benefit from a Schmidt or hysteresis

9.4 Reliability
Since the power converter structure and the core technologies are well known,
contemporary efforts are more and more targeting the lifetime and reliability
improvement [22–25].
The advent of SPM subscribe to this desiderate and it can already be concluded
that the implementation of a three-phase power inverter with a SPM rather than dis-
crete power devices improves reliability. This is possible through a series of techno-
logical improvements, mostly leading to loss reduction, and better thermal aspect.
Obviously, modern research approaches to reliability improvement include
online junction temperature monitoring [23], or active gate drivers [19–20].
288 Power electronic converters and systems

Even before applying such approaches, the power modules are inherently more
reliable since they are built through paralleling of power IGBT devices. It has been
demonstrated in [24] that the power loss within a 1,200 A IGBT is higher than
when using three parallel 400 A IGBT devices. This observation in addition to the
inherent redundancy in operation comes to improve the reliability somewhat
against the common wisdom that a circuit with more components is less reliable.
Hence, IGBTs are used with a parallel connection for the large capacity
inverters [25]. This translates into a set of requirements suitable for paralleling. The
voltage drop during the conduction state of both IGBT and anti-parallel diode must
have a positive coefficient to avoid the concentration of current within any of the
paralleled chips. Furthermore, it is necessary that the transition times are matched
for the switching current balance. A typical figure of merit represents achieving a
current balance as close as 2% of each other [25].
Reliability and lifetime of SPM are characteristics strongly depending on
thermal performance of the module. Hence, the rating of power converters in
the low-kilowatt range is mostly depending on thermal constraints. Given the
complex structure of a SPM, the precise thermal modeling is difficult. It is therefore
very common for the manufacturer to design and launch preliminary SPM
devices (‘‘engineering samples’’) without complete power or thermal rating. That is
a blank space in the rating section, to be filled after more testing or customer
For the most tested devices, empirical thermal models are made available to
account for the internal losses without a physical modeling. An empirical model for
an International Rectifier’s IRAMS SPM device [16] considers each switch indi-
vidually and calculates the power loss with the following set of equations on
dependence with the tested current:

EON ¼ ðh1 þ h2 I x Þ I k ¼ ð7:69e 4Þ þ ð2:99e 2Þ I 1:159 I 2 (9.1)

EOFF ¼ ðm1 þ m2 I y Þ I n ¼ ð1:76e 2Þ þ ð4:34e 2Þ I 0:492 I 1 (9.2)

VCEON ¼ VT þ a I b ¼ 0:51 þ 0:46 I 0:649 (9.3)

The results of this method used for a conventional motor drive application built
with a 20 A IRAMS IPM (SPM) show 2.3 W power loss per switch, and 14.1 W per
entire package, when operated in ambient temperature and trying to prevent a
junction temperature close to 125 C.
Other manufacturers provide loss curves for their SPM.

9.5 Variety of products

All semiconductor manufacturers [13–18] have lines of products dedicated to
intelligent or SPM (Table 9.1). Instead of a comprehensive list of products, let us
focus herein on performance evolution over the years. This would ultimately allow
us to see how far we are from the technology’s performance saturation curve.
Table 9.1 Example of SPM devices

Voltage (V) Current UVL OC OT MaxDisip SC-rated Bootstrap TempSns CrtSns Isolation AdvGD
IRF IRAMS Gen1 in 600 20 X X X 20 W/phase 10 ms X X 2,000
IRF IRAMS Gen2 in 600 30 X X X 32 W/IGBT 5 ms at X X X 2,000
2014 ambient
ST SLIMM 2011 600 30 X X X 52 W/IGBT 5 ms X X X 2,500 X
Fairchild Motion SPM 600 30 X X X 10 ms 2,500 X
Fairchild Motion SPM 600/1,200 75/35 X X X 93 W/IGBT 5 ms 2,500 X
2 2013
Allegro/Sanken SCM 600 15 X X X 41.7 W 10 ms X 2,000 X
Mitsubishi L 2005 600 215 X X X 833 W X 2,500
Mitsubishi L1 2009 1,200 144 X X X 833 W X 2,500
Infineon CIPOS 2010 600 22 X X X 29 W/mini X X 2,000
59 W/SIL
290 Power electronic converters and systems

9.6 Future usage and emerging solutions

In addition to the conventional usage of SPM already discussed in Section 9.3, let
us here take a closer look of the futuristic benefits of this class of devices. The
inclusion of an entire inverter circuitry within a single hybrid module allows us to
compare such trend with the moment of the transition from discrete devices to
integrated circuits in analog electronics. An entire inverter becomes a single Bill-of-
Materials’ item, with a cost close to what a single IGBT device used to be. Hence,
complex structures can be built with multiple SPM devices, solving some of the
limitations of the current implementation.
This concept of building a complex power structure with a multitude of
smaller, more intelligent switches was first introduced to the academic community
by Professor Ramu Krishnan of Virginia Tech (USA), at a round-table about the
future of power electronics, held in 1999 in San Jose, at IECON Conference. While
at the time, the concept seemed way ahead of time, it became a favorite for the
future usage of SPM. It is one of the cases when power electronics meets high-tech,
with high-scale integration of semiconductor-based functions to reduce the usage of
passive components.
It is important here to acknowledge the paradigm shift proposed by this idea. The
conventional design sequence starts with a topology selection, its simulation-based
improvement, and the look for proper parts to build. Now, the design starts from the
amazing features already existing on the SPM and – if they are not enough – multiple
devices are used. The system designer is thus absolved of a series of concerns that
move into the power semiconductor courtyard. A new generation of converters is
possible, leading either to system performance able to fulfill the new demanding
standards of the European Union or other governments, or to high performance,
maximum reliability, and redundancy of custom converters for special applications.
Independent efforts are seen over the last years in studying multi-module
converters [1], either as multi-level converter structures, or complex parallel and/or
interleaved two-level inverters. A series of conference’s special sessions occur on
the topic. More interestingly, new topologies are now reported when considering
the entire six-switch inverter as a singular integrated circuit, without showing the
drawing of the complete schematic. Some results are next briefly reviewed from
both industry and academia to illustrate this topic of R&D, even if it is barely
starting to show its merits.

9.6.1 Grid interface with multiple power modules

A large number of three-phase power converters are dedicated to setting up grid
interfaces with reduced harmonics. This is mostly the result of the multitude of
standards and regulation efforts undertaken by most countries in the world. This
effort is even more important at higher power levels where the same percentage
loss in harmonics represents more power loss in watts.
The three-phase AC/DC conversion employing IGBTs can be achieved with a
full six-switch power converter, or with a six-switch power converter used as an
active filter in addition to a higher power diode rectifier. For illustration purposes,
these two solutions are shown in Figure 9.14.
Smart power electronic modules 291


Figure 9.14 Previous solutions for AC/DC interfacing

Obviously, any of these two solutions can benefit from a SPM with a direct
implementation of the power stage through a SPM. Unfortunately, despite the tre-
mendous advent of SPM devices, their power levels tend to be limited.
Hence, the opportunity to propose a novel power conversion principle [2,26] able
to augment the power capability of a SPM device with a diode rectifier, or reversing
the logic, to correct the input harmonics of a diode rectifier with a SPM device. The
principle of this new conversion system can be understood from the current wave-
forms shown in Figure 9.15, with the converter circuit from Figure 9.16.
The conventional operation of the diode rectifier sets the proper current
references for the SPM multi-converter module during the intervals with no diode
conduction. The current generated by the IGBT compensator converter closes
through the two ON-state diodes and back to the power converter. This will over-
load a little the diode rectifier but this is really not important (cost-wise) in this
application. The current circulation though diodes yields an improved grid current
shown in Figure 9.17. Additional to the proper synchronization of the waveforms,
a closed-loop current controller ensures the current waveforms.
292 Power electronic converters and systems

5 0 1 2 3 4

IDiodeRectifier A

IDiodeRectifier B


Dead time to allow current to get to zero.

IIGBTCompensator A

IIGBTCompensator A

IIGBTCompensator A

Figure 9.15 Principle of the novel multi-module grid interface

Figure 9.16 Novel multi-module grid interface targeting SPM implementation of

the IGBT compensator

5.00E−07 5.00E−07 5.00E−07

0.000646 0.000647 0.000672
0.001291 0.001294 0.001343
0.001936 0.00194 0.002014
0.002581 0.002587 0.002685
0.0032255 0.0032330 0.0033555
0.0038705 0.0038795 0.0040265
0.0045155 0.0045260 0.0046975
0.0051605 0.0051725 0.0053685
0.0058055 0.0058190 0.0060400
0.0064510 0.0064660 0.0067110
0.0070960 0.0071125 0.0073820
0.0077410 0.0077590 0.0080530
0.0083860 0.0084055 0.0087240
0.0090310 0.0090520
Phase A grid current (A)

Phase C grid current (A)

Phase B grid current (A)

0.0096760 0.0096985
0.0103210 0.0103450
0.0109660 0.0109915
0.0116110 0.0116380
0.0122560 0.0122845
0.0129010 0.0129310
0.0135460 0.0135775 0.0134210

(data samples shown with Microsoft Office’s Excel)

0.0141910 0.0140920
0.0148360 0.0147630
0.0154810 0.0154340
Smart power electronic modules

Figure 9.17 Grid phase currents based on this new hardware and current control
294 Power electronic converters and systems

DC load




Figure 9.18 Implementation with SPM

Table 9.2 Production of DC current through three different approaches – new

method allows more load current under nearly the same power loss
stress in the semiconductor devices

Topology Direct IGBT Active filter New method

Maximum load Irectifier ¼ 6.5 A DC Irectifier ¼ 20 A DC Irectifier ¼ 50 A DC
current (DC)
IGBT operation Iph ¼ 5.0 Arms, Iph ¼ 22 Arms Iph ¼ 20 Arms
m ¼ 0.8 Waveform ¼ harmonic Power cycle ¼ 0.33
Unity power difference
SPM’s PWM fsw ¼ 6.00 kHz fsw ¼ 12.5 kHz fsw ¼ 12.5 kHz
Pswitching (switch þ 0.87 W 1.68 W 2.42 W
Pcond, switch 3.42 W 2.99 W 1.46 W
Pcond, diode 0.80 W 0.35 W 1.06 W
Ploss, IPM 30.54 W 30.12 W 29.64 W

The bidirectional switches are implemented with IGBT through two SPMs
(Figure 9.18). The advantage of this setup is demonstrated with Table 9.2 where
comparison is made while considering the same (numerically close enough) power
loss. It is proven that more load current can be processed with the novel solution,
which results in a better utilization of both diodes and IGBTs.
The entire design represents a paradigm shift from conventional reasoning of
saving or reducing the number of semiconductor components. Using highly inte-
grated power modules provides herein an opportunity for reducing the count of
Smart power electronic modules 295

passive components, with advantages in size, weight, efficiency, and reliability. In

other words, we trade passive components for installed semiconductor power.
Overall, one achieves a very low-cost solution, with a low component count
(three active and three passive components apart from microcontroller setup),
without additional power supplies or DC link capacitors, and a fully integrated,
fully protected electronics within the newly introduced intelligent power modules.

9.6.2 Matrix converter with SPM devices

A three-phase AC–AC matrix converter [27,28] is made of nine bidirectional
switches which allow any output terminal to be connected to any input terminal
(Figure 9.19). Any symmetrical three-phase output voltages can be obtained from a
set of input three-phase voltages by a suitable switching of the matrix. The PWM
operation needs to prevent a short circuit between the input-side terminals, and any
output must be connected somewhere to close possible inductive load current.
These both constraints require special precautions at switching of the power stage.
The major historical drawback with matrix converters relies in its rather
difficult implementation. Various solutions for bidirectional power switches have
been presented in the literature. We will consider next an alternative based on the
use of SPM devices. First, let us notice that the bidirectional switches can be spread
onto Current Source type Converters, as shown in Figure 9.20. Second, let us
attempt the implementation of each Current Source Converter with a SPM device,
as shown in Figure 9.21. Repeating this for all the three phases leads to the con-
verter architecture from Figure 9.22, where the energy conversion is achieved with
an all-semiconductor solution.

f ilter

S11 S12 S13

Control S21 S22 S23

f ilter
S31 S32 S33

Figure 9.19 Typical configuration for AC/AC matrix converter

296 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 9.20 Redrawn of the converter from Figure 9.19 with three three-phase
current source inverter modules (passive or EMI filters not shown)

9.6.3 Multilevel converter with SPM devices

Multilevel converters are seeing an increasing attention in academic environment,
mostly because of the challenges and enthusiasm related to the definition of
the PWM algorithms. They can make up for an excellent student project. The
original use of multilevel converters came from the need to provide electronic
solutions to medium and high voltage applications where we did not have
semiconductor devices. Multilevel converters allow the use of devices rated at
lower voltages within applications where the DC bus voltage is higher. For
instance, they can implement grid-level converters with low-voltage IC technolo-
gies (under 40 V) [29].
We will continue to expose here the use of SPM devices to building complex
power converter structures able to reduce the amount of passive components.
Smart power electronic modules 297

vc0 vb0

Figure 9.21 Realization of each Current Source Inverter with conventional three-
phase power modules




Figure 9.22 Implementation of a matrix converter with SPM devices (passive or

EMI filters not shown)

A first solution is shown in Figure 9.23 [30]. A second approach for using SPMs
to multilevel converters has been the subject of a PhD thesis at University of
Bologna [31]. The base schemes are shown in Figure 9.24.
298 Power electronic converters and systems





Figure 9.23 Novel multilevel topology built of Fuji IPM [30]

9.6.4 A different direct converter with SPM devices

The modern reliability concerns have pushed for the study of new converter
topologies. Among them, the direct conversion from an AC source to an AC load
gain the most interest since it does not need the cumbersome DC capacitor bank.
We have seen the most common solution as being the nine-switch AC/AC matrix
converter in the previous section.
Despite the high academic interest in the nine-switch AC/AC matrix con-
verters, they are facing several major problems: the unconventional converter
structure, the somewhat limited output voltage, and the need for additional external
components for clamping the reactive energy.
An alternative to the conventional matrix converters is next considered. The
idea was first proposed in 1976 [32] and it did not get too much attention for some
difficulties of implementation at the time. However, the control challenges were
solved many years later with the advent of microcontrollers [33–36], while the
hardware implementation became really attractive after the success of SPM [37].
Operation of this converter is derived from the backwards operation of a Current
Source Rectifier (Figure 9.25). Conventionally, the operation of this power converter
assumes a large inductance on the DC side and the IGBT devices are switched after
the so-called 120 program (Figure 9.25, like the diodes in Figure 9.14).
Smart power electronic modules 299






+ +
− −


Figure 9.24 Series and parallel dual-SPM-based multilevel converters

The control system is sensing the grid voltage through a low-power diode
rectifier. The phase currents are also sensed for closed-loop control. The PWM
controller follows the 120 program and it is herein based on the Space Vector
Modulation principle outlined within Figure 9.26. Designing the PWM algorithm
can be made using the current space vectors corresponding to the input phase
currents or based on voltage vectors with constant magnitude equaling the DC side
voltage. This allows us to convert the conventional current vector control onto a
voltage vector control.
The operation of a Current Source Rectifier requires only one high-side switch
and one low-side switch must be turned-on at a time. This yields into nine possible
combinations for the ‘‘ON’’-switches. Each pair of two switches turned-on
300 Power electronic converters and systems

Voltage source Current source

Sensing rectifier

Em Calculate Kv Control/compensation

PLL Counter Angle

Figure 9.25 Grid interface with current source converter seen as voltage source
on the DC side

determines a specific state of the converter. A space vector can be associated with
each such state to represent the system of line input currents in the complex plane.
During such a conduction state, the output rectified voltage coincides with any of
the line-to-line voltages or can be zero. Only seven distinct positions of the space
vector can be obtained: I1–I6 and zero I0, and they are shown in Figure 9.26.
A desired position of the current space vector I is always placed between two
neighboring vectors Ia and Ib, a,b ¼ 1, . . . , 6 which represent the two active states
considered within the switching process. The sampling interval is completed with a
zero-state that can be obtained by turning-on the switches on the same leg so that
there is always a current path for the output inductive current.
Writing the appropriate average relationship yields:

I a t a þ I b tb þ I 0 t 0 ¼ I T (9.4)
where T is the sampling interval; ta is the time assigned for the state Ia; tb is the time
assigned for the state Ib; and t0 is the time assigned for the state I0.
Similar reasoning is possible using voltage vectors from Figure 9.26, where
each voltage vector is defined with a line-to-line combination from the input
voltages. Designing the PWM circuitry based on voltage vectors allows us to
neglect the load character and to alleviate the need for a large inductance on the DC
side. Moreover, there is no need for a closed-loop control of the output voltage.
A phase locked-loop (PLL) loop is used as frequency multiplier locked to the grid
frequency in order to produce the desired sampling frequency. The influence of the
supply frequency variations can be thus reduced.
Smart power electronic modules 301


I2 [VBC ]

I3 [VBA] I1 [VAC]

I Re


I4 [VCA] I6 [VAB]

I5 [VCB]

I1 I6
Circulating mode
Circulating mode

Figure 9.26 Space vector modulation applied to a current source rectifier

Observing the Space Vector Modulation algorithm allows us to work with an

AC voltage reference for the voltage on the conventional ‘‘DC side’’. A direct
AC/AC converter can thus be derived.
A second advantage derived from the application of the Space Vector Mod-
ulation algorithm consists of the opportunity to compensate for voltage harmonics
or other grid-side distortion (Figure 9.27). Considering Em the envelope of the
rectified input voltage [38] and V the desired voltage vector at the output of the
converter, the space vector theory can be rewritten in voltage terms:
ta ¼ T kv sinð60 aÞ
tb ¼ T kv sin a
t0 ¼ T ta tb (9.5)
R Id V
kv ¼ ¼
Em Em
where V is one of the desired references for the three phases (v1d, v2d, v3d).
Any unbalance of the grid voltage is reflected in the real-time envelope of the
grid voltage Em. The above equations allow for the proper adjustment of the pulse
302 Power electronic converters and systems


Input voltage
envelope <Em>


Desired outpt
voltage <V >
function <kv>

Figure 9.27 Space Vector Modulation for each power converter unit

widths to take into account any distortion or unbalance within this envelope. This
method has the drawback of limiting the maximum available voltage to the mini-
mum value of Em.
Using the conventional Current Source Rectifier as a voltage AC/AC direct
converter faces the same drawbacks as any current source converter, that is not yet
available as a power module. Attentive to the developments on the market of power
semiconductor devices, a solution based on SPM is proposed in Figure 9.28, similar
to the solution in Figure 9.21.
The PWM algorithms previously defined for Current Source Rectifiers cannot
work for the hardware solution of Figure 9.28(b) since the previous solutions
assume shorting the DC bus during the zero-states. Such operation is prevented by
the internal operation of the SPM and a short dead time is generally introduced by
such module to prevent shoot-through. Additional requirements for the bootstrap
power supply should be met, that is, frequent enough low-side switch-mode
A new PWM algorithm is herein considered to use opposite active vectors
during the zero-states in order to avoid shoot-through and to comply with the usage
of SPMs.
Instead of producing a shoot-through during the zero-states, the new algorithm
uses two opposite vectors to compensate each other within the average vector
equation used for Space Vector Modulation generation (Figure 9.29). The vector
applied during the first zero-state is selected to be the same as the closest active
vector, and the vector applied during the second zero-state is selected as the
opposite of the vector applied during the first zero-state.
Figure 9.30 expands this concept to a three-phase system and illustrates the
implementation with SPM. It is important to understand that this converter behaves
as a voltage source on the output side (see Figure 9.25). Hence, the overall system
Smart power electronic modules 303



Figure 9.28 Conventional (a) and modified (b) Current Source Rectifiers

represents a three-phase voltage source compatible with the conventional back-to-

back converter. This novel converter is able to provide sqrt(3) times more load-side
phase voltage than a conventional matrix converter without any special over-
modulation algorithm, and with considerably less passive components. On the grid
or input side, each phase current is a summation of six currents, yielding a high
content in fundamental. The grid-side currents can be improved with an interleaved
carrier placement of the modules contributing to each phase current.
Harmonic results are shown in Figure 9.31 and they are superior to the con-
ventional back-to-back converter when switched at the same frequency. Among the
304 Power electronic converters and systems

S1 S1
S2 S2
S3 S3
S4 S4
S6 S6

Zero-state 1 Zero-state 1
Zero-state 2 Zero-state 2

Figure 9.29 Conventional CSI SVM (space vector modulation for current source
inverter) algorithm (a) and adaptation for SPM (b)




Figure 9.30 Implementation of a matrix converter with SPM devices

multiple coefficients available for harmonic characterization of power converters,

we have chosen herein the total harmonic distortion (THD) coefficient
100 X 1 2
THDð%Þ ¼ VðnÞ (9.6)
Vð1Þ n¼2

Since the grid-side highly inductive impedance is basically a low-pass filter

(LPF) for currents, the higher order current harmonics will be attenuated. The
remaining spectrum of the current will be different from one PWM method to
another, and from one switching frequency to another. A coefficient regarding
current harmonics would better define the performance of a PWM method. Such a
Smart power electronic modules 305
THD for output voltage

200.0000 THDv

0.1 50.0000



Output voltage (norm) 25


55 45 Output frequency (Hz)

V(RMS) 17.9 35.9 54.0 72.2 90.4 108.6 126.2 145.4 162.2 171.6
m 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
THD for output voltage




150.0000 THDi




Output voltage (norm) 15 5


45 35 Output frequency (Hz)


V(RMS) 17.9 35.9 54.0 72.2 90.4 108.6 126.2 145.4 162.2 171.6
m 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

HCF for output voltage

4.0000 HCFv






frequency (Hz) Output voltage (norm)


V(RMS) 17.9 35.9 54.0 72.2 90.4 108.6 126.2 145.4 162.2 171.6
m 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 9.31 Harmonic results

306 Power electronic converters and systems

coefficient is called harmonic current factor (HCF), and it can be expressed also
based on the voltage harmonics at the converter output:
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
100 X 1 2 100 u X VðnÞ 2
HCFð%Þ ¼ IðnÞ ¼ t
Ið1Þ n¼5 ðVð1Þ =wLÞ n¼5 nwL
100 u X VðnÞ 2
¼ t (9.7)
Vð1Þ n¼5 n

This analysis shows that a converter system comprised of six power modules
IPM/SPM/IRAMS setup as shown in Figure 9.30 can drive a 2 kW motor, in the
similar operation and thermal conditions as a back-to-back dual SPM would drive
an 1 HP ¼ 745 W motor.
The power density is also competitive as the entire power stage (with straight-pin
mounting, six individual heat sinks, passive LC filtering and power connectors)
accounts for (2 in 2 in 7.5 in ¼) 0.49 l for 2 kW delivered power (i.e. 4.1 kW/l).
This should compare to contemporary industry goals of 4 kW/l, for this class of
converters [36] for low-kilowatt range, required to switch below 10 kHz due to motor
The advantages over the conventional back-to-back solution consist of:
● longer lifetime, improved reliability;
● considerable smaller package, improved power density;
● fully standard compatible for both grid and EMI.
The drawbacks are:
● slightly higher cost of the system with current costs;
● limited choice of power ratings available for power modules [6–9].

9.7 Conclusion

The advent of power semiconductor technology allowed the integration of semi-

conductor power devices and their control integrated circuits within the same
hybrid device. This chapter has briefly reviewed the advantages of this integration,
the technology options, and provided a historical perspective on the topic.
Finally, the conventional usage of SPM has been extended with a new class of
multi-module power converters based on a network of switches, implemented with
multiple SPM and ready to provide even better performance.

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[31] Lega, L., ‘Multilevel converters: Dual Two-Level Inverter Scheme’,
PhD Dissertation, University of Bologna, 2009.
[32] Jones, J., Bose, B.K., ‘A Frequency Step-Up Cycloconverter Using Power
Transistors in Inverse Series Mode’, International Journal of Electronics,
vol. 41, no. 6, 1976, pp. 573–587.
[33] Neacşu, D.O., ‘Effectiveness of AC/AC Current-Controlled Matrix Con-
verter to Open-Winding Induction Machine Drive’ IEEE-CAS International
Symposium SCS99, Iasi, Romania, July 7–9, 1999, pp. 379–382.
[34] Neacşu, D.O., ‘Controlled AC/AC Voltage Source Matrix Converter for
Open-Winding Induction Machine Drives’, IEEE Industrial Electronics
Conference IECON 1999, San Jose, CA, USA, Nov. 29–Dec. 3, 1999.
Smart power electronic modules 309

[35] Neacşu, D.O., ‘IGBT-Based ‘‘Cycloconverters’’ Built of Conventional

Current Source Inverter Modules’, IEEE-CAS International Symposium
SCS2003, Iasi, Romania, July 10–11, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 217–220.
[36] Neacşu, D.O., ‘Analysis and Design of IGBT-Based AC/AC Direct
Converters Built of Conventional Current Source Inverter Module’, IEEE
IAS 2004, Seattle, WA, October 2004, vol. 3, pp. 1824–1831.
[37] Neacşu, D.O., ‘Towards an All-Semiconductor Power Converter Solution
for the Appliance Market’, IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference IECON,
Glendale, AZ, USA, November 2010.
[38] Enjeti, P., Xie, B., ‘A New Real Time Space Vector PWM Strategy for High
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1992, Houston, Texas, USA, October 4–9, 1992, Conference Record 1992,
vol. 1, pp. 1018–1025.
Part II
Chapter 10
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives
Mauro Zigliotto*

10.1 Introduction

As every scientific paradigm, the control of electrical drives is a system in a dynamic

equilibrium among innovative push and technological constraints, with some rather
influencing parameters, as cost and market demand. Permanent magnet synchronous
motor (PMSM) drives play a key role in a productive world that requires energy-
awareness, reliability, high-performance and cheapness all together. At the forefront
of any challenging application, there are the human mobility in the emerging cultural
and social context of smart-cities, the more-electric propulsion systems and the
migration in a large share of industrial products from uncontrolled, stand-alone motors
to smart and efficient net-connected AC drives. In vehicle propulsion, PMSM are
dominant, due to the required peak power rating, that ranges from less than 10 kW in
mild hybrid configurations to 175 kW and above in high-performance strong hybrid
and battery-electric drive trains. Quite surprisingly, permanent magnet (PM) syn-
chronous motors show a continuous expansion also in harsh environments with
important cost limitations such as in-home appliances [1]. The range of application of
PM motors is also enhanced by the recent introduction of new constructive topologies,
which are essentially the migration, at different degrees, of isotropic PM motors to
pure synchronous reluctance (SynR) motors. The addition of a correct amount of PMs
to the synchronous reluctance rotor yields a higher power factor and improved effi-
ciency, with limited back-EMF even in the flux-weakening speed range and without a
necessary change in the stator design [2]. Figure 10.1 shows a sketch of two structures,
among the several possible ones, and the relative axes definition. While it is important
to point out that no standards have been developed in terms of control of electric
drives [3], nevertheless, some indications come out clearly from the analysis of the
most recent and qualified literature, and they will be examined fully hereinafter. The
aim of the chapter is to enable the power electronics community to address emerging
(but proven) topics in electrical drives, with special emphasis on permanent magnet
synchronous motor (PMSM) drives. Among the many alternatives, the collected
material was classified according to the type of control, further detailed when

*University of Padova, Padova, Italy

314 Power electronic converters and systems

d-axis q-axis
c a′ c a′
b b
b′ c′ b′ c′
ϑme ϑme
a a a N S a
α-axis d-axis
S Rotor N
Stator Stator

Airgap Airgap

(a) (b)

Figure 10.1 Cross-sectional views of four-pole PM motors. (a) Internal PM

(IPM) motor. (b) PM-assisted SynR (PMASR) motor

necessary for the specific motor topology. The applications (automotive, industry,
mechatronics and so forth) are impressively various, and they will be timely cited as
soon as they either justify, enrich or aid the comprehension of a particular control
technique. Section 10.2 reports the state of the art in sensorless control for PMSM,
with the special target of highlighting the delicate connections between any theoretical
algorithm and its implementation in the power electronic converter. With the same
critical sensibility, Section 10.3 illustrates the direct torque control (DTC) and the
model predictive control (MPC), reporting a selected example of application, as
bright and promising trend in multi-object, energy-efficient control techniques for
PMSM drives.

10.2 Trends in sensorless control of PMSM

The delicate position sensors, inherent in every PMSM control, increase the cost of
the drive while reducing its reliability. A consolidated trend is the reconstruction
of the position through the measurement of electrical quantities only. Although
sensorless control is arousing the research interest since three decades, it still
represents a challenge for scientists. And even when the position sensor cannot be
completely removed, e.g. for safety reasons, the sensorless control is used to pro-
vide a backup for the rotor position information in case of a sensor failure.
The extensive study over years has almost completely defined the most inter-
esting control techniques. The challenge is now moving on variants that make the
sensorless drive economic, efficient and reliable, all weighted by the application
needs, of course. Among the few possible hardware improvements, there are:
● the direct measurement of the motor voltages. It will profitably substitute the
use of the reference voltages and the associated nonideality compensation
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 315

techniques [4], increasing the robustness and the accuracy of practically all the
sensorless techniques.
● the development of special PM motors, as for example PM-assisted synchro-
nous reluctance (PMASR) motors, designed to account for certain sensorless
machine characteristics [1]. The saliency ratio, the level of cross-saturation and
eventual presence of secondary saliencies, over a broad load range, are all
design aspects that may heavily affect the performance of the sensorless drive,
and they still deserve the attention of the researchers. Particular care will be
paid to avoid that the saturation of Lq under load causes a zero saliency con-
dition. To this aim, an interesting solution is proposed in [5], where a V-shaped
PM array and an eccentric rotor are manufactured on purpose, by deriving
a formula for the design of the air gap shape, based on the magnetic circuit
model of the interior permanent magnet (IPM) motor. That solution is proved
to minimise the effect of loading over the position estimation accuracy. The
control technique includes a fast initial position estimation using magnetic
hysteresis phenomenon. Equally, it is expected that special winding config-
urations with inherent self-sensing feature will be further investigated [6].
As regards the software solutions, two distinct techniques are established,
depending on the dominant speed range of the application. For operations
at standstill and low speed (normally below 20%–30% of the nominal speed),
efficient methods are based on tracking the position of asymmetries through
the injection of high-frequency (HF) voltage signals, and by measuring and post-
processing the related HF currents [7–11].
As soon as the speed is high enough to have a favourable signal-to-noise ratio,
observers based on signals at the fundamental frequency, as for example the
extended back electromotive force (e-EMF) are exploited [5,12–18]. For applica-
tions where low-speed operation is only transient, an e-EMF-based sensorless
controller coupled with a simple start-up procedure offers an attractive low-cost
alternative [19]. As confirmed by the analysis of the most recent publications,
a cutting-edge solution is the merging of the aforementioned techniques into
sophisticated hybrid controls [1]. Also, the extension of the speed range is arousing
lively interest. For the e-EMF-based technique, the improvement is obtained by an
accurate parameter estimation [20,21] or by advanced filtering [9], made possible
by the increased availability of computing power.

10.2.1 Key factors for sensorless controls evaluation

For both injection and e-EMF methods the literature presents several alternatives,
but an insight of pros and cons suggests that there is still room for improvements. In
the following, it is first given a rough description of the different groups in which
the schemes can be categorised. Then, the key factors for a correct and technically
sound evaluation of each sensorless solution are presented, to give the reader the
tools to distinguish between real advances and incremental results. For each class,
up-to-date references to recently published papers are provided. The aim is not as
much the repetition of the details and the explanation of the theoretical foundations
316 Power electronic converters and systems

High-frequency injection, at standstill and low speed

Pulsating square wave excitation in reference frame

sinusoidal stationary
Rotating excitation in reference frame
square wave synchronous

Fundamental frequency signals, at middle and high speed

reduced stationary
Closed loop order e-EMF observer in reference frame
full synchronous

Figure 10.2 Classification of modern sensorless control techniques

of each method, but more the elucidation of the main issues for the acceptance or
rejection of each of them. The evaluation of what can be really considered a
breakthrough can be performed by weighting the following factors:
● physical principle and dependence on special design of the motor;
● additional hardware and computational requirements;
● dependence on the parameters and sensitivity to their variations;
● complexity of tuning and dependence on pre-measured values;
● completeness of theoretical analysis, e.g. convergence domain and dynamics;
● inclusion of nonlinearity, as additional saliency and saturation.
In the higher power range (medium-voltage drives), additional peculiarities
have to be taken into account when proposing a sensorless technique in place of a
standard motor drive [13]:
● difficult measurement and conditioning of the DC bus voltage;
● necessarily low switching frequency and consequent high current ripple;
● large temperature range.
A thorough and complete technology status review of sensorless control
solutions for PMSM is provided in the excellent papers [13,22,23]. Figure 10.2
recaps the main sensorless methods, as a reference for the discussion of the most
promising ones.

10.2.2 A glance to HF injection methods

Figure 10.3 shows a complete general block schematic diagram of the inner current
loop of a HF injection-based sensorless drive and how it interacts with the power
inverter. The output of the current regulators, issued by two proportional-integral
(PI) blocks in the synchronous (d, q) reference frame, is summed up to HF voltage
signals uha , uhb . The resulting stator voltage references ua and ub constitute the input
of a space vector modulation (SVM) inverter that computes the switching pattern
for the six switches S1–S6 of the voltage inverter. The phase currents (normally two
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 317

Main ua

S 1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6


u*α u*β
i*d PI dq uhα
− Observer
i*q PI αβ uhβ

id dq

Figure 10.3 General block schematic diagram of a HF injection-based PMSM

out of three) are measured and post-processed to get either the fundamental
frequency components (FFE block) or the HF components (HFE block). The latter
is exploited to estimate the rotor electro-mechanical position Jme . Actually, when a
rotating carrier-signal voltage at HF wh ¼ dJh =dt as

cosðwh tÞ
uab ¼ Uh
sinðwh tÞ
is applied to a PMSM, it produces a current vector whose negative sequence
component is influenced by the saliency-dependant HF inductances:

d L q sinðJh þ 2Jme Þ
ihn, ab ¼ (10.2)
wh 2Lhd Lhq cosðJh þ 2Jme Þ
where Lhd , Lhq are in general the HF differential inductances of the direct and
quadrature axis, evaluated by linearisation around the working point, according to
the small signal theory. Further insights can be found in [16,18,24–26].
The negative sequence current vector (10.2) can be profitably used for rotor
position detection [23]. As an alternative, a pulsating carrier voltage can be injected
in the gd - or gq -axis of a tentative synchronous frame ðgd , gq Þ:
" #
cosðJ^ me Þ
uab ¼ Uh cosðwh tÞ
^ me Þ
where J^ me is the estimated position of ðgd , gq Þ with respect to the stationary a-axis.
It is possible to demonstrate that, similar to (10.2), the resulting carrier current
space vector is composed of two components, relative to a positive and negative
sequence currents, both of them containing the position information [18].
318 Power electronic converters and systems

In general, pulsating carrier observers accomplish an accurate position

estimate, but they are less robust and have worse transient response than those based
on rotating carrier. Furthermore, the injection of an oscillating signal on the (esti-
mated) flux axis minimises the torque ripple and the related vibration and audible
noise [23]. On the other hand, the rotating HF injection is claimed to be effective
also at zero speed under load conditions [1]. Another difference is recognisable in
that the measured signals provided by the injection in the synchronous reference
frame are modulated by the carrier frequency while in the stationary injection
methods they are already demodulated around the DC level. Actually, which of the
two carrier excitation typologies is preferable has been a matter of discussion for
several years [18], even if the HF injection with pulsating voltage vector seems
more used than the rotating voltage vector [1]. A detailed comparison of these two
approaches has been presented in [24], which analyses the effects of multiple
saliencies, cross-saturation, resistive effects and inverter-induced voltage distortions.
It is worth to point out that HF injection-based sensorless techniques have reached
the scientific maturity, and now the focus is on the best implementation practice.

10.2.3 A HF sensorless technique for IPM and PMASR motors

Besides the injection of a pulsating carrier in the stationary reference frame and of
a rotating carrier in the synchronous reference frame, the third way to HF sensorless
control is the injection of a HF pulsating carrier into the stationary reference frame,
as proposed by Liu and Zhu [14]. The technique is accurate as a rotating carrier
method but the position is retrieved from the amplitude-modulated carrier current
response, which is simple as the pulsating carrier method. The technique is based
on a HF magnetic model of the motor that includes the cross-coupling between
the orthogonal axes in the synchronous reference frame, represented by a cross-
coupling differential inductance Lhdq in the HF inductance matrix Lhdq [24].
Furthermore, the HF model neglects the speed-related terms, provided that the
frequency of the injected voltage is sufficiently higher than the fundamental
excitation. Under those hypotheses, a a-axis pulsating voltage excitation

cosðwh tÞ
uhab ¼ Uh (10.4)
produces the HF carrier current response
" #
Ip þ In cosð2Jme þ Jm Þ
iab ¼
sinðwh tÞ (10.5)
In sinð2Jme þ Jm Þ

where Ip ¼ Uh =ðwh Lp Þ, In ¼ Uh =ðwh Ln Þ and Jm , Lp , Ln are scalar functions of the

elements of the HF inductance matrix Lhdq . The HF currents are demodulated by
a multiplication by 2sin ðwh tÞ followed by a low-pass filter (LPF), so that
" #
Ip þ In cosð2Jme þ Jm Þ
iab ¼
In sinð2Jme þ Jm Þ
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 319

The retrieval of the position information is relatively simple, once Ip and Jm are
pre-detected and eliminated from (10.6). The mechanism of rotor position detection
deserves careful attention. The conventional inverse-tangent function is substituted
by a two-phase-type phase-locked loop, which is effective at low speed, but that
entails the risk of divergence after abrupt speed changes, that must be avoided.
The experimental results reported in Reference 14 show an excellent precision
and good dynamic performance under different load conditions. When evaluated by
the assessment grid outlined in Section 10.2.1, it is easy to see that the method does
not require additional hardware and that the computational requirement is not
excessive. Both Ip and Jm depend on motor parameters, but they can be derived
from some preliminary measurements, that could be even substituted by a proper
finite element analysis (FEA) model of the motor. Also, a complete theoretical
analysis is somewhat missing, while the magnetic polarity detection, a classic
ambiguity in every reluctance-based technique, is solved by a smart start-up pro-
cedure. In synthesis, the technique well represents a good starting point for next
development in the specific sector of HF injection methods. Some issues are still
open to improvements, but the more and more common availability of FEA models
and online parameter estimation techniques [20] should rapidly complete the task.
For example, Reference 16 presents a variant of the method, based on injection of
square-wave pulsating signal. The bandwidth of the position estimation is sig-
nificantly improved, and the influence of the rotor resistance, which can cause
problems, as shown by Ghazi Moghadam and Tahami [17], is further reduced with
respect to the case of sinusoidal HF injection.

10.2.4 A HF injection method for surface-mounted

permanent magnet motors
As a matter of fact, isotropic PM motors still represent the largest share in industrial
applications. Therefore, even if the trend is towards new PM motor topologies that
embed sensorless-oriented features, the study of techniques that extend their
validity to surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) motors remains a mean-
ingful task. As regards the most suitable method, the HF injection using pulsating
voltage vector seems to yield better results for SPM motors, where the machine
saliency is given by the magnetic saturation and not by the rotor anisotropy [1].
An interesting example is given by Zaim et al. [15]. The estimation of the rotor
position is obtained by injecting a voltage pulse ugd along the direct axis of a
tentative synchronous rotating reference frame ðgd , gq Þ. It is supposed that the
gd -axis is aligned with the real d-axis at the start-up. The effect of the current adds
up to that of the PM, saturating the stator iron and creating a virtual anisotropy. In
presence of a mismatch j between the real and the tentative reference frames, the
anisotropy creates a cross-coupling between the tentative axes, so that the injected
voltage pulse (along gd) generates a current igq along the axis gq : A simple PI
controller is then used to eliminate the mismatch. The domain of convergence and
the choice of the PI constants are well discussed in [15]. The study also determines
the minimum virtual saliency ðLq Ld Þ=Lq required to satisfy the observability
conditions on the rotor position. The availability of a FEA model of the motor
320 Power electronic converters and systems

allowed the computation of the practical values of the amplitude ugd and of the
related application time Tgd to produce the necessary virtual saliency and the
position estimation as well.
According to the check points listed in Section 10.2.1, the technique has light
hardware and computational requirements, little tuning complexity, while it reveals
a quite heavy dependence on the motor structure, due to need of knowing the
behaviour of the virtual anisotropy as function of the injected currents. As regards
the completeness of information, the analysis of the dynamics and its link to the
frequency of application of the voltage pulse along the gd -axis would deserve some
more deepening.
For the sake of completeness, it is worth to mention the work of Yang and
Lorenz [27]. It is an example of a different innovative point of view. It presents a
synchronous-frame HF model of the SPM motor in which the eddy currents induced
in both the stator and the rotor are represented by means of a couple of additional
stator resistances along the (d, q) axes. The thesis is that the injection of a pulsating
HF signal as (10.3) can empower the intrinsic asymmetry of the two resistances,
enabling the identification of the rotor position. An in-depth comparison with injec-
tion methods, highlighting pros and cons of both, is carried out in [28].

10.2.5 A glance to extended EMF-based methods

The sensorless methods based on spatial inductance variations are suitable at low
speed and standstill, while at high speed they generally suffer the effects of back-
EMF harmonics and voltage limitation. They also introduce detrimental effects as
additional noise and losses. When required by the application, the full operating
speed range is obtained by considering the addition of extended EMF-based tech-
niques, which are complementary as regards speed range [29].
In recent times, in correspondence to an increasing interest on alternative PM
rotor structures, the concept of back-EMF has been extended to include any pos-
sible anisotropy effect. Because the resulting e-EMF model is of general validity
for all synchronous motors including SPM, IPM and PMASR types, the study of
unified sensorless control techniques valid for all the synchronous motors at high
speeds becomes possible [9,10,20].
Adopting the space vector notation, the voltage balance equation can be
written highlighting the symmetrical voltage components, and both the terms due to
the PM and the anisotropy:

didq 0 1
udq ¼ Ridq þ Ld þ wme Lq i þ eext (10.7)
dt 1 0 dq dq

where the e-EMF vector eext

dq is given by:
2 3
6 diq 77
dq ¼ edq þ 4 Ld Lq
eext wme id (10.8)
dt 5
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 321

The same model can be easily back-transformed into the stationary reference
frame, while maintaining the synchronous inductances among the parameters. By
applying the inverse Park transformation to (10.7) the voltage balance becomes:

diab 0 1
uab ¼ Riab þ Ld þ wme ðLd Lq Þ i þ eext (10.9)
dt 1 0 ab ab

" #
diq sinðJme Þ
ab ¼ ðLd Lq Þ wme id þ Lm wme (10.10)
dt cosðJme Þ

Similarly to the HF injection methods, the e-EMF-based techniques are well

established. Effective implementations of the most conventional schemes are exten-
sively reported in the literature [30], and now the research is focusing on the relevant
aspects that still afflict the performances. Signally, some open issues are (a) the
presence of LPFs in the estimation chain; (b) the extraction of the position and the
speed from the e-EMF quantity and (c) the dependence on the motor parameters.
The e-EMF vector is traditionally obtained by either a full or a reduced-order
observer. The observer may include the inverse magnetic model, so that the real
PM motor acts as reference model, while the adaptive model consists of the voltage
model (that computes the flux linkages) and the inverse magnetic model, which
returns the stator currents. The error between the estimated currents and the mea-
sured ones is returned to the adaptive model to correct the estimated flux compo-
nents. At the light of the evaluation scheme of Section 10.2.1, the reduced-order
observers are simpler and easier to tune than the full-order observers. On the other
hand, some studies indicate that the latter can be made less sensitive to model
parameter uncertainties and noise, with good dynamic performance. A compre-
hensive analysis and comparison were carried out by Hinkkanen et al. [7,21].

10.2.6 Sliding mode observers for the extended EMF

A modern trend is the substitution of the conventional observer with a sliding mode
observer (SMO) to get the back-EMF signals. This is testified by many recent
publications [9,31–33] that highlight the advantages in terms of reduced order,
simple implementation and inherent robustness against parameter variations. In a
conventional application to SPM motors, the sliding surface is selected as

s ¼ ^iab iab ¼ 0 (10.11)

where iab is the stator current vector in the stationary reference frame and ^iab is its
estimated value. The SMO vector equation is

Ls ¼ uab Rs^iab kGð^iab iab Þ (10.12)
322 Power electronic converters and systems

where k is the observer gain. In principle, GðxÞ should be the sign function, but the
trend is to use a sigmoid function to reduce the chattering phenomenon:
GðxÞ ¼ 1 (10.13)
1 þ eax
and a is a variable parameter that is used to change the sigmoid profile, for example
according to speed [32,33]. Based on the equivalent control method, when the
system on the sliding surface (10.11) comes true, and an estimation of the e-EMF is
obtained as

^e ext ^
ab ¼ kGðiab iab Þ (10.14)

that contains the information about the rotor position Jme , as shown by (10.10).
The continuous sigmoid function (10.13) has a more favourable harmonic content
with respect to the sharp sign function, and this eases the extraction of the low-
frequency EMF signal from (10.14). As an example of contribution in this topic,
Zhao et al. [9] proposed an adaptive line enhancer to filter the estimated e-EMF
without introducing any phase delay between the original and filtered e-EMF
In case of IPM or PMASR motors, the expression of the e-EMF is much more
complex with respect to a SPM motor, since the magnitude of the e-EMF is a
function of rotor speed, stator current and derivative of stator current, which means
that the vector is load dependent, as shown by (10.10). High-speed and heavy loads
applications can exhibit a relevant distortion of the e-EMF. On the other hand, the
use of IPM and PMASR motors is destined to grow, and very likely, this will
encourage the study of suitable EMF observer structures and of lag-less speed
and position estimators. A first good example is given by Zhao et al. [34] that
develop an e-EMF-based quasi-SMO in the discrete-time domain, proposing an
online parameters adaptation mechanism. The result is a rotor position observer
that is highly robust to load variations. The paper accomplishes most of the
requirements listed in Section 10.2.1 as regards completeness of analysis, innova-
tion and inclusion of several technical aspects. The computational requirement is
not a hindrance, especially in view of the probable availability of low-cost field
programmable gate array (FPGA) and floating point micro-controllers in the near

10.3 Trends in MPC of PMSM

In order to meet the continuous demand for higher performance drives with
increasingly faster responses, the trend has been to progressively evolve towards
more centralised control structures, with either fewer nested control loops, as in the
case of the direct current control and DTC schemes, or even a single feedback with
a fully centralised multi-variable controller. The adoption of more advanced control
techniques has eased this process, and in this sense, the MPC approach has revealed
to be the most promising candidate for current and future developments.
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 323

10.3.1 Key factors for MPC

In MPC, a mathematical model of the controlled system is used to predict its future
evolution over a receding horizon of finite length. The control sequence to apply at
any instant is determined according to optimal criteria, formulated as the max-
imisation or minimisation of a certain cost function that depends on the system
evolution over the prediction horizon. Constraints on the state and input variables can
be included in the optimisation problem, so that the feasibility of the control action is
automatically guaranteed by design. This is one of salient features that differentiate
MPC from other control techniques, where the constraints satisfaction is typically
managed after the completion of the control design. Moreover, MPC is inherently
oriented to the design of multi-variable control laws with a centralised architecture.
Unfortunately, these advantages come at the price of an increased computational
effort [35,36], since in principle the controller output must be obtained by solving
online, at every sampling instant, the constrained optimisation problem underlying
the MPC formulation. This fact imposes some limitations on both the model com-
plexity and the prediction horizon length that can be effectively considered in a
practical MPC implementation. Anyway, the advent of faster microcontrollers and
FPGA [37] will undoubtedly improve the situation. The research in MPC is very
active, and new fundamental results are expected from the advancement of both the
theoretical foundations, and the methods used for its design, analysis and imple-
mentation. The potentialities of a new contribution should be evaluated according to
the following aspects, in addition to those listed in Section 10.2.1:
● easy formulation and management of soft and hard constraints;
● possibility of inclusion of limits and constraints in the design phase;
● limited use of approximated linear models;
● direct control of the inverter switching states, bypassing the modulator.

10.3.2 Direct torque and flux control

Although there is still no common agreement in the terminology, the DTC con-
ventionally identifies any control scheme where the torque and flux are controlled
in closed loop, by acting directly on the inverter switching commands, and without
resorting to any intermediate current control loop in order to speed up the torque
In nonlinear DTC schemes, the first to be introduced in the mid-1980s, bang–
bang controllers based on hysteresis comparators are used to keep the torque and
flux regulation errors within specified error bands. Several efforts have been made
over time to improve the overall performances of the basic scheme, trying to
overcome its intrinsic issues, such as the increased torque and current ripples, the
variable frequency of the switching commands and the difficulty to operate at low-
speed regimes. Research is still active nowadays, especially in the context of
brushless DC motors, where the major concern still remains the reduction of the
torque ripple [38,39].
In linear DTC schemes, the torque and possibly also the stator flux are con-
trolled by conventional PI controllers that calculate, at any instant, the required
324 Power electronic converters and systems

average voltage vector to be applied over a fixed sampling period. The voltage
vector is then synthesised by a pulse-width modulator (PWM), which in most cases
exploits the SVM technique. A recent contribution to the design of linear DTCs for
IPM motors is reported in [40]. The solution comprises both torque and flux lim-
iters, so that the operation in the flux-weakening region can be easily established, as
demonstrated in the complementary paper [41].

10.3.3 An MPC method for IPM motors

Future advancements in the field of DTC are expected by the gradual replacement
of conventional linear and nonlinear schemes with more advanced control techni-
ques, among which MPC represents the most promising candidate. A recent con-
tribution in this sense is given by Preindl and Bolognani [42,43], and sketched in
Figure 10.4.
It consists of a DTC for IPM motors based on a finite control set MPC, which
is designed for the optimal torque generation within the current and voltage lim-
itations imposed by the drive. The control input set is constituted by all the
admissible switching states of a two-level, three-phase voltage source inverter
(operating in three-phase conduction mode). Accordingly, the cost function of the
MPC problem is formulated as the sum of a term cT ðid , iq Þ that penalises any
deviation from the specified torque reference tm , i.e.

cT ðid , iq Þ ¼ tm ðid , iq Þ tm (10.15)
and a term cA ðid , iq Þ that penalises any solution violating the optimal operating
condition for the given motor speed and torque request. Below the motor base
speed, when operations are only limited by the drive rated current IN , i.e.
gi ðid , iq Þ ¼ i2d þ i2q IN 0 (10.16)

Main ua

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S 6
id dq ia
iq ib
abc c sensor
ωm ϑme ϑm
* d/dt p

Figure 10.4 General block schematic diagram of a MP-DTC for a PMSM drive
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 325

a maximum-torque-per-ampere (MTPA) criterion is adopted to get minimum

copper losses. Accordingly, the cost term cA;1 is chosen equal to
Ld Lq 2
cA,1 ðid , iq Þ ¼ id þ id i2q (10.17)
At higher speeds, the MTPA criteria can be satisfied up to the torque request
that violates the constraint imposed by the drive rated voltage UN , i.e.
2 ffi
Lq Lmg 2 UN
gv ðid , iq Þ ¼ iq þ id þ 0 (10.18)
Ld Ld Ld wme

To allow operation in such flux-weakening regime, the extra cost

cA,2 ðid , iq Þ ¼ gv2 ðid , iq Þ (10.19)

is introduced to penalise the solutions off the boundary of (10.18). For sufficiently
large motor speeds, the MTPA operation becomes incompatible with the voltage
limitation, and therefore the optimal operating points, where a certain torque
request is satisfied within the voltage constraints with the minimum amount of
current, are always selected on the maximum voltage contour line, up to the point
where the maximum torque is delivered, on the maximum-torque-per-voltage
(MTPV) characteristic.
The operational constraints (10.16) and (10.18) are included in the MPC
formulation by introducing two barrier functions (different from the simple cost
functions) cL,1 ðid , iq Þ and cL,2 ðid , iq Þ. An extra barrier function cL,3 ðid , iq Þ is intro-
duced to avoid solutions located beyond the MTPV curve in flux-weakening
regime [42,43]. Finally, an overall cost function c is defined as the weighted sum of
all the cost and barrier functions cited above.
Since the control set is finite, the resulting unconstrained optimisation problem
is solved by evaluating the cost c for all the admissible control sequences over the
prediction horizon, and then by selecting the one yielding the minimum cost.
The above analysis highlights the great potentiality of MPC control, in terms of
management of constraints and multi-target optimisation. These factors appoint
MPC as one of the most promising techniques for the near future, as further
detailed in Section 10.3.4.

10.3.4 A perspective on centralised MPC-based structures

The on-board computational power in most of the current electric drives is still
insufficient for running a full-order MPC at the sampling rates (order of tens of
kilohertz) usually required to get satisfactory control performances. The trend that
can be noticed in recent contributions is either to find a closed form solution of the
MPC problem [44,45], or to reduce the number of admissible control values
involved in the online optimisation process [46,47].
In [44], it is proposed a continuous control set nonlinear predictive control
scheme for the simultaneous speed and d-current regulation in PMSMs. The design is
326 Power electronic converters and systems

based on a novel predictive output tracking control technique for nonlinear systems
developed by the authors. The technique consists of approximating the evolution of
the system output over the prediction horizon with its Taylor’s expansion with respect
to the time variable. The approximation is used to reformulate the optimal output-
tracking problem, specified over the prediction horizon, as a parametric optimisation
problem for the control input and its derivatives. Since the solution of the problem can
be specified in closed form, it follows that no online optimisation is indeed required,
and an explicit analytical expression (depending on the system state and input dis-
turbance) of the optimal nonlinear predictive control law can be provided. With
respect to the general evaluation criteria outlined in Section 10.3.1, a point that surely
needs attention is the inclusion of the constraints, which at present is missing.
A promising approach seems to be that proposed in [46,47], which is based on
a finite control set MPC similar to that adopted in [42,43]. The two contributions
differ mainly on how the constrained are managed: while in [46] the constraints are
converted into penalty terms to be added to the cost function, in [47] the constraints
are used to select beforehand the feasible control sequences that will be taken into
account by the optimisation process. Moreover, the cost function in [47] has a
hierarchical structure, which allows to set priorities in the control goals. Some
efforts are still required to solve the two main problems that undermine the
applicability of the MPC, namely
● the increased torque ripple compared to the use of a voltage modulator;
● the limited prediction horizon achievable in practice with current technology.
The first issue is fixed in [46], by adding an extra term to the cost function, that
weights a high-pass filtered version of the torque command, while in [47] it is
suggested to increase the number of voltage vectors in the control set. The second
problem, instead, still requires further investigation, even though it is believed that
it will be easily overcome with the advent of more powerful computational units.

10.4 Some hints about energy efficiency in PMSM drives

With the ever increasing costs of electrical energy, the aspects related to the energy
conversion efficiency are crucial in the design of modern high-performance drives.
The improvement of energy utilisation has also a significant impact on reducing
global pollution and warming, and thus plays an important role in the emerging
field of green economy. Especially for small and medium power variable-speed
applications, PMSMs represent the ideal choice, because of their inherent high
efficiency over the full speed and load torque ranges. Predicted values of efficiency
are about 95%–97% for a 10–100 kW PMSM. Over the past years, thanks to the
ever decreasing cost of variable frequency AC power supplies enabled by the
remarkable advances in power switching devices and digital control units, this
improvement has been mostly achieved by the introduction of adjustable speed
drives in applications where constant speed drives were generally used, e.g. pumps,
fans, air conditioners, heat pumps, etc.
Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives 327

The major losses in PMSMs occur on the stator, either as joule losses on the
stator windings or as core losses in the stator teeth and yoke. Apart from machine
design considerations, the stator losses, being controllable, can be reduced by a
proper loss minimisation control strategy. This is especially true for IPM and
PMASR motors that present a degree of freedom in the composition of the elec-
tromagnetic torque. These motors are becoming increasingly popular in traction
drives for electric and hybrid vehicles [48], owing especially to their capability of
operating over a wide speed range, with a constant power speed range up to five
times the base speed, and under intermittent overloading conditions, with up to
almost twice the rated torque, at least for short durations [49]. Below the base
speed, copper losses can be effectively reduced by a MTPA control strategy, which
is a common trend. Available methods are either model-based, comprising para-
meter adaptation for enhanced robustness and capability to cope with magnetic
saturation effects [50], or model-free, mostly perturbation-and-observe methods,
based on the extremum seeking control working principle [51].
From a close examination of the solutions proposed so far in the literature con-
cerning the efficient control of PMSMs, it can be noticed that most of them are still
focused exclusively on optimising the operating condition of the machine, without
concerning about the additional switching and harmonic losses produced by the almost
ever-present PWM voltage source inverter. This habit is likely to change, since it may
be a source of misunderstanding, for example in the new European Union regulation.
It is worth to note that, in general, the optimal operating conditions of the
motor and the inverter do not coincide, and a trade-off must be found. In this sense,
better results are expected if the efficiency optimisation is performed at a ‘‘system
level’’, in which the tight interaction between the motor and inverter is explicitly
taken into account. By proceeding in this way, it becomes also easier to consider
additional optimisation objectives (multi-objective optimisation), e.g. the mini-
misation of the number of inverter switching [52], and operational constraints,
e.g. the thermal limits of the power components (power switches and freewheeling
diodes) in the inverter [53]. It is believed that even under the energy efficiency
perspective, the advent of smarter drives, with more computational power
on-board, will help to popularise an integrated approach to optimisation, especially
when embedded within a more general centralised MPC-based architecture.

10.5 Final considerations

The use of PMSMs is widespread and the related power electronic control has
reached a good maturity. New hybrid (reluctance and PM) motor topologies are
studied to provide motors with improved efficiency and self-sensing features. The
use of these motors complicates the control algorithms and makes the availability
of complete and reliable magnetic model unavoidable. Therefore, the modelling of
complex system will probably take a large part of research activity in the field.
Further technology steps will be the use of more powerful computing devices, as
FPGAs, that in turn will smooth the way for both the direct voltage measurement
and a more sophisticated signals filtering. Finally, the emerging energy awareness
328 Power electronic converters and systems

is going to draw new paradigms, based on multi-variable control, for the

contemporary optimisation of different power electronics and drive aspects. In
perspective, the best candidate is the MPC, as soon as its online implementation
will become technically feasible.

The author gratefully acknowledges the support of Dr Riccardo Antonello, who
generously helped me in the literature review and in the preparation of some parts
of the work.

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Chapter 11
Induction motor drives
Saeed Jafarzadeh*

11.1 Induction motors

With more than 85% of electrical motors, induction motors (IMs) dominate the
market for electrical motors and consume more than 60% of total industrial elec-
tricity across the globe [1]. Their extensive use is a result of their strong low-cost
design along with their reliability and cheap maintenance. IM popularity is not lim-
ited to certain applications and IMs are used in a variety of applications with different
requirements and constraints. Therefore, control of IMs is regarded as an important
field of study ever since introduced. IM drives aim for better efficiency and reliability
for IM to achieve more economical operation and to help in energy saving.
When operating at variable speed, IM drives are great assets for energy saving
purposes [2]. To achieve this, variable frequency drives are developed. According
to the affinity laws, torque in centrifugal load applications changes relative to the
square of speed. Power changes in proportion with the cube of speed and therefore,
energy uses vary at different speeds. Variable frequency drives can manage energy
consumption by wisely changing the speed. Besides, their continuous speed control
is desirable for a variety of applications. In short, these drives provide energy
efficiency, reliable dynamics, and cost efficiency for a variety of IM applications.
Since variable frequency drives are fundamentally operate by speed feedback,
precision in speed measurement is a key in quality of their operation. Speed sensors
are often used to measure speed and address such need. However, the IM speed can
also be estimated by available estimation methodologies. Such estimation is highly
desirable due to the drawbacks of speed sensors. These drawbacks affect the whole
IM drive system by adding hardware complexity, requiring additional maintenance,
and increasing cost. As a result, estimation of IM speed received considerable
attention, in particular, where speed sensors perform poorly or fail.
Most IM speed estimation methodologies fall into one of the two categories.
Some estimation techniques estimate IM speed by means of its model. These
techniques use voltage and current feedback to estimate IM speed. These feedback
signals are typically accurate enough for the estimation purposes. However, the

*California State University Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA, USA

334 Power electronic converters and systems

accuracy in IM speed estimation is highly affected by the accuracy of the model

parameters. Therefore, to obtain accurate speed estimate, precise measurement on
model parameters is a key. But even with the most accurate measurements, the
estimation quality can be decreased by the changes in parameters due to the
operation conditions and aging. Such deviations can even put the stability of the IM
drive at risk. Therefore, fine parameter tuning must be included in the estimation
algorithm to secure reliable speed estimation. The other category of IM speed esti-
mation consists of techniques that use signal injection via exploiting the anisotropy
of IM. These techniques address the problems associated with the changes in para-
meters. They also offer reliable operation as a result of improving the stability of the
drive system. They use a carrier signal superimposed on the pulse width modulation
(PWM) waveform to estimate rotor speed. The challenges with these techniques are
frequency tracking, poor signal-to-noise ratio, and low spectral classification.
Therefore, these techniques require advanced signal processing algorithms.

11.2 IM model
The mathematical description of IM is typically in terms of first-order differential
equations. For simplicity, we assume stator reference frame to obtain the following
differential equations:
¼ Rs i s þ u s

di s 1 1 1 1 1
¼ þ jwr i s þ jwr ys þ ys
dt Tr s Ts s Ls s Tr Ls s
where ys is a stator flux space vector, i s is a stator current vector, Rs and Rr are the
stator and rotor resistances, Ls and Lr are the stator and rotor inductances, and Lm is
the magnetizing inductance. Ts ¼ RLss , Tr ¼ RLrr , s ¼ Ls LLr sL

Lr , wr is the rotor electrical


speed, and u s ¼ usa þ jusb is the stator voltage vector, which is the system input.
Each space vector represents two states for the IM. In addition to the four resulting
states, the rotor electrical speed is another changing state of the IM. Therefore,
another differential equation is needed to describe the dynamics of the speed and
how it interacts with other states. Researchers employed two main approaches to
model the rotor electrical speed. A simplistic approach will assume steady speed
and therefore neglect its changes in the mathematical model, which results in a
simple differential equation in the following form:
Another approach uses speed dynamics to obtain
dwr 3 2 TL
¼ p ysa isb ysb isa p
dt 2J J
Induction motor drives 335

where p is the pole pairs, J is the inertia, and TL is the load torque. In this case, the
load torque is used as another state and assumed constant [3].
These differential equations can be restated as the state space model and uti-
lized for sensorless speed control of IM drives. The difficulties in designing such
control arise due to the complexities in the system. From its mathematical model, it
can be seen that IM is nonlinear. In addition, changes in its parameters make it a
time-varying system. Finally, load torque can be seen as perturbation, which
makes the system more complicated. High performance control and estimation
techniques for IM drives received much attention due to such complexities. In
terms of feedback signals, input currents and voltages are measured for use in
control loop. Speed is another measurement quantity, which is skipped in sensor-
less IM drives.

11.3 Variable frequency drives

The variable frequency drives for IM are classified into three main categories,
namely the scalar control, field-oriented control, and direct torque control (DTC).
Here, we give a general discussion on each category and then discuss the latter in
further detail.

11.3.1 Scalar control

As a simple control technique, scalar control is used for IM drives. It controls the
speed in IM by changing the magnitude and frequency of the input voltage [4]. This
approach is developed using the steady-state equivalent circuit of the IM. The idea
in developing such control is to keep the magnetizing current unchanged by means
of keeping the ratio of the voltage magnitude to the frequency unchanged. One
popular example of such control is known as the constant volts per hertz. Speed is
often measured as a feedback in scalar control to create a closed-loop control
system. Without the speed feedback, the resulting open-loop control will have
limited performance, which only suits certain applications where load torque is
almost constant and quality performance is not required.

11.3.2 Field-oriented control

Unlike scalar control, field-oriented control uses dynamic model of the IM where
the voltages, currents, and fluxes are expressed in space vector forms [5]. Since the
IM is described by differential equations, the model accounts for both steady state
and transient dynamics of the IM. Therefore, field-oriented control can achieve
excellent performance in transient and steady-state conditions.
In the rotating rotor flux frame, quantities rotating at synchronous speed appear
as DC quantities. With the flux aligned to the d axis of the reference frame, d
component of the stator current represents the flux and q component of the stator
current represents the torque. Therefore, the control of IM is reduced to a simple
control scheme. The simplicity is resulted from the fact that torque and flux com-
ponents are decoupled in the adopted reference frame. Two types of field-oriented
336 Power electronic converters and systems

control are defined based on the position of the rotor flux: indirect and direct. By
adding the slip position to the measured rotor position, the flux position in indirect
field-oriented control is obtained. The flux position in direct field-oriented control
is calculated based on the terminal variables and rotor speed.
Since field-oriented control stems from a frame transformation that requires
rotor speed, the knowledge of rotor position needs to be acquired accurately in
order to perform such transformation. The accuracy of the rotor position estimate
has a significant impact on the performance of field-oriented control. If such esti-
mate is not accurate enough, the satisfactory level of decoupling of the torque and
flux will not be achieved. Therefore, field-oriented control is desirable only if a
good estimate of this quantity is available.

11.3.3 Direct torque control

DTC IM drives are extensively used due to their fast dynamic response and
robustness [6]. Besides, they do not need current controllers and coordinate trans-
formation, which make their implementation simple. In DTC scheme, torque and
stator flux errors are calculated and used to generate the torque and stator flux
control signals. Despite faster torque response, a ripple in torque is inevitable in
DTC. Therefore, several variations of DTC are proposed to reduce such ripple to a
minimal level while keeping reasonable IM drive performance. Due to the sig-
nificance of DTC drives, further discussions on IM DTC drives are given in the
following section.

11.4 DTC schemes

11.4.1 Space vector modulation DTC

To use space vector modulation (SVM) in DTC, flux speed will be adjusted by zero
voltage vector insertion to control the generated electromagnetic torque by IM.
With SVM DTC, flux and torque ripple can be avoided to a significant level.
Several SVM DTC drives can be formulated and are briefly reviewed here.
One approach in DTC SVM is to use stator flux as the control variable. This
approach uses the error between the reference and estimated stator flux to calculate
the reference voltage vector. The advantages of this scheme are constant inverter
switching frequency and regulated magnitude of the rotor flux. Moreover, addi-
tional torque overload is also possible. The main disadvantage of this scheme is its
dependence on system parameters, which makes it sensitive to the variations in
system parameters.
Another DTC SVM approach is based on control of the load angle. This type of
control method was primarily proposed for permanent magnet synchronous motors.
However, due to similarities between these motors and IM, this method can be
applied for IM too. A proportional-integral (PI) controller is typically used to regulate
the torque, where the torque is regulated by changing the angle between the rotor and
stator fluxes. As a result of using a single PI controller, tuning task for this control
Induction motor drives 337

scheme is reduced to two control parameters, which makes the control scheme simple
and easy to tune.
Another control scheme combines the two earlier control schemes. In other
words, in such scheme both the flux and torque are being controlled. Therefore, the
scheme results in improvements that each scheme has to offer and hence, better IM
drive performance. Another control scheme is discrete SVM. This scheme takes
advantage of predefined time intervals in a period of cycles to reduce the switching
frequency. With this approach, further voltage vectors can be synthesized. There-
fore, an accurate switching table can be constructed in which voltage vector
selection is accomplished according to rotor speed, flux, and torque error.
Discontinuous PWM techniques are based upon power electronic schemes.
These methods are called discontinuous due to the use of zero sequence signal [7].
In each sampling time, one phase halts modulation and accompanied phase clamps
to negative or positive DC bus. Therefore, the switching losses of the inverter
leg involved are removed. The performance of PWM schemes depends on the
modulation index. These control schemes perform better in the high modulation
range. They have lower overall switching losses, when compared to other DTC
control schemes.

11.4.2 Feedback linearization and sliding mode DTC

Feedback linearization (FBL) is a control systems engineering approach used for
nonlinear systems. The main idea of FBL is to transform the nonlinear system into
an equivalent linear system, design a simple linear controller for the linear system,
and then use the inverse transformation to obtain the desired controller for the
original nonlinear system [8]. However, because the method is sensitive to mod-
eling errors and disturbances, it has been rarely applied to IM drives. The variable
structure control (VSC) is a robust control technique well suited for control systems
with uncertainties or perturbations. It has been successfully applied to IM drives
and provides excellent performance for a wide speed range operation [9]. A new
DTC controller can be designed using FBL together with VSC. The main advantage
of FBL is that, one can apply the extensive knowledge of control systems engi-
neering to design a controller for the linear model.
Conventional linearization of a nonlinear system is based on a first-order
approximation of the system dynamics at an operating point, while neglecting
higher order dynamics. This linearization is satisfactory in many applications
where normal system operation remains in the vicinity of a fixed or slowly varying
equilibrium, but it is otherwise inappropriate. Linearization is not adequate for
variable speed drives, where the IM model is inherently nonlinear. The central idea
of FBL is to algebraically transform a nonlinear system model into a linear one, so
that linear control can be applied. In this approach, the linearization and the linear
behavior are valid in a large subspace or globally, rather than in the vicinity of an
equilibrium point. FBL of an IM is achievable by an intuitive transformation of the
state variables and a redefinition of the inputs.
338 Power electronic converters and systems

Consider the IM state space model in stator reference frame as given earlier. In
order to linearize the model, we define the following new states:
M ¼ ysq yrd ysd yrq
R ¼ ysd yrd þ ysq yrq

Fs ¼ y2sd þ y2sq

Fr ¼ y2rd þ y2rq

where M is the scaled torque, Fs and Fr are the squared magnitudes of the stator and
rotor flux, respectively. For simplicity, we refer M as the torque and Fs as the flux
magnitude. We are primarily interested in controlling the torque M and the stator
flux magnitude Fs . We must also insure that the remaining state variables, Fr and R,
are bounded. We redefine the inputs as
wq ¼ wr R yrq usd þ yrd usq
wd ¼ R þ 2 ysd usd þ ysq usq
Lr Ts s
The IM model after variable transformation and FBL is given as

dM 1 1
¼ þ M þ wq
dt Tr s Ts s
dFs 2
¼ Fs þ wd
dt Ts s
dFr 2 2Lm
¼ Fr þ R
dt Tr s Ls Tr s

dR 1 1 Lm Fr M
¼ þ Rþ Fs þ wd wq
dt Tr s Ts s Ls Tr s 2R R

To achieve this linearized system, the following control signals should be


yrd 2Lm ysq
usd ¼ wd R wq þ wr R
2R Lr Ts s R

yrq 2Lm y
usq ¼ wd R þ sd wq þ wr R
2R Lr Ts s R

Since the M, F s , and Fr have dynamics with poles located within the left-hand
half-plane, the input–output stability can be easily guaranteed provided that R
remains bounded and nonzero. This condition is always true except for the trivial
situation when the stator or rotor flux is zero, i.e. at startup. In the drive imple-
mentation, provisions should be taken to ensure a smooth flux startup.
Induction motor drives 339

The control objective is to control the torque and stator flux magnitude in the
machine, i.e. to realize a DTC type controller. To this end, we design controllers for
the torque M and the stator flux Fs in the linearized model. Notice that the state
equations governing M and Fs are decoupled, and the design of their controllers to
obtain the inputs wd and wq is simple. Once the controller outputs wd and wq found,
they will be used to obtain the physical inputs usd and usq . Errors in the calculation
of the physical inputs are inevitable and must be accounted for and corrected for a
robust performance.
Consider the torque dynamics in the linearized system as shown below where
gM represents the uncertain dynamics of the feedback linearized torque equation.

dM 1 1
¼ þ M þ wq ¼ gM þ wq
dt Tr s Ts s
We assume that the estimation error for gM is bounded. To design the VSC for
the linearized system, we define the sliding surface as the torque error
SM ¼ M Md . For this choice of the sliding surface, we use the control
wq ¼ ^
g M kM sgnðSM Þ, kM > 0
Next, we use the Lyapunov stability theory to prove the stability and to choose
the control gain in the form kM ¼ GM þ hM , where GM is the maximum value of
gM and hM is a positive constant. The gain kM includes the term GM to ensure
robust stability and the term hM to control the speed of convergence of the sliding
controller. To avoid chattering, we define a boundary layer BðtÞ in the vicinity of
the sliding surface BM ðtÞ ¼ fx, jSM ðxÞj FM g, where FM is a positive constant,
the boundary layer thickness. Inside the boundary layer, a proportional control term
is added to the control signal wq . Outside the boundary layer (jSM ðxÞj > FM ), we
use the corrective control sgnðSM Þ, to drive the system to the sliding surface. The
dynamics of the stator flux Fs is similar to M and with similar analysis its control
signal can be found as
wd ¼ ^
g Fs kFs sgnðSFs Þ, k Fs > 0

As for torque, we select the gain kFs ¼ GFs þ hFs and use a boundary layer
with proportional control to avoid chattering.
The controller block diagram is shown in Figure 11.1. Figure 11.2 shows the
torque response to a step command and the stator flux. The stator flux was
preinstalled and its magnitude shows that FBL is very effective in flux and tor-
que decoupling. Figure 11.3 shows the stator and rotor flux magnitude response
to a step command. The response for torque and flux is fast and chattering free
and the overall drive system robustly control torque and stator flux. The drive
has the same fast and robust response as a conventional DTC drive, while the
torque and flux ripple has been eliminated. This investigation proves that FBL is
a useful tool for IM drive control. It allows the design engineer to employ a
simple design approach and facilitates the integration of linear and nonlinear
340 Power electronic converters and systems
SM Flux
eFs wd
F*s u*sd
– Sa

F̂s Feedback Sb
SM Torque Linearization SVM
Control Sc
eM wq
M* u*sq


Figure 11.1 Variable structure torque and flux control with FBL

T̂e (Nm)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
(a) Time (s)

ψ̂s (Wb)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
(b) Time (s)

Figure 11.2 Torque transients with feedback linearization and VSC (a) torque
and (b) stator flux magnitude

11.4.3 Intelligent DTC schemes

Fuzzy controllers are typically used in DTC schemes to replace the hysteresis con-
trollers and switching table for selecting the space vector [10]. In these cases, the
torque and flux errors, and stator flux position are the input to the fuzzy controller.
The fuzzy inference engine uses these inputs to select its output using predefined
fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules are either Mamdani or Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK)
Induction motor drives 341


ψ̂ s (Wb)
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
(a) Time (s)

ψ̂ r (Wb)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
(b) Time (s)

Figure 11.3 Flux response to step command. (a) Stator flux magnitude and
(b) rotor flux magnitude

rules. In Mamdani rules, both antecedent and consequent are fuzzy. In TSK rules,
only antecedent is fuzzy and the consequent is a mathematical description. In either
case, use of fuzzy sets to condition the controller inputs for IM drives is not well
justified. Fuzzy controllers are well suited for cases where signals are described in
linguistic forms and no clear quantitative measure is available. Since this is not the
case for IM drives, as popular they are, fuzzy controllers are not used to tackle
linguistic uncertainties and therefore they can typically be replaced with a non-fuzzy
controller with similar performance. This issue is overcome in research studies
where the linguistic nature exists in some aspect of the IM drive. For instance, to
remove chattering from sliding mode IM drives, fuzzy control is used in the vicinity
of the sliding surface. Since the distance of the IM trajectory to the sliding surface is
described with linguistic terms, fuzzy control can be successfully justified and used
in such applications. Even in these cases, the complexity of the fuzzy controllers is
of main concern. The number of fuzzy rules in fuzzy controllers should be kept
limited to reach a drive system with reasonable implementation. In short, fuzzy
controllers are useful in IM drives where they are well justified and simple to use.
Another class of IM DTC drives is neural networks. Neural networks have
simple architecture and are easy to train. They provide excellent approximation for
nonlinear functions and they are robust to disturbances. Neural networks are used in
DTC for control design, observer design, and identification of the IM parameters [11].
In particular, when they are used as observers for speed estimation their performance
342 Power electronic converters and systems


ψ̂s , ψ̂r (Wb) 0.4

0.2 ψ̂s
0.1 ψ̂r
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
(a) Time (s)

T̂e (Nm)

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time (s)

Figure 11.4 Stator and rotor flux dynamics and response of the torque controller

result in quality sensorless DTC IM drives. Neural networks are used in several
structures to improve DTC IM drives. These include feed-forward, multilayer, and
Motivated by the success in functional modeling of emotions in control engi-
neering applications, another intelligent DTC IM drive is successfully designed and
implemented using the computational model of emotional learning in the amygdala
[12]. Emotional controllers are nonlinear controllers, which have been successfully
applied to various systems and have resulted in significant performance improve-
ment. Two independent emotional controllers are implemented for an IM drive, one
for stator flux control and the other one for torque control. This configuration
simplifies the design and implementation. The dynamic response of the flux con-
troller is shown in Figure 11.4 which depicts the rotor and stator flux magnitudes at
startup. The stator flux installation time is about 11 ms. Figure 11.4 also shows the
performance of the torque controller, i.e. the torque response to a step command.
The torque is ripple free and increases to its rated value (3 Nm) in about 2 ms,
which is similar to other modern DTC techniques.

11.5 IM speed estimation with Kalman filtering

The quality of a sensorless IM drive is mostly determined by the quality of its state
observer. The low-speed problems reflect the difficulties encountered by observers
Induction motor drives 343

at very low speeds where the fundamental excitation levels and the signal-to-noise
ratio are both very low. The Kalman filter (KF) was originally developed for linear
systems but later applied to nonlinear systems using the linearized or extended KF
(EKF). EKF is based on a first-order approximation of the system dynamics (lin-
earization) and is only accurate if the error is approximately linear. Although the
performance of the EKF is poor in some situations, its performance is acceptable if
the system nonlinearity is not severe. Its simplicity, together with the popularity of
the KF, makes it the most widely applied nonlinear state estimator.
Nonlinearly mapping an input random variable typically results in a complex
distribution with a large number of associated parameters. Hence, optimal non-
linear state estimation requires knowledge of the higher order statistics of this
complex density function. Consequently, the exact estimation of the states of
a nonlinear system is often impossible in practice. The unscented transform (UT)
is a nonlinear transformation which propagates the mean and covariance through a
nonlinear function. The UT is based on a set of chosen sample points, known as
sigma points, and preserves the nonlinear nature of the system. One way to handle
nonlinear models and transformations is to combine the KF with the UT to obtain
the UKF. This approach is very promising in IM drives because the IM nonlinear
model is known with sufficient accuracy. Three main UTs are known as general
UT, simplex UT, and spherical UT. Combination of each UT with KF will results in
a UKF. This way, general UKF, simplex UKF, and spherical UKF can be built.
To evaluate the performance of different UKFs, the implementation results for
each UKF observer for IM sensorless operation is illustrated here. A direct torque
controlled sensorless IM drive is used [13].

11.5.1 High-speed operation

A startup followed by a reversal is illustrated to show the UKFs performance in
high-speed operation with fast dynamics. The motor runs at zero speed, accelerates
to 300 rad/s, and then reverses to 300 rad/s (electrical speed), all in a time span of
less than 1 s. The experimental results for general UKF are shown in Figure 11.5.
The speed estimation errors are low during both transients and steady-state opera-
tion, and its overall performance in terms of torque response and noise is excellent.
The simplex and spherical UKFs use the least number of sigma points and
therefore have simple structure but the latter is more numerically stable. The sim-
plex UKF may lead to problems caused by overflow or underflow, and in the worst
case, it may even result in divergence. The experimental results for the simplex
UKF are shown in Figure 11.6. The simplex UKF gives poor speed estimation
compared to the general UKFs. If the computational load is very critical, the sim-
plex UKF may be selected over the general UKF, at the cost of a modest estimation
performance. The spherical UKF is another computationally efficient filter but has
better numerical accuracy because its weights are of the same order of magnitude.
The experimental results with spherical UKF are shown in Figure 11.7. In high-
speed operation, the spherical UKF has similar performance as the general UKF.
However, some tracking errors are observed during speed startup in Figure 11.7.
344 Power electronic converters and systems


ωr (rad/s)

‹ −200
(a) −400
ωr (rad/s)

(b) −400
Te (Nm)


(c) −5
ψs ψr (Wb)


0.2 ψ̂ s

ψ̂ r
(d) 0
√ tr(P)


(e) 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (s)

Figure 11.5 Experimental results for high-speed operation of IM with general

UKF: (a) estimated speed, (b) measured speed, (c) estimated torque,
(d) estimated stator and rotor flux magnitudes, and (e) root mean
square of error

11.5.2 Low-speed operation

The observer’s low-speed performance was tested with square wave speed refer-
ence. Square wave operation with the general UKF is shown in Figure 11.8 (left).
The estimation is accurate, with low errors and fast response. Experimental results
with the spherical UKF are shown in Figure 11.8 (right). The spherical UKF gives
Induction motor drives 345


ωr (rad/s)

‹ −200
(a) −400
ωr (rad/s)

(b) −400
Te (Nm)


(c) −5
ψs ψr (Wb)


‹ 0.2 ψ̂ s
ψ̂ r
(d) 0
√ tr(P)


(e) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (s)

Figure 11.6 Experimental results for high-speed operation of IM with simplex

UKF: (a) estimated speed, (b) measured speed, (c) estimated torque,
(d) estimated stator and rotor flux magnitudes, and (e) root mean
square of error

less accurate estimation than the general UKF, which is reflected in larger speed
oscillations and errors. This is not surprising because the spherical UKF uses fewer
sigma points and therefore provides less accurate mean and covariance approx-
imation than the general UKF. It is obvious in Figure 11.6 that the simplex UKF
has significant problems at low speeds. No experimental results are provided for the
simplex UKF at 1 Hz because it cannot run the drive at 1 Hz.
346 Power electronic converters and systems


ωr (rad/s)
‹ −200
(a) −400
ωr (rad/s)

(b) −400
Te (Nm)


(c) −5
ψs ψr (Wb)


‹ ψ̂ s
ψ̂ r
(d) 0
√ tr(P)


(e) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Time (s)

Figure 11.7 Experimental results for high-speed operation of IM with spherical

UKF: (a) estimated speed, (b) measured speed, (c) estimated torque,
(d) estimated stator and rotor flux magnitudes, and (e) root mean
square of error

11.5.3 Implementation considerations

To compare their computational load, the running time and object code size
(a measure of memory requirement) for each observer is listed in Table 11.1.
The general UKF provides the shortest computational time and consumes the
least memory among UKFs. Although the simplex and spherical UKFs use fewer
sigma points and are expected to require less computation than the general UKF,
the results unexpectedly show that both require more time and more memory.
12 12
6 6
0 0

ω̂r (rad/s)

ω̂r (rad/s)
−6 −6
(a) −12 −12
12 12
6 6
0 0

ωr (rad/s)

ωr (rad/s)
−6 −6
(b) −12 −12
5 5

0 0

T̂e (Nm)
T̂e (Nm)
(c) −5 −5
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

ψ̂s , ψ̂r (Wb)

0.2 ψ̂ s ψ̂s , ψ̂r (Wb)
0.2 ψ̂ s
ψ̂ r ψ̂ r
(d) 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s) Time (s)

Figure 11.8 Experimental results for low-speed operation of IM with square speed reference of 6.283 rad/s and general (left) and
spherical (right) UKFs: (a) estimated speed, (b) measured speed, (c) estimated torque, and (d) estimated stator and
rotor flux magnitudes
348 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 11.1 The running time and code size for the UKF observers

Kalman filtering Running time (ms) Code size (bytes)

General UKF 68.9 23,869
Simplex UKF 78.2 25,649
Spherical UKF 78.2 25,423

This result is due to the fact that the calculation of the sigma points in the simplex
and spherical UKFs needs multiplication of a matrix by a vector which is not
needed in general UKF. The matrix computations are costly to perform in micro-
processors. The main computationally expensive calculations in UT (square root of
a matrix and outer products in obtaining the covariance) are common to all UKFs.
Since the simplex and spherical only differ in the set of sigma points, their runtime
is the same. Although the UKF is computationally costly, its computational load is
acceptable for modern microprocessors. The most costly operations in UT are the
Cholesky factorization and outer products in obtaining the covariance of the pro-
jected sigma points. While the latter is an inevitable costly operation, Cholesky
factorization can be simplified when the covariance matrix is sparse. For applica-
tion to the IM, symbolic manipulation can be used to simplify the expressions
off-line and thereby significantly reduce the computational load.

11.6 Switched reluctance sensorless drives

Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) are suitable for several applications if properly
controlled. These applications include automotive, household, electric and hybrid
electric vehicles, and compressors. Specific advantages of SRMs include rugged
motor structure and absence of magnetic sources in the rotor. SRM drives utilize
these advantages to operate the motor at very high speed [14]. Rotor position
sensing is a fundamental part of SRM drives due to the nature of reluctance torque
production. A position sensor is typically used to provide the rotor position feed-
back. However, such position sensors add complexity and cost to the overall system
and create reliability problems for the SRM drive system. Moreover, the use of
position sensors might not be an option due to the restrictions in certain applica-
tions. These reasons motivate sensorless schemes for SRM drives. In such schemes,
terminal measurements are used for control purposes without the need for addi-
tional position feedback.
Since the mechanical time constant of SRM drive is much larger than its elec-
trical time constant, the position information can be recovered from other quantities.
With available digital signal processors, estimating the rotor position with desirable
accuracy can be integrated in SRM drives. Consequently, model-based sensorless
schemes can be implemented in SRM drives to avoid the position sensor.
The fundamental principle of operation of a SRM is based on the variation in
flux linkage with the change in the angular position of the rotor. Knowledge of the
magnetic characteristics of an SRM plays an important role in determining the rotor
Induction motor drives 349

position indirectly for sensorless control operation. Invariably, all the existing
sensorless techniques use such knowledge to obtain position information.
Depending on the geometry and operating point of the motor, a suitable method is
chosen such that a very good resolution is obtained. The existing sensorless tech-
niques can be perfected by making use of new advancements made in power
electronics and digital signal processing. It is found that significant SRM parameter
variations occur in mass production or with motor aging. This necessitates sen-
sorless techniques with self-tuning in the event of parameter variations. Self-tuning
control methods with sensor and without position sensor have already been
developed and it is found that self-tuning control techniques are essential to
squeeze out the best performance from SRMs in the presence of parameter varia-
tions. If the control is based on the rotor position obtained from a conventional
sensor, which is insensitive to these variations, optimal performance cannot be
extracted from the machine. Since the control of SRM is essentially based on the
inductance profile, which changes with parameter variations, it necessitates an
online self-tuning control strategy for optimum performance. The sensorless tech-
niques based on inductance estimation will have a better performance than the
conventional position sensors. Since sensorless techniques are based on the elec-
trical variables, which alter due to parameter variations, the control can be made to
adapt to these variations to give better performance. The state of the art in sen-
sorless technology and the recent research advances in sensorless SRh4 drives were
discussed. It is found that SRM drives are ready to use in many manufacturing,
aerospace, and consumer applications. A range of topics, including the need for
sensorless control, classification of existing sensorless techniques, their merits and
demerits, and future trends were presented. From the above discussions, it can be
seen that the sensorless technology in SRMs is a practical technology. The recent
advances in power electronics, digital signal processing, and control systems have
already made sensorless SRM a commercially acceptable drive. Further research is
necessary in some important issues like the self-tuning to make sensorless SRM
drives that give optimal performance in low-cost mass production.

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generator.’’ IET Renewable Power Generation 5(1) (2011): 18–25.
[10] Suetake, Marcelo, Ivan N. da Silva, and Alessandro Goedtel. ‘‘Embedded
DSP-based compact fuzzy system and its application for induction-motor
speed control.’’ Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 58(3) (2011):
[11] Ghate, Vilas N., and Sanjay V. Dudul. ‘‘Cascade neural-network-based fault
classifier for three-phase induction motor.’’ Industrial Electronics, IEEE
Transactions on 58(5) (2011): 1555–1563.
[12] Markadeh, G. R., Ehsan Daryabeigi, Caro Lucas, and M. Azizur Rahman.
‘‘Speed and flux control of induction motors using emotional intelligent
controller.’’ Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on 47(3) (2011):
[13] Jafarzadeh, Saeed, Cristian Lascu, and M. Sami Fadali. ‘‘State estimation of
induction motor drives using the unscented Kalman filter.’’ Industrial
Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 59(11) (2012): 4207–4216.
[14] de Araujo Porto Henriques, Luis Oscar, Luı́s Guilherme Barbosa Rolim,
Walter Issamu Suemitsu, J. A. Dente, and P. J. Costa Branco. ‘‘Development
and experimental tests of a simple neurofuzzy learning sensorless approach
for switched reluctance motors.’’ Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
26(11) (2011): 3330–3344.
Chapter 12
Wind energy systems
Mariusz Malinowskia, Adam Milczareka,
Dmitri Vinnikovb and Andrii Chubb

12.1 Introduction
12.1.1 Overview of the wind energy technology
Wind turbines (WTs) are of high potential and most promising among renewable
energy sources (RESs), largely contributing to world’s energy production
(Figure 12.1). Moreover, within renewable energy technologies, wind energy
technology is most advanced and the cost of wind power is close to that of fossil
fuel power. Recent WT market trends have shown a 12%–13% annual increase in
cumulative installed capacity. Such growth rate is anticipated to continue up to
2018, to reaching 596 GW of WT installations [1, 2]. Global leaders in the overall
installed capacity of WTs are China, the USA, and Germany; Europe is on the
second place behind Asia in the total installed capacity. Most of Europe has good
conditions for energy production, hence very fast growing European market holds
large producers of WTs, e.g. Enercon, ABB, Siemens, Vestas, Alstom, Gamesa,
etc. Further, European wind power industry has formulated generation targets of
180 and 300 GW in 2020 and 2030, respectively [3, 4].
A generalized configuration of a typical wind energy conversion system
(WECS) consists of a WT (with vertical or horizontal shaft axis), a generator (with/
without a gearbox), and power electronic converters (PECs) [5–7].
Due to huge technological advancements in high power WTs, small wind
turbines (SWTs) are also available for individual customers. According to the IEC
61400-02 standard [8], a SWT is characterized by a rotor swept area from 2 to
200 m2, thus it can be installed in rural or other low density population areas. In the
recent years, the SWT market trend has shown an aggressive 35% annual increase
in cumulative installed capacity (Figure 12.2). Such growth rate is anticipated to
continue until 2020 when it reaches 3 GW of cumulative installed capacity of
SWTs [9]. According to a conservative assumption, the market could subsequently
see a growth rate of 20% in 2015–2020.

Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
352 Power electronic converters and systems

Cumulative installed wind capacity (MW)

Annual installed wind capacity (MW)

70,000 700,000
Annual installed wind capacity (MW)
60,000 600,000
Cumulative installed wind capacity (MW)
50,000 500,000

40,000 400,000

30,000 300,000

20,000 200,000

10,000 100,000

0 0

Figure 12.1 Cumulative installed capacity and annual installed capacity (in MW) of
high power WTs around the world from 2000 to 2018 [1, 2]. Data used
from Global Wind Report 2013 – Market Forecast for 2014–2018,
GWEC with permission


Cumulative installed SWT capacity (MW)

Annual installed SWT capacity (MW)

Annual installed small wind turbine capacity (MW) 3,000

Cumulative installed small wind turbine capacity (MW)

400 1,000

200 500

0 0






















Figure 12.2 Cumulative installed capacity and annual installed capacity (in MW) of
small power WTs around the world from 2009 to 2020 [9]. Data used
from WWEA Small Wind World Report Summary 2014 with permission

12.1.2 Types of WT rotors

WTs can be defined by the basic parameters presented in Table 12.1. The relations
in Table 12.1 are called the rotor’s aerodynamic characteristic. It is an individual
feature for each turbine and only slightly dependent on the size.
Generally, WTs are divided into two groups:
● horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs)
● vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs)
Wind energy systems 353

Table 12.1 Basic parameters (formulas) describing the wind turbine

Feature Formula Comment

Generated power 1 A – rotor swept area (m2), expressed
Pm ¼ ArV 3 Cp
2 accordingly for horizontal axis wind
turbine (HAWT) as A ¼ pR2 and vertical
axis wind turbine (VAWT) as A ¼ 2RH
R – rotor radius (m)
H – rotor height (m)
r – air density (kg/m3)
Cp – rotor power coefficient
V – wind speed (m/s)
Power coefficient Pm Pm – mechanical power (power on the rotor
Cp ¼
Pw shaft)
16 Pw – power of wind content in the virtual
Cpmax ¼ 0:593 stream tube containing the wind turbine
Tip-speed ratio wR w – rotor speed


Commonly, HAWTs with three blades are characterized by low cost and good
dynamic properties.
The market share of VAWTs is quite small; however, it is growing obviously
due to so-called ‘‘urban wind turbines’’, a relatively new category of small turbines.
Two design concepts of VAWTs are usually considered: the Savonius rotor and
numerous varieties of the Darrieus rotor. The first is an old solution of a slow speed
rotor with large starting torque and its power coefficient halved, as different from
any HAWT. Highly variable driving torque with the rotor azimuth has led to the
design of a multi-segment structure or rotors twisted along their vertical axis.
Modern VAWT is based on the Darrieus type rotor with a self-start capability,
which was impossible in older designs. In order to ensure the self-start in VAWTs,
the H-shaped rotor (also called a giromill) with a variable pitch angle b was
developed. However, the best implementation is based on helix-like shaped rotor
blades and its performance is comparable to that of HAWT.
Assuming that all types of turbines can be designed at the same wind speed and
nominal power, the rotor dimension, area of blades, and weight of the classical
HAWT solution are lower than those of other types. Moreover, it is distinguished by
simple control, very high reliability and durability. The disadvantage of this turbine
is that its technology is more complex than that of the Savonius VAWT. Among the
VAWTs, the Giromill Darrieus WT has the best performance because of its lowest
dimensions, weight, and blades area. Similar to the classical HAWT, the control
for that turbine is simple, but the technology is complex. This turbine is characterized
by good reliability and durability, however, still not as good as those of HAWTs.
Design of wind rotor geometry is a multi-objective process. Therefore, the
optimization process has to fulfill some requirements [5, 6]:
● highest overall efficiency of WT for a chosen range of mean long-term wind
354 Power electronic converters and systems

● high energy yield,

● reasonable load factor.
The most important factor is the energy yield in the long time scale, i.e. how
much energy can potentially be captured for a given turbine design and location.

12.1.3 Generators for WTs and standard configurations of WECSs

Generator is the second most important part of the WECS after the wind rotor. Any
WECS could be separated into mechanical and electrical parts. A generator is an
element that couples both parts and defines the energy conversion efficiency from
the mechanical to the electrical form. Rated power of the generator defines the
operation of the whole WECS. WECS performs maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) in the range between the cut-in and rated wind speed. It performs stall or
pitch control to limit power on the shaft at the rated power of the generator in the
range from the rated to the cut-off speed. It is necessary in order to avoid over-
loading and overheating of the generator. There are different types of generators
used in WECSs. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Their performance also
depends on the type of the WECS: fixed or variable speed. Combination of the
generator and the electric configuration of the WECS defines the overall perfor-
mance of the WECS. Types of generators used in WECS

In the wind energy industry, two types of electrical machines are commonly used:
asynchronous (induction) and synchronous. These two types have been widely used
in the industry for years, and their design, manufacturing, and reliability are well
known. Asynchronous generators are simple in production, robust, and cheap. Their
performance is limited by the consumption of considerable reactive current for
magnetizing. This current is required for the generator excitation since it has no
permanent magnets or excitation winding. Operation mode of induction generators
is defined by slip (relative motion) between the rotor and the stator fields. At start-
up induction generators have high slip and consume substantial inrush current.
They are usually high speed generators with a complicated gearbox. Synchronous
generators contain either permanent magnets or excitation winding and thus require
no reactive power for magnetizing. They are expensive and much more compli-
cated in production than the induction machines. Multipole synchronous generators
are most widely used in high power variable speed WTs due to the gearless con-
nection with the wind rotor. Direct drive synchronous generators are widely used in
multi-MW variable speed WTs [10] because of their high inherent reliability.
Squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) is one of the simplest and highly
reliable solutions [11]. They have penetrated to the fixed and variable speed
WECSs due to their low price and considerably high efficiency. Usually, SCIG is
designed to operate at frequencies much higher than those of the wind rotor.
Complicated gearbox with up to three stages is used to couple a SCIG with the
wind rotor and match their operation frequency ranges. Relatively high reactive
power has to be compensated in fixed speed grid connected WECSs, or supplied by
Wind energy systems 355

a converter in variable speed WECSs. Attention should be paid to the start-up of the
SCIG, especially in the direct grid connection, when high inrush current may occur.
Torque and level of reactive energy drawn by the SCIG depends on the slip, which
has to be kept within a very narrow range during normal operation. A grid con-
nected SCIG could be a substantial source of reactive power at low voltage ride
through (LVRT) event.
Wound rotor induction generator (WRIG) is a more complicated and expensive
asynchronous electrical machine than the SCIG [12]. Its rotor contains windings to
enhance the slip operation range. Slip rings with brushes could be used for con-
nection of the external controlled variable resistance. Reliability of this system is
lower than that of the SCIG. Slip rings and brushes are the elements that require
additional maintenance. Direct connection between the rotor and the controlled
variable resistance is preferable due to the higher reliability, but such WECSs are
more complicated to design. WRIGs have been used in variable speed WTs with
limited speed regulation.
Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) construction is basically similar to that
of the WRIG [11]. The main difference lies outside the generator. WRIGs use
external resistance in the rotor circuit to control the slip, while DFIGs are coupled
with the grid through a bidirectional AC/AC converter, for example, the back-to-
back voltage source converter (VSC). PECs allow bidirectional energy flow, and a
DFIG could be magnetized either from the rotor or from the stator side. The term
‘‘doubly fed’’ indicates that both the stator and the rotor are fed from the grid. Such
configuration has several times wider regulation range than that of the WRIG.
Moreover, control of the DFIG is better at grid faults since the converter can con-
trol the frequency and the magnitude of the rotor current. In contrast to the WRIG
based WECs, this generator type is intended for variable speed WTs with improved
operation range.
Wound rotor synchronous generator (WRSG) as a concept known for more
than one hundred years is extensively used in the electric power industry as a
reliable and proven solution [11]. Its construction is complicated, it has high weight
and quite a high price. Excitation is performed using an additional winding, which
is fed by the external converter by means of slip rings and brushes. This eliminates
reactive power generation since the magnetizing current is not required. WRSGs
need to handle only active power that increases energy yield. The low speed mul-
tipole WRSGs are utilized in direct drive variable speed WTs with the full power
converter. A multipole WRSG has the same range of rotational frequency that is
optimal for bulky high power wind rotors. Because of high weight, the installation
of the WRSG is complicated, especially in the case of offshore multi-MW WTs. Its
weight could be more than eight times higher than that of the DFIG with equivalent
power [10]. Still, this concept is used within the most powerful commercially
available WECSs – E-126 from Enercon rated at 7.5 MW [13].
Permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is the further improvement
of the synchronous generator concept [13]. Permanent magnets make these gen-
erators self-excited, which leads to high efficiency. As compared to the WRSG,
PMSGs are compact, lightweight, and reliable, but complicated in manufacturing
356 Power electronic converters and systems

and thus expensive. The main concern is the fast growing price of the magnetic
materials. PMSGs have proven their performance in numerous commercially
available WECSs. They are particularly suitable for the direct drive variable speed
WTs. This concept is used within high power commercially available WECSs at
the MW level. It is highly challenging from the power electronics point of view,
because the output voltage magnitude and frequency of the PMSG vary in a wide
range. Most of the PMSG based gearless WTs have low voltage output, which leads
to high rated output current that would require the full power converter.
In the wind energy conversion, fast rise of average power per installed turbine,
especially in the offshore wind farms, is the current trend [14]. Another trend is the
growing number of small residential WT installations. The number of items
approaches 1 million, but cumulative installed energy is less than 1 GW. Small
WECSs utilize conventional generator types like PMSGs. High power WECSs
allow reduction of the energy cost and wind farm capital costs. Currently, a wide
commercialization of 6 MW WTs is typical of the wind energy area. The latest
development is the 10 MW WT generator by the company AMSC, the design of
which incorporates a direct drive high temperature superconductor generator. It
could be the most promising emerging technology for the high power WECSs,
considering the fast growing prices of the permanent magnet materials. Currently,
the industry is ready for producing generators up to 15 MW. Current standard WECS designs

Wind energy conversion industry has been advancing fast starting from the 1980s.
It has changed the paradigm of system design for several times. Efforts have been
directed to the power level growth, higher energy conversion efficiency, and lower
cost of energy. Recently, many countries have imposed grid codes to improve
energy supply security. Wide penetration of WECSs in the energy production has
raised concerns of grid stability. Grid code directs the behavior of the energy
generation unit or plant at grid faults or disturbances. Usually, it regulates the
output voltage value, power factor boundaries, reactive power generation, response
upon grid frequency variations, LVRT events, short circuits, etc. Each country has
its own grid code that complicates the design of the WECS for the worldwide
market. This restricts practical use of some WT concepts and imposes numerous
requirements for the controllability of WECSs.
Fixed speed WECS concept is based on the direct connection of the SCIG to
the grid. High speed generator is driven by the wind rotor through the three-stage
gearbox with a high conversion ratio, up to 80–100 [10]. In the steady state, SCIGs
operate at nearly fixed frequency at speed variations within 1%–2%. Rotation
frequency is defined by the grid frequency: 1,500 rpm for 50 Hz grid and 1,800 rpm
for 60 Hz grid. Typical configuration of that WECS is shown in Figure 12.3. This
concept, widely used by Danish manufacturers of WTs, is called the ‘‘Danish
concept’’, which has been substantially improved during the 1980s and 1990s.
Capacitor bank has been added to compensate reactive power from the SCIG. High
inrush current has been eliminated with the implementation of the soft starter. The
soft starter controls current during grid connection transients, but it is bypassed in a
Wind energy systems 357

SCIG starter Transformer


Figure 12.3 Fixed speed WECS

steady state operation. This concept is simple, cheap, and reliable, but suffers from
the fixed speed operation. Wind energy conversion is poor over the operation range
of wind speeds and reaches its high values only near a given wind speed. Regula-
tion is usually done with stall or pitch control, but output power fluctuations will
still follow the wind speed profile. This type of WECSs has almost left the
worldwide market, because they cannot satisfy most of the grid codes. In recent
years, total share in annual installations has dropped to less than 5% [15].
Variable speed WECS can control the tip-speed ratio by means of rotation
speed adjustment. This increases the efficiency of wind energy conversion and
abates mechanical stresses in the WECS caused by the wind gusts. Improved
mechanical loading allows the implementation of high power WTs at multi-MW
level that cannot be achieved with fixed speed WTs. Better operation conditions of
the bearings, and especially the gearbox, could substantially increase reliability and
therefore reduce the maintenance cost of the WECS. In DFIG, the speed control
could be provided with a power converter in the wounded rotor circuit. This
approach requires power converters with rated power, which is several times lower
than the rated power of the generator. Better performance could be obtained by the
full decoupling of the generator from the grid through the high power converter.
Rated power of the converter should be equal or higher than the rated power of the
generator. Full power converter could handle both induction and synchronous
Variable speed WECS with limited speed control appeared on the market in the
mid-1990s as a logical improvement of the fixed speed systems. This concept had a
considerable market share for a short period of time and lost its popularity in the
early 2000s. It utilizes the WRIG with variable resistance controlled by the con-
verter in the wound rotor circuit, as shown in Figure 12.4. It still requires a soft
starter to control the inrush transients. High speed nature of the WRIG deteriorates
the reliability of slip rings and brushes, which are commonly used for connection of
the external variable resistance. Several companies have proposed novel approa-
ches for higher reliability. The OptiSlip concept was introduced by the Vestas to
improve the reliability of WRIG based WECSs [11]. In this case, resistors and the
converter are placed directly on the shaft without slip rings. Control of the con-
verter is implemented without direct connection by use of optical coupling.
OptiSlip WECS allows slip, i.e. rotation speed control in the range of 10%.
358 Power electronic converters and systems

WRIG starter Transformer

Variable Capacitor
resistance bank

Figure 12.4 Variable speed WECS with limited speed control

DFIG Transformer

Partial power converter

Figure 12.5 Variable speed WECS with a reduced power converter

In another concept, called FlexiSlip from Suzlon, flexible construction of

adjustable slip rings for connection of external resistors is used. WECSs based on
that concept are still available on the market up to the MW level. They allow
mounting of the resistors outside the generator cage and provide slip regulation up
to 17% [16]. WRIG based WECS technology is outdated and its share in annual
installations has shrunk considerably during recent years.
Variable speed WECS with reduced power converter appeared on the market in
the late 1990s. This concept reached nearly 30% share in annual installations dur-
ing 1998 and is still very popular. The DFIG allows further improvements in the
WRIG based systems. The four-quadrant partial power back-to-back converter is
connected to the rotor circuit, as shown in Figure 12.5. There are different WECSs
based on that concept with slip regulation up to 30%. Since rotor power is directly
related to the slip, partial power converter should be rated at 30% of the generator
rated power. It means that care is needed in the selection of the regulation range of
the rotation speed to achieve the trade-off between the system cost and the wind
power conversion performance. At 30% slip generation, the speed could be regu-
lated in the range 30% around the synchronous speed, i.e. DFIGs could operate in
the sub-synchronous or super-synchronous mode. Bidirectional power flow is
required in the rotor side converter: it supplies power to the rotor in the sub-
synchronous mode, and consumes power from the rotor in the super-synchronous
Wind energy systems 359

mode. Also, the converter ensures magnetizing current control, while the stator
feeds only active power to the grid. Such systems usually utilize a three-level
gearbox with the high speed DFIG, which is equipped with the slip rings for con-
verter connection. Relatively low price and a wide speed regulation range make
these WECSs very attractive for the industry. This concept remains the main
WECS type with a dominant share in the installed and new WECSs by the power
level since 2001 [11]. Its disadvantages are: poor performance under LVRT con-
ditions that leads to additional efforts to satisfy grid codes, and a complicated
gearbox that requires additional maintenance. Operation under the LVRT requires
additional efforts to be improved. Brushless DFIG is one of the most promising
solutions because its behavior is better under the LVRT and it has a simpler gear-
box with a lower transmission ratio [17]. In the next years, with constant updates of
the grid codes, some countries may lose interest to this concept because of strict
regulations, while it may continue market domination worldwide.
Variable speed WECS with full power converter is totally different from the
concepts mentioned above. It provides full decoupling between the generator and the
power distribution grid. Full power converter adds some extra losses to the system,
but this could be compensated by additional improvements in the overall WECS
performance. Full decoupling leads to full controllability of the WECS on both the
generator and the grid side. It achieves the widest possible range of operation of wind
speeds. It also provides superior performance on the grid side: grid support with
reactive power, operation during fault conditions within the grid code, etc. Indirect
AC/AC converters with intermediate DC link are widely used in this application. It
allows easy integration of energy storages and breaking choppers. There are three
types of generators that could be used in these WECSs: WRSG, SCIG, and PMSG. In
the case of synchronous electrical machine, the generator side converter is usually
simple and uncontrolled. For induction machines, the generator side converter has to
be fully controlled to supply magnetizing current, which requires from the generator
side converter to be rated at the power level higher than that of the induction gen-
erator. This type of WECSs has been on the market for more than 15 years. Its share
of annual installation has changed from the fourth to the second place during that
time. Direct drive implementation of this concept has been widely accepted in off-
shore wind farms due to the high reliability of the gearless implementation. Such
solution is relatively expensive and usually requires a multipole heavy synchronous
generator. Gearless construction leads to higher reliability at a considerable price
increase. Mechanical design of such WECSs could be complicated due to high torque
on the shaft.
Figure 12.6(a) shows the WRSG based WECS with the full power converter.
WRSGs are easily acceptable by the wind energy industry due to their well-known
performance and reliability proven by decades of operation in energy generation.
This has led to the development of the first multi-MW WT E-126 by Enercon that
was regarded the most powerful WECS for more than seven years. Low speed
direct driven generators are dominating in this field. Their disadvantages are also
well proven: they require a second converter for the control of excitation; slip rings
are needed for the connection of the excitation converter; weight, production
360 Power electronic converters and systems

Full power converter

Gearbox WRSG AC/DC DC/AC Transformer


SCIG, Full power converter

Gearbox PMSG Transformer


Figure 12.6 Variable speed WECS with the full power converter

complexity and the large diameter complicate their installation. The excitation
converter needs to be carefully controlled because this defines the performance of
wind energy conversion. Due to numerous disadvantages, this concept is not
favored for future designs. However, a combination of a simple single-stage gear-
box and a medium speed WRSG could diminish the shortcomings above.
Figure 12.6(b) shows a WECS suitable for PMSG utilization. This concept is
close to the previous one based on the WRSG. The PMSG has considerably
reduced weight, lower losses, and slightly lower price as compared to the WRSG
rated at the same power level [10]. It also provides higher reliability and thus low
maintenance since the excitation converter and slip rings are avoided as the per-
manent magnets provide the excitation field. Due to its improved reliability, the
WECS with direct driven multipole PMSG is suitable for the offshore wind farms,
especially in the northern regions with harsh environment. It still has price penalty
that limits a wide use, and a more complicated installation process than with DFIG
based WECSs. This concept shows slow but stable rise of annual installation share,
regardless of constant price rise for magnetic materials. It has probably the most
enhanced efficiency in the wind energy conversion, but the total system cost has
always been a concern. Still, numerous WECSs available on the market at the MW
power levels are based on the direct driven PMSG. System cost could be further
reduced by use of a small single-stage gearbox and a medium speed PMSG.
The system shown in Figure 12.6(b) could also utilize a SCIG where a com-
plicated gearbox is needed, but the additional cost will be overcome by the low
price of the generator. Such solution requires the fully controlled AC/DC converter
on the generator side for the control of magnetizing current. Rated power of this
converter should be higher than that of the generator, since it needs to handle active
Wind energy systems 361

and reactive powers. This solution could be a competitor for the PMSG based
counterpart, but a complicated gearbox will always be a concern in the operational
cost due to the additional maintenance need.
Emerging configurations of the WECS are also available on the market. They
are still new and their long-term reliability and operation advantages need to be
proven. Clipper concept is based on the idea where several generators are placed on
the common shaft. It is applicable for variable speed WECSs with the full power
converter. In this case, failure of a single generator only decreases the output
power, while the WECS remains in operation. WinDrive concept from Voith is
basically a combination of the planetary gearbox with a hydrodynamic torque
converter. This transmission is used for indirect coupling of the variable speed WT
and high speed synchronous generator, which is directly connected to the grid. This
flexible connection can transfer torque from the variable speed shaft of the WT
to the constant speed shaft of the synchronous generator. Hybrid PMSG based
Multibrid concept looks the most promising. It is based on the combination of a
single-stage planetary gearbox and a medium speed PMSG. This approach allows
substantial reductions in the weight and dimensions at the same price, but the
efficiency of wind energy conversion will be lower. Two high power WTs rated at
8 MW based on this concept will be soon available from Areva and Vestas. They
will be the highest power WTs available in the nearest future.
Before 2013 the development trends in the wind energy were quite clear. DFIG
based systems reached their maximum and rise of WECSs with the full power
converter started. During recent years, governmental support in many countries has
been reduced considerably, which in turn has resulted in changes on the wind
energy market. This has slowed down installations of offshore wind farms. Along
with the fast rise of magnetic material prices, it has substantially limited the pre-
dicted penetration of PMSG based variable speed WECSs. These WECSs still have
high impact on the offshore wind farms [18]. Another factor is the redistribution of
the world market between the countries. For example, China acquires more than
25% of converter sales for onshore WTs. Resulting from high penetration of DFIG
based WECSs in China and in other developing countries, they have regained their
popularity. Nevertheless, direct drive WTs have 28% share of the global market
[19]. Taking into account all these facts, experts predict a delay of shift from DFIG
based WECSs to WECSs with full power converters. Finally, it could be stated that
WECSs with the full power converter will become a dominant technology in the
next 20 years. This time could be further reduced if the prices of magnetic materials
decrease or new cheaper generator technologies, like high temperature super-
conductor generators, appear on the market.

12.2 Power electronic interfaces for variable speed WTs

WRSG, SCIG, or PMSG based variable speed WTs are a popular technology in the
wind energy sector, ranging from small power up to multi-MW applications. They
require the full power converter for grid integration. This application is highly
362 Power electronic converters and systems

demanding from the point of view of the PEC since it requires high reliability,
efficiency, power density, and minimized maintenance, especially for offshore
wind farms. PECs for WTs have to match the output voltage of the generator with
the varying frequency and magnitude with the power grid with the constant
frequency and magnitude. The AC/AC power conversion could be implemented
in two general ways: direct AC/AC conversion (matrix converters) and indirect
AC/AC conversion with intermediate DC link. Matrix converters are out of scope
of this chapter. The reason is their numerous disadvantages, like large numbers of
components, complicated control and design, bulky input filter and concerns
regarding long-term reliability [20].
Indirect AC/AC converter performs AC/DC conversion on the generator side
and DC/AC conversion on the grid side, whereas DC link with the storage element
is placed in the middle. This approach allows grid decoupling from the generator.
DC link allows the integration of the energy storages. In addition, a grid side
converter can perform additional functions like reactive power compensation, grid
support with reactive power, withstand LVRT conditions, delay in generated power
transfer to the grid, etc. Indirect AC/AC power conversion is widely used in the
renewable energy field because of increased concerns about on-grid operation
within grid code boundaries. It is a versatile and proven solution, which is easier to
design and control. This chapter deals with different PEC topologies that provide
indirect AC/AC power conversion.
Functional diagram of the WECS comprising the indirect AC/AC converter is
shown in Figure 12.7. Typically, it contains filters on the generator and grid side to
improve current shapes and suppress electromagnetic interference. Decoupled
control of the AC/DC and DC/AC converters is commonly used in these converters.
Usually, the generator side converter provides MPPT and transfers energy to the
DC link, while the grid side converter controls the DC link voltage/current and
injects energy to the grid. In some cases, the grid side converter could handle all
these functions. Since many WTs today have low voltage output, the line frequency
transformer is commonly used to connect the WECS to the medium voltage (MV)
power distribution grid. Voltage matching and isolation could also be realized by
the high frequency isolated DC/DC converter as a part of the generator side AC/DC
converter. In such cases, the line frequency transformer could be avoided. The DC
link typically contains the energy storage component – either the capacitor for the

Power electronic converter

Generator- AC/DC DC/AC Grid-side Transformer

Generator side filter converter DC-link converter filter (optional) Grid


Figure 12.7 Functional diagram of the WECS with an indirect AC/AC power
electronic converter
Wind energy systems 363

VSCs or the inductor for the current source converters (CSCs). Also, DC link is
essential for the integration of braking choppers and energy storages. The converter
could be connected to the single-phase or three-phase grid depending on the power
rating of the generator. Single-phase grid integration is common for low power
residential WECSs. Three-phase grid connection is mainly used in systems with the
output power higher than 5 kW. The following sections will describe features of the
topologies commonly used for the grid side and generator side converters and their
combinations within the WECS.

12.2.1 Conventional power electronic building blocks

WECSs utilize both of the main classes of converters: uncontrolled and controlled.
Uncontrolled topologies are typically used in the generator side converter for the
PMSG or WRSG based WECSs. Full-controlled converter is essential on the gen-
erator side of the SCIG based variable speed WECS to provide magnetizing cur-
rent, handle reactive power, and to control the torque. Full-controlled converters
can work in inverter or rectifier modes depending on the power flow direction. The
full-controlled converters could be classified as the phase controlled or the PWM
controlled. The switching frequency of the phase controlled VSC is equal to the
input/output voltage frequency. The VSCs are the most widespread among the
PWM controlled converters. Their switching frequency is much higher than
the input/output voltage frequency. This leads to high power density and better
dynamic performance.
VSCs have a drawback typical of WECSs – they are placed in the nacelle to
minimize stray inductance between the power electronic blocks. It means that the
least reliable component of the WECS is hard to maintain. CSCs do not have that
problem, since the grid side CSC could be placed in the WT base and utilize
interconnection wires as a part of the DC link inductor [20]. It is also possible for
VSCs if the boost converter is used as a part of the generator side converter.
Moreover, CSCs require two-quadrant switches with reverse voltage blocking
possibility, which is often more complicated to drive and associated with either low
switching frequency (GTO thyristors) or high conduction losses (switch in series
with a diode). CSCs have not been widely accepted in the WT industry and thus are
out of scope of this chapter. It is worth mentioning that the CSC could be a
suitable solution for PMSG based WTs of medium and high power levels [21, 22].
The VSC is the most commonly used type of converters in the renewable
energy field and numerous other applications. The full-bridge topology
(Figure 12.8(a)) has a bulky capacitor in the DC link that feeds the converter. VSCs
utilize inductive elements for filtering. L-, LC-, or LCL-filters are used for coupling
of the VSC and the grid or the generator. The filter removes high order harmonic
components of the phase current caused by the inverter switched at high frequency.
Filters add some losses and cost to the system, and could raise stability concerns. In
PMSGs and WRSGs, filter inductance could be avoided or substantially reduced
due to the high phase inductance of the generator. VSCs use two-quadrant switches
with reverse current flow possibility that is normally provided by an antiparallel
364 Power electronic converters and systems

Quasi-Z-source network

a VDC b

(a) (b)

Figure 12.8 Topologies of three-phase full-bridge converters

Filter VDC Filter

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 12.9 Topologies of single-phase voltage source converters

diode. DC link voltage VDC defines the operation of the VSC because it is step
down by nature in the inverter mode, and step-up in the rectifier mode. Thanks to
its constant DC link voltage, the VSC allows easy integration of the energy storages
and braking choppers demanded in several applications. Single-phase systems
require much larger DC link capacitance to decouple high instantaneous power
ripple from the converter on the other side of the DC link, therefore they are
typically used in low power systems.
Recent growing trends in the wind energy sector are directed to the penetration
of SWTs in the residential energy systems. Small scale WECSs are usually inte-
grated into the single-phase grid of the household. The PEC for such systems
should have a single-phase converter on the grid side. There are three single-phase
VSC topologies that could be beneficial in residential WECSs: full-bridge VSC
(Figure 12.9(a)), half-bridge VSC (Figure 12.9(b)), and neutral-point clamped
(NPC) half-bridge VSC (Figure 12.9(c)). The single-phase VSC requires high
capacitance in the DC link to withstand instantaneous power ripple, the frequency
of which is two times higher than the grid frequency. The full-bridge VSC has
higher DC link voltage utilization, because half-bridge VSCs require two times
higher voltage to provide the same output voltage magnitude. On the other hand,
the half-bridge VSC requires only two switches with the blocking voltage two
times higher than that of the switches of the full-bridge VSC. The NPC half-bridge
VSC has the same number of switches with similar blocking voltage as in full-
bridge VSC, but requires two additional diodes and one more DC link capacitor;
Wind energy systems 365

the NPC half-bridge VSC has the same output voltage as the full-bridge VSC.
Despite these disadvantages, the NPC half-bridge VSC could be beneficial when
high DC link voltage is imposed by the generator construction. Also, it could be
utilized when the generator side VSC comprises the three-level NPC topology with
reduced number of switches and the whole three-phase to single-phase PEC could
be implemented with a single NPC three-phase power transistor module.
Many existing WTs have low voltage output even at high power levels, which
has contributed to a wide use of two-level VSCs. This technology is also widely
adopted by industry in adjustable speed drives. It is simple and highly reliable. In
high power applications, power rating of a single converter is limited by existing
components. Currently, the limit is around 1 MW and rising with semiconductor
technology improvement. Parallel connection of converters is used for higher
power levels [23]. Full-controlled PEC is a solution preferred because it can pro-
vide high power quality, while the price of implementation could be a concern.
The VSCs lack the capability of withstanding the shoot-circuits across the
transistor bridge, which limits their reliability in harsh electromagnetic interference
environment. That disadvantage is not characteristic of impedance source (IS)
inverters, which have recently become popular for grid side converters. Typically,
these inverters have buck–boost voltage conversion possibilities: shoot-through
states are utilized for voltage step-up, while it could operate as an ordinary VSC
when shoot-through is not used. Voltage fed quasi-Z-source inverters (qZSIs)
shown in Figure 12.8(b) have been verified as a suitable solution for renewable
energy applications [24]. The topology contains a typical two-level VSC and a
quasi-Z-source network on the DC side that provides continuous input current. It
means that functions like MPPT could be moved from the generator side converter
to the grid side converter.
The PMSG based WECSs accept uncontrolled or half-controlled rectifiers on
the generator side [25]. They are simple, cheap, and reliable. The simplest solution
for the three-phase systems is the six-pulse diode rectifier (Figure 12.10(a)). It
has no control, thus functions, like MPPT, should be performed by the grid side
converter. A diode rectifier can be combined with the qZSI for better performance.
Also, the grid side converter with a diode bridge could include a DC/DC converter


a b Vrect VDC
b c

(a) (b)

Figure 12.10 Topologies of the generator side VSC with a diode bridge rectifier
366 Power electronic converters and systems

Quasi-Z-source network

Vrect VDC
Vrect VDC

(a) (b)

Figure 12.11 Topologies of the DC/DC converter

for MPPT and voltage matching, as shown in Figure 12.10(b). It contains two DC
links: an uncontrolled DC link (Vrect) with varying voltage that depends on the
generator output voltage and a controlled DC link (Vdc) with constant voltage that is
defined by the grid voltage. The DC/DC converter provides the MPPT control,
voltage matching between the varying generator side DC link and the constant grid
side DC link. It could contain a galvanic isolation when high voltage step-up is
required, or additional safety is a concern, like in low power low voltage residential
The boost converter shown in Figure 12.11(a) is widely used in configurations
with a diode rectifier. It has no isolation, but provides high reliability. It is a perfect
fit for WT applications because of high efficiency and unity DC voltage gain at the
highest power and high DC voltage gain with lower efficiency at the lower power
levels. This makes the design of the converter easier, especially in terms of heat
extraction. Isolated topology could be a better solution when low voltage WT is
integrated into the grid, in which case the bulky line frequency transformer could
be avoided owing to the high frequency or medium frequency transformer used for
isolation within the DC/DC converter. Among numerous conventional and emer-
ging topologies, the qZSI based DC/DC converter shown in Figure 12.11(b) seems
promising for the low power WTs. It has been adopted for fuel cells, solar PV and
other modern applications [26]. Experimentally verified for low voltage PMSG
based SWTs, it is recommended in [27]. The converter contains the qZSI at the
input side, a voltage doubler rectifier at the output side, and an isolation transfor-
mer in the middle. The voltage doubler rectifier and the transformer define the main
DC voltage gain, while the qZSI is used to adjust the transformer input voltage
through the utilization of the bridge shoot-through states.

12.2.2 Common PEC topologies for WTs

The simplest possible unidirectional PEC topology is shown in Figure 12.12. It fits
small power PMSG based WTs mostly because of its simplicity and robustness
[25]. The DC link voltage is varying in a wide range, which strictly depends on the
wind speed. The grid side two-level voltage source inverter injects power to the grid
starting from a certain DC link voltage, which is sufficient to start energy transfer
using the highest value of the modulation index. Such a system cannot utilize wind
power at low wind speeds. Since high wind speeds have low probability, most of the
Wind energy systems 367

a a
b b
c c

Generator Six-pulse diode Unregulated Three-phase Grid side

side filter rectifier DC link two-level VSC filter

Figure 12.12 Simple power electronic converter for small power PMSG based
wind turbines

a a
b b
c c

Generator Six-pulse diode Boost Three-phase Grid side

side filter rectifier converter two-level VSC filter

Unregulated DC link Regulated DC link

Figure 12.13 Power electronic converter with an intermediate boost converter for
PMSG based wind turbines

wind energy is unused by this solution [28]. Another disadvantage is that a diode
rectifier consumes non-sinusoidal current from the generator. This technology is
one of the first used in wind energy generation. It has very limited operation range
and should be avoided in medium and high power applications. Currently, it is
replaced by more enhanced topologies, which have attracted interest along with the
rapid development of power semiconductor components.
Boost converters can substantially improve the performance of the simplest
unidirectional PECs. Figure 12.13 shows the PEC with two DC links. The first one
is unregulated and its voltage varies depending on the wind speed. The boost
converter provides the MPPT function and transfers energy from the first DC link
to the second with the constant voltage. The grid side three-phase two-level inverter
injects power to the grid and maintains power balance using the outer control loop
with the stabilization of the second DC link voltage. As typical of any VSC, it has
inductive filters on both sides. The filter on the generator side could be avoided
because of high phase inductance of the PMSG. Also, the boost converter decou-
ples DC links that have different ripple frequency. Thanks to its simplicity and
reliability, this topology has been widely adopted by industry at different power
levels [29]. Its main advantage over the topology shown in Figure 12.12 is the
better performance over all operation ranges of the wind speeds. In this way, much
368 Power electronic converters and systems

larger quantities of power could be obtained throughout the year, especially in

regions with low average wind speed. There are power modules that contain all
necessary power electronic devices for the implementation of this PEC topology
using a single semiconductor module up to medium power levels. The single-
module solution improves the reliability and simplifies the manufacturing process
substantially. At higher power levels, the boost converter could be built as a
separate block that contains single or several interleaved blocks. Multichannel
boost converters with interleaved control are used in industry for WECSs with rated
power higher than a few hundred kilowatts [30].
Topologies presented in Figures 12.12 and 12.13 are unidirectional and could
be mostly considered for the WRSG or PMSG based WTs. In SCIGs the generator
side converter has to be bidirectional and full controlled to process the reactive
power and provide a high power factor. Active topologies are also applicable for the
PMSG based WTs from the power quality point of view, but the price of such
solutions is typically higher. The combination of two bridge VSCs is often referred
to as the back-to-back converter. Two-level version of the back-to-back converter is
shown in Figure 12.14. This converter supports bidirectional power flow. The gen-
erator side VSC works in the active rectifier mode and consumes sinusoidal current
from the generator. It provides DC link voltage higher than the generator line vol-
tage amplitude. Control of both VSCs could be decoupled. The control system of the
generator side converter provides MPPT and reactive power, i.e. magnetizing cur-
rent control. The grid side VSC maintains power balance through power injection to
the grid and thus controls the DC link voltage. Back-to-back converters have been
adopted by the industry for adjustable speed drives for many years. This solution is
proven; therefore, it is trusted by manufacturers of power electronic equipment.
Modern market of power semiconductor components has a huge variety of power
electronic modules that incorporate the single three-phase two-level inverter in a
single case. Some manufacturers, like Infineon, have placed ready to use stacks on
the market that contain all semiconductors and DC link capacitors specifically for
wind energy applications. This topology is most widely used for the WTs even at
multi-MW levels when they are connected in parallel [10, 31].

a a
b b
c c

Generator Three-phase Three-phase Grid side

side filter two-level VSC two-level VSC filter

Regulated DC link

Figure 12.14 Back-to-back voltage source power electronic converter

Wind energy systems 369

b L
c N

Generator Three-phase Single-phase Grid side

side filter two-level VSC two-level VSC filter

Regulated DC link

Figure 12.15 Back-to-back voltage source power electronic converter for small
residential wind turbines

The back-to-back PEC with three-phase to single-phase energy conversion

(Figure 12.15) could be used for grid integration of small residential WTs into a
single-phase grid of the household. Three-phase VSCs are used on the generator
side, since generators usually have three-phase output. The main disadvantage is
the use of single-phase connection to the grid, which is restricted by the application
field. It requires a bulky DC link capacitor that decouples high instantaneous power
ripple on the grid side from the generator side converter. Despite this, the converter
has all the other advantages of the back-to-back converter shown before. Its
operation principle is also quite similar, allowing the decoupled converter control.
Design of PECs for residential WECSs requires much effort because residential
systems impose part of requirements common for consumer electronics field, like
low price and high reliability.

12.2.3 Emerging PEC topologies for WTs

Rapid penetration of renewable and alternative energy sources has urged devel-
opment of new power electronic topologies. New concepts are needed to optimize
size, cost, and performance. Multilevel topologies have high performance, but they
are costly. Simplified multilevel topologies are interesting in low and medium
power applications. Another interesting approach is the IS technology. For exam-
ple, qZSIs can be used with simple diode rectifiers. These two modern promising
technologies are described in this section.
Three-level NPC VSCs that have gained wide acceptance in industry during
the last decade are a three-level variation of the diode clamped multilevel VSC.
Three-level NPC VSCs are already used for high power MV WTs, but the tech-
nology is still expensive for low power WTs. This could be improved through a
combination of the multilevel technology and the technology of the four-switch
three-phase inverter called the B4 inverter. In this case, we can decrease the
number of semiconductor components and the price. The PEC in Figure 12.16 that
is proposed in [32] suits for low power applications where the three-phase
370 Power electronic converters and systems

b L
c N

Generator Simplified three-phase Single-phase three-level Grid side

side filter three-level NPC VSC NPC half-bridge VSC filter

Regulated DC link

Figure 12.16 Three-phase to single-phase simplified three-level NPC power

electronic converter

generator is integrated into a single-phase grid. It could be applied to both induction

and synchronous generators. Multilevel approach improves the performance of the
B4 inverter considerably because the DC link voltage must be higher than that of
the conventional three-phase VSC. The main advantage of this topology is in the
use of existing power semiconductor components: the whole PEC could be
implemented with a single power electronic module of a three-phase three-level
NPC bridge available off-the-shelf. This reduces the price and improves the relia-
bility of the industrial product.
Another promising technology that addresses PMSG based WTs is the qZSI. It
overcomes the limitations of VSCs and CSCs since it has the buck–boost operation
possibilities. The qZSI can handle all the control functions on the grid side. It
allows using the simplest diode bridge three-phase rectifier on the generator side, as
shown in Figure 12.17 [33]. DC link is unregulated and depends on the wind speed.
It does not require high capacitance for energy storage, because the quasi-Z-source
network also stores energy. The quasi-Z-source network is also used for voltage
step-up. It serves as an imaginary DC link for the inverter bridge during the active
state, and steps up voltage during the shoot-through state. To improve the effi-
ciency, it is recommended that qZSI works at the unity gain factor or in the buck
mode at the rated input power. Like in CSCs, the generator side converter and the
grid side converter can be placed far from each other. Then the inductance of the
wires will just contribute to the input inductance of the qZSI. Therefore, the highly
reliable diode bridge can be placed in nacelle, while the qZSI could be placed in the
WT base. This technology is new and requires verification of long-term reliability
in the field.
Wind energy systems 371


a a
b b
c c

Generator Six-pulse diode Three-phase Grid side

side filter rectifier two-level qZSI filter

Unregulated DC link

Figure 12.17 Quasi-Z-source inverter based power electronic converter

12.2.4 PEC topologies for high power WTs

Major part of wind energy is generated using high power WTs. Currently, this
industry is in the stage of wide commercialization of the variable speed 6 MW WTs
with the full power converter. Power rating of WTs on the market is growing to the
multi-MW level. High power WTs allow the capital costs and wind energy prices to
be reduced. Multi-MW power level is highly challenging because most of the high
power WTs are low voltage [10]. To handle high currents, two-level back-to-back
VSCs are usually connected in parallel using the same three-phase winding, or
single three-phase winding per converter. This approach could be implemented
using n þ 1 redundancy since reliability of the system is considerably lower than
that for the single converter. For example, the PMSG based WECS from Gamesa
rated at 4.5 MW contains six two-level back-to-back VSCs rated at 950 kVA each
[34]. Power density of this solution is 0.58 MW/m3 and it utilizes 1,700 V insulated
gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) to operate with 690 V PMSG.
It is obvious that manufacturers of high power WTs have to switch to the MV
range to improve the overall performance of the WECS and decrease energy prices.
In this case, the line frequency transformer could be avoided. Multilevel topologies
are the most promising for MV applications. There are several possible solutions:
diode clamped VSCs, flying capacitor VSCs, multilevel modular converters, etc.
Flying capacitor VSCs could provide low price at MW power levels, but their
reliability is assumed to be too low [31]. Diode clamped multilevel converters,
especially NPC VSCs, have been widely adopted by industry. This urges their
utilization in the wind energy field. The back-to-back converter could also be
adopted for MV applications when each switch is composed of series connected
switches. The number of switches in series depends on the blocking voltage of a
single switch and the level of the DC link voltage. This section will review several
available and emerging multilevel converters for high power applications.
The three-level NPC back-to-back converter shown in Figure 12.18 has been
investigated by ABB [35]. ABB has adopted the topology within their PCS6000
MV WT converter with a rated power up to 8 MW [10]. It utilizes integrated
372 Power electronic converters and systems

Clamp Clamp

b b

Clamp Clamp

Generator side Three-phase Three-phase Grid side

filter three-level NPC VSC three-level NPC VSC filter
Regulated DC link

Figure 12.18 Three-level NPC back-to-back power electronic converter

gate-commutated thyristors (IGCTs) with a reverse conduction possibility. The

wind energy conversion performance of this converter is similar to that of the two-
level version. Increased number of the output voltage levels leads to a smaller grid
and generator side filters. Also, a filter would be smaller than in the two-level VSC
because the inverter switching frequency is four times higher than the switching
frequency of a single device.
The PCS6000 converter is rated for a generator with the output voltage up to
4 kV. Implementation of the converter with the IGCT has some features related to
the operation of the high voltage switches. Clamp circuits are used to limit the
voltage overshoots across the switch after its turnoff. Clamp circuit also contains an
inductor that limits the di/dt when the current is switched from the freewheeling
diode to a turning-on the IGCT. This di/dt constraint is imposed by the co-packed
diode. Also, the generator side filter includes circuits that limit the dv/dt over the
windings. The grid filter may also require a similar dv/dt limitation if the converter
is connected to the grid through the transformer that cannot withstand the rapid
voltage rise caused by the switching inverter.
The previous topology could be simplified on the generator side for the
purposes of the synchronous generator based WTs. In this case, a six-pulse diode
rectifier with the three-level boost converter could be used with the three-level NPC
VSC [36]. The output voltage of the high power WTs will apparently rise to the
10 kV level in the next years [37]. Four-level VSCs could be more appropriate for
the MW-level WTs with higher MV output. The topology shown in Figure 12.19
and described in [37, 38] is intended for future high power WTs in the range of
10–15 MW. It is a good example how to combine the two-level and multilevel
converters in a single system. The generator side converter utilizes the two-level
diode bridge rectifier, where three diodes are connected in series to withstand high
operation voltage. The rectifier feeds unregulated DC link with voltage that
depends on the wind speed. The second regulated DC link is coupled with the first
one through the four-level boost converter. The number of levels was defined by
Wind energy systems 373

a a
b b
c c

Generator Diode Four-level Three-phase four-level Grid side

side filter rectifier boost converter diode-clamped VSC filter

Unregulated DC link Regulated DC link

Figure 12.19 Four-level unidirectional power electronic converter

the blocking voltage of a single device and the required voltage of the second DC
link. Regulated DC link has three capacitors charged to the equal voltage. They
feed the four-level diode clamped inverter. This topology is shown with reverse
conducting IGCTs because these switches have the highest blocking voltage among
the available high performance full-controlled alternatives. Four voltage levels per
phase lead to a lower dv/dt stress, as well as to a smaller grid side filter. Also, the
four-level inverter has a higher equivalent switching frequency than the commu-
tation of switches in the inverter.
Past designs of power converters were oriented on the low voltage WTs with
the output voltage up to 690 V. The 1,700 V IGBTs have been extensively used for
that voltage range. Similar power devices could be used to integrate the low voltage
WT into the MV grid without using of the step-up transformer. In this case, several
two-level back-to-back VSCs fed by the different isolated windings could be con-
nected in series on the grid side [39, 40]. Modern trends in high power energy
conversion systems are within the multilevel modular topologies. Cascaded
H-bridge and modular multilevel converter (MMC) topologies are well known.
Cascaded topologies seem to have higher reliability than that of the cascaded
connection of the discrete converters. The MMC topology seems to be the most
promising for the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems. However, it has not
been widely investigated for WTs, but it could be a high performance solution due
to the superior scalability of the voltage and power levels [41]. Due to the high
number of the voltage levels, this topology can operate without the grid and gen-
erator side filters [23]. Utilization of this topology can be limited by available
rating of the generator isolation voltage and overrated capacitors in each cell that is
caused by the low frequency input voltage from the generator. This solution needs
additional consideration taking into account the constraints of the WT technology.
374 Power electronic converters and systems

Phase “c” converter

a c
Generator Phase “b” converter Grid
b b
side side
Phase “a” converter Cell 1
c a

Cell N

Figure 12.20 Cascaded H-bridge high power converter with medium frequency

There are several solutions for emerging high power WTs that are derived from
PEC for electric drives. The cascaded H-bridge converter that utilizes a medium
frequency transformer for isolation (Figure 12.20) was first proposed for high
power traction applications [42]. Performance of that converter has been tested
under the framework of the European UNIFLEX-PM Project [43]. This cascaded
converter contains several cells connected in series on the input and output sides.
Each cell is based on the back-to-back VSC with a medium frequency isolation
transformer. The transformer operates at the frequency from several up to dozen
kilohertz. Its structure is modular and n þ 1 redundancy can be implemented, which
is important in WT applications. Filters on both sides could be avoided if the
number of levels is high. Implementation of the medium frequency isolation
transformer leads to high power density since the line frequency transformer on the
grid side could be avoided. Also, this topology can be designed for the direct
integration of WTs into the MV power distribution grid with voltages of 10 kV and
higher. Since this topology is redundant and versatile, it could be the most realistic
candidate for the adoption by industry in the nearest years.

12.3 Control algorithms for PECs

There are many control methods that can be applied to WECSs. Assuming that the
energy is transferred from the WT to the electrical system, they can be divided into
two groups: AC/DC converter control (also called generator side control) and
DC/AC converter control (grid side control). Depending on the converter topolo-
gies, the appropriate modulator is applied in the control algorithm [44–48], but
Wind energy systems 375

other control loops remain the same for a specific algorithm. The most important
part of the control system for WTs is the MPPT algorithm, which provides an
efficient use of RESs and is implemented usually in the generator side control. Out
of many different MPPT types, two basic groups are most common. The first type
requires prior knowledge of turbine parameters to calculate the operating point. The
second group iteratively searches the optimum with the use of power and rotational
speed increments.

12.3.1 Maximum power point tracking

One of the well-known and frequently used methods to extract maximum power
from a WT is an algorithm based on the knowledge of the P(w) characteristic
(Figure 12.21(a)) [49–51]. For each designed WT, the distinctive characteristic of
the generated power versus the angular rotor speed can be determined. Further-
more, the maximum power point on these characteristic will be changed with the
wind speed. As a result, there is a possibility to extract the curve of the maximum
power related to the rotor angular speed (Figure 12.21(b)). There are two meth-
ods to implement this characteristic in the control system. First, the curve can be
stored in a pre-programmed 2D lookup table and the second is the curve
approximation by the third-order polynomial [6]. Therefore, the reference value
of the rotational speed is determined by the power calculation as shown in
Figure 12.21(a). The main advantage of this method is simplicity and fast
response, hence the algorithm immediately finds an optimum operation point.
Unfortunately, accurate determination of an optimum P(w) curve is unavoidably
connected with aerodynamic tests using the wind tunnel, which in practice is
omitted due to the high cost. Moreover, it may vary significantly with time and
atmospheric conditions. Factors like icing, dirt, and aging are the causes that lower
the efficiency of the turbine rotor and cannot be compensated by the control
Another well-known solution is the MPPT algorithm based on the measured
wind speed [52, 53] shown in Figure 12.22. It requires additional wind

AC/DC Maxium power point curve

converter 40,000

v = 9 m/s
WT + 30,000
generator VDC
25,000 8 m/s
Power (W)

7 m/s
calculations Converter’s 6 m/s
5 m/s
P 5,000
4 m/s
P(ω) ωr_ref −0
charactristic 0 5 10 15 20
Figure 11.21b Angular velocity (rad/s)
(a) (b)

Figure 12.21 (a) Block diagram of the MPPT algorithm with the P(w)
characteristic, (b) example of the P(w) characteristic
376 Power electronic converters and systems


WT +
generator VDC

v l opt V w r_ref
w r_ref = Converter’s
R control

Figure 12.22 Block diagram of the MPPT algorithm with wind speed measurement

measurements by the anemometer that allow the calculation of the referenced

generator rotational speed:
lopt V
wr ref ¼ (12.1)
where V is the actual wind speed.
In this method, the knowledge of optimum tip-speed ratio lopt and the rotor
radius R is required, but the measurements of voltages and currents used in the
previous method are eliminated. For an optimal lopt, the power will be always
maximized, which corresponds to the maximum power point curve presented in
Figure 12.21(b). This control method is characterized by some important features.
First, wind speed information used as an input variable allows for the determination
of the fast operating point and the dynamic response. On the other hand, data
acquisition from the anemometer has to be insensitive to rapid wind gusts to
eliminate unwanted changes in the operating point set by the control algorithm,
because it may cause high torque differences resulting in the mechanical stress on
the turbine rotor blades. As in the case of the previous MPPT, the algorithm lopt
cannot be determined with a high degree of accuracy and varies with time and
atmospheric conditions. However, lopt is a single parameter and it can be adjusted
much easier than the polynomial coefficients in the optimum power curve
approximation [6].
There is a possibility to reach the maximum power point for WT without any
information of WT parameters. It can be realized by iteratively changing the
control variable [49, 54–58], which results in rotor rotational speed adjustment
(Figure 12.23). Although the steepest ascent method is generally used for that
purpose, all algorithms of this type are based on the assumption that for a given
wind speed, maximum power is produced when:
¼0 (12.2)
where DP is the power increase in the next step and Dw is the rotational speed
Wind energy systems 377
40,000 Optimum operation
point Maximum
power curve
K = 0.45 rad/s
WT +
VDC 30,000

Power (W)

wind speed
Optimum operation

20,000 point

calculations Converter’s 15,000
P 10,000
Incremental ωr_ref
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(a) (b) Rotational speed (rad/s)

Figure 12.23 (a) Block diagram of MPPT with the incremental algorithm and
(b) example of the incremental MPPT process

The incremental algorithm implemented in this solution usually operates at the

low sampling frequency fT because of high wind rotor inertia [6]. It requires voltage
and current measurements for the power calculations. The reference rotational
speed is incremented in each cycle and the power derivative is calculated. In order
to reach condition (12.2), it is necessary to sign the assignation of the result. If
Dw > 0, then the reference rotational speed wr_ref has to be increased in the next step,
otherwise if Dw < 0, the value of wr_ref has to be decreased.
The process of the incremental MPPT is presented in Figure 12.23(b). The
most important control parameters in this method are the step size K and the
sampling frequency fT. Step size is usually constant, but there are solutions with a
variable step in order to improve the dynamic and minimize the oscillations around
the optimum operating point [6]. Proper selection of the sampling frequency fT is
also important. Too high value may effect in false response of the algorithm, but
with a very low value, the algorithm will not be able to track the wind changes with
adequate precision, decreasing the efficiency of the system.
The main advantage of this method is low complexity and high flexibility,
resulting from self-adjusting operation point without knowledge of turbine para-
meters. These features allow the method to be implemented for each type of WTs.
Unfortunately, this algorithm is slower than those described above and the optimum
operation point can be determined with an error depending on the selected K and fT.

12.3.2 Control for DC/DC boost converters

DC/DC boost converter in the WECS is one of the simplest from the control point of
view. The block diagram of the control algorithm is presented in Figure 12.24. This
method is composed of two control loops with proportional-integral (PI) controllers.
The outer loop corresponds to the rotational speed regulation of the generator
in order to achieve the reference value wr_ref from the MPPT algorithm. As an input
for the controller, the speed error between the reference value and the measured or
estimated value (sensorless method) wr is used. The output of that loop is the
referenced value of the inductor current in the boost converter. It is compared with
378 Power electronic converters and systems


WT +
generator VDC

ωr estimation

ωr iL
– iL_ref + – Vref
MPPT +Σ PI Σ PI Modulator

Figure 12.24 Block diagram of the control algorithm for the DC/DC boost

the measured value of that current iL and the error is eliminated by the inner control
loop. The signal Vref from the inner loop is used in the modulator to the gate signal

12.3.3 Control for IS converters

IS technology is an emerging trend in electric energy conversion. This technology
was applied also for WECSs. An inverter can perform shoot-through and open
states without damage and thus achieve a wide input voltage regulation range.
Voltage fed configurations of quasi-Z-source and Z-source inverters have been
adopted for grid integration of the PMSG based WTs [59, 60]. In combination with
the input diode bridge rectifier, they can perform MPPT and power injection into
the grid within the single inverter stage. Example of such a PEC based on the qZSI
is shown in Figure 12.17. IS inverters differ from each other in the type of the IS
network utilized, and in most cases they could be controlled in the same way. They
use the same principle for control as VSCs with modifications related to the voltage
control within the inverter stage. It is usually performed with inclusion of shoot-
through states into the inverter modulation. This leads to the reduction of the
modulation index range, in the case of sinusoidal carrier based PWM. The MPPT
for PMSG based WTs could be performed using the dependence between the
optimal rotation speed wr and the rectifier output voltage Vrect that is easily
approximated [59, 60]. A typical control system that could be applied to at least
Z-source and quasi-Z-source based PECs is shown in Figure 12.25(a).
The control system is based on the rotating reference frame with modifications.
Transformations from the abc to dq basis are conventional. The input MPPT block
defines the reference output voltage of the diode rectifier. This value could be used
for two typical control types that are selected with the control mode selection
Quasi-Z-source network
a c
Six-pulse L1 D1 L2 DC/AC
diode rectifier C2 converter Grid
C1 c
+ b d +
WT +
Vrect VDC
generator Z-source network
ωr – – ia ib ic va vb vc
a c
D1 L1 d
C1 C2 6
Filter L2 abc abc PLL
[Sap, San, Sbp
ref b d dq θ dq
Vrect Shoot-through Sbn, Scp, Scn]
id iq Vd Vq θ
VC1 duty cycle DS DS Modulator
ref calculation
Control mode abc
0.5 dq θ
selection V
Vrect C1
MPPT Σ 1 iqref
ωr + + – idref Vdref Vqref
+ ref
Σ PI Σ PI PI Σ ÷ Qref
VC1 + – – +
ref 2 iq
VDC id Vd 2/3

+ + Vrect VC1
– – DS = DS
VDC iL2 ref
2∙VC1 – Vrect
Wind energy systems

(b) (c)

Figure 12.25 Control system of the impedance source converter for PMSG based wind turbines
380 Power electronic converters and systems

switch. In position ‘‘1’’ the control system operates in the indirect DC link control
mode. Also, the control system can perform direct voltage control of the capacitor
C1 in the IS network when the selector switch is in position ‘‘2’’. In both cases, the
capacitor C1 voltage error defines the input of the PI controller that adjusts the
reference value of the grid current direct component id. The error of that component
defines the direct component of the reference grid voltage, which is applied to the
modulator. The grid current quadrature component could be set equal to zero, but in
a general case, it is recalculated from the reference reactive power Qref.
In general, the control system shown in Figure 12.25(a) looks quite similar to
that of VSC. The main difference is within the block that calculates the shoot-through
duty cycle DS. It could be calculated in different ways. This value should be adjusted
in order to provide the required voltage at the input of the inverter. This could be
done by simple recalculation from the equations of the IS network in steady state, as
shown in Figure 12.25(c) [60]. The Z-source and quasi-Z-source networks add right
half plane zeros to the dynamic of the converter. To achieve better dynamic perfor-
mance and improved stable operation range, the double-loop controller could be used
as shown in Figure 12.25(b) [59]. The shoot-through duty cycle value has direct
influence on the direct and quadrature components of the reference grid voltage
through adjusting upper and lower limits of the saturation blocks at the output of the
corresponding PI controllers. Also, DS serves as a control input of the modulator
block. This block can contain any of various modulation methods developed for IS
inverters. Basic modifications of the sinusoidal carrier based PWM for the IS inverter
as well as fundamentals of the IS technology are described in Chapter 7. Modified
space vector PWM control methods for IS inverters are also covered there [61].
Control of the voltage fed IS converter is quite similar to that of VSCs. It uses
many basic blocks, like Clarke and Park transforms in the direct and inverse form,
phase locked loop (PLL), etc. The main difference is within the implementation of
the shoot-through states for the input voltage control in a wide range. It imposes
limitations on modulation, since the maximum active state duty cycle is limited by
the shoot-through state inclusion into the switching pattern.

12.3.4 Field oriented control

The field oriented control (FOC) is most frequently used for the generator side full-
controlled VSC. The space vector of the stator current is oriented to the rotor flux
vector Yr in the synchronous rotating coordinate system that splits it into the two
rectangular components id and iq [62]. The component id is proportional to the
amplitude of the rotor flux, whereas the component iq is proportional to the elec-
tromagnetic torque of the generator. The advantage of this solution is the possibility
to control both components independently.
This method is also known in the literature as the rotor field oriented control
(RFOC). Two types of RFOC are known: direct (Figure 12.26) and indirect
(Figure 12.27) [62, 63]. In the direct RFOC, the flux vector position qr and the
speed wr are measured or estimated from the generator voltages and currents [63].
The speed wr is compared with the reference signal wr_ref in the outer speed
Wind energy systems 381


WT +
generator VDC


ωr θr SA SB SC
ab(c) Position, speed,
θr dq
and flux
estimation Modulator
id iq ωr θ r ψr
Va_ref Vb_ref
ψr θr
ψr_ref id_ref Vd_ref ab
+ – + –
ωr_ref dq
iq_ref + Vq_ref
– –
ωr iq

Figure 12.26 Block diagram of the direct RFOC


WT +
generator VDC


ab(c) Speed
θr estimation
dq Modulator
id iq ωr
Va_ref Vb_ref
id_ref = const + – Vd_ref ab
ωr Σ PI
ωr_ref –
+Σ iq_ref +Σ Vq_ref
– ω
iq r

TN/Trc +Σ ∫ ω dt
ωf – θr

Figure 12.27 Block diagram of the indirect RFOC

382 Power electronic converters and systems

controller. Similarly, the estimated rotor flux Yr is compared with the reference rotor
flux Yr_ref in the flux controller [66]. The outputs of both controllers generate the
reference signals of the current id_ref and iq_ref in the synchronous rotating coordinate
system [64]. These signals with measured and transformed current components id and
iq [63] create errors for inner control loops. At the output of the inner controllers, the
voltage vector components vd_ref, vq_ref are created and used with the flux vector
position qr in transformation to the stationary coordinate system [63]. After trans-
formation, the voltages va_ref and vb_ref are used as input for the modulator.
In the indirect RFOC, the flux vector position q is calculated from the
mechanical speed (measurement or estimation) and the current reference value in
q-axis (feed-forward control) multiplied by the nominal time constant TN and
divided by the rotor electromagnetic time constant Trc. Indirect RFOC is extra-
ordinarily simple for the PMSG. For that application, the flux vector position qr can
be calculated only from the speed measurement (estimation). These properties
make the method very attractive for practical implementation [65].

12.3.5 Direct torque control-space vector modulated

Another solution for the generator side full-controlled VSC is the direct torque
control-space vector modulated (DTC-SVM) [66, 67]. In contrast to the FOC where
flux and torque are ‘‘indirectly’’ controlled by a ‘‘direct’’ control of the field
oriented current vector components, the DTC-SVM regulates the stator flux Ys and
the torque m directly, while the currents are controlled indirectly. In this method,
the stator flux Ys and the torque m can be estimated by simple equations [68]:
1 t
YS ¼ uk dt (12.3)
TN 0
where uk is stator voltage, TN is stator voltage period,
m¼ ðYsa isb Ysb isa Þ (12.4)
where p is the number of poles of the machine.
The block diagram of DTC-SVM is shown in Figure 12.28. The outer speed
controller generates the torque referenced value for the inner torque control loop.
The second inner control loop is responsible for the flux control. The outputs of the
torque and flux controllers define the reference voltages vd_ref and vq_ref in the
synchronous rotating coordinate system, which is oriented to the vector of the stator
flux Ys. After transformation to the stationary coordinate system [63], the voltage
components va_ref and vb_ref are input signals for the modulator, where the
switching signals SA, SB, SC are calculated.

12.3.6 Voltage oriented control

The conventional control method for the grid connected full-controlled VSC is the
voltage oriented control (VOC) presented in Figure 12.29. Like the FOC, it is also
based on the dq synchronous rotational coordinate system. The referenced DC voltage
Wind energy systems 383


WT +
generator VDC


θs torque, and flux
dq Modulator
id iq
ωr θs ψs m
Va_ref Vb_ref
ψs θs
ψs_ref + Vd_ref ab
ωr_ref dq
+ mref + Vq _ref
– –
ωr m

Figure 12.28 Block diagram of DTC-SVM



Va Vb Vc
Va Vb Vc
Sa Sb Sc ia ib ic

γ ab(c) γ
Modulator PLL

id iq
Va_ref Vb_ref id VDC
– –
+ +
ab PI Σ PI Σ
Vd_ref id_ref VDC_ref
dq PI Σ
Vq _ref – iq _ref = 0

Figure 12.29 Block diagram of the VOC

384 Power electronic converters and systems

is maintained by the outer controller, which generates the d-axis reference current
id_ref. The q-axis current component is zero to obtain the unity power factor. The
important feature of this control method is the possibility of the independent control of
active and reactive powers by d- and q-axis current components, respectively. The
errors of the measured (id, iq) and the referenced (id_ref, iq_ref) current values are
eliminated by the inner PI controllers. Finally, the referenced converter voltages vd_ref
and vq_ref are obtained, which after transformation to the ab stationary coordinate
system are used in the modulation. In the used transformation to/from dq synchronous
rotating coordinate system, the grid voltage angle is necessary. Therefore, the simple
PLL or second order generalized integrator – phase locked loop (SOGI-PLL) for a
more advanced system has to be applied [69].

12.3.7 Direct power control-space vector modulated

Another control method for the grid connected full-controlled VSC is direct power
control-space vector modulated (DPC-SVM) [70]. The block diagram of the DPC-
SVM is presented in Figure 12.30. In order to obtain direct power control, the
instantaneous active and reactive powers are calculated based on the measured and
transformed to ab stationary coordinate system voltages (va, vb) and currents (ia, ib):
p ¼ ðia va þ ib vb Þ (12.5a)
q ¼ ðia vb ib va Þ (12.5b)

ia ib va vb
Vb Instantaneous powers
VDC estimation
p q
Va Vb Vc
Va Vb Vc
Sa Sb Sc ia ib ic Va Vb Vc

ab(c) ab(c) γ
Modulator PLL
ab ab
ia ib va vb
Va_ref Vb_ref VDC
– – +
ab PI Σ x PI Σ
γ Vd_ref pref VDC_ref

dq PI Σ
Vq_ref – qref = 0

Figure 12.30 Block diagram of the DPC-SVM

Wind energy systems 385

Similarly to the VOC, the DPC-SVM allows DC-voltage control at the speci-
fied level by using an outer PI controller. The output of the outer control loop is the
referenced active power, while the referenced reactive power is set to zero. That
solution provides the unity power factor operation. In the inner control loop, two PI
controllers are implemented for the active p and the reactive power q indepen-
dently. Finally, the referenced converter voltages in the synchronous rotating
coordinate system vd_ref and vq_ref are generated, which after transformation are
input signals for the modulator. For grid connected converters, synchronization is
required; hence, the PLL has to be implemented. It generates the voltage vector
angle g, which is used in dq/ab transformations.

12.3.8 Single-phase grid converter control

For the grid side single-phase VSC, the simplest control method is created in the
stationary coordinate system shown in Figure 12.31 [65]. It consists of an outer
DC-voltage control loop and an inner current control loop.
In the inner control loop, the proportional-resonant (PR) controller can be used.
The PR controller contains a resonant term with a double imaginary pole adjusted
to the fundamental line voltage frequency in order to achieve an infinite gain at the
selected frequency. In contrast to the PI controller, PR is able to eliminate not only
the amplitude error of the current but also the phase error and it provides a zero
static error at the selected frequency.
Another control method for the single-phase VSC is based on the virtual dq
synchronous rotating coordinate systems, which is copied from the three-phase sys-
tem (Figure 12.32). The most complicated issue in this method is the virtual coor-
dinate, since it contains only an one-phase system. The simplest method is to
calculate current’s ab coordinates based on delaying the measured current igrid by ¼
of line voltage period or notch filters with narrow stop-band (e.g. second-order
Butterworth). As a result, the ib is received and ia is equal to the grid current [71, 72].


VDC vgrid

igrid vgrid
S1 S2 vgrid igrid VDC
+ – + Iamp_ref – +
Modulator Σ PR Σ X PI Σ
vconv_ref iref VDC_ref
SOGI-PLL vgrid

Figure 12.31 Block diagram of one-phase converter control with the

proportional-resonant controller
386 Power electronic converters and systems


VDC vgrid

igrid vgrid

Peak + VDC_ref
Modulator PI Σ

cos(ωt) Vamp Id_ref cos(ωt)
+ + igrid = ia
+ – id +
Σ + X Σ PI Σ Σ X
cos(ωt) sin(ωt) – – +
vgrid ib

ωL sin(ωt)
+ + + – igrid = ia
ia ib –
igrid iq +
a Iq_ref = 0 X


Figure 12.32 Block diagram of the single-phase VSC control with the virtual dq
synchronous rotating coordinate system

12.3.9 Control for stand-alone mode of operation

Since WTs are popular in rural places, the stand-alone mode of operation can
provide uninterruptible power supply for local loads during the grid faults.
Moreover, the stand-alone control methods can be used in places without the grid
(e.g. small islands).
The simplest control method is based on the closed voltage control loop
(Figure 12.33). The synchronous rotating coordinate system is used to determine
the voltage vector aligned with d-axis vd_ref and rotated with angle g calculated
from the referenced voltage frequency wref. The voltage control loop is keeping
correct voltage parameters in conformity with the local grid code.
Another popular solution for an autonomous WT application is the droop
control method. Assuming that converter output is inductive, the active and reac-
tive power can be calculated as [73]:
P¼ sinj (12.6a)
EV cosj V 2
Q¼ (12.6b)
Wind energy systems 387





va vb vc
Sa Sb Sc

γ ab(c)

dq ωref γ
Modulator ∫
Vd Vq

Va_ref Vb_ref

+ Vd_ref
ab PI Σ
γ V ′d_ref

dq PI Σ
V ′q _ref Vq_ref = 0


Figure 12.33 Block diagram of the VOC in the stand-alone mode of operation

ω E
Rectifier Inverter Capacitive load Inductive load

ω* E*
∆ω1 E1
∆ω2 E2

∆P1 ∆P2 P Q1 Q2 Q
(a) (b)

Figure 12.34 Droop characteristics

where P is active power, E is converter voltage amplitude, V is output voltage

amplitude (after filter), X is coupling impedance, and j is angle between the con-
verter voltage E and the output voltage V.
Based on (12.6a) and (12.6b), it can be assumed that active power depends
mainly on the angle j (changing indirectly by the converter voltage pulsation error
Dw) and the reactive power depends on the converter voltage amplitude E
(Figure 12.34).
388 Power electronic converters and systems



Sa Sb Sc va vb vc ia ib ic
ia ib va vb
Modulator abc abc The instantaneous
ab ab powers estimation
va vb ia ib p q

Va_ref Vb_ref iα va Vamp_ref q _ref

– – – + – +
+ Σ Σ
PR Σ PR Σ+ dq P or PI
ia_ref va_ref Vd_ref
+ + ab Vq_ref = 0 + +
PR Σ PR Σ ∫ Σ P or PI Σ
γ – p
– ib_ref – vb_ref +
ib vb ωref p_ref

Figure 12.35 Block diagram of droop control in the islanded mode of operation

The above relations are implemented in the control algorithm (Figure 12.35)
and they determine the reference converter voltage vector. After transformation to
the stationary coordinate system, the voltage inner control loop and the current
inner control loop with PR controllers are used. If the microgrid includes no energy
storage and the total load cannot always absorb the total injected power, simple
proportional controllers are implemented in the droop control loops [73, 74]. In
other cases, the PI controllers are used and they allow avoiding power errors and
working with MPPT [74–76]. The droop control method is often dedicated to the
microgrid system, since many converters can work parallel in the stand-alone mode
of operation as well as grid connected.

This work was supported by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
(Project SF0140016s11) and by the Estonian Research Council under Grant
This work was supported by Polish National Science Center (project number

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Chapter 13
Photovoltaic energy systems
Eduard Muljadia, Emilio Gomez-Lazarob and
Antonio Ginartc

13.1 Introduction
13.1.1 Brief overview of photovoltaic generation
The use of photovoltaic (PV) generation was initially started in the aerospace
industry to power the satellite, and, outer space sensors, monitors, and International
Space Station. In the past few years, PV generation has gained global popularity
and acceptance; mostly by the grass root movement from the regular citizens want
to do good for the environment. PV power plants (PV plants) have been growing in
size, and the installation time is very short. With the cost of PV panels dropping in
recent years, it can be predicted that in the next 10 years the contribution of PV
plants to the total number of renewable energy power plants will grow
According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the PV installation in
the US is currently as follows: 2,695 MW operating; 3,608 MW under construction;
and 20,155 MW under development, which will bring to a total 26,458 MW PV
The advantage of the PV generation especially in the distribution network, it
can be placed almost anywhere with a good resource of solar irradiance, it can be
placed on the rooftop of buildings, or on the ground without the need to erect tall
towers such in wind generation, nor require extensive piping as in the concentrated
solar power, nor expensive construction of dams as in hydropower plant.

13.1.2 PV inverter circuit

PV inverter has been developed for many years. It started as off grid applications
with earlier power semiconductors switches such as forced commutated silicon
controlled rectifiers (SCRs). As the power electronics technologies making pro-
gresses via the development in the drives and power supplies industry, the cost of

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA;
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain;
Sputnik Technology USA, Inc., Norcross, GA, USA
396 Power electronic converters and systems

the power switches drop very dramatically at the late eighties, thus, making it
possible for widespread applications in the various industries. At the same time, the
cost of CPUs also decreases very rapidly, thus, enabling development of smart
controls and system protection.
A three-phase PV inverter is usually designed for a three-phase system with a
large rating (10 kW–2 MW and above). Most PV inverters are current controlled.
To understand a basic PV inverter, it is important to understand the module and PV
inverter hardware. In general, a PV inverter consists of a DC bus and three pairs of
power semiconductors, also called power electronic switches or power switches.
Present-day PV inverter is based on very fast power electronic switches with
sophisticated controls, built with high efficiency at low cost. The most common
power switches presently used are insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). An
IGBT can be turned on and off very fast within microseconds (thus, the loss from
power switching is low), and it has a low conduction loss.
The component of a PV generation can be simplified as shown in Figure 13.1.
It consists of PV panel, maximum peak power tracker, and DC-to-AC inverter
converting the power back to the utility grid. The actual implementation of a PV
generation is shown in Figure 13.2.
It usually consists of many modules connected in series/parallel to form a
string of PV modules with an output voltage and current designed to match the
rating of the maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The output of several MPPTs
are connected to the DC bus of PV inverter where the DC power is converted to the
three phase of single-phase AC distribution network. The PV inverter circuit of the

3 phase AC 60 Hz Grid

+ +
– –

Converter Inverter

650 kVA 3 phase

60 Hz 480V/34.5 kV

Figure 13.1 A typical three-phase PV inverter with IGBT power switches

Photovoltaic energy systems 397

10 modules per string at

3 kW; 380–430 Vdc
2 strings per row at 6 kW
430 Vdc

M10 165 kVA

3 phase
combiner 60 Hz
208 Vac

300 Vdc 150 kWdc Inverter



25 rows at
150 kW

Figure 13.2 Physical implementation of a typical PV installation

size shown in Figure 13.2 is generally installed at the rooftop of commercial


13.1.3 Centralized PV plant

The centralized PV power plant is a large-scale PV installation consisting of many
PV inverters to form a large size 10 MW or higher ratings.
The output of the PV inverter shown in Figure 13.2 has low-voltage output
(three phase, 480 V). For a large PV plant, the interconnected underground cables
(also called the collector system) carrying power over long distance can lead to
very high losses. Thus, a step-up transformer is usually used to step-up the voltage
to a medium voltage (three phase, 34.5 kV) commonly used in a PV plant. In this
way, the collector system losses can be minimized to 5% or lower of the rated
power of the PV plant. For a very large PV plant, and to transmit the output power
of the PV plant over long distance the combined output of the PV inverter will be
step up further to raise the voltage to the transmission level voltage (say 115 kV) as
shown in Figure 13.3.
The Agua Caliente solar project (refer to Figure 13.4), owned by NRG Energy
Inc., has come online and is now the world’s largest PV plant. This facility has the
capacity to generate 290 MW of solar electricity in Yuma County, Arizona.
398 Power electronic converters and systems

N1 165 KVA 3 phase
N6 60 Hz 480 V/34.5 kV

N2 PV+MPPT Inverter
N12 Representing
N9 the rest of
the nodes


66 MVA 3 phase
60 Hz 34.5 kV/110 kV


Figure 13.3 Single-line representation of a typical PV power plant

Figure 13.4 Agua Caliente (a 290 MW PV power plant) is located in Yuma

County, Arizona (http://energy.gov/articles/agua-caliente-worlds-
Photovoltaic energy systems 399

13.2 The technologies

Solar energy is one of the best renewable energy sources available to us. Its success
is highly dependent on the ability to deliver an increase in the power generated per
dollar. In 2010, the US Department of Energy estimated that installing a one-watt-
per-dollar PV energy system would make solar energy without additional subsidies
competitive with the wholesale rate of electricity by 2017. To follow this trend, the
different components in PV systems, including the inverter, should undergo a cost
reduction close to 10% per year. From the inverter’s perspective, this goal may be
achieved by two main approaches. The first one is to improve the efficiency by
taking advantage of more economical inverter topologies and developing more
powerful and economic power semiconductor and magnetics components. The
second approach is based on increasing the value of the solar proposition by relying
on the distributed nature of solar production and the high levels of sophisticated
computational and operational capabilities offered by solar inverters. The smart
grid will require smart devices with substantial control capabilities and the solar
inverter is uniquely qualified to serve this propose.

13.2.1 State-of-the-art technologies Power semiconductors
Due to decreasing cost and other improvement in fabrication technologies of silicon
power semiconductors (allowing for higher breakdown voltages, higher current-
carrying capability, faster switching, and lower losses), silicon has remained the
primary material for power semiconductor, despite competition from emerging
materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN). Silicon IGBTs
remain the preferred semiconductor for inverter bridges. The booster is slowly
allowing the incorporation of SiC metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors
(MOSFETs) especially for their ability to deliver very high switching frequencies at
relatively high breakdown voltage. SiC diodes have been used in the last four years
as integral part of solar inverters due to their low switching and conduction losses. Power semiconductor based in silicon

Since the invention of the IGBT and the introduction of the power MOSFET, the
progress has been tremendous, largely increasing performance and lowering cost.
These performance improvements in the silicon semiconductors have been critical
in keeping silicon the semiconductor material of choice, against emerging tech-
nologies (Figure 13.5). Power semiconductor based in SiC

SiC power semiconductors are leveraging in the industrial development of LEDs,
and as a consequence, the price of SiC semiconductors has decreased significantly
in the last two years. The first SiC power semiconductor to be developed at a
competitive price with better performance than Si was the SiC diode. SiC have a
dielectric breakdown field strength that is approximately 10 times higher than that
of Si. Consequently, SiC devices can be made to have a much thinner drift layer
400 Power electronic converters and systems

PT NPT FS Planar FS Trench

emitter gate

P - base
E emitter gate

n− n+ gate
emitter emitter gate

P - base
n+ p++ n+
P - base P – base

n− n−
P+ sub n n
P -collector

collector collector collector collector

WF thickness

300 μm 200 μm 100 μm

EARLY 90s LATE 90s EARLY 00s LATE 00s

Figure 13.5 Illustration of technology improvements of IGBTS

and/or higher doping concentrations, resulting in power devices that have very high
breakdown voltages while exhibiting very low resistance relative to silicon devices.
In theory, SiC can reduce the resistance per unit area of the drift layer to 1/300 of Si
at the same breakdown voltage.
For the reason explained above, SiC allows the fabrication of MOSFET with
lower RDS ON for the same breakdown voltages that silicon. Power MOSFET with
breakdown voltages up 1,700 V are manufactured by Cree Inc. Similar devices are
now produced by Rohm and Mitsubishi, among others. General Electric is developing
a large foundry to deliver a very low cost SiC MOSFET by 2018. Alternatively, SiC-
based bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are developed by GeneSIC and Fairchild
Semiconductor International Inc. Power semiconductor based in GaN
GaN devices have a theoretical limit for the voltage breakdown with RDS ON ratio that
is 20 times greater than that of SiC devices. Until recently, GaN semiconductors were
confined to radio frequency (RF) field applications. In the switching power device
arena, GaN Systems Inc. and International Rectifier Corporation are developing new
power devices, but their solution still remains applicable for voltages under 600 V.
Thus, it is mostly viable for the residential solar market. While maturity in fabrication
is still very far below the theoretical limits, its intrinsic characteristic allows one to
dream of a highly efficient power conversion in the near future. Inverter topology

There are two main complementary hard-switching techniques that produce a
sinusoidal wave with low distortion: (1) by generating a high-frequency
Photovoltaic energy systems 401

pulse-width modulation (PWM) and (2) by instating the variation of DC voltage

levels produced by the inverter (multilevel inverters). Increasing the switching
frequency faces two key obstacles: the need for faster power devices such as wide-
band gap devices that can be driven at such high frequencies, as well as for faster
and more powerful microcontrollers in order to achieve proper active monitoring of
complex systems such as solar inverters. These obstacles lead to higher costs.
Driven by the decreasing cost of silicon power semiconductors, the solar industry
therefore has moved progressively into the use of multilevel inverters as the more
yielding of the two approaches.
In general, a grid-tie PV system is comprised of the devices shown in
Figure 13.6. This power converter consists of the PV panel’s field arrangement
connected in series to provide the input voltage range to the inverter. The inverter
block could include a voltage booster stage. A transformer, that may or may not be
included in the inverter unit, is used for the final connection to the grid. The booster
stages are common in residential and commercial inverters. Residential and com-
mercial inverters have been called string inverters due to the way they are con-
nected to the solar panel. Many of the larger commercial inverters (typically greater
than 50 kW) eliminate the booster stage. The same statement holds for utility scale
or centralized inverters. Multilevel inverter
Over the past 30 years, multilevel inverters have been part of different research
topics focused on several areas of interest including new topologies, new controls,
and new modulation schemes. One of the main multilevel inverter topologies is the
cascade multi-cell inverter, which is based on a series connection of H-bridge

DC–AC Inverter


Solar Arrays


+ Booster

Filter Grid


Figure 13.6 PV grid-tie inverters parts and diagram representation

402 Power electronic converters and systems

modules with separated DC sources. This topology was first introduced by Baker in
1975 and became widely used until the mid-1990s. The neutral-point diode clamped
(NPC) inverter topology was developed as an alternative for the cascade multi-cell
concept, and it was described for the first time by Nabae. Since then, the three-level
clamped diode inverter has become favorably accepted for the design of high power
in medium- and low-voltage applications. Recently, an extension of the concept of
multilevel clamping (MNPC) has been introduced. It produces an alternative topol-
ogy in which a classical three-level NPC can be selectively clamped by a dedicated
switching unit in order to increase the number of voltage levels (see Figure 13.7).
The most common multilevel inverters used in solar applications are the NPC
(also known as Type I) and the modified NPC, generally known in the industry as
MNPC, NPC2, or Type T. Theoretically, the NPC topology requires components that
withstand half of the applied voltage, but the MNPC arrangement could deliver a more
efficient inverter topology. With the improvement of power semiconductors, the
MNPC topology has been increasingly implemented in commercial solar inverters. Principle of operation: NPC
In both the MNPC and the NPC, the principle operation can be explained as two
buck converters, one each for the positive and negative part of the sinusoidal. The
two buck converters disconnect alternatively to avoid a short circuit between each
other. Using the NPC structure, Figure 13.8 shows how a three-level inverter can be
described as two buck converters. The two IGBTs in the center (SW) select
between positive and negative signal generation. Topology comparison: 600 V vs. 1,200 V
The comparison among topologies is made assuming IGBT trench stop technology
or similar. The 600 V technology is assumed for all switches in the NPC topology.

+ +

2 2

– –

Grid Grid
Load Load

+ +

2 2

– –

Figure 13.7 Diagram of NPC and MNPC three-level inverter topologies

Photovoltaic energy systems 403

Positive Buck

+ main

2 2




2 2 main

– Negative Buck

Figure 13.8 Basic operation of the NPC inverter

Table 13.1 Comparison among 600 and 1,200 V IGBTS

600 V NPC 1,200 V MNPC

Conduction (VDS) 100% 110%
SW losses Et 100% 170%

For the MNCP topologies, the main switching device is assumed to be 1,200 V.
Table 13.1 compares the average conduction and switching losses between 600 and
1,200 V IGBTs for 40–60 A from two leading IGBT manufacturers Infineon
Technologies and Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc. In other moment on
time or for other level of current and voltage, the results could be different.
The graphical comparison of topologies, conduction, and switching losses for
the different switches in MNPC and NPC configurations are shown in Figures 13.9
and 13.10, respectively. In the NPC topology, for a power factor of approximately
one, during the PWM ON period, VCE1 and VCE2 have a voltage drop. In PWM OFF
period, only VD and VCE2 undergo a voltage drop. In the case of MNPC in the PWM
ON period, only VCE1 presents a voltage drop, and in the PWM OFF period, only
VD and VCE2 incur a voltage drop. In conclusion, it is clear that in the NPC topology
VCE2 is on all time, while in the MNPC it is only on during the OFF period.
Nowadays, topologies of Type T (MNPC) are dominating the market up to
1,000 V, which is the maximum voltage for certifiable PV systems. If 1,500 V DC
is approved in the near future, the topology of Type I may again reemerge as the
most economical solution for solar inverters.
404 Power electronic converters and systems


+ L L VCE2
2 2
– –

(a) (b)

Figure 13.9 Graphical comparison between NPC and MNPC topologies



Relative power losses


0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Losses ratio

Figure 13.10 Power losses comparison between NPC and MNPC topologies Inverter control

The solar inverter requires a low cost, relatively large, and fast computational
system to operate while connected to the grid. The inverter needs to obtain the
maximum power available from the PV panels, supervise the grid to make the
proper synchronization, and deliver power at the required power factor. The system
has to be able to detect independently of any fault (unbalanced voltage, line faults,
and short circuits) in the power grid, as well as take the proper action according to
the standards and regulations that the specific country establishes.
The block diagram shown in Figure 13.11 summarizes a typical solar grid-tie
control system. To have independent control of the reactive and real power, dq
transformation is applied. The phase locked loop (PLL) synchronizes the crossing
point the grid voltage.

13.2.2 Reliability
Power semiconductors have been proven, to be the weakest link in the reliability of
the solar inverters. The graph shown in Figure 13.12 displays the fault distribution
Photovoltaic energy systems 405

MPPT DC Voltage Current Control Transformation PV

VDC αβ
MPPT − PI + +
+ PI +
+ +− + abc
Error + − Inverter
Id Lω dq
Decoupling Id

+ abc
Iqref O + PI +
+ − + + + PLL ACFilter
+ Vd
Vq abc

Figure 13.11 Diagram control of a grid-tie solar inverter

Processor Inverter (IGBT)
11% 34%

DC Switch


Figure 13.12 Fault distribution for a typical PV inverter

found by an inverter manufacture in one of the commercial inverter series with

values from 10 to 20 kW. The historical record of manufacturers’ data shows that
nearly 70% of the faults are related to the power semiconductor.
In general, the critical parts of a solar inverter are:
● Power semiconductors
● Capacitors: DC capacitor link and AC capacitor filter
● Microcontrollers and peripherals
● Switches, breakers, and sensors
406 Power electronic converters and systems Accelerated aging commonality and underlying physics

Aging in semiconductors, like in other type of materials, is determined by the rate of
the decay of the component materials. The key point is how long the structure con-
serves its original properties without being contaminated by the surrounding materials
or decomposing into its original elements. For this basic reason, electronic semi-
conductors present the same type of ‘‘progressive degradation’’ that the materials that
constitute them do. The consequence of this assertion is that regardless of the specific
aging mechanisms, such as hot carrier injection, electromigration, time-dependent
dielectric breakdown, gate sinking (interdiffusion of metal atoms from the gate into
semiconductor), Ohmic contact degradation (increase in resistance between metal and
semiconductor region), or/and any other mechanism, the aging is affected by the rate
of the chemical reaction as described by some form of the Arrhenius equation. This is
not the only equation that can model this phenomenon, but also any formula that
models movement of particles by diffusion under the presence of a force field can be
used for modeling these phenomena. Power device reliability

The previous section highlights some of the common and widely accepted relia-
bility issues presented with the design and operation of MOSFET/IGBT power
devices. In this section, traditional semiconductor reliability concepts are related to
remaining life estimations. From a reliability engineering point of view, the failure
rates caused by factors described in the previous section have to be addressed and
taken into consideration.
The mean time to failure (MTTF) is usually defined by the inverse of the
failure rate of devices:
MTTF ¼ (13.1)
where l is the failure rate.
A failure rate (l) could be estimated by
l/ (13.2)
where AF is acceleration factor and TDH is total duration hours.
Semiconductor manufacturers perform millions of hours of testing to deter-
mine failure rates. This gives extremely valuable information for the reliability of
the product. Additionally, applying this concept with more emphasis on the
acceleration factor yields important information for life estimation.
The AF is generally determined from the Arrhenius equation but can also be
determined using a power law, as is common industry practice. Field distortion acceleration model

Acceleration models for the reduction of life in equipment have been used exten-
sively. Representative examples include the Arrhenius model for temperature [1]:
LðTÞ ¼ AF ekT (13.3)
Photovoltaic energy systems 407

The acceleration factor, AF, is determined generally from the Arrhenius


Ea 1 1
AF ¼ exp (13.4)
k T1 T2
Crook [2] proposed the following expression in the case of two acceleration
factors (temperature and voltage):

Ea 1 1 E2 E 1
AF ¼ exp exp (13.5)
k T1 T2 Ec
where Ec has been experimentally (Crook) been shown to equal 0.062 MV/cm.
Equation (13.6) shows the power law that is used commonly in determining the
life expectancy of power devices is based on the data presented by Pearce et al. [3].
Several manufacturers use gate voltages and temperatures for aging estimation.
Based on the data [3], the values for the IRF4XX series are computed to be
A ¼ 17.2, B ¼ 0.4, C ¼ 0.15 and the respective curves are shown in Figure 13.8.
AF ¼ A 10CT 10BVG þa (13.6)
The thermal activation energy of a failure mechanism is determined by testing
at a minimum of two different temperature stress levels as is shown in Figure 13.13.

IRF4XX Life expectancy




12 V

16 V

20 V
24 V


50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (°C)

Figure 13.13 Power MOSFET life expectancy under power law

408 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 13.13 shows the power MOSFET life expectancy using power law shown in
(13.6). It can be seen that the life expectancy of MOSFET devices changes with the
varying bias voltages while uniformly changing as the operating temperature
changes. In lab testing and field operations, it has been shown that the device’s
failure gets accelerated when operating in higher temperature regions. Dominant failure mechanisms

In general, power semiconductors share common failure mechanisms. However,
the application and design of the semiconductor often determine the most probable
failure event for a specific device or technology. The main semiconductor degra-
dation processes include thermal cycling which affects the packing and the semi-
conductor’s capability to transfer heat. Hot-carrier induced degradation, ION
migration, gate sinking degradation, and Ohmic contact degradation are other
common semiconductor degradation mechanisms. Thermal cycling (void and crack formation)

Thermal cycling is one of the main phenomena that produces semiconductor aging,
particularly in power applications. Device degradation occurs because thermal
cycling deteriorates the thermal material that allows the device to release generated
heat. When a composite of multiple materials is exposed to the stress of thermo-
cycling, it deteriorates until a fracture or void space is produced (see Figure 13.14).
The semiconductor industry uses different materials to produce the heat transfer
path that allows the release of the heat generated. In general, these devices have
different coefficients of thermal expansion that make the device more susceptible
to cracks or fractures due to the internal stresses originated by thermal expansion
and contraction. These fractures among different materials typically do not collapse
the process but deteriorate the functionality of the device.
As an example, Figure 13.15 shows the progression of the void formation and
detachment of the dice from metalized structure (collector–emitter). The device
containing an IGBT and integrated diode was thermo-electrically stressed. The
void creation dominated the IGBT region, which was subjected to the thermo-
electrical aging. The diode only obtained the heat by thermal conduction. There-
fore, less void formation and aging are expected about it. The progression of
detachment greatly increases the junction-case thermal resistance. The increase of
the junction-case thermal resistance has large consequences in the changes of the
parametric characteristics of the IGBT. Under the same operational conditions, the

1 2 3 4

Figure 13.14 Void area creation process due to thermal cycling

Photovoltaic energy systems 409

Detachment process

X-ray detachment process with void formation


Healthy Low degraded Medium degraded

Figure 13.15 Void formation and detachment progression due to thermo-

electrical stress

junction temperature increases significantly for the aged device, changing even
more the value of the parameter (positive feedback). Device aging (voltage gate and breakdown voltage shifting)
When string inverters installed in the field had failures, the standard procedure
commonly adopted by most PV inverter manufacturer involved the replacement
(swapping) of the inverter for a new one and the used inverter was sent for repairs.
During a period of several months, a systematic analysis of the breakdown voltage
for the main booster power MOSFET was conducted as follows: every time an
inverter was repaired, one of the operational MOSFET was changed for a new one,
and the operational MOSFET pulled from the inverter was subject to breakdown
voltage measurement. Close to 200 used MOSFET, with one to five years in the
field, were removed from returned inverters and had their breakdown voltage
measured. In addition, 100 new MOSFET were randomly picked from a purchase
and also underwent breakdown voltage measurement. When comparing the mea-
sured voltages from the used and the new MOSFET the average difference was
15 V which was negligible with respect to the manufacturer voltage specification of
1,000 V ensuring stability of the breakdown voltage during operation (refer to
Figure 13.16).

13.3 The grid interface

13.3.1 Basic control of real and reactive power in a two-bus
power system
In this section, we use a two-bus system to illustrate real and reactive power for
conventional generation and generation based on power conversion. We assume
410 Power electronic converters and systems


μ = 1114 μ = 1129
35 σ = 21 σ = 14.5
15 V
# Units





1,040 1,060 1,080 1,100 1,120 1,140 1,160 1,180

Breakdown voltage BVDDS (V)

Figure 13.16 Breakdown voltage shift during operation

that the generator, VPV (Bus 1), is connected to an infinite bus, VS (Bus 2). In a
conventional power plant with a synchronous generator, the following quantities
are usually used to control the output of the generator:
● The voltage magnitude is used to control the reactive power (or reactive cur-
rent component, Iq) by controlling the excitation winding, thus increasing the
voltage of VPV.
● The mechanical power is used to control the phase angle of the output voltage
of the synchronous generator. The power angle, d, of the output voltage mostly
corresponds to the real current component, Ip, of the output current, Is, of the
voltage source.
A similar method can be used for a PV inverter, except we attempt to control the
current directly. Reactive power Conventional power system
To understand a PV inverter, consider an average model. Because the relationship
of the reactive power to the terminal voltage is very tight, either the reactive power
control or the voltage control is generally chosen.
To describe the relationship between the reactive power flow and the voltage
level, refer to the phasor diagram shown in Figure 13.17. It is assumed that the PV
inverter (terminal voltage, VPV) is connected to an infinite bus, VS, through a
reactance, XS. The PV inverter (VPV) generates an output current, IS. The equation
Photovoltaic energy systems 411

G1 Grid Is δe jXsIs
Is f = 0.5 δe
Inverter Vs

(a) PVP simplified equivalent circuit (b) QE = QVs = 0.5 ls2 Xs

δe jXsIs
f = 0° f < 0° Vs
Is Vs
(c) QVs = 0; QE = ls2 Xs (d) QVs = -Vs ls cos φ; QE = ls2 Xs + ⏐QV

Figure 13.17 Illustration of a two-bus system demonstrating the voltage and

reactive power flow in a synchronous generator

describing the relationship of the voltage at the two buses and the corresponding
voltage drop across the reactance, XS, can be written as follows:
VPV ¼ Vs þ j Xs Is
The reactive power losses (Is2 Xs) in the transmission line can be supplied from Bus
1 (VPV) or Bus 2 (VS), or they can be shared by both sides. Parallel compensation
(e.g., capacitor banks) can be implemented on both sides. Reactive compensation
can be implemented by controlling the generator itself (internal control), or it can
be provided externally, such as from adjustable capacitor banks, synchronous
condensers, and static power compensation (a static VAR compensator, or static
Consider Figure 13.17(a), in which all the reactive power spent in the reac-
tance, Xs, is supplied by Bus 1. As shown, the voltage VPV > Vs, to make it possible
for the reactive power to flow from Bus 1 to Bus 2. Similarly, as shown in
Figure 13.17(b), all the reactive power spent in the reactance, Xs, is supplied by
Bus 2. In this case, the relationship between the two voltages is VPV < VS. Now
consider Figure 13.17(c), in which the voltages at Bus 1 and Bus 2 are maintained
constant, and there is equal magnitude at 1.05 p.u. The reactive power is supplied
equally by both Bus 1 and Bus 2. The voltage VPV ¼ VS requires that the source of
the reactive power comes from both sides. Thus, the larger the contribution of the
reactive power, the higher the voltage of the source of the reactive power. Power-converter-based power system
The impact of reactive power’s contribution on voltage regulation can be illustrated
by the phasor diagrams. To save some space, we will use the same phasor diagrams
shown in Figure 13.20. As shown in Figure 13.20, the phasor current, Is, is divided
412 Power electronic converters and systems

into the real current, Ip (in phase with the voltage VPV) and reactive current, Iq (in
quadrature with respect to the voltage, VPV) components.
The voltage equation is rewritten as:

VPV ¼ Vs þ j Xs IP þIQ
The real current component, Ip, is proportional to the real power generated, and the
reactive current, Iq, is proportional to the reactive power generated. Doubling the
reactive current, Iq, will double the voltage drop, Iq Xs, and directly increase the
terminal voltage, VPV, by an additional Iq Xs. Thus, to increase reactive current, we
need to increase the voltage, VPV. The larger the value of Xs, the higher the voltage,
VPV, will increase as the same amount of the Iq current is increased. As can be
expected, increasing the reactive component of the current, Iq, will directly impact
the terminal voltage magnitude, VPV, and increasing the real current component, Ip,
will more directly impact the power angle, d between VPV and V.
In PV generation, two limits must be observed:
● The total resultant current, Is, is limited by the maximum current-carrying
capability of the power converter (Imax). Thus, the power converter can
increase its real or reactive current components (or both) only to a certain level,
until the resultant current reaches its maximum (Is ¼ Imax – current-carrying
capability of the IGBT switches). At that point, the overcurrent protection will
prevent the PV inverter from delivering more current.
● The maximum terminal voltage, VPV, must be limited to the maximum
allowable voltage of the power converter. Thus, the power converter can
increase its reactive current component, Iq, only so much, until the terminal
voltage reaches its upper limit. At that point, the overvoltage protection will
prevent the PV inverter unit from delivering more reactive current to the grid. Real power Conventional power system
The equation describing the relationship of the voltage at the two buses to the
corresponding voltage drop across the reactance, Xs, can be written as follows:
P¼ sin d
Output power can be increased in many ways. For example, increasing the
output power while maintaining equal voltage (VPV ¼ VS) can be illustrated by the
changes shown in the phasor diagrams in Figure 13.18. As mentioned above, in this
equal-voltage condition both sides share the reactive power loss in the line reac-
tance, Xs, equally. As the current, Is, increases, the power angle, de, also increases
while equal voltage is maintained (VPV ¼ VS). Power-converter-based power system
Figure 13.19 shows a two-bus system. In a two-bus system, a PV generator is
connected to a grid (constant voltage or infinite bus) through a reactance, Xs. The
Photovoltaic energy systems 413

δe jXsIs
δe Is
f = 0.5 δe f = 0.5 δe
Vs Vs

Figure 13.18 Illustration of a two-bus system demonstrating real power control in

a conventional synchronous generator


G1 G2


Figure 13.19 Illustration of a two-bus system demonstrating real power control in

a PV inverter-based system


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 13.20 Illustration of a phasor diagram demonstrating real and reactive

power control in a PV inverter. (a) Baseline: IP ¼ IP1, IQ ¼ IQ1;
(b) increased: IP ¼ IP2; and (c) IP ¼ IP2, IQ ¼ IQ2

current, IS, is decoupled into real and reactive components (IP1 and IQ1), as shown
in Figure 13.20(a). Assuming that the grid is an infinite bus, VS is constant.
Figure 13.20(b) shows the size of the real current component increased to IP2, while
the size of the reactive current component, IQ1, is maintained. The additional voltage
drop, jXs IP2, is shown to increase by the same proportion. This affects the increase
in the angle between VPV1 and VS. Because the size of the infinite bus, VS, is con-
stant, the increase in IP increases the voltage drop, but it decreases the voltage,
VPV2. The size of the reactive current component stays the same, and the resulting
414 Power electronic converters and systems

voltage drop, jXS IQ2, also stays the same size. Note that the voltage, VPV, decreases
from VPV1 to VPV2 (indicated by the dashed line in Figure 13.20(b)). To return VPV2
to the same level as VPV1, the reactive current component, IQ, is increased to IQ2.
This is shown in Figure 13.20(c), which indicates the size of the voltage, VPV1, and
the size of the current, IP2. The increase in the output power is proportional to the
change from IP1 to IP2, which is equal, and the reactive current contribution to cover
IS2 XS is equally distributed between VPV and VS.

13.4 The standards

Until recently, existing requirements have, for the most part, been centered on
conventional utility-scale power plants, such as thermal or hydro units. From past
few years, there has been an ongoing effort to define standards and guidelines that
allow the accommodation of increasing penetration level of variable generation, in
particular wind and PV power plants. Up until a few years ago, only a few countries
had developed PV-specific standards but today most of those implementing large-
scale PV systems have developed guidelines for the grid interconnection of PV
inverter systems.
Therefore, some distribution system operators, as PV penetration increases, are
defining their own standards or in some cases adopting the international ones.
Besides the available international standards, other requirements may be proposed by
national standards, grid codes or combination of regional codes and local codes, or
specific utility regulations/guides. These documents, in some cases will be specific
to one energy source (e.g., PV) or to a particular generating technology (e.g., the
ones using power converters), although they are normally generalized for any dis-
tributed/variable generation technologies. On the other hand, these national or local
requirements show differences taking into account the actual or expected penetration
level of the generation technology, the stiffness or the strength of local grid, and
aspects such are the generation mix, grid structure (installed renewable power vs.
installed total power), or international interconnections. It is important as well how
the PV plants are connected to the power system. For example, in Germany, Japan,
or Spain, more than 80% of PV power is connected to the distribution level. Finally,
PV systems using static inverters are technically different from rotating electrical
machines and this fact has been generally recognized in these new guidelines.
The main standards were introduced by the Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
IEEE Std. 929:1988 was the key document for the utility interconnection of PV
systems in the US. This document contains recommendations and requirements to
ensure compatible operation of the terrestrial PV systems with the electric power
system. This standard also addresses safety or equipment protection. IEEE Std.
929:1988 referred to other earlier standards that were developed to ensure that
power supplied to the grid by small power producers meets certain standards for
frequency, harmonic content, and voltage level. The primary concern of IEEE
929:2000 was to guarantee that the PV inverter is disconnected from the utility grid
Photovoltaic energy systems 415

if the grid loses power lines or operating outside established range of nominal
voltage or frequency, even if other PV sources are connected to the grid. IEEE Std.
519:1992 was the standard to specify the limits on the amount of harmonics
allowed on the grid. Some aspects and limits from IEEE Std. 519-992 were adopted
by IEEE 929:2000. IEEE 929:2000 was replaced by the IEEE Std. 1547:2003,
which deals with all types of generation up to 10 MVA. Requirements in IEEE
1547:2003 were based on the assumption that energy production would be pre-
dominately consumed on site. The specific requirements were tailored to avoid
interference of distributed resources with utility grid operations. Because the rela-
tively low-rated power of PV installations and being connected to the distribution
level, the PV industry is most familiar with the IEEE 1547 standard for inter-
connecting distributed resources. A new revision of this standard in 2008 was
adopted by IEC. The IEC/IEEE/PAS 63547:2011 provides the interconnection
technical specifications and requirements.
While some countries had specific PV standards, these standards differ from
country to country and the harmonization of these standards was intended as the
next step, as it is a common practice in the progression of this kind of standards. At
the same time, it is clear that due to differing technical boundary conditions in
different countries (grid structure, earthing/grounding rules, etc.) it will be difficult
to achieve a full harmonization. At the international level, the IEC prepares and
publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic, and related
The IEC Technical Committee 82 (IEC TC82) develops and adopts all PV-
related standards. The scope of IEC TC82 is to prepare international standards for
PV systems that convert solar energy into electrical energy, as well as for all the
elements in the entire PV system. The IEC TC82 is comprised of five working
groups, with the working group 3 devoted to the discussion and accumulation of
experiences in order to develop guides of practical rules, the connection of dis-
persed generation on MV/LV grids or the planning and design of MV/LV grids.
In 1995, the IEC published the IEC 61727:1995, specifying the main require-
ments of a grid interface which ensure that it is both functional and safe for PV
connections of 10 kVA or less. The precise values of the parameters are specific to
each country, and a copy of the latest national regulations should therefore be
obtained through the local electricity company. IEC 61727-2004 edition 2 applies
to utility-interconnected PV power systems operating in parallel with the utility and
utilizing static (solid-state) non-islanding inverters for the conversion of DC to AC.
Another standard, IEC/TR 61000-3-15:2011 is concerned for single- and multi-
phase dispersed generation systems up to 75 A per phase, particularly converters
connected to the public supply low-voltage network.
At the European level requirements, The European Network of transmission
system operators (TSOs) for Electricity (ENTSO-E) is working in a Network Code
for requirements for grid connection, applicable to all generators (NC-RfG). This
standard will provide legal framework for the definition of local grid codes,
focusing on cross border issues. A classification of generators depending on the
rated power, voltage level, synchronous zone is realized (Types A, B, C, and D).
416 Power electronic converters and systems

According to the four types, requirements to support the grid frequency P(f),
reactive power and fault ride through, regulating reserve, synthetic inertia or black
start capability are applied. As well, the European Committee for Electrotechnical
Standardization (CENELEC) published the EN 50438:2013 as the European stan-
dard for micro generation connected in parallel with the network, requiring similar
specification as the IEEE 1547:2008. The EN 50438:2013 together with the tech-
nical specifications EN 50549-1 and EN 50549-2 represent standard harmonizing
initiatives for the interconnection of distributed generation.
Other countries like Germany have experienced tremendous growth in
renewable energy generating sources, like PV and wind systems. To manage better
the operations of the electric system as the level of PV and wind generators pene-
tration increases significantly, the grid operators in the German Association of
Energy and Water Industries (BDEW), created guidelines for inverter capabilities.
While these guidelines are not required by law, electric utilities require inter-
connecting generators to comply with the BDEW guidelines, in effect turning the
guidelines into standards requirements. The BDEW guidelines provide specifica-
tions for generator control and communications, frequency control, dynamic reac-
tive support, dynamic grid support including low-voltage ride-through (LVRT),
and certification for medium/high voltage. The BDEW guideline refers to other
guidelines, such as FGW-TR3, FGW-TR4, or FWG-TR8. Whereas, the VDE-
AR-N 4105:2011 (VDE) is applied for low voltage ( 16 A per phase) with
requirements for power quality, P(f), VAR, voltage and frequency limits. There-
fore, VDE-AR-N 4105 can be considered a ‘‘State of Art’’ guideline, which
considers high-level PV interconnections and stipulates grid-supporting features.
Table 13.2 shows the rated power of PV power plants and voltages levels
covered by the main standards up to date.
Other countries like Spain, France, Italy, Japan, or China have introduced
requirements as well, based on these standards and taking into account their own
specific characteristics. Finally in some studies, generic and basic electromagnetic
compatibility standards, like those from IEC 61000 series, may also be referred in
interconnection standards to define immunity requirements (test levels) or tests

Table 13.2 Rated power of PV power plants and voltages levels covered by the
main standards

Standard Generation Voltage level Rated power

IEC 61727:2004 PV Low voltage 10 kVA
IEEE 1547:2008 All Primary/secondary distribution voltages 10 MVA
VDE-AR-N All Low voltage ( 1 kV) 100 kVA
BDEW:2008 All Medium (1–66 kV) No limit
Photovoltaic energy systems 417

The requirements, mainly from IEC 61727:2004, IEEE 1547:2008, and VDE-
AR-N 4105:2011, are summarized in three groups: protection, power quality, and
ancillary services.

13.4.1 Protection Over/under voltage
Over/under voltage protection is required to ensure appropriate voltage levels. With
the proliferation of distributed generation systems, it is becoming difficult and
impractical to control dynamic voltage changes using traditional voltage manage-
ment tools like line regulators and capacitors.
Table 13.3 shows the standards’ requirements for the over/under voltage pro-
tection taking into account the voltage range in the point of interconnection. The
inverter should sense abnormal voltage and respond according to the conditions in
that table. In contrast to VDE and IEEE standards, the IEC 61727:2004 states that
the PV plants must not disconnect if the time is smaller than the disconnection time.
In the IEC 61727:2004, the disconnection time refers to the time between the
abnormal condition occurring and the inverter ceasing to energize the utility line.

13.4.2 Islanding
A utility island occurs when a portion of the utility system containing load and
operating generators is isolated from the remainder of the utility system. If the
island generating source continues to feed the island during the system fault con-
dition, the island may remain energized and several undesirable results may occur.
The risk of islanding has been researched in some detail under the International
Energy Agency Task 5. Table 13.4 shows the islanding protection together with the
disconnection requirement. Existing voltage trip settings prescribed in IEEE 1547
are conservative, forcing generators to trip off line quickly to avoid islanding. Over/short circuit current

In general all forms of DG contribute to the fault, therefore all standards require to
assess its impact. Over current refers to the ability of the PV inverter to deliver

Table 13.3 Over/under voltage protection

IEC 61727:2004 IEEE 1547:2008 VDE-AR-N4105:2011

Voltage Disconnection Voltage Maximum Voltage Maximum
range (%) time (s) range (%) disconnection range (%) disconnection
time (s) time (s)
<50 0.10 <50 0.16
50–85 2.00 50–88 2.00 <80 0.2
85–110 Continue 88–110 Continue 80–110 Continue
operation operation operation
110–135 2.00 110–120 1.00 >110 0.2
>135 0.05 >120 0.16
418 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 13.4 Islanding protection

IEC 61727:2004 IEEE 1547:2008 VDE-AR-N

Method (active Active or passive Active or passive Active or passive
or passive)
Disconnection Cease to energize within Cease to energize within Disconnect in 5 s
requirement 2 s of the formation of 2 s of the formation of
the island the island

Table 13.5 Over/under frequency protection

IEC VDE-AR-N IEEE 1547:2008

61727:2004 4105:2011 (rated (rated frequency 60 Hz)
(rated fre- frequency 50 Hz)
quency 50 Hz)
Rated power Rated power
30 kW >30 kW
Operating 49–51 47.5–51.5 59.3–60.5 59.3–60.5 57–59.3
range (Hz) (5% to þ3%) (2% to (2% to
þ1%) þ1%)
Disconnection 0.2 <0.1 0.133 0.133 0.16–300
time (s)

additional currents (above its rated value) for a specific duration (e.g., 1.1 p.u. for 1
min). The short circuit current is the maximum current that can be delivered by the
PV inverter to the grid. Many PV inverters are designed to have the capability to
control the reactive power under normal condition and during short circuit to sup-
port the grid voltage. Over/under frequency

All the standards explicitly state values for over and under frequency protection are
shown in Table 13.5. The purpose of the allowed range and time delay is to ride
through short-term disturbances to avoid excessive nuisance tripping, especially in
weak-grid situations. Reconnect after grid failure and restoration

The reason for the delay in reconnecting to the PV inverter to the grid is to avoid a
recurring connect/disconnect (chattering) condition. Often utilities employ auto-
matic reclosers to restore the service. After a disconnection caused by abnormal
voltage or frequency conditions, the inverter can be reconnected only after certain
specific conditions on voltage and frequency are fulfilled with the requirements
shown in Table 13.6.
Photovoltaic energy systems 419

Table 13.6 Reconnect after grid failure and restoration protection

Standard Requirements
IEC 61727:2004 Normal voltage and frequency for 20 s to 5 min
IEEE 1547:2008 Normal voltage and frequency for 5 min
VDE-AR-N Voltage between 85% and 110% and frequency between 47.5 and 50.05
4105:2011 Hz at least 1 min
For short interruptions, reconnection may be immediate

Table 13.7 IEEE 1547:2008 and IEC 61727:2004 harmonic levels

Odd Even THD

Individual harmonic 3–9 11–15 17–21 23–35 35þ 3–35þ
order, h
Allowable limit (%) <4.0% <2.0% <1.5% <0.6% <0.3% 25% of odd <5%

13.4.3 Power quality

Power converters used in PV plants may introduce harmonics, unbalanced phases,
DC injection or network disturbances. Deviation from the limits represents out-of-
bound conditions and may require disconnection of the PV system from the grid. Current harmonics and inter-harmonics

The VDE and BDEW refer to the German version of the IEC 61000 electromagnetic
compatibility standards and the IEEE 1547 refers to the IEEE 519:2014. The IEEE
1547:2008 standard refers to the values from IEEE 519, which are displayed in
Table 13.7. IEC 61727:2004 and IEEE 1547:2008 harmonize very well in this case.
Total harmonic distortion (THD) for the injected grid current should be lower
than 5% in normal operation to avoid adverse effects on other equipment connected
to the grid. Voltage unbalance

The VDE is the only one that specifies a maximum difference of 4.6 kVA between
each phase on the network. Injection of DC into the AC system

The primary reason for keeping DC out of the grid is its effect on inductive loads.
With a combination of DC and AC applied to many inductors, the inductor may be
driven into saturation, resulting in hysteresis losses beyond the device rating. When
an output transformer is not present in the PV system, it is important that the output
current is controlled accurately in order to minimize the DC component.
The IEC 61727:2004 assumes <1% of the RMS-rated current as the maximum
DC injection allowed. On the other hand, the IEEE 1547:2008 specifies 0.5% of its
rated AC output current under any operating conditions.
420 Power electronic converters and systems Flicker and fluctuations

The IEEE 1547:2008 and VDE refer to several other standards regarding flicker
and fluctuation are shown in Table 13.8.

13.4.4 Ancillary services

New regulations are required gradually due to high penetration of renewable energy
in the distribution networks. Inverters must be able to support voltage and fre-
quency to sustain network stability. Network voltage support

The network voltage magnitude can be greatly affected by the distributed genera-
tion as they inject power in a power system where previously only loads had been.
This is thoroughly considered in every standard. Power factor
Keeping the voltage between defined limits and especially avoiding overvoltage is
becoming a primary concern of distribution system operators (DSOs) due to the
increasing number of generators connected to the distribution network. The power
factor is defined at the fundamental frequency for non-sinusoidal current delivered.
According to the IEC61727:2004, the PV system shall have an average lagging
power factor greater than 0.9 when the output is greater than 50% of the rated power.
On the other hand, on the IEEE 1547:2008, there is not active voltage regulation,
although the network voltage of the system should not adversely be affected.
Since 2012, in Germany, PV systems bigger than 3.68 kVA have been providing
static grid support by reactive power control. The control strategy depends on the size
of the PV system, the voltage level, and the local characteristics of the grid, as shown
in Table 13.9. Table 13.9 is considered if the operating voltage is within 10% of the
nominal and the active power output is above 20% of the rated power.

Table 13.8 Flicker and fluctuation levels

Standard Referred standards

IEEE 1547:2008 IEEE Standard 519-1992, IEEE P1453, IEC/TR361000.3.7, IEC
61000.4.15, IEC 61000.21
VDE-AR-N 4105:2011 DIN EN 610000.3.3, DIN EN 610000.3.11 (up to 75 A)

Table 13.9 VDE-AR-N 4105 reactive power capability limits

Smax 3.68 kVA 0.95 under-excited to 0.95 over-excited

3.68 kVA < Smax 13.8 kVA Characteristic curve from network operator with 0.95
under-excited to 0.95 over-excited
Smax > 13.8 kVA Characteristic curve from network operator with 0.90
under-excited to 0.90 over-excited
Photovoltaic energy systems 421 Low-voltage ride-through

Fault ride-through (FRT) capability is defined as the PV inverters’ capability of
remaining connected to the grid in the event of grid failures. A second aspect is also
related to FRT, but it refers to the additional capability of injecting reactive power
in the grid in case of grid fault, with the purpose to give a voltage support during
fault conditions.
The IEC 61727:2004 requires that the PV plant do not have to cease to ener-
gize for disturbances shorter than the clearing times whereas the IEEE 1547:2008
requires disconnection from the network in the event of a fault. In the German
network code, from January 1, 2011, PV plants have to be capable to participate in
full dynamic network support during grid faults: to stay connected to the network
and provide voltage support by feeding a reactive current. In fact, Germany has
determined that it is necessary to retrofit 315,000 existing inverters to achieve
enhanced inverter functions including LVRT capability in order to provide grid
support during faults and voltage recovery during post-fault conditions to avoid a
system blackout. Frequency support

Where voltage deviations tend to be more localized, frequency deviations will
effect an entire interconnection. Generator frequency tolerance is typically coor-
dinated with under-frequency load shedding schemes. To ensure that PV systems
and other distributed renewable energy sources provide grid support during system
frequency events, it would be desirable that inverters not disconnect too soon and
that they disconnect in a random manner. By default, PV inverters designed for
distribution interconnection are designed to operate at unity power factor, and are
unable to supply reactive power when operating at rated kW output. To maintain a
0.95 power factor range at rated voltage and active power, the inverter would
need to have a kVA rating at least 5.2% higher than the kW rating.
However, TSOs used to consider distributed generation only as negative load
and therefore not relevant for electricity system operation. They required every
installation to switch off automatically and instantly as soon as the frequency
exceeded a defined range (depending on the country). These obligations are not
a consequence of technical limits but are due to grid connection rules set by
During the major system disturbance in Europe on November 4, 2006, part of
the decentralized generation (mainly wind power) switched off after the dis-
turbance occurred. Part of Germany belonged to an exporting network region in
which the frequency value increased to 50.2 Hz. If the same extreme event was to
occur at midday during the summer, more than 20 GW of PV systems would
instantaneously disconnect from the grid at the EU level. Such a massive dis-
connection of PV systems would accelerate the possible cascading breakdown
process. National grid codes have been revised in some of the key countries
(Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Spain) to integrate new frequency requirements. For
the existing PV installed capacity, retrofit programs are under analysis or already
under way in countries like Germany and Italy.
422 Power electronic converters and systems

Neither IEEE 1547:2008 nor IEC 61727:2004 requires any frequency support.
The VDE-AR-N 4105:2011 considers that the inverters will remain active when the
frequency is between 47.5 and 51.5 Hz. Above 50.2 Hz, the inverter will start
reducing power at a rate of 40% per Hz. The system must disconnect if the fre-
quency is below 47.5 Hz and above 51.5 Hz.

13.5 The field measurements

13.5.1 Intermittence in solar field results
The operation of MT series (15 kW inverter) is shown in Figure 13.21. The mea-
surements were taken in Biel, Switzerland on September 5, 2013. This production
is a common example of the intermittence that solar power displays during the fall.
The MT series have three trackers that are denoted in colors (dark blue, light blue,
and red). The three DC power collected are almost superimposed, showing a good
performance of the MPPT trackers and the power AC generated (black) is practi-
cally the addictions of the three DC power trackers. Only two times during the day
does the inverter deliver close to its nominal power for a few minutes. The DC
voltages remain fairly constant, independent of the power generated.

13.5.2 LVRT test results of the 500 kW RX series

In Germany, on June 9, 2013, for the first time ever, solar power accounted for
more than 50% of the total power generated, anti-islanding requirements, enforced
for years in grid-tie inverters. While anti-islanding is intended for safety concerns,

6 Vdc2 13
5 11
Pac Vdc1 10
DC Power (kW)

Ac Power (kW)

4 9
1 Pdc2
Pdc1 2

07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00
Time (hours)

Figure 13.21 Illustration power generated by 15 kW inverter

Photovoltaic energy systems 423

Test 1.1.2.a of SolarMax 500RX: Currents of the positive sequence and

instantinour values at the beginning of the fault
Current/A Voltage / V
2,100 300
1,400 Response time: 0.035
SA 200

700 100
Settling time: 0.035
0 0
–0.04 –0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 time / s
−700 –100

−1400 –200
−2100 –300

−2800 –400
V_ Voltages I_ Currents SA I_App + Sec SB I_App + Sec SC I_ReAct + Sec

Figure 13.22 LVRT test for 500RX series

i.e., to protect the utility personnel from electric shocks or electrocution, the LVRT
is intended to improve the power system reliability. If a fault close to a solar plant
surrounded by relatively high-density solar community, the voltage at the local grid
may drop significantly. Therefore, if the LVRT is not implemented on the local PV
inverters, this situation could generate a cascading effect that could trigger con-
sequence inverters to trip and in seconds the whole German grid could be in jeo-
pardy. This potential risk was clear that the solar system needed to be able to
support the grid during fault for power system reliability. The anti-islanding stan-
dards should not be in contradiction with the LVRT to support the grid. The latest
edition of the IEEE 1547 allows the local utilities modify the range of allowable
operating voltage and frequency to ensure grid reliability, thus, avoiding cascading
effect. The PV inverters must follow the local utility grid code and LVRT.
Figure 13.22 shows the LVRT capabilities of the RX series. When the voltages
collapse (in green), the inverters support the grid, injecting nominal current to the
system during the fault.

13.6 Summary and conclusions

This chapter summarizes the application of power electronics converters and sys-
tems in PV energy system. The chapter is organized with introduction given in
Section 13.1 to cover the broad view of the PV generation in the context of power
system environment. Section 13.2 is dedicated to the power electronic technologies
used in PV generation with topics from the state of the art of technologies and the
reliability aspects of the PV inverter. In Section 13.3, the system integration is
presented to cover integration of the PV inverter with the power system grid and to
424 Power electronic converters and systems

understand the type of controls and control actions relevant to power system
operation, reliability, and stability. In Section 13.4, the standard commonly adopted
for PV generation covering different aspects of acceptable grid integration
including protection, islanding, power quality, and ancillary services. Finally, in
Section 13.5, the field measurement for PV generation is covered.
The PV generation technology is ever evolving with the technology advance-
ment in power semiconductor (high voltage, high current, high temperature, and
high switching frequencies), the future of power system characteristics (less con-
ventional synchronous generators with its associated rotating inertia), the avail-
ability of cheap energy storage in the next few years. All of these factors may lead
to more affordable PV generation and there will be continuing effort to revise or
update the so-called grid codes or standards. It is acceptable that the local and
regional conditions are differ from places to places around the world, and it is
understandable that the local grid codes may be adapted to local needs and local
condition of the power systems.
This chapter is not intended to cover all of the information about PV genera-
tion, but, we try to include the most important ones relevant to the present PV
generation and power converter technologies.

This work was supported by the US Department of Energy under Contract No.
DE-AC36-08-GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and
‘‘Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad’’, Spain under No. ENE2012-34603,
co-financed with European Union FEDER funds. The authors thank Sputnik
Engineering AG for providing data and field results and very especial thanks to
Andres Salazar and Carlos Restrepo for their support.

[1] Y. Leblebici and S.M. Kang, Hot-Carrier Reliability of MOS VLSI Circuits.
Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
[2] D.L. Crook, ‘‘Method of Determining Reliability Screen for Time Dependent
Dielectric Breakdown,’’ Proceeding of the International Reliability Physics
Symposium, No. 17, 1979, pp. 1–7.
[3] R. Pearce, S. Brown, and D. Grant, ‘‘Measuring HEXFET Characteristics,’’
HEXFET Power MOSFETs Designer Manual Application Notes and Relia-
bility Data. International Rectifier, Vol. I, 1993, Application Note 957B.
Chapter 14
Automotive energy systems
Vamsi Krishna Pathipati*, Janamejaya Channegowda*,
Kunwar Aditya* and Sheldon S. Williamson*

14.1 Electric vehicle batteries

14.1.1 Introduction
Owing to recent well-known trends, renewable resources are becoming increasingly
prominent in the complex energy market mosaic. As long as their penetration level
is low, they can be handled easily by the current infrastructure, but at present
incremental rates, this will not be the case in the future. The intermittent nature of
solar and wind generation will require a far more flexible compensation mechanism
than is currently available. Because of this, large battery banks that act as buffers
between the generator and the grid invariably accompany today’s renewable energy
installations. Wind power, in particular, is not only intermittent but also it has no
day-average predictability, as winds can differ hour-to-hour as easily at night as
during the day, adding an extra amount of irregularity to an already varying load.
This suggests that plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) will be called on to perform, not
only the more manageable regulation tasks, but also aid in providing peak power.
As noted earlier, this might not find approval with PEV owners unless the pricing
model is modified. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to ask whether a large PEV con-
tracted fleet could perform this task on a national (US) level. Studies [1] have
shown that the answer is yes. With an overconfident 50% estimation for the market
penetration of wind energy and 70 million PEVs available, peak power could be
provided at the expense of approximately 7 kWh of battery energy per day or about
10%–20% of an average PEV reserve. Important characteristics of battery chemistry

There exist many types of batteries, which can be found in battery reference books
such as [2]; however, a large number of them are just produced in laboratory
conditions and are still under investigation. They are not commercialized because
of many factors, such as non-maturity, low energy density, safety, high rate of toxic

*University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

426 Power electronic converters and systems

materials, price, etc. Hence, a small group of batteries is available commercially

and within this, the most frequently used are lead-acid (PbA), nickel–cadmium
(Ni–Cd), nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH), lithium-ion (Li-ion), and lithium-polymer
(Li-Po). Batteries can be divided initially into two categories: primary and sec-
ondary. Primary batteries are simply those that can be used only once and after a
full discharge cannot be used any more. This is because the chemical reactions
happening inside them are irreversible. Secondary batteries, however, can be used
many times through recharging. In the case of automotive and traction applications,
secondary batteries are of most interest, because utilizing primary batteries in
these applications seems unreasonable. Here, we will only consider secondary type
batteries and when we mention batteries, we mean secondary batteries unless
otherwise stated. Lead-acid
For over a century, lead-acid batteries have been utilized for various applications
including traction. Their well-improved structure has led to valve regulated lead-
acid (VRLA) batteries, which can be considered as maintenance-free batteries,
which is a desirable characteristic for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). In
terms of efficiency, they have high efficiency in the range of 95%–99%. The main
disadvantage of lead-acid (PbA) batteries is their weight, in other words, they have
a low specific energy (30–40 Wh/kg) compared with their counterparts. Nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd)
Considering low power applications, nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd) batteries also ben-
efit from a mature technology, but considering traction applications, their specific
energy is low. The typical specific energy for this type is 45–60 Wh/kg. They are
used mainly where long life and price are of high importance. The main applica-
tions for this type are portable devices, but in cases that demand high instantaneous
currents, there use is desirable. However, considering environmental issues, they do
contain toxic metals [3]. Nickel-metal hydride
Compared with the previous types, these have higher specific energy, but lower
cycle life. In general, for the batteries of the same size, Ni-MH batteries can have
up to two or three times the energy of a Ni–Cd type. The typical value for the
specific energy of the present technology Ni-MH batteries is in the range of
75–100 Wh/kg. This type is widely used in electric vehicles (EVs) and PHEVs. Lithium-ion
This type has noticeably high specific energy, specific power and great potential for
technological improvements, providing EVs and PHEVs with perfect performance
characteristics such as acceleration. Their specific energy is in the range of
100–250 Wh/kg. Because of their nature, Li-ion batteries can be charged and dis-
charged at a faster rate than can Pb-acid and Ni-MH batteries, nominating them as
good candidates for EV and PHEV applications. Furthermore, Li-ion batteries have
outstanding potential for long life if managed in proper conditions; otherwise, their
life cycle can be a disadvantage. One of the main reasons for this is the near
Automotive energy systems 427

absence of memory effect in Li-based batteries. However, safety issues are weak
points of Li-based batteries. Overcharge of Li-ion batteries should be carefully
prevented, as they have high potential for explosion owing to overheating caused
by overcharging. They can easily absorb extra charge and thus could explode.
Utilizing advanced battery management systems can ensure a reliable range of
operation of Li-ion batteries, even in cases of accidents. In addition, Li-ion batteries
contain less environmentally harmful materials compared with nickel-based
batteries. Lithium-polymer
Li-Po batteries have the same energy density as Li-ion batteries but with lower cost.
This specific chemistry is one with the greatest potential for EVs and PHEVs.
Recently, there have been significant improvements in this technology. Formerly,
the maximum discharge current of Li-Po batteries was limited to about 1 C rate;
however, recent enhancements have led to maximum discharge rates of almost
30 times the 1 C rate. This improves and simplifies greatly the storage part of EVs
and PHEVs in terms of power density, because in some cases, this can even
eliminate the need for ultracapacitors. In addition, there have been outstanding
improvements in charging times. Recent advances in this technology have led to
some types that can reach over 90% state of charge (SOC) within a couple of
minutes, which can increase significantly their attractiveness to EVs and PHEVs
because of the noticeable reduction of charging time. Because this type is a solid-
state battery, having solid electrolyte, the materials would not leak even in the case
of an accident. One of the other advantages of this type is that it can be produced in
any size or shape, which offers great flexibility to vehicle manufacturers. Battery parameters Battery capacity
This parameter can be assumed simply as the amount of charge that can be drawn
from a fully charged battery until it becomes fully discharged. An important effect
in batteries is that the higher amount of current drawn from a battery, the lower
capacity the battery will have. Hence, theoretically, battery capacity is defined as the
amount of current drawn from a battery that discharges it completely in exactly 1 h.
For example, a battery capacity of 10 Ah means that if a constant current of 10 A is
drawn from the battery, it will become discharged completely after 1 h. However, in
practice, battery manufacturers might use other definitions. Usually, tables of dif-
ferent test results are provided showing the amount of time the battery runs under
different constant current loads and with different constant power loads. In practice,
these tables provide much more practical information rather standard definitions,
because after production, different loads with different characteristics might be
connected to the battery. Nevertheless, the amount of time that a battery runs is not
predictable exactly, because not all the loads are constant current or constant power
loads. Even if the loads are one of these types, those tables are valid for new
batteries and not for aged ones. Therefore, in many design procedures just rough
estimates of battery runtime is calculated. The battery capacity is shown in the
428 Power electronic converters and systems

literature with letters such as ‘‘C’’ or ‘‘Q’’ or other notations. The main unit for
battery capacity is the ampere-hour (Ah); however, based on the size of the battery,
alternative units might be used, such as mAh or even mAs in the case of very small
batteries. C-rate
This parameter is used to show the amount of current used for charging the battery, or
that of a load drawn from the battery. We can consider the previous case of a 10 Ah
battery as an example. When it is mentioned that the charging process is terminated
when the charging current falls below C/10 rate (10 h rate), this means the charging
should be stopped when the current becomes less than the amount of current with
which the battery is discharged after 10 h, in other words, 10 Ah/10 h ¼ 1 A. State of charge
In its simplest form, SOC can be visualized as the percentage of the remaining
water relative to the entire capacity of a water tank. In terms of charge, this means
the percentage of charge available from a battery relative to the entire capacity of
the battery. Representing the battery as a water tank gives a good approximation;
however, it is not accurate because of some of the effects in the batteries such as
relaxation effect, which will be described in the following sections. Furthermore,
according to aging, the rated capacity of the battery reduces over time and hence,
for determining the SOC, the rated capacity should be measured or calculated
regularly. Depth of discharge

Again, using the water tank concept, the depth of discharge (DOD) can be assumed
as the percentage of water that has been drawn from the water tank relative to the
entire capacity of the tank. In terms of charge, the water can be replaced with
electric charge. This parameter is usually used in discharge pattern recommenda-
tions. For example, the battery manufacturer might recommend the user not to
exceed 30% DOD in relation to battery lifetime issues. Energy density

Energy density can be defined in two ways. One is ‘‘Volumetric Energy
Density,’’ which is defined as the amount of available energy from a fully
charged battery per unit volume (Wh/liter). The unit liter is used mainly for
measuring the volume of liquids. Mostly, batteries have a liquid electrolyte and
so in such cases, it easily makes sense; however, even for solid-state electrolytes
such as lithium polymer batteries, the same unit is usually used. The other way of
defining the Energy Density is ‘‘Gravimetric Energy Density,’’ which is usually
referred to as ‘‘Specific Energy,’’ and is defined as the available energy from a
fully charged battery per unit weight (Wh/kg). Based on application and based
on the importance of the volume or weight, either definition can be used. In the
case of EVs and PHEVs, the weight factor is usually more important than
volume; hence, Specific Energy would usually be seen in the literature for this
specific application.
Automotive energy systems 429 Charging efficiency

The chemical reactions inside the battery during charge and discharge are not ideal
and there are always losses involved. In other words, not all the energy used to
charge the battery is available during discharge. Some of this energy is wasted in
other forms of energy dissipation such as heat energy dissipation. The charging
efficiency can be defined as the ratio of available energy from the battery due to a
complete discharge, to the amount of energy needed to charge the battery com-
pletely. This parameter may be mentioned by other names such as coulombic
efficiency or charge acceptance. The types of losses that reduce the coulombic
efficiency are mainly losses in the charging process owing to chemical reactions,
such as electrolysis of water or other redox reactions in the battery. In general,
the coulombic efficiency for a new battery is high; however, it reduces as the
battery ages.
Hereafter, this chapter will discuss some aspects of batteries in the specific
cases of EVs and PHEVs regarding charging battery packs. This will help greatly in
the design of more efficient and flexible chargers based on battery behavior, which
will finally lead to the improvement of the battery pack life cycle. Basic requirements of EV/PHEV batteries

The basic preferred characteristics of PHEV batteries can be summarized as
follows [4]:
1. high specific energy that results in higher all electric range and fewer recharge
2. high specific power that results in high acceleration characteristics of PHEVs,
owing to the high rates of current available from the battery without causing
any permanent damage to the battery pack
3. high number of charge/discharge cycles available and high safety mechanisms
built into the battery because of high power ratings of battery packs
4. environmentally friendly aspect of the battery, i.e., being recyclable and
incorporating low amounts of toxic materials
Cost is also an important concern for commercializing EVs and PHEVs in a large
scale. Charging, termination and cell balancing techniques, and

SOC estimation EV battery charging methods
Generally, charging is the action of putting energy back into the battery in terms of
charge or current. Different chemistry needs different charging methods. Other
factors that affect the choice of the charging method are capacity, required time and
others. The most common techniques are mentioned below. Constant voltage

As is clear from the name, ‘‘Constant Voltage’’ or CV is where a constant voltage is
applied to the battery pack. This voltage is a value preset by the manufacturer. This
430 Power electronic converters and systems

method is usually accompanied with a current limiting circuit, especially for the
beginning period of charging when the battery can easily accept high rates of
current compared with its capacity. The current limitation value depends mainly on
the capacity of the battery. Depending on the battery type to be charged, this preset
voltage value is chosen. For example, for Li-ion cells, the value of 4.200 50 mV
is desirable. The accurate set point is necessary because overvoltage can damage
the cell and undervoltage causes partial charge, which will reduce the battery life
cycle over time. Therefore, the circuit used for charging, which can be a simple
buck, boost, or buck/boost topology, depending on the voltage ratio of input and
output, should be accompanied with a controller to compensate the source and load
changes over time. When the cell reaches the preset voltage value, this causes the
battery to enter standby mode, ready for later use. However, the duration of this idle
time should not be very long and should be limited based on the manufacturer’s
recommendations. This method is usually used for PbA batteries and Li-ion bat-
teries, using the current limiter to avoid overheating the battery, especially in the
initial stages of the charging process [5]. Constant current
Constant current (CC) charging means simply applying a constant current to the
battery with a low percentage of current ripples, regardless of the battery’s SOC or
temperature. This is achieved by varying the voltage applied to the battery by using
control techniques such as current mode control to maintain the constant current.
The CC technique can be implemented using a ‘‘Single Rate Current’’ or ‘‘Split
Rate Current.’’ In single rate, only one preset current value is applied to the battery,
which is useful in balancing the cells; however, backup circuits must be used to
avoid overcharging. In split rate CC, different rates of current are applied based on
the time of the charge, the voltage, or both during different stages of charging. This
provides charging that is more accurate and balanced charging; however, backup
circuits should still be used to avoid overvoltage of the cells. In some cases, the CC
method with high rates and low duration can be utilized to extend the lifetime of
batteries. However, this is a very sensitive procedure and it should be performed
carefully. Ni–Cd and Ni-MH batteries are charged using this method. Ni-MH bat-
teries can be damaged easily owing to overcharging; therefore, they should be
monitored accurately during the charging process [6]. Taper current
This can be used when the source is a non-regulated DC source. It is usually
implemented with a transformer with a high output voltage compared with the
battery voltage. A resistance should be used to limit the current flowing to the
battery. A diode can also be used to ensure unidirectional power flow to the battery.
In this method, the current starts at full rating and gradually decreases as the cell
becomes charged. As an example, for a 24 V 12 A battery, the charging begins
with 12 A when the battery voltage is 24 V. Then it drops to 6 A when the voltage
reaches 25 V and then 3 A for 26 V and finally, it is reduced to 0.5 A for 26.5 V.
This is just a hypothetical example and the values are not necessarily valid. This
technique is only applicable to sealed lead-acid batteries. Taper charging has other
Automotive energy systems 431

disadvantages. As mentioned before, this technique uses transformers, which add to

the weight of charger and generates heat. Pulse charge

This technique involves using short current pulses for charging. By changing the
width of the pulses, the average of the current can be controlled. Furthermore, the
charging provides two significant advantages. One is the noticeably reduced char-
ging time and the other one is the conditioning effect of this technique, which
improves greatly the battery life cycle. The intervals between pulses, called rest
times, play an important role. They provide some time for the chemical reactions
inside the battery to take place and stabilize. In addition, this method can reduce
undesirable chemical reactions that might happen at the electrodes. These reactions
can be gas formation and crystal growth, which are the most significant causes of
life cycle reduction in batteries. Reflex charge

During the charging procedure, some gas bubbles appear on the electrodes and this
is amplified during fast charging. This phenomenon is called ‘‘burping.’’ Applying
short discharge pulses or negative pulses, which can be achieved, for example, by
short circuiting the battery for very small intervals in a current limited fashion,
typically two to three times bigger than the charging pulses during the charging rest
period, results in depolarizing the cell, which speeds up the stabilization process
and hence, the overall charging process. This technique is called, among others,
‘‘Burp Charging’’ or ‘‘Negative Pulse Charging.’’ Different control modes of
charging along with waveforms and diagrams can be found in [7]. In addition, there
are other charging methods such as current interrupt, which will be explained
thoroughly in the charging algorithm section. Float charge

For some applications, when the charging process is complete and the battery is
fully charged, the batteries should be maintained at 100% SOC for a long time in
order to be ready at the time of use. Uninterruptable power supplies are an example
of one such application. The batteries should always remain fully charged. How-
ever, because of the self-discharge of batteries, they become discharged over time;
for example, they may lose 20%–30% of their charge per month. To compensate
for self-discharge, a constant is applied, which is determined based on the battery
chemistry and ambient temperature. This voltage is called the ‘‘Float Voltage.’’ In
general, the float voltage should be decreased with the increase of temperature.
This causes a very low rate of current, for example, a C/300 to C/100 rate to the
battery, which continuously compensates for the self-discharge rate, also prevents
sulfate formation on the plates. This technique is not recommended for Li-ion and
Li-Po batteries. Furthermore, this method is not necessary for EV/PHEVs, which
are frequently used every day. In addition, float charging involves a protection
circuit, which avoids overcharging. This circuit adjusts the float voltage auto-
matically and interrupts charging at some intervals based on battery voltage and
432 Power electronic converters and systems Trickle charge

Trickle charging is largely the same as float charging with just small differences.
One difference is the usual absence of a protection circuit that avoids overcharging.
Hence, it is very important to make sure in the design procedure that the charging
current is less than the self-discharge rate. If so, they can be left connected to the
battery pack for a long time.
Termination methods. During the charging procedure, it is very important to
know when to terminate the charging. This is because of two main reasons. One is
to avoid undercharge, i.e., to make sure that the battery is fully charged, not par-
tially, in order to use the full capacity of the battery. The other is to avoid over-
charging, which is very dangerous, especially in the case of high energy density
lithium-based EV/PHEV battery packs. If not terminated on time, the overcharging
of batteries can lead to over gassing of the cells, especially in liquid electrolyte
cells, which results in an increase in the volume of individual cells that cannot be
tolerated in a battery pack, which is rigidly packed. Another issue is the overheating
of the cells, especially in lithium-based batteries, which can lead to an explosion
and fire in the entire pack, because lithium is a very reactive material and combines
easily with oxygen in the air. The one thing necessary to begin the combination is
sufficient heat.
Choosing different termination criteria leads to different termination methods.
Selecting the type of termination of charging process depends on different factors,
such as the application and the environment in which the battery is used. Listed
below are the different termination methods. Time
Using time is one of the simplest methods, which is mainly used as a backup for
fast charging or normally used for regular charging for specific types of batteries.
This method can be implemented cheaply; however, because of diminishing battery
capacity over time due to aging, the time should be set for a reduced capacity aged
battery to avoid the overcharging of old batteries. Therefore, the charger would not
work efficiently for new batteries and this leads to a reduction in battery lifetime. Voltage
As mentioned before, voltage can be used as a termination factor. The charging
process is stopped when the battery voltage reaches a specific value. However, this
method has some inaccuracies, because real open circuit voltage is obtained when
the battery is left disconnected for some time after the charging. This is because
chemical reactions happening inside the battery need some time to stabilize.
Nevertheless, this method is widely used, usually with a constant current technique
in order to avoid overheating damage to the battery. Voltage drop (d V/d T)
In some chemistry like Ni–Cd, if charged using the constant current method, the
voltage increases up to the fully charged state point and then the voltage begins to
decrease. This is because of oxygen build up inside the battery. This decrease is
significant such that the negative derivative of the voltage versus time can be
Automotive energy systems 433

measured to be a sign of overcharge. When this parameter becomes positive it

shows that we are passing the fully charged state and the temperature begins to rise.
After this point, the charging method can be switched to trickle or float charge, or
terminated completely. Current
In the last stages of charging, if the CV method is used, the current begins to
decrease as the battery reaches the fully charge state. A preset current value such as
the C/10 rate can be defined and when the current goes below this value the
charging would be terminated. Temperature
In general, an increase in temperature is a sign of overvoltage. However, using
temperature sensors adds greatly to the cost of the system. Nevertheless, for some
chemistry such as Ni-MH, methods such as voltage drop are not recommended,
because the voltage drop after the full charge state is not sufficiently significant to
be relied on. In this case, the temperature increase is good sign of overvoltage and
can be used. Cell balancing

For applications demanding high power and energy such as EV/PHEVs, numerous
cells should be connected in series to provide high voltages and connected in par-
allel to produce high currents. Hence, in general, high power and high energy rates
for traction applications are achieved. This seems ideal; however, there are dis-
advantages involved. It is often claimed that single cells produced by different
manufactures are rechargeable hundreds of times over; however, when connected
in series their life cycle declines dramatically. This is because of cell imbalances.
To get an idea about the significance of this effect, the results of a real experiment
from [8] are mentioned here. In an experiment, 12 cells were connected in series.
Despite the manufacturer claiming life cycles of 400 cycles, this was reduced to
only 25–30 cycles when the cells were arranged in a string. This shows how
devastating this effect can be. To deal with this, the reasons for cell imbalance
should be understood and managed. Batteries are electro-chemical devices. Even in
the case of a simple resistor, there is a percentage of error. In the case of batteries,
this is magnified. Two different cells produced in the same factory at the same time
will have a slight difference in their parameters. One of these parameters is capacity
difference. In the case of a battery pack, there are different reasons leading to cell
imbalance. As mentioned in [9], there are four fundamental factors leading to cell
imbalance: manufacturing variations, differences in self-discharge rate, differences
in cell age, and charge acceptance variance. Similarly, in [10], cell imbalance is
classified as Internal Sources, which include ‘‘Variations in Charge Storage
Volume’’ and ‘‘Variations in Internal Battery Impedance’’ and External Sources
resulting from ‘‘Protection Circuits’’ and ‘‘Thermal Differential Across the Battery
To explain simply what is happening, again we refer to the water tank visua-
lization of cells. Suppose different cells with different capacities are connected in
434 Power electronic converters and systems

series. It is like assuming different water tanks with different volumes are con-
nected using pipes at the bottom of tanks. If the first tank is supplied with water, the
level of water in all the tanks rises evenly. After some time, those tanks with lower
capacity become full of water whereas others are only partially filled with water.
To fill completely the higher capacity tanks, there is no alternative other than over
filling the lower capacity tanks.
Returning to the real situation, it is easy to guess what happens in the case of
battery strings. Fully charging the high capacity cells involves overcharging lower
capacity cells. This will lead to excessive gassing and premature drying out of
lower capacity cells, and at the same time, sulfate formation in the partially charged
cells will lead to a reduction in their life cycle. Overcoming this effect is the main
task of cell equalization circuits and their control algorithms. It should be noted that
in the case of EVs, the batteries are usually completely charged up to 100% SOC;
hence, cell balancing is an important issue. However, in PHEVs, batteries are
intended be kept in the range of 40%–80% so that they can provide sufficient
energy, while being able to absorb regenerative power at the same time. Cell
equalization techniques for series strings fall into three main groups: (1) Charging,
(2) Passive, and (3) Active.
It is important to note that in cell balancing, the SOC is the key point and not
voltage itself, although voltage is a good sign of the SOC. However, if other
techniques that can determine the SOC more accurately are available, they may
be used. As mentioned in [11], cell balancing in a series string really means
equalizing the SOC of the cells, which is equivalent to voltage balancing. Voltage
is a useful indicator of the SOC. Different SOC estimation techniques will be
studied later.
1. Charging: Charging method is simply continuing charging the cells until they
are all balanced to some extent. This implies overcharging the cells in a con-
trolled manner, which leads to the full charge of the higher capacity cells. This
method is applicable to PbA and nickel-based batteries as they can tolerate
overcharge to some degree without significant damage. However, this should
be implemented carefully because extra overcharge leads to overheating of the
cells and eventually, premature drying of the electrolyte. Despite the simplicity
and low cost of this method, there are disadvantages, such as low efficiency
and long times required to obtain cell balance. Experimental results from [12]
show that for actual cell equalization of 48 V batteries of a specific chemistry,
weeks of time are required. Furthermore, results from [8] show that the extra
time needed using this method increases with the square ratio of the number of
cells added.
2. Passive: In this method, the extra energy in the lower capacity cells is dis-
sipated in resistive elements connecting two terminals of the cells. This will
provide enough time for the higher capacity cells to become fully charged. This
method has also low efficiency because of the energy dissipation; nevertheless,
it has a higher speed than the charging method. The passive technique is also
cheap and easy to implement and the control algorithm can be easily designed.
Automotive energy systems 435

3. Active: Active cell balancing involves using active electrical elements, such as
transistors, op-amps, and diodes to control the power flow between the dif-
ferent cells. This flow can be between groups of cells or single cells.
Obviously, extra charge is removed from the lower capacity cells and trans-
ferred to the higher capacity cells. This speeds up the charging procedure
significantly because no energy is dissipated. Just a small amount of energy is
dissipated in the circuitry, which can be minimized using zero voltage or zero
current switching techniques if possible.
Let us consider Li-ion batteries, which are one of the most attractive candidates
for EV/PHEVs. In this chemistry, the voltage should be carefully monitored and
rigorously controlled in the typical range of 4.1–4.3 V/cell because the threshold
voltage leading to the breaking down of the cell is very close to the fully charged
cell voltage. As mentioned before, lithium batteries cannot tolerate being over-
charged. Hence, the charging technique is not applicable to them. According to
safety issues related to lithium-based batteries, active balancing is the only reliable
cell equalization technique for them.
Various types of cell-balancing techniques can be found in the literature.
Hence, there is a need to categorize them based on a certain criterion. Based on
energy, flow can be classified into four different groups: (1) dissipative, (2) single
cell to pack, (3) pack to single cell, and (4) single cell to single cell. It is easy to
imagine the operation of each category based on the name. There are advantages
and disadvantages for each group. For instance, the dissipative shunting resistor
technique is a low-cost technique. In addition, it is easy to control because of the
simple structure leading to simple implementation [13].
In addition to the criterion of energy flow for categorization, cell-balancing
techniques can be split into three main groups based on the circuit topology:
(1) shunting, (2) shuttling, and (3) energy converter. Non-dissipative techniques
such as the pulse-width modulation (PWM)-controlled shunting technique have
high efficiency, but need accurate voltage sensing and are somewhat complex to
control [14]. In addition, the high number of elements leads to an expensive system.
The use of resonant converters increases the efficiency significantly because of the
very low switching losses; however, it increases the complexity of the control
system [15].
Shuttling techniques work based on transferring the extra charge of a high
capacity cell or cells to an energy-storing component, such as a capacitor or a group
of capacitors, and then transferring it to the low capacity cell or cells [16]. The
system would be cheaper is only one high capacity capacitor were used; however,
because of the existence of only one element for charge transfer, the speed of the
equalization is lower compared with when a group of capacitors is used. Utilizing a
group of low capacity cells instead of one high capacity cell is a good idea,
although it increases the complexity of the control system.
Most techniques of energy converter cell equalization utilize transformers. The
achieved isolation from transformers is an advantage; however, they suffer from
more costly weight. A model and transfer function of the energy converter cell
436 Power electronic converters and systems

equalization system is derived in [17], which can be used for control design pur-
poses. The above-mentioned cell-balancing techniques are all summarized and
explained, together with circuit topologies in [18].
The questions that arise are how much the cells should be balanced and whe-
ther the balance range should be in the range of volts or millivolts, etc. As
experiments shown in [11] for PbA batteries, cell-to-cell voltage matching should
be in the range of 10 mV, which corresponds to the SOC to provide reasonable
improvements in life cycle. This is an important factor, because, for example, if the
voltage matching should be in the range of 1 mV, this means that the sensors should
be ten times more accurate and also that the algorithm might need improvement for
this case. This means more cost and might be complex. Therefore, there is a trade-
off between expense and life cycle. This parameter should be verified experimen-
tally for different chemistry, environments, and applications.
As EV/PHEV battery packs do not possess a mature technology and because
there are few experimental data available, contradictory claims may sometimes be
seen in the literature, one of which is mentioned here. As mentioned before, battery
packs used in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are usually controlled to remain in
the midrange of the SOC. This is in order that the battery has the ability to absorb
enough regenerative current, while still being able to provide sufficient power
during acceleration. If the battery is in 100% SOC, absorbing regenerative current
will lead to the overcharge of the battery. Cell overcharge is usually sensed through
measuring the cell voltage. Some researchers believe that switched capacitor cell
equalization techniques (Shuttling Method) are suitable candidates for applications
with no end-of-charge state like HEVs, because there is no need for intelligent
control and it can work in both charge and discharge mode [18]. On the other hand,
some others believe that according to the nearly flat shape of the open circuit
terminal voltage of Li-ion cells in the range of 40%–80%, the suitability of charge
shuttling methods for HEV applications is denied because of the negligible voltage
deviation of the cells [13].
An approximate graph of a typical Li-ion cell voltage versus SOC is shown in
Figure 14.1. On the contrary to HEVs, EVs and similarly, PHEVs are regularly
charged completely. According to Figure 14.1 the slope of the curve below 20%
and above 90% is high enough to result in a detectable voltage difference to be
relied on by charge balancing control and measurement circuits. SOC estimation

One important piece of information necessary for safe charging is the SOC.
Charging algorithms are mainly based directly or indirectly on SOC. Hence, the
knowledge of the SOC value is a key parameter in accurate charging. Unfortu-
nately, measuring the SOC directly is impossible, or at least very difficult and
expensive to implement. Therefore, generally, the SOC is estimated based on other
variables or states of the battery. This involves battery models based on which
different estimation methods can be utilized or observers can be designed. Precise
estimation of the SOC is not an easy task; however, in usual applications battery
voltage, which is a sign of SOC, can be used. In the case of high power/high energy
Automotive energy systems 437


Cell voltage (V)

0 20 40 60 80 100
SOC (%)

Figure 14.1 Cell voltage in slow discharge (VOC vs. SOC)

EV/PHEV battery packs, methods that are more accurate are advisable, despite
being more expensive and complex to implement. The more accurate the SOC
estimation, the better the charging algorithms can be implemented, which results in
life cycle improvements.
As mentioned before, the SOC is mainly the ratio of available charge to the
rated capacity of the cell. One of the important points in SOC estimation is the rated
capacity change over time owing to the aging resulting from the degradation of the
electrolyte, corrosion of plates and other factors. This issue is in the field of ana-
lyzing the state of health of the battery and it is called ‘‘State of Health Estima-
tion,’’ which is a field of research not mentioned further here.
However, we will mention some SOC estimation techniques. One of the sim-
plest methods is to discharge the battery completely and measure the SOC.
Although simple, it is very time consuming and does not seem logical to discharge
a battery completely just to measure the SOC. Knowledge of the SOC is useful for
assessing the current situation of the battery. Therefore, if the battery is discharged
the state of the battery has changed and there is no more use for knowledge of the
previous SOC. Furthermore, in the case EVs/PHEVs, this method is not applicable.
Although this method is not used in battery packs, it may be used periodically after
long intervals to calibrate other SOC methods.
Another method is Ampere Hour Counting, which measures and calculates the
amount of charge entering the battery or leaving it through integrating the current
over time. This is one of the most common methods used; however, there are some
deficiencies. There are always inaccuracies in sensors and although very small,
because of the integration over time, these errors can accumulate to a considerable
value leading to significant errors. In addition, even supposing a very accurate
current sensor, because this integration is implemented usually by digital circuits
and numerical methods, there are always calculation errors involved and again,
these can show up in larger errors over time. Even if assuming both deficiencies
could be solved in some way, there is another reason leading to inaccuracy. Even if
the amount of charge entering the battery is calculated exactly, because of the
coulomb efficiency mentioned before, less amount of charge is available, which is
438 Power electronic converters and systems

also dependent on the discharge rate when leaving the battery. One way to reduce
these inaccuracies is to recalibrate the integration process each time a specific
known set point, such as the fully discharged state, is reached.
Another method for SOC estimation is the Measurement of Physical Char-
acteristics of Electrolyte. Obviously, this method is applicable mainly to liquid
electrolyte batteries, not solid ones like Li-Po. In this method, a chemical fact is
used, which is the relation of change of some parameters in the electrolyte with the
change of the SOC. One of these parameters is the density of the acid. There is an
almost linear relation between change in acid density and SOC. This method is very
well known, especially in PbA batteries. The density can be measured directly or
indirectly using parameters, such as viscosity, conductivity, ion-concentration,
refractive index, ultrasonics, etc.
As discussed before, the Open Circuit Voltage of the batteries can be used as
an indicator of the SOC. The uncertainty in this method is the fact that batteries
under operation need some rest time for their open circuit voltage to become stable.
For some cases, this time can be up to a matter of hours. However, this method is
also widely used. The key point in this method is the linear relation of open circuit
voltage versus SOC in a specific range of SOC. This range and its slope are
different in different chemistry, which should be taken into account.
There are other techniques categorized under soft computation techniques,
such as fuzzy neural networks [19] or adaptive neuro-fuzzy modeling [20], which
can also be utilized for SOC estimation. Other approaches that can be used include
the heuristic interpretation of measurement curves mentioned in [21], such as Coup
de fouet, Linear Models, Artificial neural networks, Impedance spectroscopy,
Internal resistance, and Kalman filters, which are more precise methods but more
complicated to implement. Thermal management

The heat generated due to high currents flowing to and from batteries has impacts on
batteries characteristics such as capacity, power and self-discharge, leading to cell
imbalance and parameters variation which should be taken into account for charging
the battery pack weather during the operation of the PHEV on the road or while the
car is still and being charged from the charging station. This heat is generated
resulting from two actions: (1) electrical resistive heating and (2) electrochemical
enthalpy changes. The magnitude of the heat depends on different factors such as
chemistry type, SOC, charging or discharging rate and charge/discharge profile.
Experiment results, from [22], show that Ni-MH batteries generate more heat than
VRLA or Li-ion batteries at temperatures above 40 C, conversely, at room
temperature Ni-MH batteries produce less heat. In terms of performance, Ni-MH
batteries are more sensitive to heat than VRLA and Li-ion batteries. Hence, Ni-MH
batteries need a higher performance thermal management control. In general,
internal resistance of cells increases as temperature decreases. This results in higher
rate of heat generation in the cells. Obviously, heat generation increases as the
charging rate increases. This is an important issue, specially, in fast charging which
involves flowing high amounts of current through the battery pack. High rates of
Automotive energy systems 439

charge will significantly increase the internal temperature of cells which can lead to
internal short circuit and thermal runaway. This is a very important safety issue. For
instance, in a lithium-based battery if a cell is short-circuited internally a great
amount of heat will be generated that may raise the cell temperature to above 180 C
which is the melting point of lithium [23].
In general, battery performance is better in higher temperatures, however, from
the life cycle point of view lower temperatures are preferred. There are different
reasons contributing to reduction of battery life in high temperatures
Nevertheless, increase of the corrosion is responsible for the most part [24].
Besides, the efficiency of batteries is lower in higher temperatures such as Li/V6O13
mentioned in [23].
Maintaining the battery pack in a specified temperature range can be achieved
by passive or active methods. Passive methods only use the ambient environment,
however, in active method, heating or cooling is achieved using a built-in source
[22]. The heat transfer medium can be air, liquid, phase change material or any
combination of these.
Thermal uniformity of the battery pack is a significant point. Thermal unba-
lance causes parameter deviation in different cells leading to reduced life cycle.
Even assuming uniformity of all the cells, the place of different cells causes dif-
ferent temperatures, e.g., the cells near the edges of the pack have lower tempera-
ture compared to those near the middle because of better ventilation. The packaging
shape also affects the thermal management algorithm, e.g., spiral designs have
improved heat transfer characteristics because of the higher surface area to volume
ratio. In the case of closed units which contain the power electronics parts such as
rectifiers and inverters beside the cells in the pack, high temperature deviations
through the pack should be managed by the thermal management system [24].
A team from Optima Battery Inc. in [25] gives the criteria for thermal manage-
ment of PbA batteries as follows:
● Internal battery temperatures above 60 C must be inhibited. Otherwise, that
will cause battery damage.
● Keep the battery pack in the thermal range of 25–40 C for all the times
(35–40 C for optimum acceptance of regenerative braking current). There
will be noticeable improvement in capacity and power.
● Maintaining the thermal deviation less than 3 C per module is a highly
significant point.
There are different approaches for controlling the pack temperature in the limited
range specified by the manufacturer during charging. Some are simpler and cheaper
to implement such as current limited recharge schemes which try to maintain the
heat generation rate in an acceptable range by controlling the current. According to
the fact that heat generation during the battery pack charging is a function of SOC
which is an indicator of internal resistance this scheme is not efficient and is only
advisable for inexpensive systems. On the other side, using thermal sensors in
addition to other sensors for each cell increases the price and complexity of the
thermal management system which is a drawback; however, it increases the
440 Power electronic converters and systems

accuracy and reliability of the system. Recharge current rate can be decided using
SOC of the battery.

14.2 EV charging
EVs have rechargeable batteries on-board as a source of energy to propel.
Recharging these batteries is similar to refueling the conventional gasoline vehi-
cles. In order to recharge the on-board batteries safe, it is very important to
understand the battery characteristics as mentioned in the previous chapter. EV
batteries are charged using DC power, as they are DC electric power source.
EV charging can be done in two methods, one is termed as plugged charging
and other is wireless charging. We use an electric cable in charging the vehicle in
the plugged charging method and in the latter method, charging is done using
wireless transmitter and receiver coils avoiding the use of charging cable.

14.2.1 Plugged charging

Plugged charging basically looks like as shown in Figure 14.2. Depending on the
charging c-rate level, there are two ways to charge the vehicle in the plugged
charging method namely normal charging and fast charging.
In normal charging method, AC wall power from grid is rectified using on-
board vehicle charger and charge the battery pack. This method charges EV in
slower charge rates due to the limitation of on-board vehicle charger hardware and
domestic wall socket power. The usual c-rates in normal charging is 0.2–0.6 C.
On the other hand, in fast charging, we use an off-board charger and charge the
vehicle battery pack using off-board rectified DC power. Here as the rectifier and
charger hardware is off-board, it is possible to charge the vehicle at higher charge
rates. The usual c-rates for fast charging is >1 C.
Basic system for the plugged charging is as shown in Figure 14.2. Here, the
electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) can be either normal charging supply
equipment or off-board rectifier charger for fast charging.
The on-board charger power electronic hardware system block diagram is as
shown in Figure 14.3. There are numerous on-board charger topologies that are
proposed in the literature.
Usually on-board charger power rating depends on the wall socket power
availability. There are different charging levels as proposed in various charging
standards across the globe.

1-ph Electric
/3-ph vehicle

Figure 14.2 Plugged EV charging

Automotive energy systems 441

Power High
EMI AC to DC AC to DC Output
AC factro frequency
filter converter converter filter
correction AC stage


Figure 14.3 On-board EV charger EV normal charging standards

Due to the vehicle battery characteristics, controlled charging of a battery pack is
very crucial. There are several EV charging standards and communication proto-
cols developed across the globe for achieving safe and human friendly charging.
The EV charging standards across the globe for normal charging are
(a) SAE J1772 (type-1)
(b) IEC 61851-1 (type-2) SAE J1772
SAE J1772 is the EV charging standard developed by the Society of Automotive
Engineers (SAE). This is adopted mostly in North America and Japan (e.g., Chevy
Volt, Nissan Leaf, etc.).
Based on the wall power, the standard information for all the levels of charging
is provided in Table 14.1. As a test case, the Nissan Leaf 24 kWh Li-ion battery
pack is considered [26].
SAE J1772 interface is developed for use in single-phase system only. The
maximum power level for charging in type-1 system is <15 kW which essentially
falls under level 2 charging.
The type-1 interface is as shown in Figure 14.4. This unique interface is put on
the vehicle and an EVSE powers the vehicle with the connector as shown in
Figure 14.4.
As shown in Figure 14.5, type-1 interface has a control pilot and proximity
pilot connections on both EV and EVSE for ensuring safe charging.
Power circuit consists of Line, Neutral, and Earth as shown. The power circuit
connects to the on-board vehicle charger unit which rectifies the AC supply and
charges the battery pack.
Control pilot. The control pilot circuit is the primary control means to ensure
proper operation when connecting an EV/PHEV to the EVSE. This section

Table 14.1 Standard EV charging levels

Level Voltage Phase Power (kW) Time (h)

Level 1 120 Vac One-phase 1.4 17
Level 2 240 Vac One- and split-phase 4 6
Level 3 208/415 Vac Three-phase 50 0.5
442 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 14.4 Type-1 vehicle and charger Interface

Control Pilot (CP)

Proximity Pilot (PP)



Figure 14.5 Type-1 interface

describes the functions and sequencing of events for this circuit based on the
recommended typical implementation or equivalent circuit parameters [27].
The control pilot communication extends from EVSE to vehicle as shown in
Figure 14.6 between pin#4 and earth pin#5. It is a one way PWM communication
from EVSE to vehicle. The vehicle and EVSE measures the voltage at respective
points and identify the states as defined in Table 14.2 [27]. The control flow is as
explained below.
1. When no vehicle is connected, the EVSE will measure þ12 V between a
measurement point after R1 and earth.
2. When an EV is connected to the EVSE for charging, EVSE changes its state
from þ12 to 12 V PWM as shown in Figure 14.7.
3. EV starts reading the PWM form the EVSE control pilot. EV gives signal to
EVSE for delivering power by turning on the S2 switch as shown in
Figure 14.6.
4. The value of R2 resistance depends on the ventilation requirements in the
charging area as detailed in Table 14.2
5. Once S2 is turned on, the EVSE sense state change due to difference in the
voltage measurement and powers the vehicle to charge.
6. At any point of time if there is any loose connection or connection failure in the
control pilot connections, EVSE will immediately stops the power output to the
EVSE connector Vehicle inlet
EV supply equipment Vehicle interface

battery charge


Control Electronics
+12 V

+12 V S1 1K D
1 kHz
+/–12 V PWM 4
–12 V measurement
–12 V
Voltage R3
1.3K (State C)
measurement 2.74K
270 (State D)


Figure 14.6 Control pilot circuit diagram

444 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 14.2 Definition of EV/EVSE states based on voltage drop measurements

State Voltage (Vdc Description of vehicle/EVSE state

designation nominal)(5)
State A 12.0(1) Vehicle not connected
State B1 9.0(1) Vehicle connected/not ready to accept energy EVSE not
ready to supply energy,
State B2 9.0(2)(3) Vehicle connected/not ready to accept energy EVSE
capable to supply energy
State C 6.0(2) Vehicle connected/ready to accept energy/indoor
charging area ventilation not required
EVSE capable to supply energy
State D 3.0(2) Vehicle connected/ready to accept energy/indoor
charging area ventilation required
EVSE capable to supply energy
State E(4) 0 EVSE disconnected from vehicle/EVSE disconnected
from utility, EVSE loss of utility power or control pilot
short to control pilot reference
State F 12.0(1)(2) Other EVSE problem
Static voltage.
Positive portion of 1 kHz square wave, measured after transition has fully settled.
The transition from State B1 to State B2 begins as a static DC voltage which transitions to PWM upon
the EVSE detection of vehicle connected/not ready to accept energy and EVSE capable to provide
EVSE is not required to actively generate State E.
Voltage measured by EVSE as shown in Figure 4.1.
Optional state. The EVSE may enter State F upon detecting a self-diagnosed fault that prevents the
EVSE from delivering power. This option would require user intervention to reset the EVSE to restore
normal operation.

Based on the duty cycle of the PWM that EVSE sends, EV can understand the
power availability in the EVSE mains. The detailed relation between PWM duty
cycle and AC current available is shown in Table 14.3 [27].
Due to the series diode, the EV cannot read the negative half cycles of PWM.
So we see only the positive half cycles of the PWM as shown in Figure 14.7(a).
For example, from the duty cycle shown in Figure 14.7, for 50% PWM, the
current available in the 50 0.6 ¼ 30 A. Hence, at 230 Vrms supply, the EVSE can
have 6.9 kVA to charge the vehicle.
This PWM helps EV to limit the line current drawn from the source to safe
value so as to avoid any overload in the system. The charging current availability in
the wall EVSE with respect to the PWM duty cycle shall follow the characteristics
as shown in Figure 14.8 [27].
Proximity pilot. Upon insertion of the connector into the vehicle inlet, the
coupler shall provide a means to detect the presence of the connector in the vehicle
inlet as described as shown in Figure 14.9. The proximity detection is very helpful
EVSE idle Vehicle
+12 V (No vehicle) plugged-in S2 ON
+9 V S2 ON
+12 V
+6 V +9 V
+3 V +6 V
+3 V

0 0 V (EVSE faults)
0 t

–12 V
–12 V
–12 V (EVSE faults)


Figure 14.7 (a) PWM read by EV; (b) PWM read by EVSE
446 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 14.3 PWM duty cycle interpretation

Vehicle duty cycle interpretation Maximum current to be drawn by vehicle

Duty cycle < 3% Error state, no charging allowed
3% Duty cycle 7% Indicates that digital communication is needed
7% < Duty cycle < 8% Error state, no charging allowed
8% Duty cycle < 10% 6A
10% Duty cycle 85% Available current ¼ (duty cycle%) 0.6
85% < Duty cycle 96% Available current ¼ (duty cycle % 64) 2.5
96% < Duty cycle 97% 80 A
Duty cycle > 97% Error state, no charging allowed


70 Amps = (% duty cycle – 64) * 2.5

duty cycle accuracy 2%
Supply current rating, A

Amps = (% duty cycle) * 0.6
duty cycle accuracy 2%



0 20 40 60 80 100
5% duty cycle Pilot duty cycle, %
indicates digital

Figure 14.8 Supply current vs. control pilot duty cycle

in ensuring the charging system is making 100% contact with the power con-
ductors. When the vehicle tries to move or when any external user tries to unplug
the charging, the EVSE will detect S3 open and shall stop the power to the vehicle
avoiding very high spark due to hot plug out.
Proximity detection may also provide a signal to activate the EV/PHEV charge
controller and engage the EV/PHEV drive interlock system. EV/PHEV proximity
detection may also be used to provide a signal in the vehicle charge control strategy
to help reduce electrical arcing of the coupler during disconnect.
Automotive energy systems 447

Cord set Vehicle

EVSE control Vehicle

box electronics Vehicle coupler

+5 V (Regulated)

R6 R4
150 330
S3 R7

grid Chassis ground
to other vehicle

Figure 14.9 Proximity pilot circuit

When the vehicle connector is plugged into the vehicle inlet, switch S3 is closed by
a mechanical action. Vehicle internal logic detects the state change and enables charge
drive interlock, and ensure vehicle is not drivable as long as it is plugged into charging. IEC 61851-1 (type-2 charging)
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) developed conductive electric
vehicle charging standard IEC 61851-1. The interfaces used in this standard are
very different from SAE J1772. However, the communication protocol remains the
same as SAE J1772. Commercially available vehicles with type-2 charging system
are Renault Zoe Tesla Model S, etc.
The type-2 charging system is designed to support three-phase AC system.
Which essentially supports charging at semi-fast charging rates. For this to be
possible there should be a three-phase charger on-board the vehicle. One can also
use the type-2 system with one-phase on-board charger. The maximum power
available in type-2 system is 32 A at three-phase 400 V (22 kW) [28].
It is must to use residual current devices in the EVSE to ensure the earth
leakage protection.
Type-2 vehicle inlet has a locking actuator as shown in Figure 14.10. This is
used to secure the vehicle charging when plugged in at any public EVSE.
Type-2 system has three-phase inputs with one neutral and protective earth
(PE) as power conductors (Figure 14.11). The communication is similar to that of
SAE J1772 as described earlier.
The control pilot has the same functionality as seen in type-1. In addition to the
proximity pilot circuit as seen in type-1 there is one more circuit that is being used
widely in type-2 charging systems.
It is as shown in Figure 14.12. This proximity is very important to make the EV
and EVSE understand the current carrying capability of the charging cable.
448 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 14.10 IEC type-2 vehicle and charger interface



L2 L3

Figure 14.11 Type-2 pin description

As seen in Figure 14.12, the charger cable contains a proximity resistor Rc at

the both end couplers of the cable. This Rc value is selected based on the EV
charger power and the current carrying capacity of the charger cable. Table 14.4
describes various Rc values and its interpretation on the charge cable current [28].
When an EVSE is connected with a plug for 13 A current, it will not allow any
more current than 13 A drawn by EV for charging the car. This means that the
EVSE will sense the charging current and if the vehicle demand is more than the
cable rating the EVSE will open the power contacts and terminate the charging. EV DC fast charging

EV fast charging is needed to charge the EV very quick. This charging method
helps to the range anxiety problem of an EV. One can fast charge the vehicle in less
than 1 h and get the vehicle ready to drive closer to full range. This is possible as
the vehicle is charged with an off-board power electronic rectifier and charging
unit. This does not need any vehicle side power electronics converter on-board.
Vehicle coupler

L L1
1 Utility
Input of charger N L2 supply
RC Pilot
R2 function
Pilot function R5 Pilot function wire
logic RDC
+V RC associated to a
Plug present
detection logic 5 pilot function
to close circuit
Vehicle Cord set
Signal ground inlet connector

Plug present
detection logic

Figure 14.12 Type-2 proximity pilot for charge cable current capacity interpretation
450 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 14.4 Proximity resistor coding for charging cable current capacity

Current capability of Equivalent resistance of

the cable assembly Rc Tolerance 3%
13 A 1.5 kW 0.5 Wa,b
20 A 680 W 0.5 Wa,b
32 A 220 W 0.5 Wa,b
63 A (three phase)/70 A (one phase) 100 W 0.5 Wa,b
The power dissipation of the resistor caused by the detection circuit shall not exceed the value given
above. The value of the pull-up resistor shall be chosen accordingly.
Resistors used should preferably fail open circuit failure mode. Metal film resistors commonly show
acceptable properties for this application.
Tolerances to be maintained over the full useful life and under environmental conditions as specified by
the manufacturer.

There are two classifications right now based on power flow direction from
grid to the load and vice versa, a brief description of each charger type is given
below. Unidirectional chargers

These chargers can only draw power from the grid but cannot interpose power into
the grid. Usually, such converters are designed with only a single stage to reduce its
size, weight, and cost. Figure 14.13 depicts a unidirectional full-bridge series
resonant converter. There has been much research being done on unidirectional
chargers to obtain a reasonable control strategy which help to increase the effi-
ciency of these chargers. These are usually preferred as they do not affect the
battery life, as the number of cycles are limited. Bidirectional chargers

These chargers typically consist of two stages, namely (1) a grid-connected bidir-
ectional AC–DC converter and (2) a bidirectional DC–DC converter. And they
have the two modes, the charge and the discharge mode. Figure 14.14 depicts a
bidirectional charger. The presence of two peak-current inductors tends to make the
charger a little bulky and expensive. Batteries usually perish faster due to large
number of cycles. Table 14.5 gives information in a more organized fashion
regarding both the chargers.
Generally, DC fast charging stations for EVs are designed to supply about 50 kW
of power [29]. The established trend is to place these chargers off-board. As these
stations are bulky, keeping them off-board is convenient. The general block diagram
of a DC fast charging station is as shown in Figure 14.15; the charger in the shown
scenario is connected to a common AC link.
The output voltage that is fed to the load (either an ultracapacitor or a battery)
may be variable or fixed. The filters placed ahead of the DC fast charging station
help to maintain a healthy power factor [29–32].
Unidirectional, series resonant DC/DC converter

Lr Np Ns
Is Llk2 +
Power IP

AC grid factor Lm Vo
supply filter rectifier Co Batt
Vs correction
HFTR pack
Off-board On-board

Figure 14.13 Unidirectional full-bridge series resonant converter

Io Lo
Lr Np Ns SW7
Bidirectional IP Llk2 +

converter Co Battery
Off-Board On-board

Figure 14.14 Typical bidirectional DC charger for EV

Automotive energy systems 453

Table 14.5 Comparison of chargers based on power flow direction

Charger type Present status Charger level Power converter Battery health
Unidirectional Operational Levels 1, 2, and 3 Buck and fly back No degradation
Bidirectional Unavailable Only for level 2 Matrix converters Lifespan reduces

Grid Filter DC fast charger battery

AC to DC DC to DC
converter converter

Figure 14.15 General block diagram of a DC fast charging station DC fast charging converter topologies

There are a number of power converter topologies available for the purpose of rapid
charging of batteries or ultracapacitors few feasible options are highlighted in this
chapter, they are:
1. Unidirectional boost converters: The unidirectional boost converter is shown
in Figure 14.16; these are employed in situations where the output voltage has
to be boosted up for loads, which require higher voltage [33]. The primary goal
of using such a boost converter instead of a traditional diode bridge rectifier is
to provide better power factor, to remove harmonics at the input end and to
have an unvarying DC voltage at the output if unwanted perturbations occur at
the AC end.
2. Another popular power converter topology is the Vienna rectifier as shown in
Figure 14.17. This too is a popular choice when the aim is to achieve high
power factor and to attain lower harmonic distortion. As shown in Figure 14.17
there is only one active switch per phase which makes the Vienna rectifier
easier to control and makes it more dependable. This is essentially a PWM
converter, the boost inductors present at the input play the role ascertaining
power factor correction [18]. Basically, the stored energy acquired by the
inductor when the switch is OFF is transmitted to the load via the diodes
whenever the switch is turned ON. The advantages of employing this topology
include the absence of a neutral point connection and the lack of auxiliary
commutation circuits which eliminate dead time problems.
3. AC–DC reduced-switch buck–boost converter: The main highlight of this
topology is that its inexpensive, has less number of switches and most impor-
tantly since this is a buck–boost converter output voltage can be varied over a
wide range. The topology is as shown in Figure 14.18. There have been a few
454 Power electronic converters and systems


Va D1 D3 D5
L1 L2

L3 L4 S1 Co
Vb Ds Load
L5 L6

Cb D2 D4 D6
Ca Cc

Figure 14.16 Unidirectional boost converter

Va C1

Vb Vo

Vc C2

Figure 14.17 Schematic of a Vienna rectifier

Dy Dx

Va D1 D3 D5 S1

L2 Co
Vb Lo Load

Vc Cb
Ca D2 D4 D6

Figure 14.18 Three-phase AC–DC buck–boost converter

Automotive energy systems 455

three phase front-end rectifiers proposed but they are mostly boost converters
which do not allow variation of voltage over wide ranges. This converter
topology can operate in buck mode when the duty ratio is below 0.5 and in
boost mode when the duty ratio is above 0.5 [34].
Level 3 DC fast charging stations are very demanding in terms of power, the
available infrastructure is insufficient to meet those power demands. Usually,
simultaneous operation of such charging stations tends to overburden the entire
distribution system. Large-scale implementation of such stations requires addi-
tional cost which has to be invested in upgrading the transmission cable and
transformers. As the fast charging station penetration increases the power demand
in the grid also increases proportionally. Apart from increased load demand, level 3
stations also cause drop in voltages and overload of transformers. EV fast charging standards

There are few popular EV DC fast charging standards developed across the globe.
Among them Japanese CHAdeMO standard is very popular and is widely used by
many EV manufacturers. Chinese GB charging standard is one more popular
charging standard. Besides IEC and SAE developed combo charging methods for
EV fast charging. CHAdeMO DC fast charging
CHAdeMO was formed by the Tokyo Electric Power Company, Nissan, Mitsu-
bishi, and Fuji Heavy Industries (the manufacturer of Subaru vehicles). Toyota later
joined as its fifth executive member [35, 36]. Three of these companies have
developed electric vehicles that use TEPCO’s DC connector for quick charging.
CHAdeMO DC fast charging is developed for a 500 Vdc and 125 A system
capable of 62.5 kW charging power. It is a nine-pin interface system as shown in
Figure 14.19.
Working of the CHAdeMO DC fast charging system can be understood by the
state flow diagram as shown in Figure 14.20.
The interface is mechanically designed in such a way that the hot plug out is
not allowed. This can be achieved by making the power contacts open later to the
signal contacts opening in the event of the unintentional unplugging. Hot plug out
of the high voltage connector is very dangerous as it causes very high arcing in and
can lead to human deaths.
As seen in the interface circuit if any of the connection or signal is cut while
charging, EVSE will immediately terminate the charging.
Basically, CHAdeMO EV charging works on an 11-bit controller area network
(CAN) communication (CAN 2,0). This communication is very helpful in transmit-
ting vehicle battery charging current and charging voltage requirements to the off-
board EVSE. The communication also helps to transmit the error messages on the
vehicle and the charging unit from the beginning of the charging till the end of charge.
The opto-couplers used in the charging circuit are needed for the sake of iso-
lation from the external EVSE to EV. It is very crucial to protect the EV internal
circuits from the external high voltages. The chances of EV components seeing
456 Power electronic converters and systems

Charger side Vehicle side

supply (+)

Power V Power
lines supply (–)

Charger 12 V Charge sequence

d1 signal 1 2

Charge sequence
d2 signal 2 10

Ignition 12 V
Connector proximity
7 h
lines Charger 12 V
Vehicle charge
j permission
On-board DC12V
3 2
Ground wire 1 4
6 5
FG 7
FG CAN-H 8 9 8
CAN 10
Pin layout

Figure 14.19 CHAdeMO interface and functional circuit. Picture Courtesy:


high voltages from the EVSE are very high due to the ground being tied between
the both units.
Opto-couplers works on the very low drive voltage and current levels from the
vehicle engine control units (ECUs) and the EVSE ECUs. Chinese GB DC fast charging standard
One other very popular EV DC fast charging standards is Chinese GB 20234-3.
This standard is developed for allowing the charging power level higher than the
CHAdeMO DC fast charging. This standard can allow user to charge any EV till
750 Vdc and 250 A.

14.3 Wireless charging

14.3.1 Introduction
The wireless charging technology which is based on principle of inductive power
transfer (IPT) is not new but was first presented by Nikola Tesla in the 1891 by his
Automotive energy systems 457

Vehicle ECU Charger

Charger start signal (turns on d1 relay in charger)

Vehicle prepares for charging and sends charge protocol,

battery pack voltage and capacity

Charger checks for compatibility for requested charge protocol and

transmit the charge protocol, available voltage and power

Vehicle sends error flags if charge protocol is not compatible

If compatible, vehicle sends the charging time and target battery voltage

Sends charger status based on the previous status

Vehicle sends charge enable (vehicle charge permission) signal

Charger locks charging connector, performs self tests and sends charger
ready signal (d2 relay on)

Based on vehicle charging strategy, transmit charging current

requirement every 100 ms. Errors or faults

Output current based on vehicle requirement

When battery is fully charged, sent zero current signal

Recognize charging stop, terminate charging, open d1, d2 and unlock

charging connector

Figure 14.20 CHAdeMO DC fast charging operation flow

well-known Tesla Coil. However, technological limitations at the time eluded the
researcher for adopting this means of power transfer for application such as electric
vehicle charging [37]. Now, with the advancement of high performance power
electronic devices, the possibility of using electromagnetic induction to transfer
energy into electric vehicles is now feasible and there have been a number of
prototype vehicles produced worldwide [38]. However, major problem associated
with IPT system is leakage flux and hence poor efficiency associated with it. To
overcome this problem or limitation of IPT system, use of capacitive compensation
in both primary and secondary side has been suggested by many authors [38–44].
There exist four basic compensation topologies that are being widely used. These
are series–series (SS) topology, series–parallel (SP) topology, parallel–series (PS)
topology, and parallel–parallel (PP) topology [45]. Each topology has its own
advantages and disadvantages and choice of topology depends upon application for
458 Power electronic converters and systems

Ip Lp Is Ls Io

VP –jωMIs jωMIP RL Vs

Figure 14.21 Equivalent circuit of an uncompensated loosely coupled IPT system

which it is used. For example, a Li-ion battery has two charging stages, namely:
constant current charging and CV charging stage. During the constant current
charging stage, the battery is charged at constant current until the specified peak
voltage of battery cells is reached. During the CV charging stage, the charging
takes place at CV. At the end of constant current charging stage, the battery cell
voltage is at the specified peak value and this voltage is maintained across the
battery cell throughout the CV charging stage. Hence for charging application the
topology which can acts as constant current source as well as CV source will be a
good choice [39, 40]. In this chapter, the authors aim to shown that both SS and SP
topology can work as constant current source as well as CV source. Following
points has been discussed: need of compensation in primary and secondary; ana-
lysis of SS topology; analysis of SP topology; efficiency comparison of both
topology; control strategies for both topology and finally choice between both

14.3.2 Necessity of compensation for wireless charging

Wireless charging of electric vehicles, require a significant air gap between
primary and secondary winding of IPT system. Large air gap is required to
allow for inconsistency in the road surface and better clearance between road
and vehicle. Moreover, if its in-motion or dynamic charging, there is always
some lateral displacement, i.e., misalignment associated with it. Because of
these mechanical constraints mutual coupling between primary and secondary
is poor and leakage inductance is much larger compared to mutual inductance
[40]. Poor coupling leads to poor transfer of power. To improve coupling and
compensate leakage inductance, capacitive compensation in primary and
secondary windings is required. However, compensation in primary and sec-
ondary serves different purpose. To understand this, consider the equivalent
circuit of an uncompensated loosely coupled IPT system shown in
Figure 14.21.
Here the subscript ‘‘p’’ and ‘‘s’’ have been used for primary and secondary
components, respectively. M, w, RL, and Io represent mutual inductance, operating
frequency, load resistance, and load current, respectively.
Maximum power transferred (MPT) to load for circuit shown in Figure 14.21
can be given by:

w2 M 2 Ip2
MPT ¼ (14.1)
Automotive energy systems 459

Equation (14.1) can also be verified using Maximum Power Transfer theorem.
Equation (14.1) can be seen as:
Voc Isc
MPT ¼ (14.2)
Here, Voc is open circuit voltage when Io becomes zero and is given by
Voc ¼ wMI p (14.3)
Isc is the short circuit current flowing through secondary, when RL is shorted. This
is given by:
MI p
Isc ¼ (14.4)

Now, if power transferred to the load needs be more than Voc2Isc then secondary
should be compensated [40]. Power transferred for compensated secondary will be
the maximum if secondary resonates at frequency, wo. For this a capacitor (Cs)
whose value is given by (14.5), can be connected in series or parallel of the sec-
ondary as shown in Figure 14.22.
wo ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (14.5)
Ls Cs
For parallel compensation, secondary quality factor is given by wRo Ll s and for series
compensated secondary quality factor is given by: wRo Ll s . Hence, from Table 14.6 one
can say that compensated secondary have a maximum power transfer capability
2*Qs times greater than uncompensated secondary.
Due to leakage and magnetizing inductance, the IPT is intrinsically inductive
in nature. Since high-frequency operation is desirable for effective power transfer,
impedance seen by source becomes more and more reactive in nature hence power



Is Ls Io

jωMIP Cs RL Vs


Figure 14.22 (a) Series compensated secondary and (b) parallel compensated
460 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 14.6 Value of MPT, Cs and secondary quality factor for uncompensated
and compensated secondary

Secondary status MPT Cs Secondary quality factor, Qs

Uncompensated ðjVoc j jIsc jÞ — —
Rl 1 Rl
Parallel compensated jVoc jjIsc j
wo Ls w2o Ls wo Ls
wo Ls 1 wo Ls
Series compensated jVoc jjIsc j
Rl w2o Ls Rl

Table 14.7 Value of primary capacitance, secondary reflected impedance, and

total impedance at resonant frequency, wo

Topology Cp Zr ZT

SS Ls Cs w2o M 2 w2o M 2
1 M 2 RL jwo M 2 M 2 RL
w2o Lp L2s Ls L2s

factor becomes poorer [39, 40]. As a result of this, for a given amount of output,
source needs to have higher volt–ampere (VA) ratings. This is a disadvantage,
since greater VA-rating of supply means larger capacity of source side converter,
therefore system cost increases. Moreover, circulation of reactive power leads to
resistive losses and hence poor system efficiency. To overcome above said short-
comings, it is required to have output voltage and current of the power supply be in
phase in order to minimize the VA-rating of the power supply [39, 41].
In the literature, there are many examples in which primary capacitances have
been chosen to compensate just the self-inductance of the primary [42–44]. This is
only acceptable, if the reflected impedance is negligible in comparison to the pri-
mary self-inductance [45]. Therefore, it is better to select primary capacitance
which perform compensation for the entire circuit so that the input power factor
becomes unity. Similar to secondary, primary capacitor can be connected in series
and parallel. Combination of both series and parallel compensation gives total of
four topology namely SS, SP, PP, and PS. Table 14.7 gives the value of reflected
impedance (Zr), primary capacitance (Cp) and total impedance seen by source (ZT),
for SS and SP topologies [45, 46].
Primary compensation depends a lot on the application. For long track appli-
cations, the impedance is very high. Therefore, the supply voltage needs to be high
to drive the current through the primary. By series compensation the voltage across
the capacitance compensates the voltage across the primary winding and hence the
required voltage rating of the power supply can be reduced to manageable level.
Automotive energy systems 461

Lp Ip Is Ls Io
Cp Cs

VP –jωMIs jωMIP RL Vs

Figure 14.23 SS compensated IPT system

In this paper author consider primary to be series compensated as he intends to

present the work for long track applications.

14.3.3 Analysis of series–series topology

Consider the IPT system with SS topology shown below in Figure 14.23. Primary
and secondary winding resistance has been neglected in the analysis merely for the
purpose of simplicity.
Induced voltage in secondary is given by:
Es ¼ jwMIp (14.6)
From (14.6) it can be observed that induced voltage in secondary is directly pro-
portional to current in primary, Ip . However, Ip is determined by primary source and
is given by:
Ip ¼ (14.7)
where ZT is total impedance seen by source. In case of SS topology total impe-
dance, at resonance, seen by primary is given by Table 14.7:
w2o M 2
ZT ¼ (14.8)
From (14.7) and (14.8) one can observe if primary current, Ip is maintained constant
then secondary induced voltage and therefore load voltage will remain constant.
Under this condition, SS topology will acts as CV source. Primary induced voltage,
EP is given by:
Ep ¼ jwMIs (14.9)
At resonance, Ep is equal to supply voltage, Vp. Hence for a given geometry, if
primary is fed from CV source secondary current (Io ¼ Is) will remain constant and
SS topology will acts as constant current source.
Hence, from the above analysis, it can be said that SS topology can behave as
constant current source as well as CV depending upon nature of supply.

14.3.4 Analysis of series–parallel topology

Consider the IPT system with SP topology shown below in Figure 14.24.
To understand the behavior of SP topology, consider the Norton’s equivalent
circuit of its secondary as shown in Figure 14.25.
462 Power electronic converters and systems

Lp Ip Is Ls Io

VP –jωMIs jωMIP Cs RL Vs

Figure 14.24 SP compensated IPT system



Figure 14.25 Norton’s equivalent of secondary of SP topology

Here, Isc ¼ Lsp is short circuit current given by (14.4). At frequency
wo ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 ffi
Ls Cs
, Ls and Cs behaves as open circuit therefore Isc and Io becomes equal.
From (14.4) it can be observed that expression of Isc is independent of load, RL. If Ip
is maintained constant, i.e., primary is fed from constant current input then Isc and
therefore load current Io will remain constant irrespective of the load. In other
words, secondary will behave as constant current source.
Output voltage, Vs of circuit shown in Figure 14.8 is given by:
Vs ¼ RL (14.10)
Also from circuit shown in Figure 14.7, one can write:
Ip ¼ (14.11)
Using the value of ZT from Table 14.7 and from (14.10) and (14.11):
Vp Ls
Vs ¼ (14.12)
Equation (14.12) states that output voltage is independent of load, RL and will be
constant as long as Vp is maintained constant. In other words, SP topology will
behave as CV source if voltage across primary is maintained constant.

14.3.5 Peak efficiency of series–series and series–parallel topology

For any topology average power delivered to the load can be given by:

Po ¼ Io2 RL (14.13)
Automotive energy systems 463

Table 14.8 Efficiency and peak efficiency of SS and SP topology

Topology Efficiency Peak

Series– RL RL
series Rs þ RL þ RP ðwR2s þR LÞ
Rs þ RL
Series– RL
þ RS þ R L
parallel RS þ RL þ 2 S2 þ S 2 þ 4 2S L2 þ þ 2 2 M2
wo M M wo LS M w2o M 2 wo LS

Average power drawn from source can be given by:

Pin ¼ Ip2 ðresistance of primary þ reflected resistanceÞ (14.14)

Therefore efficiency of an IPT system is given by:

Io2 RL
h¼ (14.15)
IP2 ðresistance of primary þ reflected resistanceÞ
Table 14.8 shows the efficiency as well as peak efficiency of SS topology and
SP topology at resonance frequency.
Where Rs and RL are primary coil resistance and secondary coil resistance,
respectively. From Table 14.8 one can observe that for a given resonance frequency
peak efficiency of series–series topology is always greater than series–parallel
topology. Therefore, for fixed frequency systems, it would be better to opt for SS

14.3.6 Control strategies for SS and SP topology

The power supply can be of fixed frequency or variable frequency [46]. For SS
topology, primary capacitance is independent of mutual inductance, i.e., there is no
volt-ampere reactive (VAR) loading on primary track due to secondary. Hence, it can
be controlled by operating at fixed frequency and varying the output voltage of
inverter to hold the current over a wide range of loading condition [47]. Also, fixed
frequency controller are much simpler and easy to implement. However, in case of SP
topology primary capacitance depends upon mutual inductance [48]. Whenever
relative orientation between primary and secondary winding changes, tuning is dis-
turbed and significant power transfer will be lost. For this reason, a variable frequency
supply is desirable which can detect the change in mutual inductance and tune out the
VAR loading on primary [46, 47]. Therefore, system is always operating at unity
power factor. However, analysis of an IPT system shows that the system could have
as many as three zero-phase angle frequency of which only one is the resonance
frequency. This phenomena are called bifurcation [39, 46, 47]. If variable frequency
controller cannot deal with uncertainty in bifurcation region the operation frequency
of power supply will drift away from the desired operating position and might
become unstable. Consequently, power transfer will drop significantly.
464 Power electronic converters and systems

Wireless EV charging is the foreseen potential charging option for future EVs in the
market. Wireless charging of an EV using IPT has a potential to reduce the EV costs.

14.3.7 Advantages of EV wireless charging

1. no human intervention
2. simple and robust
3. future scope for in motion charging
4. reduced EV weight due to reduced battery capacity in in motion charging
5. over all EV cost reduction due to reduced battery capacity

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466 Power electronic converters and systems

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Chapter 15
Shipboard power systems
Herbert L. Ginn III*

Electricity has been utilized in some small fashion onboard ships as early as the 1870s,
and by the 1930s, it was in widespread use for various auxiliary machinery and even
turbo-electric drives. Turbo-electric drives use electric generators to convert
mechanical energy of a turbine into electric energy and electric motors to convert it
back into mechanical energy to power the drive shafts. It allows for a decoupling of the
prime mover from the propellers so that each can operate at optimum speeds without
the need for large mechanical reduction gear sets. Although electric drives have long
been in use, modern-day shipboard power systems bear little resemblance to their
predecessors of even 30 years ago. Present-day shipboard systems employ power
electronics for management of energy in propulsion and elsewhere. Fuel costs
constitute a large portion of a ship’s life-cycle costs and pressures to improve fuel
economy in conjunction with environmental regulations in marine engineering have
led to the use of power electronic based drives in ship propulsion and auxiliary
equipment similarly as in other industrial applications. Many commercial ships are
now built with power electronic drives, including passenger ships, tankers, ice-
breakers, cable laying ships, and floating offshore platforms.

15.1 Shipboard power system topologies

Loads in a shipboard system can be categorized as propulsion, ship service, and
hotel loads. In all cases, a significant portion of generation is devoted to propulsion.
However, the percentage as related to other load categories depends on the type of
ship. For example, in passenger cruise ships, the percentage of hotel loads will be
much higher than for navy ships. In this chapter, ship distribution systems with total
installed generation from several megawatts to many tens of megawatts are con-
sidered since ships of various types in that installed power range benefit from
electric propulsion utilizing power electronic drives.
Simplified diagrams of a few typical medium-voltage ship distribution archi-
tectures with power electronic drives derived from [1] are shown in Figures 15.1–15.3.
The electrical power distribution architecture shown in Figure 15.1 features a dual

*University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA

470 Power electronic converters and systems

redundant main bus and ship service bus. Two complete propulsion drives are fed
from separate buses for good survivability and the ship service buses are fed from two
ship service transformers. Prime movers can be either diesel engines for ships such as
large cruise ships and tankers or gas turbines such as in some navy ships. Recently
some very large cruise ships built after the year 2005 also use gas turbines for the
prime movers. In applications where additional redundancy is required, such as ice-
breakers, dual winding motors can be supplied from pairs of converters that are cross-
fed from opposite main buses. This configuration is shown in Figure 15.2. Finally, a
ring bus architecture typical of navy ships is shown in Figure 15.3. Standard voltage
levels in ship distribution systems are 13,800, 11,000, 6,600, 4,160, and 440 V.
Virtually all US naval ships generate and distribute three-phase 60 Hz electrical power
at 440 or 4,160 V.
As evidenced by these distribution system topologies, shipboard power sys-
tems are isolated microgrids and as such are presented with the same operational
challenges as any isolated microgrid, most of which are due to small supply system
inertia. Those challenges are not only present in shipboard power systems but also
are compounded by the small physical size required relative to the installed power

Prime mover
Prime mover
Prime mover

Prime mover

Main generators



Main bus tie

Main bus SWBD 1 Main bus SWBD 2

Ship service Ship service
transformer transformer

Motor Motor
drive drive


Ship service bus tie

Ship service bus Ship service bus

Ship service loads Ship service loads

Figure 15.1 Shipboard power system with two separately supplied propulsion
Shipboard power systems 471

Prime mover

Prime mover
Prime mover

Prime mover
Main generators



Main bus tie

Main bus SWBD 1 Main bus SWBD 2

Ship service Ship service

VFD transformer
transformer transformers

Motor Motor Motor Motor

drive drive drive drive



Ship service bus tie

Ship service bus Ship service bus

Ship service loads Ship service loads

Figure 15.2 Shipboard power system with two cross-fed propulsion drives

of the shipboard distribution system. Some of the key features of a shipboard

microgrid are as follows:
● Non-linear load effects: Tolerance of poor power quality and electromagnetic
interference, the by-products of large-scale connection of power electronics to
a grid, is much lower in the shipboard electrical system than in most other
applications. These effects must be mitigated through additional filters and
enclosures. This results in increased size, weight, and heat in an environment
where those attributes often come at a premium.
● Variable frequency: Frequency is not constant onboard ships. The low rota-
tional inertia of the prime movers and generators relative to single large loads
such as the propulsion drives allows for rapid accelerations and decelerations
of the shaft and corresponding frequency fluctuations in response to load
● Load dynamics: Shipboard systems must account for dynamics of loads such as
propulsion motors, propeller dynamics, large pumps, and ship dynamics. In the
case of navy ships, there are also pulsed type loads. Thus, a ships energy
resources must be managed in an integrated fashion in order to ensure that the
472 Power electronic converters and systems

Main generator 1 Main generator 2

GOV Bus tie

Ship service loads Ship service loads

bus transfer

bus transfer
Main generator 3

Main generator 4
Bus tie

Bus tie
Motor Motor
drive drive


Bus tie
Ship service loads Ship service loads

Figure 15.3 Ring bus configuration for a navy ship distribution system

ship accomplishes its mission or reaches its destination under the myriad of
scenarios that can occur.
● Grounding: The density of electrical equipment on a ship and the proximity to
ground potential at all times is more severe in a ship than in most other
applications. As a result, the vast majority of the electrical distribution on ships
is ungrounded.
● Harsh environment: Equipment for shipboard power systems must be able to
operate in a pitching, and rolling ship. Vibration, shock, humidity, and salinity
must be accounted for in their design.

15.2 Shipboard propulsion drives

Propulsion systems contain the primary power electronics equipment installed in
shipboard distribution systems. These are medium voltage industrial power elec-
tronic motor drives with the basic architecture shown in Figure 15.4. As with any
motor drive system, the power processing unit (PPU) consists of a power electronic
converter that transforms the fixed voltage and frequency supply into the appro-
priate form for a given operating state of the motor. For shipboard applications, the
Shipboard power systems 473

Variable form
uS iS iL supply
PPU Motor Propulsor

Fixed form Modulation Sensors and signal

supply scheme conditioning

Reference input Controller

Figure 15.4 Block diagram of the shipboard electric propulsion system


Propulsion power (per unit)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Ship speed (per unit)

Figure 15.5 Approximate propulsion power curve as a function of speed for a ship

torque ripple to the shaft and input power quality are driving factors in the design.
Ship propulsion load profiles can be approximated as a cubic function of power
versus ship speed as shown in Figure 15.5.
With the introduction of the thyristor-based rectifier, shipboard propulsion
systems originally utilized DC motor drives. In the 1980s, variable frequency
drives started to appear in ship propulsion applications. Modern propulsion drives
utilize AC frequency converters of some type driving either synchronous or asyn-
chronous AC motors. Converter types for shipboard propulsion drives fall into
three broad categories:
1. voltage link systems
2. current link systems
3. direct AC/AC conversion
474 Power electronic converters and systems

P (MW)

VSI: Voltage Source Inverters
25 Cyclo- with DTC or PWM
CSI: Current Source Inverters
CSI with Thyristors

Cyclo-converters: Direct
Converters with Thyristors

0.2 IGBT
U (kV)
0.69 1.0 1.8 2.4 3.3 4.5 6.0 6.9 10.2 11
Motor Voltage
Low Voltage Medium Voltage

Figure 15.6 Converter topology as an approximate function of output voltage and

power in shipboard applications

Motor voltage versus power requirements for these three propulsion system
topologies are shown in Figure 15.6.
Other than special shock and vibration mounting requirements, high power
medium voltage drives onboard ships are in similar types of enclosures as for any
industrial drive application. Two ship drive converters, one for each of two pro-
pulsion motors, are shown in Figure 15.7.

15.2.1 Voltage link systems

Voltage link systems provide a stiff DC voltage supply to the converter that supplies
the motor. This voltage may be fixed or variable. This motor side converter is often
referred to as a voltage source inverter (VSI). The power semiconductors are always
forward biased due to the DC supply voltage. Therefore, any fully controllable
asymmetric blocking devices are suitable. However, due to the high power require-
ments of ship propulsion, only gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs) and insulated-gate
bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used. The interface converter between the supply and
DC link may be diode rectifiers, phase-commutated thyristor converters, or self-
commutated converters similar to the motor side converter. In ship propulsion
applications, bidirectional active power flow for converter A is not generally required
and therefore self-commutated converters are not typically used (Figure 15.8).
Three-phase bridge inverters are the simplest structure used to supply AC
motor loads. For high power applications, GTOs are often used. The switching
speed of GTOs is much lower than IGBTs; therefore, for pulse width modulation
Shipboard power systems 475

Figure 15.7 Two medium-voltage cycloconverter propulsion drives onboard

a ship

uA Converter A Converter B
iB C
uB Motor

uC (Rectifier) (Inverter)

Figure 15.8 Block diagram of voltage link system with unidirectional active
power flow capability

(PWM) schemes, GTO inverters can only have a carrier frequency of a few hundred
hertz. However, GTOs are suitable for square-wave switching. Although it is pos-
sible to arrange IGBTs in series strings for higher voltage ratings and in parallel for
higher current, this requires difficult device matching and complex gate control
algorithms. Multilevel converters are an alternative for high-power applications
when fast switching is required.
The most common high-power VSI used in ship propulsion applications is the
neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter shown in Figure 15.9. This inverter has a
zero DC voltage center point, which can be switched to the phase outputs creating
476 Power electronic converters and systems


Ta+ Tb+ Tc+


Ta− Tb− Tc−

Figure 15.9 Block diagram of three-level NPC VSI

Inverter A

Interphase EMI Filter C

Rectifier A

Inverter B
uB C Motor
uC Rectifier B

Inverter n

Figure 15.10 One typical propulsion drive configuration for navy ships

the ability to apply one of three voltage levels to each phase leg. Each switch and
diode must block only half of the DC link voltage. The voltage across each capacitor
can be balanced by utilizing two isolated sources or regulation of the average current
into the center point. In this case, feedback control is used to adjust the time each leg
dwells on the center point such that the average center point current is zero.
The three-level NPC inverter is often used in naval applications due to high-
speed requirements of the drive. In order to increase current capacity for high-
power drives, the NPC VSI modules are paralleled with output sharing inductors or
interphase transformers. A typical navy propulsion drive configuration is shown in
Figure 15.10. In this particular configuration, two six-pulse diode bridges supply
Shipboard power systems 477

the DC bus in parallel and utilize an interphase transformer to ensure equal sharing
of DC current. The diode rectifiers are supplied with a phase shifting transformer to
cancel characteristic lower order current harmonics. This is a common method to
reduce supply distortion caused by the drive. This cancellation method and other
harmonic suppression methods used in ship distribution systems are covered in
detail later in this chapter.

15.2.2 Current link systems

In current link systems, a stiff DC current source is at the interface between the two
converters as shown in Figure 15.11. Therefore, the motor side converter is usually
referred to as a current source inverter (CSI). Although it is referred to as an inverter,
it may also act as a rectifier (motor in regenerative mode). The semiconductor
switches in a CSI must withstand reverse voltage so asymmetric blocking devices
cannot be used. Thus, thyristors and symmetric voltage blocking GTOs are used.
(Although, some topologies use asymmetric forward blocking devices in series with
diodes.) When thyristors are used for the CSI forced commutation topologies are
required, with the exception of CSIs supplying over-excited synchronous machines.
Thyristor inverters are the most often used in CSI topologies as shown in
Figure 15.12. However, depending on the load, forced commutation may be nee-
ded. If leading reactive power is supplied to the load from the CSI then

iA L Id

uB Motor


Figure 15.11 Block diagram of current link system with unidirectional active
power flow capability

T1 T3 T5

B Over-excited
C motor

T4 T6 T2

Figure 15.12 Load commutated thyristor CSI

478 Power electronic converters and systems

T1 T3 T5

B Induction

T4 T6 T2

Figure 15.13 Three-phase auto-sequential forced commutation CSI

commutation is provided by the load. This is the case for over-excited synchronous
motors. If lagging reactive power is supplied to the load then forced commutation is
required. This is the case with induction motors. Figure 15.13 shows the most
common type of forced commutation known as the auto-sequential method. Note
that induction motor starting for the synchronous machine requires forced com-
mutation, which can be accomplished using the circuit in Figure 15.12 by the
pulsed or DC link current interruption method. In shipboard drives for large pas-
senger cruise liners, the load commutated inverter circuit in Figure 15.12 is typi-
cally used. It is paired with an over-excited synchronous machine and a thyristor
rectifier front end providing DC link interruption. For very low motor speeds, the
machine EMF is not high enough to provide correct thyristor commutation of the
drive inverter. To overcome this, the DC link current is reduced to zero for a short
time by operating the supply side converter in inverter mode. This enables the
conducting motor side converter thyristors to return to blocking mode and com-
mutation to occur.

15.2.3 Direct AC–AC conversion – cycloconverters

Cycloconverters are used for very low-speed high-torque applications and provide
low-torque pulsations at low speed. They can be used for either synchronous or
induction motors, however, in ship propulsion they are usually used to drive syn-
chronous machines. Icebreakers and tanker ships are two classes of ships that
commonly use cycloconverter drives. The high torque allows icebreakers to free a
propeller from ice or to strike ice without causing a motor stall. Disadvantages are
poor supply quality since the modulated supply current is non-periodic with respect
to the supply frequency. Therefore, it is a source of ‘‘interharmonics’’ in the supply.
A diagram of a cycloconverter is shown in Figure 15.14. Each phase of the
output is supplied by two back-to-back six-pulse thyristor rectifiers in order to
allow for bidirectional current flow. The firing angle of each six-pulse rectifier is
Shipboard power systems 479

uA A

uB B

uC C

Figure 15.14 Three-phase six-pulse cycloconverter

controlled to yield a low-frequency sinusoidal output. Because the converter is

chopping the supply voltage to yield the desired average output value, the output
frequency is limited to approximately 30% of the input frequency depending on
allowable distortion of the output. In shipboard applications with 60 Hz supply
frequencies, the cycloconverter output frequency limit is typically around 15 Hz.

15.3 Power quality requirements in shipboard systems

The presence of non-linear loads in the system cause distorted current. In most
cases, these currents are periodic; therefore, using Fourier analysis these distorted
voltages and currents can be described in terms of harmonics. Although the range
of harmonic frequencies present in power systems is broad, the harmonics in the
lower frequency band ranging from the second harmonic to a few kilohertz are
the greatest in magnitude, and as harmonic order increases, the magnitude of
harmonics declines faster than 1/n. Therefore, the harmonics in the lower frequency
band are the most significant.
A number of harmful effects are known to be caused by harmonic distortion in
power systems. A few of the major effects are as follows:
● additional heating and losses in transformers and induction and synchronous
● capacitor overloading
● increased probability of relay malfunctions
480 Power electronic converters and systems

Δu Zs

iA iB iC
Load A Load B Load C

Figure 15.15 Simplified one-line diagram of a distribution system

● disturbances in solid-state and microprocessor-based systems

● interference with communication systems
Because of these harmful effects, the presence of harmonics is considered to be a
cause of supply quality degradation in distribution systems. A one-line diagram of a
three-phase system with a harmonic generating load (HGL) and other linear time
invariant (LTI) loads connected to a common bus is shown in Figure 15.15.
This point where multiple loads are supplied is referred to as the point of
common supply (PCS). Harmonic currents generated at the HGL flow through the
system impedance Zs, resulting in a distorted voltage drop Du across the impedance.
The sum of distorted voltage Du and the distribution voltage e yields a distorted bus
voltage u for all loads connected at the bus. Therefore, the supply currents iA and iB
of LTI loads are also distorted.
In addition to the distortion of the voltage at the PCS, harmonics in the supply
current cause power factor to decline. Because power factor is a measure of supply
utilization, a low power factor means that the supply current is larger than needed
for the transmission of the required energy to the load. The decline of power factor
is caused by harmonic as well as by reactive currents. To determine the effect of
harmonic currents on the power factor, it is convenient to consider a simplified case
where the supply voltage is sinusoidal and the load is a balanced HGL. Then, the
current supplied to the load can be decomposed as
i ¼ i1 þ ig ¼ ia þ ir þ ig ; (15.1)
where the active current, ia, is the current component responsible for permanent
energy transmission; the reactive current, ir, is the current due to phase shift between
the voltage and current; and the load generated current, ig, is the current component
due to non-linear loads. The load-generated current contains all current harmonics
generated due to the non-linearity and/or periodic time variance of the load. If all the
harmonics orders of the load current except the fundamental harmonic order, n ¼ 1,
are contained in the set M, then the load-generated harmonic current is equal to
pffiffiffi X
ig ¼ 2 Re I n e jnw1 t : (15.2)
Shipboard power systems 481

All of these components are mutually orthogonal, and therefore, the root mean
square (RMS) value of the current is

kik2 ¼ kia k2 þ kir k2 þ kig k2 : (15.3)

Then the power factor can be expressed as
P kia k
l¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; (15.4)
kia k þ kir k2 þ kig k2

which shows that the load-generated current effects the power factor in the same
way as reactive current. Therefore, the load-generated harmonics lower the power
factor and this requires increased power ratings of power system equipment as
well as causes increased active power losses. Increased equipment sizing is very
undesirable on ships due to the very limited spaces.
As shown above, harmful effects caused by HGLs are distributed over the
power distribution system. Therefore, there are shipboard power system standards
that limit the levels of harmonic distortion as well as other power quality related
issues like voltage and frequency deviation from the nominal. The IEEE STD-45
[2] provides a number of design and performance criteria for commercial ships
including some related to power quality. There is no specific limit on the total
harmonic distortion (THD) in the standard but generally acceptable limits are 5%
for voltage total harmonic distortion (THDv) based on the IEEE STD-519 [3] for
voltages under 69 kV. For US Navy applications, the governing power quality
interface standards are MIL-STD-1399 section 300 and section 680. Some impor-
tant limits on power quality are summarized in Table 15.1.
In Table 15.1, THDv is the ratio of the RMS value of the voltage excluding the
fundamental to the RMS value of the fundamental as expressed by
THDv ¼ (15.5)

Table 15.1 Summary of some MIL-STD-1399 section 680 limits

Characteristic for all voltage classes Value

Maximum voltage total harmonic distortion (THDv) 5%
Maximum single-voltage harmonic 3% of V1
Maximum single-current harmonic above 60–2,000 Hz 3% of I1FL
Current of any frequency above 2,000 Hz–20 kHz 6,000/f % of I1FL
Frequency tolerance 3%
Frequency transient tolerance 4%
Frequency modulation 0.5%
Worst-case frequency excursion from nominal 5%
Nominal frequency 60 Hz
482 Power electronic converters and systems

The fundamental of the current at full load, I1FL, is its RMS value with harmonic
components removed. Current THD is not limited but is defined as
THDI ¼ (15.6)
The presence of harmonic distortion in a shipboard power system is primarily
due to propulsion drive front ends that are non-linear and/or periodically time
variant in nature. However, other sources, such as florescent lamps, rectifiers used
in small power supplies, flux distortion in synchronous machines and transformers
operated in the non-linear region of their magnetization curve, etc., are present but
their contribution is far less. The most widely used of the drive front-end con-
verters, as listed in Section 15.2 are the six-pulse AC/DC converters. The basic
circuit configuration of a six-pulse thyristor converter is shown in Figure 15.16.
The idealized waveform of the supply current for phase A is shown in Figure 15.17.
If the converter’s filter inductor has infinite value, the supply has an infinite power,
the converter thyristors are perfectly matched, and the supply and control systems
are symmetrical then the current waveform will be ideal as shown. The six-pulse
diode rectifier supply current will have a similar shape but the pulses cannot be
delayed in time as will the thyristor converter as a function of firing angle. In either
case, the characteristic harmonics generated by the drive supply side converter will
be the same.

id L

T1 T3 T5
uA A ia

uB B

uC C

T4 T6 T2

Figure 15.16 Typical configuration of a six-pulse thyristor converter


T t

Figure 15.17 Idealized waveform of the converter supply current

Shipboard power systems 483

Under these idealized conditions and with firing angle equal zero, the phase
current has a Fourier series with complex RMS values equal to
2 2Id p jnp
I an ¼ sin n e 2 (15.7)
np 3
for all odd order harmonics n. Therefore, the current only has harmonics of order
n ¼ 6k 1 where k is a positive integer. These are referred to as the characteristic
harmonics of the converter. However, the ideal conditions stated above are never
true and, therefore, the supply current always contains some small amount of non-
characteristic harmonics. Note that, as harmonic order increases the characteristic
harmonics decline in magnitude by 1/n.

15.4 Harmonic mitigation in shipboard systems

Shipboard distribution systems with high power electric propulsion drives cannot
meet harmonic distortion limits if six-pulse thyristor or diode rectifiers are not
employed along with a harmonic mitigation method. Harmonic mitigation methods
used are harmonic cancellation and/or harmonic suppression. There are several
different types of harmonic suppressors that could be used to reduce distortion in
power distribution systems. The choice of which harmonic suppressor should be
used in a particular case is governed by both technical as well as economic issues.
The primary types of suppressors used in shipboard systems belong to one of the
following three basic categories:
(i) reactive harmonic suppressors (RHSs)
(ii) switching compensators (SCs)
(iii) hybrid compensators
RHSs are the largest group of suppressors. They modify the frequency properties of
the system in order to reduce distortion. Because of this, the design of RHSs is a
complex task where the device and system cannot be treated separately. The group
of RHSs includes such devices as resonant harmonic filters (RHFs) and low-pass
filters. SCs, also referred to as active filters, inject a compensating current which
cancels the load-generated harmonics. The compensating current is generated by
fast switching of power transistors. The SC is a current or voltage source PWM
converter and a signal processing system, and there are several configurations and
control strategies that can be used. Finally, hybrid compensators are composed of
both a RHS and a SC. The goal of the hybrid compensator is to improve the per-
formance of a RHS by placing a converter in series with the reactive elements. The
benefit is that a much lower power rating is required for the converter than for a SC

15.4.1 Harmonic cancellation

Harmonic cancellation by phase shift input transformers is the most commonly
employed method of meeting harmonic distortion limits in shipboard systems.
484 Power electronic converters and systems

id L

iAx 1: N T1x T3x T5x

T4x T6x T2x

1: N ia t + T1y T3y T5y
uA A iA iAy 3 12

uB B

uC C

T4y T6y T2y

Figure 15.18 Topology of a 12-pulse thyristor rectifier

A 12-pulse thyristor rectifier topology is shown in Figure 15.18. It is comprised of

two phase-shifted six-pulse circuits with supply current equal to

1 T T T
iA ðtÞ ¼ ia ðtÞ þ pffiffiffi ia t þ ia t þ þ (15.8)
3 12 12 3
where secondary side phase current ia(t) is the six-pulse supply waveform shown in
Figure 15.17. Then the complex RMS value of the nth-order harmonic is given by
1 p p
I An ¼ I an 1 þ pffiffiffi e jn6 þ ejn 6 ¼ I an 1 þ pffiffiffi cos n (15.9)
3 3 6
so that the fifth and seventh characteristic harmonics of each six-pulse bridge are
cancelled along with other harmonics resulting in a supply current containing
characteristic harmonics of order
n ¼ 12k 1 k 2 N1 (15.10)
Currents on the primary side of the supply transformers are shown in
Figure 15.19. The delta-delta transformer does not modify the shape of the input
current waveform while the delta-wye transformer creates a stair-step type wave-
form. Note that the delta-wye phase shift does not change the characteristic har-
monics of that transformer’s input current. However, when these two transformer
supply currents are summed the result is a much more sinusoidal supply current due
to the absence of the fifth- and seventh-order harmonics.
Shipboard power systems 485




Figure 15.19 Construction of the 12-pulse supply current

It is also possible to further cancel harmonics by increasing the number of

transformer secondary windings with appropriate phase shifts. Four transformer
windings phase shifted with respect to each other by 15 can be utilized to form a
24-pulse converter. In some ship applications where space is sufficient 24-pulse
converters are used. The current harmonic distortion for the three-phase shift can-
cellation type converters commonly used for shipboard drives are provided in
Table 15.2. The table shows that the six-pulse configuration requires additional
harmonic mitigation when used for ship propulsion. In some cases, the 12-pulse
configuration may also require additional filtering if sensitive loads are present.
A case study demonstrating this is provided at the end of the section.

15.4.2 Reactive harmonic suppressors

Conventional RHFs belong to the class of RHSs and are the devices most freq-
uently installed in shipboard distribution systems for reducing distortion caused by
propulsion drives. They are reactive devices built of resonant branches, connected
in parallel to the drive. Each branch is tuned to a specific harmonic frequency;
486 Power electronic converters and systems

Table 15.2 Distortion for each harmonic and THD by pulse number

Characteristic harmonic order

I1 100
6-pulse 12-pulse 24-pulse
n¼5 20% – –
n¼7 14.3% – –
n ¼ 11 9.1% 9.1%
n ¼ 13 7.5% 7.5%
n ¼ 17 5.8% – –
n ¼ 19 5.2% – –
n ¼ 23 4.3% 4.3% 4.3%
n ¼ 25 4% 4% 4%
Minimum THDI 29% 13.2% 5.8%

therefore, it is a notch filter and provides a low impedance path for the load-
generated current harmonics for which it is tuned. The most common approach to
RHF design is based mainly on [4]. The parameters of individual branches of the
filter are calculated based on the chosen value of the reactive power generated by
the branch and the chosen resonant frequency of the branch. This frequency, to
distinguish it from the frequency of the filter resonance with the distribution sys-
tem, will be referred to as a tuning frequency. Each branch of a RHF has a capa-
citive impedance at the fundamental frequency. If a filter has K branches then the
reactive power of one branch, denoted Q1k, can be expressed as
Q1k ¼ dk Q1 : (15.11)
The coefficient dk is the reactive power allocation coefficient. It has a value
between 0 and 1 corresponding to the percentage of reactive power of the entire
filter, and it may be chosen at the designer’s discretion. The total reactive power
generated by all of the filter branches is equal to
Qtot ¼ dk Q1 ¼ Q1 dk : (15.12)
k¼1 k¼1

Since the reactive power provided by a single branch satisfies (15.11) it is

equal to

dk Q1 ¼ Bk1 U 2 (15.13)
where Bk1 is the susceptance of that branch for the fundamental frequency. For a
LC branch that has a high quality factor, resistance in the branch can be neglected
and the branch susceptance can be approximated as
( )
1 w 1 Ck
Bk1 ¼ Im ¼ (15.14)
jw1 Lk þ jw11Ck 1 w21 Lk Ck
Shipboard power systems 487

If the branch is tuned to the frequency Vw1 in order to provide a low impedance path
for a harmonic of order n, then
Lk Ck ¼ (15.15)
z2k w21
Consequently, the capacitance and inductance of the branch are equal to

dk Q1 1 z12 U2
Ck ¼ k
; Lk ¼ : (15.16)
w1 U 2
dk Q1 w1 ðz2k 1Þ
Although the process of obtaining the filter parameters is straightforward, the
branch tuning frequencies as well as the allocation of the reactive power of the
filter among the branches must first be decided. The tuning frequency of each filter
branch as well as the number of branches is determined by the harmonic compo-
nents in the load-generated current that have a significant value. However, obser-
ving the impedance magnitude as seen from the load, as shown in Figure 15.20, the
addition of a shunt filter branch creates a resonance at a frequency below the tuned
frequency of that branch. This is observed as the band of high impedance seen in
the plot at a frequency below the branch tuning frequency. The tuning frequency is
the point of very low impedance, which located slightly below the fifth-order
harmonic in this example.
Changes in the filter parameters due to aging and temperature can cause the
tuned frequency and frequency of the resonance to shift. Therefore, filters are often
tuned to frequencies slightly lower than the desired harmonic frequency in order to
ensure that the resonance does not coincide with a harmonic frequency. This is
commonly referred to as de-tuning the filter. A filter might also be de-tuned in
order to limit the amount of current carried by the filter branch.
The performance of a RHF is the resultant of the frequency properties of the
filter and the system and the harmonic spectrum of the voltage and current. In order
to analyze the interaction between the filter and system, a simplified model of a


w /w1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 15.20 Impedance seen from the load

488 Power electronic converters and systems

system with an inductive reactance in the supply impedance is shown in

Figure 15.21.
A plot of reactance Xa(w) is shown in Figure 15.22 along with the negative of
the supply system reactance Xs(w) for the system shown in Figure 15.21 with a two-
branch resonant filter (K ¼ 2). For simplicity in this illustration, the reactance, Xs,
of the system inductance is assumed to be a linear function of frequency. From this
plot, it can be seen that the reactance Xa(w) is capacitive in a frequency band below
each tuning frequency.
A series resonance occurs at frequency w ¼ wr when
Xs ðwÞ ¼ Xa ðwÞ: (15.17)

Distribution system Filter Load

e ... j
R1 R2 RN
C1 C2 CN

Yx Za Zy

Figure 15.21 Equivalent circuit of a system with a resonant harmonic filter

Xa(w / w1) and Xs(w / w1)

Δwa Δw b

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Frequency (w / w1)

Figure 15.22 Plot of reactance Xa and Xs

Shipboard power systems 489

Thus, as shown in Figure 15.22, the resonant frequencies are at the points wa,
wb where the plot of minus Xs(w) crosses the plot of Xa(w). The system inductance
shifts the frequency of the zeros of Xx(w) with respect to Xa(w) to lower fre-
quencies. The transmittance Yx(jw) is the ratio of the spectra of the supply current to
the distribution voltage and is simply the admittance as seen from the source of the
internal voltage e. Therefore, the ratio of the complex RMS values of the supply
current harmonics and the distribution voltage harmonics increases for harmonic
frequencies approaching the resonant frequency. In such a case, an increase of
current harmonic distortion due to distribution voltage harmonics occurs in the
system. The per-unit admittance for most harmonics is much higher than the value
of the admittance at the fundamental. Therefore, the performance of tuned branch
filters is very sensitive to harmonic distortion in the distribution voltage. Even low
levels of distortion of this voltage may cause severe distortion of the supply current
and decrease the performance of the filter or even exceed its current rating. Care
must be taken to locate the resonances between harmonic frequencies and to con-
sider the range of supply impedance variation, DXs(w), for all operating config-
urations of the ship distribution system. Note that this is why tuned branch filters
cannot be used in conjunction with cycloconverter drives. Cycloconverters produce
a broadband of frequencies that shift according to the speed of operation so locating
resonances between harmonic frequencies does not avoid amplification of cyclo-
converter-generated distortion by the filter resonances.

15.4.3 Active filters

The simplified structure of a shunt active filter (SC) comprised of a voltage source
converter and its control system is shown in Figure 15.23.
The objective is to adjust the content of current on the supply side of the active
filter so that
i0 ¼ i j (15.18)
It is the reference signal generator that determines the components of the current to
be compensated at the cross section of the system where the compensator is con-
nected. The power electronic converter in conjunction with all of the control
functions below the reference signal generator simply function as a controlled
current source that follows those reference signals. There are numerous strategies
for generating reference signals. They separate various components of the voltage
or current using either time or frequency domain approaches [5–7]. Additionally
hybrid time–frequency methods have been proposed [8]. Thus, component extrac-
tion methods can be classified as listed in Table 15.3.
All of the time-domain methods in Table 15.3 are either variants of p-q or
closely related to it. Several frequency domain methods [9,10] are based directly on
Currents’ Physical Components (CPC) theory [11]. Whether a reference signal
generation method is based on a time-domain or frequency-domain approach, the
basic elements are the same. Power or current components present at a measurement
point are determined followed by extraction of selected subsets of those components.
Finally, a compensation command signal is constructed from the selected subset.
490 Power electronic converters and systems

i‫׳‬R iR
i‫׳‬S uRS uTR iS
i‫׳‬T uST uT
i‫׳‬ u i

jR jS jT Reference Signal

Data Acquisition

Lc Lc Lc
Current Controller

Voltage Protection Logic
Source Ud
Gate Drivers

Figure 15.23 Simplified functional diagram of a shunt switching compensator

Table 15.3 Categories of reference signal generators

Category Component extraction methods

Time-domain methods 1. Instantaneous power p-q theory and its variants
2. Synchronous d-q frame at the fundamental
3. Synchronous d-q frame at individual harmonics
4. Generalized integrators
Frequency-domain methods 1. Recursive discrete Fourier transform (RDFT)
2. Discrete Fourier transform
3. Discrete Kalman filter
Hybrid time–frequency methods 1. Combined p-q and RDFT
2. Conservative power theory

Typical reference signal generator structures for shunt compensation in

three-wire systems for both p-q and d-q are shown in Figure 15.24(a) and (b),
respectively. Both utilize filters to extract the desired current components. Of
course, if reactive power compensation is required the filters for the q component
will not be present. Also shown is the DC bus voltage controller that injects an
appropriate offset into the term associated with the active power at the fundamental
as required by the power losses in the SC. In the case of the p-q reference generator,
the references are converted back into currents by the inverse Clarke transform
Shipboard power systems 491

vdc Gv (s)
vB Instantaneous p p~
iA active p*
iB power LPF

Instantaneous q
reactive q*
power q


vdc Gv (s)
id ~
iA abc id
iB d-q iq
ωt LPF


Figure 15.24 (a) General reference generator structure for p-q methods and
(b) general reference generator structure for d-q methods

prior to sending to the current control layer where the reference signal alpha
components are
ua ub
ia ¼ p þ 2 q (15.19)
u2a þ u2b ua þ u2b

and the reference signal beta components are

ub ua
ib ¼ p 2 q (15.20)
u2a þ u2b ua þ u2b

For a balanced three-phase system with sinusoidal supply voltage, application

of the p-q method results in a p term that is associated with active power and a q
term that is associated with reactive power. Similarly, for the d-q method the d
current component is associated with active current and the q current component
with reactive current.
Harmonic distortion in the current similarly creates an oscillating component in
both p and q or id and iq terms. Thus, distortion will be present in the compensated
currents in any case that those pairs are not equal after extraction of the reference signal.
These are called ‘‘hidden currents’’ in [12]. Care must be taken when designing filters
used in the reference signal generators so that mismatch of the hidden current pairs does
not occur. Also, distorted voltages will result in distorted compensating currents.
492 Power electronic converters and systems


vdc Gv (s)
vA Fund positive

Instantaneous p
iA active p*
power p

Instantaneous q
reactive q*
power q

Figure 15.25 General reference generation structure for p-q method for
non-sinusoidal and asymmetrical supply

To avoid effects of non-ideal supply voltage, the d-q method can be used.
However, the impact of non-ideal voltage on the phase-locked loop (PLL) required
to synchronize the frame with the fundamental or with a particular harmonic must
then be considered. For shipboard power systems in which the voltage may be non-
ideal, the positive sequence fundamental of the voltage should be separated out for
any of the reference signal generation methods [8]. An example of this for the p-q
method is shown in Figure 15.25.

15.4.4 Case study

An example of a ship distribution system topology like that shown in Figure 15.2
for an icebreaker is shown in Figure 15.26. The propulsion drive is a 12-pulse
cycloconverter comprised of two cross-fed six-pulse cycloconverters each supply-
ing one winding of a doubly wound synchronous motor. The main bus is supplied at
6,600 V and 60 Hz from up to four diesel engine driven generators. Note that in this
particular case one of the 450 V ship service buses is designated for sensitive
equipment and supplied by motor generator sets. The motor generator sets provide
both voltage level adjustment and mechanical isolation of harmonics present in the
main bus. This is because although the cycloconverter can be configured to cancel
the fifth and seventh harmonics using the same method shown in Figure 15.19,
it also modulates the amplitude of the supply current waveforms creating non-
periodic effects. The resulting current spectrum is spread out between harmonic
frequencies and shifts over time with the converters’ operating output frequency.
Therefore, resonant type filters cannot be employed since the filter resonances will
excite those ‘‘interharmonics’’ as illustrated in Section 15.4.2. The only other
option would be an active filter which is not utilized in this particular application
since there is space for the motor generator sets supplying the sensitive load bus.
Measurements taken of the 6,600 V main bus voltage and of primary side drive
4G 2G 1G 6,600 V 60 Hz 3PH 3G



MN MTR S ∆-Y ∆-∆ ∆-∆ ∆-Y S
(P/S) (P/S)
(P/S) (P/S)
2CC2 2CC1 1CC2 1CC1
2MG 1 MG


6,600/450 V SSTF SSTF 6,600/450 V

G 6,600/450 V 6,600/450 V G






2200 kW 0.8PF AG
450 V 60 Hz 3PH



Figure 15.26 One-line diagram of a shipboard power system with 12-pulse cycloconverter drives


Figure 15.27 Main bus voltage measurements and cycloconverter current measurements during heavy drive loading conditions
Shipboard power systems 495

transformer currents during heavy propulsion drive load conditions are shown in
Figure 15.27. The main bus voltage is heavily distorted despite the 12-pulse con-
figuration of the cycloconverter.

15.5 Frequency variation and converter control

Most digital control architectures for power system applications require synchro-
nization with the distribution system voltage. Therefore, a PLL is generally among
the digital control subsystems that make up the overall converter control system.
The PLL analyzes the bus voltage and provides power system information for some
of the other control subsystems. Thus, the performance of the PLL has a broad
impact on the overall converter system performance.
Small-scale power systems, such as naval systems, pose a challenging envir-
onment for PLL design due to voltage distortion and variation in the fundamental
frequency that is large as compared to large terrestrial systems. The choice of the
algorithms should be determined by the actual environment in which the PLL is

15.6 Concepts for future shipboard power systems

The benefits of more efficient and dense energy management systems for ships are
driving efforts in standardization of power electronic converter components and
interfaces as well as investigation into new distribution system topologies. While
there are benefits for any type of ship, the evolution of shipboard power systems is
mainly driven by navy ship requirements. Navy ships have an increasing demand to
supply high power loads while the space available to install the power system is not
increasing and may even decrease in some cases. This leads to highly power
electronic converter based microgrid systems.

15.6.1 Power electronics building block

It has long been recognized that innovative and efficient use of electric power
requires significant reduction in cost, weight, size, and losses of power electronics.
Because of limited space, this need especially applies to ships and other marine
applications, and hence reduction of size, and losses, is typically of greater
importance for offshore applications than onshore applications.
Power electronics is akin to microelectronics, part of silicon science. Trends in
microelectronic applications, i.e. computers, servers, etc., have led to their assem-
bly from functional building blocks with high-volume production and reductions in
cost to increase in performance. In contrast, suppliers of high power electronics
applications, both civilian and military, designed their application starting from the
semiconductor devices all the way to converters control and application. Such end-
to-end custom design kept costs high. Following the microelectronics paradigm,
power electronics needed a revolution in modularity and commonality. The power
electronics building block (PEBB) concept [13] has moved converter power
496 Power electronic converters and systems

Control interface

Electromagnetic Mechanical
interface interface

Thermal interface

Figure 15.28 Illustration of the power electronic building block (courtesy of

Ericsen Innovations)

hardware in that direction. A graphical depiction as a standardized module is shown

in Figure 15.28 and a definition of the concept is given in [14] as
Power Electronics Building Block (PEBB) is a broad concept that incor-
porates the progressive integration of power devices, gate drives, and
other components into building blocks, with clearly defined functionality
that provides interface capabilities able to serve multiple applications.
This building block approach results in reduced cost, losses, weight, size,
and engineering effort for the application and maintenance of power
electronics systems. Based on the functional specifications of PEBB and
the performance requirements of the intended applications, the PEBB
designer addresses the details of device stresses, stray inductances,
switching speed, losses, thermal management, protection, measurements
of required variables, control interfaces, and potential integration issues at
all levels.
Thus, the goal of PEBB-based power systems is to make it possible to integrate
identical basic building blocks as major components of the final application.
Interconnecting PEBB units creates specific system configurations with various
power level ratings. Together, the aggregate of these basic building blocks form a
complete power system, including mechanical, cooling, power, auxiliary power,
and controls system interconnections. Custom-designed systems and installations,
without the benefit of standard interfaces or PEBB concepts, cannot be upgraded
without incurring significant design, development, and re-commissioning costs.

15.6.2 Medium voltage DC integrated power system

The medium voltage DC (MVDC) integrated power system (IPS) concept envisions
a DC distribution system with power electronic converters between each energy
source and the distribution system as well as between the distribution system and
all main load centers. This system architecture has been proposed for systems with
Prime mover Generator MVDC Bus
(with integrated Port DC
+ A A +
current limiting) – – Zonal Bus
Comm[0..x] Comm[0..x]
1,000 V
A [0..x] A [0..x]
D [0..x] D [0..x]
A +
B –
DC to DC Converter with
Comm[0..x] high frequency transformer
A [0..x]
N D [0..x]
+ A
A +
B –
C High
Comm[0..x] power
Comm[0..x] A [0..x] N
A [0..x] D [0..x] loads
N D [0..x]

B +
Propulsor Electric motor A +
B –
Comm[0..x] [0..x]
A [0..x] N A
D [0..x]
N D [0..x]

Starboard DC
+ A A +
– – Zonal Bus
A + Comm[0..x] Comm[0..x] 1,000 V
B – A [0..x] A [0..x]
N N D [0..x]
C D [0..x]

Prime mover A [0..x] DC to DC Converter with
Generator N D [0..x]
high frequency transformer

Figure 15.29 Navy MVDC IPS concept (courtesy of Ericsen Innovations)

498 Power electronic converters and systems

individual high power loads that are a substantial percentage of the installed gen-
erating capacity. Many Naval ships fall into that category. The concept is illustrated
in Figure 15.29 with PEBB-based converters at each main interface between sup-
plies and loads. Instead of having power electronics converter equipment with an
internal DC bus in each self-contained converter, such as the propulsion drives, the
converters are ‘‘split’’ so that a common main DC distribution system is the DC bus
between supply and load converter stages. The MVDC IPS architecture reduces
power system space requirements by eliminating extra intermediate power conver-
sion stages as well as large low-frequency AC transformers. Although some DC/DC
converters may contain high-frequency transformers, this still saves a great deal of
size and weight compared to 50 or 60 Hz units. Finally, power electronic converters
located at all major interface points enable movement of energy in the system in a
very flexible manner. This permits fast real-time scheduling of energy needed to
mitigate the small amount of installed generation relative to system loads.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Office of Naval Research for support
over the past decade of both my research as well as the many others at the Uni-
versity of South Carolina and collaborating universities. That base of support has
enabled my research in the area of shipboard power systems resulting in a fasci-
nating journey that also made possible this chapter on the subject.


[1] IEEE STD 1662TM-2008, IEEE Guide for the Design and Application of
Power Electronics in Electrical Power Systems on Ships.
[2] IEEE STD 45-2002TM, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Installa-
tions on Shipboard.
[3] IEEE STD 519TM-1992, IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements
for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems.
[4] Steeper, D. E. and Stradford, R. P. ‘‘Reactive compensation and harmonic
suppression for industrial power systems using thyristor converters,’’ IEEE
Trans. IA, Vol. 12, No. 3, May/June 1976, pp. 232–254.
[5] Asiminoaei, L., Blaabjerg, F., and Hansen, S. ‘‘Evaluation of harmonic
detection methods for active power filter applications,’’ Twentieth Annual
IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2005, Vol. 1,
pp. 635–641.
[6] Ortega, J. M. M., Esteve, M. P., Burgos Payan, M., Gomez Exposito, A.,
Garcia Franquelo, L. ‘‘Reference current computation methods for active
power filters: accuracy assessment in the frequency domain,’’ IEEE Trans.
Power Electronics, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2005, pp. 446–456.
[7] Rechka, S., Ngandui, E., Xu, J., and Sicard, P. ‘‘A comparative study of
harmonic detection algorithms for active filters and hybrid active filters,’’
Shipboard power systems 499

Proceedings of IEEE 33rd Power Electronics Specialist Conference, 23–27

June 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 357–363.
[8] Ginn, H. L. ‘‘Comparison of applicability of power theories to switching
compensator control,’’ Przeglad Elecktrotechniczny (Electrical Review),
Vol. 89, June 2013, pp. 1–10.
[9] Ginn, H. L. and Chen, G. ‘‘Flexible active compensator control for variable
compensation objectives,’’ IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol. 23, No. 6,
Nov. 2008, pp. 2931–2941.
[10] Ginn, H. L. ‘‘Control method for grid-connected converters in systems with
non-ideal supply voltage,’’ Proceedings of Applied Measurements for Power
Systems (AMPS), 2011 IEEE International Workshop on, 2011, pp. 96–101.
[11] Czarnecki, L. S. ‘‘Orthogonal decomposition of the current in a three-phase
nonlinear asymmetrical circuit with non-sinusoidal voltage,’’ IEEE Trans.
Instrum. Meas., Vol. IM-37, 1988, pp. 30–34.
[12] Akagi, H., Watanabe, E. H., and Aredes, M. Instantaneous Power Theory
and Applications to Power Conditioning. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press/
Wiley-Interscience, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-470-10761-4.
[13] Ericsen, T. and Tucker, A. ‘‘Power electronics building blocks and potential
power modulator applications,’’ IEEE Conference Record of the 23rd
International Power Modulator Symposium, New York, 1998, pp. 12–15.
[14] IEEE Power Engineering Society, ‘‘Power Electronics Building Block
(PEBB) Concepts,’’ IEEE Publication 04TP170, 2004.
Chapter 16
Converters in power grid
Giri Venkataramanana and Fernando Mancilla-Davidb

16.1 Introduction

The electrical power system forms the essential backbone of the energy system that
enables modern livelihood and supports a comfortable lifestyle for people who
have access to it. It is commonly segmented into generation, transmission, dis-
tribution, and utilization systems. While electrical power converters have a role to
play across all of these segments, their application in generation and utilization
systems is rather specific in nature, as has been discussed in various other chapters
in this book. The focus of discussion in this chapter is on their application in
electrical transmission and distribution system, which are often referred together as
the power grid. Since the power grid is largely operated as a three-phase ac system,
the discussion in this chapter is mainly focused on three-phase power converters.
An outline of different power converters that are used the power grid classified into
different categories is presented in Section 16.2. In the discussion, the focus is
mainly placed on the circuit configuration of the constituent components, and not
on their control, modulation, switching strategy, or design aspects. Such a discus-
sion is beyond the scope of this volume, and may be found in specialized texts,
monographs, and references. Various specific applications of these converters in
transmission and distribution systems are illustrated in Section 16.3. A brief
description of application is restricted to the functional details. Again, detailed
discussion of the operation and capabilities of the converters may be found in
reference documents. The summary in the concluding section includes a brief
discussion of the state of the technology and emerging trends, followed by a list of

16.2 Power converter topologies

The feature of power converters used in the power grid that distinguishes them
from industrial, residential, and commercial applications, is their power level,

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO, USA
502 Power electronic converters and systems

which may be reached up to thousands of megawatts. This large amount of power

throughput places a large demand on the switching power semiconductor devices in
terms of voltage and current ratings. This leads to certain topological considera-
tions in the power converters that are often superseded at lower power applications.
Various converters that fall under the common ac–dc and ac–ac categories are
discussed briefly in this section, followed by a more detailed discussion of two new
families of power converters that are emerging to find a unique place in power grid

16.2.1 AC–DC converters

AC–DC converters often form a building block to realize an intermediate dc stage in
several power grid applications. They are typically capable of bidirectional power flow,
and may form a current stiff (inductive) dc link or voltage stiff (capacitive) dc link,
as described further in the following subsections. Current source converters

Current source converter (CSC) technology used in power grids is relatively mature
today [1]. The circuit consists of a three-phase bridge network with unidirectional
current carrying and bidirectional voltage blocking switching devices connected
between each dc terminal and the ac terminal as illustrated in Figure 16.1. The
switches used in the converter are silicon control rectifiers (SCRs or thyristors).
Since SCRs do not have inherent turn-off capability, these converters employ
the voltage reversals of the ac line to commute. Hence, they are termed line-
commutated converters. The stiff current requirement on the dc side may be ensured
using an explicit inductor, or in some cases part of the dc side circuit inductance.
Although the figure indicates a single SCR switching device that interconnects each
ac terminal with each dc terminal, a large number of series connected devices are used
to meet voltage blocking requirements and also allow the provision of redundancy
against device failures in the short circuit mode. Details of such interconnections and
snubber circuits to ensure voltage distribution among series connected devices under

DC reactor
SCR switching matrix

DC port

Three-phase ac port

Figure 16.1 Schematic diagram of a current source converter with two dc levels
Converters in power grid 503

DC reactor
SCR switching matrix

+ DC port


Three-phase ac port

– DC port

DC reactor

Figure 16.2 Schematic diagram of two current source converters series connected
to form a bipolar or three-level dc system

the rubric of ‘‘valve design’’, the application of ac filter devices and dc filter devices
are not shown in the figure. Such design details along with a detailed discussion of the
operation and control of the converters may be found elsewhere. In most cases, it is
common to use two power converters along with an appropriately designed wye-delta
transformer to get phase multiplication on the ac side, and series connection on the dc
side as shown in Figure 16.2.
While the technology of the line-commutated CSCs is mature, the lack of turn-
off controllability of the conventional thyristor results in (i) poor power factor and
considerable waveform distortion; (ii) need for a relatively stiff ac voltage supply;
and (iii) inability to provide independent control of the active and reactive powers,
and often superseded by converters that use gate-turn-off devices [2]. Although it is
possible to realize CSCs with gate-turn-off devices, voltage source converters
(VSCs) using gate-turn-off devices discussed in the following subsection have
enjoyed a more dominant development due to trends in power semiconductor
availability and various other application engineering issues [3]. Voltage source converters

The technology of VSC that employs a stiff voltage on the dc side realized using a
capacitor bank is quite mature, and enjoys a broad and growing installation base for
applications in motor drives, uninterruptable power systems, and wind and solar
power systems. Figure 16.3 illustrates the power circuit of a two-level dc–three-
phase/ac VSC [4]. While the bridge circuit topology of the VSC is similar to that
of the CSC, the switching elements in the VSC have unidirectional voltage
504 Power electronic converters and systems



Figure 16.3 Schematic diagram of a VSC with two dc levels

+ C



Figure 16.4 Schematic diagram of a VSC with three dc levels

blocking and bidirectional current carrying capability. With the advent of

high-power/high-voltage switching devices such as the integrated gate-commutated
thyristor (IGCT) and insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), the realization of
VSC for application in the power grid has become practical.
Due to considerations of waveform quality, symmetry and semiconductor
switch utilization, often a (diode clamped) three-level converter topology (illu-
strated in Figure 16.4), that is also called as neutral-point clamped converter is used
in power grid applications [5].
Converters in power grid 505

Three-phase Three-phase
ac port ac port

Three- Three-
phase ac phase ac
antiparallel reactor

Figure 16.5 Schematic diagram of a thyristor-controlled reactor

16.2.2 AC phase controllers

AC phase-controlled devices correspond to the first generation of solid-state power
electronic devices built using SCRs [6,7]. While they are most commonly known
for lamp dimming in domestic applications, in power grids, they are applied to
realize an electronically regulated inductance, often called the thyristor-controlled
reactor (TCR), whose power circuit is illustrated in Figure 16.5. The three-phase
TCR consists of three reactors, each of them connected in series with two SCRs
that are connected antiparallel, to allow current flow in both directions, as well as
voltage standoff in both directions. The firing angle of each SCR, in relation to the
zero cross of the line voltage, determines the current flowing through the SCR, and
hence provides continuous control of fundamental reactance all the way up to
infinity (when the SCRs are not conducting at all), down to the full value of the
reactance (when the SCRs are conducting completely). While a variable reactance
by itself may not appear to be of such a high value in power grids, they are inter-
connected appropriately with capacitors to realize various applications, which will
be described in Section 16.3.

16.2.3 AC pulse width modulated controllers

The principles of operation of three-phase ac pulse width modulated (PWM)
converters have been described in detail [8,9]. Although their realization and
applications for ac power flow control can take various forms, herein the focus is
on the main features that elucidate their operating features. Since their realizations
are not widely known, the operation is developed from primitive principles. Converter circuit

A simplified schematic diagram of an N-throw single-pole three-phase ac PWM
converter is illustrated in Figure 16.6. The system synthesizes an adjustable
506 Power electronic converters and systems

t1A SA
t1B SB
t1C SC

Figure 16.6 Schematic diagram of a three-phase PWM ac converter synthesizing

an adjustable pole voltage obtained from N throws

three-phase pole voltage (VP(A–C)) by switching among N stiff three-phase voltage

sources (VT1(A–C), VT2(A–C), . . . ,VTN(A–C)). It is important to notice that in ac systems,
the designation of the stiff voltage and stiff currents is arbitrary. Stiff voltage sources
and stiff current sources can be transformed into either by adding series inductors or
shunt capacitors, respectively, in order to fit application considerations [10].
The throws of the switches as well as the sources are assumed ideal for the
purpose of the discussion herein, as is common in preliminary functional analysis
of switching power converters. Furthermore, the nominal frequency of the three-
phase voltages and currents (power frequency) are assumed identical, in the
absence of which there could be no net steady-state power transfer among them.
As indicated in Figure 16.6, the three poles are ganged together, i.e., they
switch concurrently between the throws to which they are connected. This can be
mathematically expressed as tiA ¼ tiB ¼ tiC ¼ ti, for i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , N. Converter model

The transfer properties can be represented using the vector equations consisting of
three components for each of the terminal quantities. In this case, the vectors
representing the throw voltages, throw currents, pole voltages and pole currents
become VTi ¼ [VTiA VTiB VTiC]T, ITi ¼ [ITiA ITiB ITiC]T, VP ¼ [VPA VPB VPC]T, IP ¼
[IPA IPB IPC]T, respectively, for i ¼ 1, 2 . . . , N. Thus, the pole voltage and throw
currents can be expressed as

VP ðtÞ ¼ Hi ðtÞ VSi (16.1)

ITi ðtÞ ¼ Hi ðtÞ IP for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N (16.2)

Converters in power grid 507

1 if ti is closed
Hi ðtÞ ¼
0 otherwise

is the switching function of a throw connecting voltage VTi to the current IP. When
the repetition frequency of the switching function (or simply the switching fre-
quency) is large with respect to the power frequency, net power transfer between
the voltage ports and the current ports arises from the average value (dc compo-
nent) of the switching functions. The dc component of the switching functions may
be readily represented by the duty ratio of the particular throw. The transfer rela-
tionships (16.1) and (16.2) may be simplified as

VP ðtÞ ¼ di ðtÞ VTi (16.3)

ITi ðtÞ ¼ di ðtÞ IP for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N (16.4)

where the duty ratio of the ith throw is defined as

di ðtÞ ¼ Hi ðtÞ dt for i ¼ 1; 2. . .; N (16.5)

and T is the switching period. As may evident from (16.5),

di ðtÞ ¼ 1 (16.6)

Since the operating principle of these converters is based on controlling the

connectivity between various three-phase ac voltage and/or current vectors by
switching among their components concurrently, these converters have been termed
vector switching converters (VeSCs). The realization of each of the multiple-throw
single-pole switch using real semiconductors is shown in Figure 16.6. Each IGBT–
diode pair may be replaced by IGCT–diode or any other device with similar voltage
blocking and current conducting capabilities with control in one direction [11]. Equivalent circuit

Relationships (16.3) and (16.4) indicate a reciprocal input–output transfer property
similar to that of a transformer. Therefore, the fundamental component averaged
vector (or single phase) equivalent circuit of the converter system may be repre-
sented as shown in Figure 16.7, which describes the input–output reciprocal rela-
tionships explicitly as dependent sources. As is evident from Figure 16.7, the net
pole voltage, VR, depends on the value (magnitude and phase) of the throw voltages
as well as the corresponding duty ratios. This feature becomes the defining element
for application of these converters in power grid as will be described at a later
section in this chapter.
508 Power electronic converters and systems



VT2 d2VT2
+ IR


Figure 16.7 PWM ac VeSC equivalent circuit shown using duty ratio controlled
coupled current and voltage sources

16.2.4 Modular multilevel converter

The most recent addition to the family of power converters, which has today found
a niche in power grid applications, is the modular multilevel converter (MMC)
described in this subsection. Several topologies of power converters that use this
approach has been presented and demonstrated in recent years. These include three-
phase/ac–three-phase/ac matrix converters, single-phase/ac–three-phase/ac dual-
bridge converters and dc-three-phase/ac inverters/rectifiers [12–16]. Due to relative
novelty of these converters, the topological structure is developed here from the
first principles, starting from the description of a particular sub-module (SM) that
constitutes the building block of this converter. SM structure
A simplified schematic diagram of a SM in full-bridge configuration is shown in
Figure 16.8(a). Bulk energy storage (CS) in the capacitor is typically in the form of
dc, thereby providing an appropriate bias voltage or current for the switching
devices that constitute the bridge circuit. The presence of LB indicates stiffness of
the bridge terminal current, which may be provided by an incidental amount of
inductance in series with the bridge, with minimal amount of energy storage in it.
The voltage and current at the terminals and the dc capacitor along with the con-
stituent switch throws of the SM may be defined as illustrated in Figure 16.8(a).
The realization of the throws of the SM depends on the polarity of terminal
currents and the polarity of the bias voltage. Assumption of unipolar bias voltage vS
and bidirectional terminal current iB leads to a classical H-bridge consisting of
Converters in power grid 509

. iB
t21 t11 .
.. t21 t11 + iB
. .
iS CS vB nvB +
. iS CS . nvSdB
. . – +
+ vS – nvS
. – iBdB
+ vS – –
. nLB CS/n
t22 t12 –


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16.8 Schematic diagram of introduction of sub-modules in MMC as:

(a) functional diagram of symmetrical full-bridge configuration,
(b) functional diagram of single-ended half-bridge configuration,
and (c) averaged model of n series connected sub-modules

gate-turn-off semiconductors such as IGBTs with antiparallel diodes. The full-

bridge topology enables bipolar values for vB and iB through appropriate control of
switch states. On the other hand, a reduced switch topological structure using a
single-ended half bridge may be realized as illustrated in Figure 16.8(b), allowing
bidirectional values of iB, and unidirectional values of vB. The throws constituting
the SM may be typically operated under repetitive switching in a duty ratio con-
trolled mode, or generate an ensemble waveform to follow a command. The duty
ratio of the throws txy is denoted as dxy, where x and y represent the throw and pole
designations of the switches in the bridge as illustrated. Such a primitive descrip-
tion of the operation of this topology enables the analysis of the power transfer
mechanism and convenient application of modeling tools. Averaged model

For sufficiently large switching frequencies and energy storage elements, the
terminally stiff electrical variables in switching power converters may be described
using their average values. The average transfer properties of the SM may be
represented as

vB dB 0 vS
¼ (16.7)
iS 0 dB i B
where dB ¼ d21 d22 for the full bridge and dB ¼ d21 for the half bridge. As may be
observed from (16.7), the energy storage capacitor current iS and the SM terminal
510 Power electronic converters and systems

voltage vB feature a reciprocity relationship with respect to the SM terminal current

iB and energy storage capacitor voltage vS, determined by the ‘‘bridge duty ratio’’
dB, where the bridge duty ratio dB may take a value between 1 and þ1 for the full
bridge and a value between 0 and þ1 for the single-ended half bridge. String of SMs

An arbitrary number (n) of SMs either in the full-bridge or in the single-ended half-
bridge configuration may be connected in a series string. Typically, these bridges
would consist of identical modules for the sake of simplicity and convenience in
packaging, design, control, and realization. Since they are connected in a series
string, they carry the same current and under most circumstances, their dc bias
voltage level will be nominally identical if their respective bridge duty ratios are
also identical. Although the duty ratio among these modules may be identical, the
switching signals may have phase shifts between them, thereby providing for one of
the benefits of multilevel power conversion. Furthermore, imperfections due to
parasitic effects may be compensated through second-order perturbations in the
control signals. In total, a series connected string of n SMs may be represented as a
simplified equivalent circuit as illustrated in Figure 16.8(c). Topology example

Two systems of power sources I and O (and/or loads, e.g. a dc voltage, three-phase
ac system, etc.) may be said to be interconnected in a symmetrical bridge config-
uration if each terminal of System I is connected to each terminal of System O
through an identical electrical branch. If each of the interconnection branches itself
is a series connected string of SMs, an MMC or bridge-of-bridge (BoB) converter
network is formed. BoB converter networks may be configured and operated in a
manner to realize particular power conversion functions between different systems
of power sources [12]. A dc to single-phase ac power converter using the BoB
approach, along with an averaged equivalent circuit is illustrated in Figure 16.9.
The dc voltage and the ac voltage at the input and output terminals are defined with
respect to their neutral point voltages in Figure 16.9, for the sake of notional
convenience. The duty ratio of the different bridges are modulated to follow the

DBij ¼ (16.8)

where the indices i and j correspond to the location of voltages and the
bridge position. Through appropriate duty ratio control of current and voltage
using feedback mechanism, the BoB converter may be used to realize various
power conversion functions in a versatile manner [15]. More interestingly, the
approaches may also be extended to operation and modulation of bridges in
staircase or step waveform modulation as opposed to PWM operation, since the
power levels in grid applications may preclude PWM operation with high switching
– +
ii1 iB11 iB12
+ +
nvS11 nvS12
dB11 + – +
– niB11 nvS11 niB12 nvS12
dB11 –
dB12 –
CS/n nLB

– +
ii2 iB21 iB22
vi2 + +
vdc + nvS21

dB21 +
vac – – +
niB21 nvS21 niB22dB22 nvS22
dB21 – –
CS/n nLB CS/n

io1 io2
+ +
vo1 vo2
– –

(a) (b)

Figure 16.9 (a) Power circuit of a single-phase-dc BoB converter and (b) averaged equivalent circuit
512 Power electronic converters and systems

16.3 Application examples of power converters in power grid

16.3.1 Shunt compensation
Shunt compensation is used in power systems to provide voltage support and
overcome the impact of lagging power factor loads in transmission systems as well
as in distribution systems. While fixed capacitors may be employed for the same
purpose, they would not have the required dynamic capacity to react to varying
loading conditions. Such applications have become more prevalent with the intro-
duction of wind energy generation systems that have a high degree of variability.
Shunt compensation may be use ac phase control, ac–ac power converters, or ac
PWM control. Examples of each of these applications are illustrated in this section. Static var compensator

A static var compensator (SVC) is realized using a TCR in parallel with a capacitor
as illustrated in Figure 16.10. While the TCR is able to vary the reactance between
a fixed value, up to infinity, the parallel connected capacitor provides a negative
reactance bias, so that the net reactance of the SVC may be varied between a fixed
negative value (XC) when the SCRs are completely off, and a fixed positive value
(XL XC), corresponding to the condition when the SCRs are completely con-
ducting. Thus through appropriate choice of C and L, the dynamic range of an SVC
may be tailored to meet particular operating conditions. SVCs are utilized in
transmission systems for voltage regulation. A detailed presentation of operation of
SVCs along with the TCRs, and their controls may be found in [17–20].
An Intellivar is topologically equivalent to the SVC, operated in distribution
systems as opposed to the transmission system. The Intellivar has been imple-
mented for flicker mitigation purposes with ratings up to 85 MVA. However, due to
its low speed of response, reduction for frequencies above 5 Hz has not been very
successful, and a substantial amount of harmonics is introduced in the system.

Point of connection


Figure 16.10 Single-phase schematic diagram of a static var compensator

Converters in power grid 513

While the use of ac phase control utilizing SVC or Intellivar provides an

economic way of realizing dynamic var compensation, it suffers from undesirable
terminal current harmonics. STATCOM
STATic COMpensator (STATCOM) is one of the first power electronic devices that
use a VSC technology to be introduced under the rubric of flexible ac transmission
system (FACTS) in the transmission system [17,21]. It consists of a three-phase VSC
that is connected in shunt with the power system through a coupling transformer as
shown in Figure 16.11. The transformer provides voltage matching, harmonic can-
cellation (see Figure 16.16), and a finite amount of inductance between the output of
the STATCOM and the point of common coupling (PCC) connection. At steady-
state operating conditions, the voltage output of the STATCOM is locked in phase
with voltage at PCC. Under this condition, the current injected into the line may be
chosen to provide positive or negative vars depending on the magnitude of the
STATCOM terminal voltage. When the STATCOM terminal voltage is higher than
the PCC voltage, it supplies capactive vars. When the STATCOM terminal voltage is
lower than the PCC voltage, it draws inductive vars. Since the current capacity of the
system is decided by the converter components and design, the amount of vars in the
positive and negative direction is symmetrical. The VSC used for the system may be
of two or three levels and may be modulated using PWM or multi-pulse in angle-
controlled operation.
The Distribution STATic COMpensator (D-STATCOM) refers to the realiza-
tion of STATCOM at distribution voltage levels, under various commercial trade
names [22]. PWM ac VeSC shunt compensator

Voltage fluctuation at a load location becomes a severe power quality problem as it
leads to light flicker, fluctuating torque in machinery loads, and the malfunction of
protection devices and process control devices. This problem has its origins in loads
such as arc furnaces and electric welders, and varying power sources such as certain
engine-driven generators and wind turbines. The flicker source draws a current
waveform that contains a 60 Hz fundamental component along with random
sub-harmonic content in the range of a few Hz to approximately 30 Hz. The
sub-harmonic currents propagate into the network and cause voltage fluctuation at
the PCC at the corresponding frequencies [23].

Transmission line

DC link

Figure 16.11 Block schematic diagram of a STATCOM

514 Power electronic converters and systems

As a result of the voltage fluctuations at PCC, other loads connected to the

substation would experience the power quality problems described above. Among
them, the light flicker is by far the most serious as it affects humans, producing eye
irritations, headaches, and migraines. Ideally, it may be desired that the variations
in the voltage at the PCC at a load location (DVPCC) to be as close to zero as
possible to eliminate flicker.
The classical approach to mitigate these voltage fluctuations has been to
increase the size and number of generating units or to make the network more
densely interconnected. However, this method has proven to be very expensive and
insufficiently effective. More recently, techniques based on reactive power man-
agement have become more widespread. The concept of reactive power manage-
ment is established by sizing the power system according to the maximum demand
of real power, and to manage the reactive power by means of compensators and
other equipment. This approach may often be more practical and economical.
Within this framework, shunt reactive power compensators can be used to
counterbalance the effect of dynamic loads locally. By appropriately injecting a
controlled amount of reactive current at the PCC, the effect of active and reactive
components of the current in the line impedance can be controlled. In general, the
compensation system’s most important function is to maintain a substantially
steady voltage profile therefore maintaining the relative voltage change (DVPCC)
within a predetermined margin, over a specified bandwidth [24,25].
The approach of PWM ac VeSC-based controller may be used to inject a fast
acting variable amount of capacitance in parallel with the flicker source, as illu-
strated in Figure 16.12 [23]. The most critical feature of a reactive power com-
pensator to be effective in flicker reduction is the speed response. Typically, if a
compensator has a control time delay of 10 ms, no matter what the voltage rating it
can reduce flicker, but not by a significant amount. On the other hand, if the delay
is greater than 20 ms flicker can become accentuated for several frequencies.

ac line

Figure 16.12 PWM ac VeSC shunt controller suitable for the realization of flicker
Converters in power grid 515

Therefore, the application of SVC for this approach is generally limited. On the
other hand, the switching times of state-of-the-art semiconductors used in PWM
applications have increased dramatically, therefore decreasing the response time,
and amount of harmonics. These advances in technology have broadened the pos-
sibilities of devices such as the PWM converters in applications such as flicker
control, with bandwidths reaching several kilohertz, if necessary.

16.3.2 Series compensation

It has been long recognized that the most effective ways to externally manipulate
such a power flow in a transmission line is by injecting some form of additional
series reactance with the line, generically known as series compensation. The first
attempts at series compensation were carried out by inserting fixed capacitors in
series with the line in order to decrease the effective impedance of the line and
therefore increase the power flow through it, with the risk of certain undesirable
dynamic phenomena such as sub-synchronous resonance. The development of
semiconductors with turn-on capability has allowed the utilization of this approach
to perform continuous control with faster dynamic properties to realize this without
the concomitant dynamic problems. Various approaches for applying power con-
verters to realize controllable series compensation are described in this subsection. Thyristor-controlled series capacitor

The thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC), or sometimes referred as the
advanced series compensator (ASC) in the literature has been used to provide
precisely controllable series compensation. Similar to an SVC, this device consists
of a TCR in parallel with capacitor to provide continuous control of the reactance.
The entire device is connected in series with the transmission line as illustrated in
Figure 16.13. While the principle of the device is rather simple, based on phase
angle control of the reactance, the operational dynamic of the device may become
rather complex. This is due to the possible resonances between the reactance of
the line, the reactance of the TCR, and the reactance of the parallel capacitor. Since
TCR is a variable reactance, as the control angle of the SCRs is varied across its
dynamic range, the effective resonant modes of the system also shift. Since the
operation of TCR also inherently produces several significant harmonics, the
possibility of exciting such harmonics becomes real.
The detailed discussion of such issues including design considerations,
dynamic operating range, control approach, etc. may be found in [26–28].

Transmission line


Figure 16.13 Schematic diagram of a three-phase thyristor-controlled series

516 Power electronic converters and systems

Transmission line

DC link

Figure 16.14 Block schematic diagram of a dc link solid-state series capacitor

+ VINJ –
Transmission line

+7.5° +7.5°
–7.5° –7.5°
Phase Shifting
0° –30° 0° –30°



+ N – + N – + N – + N –
+ N –
DC Link

Figure 16.15 Transformer connection details of the 48-pulse SSSC Static synchronous series compensator

Similar to the STATCOM, a VSC may be used to provide var compensation, in
series with the line, and is generally termed static synchronous series compensator
(SSSC). Since transmission systems operate at voltages beyond the reach of any of
the power semiconductor switching devices, coupling of the power converter has to
be necessarily made through a series transformer as shown in Figure 16.14 [29,30].
While it may be noted that all three stages, the dc bus, the inverter, and the
injection transformer, can be realized in several ways, a realization of a 48-pulse
operation is described further. The realization of the VSC-based SSSC consists of
three main stages, namely a dc bus, an inverter, and an injection transformer as
illustrated in Figure 16.15. As can be seen, the dc bus is realized using two series
connected dc capacitors with access to their mid-point N. This allows three voltage
levels (VC1, VC2, 0). Four independent diode-clamped three-phase three-level con-
verters are connected to the dc bus. The voltage synthesis for each of the phases has
a conduction period of 172.5 for each half cycle. Each three-level converter is then
connected to a magnetic structure based on Y-zigzag and D-zigzag phase-shifting
Converters in power grid 517

Injected Voltage

VINJ (pu)


Line Current
IL (pu)

0 60 120 180 240 300 360
wt (°)

Figure 16.16 Three-phase output voltage waveforms from 48-pulse SSSC

transformers (PSTs) that allows creation of a 48-pulse waveform. Thus, the lowest
characteristic harmonic numbers present in the output waveforms are 47 and 49.
Figure 16.16 shows typical switched three-phase voltage waveforms along with the
corresponding line current. It can be seen that the injected voltage is of high harmonic
quality and thus the SSSC realized in this manner can operate with no output filters. PWM ac VeSC series controller

The approach of PWM ac VeSC-based power control may also be used for con-
trolled series compensation [9,11]. The schematic diagram of a power circuit is
illustrated in Figure 16.17. The switches SA, SB, and SC that are ganged together
form a PWM ac VeSC converter, which operates in a duty ratio controlled mode.
The output of the PWM converter is injected in series with the line through a series-
coupling transformer. When the switches are in the top position, the capacitors are
introduced in series with the line. When the switches are in the bottom position, the
coupling transformer is shorted, and the capacitors are isolated from the line. The
duty ratio of the switches determines the percentage of the compensation capaci-
tance that is introduced in series with the transmission line.
The equivalent impedance (Xeq) between the sending and receiving end of the
transmission system may be derived using state-space averaging techniques as

Xeq ¼ XL n2 ð1 DÞ2 XC (16.9)

where XC is the reactance of the compensation capacitors, n is the turns ratio of the
transformer, XL is the reactance of the inductors line (which may include the
518 Power electronic converters and systems

Transmission line


Series injection



Compensation Double throw-single pole

capacitors three-phase VeSC

Figure 16.17 Schematic diagram of a three-phase PWM-controlled series capacitor

leakage reactance of the coupling transformers), and D is the duty ratio of the top
throws of the switches. The performance of the controller from simulations during a
typical case is illustrated in Figure 16.18. Voltage sag correction

Proliferation of electronic equipment results in increasing sensitivity of industry
processes to the power quality. On the other hand, the more competitive market
environment leads to reduced profit margins, which is the primary reason why the
process shutdown caused by the power quality problem is intolerable. The power
quality problem of most concern is the voltage quality problem, such as voltage
sags. Very commonly voltage sags are due to power system faults, most of which
are single line to ground short circuit faults. The short circuit faults can be caused
by lighting strokes, storms, animals, and other unpredictable factors. Although the
voltage quality can be improved at the power system level, rather often the solution
is too costly to implement and it is impossible to eliminate the voltage problem.
Alternatively, utilities and customers turn to the practical solution of feeding pre-
mium power to sensitive loads, which is realized by the mitigation equipment at the
distribution feeder close to the customer [31].
In such cases, if the system is strong (measured by short circuit capacity being
much larger than unity) at PCC, the series compensation approach requires less
rating size for the power converter. A block schematic diagram of such a system,
commonly referred to as a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is illustrated in
Converters in power grid 519


d (%)


I (pu)


PR (pu)

0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3
(c) Time (s)

Figure 16.18 A plot of (a) duty ratio, (b) current, and (c) power throughput using
a PWM-controlled series compensator obtained from simulation
of a transmission system case




Figure 16.19 Single-line schematic diagram of a dynamic voltage restorer

illustrating series connection
520 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 16.19. While VSC-based DVRs can be realized using two-level converters,
which are well suited for 480 V systems, for systems operating at distribution
power levels a multilevel converter is a more attractive solution. Moreover, since
voltage sags occurring in such systems are due to single line to ground faults, it is
necessary for a DVR to be able to handle imbalances in sags, as well as zero
sequence type of voltages. Therefore, a power converter topology with independent
control of each phase as illustrated in Figure 16.20 is suitable for such applications.
Moreover, due to the use of transformers with voltage adding capability, the output

Ta1 Ta2 Ta3

H-bridge H-bridge H-bridge

inverter inverter inverter

Tb1 Tb2 Tb3

H-bridge H-bridge H-bridge

inverter inverter inverter


Tc1 Tc2 Tc3

H-bridge H-bridge H-bridge

inverter inverter inverter

Figure 16.20 Realization of the three-phase dynamic voltage restorer using

multilevel converters operating as independent three-phase
Converters in power grid 521

waveform may be of multilevel nature. In this case, the converters may employ
phase-shifted PWM strategy among them to provide excellent quality output
waveforms at the output (Figure 16.21), thereby requiring minimal filtering

16.3.3 Shunt-series compensation

The shunt-series power flow controller is a device introduced under the rubric of
FACTS, that combines the features of shunt compensation such as the STATCOM,
and series compensation such as the SSSC together by interconnecting the two
converters. VSC-based converters and PWM ac controller-based approaches are
discussed in this section. Unified power flow controller

An arrangement of the shunt series power flow controller under title of unified
power flow controller (UPFC) provides a means for controlling the active and
reactive power flows in a power system by means of the synthesis of a fully
adjustable series voltage [32]. This topology, based on a dc link between a shunt

va1 (V)

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
va2 (V)

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
va3 (V)

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
va (V)

0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
t (s)

Figure 16.21 Waveforms from three series connected H-bridge single-phase

inverters with phase-shifted PWM generating a seven-level output
voltage in a DVR
522 Power electronic converters and systems

Transmission line

DC link

Figure 16.22 Block diagram of a UPFC using shunt and series connected VSCs
with a common dc link

VSC (a STATCOM) and a series VSC (a SSSC) connected in a back-to-back

configuration, has certain inherent degrees of freedom determining its control
capabilities (Figure 16.22). The STATCOM and the SSSC can develop arbitrary
terminal voltages and phase angles (four degrees of freedom) within the bounds
dictated by their shared dc link voltage. In case of applying a PWM control scheme
to these VSCs, the dc link voltage has to be maintained constant. Therefore, the
sum of the active power injections of the STATCOM and SSSC must be zero.
Taking this into account, the initial four degrees of freedom of the UPFC are
reduced to three, being it possible to regulate the active and reactive power flow
between the interconnected power systems and the voltage at the PCC of the
STATCOM. Each of the STATCOM and SSSC may be realized using multi-pulse
converters described in the previous sections. PWM ac VeSC shunt/series power flow controller

The schematic diagram of the PWM ac power converter applied as a shunt/series
controller is illustrated in Figure 16.23 [33,34]. The central feature of the approach
is to control the power flow along the transmission line by injecting an ac voltage
with controllable magnitude and phase angle in series with the line. The system is
configured by including a shunt SPT, filter capacitors (FCs), a quadruple-throw
single-pole three-phase PWM VeSC, and a series injection transformer (SIT). This
system may be located at any point throughout the line.
The SPT (with four secondary winding sets) has the double function of
lowering the impressed voltage to match the capability of the semiconductor
switches and simultaneously phase shift the impressed voltage by 0 , 90 , 180 , and
270 , respectively, to obtain four sets of three-phase voltage vectors lined up along
four cardinal directions. The capacitor bank FC is used to absorb the high-frequency
currents introduced due to switching from permeating into the system across the
transformer. The VeSC uses a quadruple-throw single-pole three-phase switch to
synthesize a controllable voltage at the pole terminals by adjusting the duty ratios d1,
d2, d3, and d4. Given the throw voltages generated by the SPT, the range of values of
the pole voltage can be regulated in magnitude and phase angle, both of which can be
independently controlled through duty ratios d1, d2, d3, and d4.
Finally, the SIT accommodates the voltage to an appropriate level to be
injected back in series with the transmission line and also provides the necessary
electrical isolation. It is important to notice that the stiff voltage and stiff current
Converters in power grid 523

requirements for the PWM ac converter are given by the capacitor bank and SIT
leakage inductance, respectively.
The performance, design, and operational features of this converter may be
found in [33,34].

16.3.4 Series-series compensation

The interline power flow controller (IPFC) is another realization of a FACTS device,
where two VSC-based SSSC devices in series with two transmission lines share their
dc link as illustrated in Figure 16.24. The performance capability and design details
of the IPFC may be found in [35,36].

Transmission line

Series injection
SA transformer



Quadruple throw-single pole

three-phase VeSC
Shunt phase-shifter Filter
transformer (SPT) capacitors (FC)

Figure 16.23 Realization of a shunt-series power flow controller using a PWM ac


Transmission line 1

DC link

Transmission line 2

Figure 16.24 Block diagram of an interline power flow controller using

interconnected VSCs
524 Power electronic converters and systems

16.3.5 High-voltage direct current transmission Conventional CSC
High-voltage direct current (HVDC) based on CSCs has been in use for 50 years,
starting evolving from systems using mercury arc valves to modern systems using
light fired thyristors. These systems are generally used for bulk power transmission
over long distances using overhead lines (500 km or longer) or undersea (50 km or
longer in many cases), or to interconnect systems operating out of synchronism
or at different frequencies. These systems operate with voltages up to 600 kV to
ground and carry currents up to 3,000 A (Figure 16.25).
The lack of turn-off controllability of the thyristors used in the line-commutated
converter results in: poor power factors and considerable waveform distortion, need
for a relatively stiff ac voltage supply, and inability to provide independent control of
the active and reactive powers. Moreover, it requires fast communication channels
between the two stations to ensure power balance and appropriate controls [1]. VSC-HVDC
Over the last decade, VSC-based HVDC transmission has started to come into use
(Figure 16.26) [37]. These systems, referred to as HVDC light by vendors, are
based on a modular design, reducing the installation time. VSC transmission is
often used in cases where an ac system is not practical, generally due to long
underground or undersea cables, and excessive losses. One common application is
supplying power to isolated island systems without adequate local generation to
provide reactive support for conventional HVDC converters. The converters in
VSC transmission are able to supply power to weak or passive ac load systems.
Another application where VSC-HVDC transmission is often used is the trans-
mission of power from off-shore wind farms to the mainland. The converters used
in this system may be two-level or three-level topologies.
In contrast to CSC systems, the newer VSC-based technology (i) does not
require any communications links between the different converter stations; (ii) does
not need to rely on the ac networks ability to keep the voltage and frequency stable;
and (iii) offers independent control of active and reactive power [16].

DC link

Transmission line

Figure 16.25 Block diagram of an HVDC transmission system

Transmission line DC link Transmission line

Figure 16.26 Block diagram of VSC-based HVDC system

Converters in power grid 525 MMC-HVDC
The most recent development in the field of HVDC systems is the application of the
MMC or BoB converter to realizing HVDC systems [38–40]. A schematic diagram
of the system is illustrated in Figure 16.27. The first field application of the BoB
approach is expected to be the Trans Bay Cable Project to be commissioned in 2010
under the product name Siemens HVDC Plus. The SMs are made up of IGBT
switches with antiparallel diodes.






Three-phase DC





Figure 16.27 Schematic diagram of a three-phase ac-to-dc MMC or BoB

converter for HVDC converter stations
526 Power electronic converters and systems

16.3.6 Low-frequency high-voltage ac transmission

The low-frequency high-voltage ac (LF-HVAC) transmission approach is a pro-
mising alternative to increase power transfer capability and improved voltage
profile through the transmission line [41]. Due to reduction in frequency for
transmission, the line reactance is also decreased leading to an improve voltage
profile along the line and a larger transient stability limit. Past propositions to
introduce this technology have been mainly based on cycloconverters which lead to
high levels of voltage and current harmonic distortion levels. LF-HVAC systems
have been utilized so far for (i) the grid connection of large wind farms at a frac-
tional frequency of 50/3 Hz, and have been termed fractional frequency transmis-
sion system [42], and for (ii) cable transmission systems which are limited in
transmission length when operated at conventional frequencies [43].
Referring to Figure 16.28(a) the power throughput through a transmission line
is roughly proportional to the angle between the voltage at the two ends of the line,
and inversely proportional to the impedance of the line. It is well understood in the
power industry that viable approaches to control the line throughput power include
adjusting the transmission angle and the line impedance. On conventional trans-
mission lines, the line impedance is fixed at X ¼ 2p60L and the transmission angle
is always kept below about 40 due to transient stability considerations. The latter
is especially critical for long transmission lines, as transient stability considerations
limit the throughput power loading. Figure 16.29 illustrates a typical loadability
curve for a transmission line, where the limit is expressed as a fraction of the surge
impedance loading (SIL). As may be seen, transient stability becomes the pre-
dominant limitation for lengths longer than 200 miles (mi). This leads to a very
inefficient utilization of the conductors – as suggested in the figure a line of 600 mi
can be loaded to less than 30% of its thermal limit. Since the transient stability limit
of the line is fixed by the transmission angle, an alternative and convenient means
to increase the transient stability limit is to reduce the line’s reactance.

AC Power System at 60 Hz

V1 θ1 X = 2π60L
V2 θ2


AC Power System at 60 Hz

BoB1 BoB2
V1 θ1 X = 2πfL
V2 θ2
60 f
f 60

Figure 16.28 Simplified schematic diagram of an ac system illustrating (a) a

transmission line and (b) the transmission operating at a lower
Converters in power grid 527




Thermal limit

0.5 drop Stability limit

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Line length (mi)

Figure 16.29 Loadability curve of a transmission line as a function of the line


Figure 16.28(b) shows the implementation of LF-HVAC transmission lines

through embedding frequency converters at each end of a number of lines. This
would allow the transmission line be operated at a frequency f < 60 Hz. Opera-
tional benefits of LF-HVAC transmission lines clearly includes the capability for
asynchronous operation with full control of the throughput active power and
reactive power at each end of the transmission line. Furthermore, since the line at
both ends is terminated by power converters interfacing to the rotating machine and
load centers, the classical transient stability considerations leading to a nominal
limit of 40 is no longer valid. Moreover, power converters have some built-in
storage capacity and active control over the power throughput across the line under
transient conditions. This may permit the transmission angle to be increased well
beyond the nominal limit of 40 , even up to 90 . Thus, by properly selecting the
operating frequency, the line reactance can be decreased so that the line capacity
can be utilized up to its thermal limit.
Although the previous discussion has focused on overhead transmission lines,
similar arguments may be brought forth regarding underground cables. Further-
more, the same ideas may be applied to converting an entire area of a transmission
system into LF-HVAC.
Figure 16.30 illustrates a 60 Hz to LF-HVAC converter realized using the BoB
converter approach. In this case, all the bridge SMs will be realized using the full-
bridge topology.
528 Power electronic converters and systems


Power BoBAa BoBAb BoBAc
system B
60 Hz BoBBa BoBBb BoBBc


a b c

transmission line at f

Figure 16.30 Illustration of a BoB converter-based frequency conversion for

realizing LF-HVAC systems

dc link transformer dc link

ac ac
grid grid

Back-to-Back VSC Back-to-Back VSC

Figure 16.31 Illustration of a solid-state transformer using two dc links and a

high-frequency transformer

16.3.7 Solid-state power transformer

The concept of a solid-state power transformer (SSPT) is not recent, but with the
advancement of high-power semiconductor, the SSPT may soon become a practical
reality [44]. Figure 16.31 shows a possible realization of a SSPT. As the
figure suggests, a SSPT is made up of the cascaded connection of a VSC acting as a
rectifier; a dc link; a VSC acting as an inverter; a high-frequency ac transformer;
a VSC acting as a rectifier; a dc link; and a VSC acting as an inverter. Variations of
this topology have been presented in the literature, but all of them follow more or less
the same approach. Differences arise from the realization of the various VSC stages.
The main advantage of such configuration is that it provides the benefits of
an ordinary transformer – namely, electrical isolation and a potentially large
transformation ratio, but, utilizing a reduced amount of magnetic material. The
Converters in power grid 529

high-frequency transformer processes ac power at a frequency of a few tens of

kilohertz, and therefore can be realized utilizing less magnetic material, making it
lighter, cheaper, and easier to transport when compared to a standard 50 or 60 Hz
standard transformer rated at the same throughput power. Furthermore, due to the
presence of VSCs at the input and output, the SSPT can interconnect two ac
systems operating at arbitrary frequencies (e.g., 50 and 60 Hz), decoupling the
dynamics and providing independent power factor compensation for both systems.
The VSCs can also provide active filtering functionality, and the intermediate dc
link can serve as a point of interconnection for dc power sources (e.g., photovoltaic
arrays). Because of all of these features, SSPTs are considered by some authors as
an important building block for the smart grid of the future. Applications of SSPTs
have been mostly reported for medium- to low-power systems in the context of ac
and dc microgrid networks; for variable speed ac drives; and for the realization of
power transformers in distribution systems.
The main drawback of SSPTs stems from the usage of a large number of power
semiconductors, leading to a decrease in efficiency, control complexity, and
potential failures associated to the semiconductors. Research to improve efficiency
has been reported in terms of replacing standard silicon-based switches by silicon
carbide and other wide-bandgap semiconductors.

16.4 Summary
While power converters applied in the power grid is varied, a majority of them can be
classified to fall into a few categories that are illustrated in Section 16.2. Among these,
the SCR-based technologies have in general been the most mature owing to their early
date of introduction, and also the availability of power semiconductor technology that
reach the power levels warranted by the power grid. While continuing advances in dc
link VSC-based technologies they are becoming viable in the power grid, many of the
devices introduced under the rubric of FACTS remain dormant due to considerations
of economic scale. On the other hand, the recent introduction of MMCs for realizing
high-power converters using gate-turn-off switch technologies appears to be a game
changer in displacing SCR-based converter technologies. However, the technology of
PWM ac power flow control using VeSCs and solid-state transformers continues to
stay within the realm of academic research, in the absence of commercial interests
required to promote them. Emerging advances in power semiconductors such as
silicon carbide and gallium nitride materials may tip the economies of scale to make
such newer technologies more attractive in the future.
This chapter has provided a rather concise outline of different power con-
verters used in the power grid, along with selected application examples, chosen to
illustrate the diversity of approaches in use. The discussion is necessarily brief due
to the nature of this volume and the readers may refer to the primary literature for
additional details. The references provided are generally drawn from the more
recent literature, as opposed to the classical publications, since they provide a more
up to date state of the art.
530 Power electronic converters and systems

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Chapter 17
Distributed generation and microgrids
Marcelo Godoy Simõesa and Tiago Davi Curi Busarellob

17.1 Introduction
The conventional electrical power system is organized by generation, transmission,
distribution, and utilization of electrical energy. The main objective of a power
system is to transport electricity from the producer (generator) to the consumer
(load), while maintaining an acceptable level of reliability and voltage quality [1,2]
and a certain degree of reliability for current distortion, or current quality. The
generation is normally composed of large power plants, typically a variety of
sources based on thermal, hydro, and nuclear energy. They are designed to be very
reliable, and almost all produced electricity worldwide comes from these types of
power plants. However, the current global scenario is undergoing strong efforts in
seeking alternatives in electricity production that minimize the use of power plants
based on fossil fuels. The reason for this shift is mainly because thermal plants are
directly related to pollution and emissions, and in addition, their primary sources
may be depleted within the next hundred years. Nuclear plants present safety
concerns and are undesirable by population. Even hydropower plants cause envir-
onmental damages and it is not feasible for new installations.
In order to overcome these detriments, combined with increased prices for
electricity, the deregulation of the power system industry has been allowing the
development and implementation of distributed generators (DGs), particularly with
advancements in the current technology.
DGs are located along the electrical power system and often use renewable or
alternative energy sources for their prime mover. Some examples are wind, solar,
biofuels, with studies of implementation of wave and tidal technologies. Despite
the fact that batteries and fuel cells are not renewable, these technologies are also
considered DG. DGs may bring potential benefits for both consumers and utilities.
The users may reduce their energy bill and could potentially earn a profit when
excess energy is sold to the grid. For utilities, DG may increase the hosting capacity
and decrease losses when the connecting is close to the loads.
Colorado School of Mines, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Golden CO
University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Campinas-SP, Brazil
536 Power electronic converters and systems

Nowadays, there is a steady growth of DGs connection to the power grid.

Therefore, all agents involved with the electric system are facing challenges in
dealing with issues, which have never been problematic in the past. Examples
include: reverse power flow in conventional unidirectional distributions system,
parameter variation caused by the penetration of DG, likely resonance behavior
caused by electronics converter output filters, power fluctuation due to the
renewable energy behavior, voltage drops and voltage swells because of DG
feeding, reactive power and harmonics, and protection of distribution grids and
substations. Microgrids appear to be an attractive solution to deal with the high
penetration of DG, because they can properly group a sub-system that is seen as
‘‘dispatchable’’ by the utility and grid operators [3,4].
This chapter presents an overview of DG and microgrids. In Section 17.2, the
types of DGs are described with their mathematical models, their technical impacts on
the power system and some constraints imposed by standardization. In Section 17.3,
microgrids are presented and their features are briefly introduced. Throughout this
chapter, a case study is conducted in order to clarify the presented concepts.

17.2 Distribution generators

The use of DG in the United States started in the 1970s; two energy crises on the
same decade forced the USA Congress to develop an energy policy, named Public
Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) [5]. The main focus of the PURPA was
on small power production as an energy saving methodology. By the 1990s, the
electrical system of the United States experienced a meaningful increase in the
distribution generation, from 5% of the installed generation capability to 20% by
the end of the decade – especially because of such open electricity market.
If the energy demand grows every year, DGs have the potential to manage such
growth by, for instance, avoiding construction of new transmission lines by locat-
ing DG close to load centers. Additionally, the existent transmission lines benefit
from a transmission bottlenecks reduction, allowing the transport of electricity to
other regions due the minimization of losses.
DG may also be implemented in stand-alone systems. In this case, remote
communities where the electric grid is not available may receive electricity by
means of DGs. The use of storage facilities is essential for uninterrupted supply.
Despite many advantages, several technical issues must be taken into account
before connecting DGs to the electric system. These issues are necessary in order to
guarantee the continuity of energy supply with acceptable quality and they are
usually presented in recommendation polices. One of the most common is the IEEE
1547-2003 which is a standard for interconnection of distributed resources with
electric power systems (discussed towards the end of this section).

17.2.1 Examples of DGs

The electric sector is very dynamic and constantly improving and getting invest-
ments. Some DG technologies are indispensable for a modern grid and this section
covers their benefits for the electric power system.
Distributed generation and microgrids 537 Wind energy-based DGs

Wind energy is converted from the kinetic energy of the air movement in order to
produce electrical energy in a mechanical shaft, i.e. the process of converting
kinetic energy into electrical energy is made by a wind turbine and an AC electrical
generator. The wind turns the blades of a turbine, which rotates a shaft connected to
the generator rotor, which in turn produces electricity. Wind power is considered to
be the most promising new source of electrical energy [6]. However, wind energy-
based DGs face unavoidable behaviors. For instance, the amount of energy the
wind transfers to the rotor depends on the wind speed and on some machine
Additionally, the wind power presents intermittent behavior over different
timescales, from less than a second to seasonal variations. The wind turbine output
power is given by (17.1)
Pwt ¼ rCp Av3 (17.1)
where r is the specific air density; A is the swept surface by the rotor blades; v is the
wind speed; and Cp is power coefficient.
The power coefficient as originally discussed by Betz is ideally given by (17.2)

1 v2 v2
Cp ¼ 1 22 1þ (17.2)
2 v1 v1
where v1 and v2 are the airflow speed before and after the rotor blades,
The power coefficient is the only variable in (17.1) that can be controlled, as
the wind speed is a random variable, air density depends on the location, and rotor
area is fixed after the turbine is installed. According to Betz’s law [7], the theore-
tical power coefficient presents a maximum value equal to 0.593. Figure 17.1
presents the typical curves of the power coefficient of the speed ratio (l) and the
blade pitch angle ( b). Solar energy-based DGs

Photovoltaics (PV) or solar cells are semiconductor devices that convert sunlight
into direct current electricity. PV may be combined in modules. An array may be
built by series association of modules. A PV array has the advantage of modularity,
which allows PV power plants to be easily scaled and facilitates maintenance.
DGs based on PV have great advantages, making them an attractive solution as
DGs. In most PV systems, the energy is produced at the same place where it is
consumed, such as in the case of a building with PV modules installed on its roof.
The energy is consumed in the same building. Moreover, PV systems benefit from
the fact that the location of the Sun in the sky is very predictable, even for daily and
seasonal timescales. By knowing the location of the Sun in the sky, the PV panels
may change their tilt and orientation to track the Sun, resulting in higher electricity
production. These tracking PV systems present a higher utilization factor compared
to fixed systems, but at an increased cost.
538 Power electronic converters and systems


Power Coefficient Cp (λ)

β = 10

0.20 β = 15

0.15 β = 20

0.10 β = 25


0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15
λ (m/s)

Figure 17.1 Typical curves of the power coefficient of the speed ratio (l) and the
blade pitch angle (b)

PV systems face some disadvantages. The most common are low efficiency
and high cost. Typically, commercially available PV modules have efficiency
around 6%–15%, but recently researchers have demonstrated modules with effi-
ciencies as high as 30%. The cost per kilowatt is higher than other renewable
technologies such as wind power. Additionally, PV faces a potential unpredict-
ability: the clouds. Unlike the position of the Sun in the sky, clouds are hard to
predict even for some hours in advance. Certainly, this jeopardizes the PV systems.
Figure 17.2 shows how the sunpath, which is dependent on the day of the year and
the latitude, will impose a constraint on array power.
Numerous electric circuits describing PV behavior have been presented in the
literature [8,9] for modeling and simulation of PV cells and arrays. One of them is
presented in Figure 17.3 [10]. The current source corresponds to the generation and
the diodes the losses in the photocell. The resistances Rp and Rs are parasitic circuit
elements that represent a real solar cell.
The PV cell output current is given by (17.3)
h vþiRs i h vþiRs i v þ iR
i ¼ Iph Is1 e kT 1 Is2 e kT 1 (17.3)
where v is the cell terminal voltage; Iph is the photon current; Is1 is the D1 saturation
current; Is2 is the D2 saturation current; Rs is the cell series resistance; Rp is the cell
shunt resistance; A is the diode quality factor; Vg is the band gap voltage; k is
Boltzmann’s constant; and T is the ambient temperature.
Distributed generation and microgrids 539

Array Power
Ra tag
di al Vol
on Ter

Figure 17.2 Array power variation dependent on the sunpath and radiation

Is1 Is2
Rs +
Iph D1 D2 Rp v

Figure 17.3 Electric circuit that described a PV behavior

Some factors that affect the PV output power include: soiling (dirt and dust at
the panels), the wiring losses and conversion efficiency, and the cell temperature
(PV power is inversely proportional to temperature). Fuel cell-based DGs

Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy into electrical
energy. They produce electricity and heat when fuel is supplied. Fuel choices
include natural gas, propane, methane gas from landfills, anaerobic digester gas,
methanol, and hydrogen. Most fuel cells operated with hydrogen, as fossil fuels are
finite sources and may be depleted within the next hundred years [10].
Fuel cell power systems are reliable, and a decentralized electricity generation
solution for the future. Unlike a battery, which holds a limited fuel supply in a
sealed container, a fuel cell requires an ongoing supply of fuel to create a con-
tinuous flow of electricity. Fuel cells are based purely on an electrochemical
reaction instead of a combustion process and therefore they have no adverse pol-
lutants. Along with that, the byproducts of a fuel cell are water and heat.
Figure 17.4 presents a fuel cell equivalent circuit. The thermodynamic poten-
tial, i.e. the reversible voltage (ENernst) is the fuel cell open-circuit voltage, which is
represented by (vfc). The voltage drops vact, vcon, and vohmic are, respectively, due to
the activation of the anode and cathode, the resulting from reduction of the reactant
gases and the resistances to the conduction of protons through the solid electrolyte,
and electrons through the external circuit.
540 Power electronic converters and systems

vact vcon vohmic

Ract Rcon Rohmic +


Figure 17.4 A fuel cell equivalent circuit

The reversible voltage is the maximum voltage that the cell can provide for
certain operating conditions and it is independent of the load. Its mathematical
model is developed from the Nernst equation, which is related to the change in the
Gibbs free energy. The reversible voltage is given by (17.4)

ENernst ¼ þ ðT Tref Þ þ ln pH2 þ ln pO2 (17.4)
2F 2F 2F 2
where DG is the change in the Gibb free energy (J mol1); F is the Faraday con-
stant (96,487 C); DS is the change of entropy (J mol1); R is the universal gas
constant (8,314 J K1 mol1); pH2 and pO2 are the partial pressures (atm) of the
hydrogen and oxygen, respectively; T is the absolute temperature of the operating
cell (K); and Tref is the reference absolute temperature in kelvin (298.15 K).
The activation voltage is due to the losses of energy used to break the activa-
tion barrier of the chemical reaction and it is given by (17.5)

Vact ¼ x1 þ x2 T þ x3 T ln CO2 þ x4 T lnðiFC Þ (17.5)
where iFC is the cell operating current (A); x1 ; x2 ; x3 and x4 are parametric coef-
ficients for each model. These values are defined based on theoretical equations

with kinetic, thermodynamic, and electrochemical foundations. CO2 is the oxygen
concentration on the cathode catalytic interface (mol cm ).
The concentration voltage drop is due to the losses caused by the changes in
the concentration of the reactants in the electrodes and it is given by (17.6)

Vcon ¼ B ln 1 (17.6)
where Jmax, J, and B are the maximum current density, the actual current density of
the cell, and a constant that depends on which electrode the loss occurs,
The ohmic voltage drop is due to the resistance of the movement of the elec-
trons through the electrodes and the movement of protons through the membrane. Diesel generators

Generators can run on different types of fuels. Back-up generators usually run on
natural gas or propane. A diesel generator is usually used for large commercial
Distributed generation and microgrids 541

applications. Most diesel generators run at 1,800 rpm and are water-cooled, making
them last longer and run more quietly than the 3,600 rpm air-cooled gasoline
generator. The 3,600 rpm generators are smaller and lighter and are used for
portable applications. A diesel generator usually lasts 15,000–30,000 hours before
it requires major maintenance [11].
Diesel generators have some disadvantages over some other types of DG. They
are noisy, costly, emit pollution, and need fuel storage tanks and transportation.
However, they are able to supply constant power and are reliable in offering long-
term power supply. When compared to other types of fuels, diesel generators have
some advantages. They are cheaper to operate and have better efficiency due to the
higher compression rates of the fuel. Diesel fuel has a very high energy density,
making it more effective to store and transport. Fuel costs per kWh produced are
from 30% to 50% lower than other fuels. Diesel generators range between 8 and
2,000 kW. The most common range is between 20 and 500 kW. Microturbines
Microturbines are generators that produce electricity by burning a fuel. There is a
variety of fuels that can be used in microturbines, with natural gas being the most
common. Microturbines differ from conventional generation turbines in that they
are very small and operate at very high speeds. Microturbines have several
advantages, such as low emissions, very fast response to load variation, low weight
per horsepower, and a liquid cooling system is not required. Some drawbacks of
them are low efficiency (28%–32%), sensitivity to ambient condition, and main-
tenance requirements.
Microturbines may be found in several applications. One of the most common
is the combined heat and power (CHP) in which the produced electricity is used for
a specific purpose and the heat generated is used to produce hot water or to heat
building space. Other applications of microturbines are in backup/standby power
station and microgrids [12]. Other types of DG

Other types of DG may be found in prototypes or pilot projects. This is the case of
tidal, geothermal, and wave generators; Iceland, for example, gets about 25% of
their electricity from geothermal sources. Such new technologies and their instal-
lation as commercial plants depend on their proof of technical, economic, and
political feasibility studies.

17.2.2 Technical impacts due to DG

The installation of DG into the electric system changes some electrical quantities.
Some examples are losses and voltage profile. Figure 17.5 presents an equivalent
model for a traditional distribution system. The system contains the main genera-
tion, 11 feeders, linear and nonlinear loads, and a DG connected at the feeder 9.
This system will be used throughout of this chapter as a case study.
The case study evaluates the impact on the power losses along the system due
to the connection of DG at feeder 9. The DG is considered ideal and its nominal
B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B8
G1 T1

Load1 Load2 Load3 Load4

B10 B11
Load6 Load7

Figure 17.5 Example of distribution system

Distributed generation and microgrids 543


Power Losses (W) 1100

0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
DG Output Power (PDG) (kW)

Figure 17.6 Power losses through the feeder for phase A according to the amount
of active power the DG is injecting

power is 150 kW. The results were collected in steady-state conditions. The dis-
tribution transformer was handling 75 kVA apparent power at a power factor of
0.91, without the DG. Figure 17.6 presents the power losses through the feeder for
phase A according to the amount of active power the DG was injecting. The DG
was operating with unity power factor, resulting in null reactive power. Initially
(at PDG ¼ 0), the DG was not injecting any power and the power losses were 1,142
W. As the DG injected more active power, the losses began to reduce. However, for
values higher than 110 kW, the losses began to be higher than the case with no DG.
This phenomena occur mainly due to the fact the DG is injecting more active power
than is required by the system.
The case study leads to the evaluation of the voltage profile. Figure 17.7 pre-
sents the voltage profile in all feeders against the injected power. With no DG, it is
possible to notice all feeders have voltage below the nominal value. As the amount
of injected power rises, the voltage profile also rises. At feeder 9, where the DG is
connected there is a noticeably sharper increase.
From the previous case, it can be concluded that the amount of power injected
affects the voltage profile. Therefore, it is possible to take advantage of this cap-
ability in order to use DG as a voltage regulator. For example, suppose the desire is
to raise the voltage at feeder 9 by 25%. To accomplish this, the DG injected power
increases. However, the DG may reach its nominal output power without accom-
plishing this goal. To overcome that, the DG may also inject reactive power con-
comitantly. The technique to inject or consume reactive power in order to regulate
the voltage profile is the principle of operation of a static synchronous condenser
(STATCOM). DGs may have a STATCOM function embedded. Figure 17.8 pre-
sents the voltage profile in all feeders for some values of reactive power. This study
is performed keeping the active power equal to 35 kW.
544 Power electronic converters and systems


Voltage (pu)

PDG = 60 kW
0.95 PDG = 45 kW
PDG = 30 kW
PDG = 15 kW
PDG = 0 kW

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 17.7 Voltage profile in all feeders versus the injected power



QDG = 45 kVA
QDG = 15 kVA
Voltage (pu)

QDG = 0 kVA
QDG = 30 kVA
0.98 PDG = 35 kW


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Figure 17.8 Voltage profile in all feeders for some values of reactive power

Likewise, DG can be used to reduce feeder voltage by consuming reactive

power. The connection of DG into the system may also change the power factor,
the voltage and current Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) the unbalance, and so on.
The analysis of such power quality indices is beyond the scope of this chapter [1].

17.2.3 IEEE1547
As could be observed in the previous subsection, the DG penetration affects
quantities in the electric system. In order to avoid causing damage or improper
Distributed generation and microgrids 545

Nuclear Plant Hydro Plant Coal Plant

Extra High Voltage Bulk Power System

275 kV to 765 kV
AC and some HVDC
Factory Transmission Grid
High Voltage 110 kV and higher

Power Plant
Distribution Grid City Power
Plant Distribution System


City Network
Solar Farm
Farm Wind Farm

Figure 17.9 A system diagram showing the standards in each level

operation, there are some standards which suggest recommendations to be followed

for safe connection of new DGs. As the design and behavior of the transmission and
distribution levels are different, there are different constraints for each level. Most
of the standardization does not allow DG to perform other tasks more than just
injecting active power with unit power factor.
Figure 17.9 presents a simplified diagram showing the system levels and the
standardization applied for each one. Bulk power and distribution systems have
specific standardization while the transmission faces a conflict. By the moment of
writing this chapter, there is no consensus about what is restricted to the trans-
mission system.
One of the most important standards related to the interconnection of DG into
the electrical distribution system is IEEE 1547 (parts of which are also incorporated
into UL 1741) [13]. IEEE 1547 establishes criteria and requirements that all DG
must adhere to in order to connect to the electrical power system. The requirements
shall be met at the point of common coupling and they are applicable to all dis-
tributed resources technologies with aggregate capacity of 10 MVA or less.
The criteria concern mainly voltage and frequency variation limits, synchro-
nization aspects, intentional and unintentional islanding, response to abnormal
conditions, etc. The readers are encouraged to read IEEE 1547 in its entirety.

17.3 Microgrid
A microgrid is a set of DG and loads that are managed by intelligent controls. The
installed capacity in a microgrid is capable of supplying the local demand.
546 Power electronic converters and systems

Microgrids promise substantial environmental benefits by facilitating the integra-

tion of renewables such as PV arrays and small wind turbines. A microgrid can also
be reliant on micro-CHP generators that are driven by the production of heat mostly
during winter and PV generators that provide electrical energy during summer.
Some storage capability can also enhance the microgrid [14,15]. This section pre-
sents introductory concepts regarding microgrids.

17.3.1 DC and AC microgrids

Microgrids can be found in DC and AC architecture. In DC microgrids, the dis-
tribution of energy is made by direct current and has positive and negative con-
ductors. One of the main advantages of DC microgrids is the absence of frequency
and phase dependences among AC generators. Concerning converters, most found
in DC microgrids are DC–DC and AC–DC [16].
On the other hand, AC microgrids are very similar to the conventional system.
Therefore, it is possible to apply conventional power system operational concepts,
such as power flux control, protection schemes, fault detection, and so on [17].

17.3.2 Stand-alone microgrids

A microgrid operating in the absence of a stiff voltage source is considered to be
stand-alone. In this scenario, all the power required by the microgrid is supplied by
the local DGs. Consequently, sophisticated, coordinated control is used in order to
guarantee the reliability, stability, and uninterrupted supply of the micrgrogrid. In
AC microgrids, one of the DGs must serve as a voltage and frequency source, to
which all the other DGs will then synchronize. Power and frequency droop controls
are used in AC microgrids in order to share the supplied power among the DG
while voltage droop control is used in DC microgrids. Details about droop control
in AC and DC microgrids are found in [18].

17.3.3 Grid-tied microgrids

In this case, the microgrid is attached to one or more stiff generators. The frequency
and voltage are imposed by a stiff generator and the DGs must be synchronized to it.
Controllers based on droop technique are also applied to grid-tied microgrids.
Grid-tied microgrids must have a feature called ‘‘anti-islanding’’. Islanding is a
scenario in which the microgrid was operating with the main grid and suddenly
operates alone, usually because a fault in the main grid. As a result, the microgrid
alone supplies all the energy for the loads located downstream. But this scenario is
not desired by system operators and must be avoided for several reasons. One
reason is the uncertainty of when the main grid will return and in what phase angle.
Such angle may be different from the current islanded microgrid angle and the
reconnection would cause severe transitory or even unpredictable behavior.
Therefore, the microgrid must be equipped with anti-islanding detection.
The anti-islanding feature is the capability of the microgrid to switch-off
from the main grid in an occurrence of fault. In this case, all loads would be
de-energized. Numerous methodologies to implement the anti-islanding feature are
Distributed generation and microgrids 547

presented in the literature [19,20]. There are special cases where some loads are
kept energized by the microgrid even during an outage. In this case, the microgrid
has a phase-locked loop and feeder switches in order to allow the main grid
reconnection with no severe transient. It is important to highlight the fact that an
islanded microgrid is different from a stand-alone microgrid. As mentioned before,
the first is an undesirable situation right after a fault occurrence and the second is
designed for operating without the main grid.

17.3.4 Centralized control

Regardless of whether the microgrid is grid-tied or stand-alone, it is evident that a
controller must coordinate the DGs located within the micrgrogrid. Two different
control structures are commonly employed: centralized and local. Here, the cen-
tralized control is described and the next subsection describes the local control.
In a centralized control architecture, a single controller is intended to manage
the entire microgrid; this type of control is advantageous when the whole dis-
tribution system has some specific goals, for example, loss reduction. This may be
achieved by setting DG injected power set points. The decision about the optimum
set point for the DGs is usually based on an optimized algorithm. Voltage and
current along the system are the primary inputs for these algorithms. From them, a
variety of information can be obtained, such as apparent power, power factor,
unbalances, etc. Such variables are good for real-time decisions. But the centralized
control may also be capable of daily planning. Input variables about the prediction
of load demand, solar irradiation, and wind speed and energy price along one day
may be helpful for an optimum planning. Storage devices located along the system
may have their contribution to the uninterrupted supply improved by precise
scheduling of their charging and discharging.
Figure 17.10 presents the behavior of the solar irradiation, the load demand
curve, and the wind speed along one day. The centralized control can take these
curves and run an algorithm to best determine how the DG and storage elements
should operate along the day, given this date. As a result, the system may offer
better reliability, stability, and lower cost, than the traditional distribution system,
with fewer service interruptions.

17.3.5 Conventional droop control method

The droop control is beyond the most popular control techniques that has a long
history of use for the synchronous generator control in power system. Recently, it
has been used for parallel-inverter control, especially in case of inverter-dominated
microgrids. This section will provide a brief review on the conventional power
droop framework and fundamental concepts.
Nowadays, microgrids are made up of different type of distributed energy pro-
duction resources, such as solar panels, fuel cells, wind turbines and so on. Every
resource needs a power electronic interface to transfer the energy to the common bus.
Without loss of generality, we can model a single interface as an inverter connected to
the common bus through a decoupling impedance, as shown in Figure 17.11 [21].
548 Power electronic converters and systems

800 50
Terrestrial Radiation (Wh/m2)

Electricity Demand (kW)


0 0
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
(a) Hour (h) (b) Hour (h)


Wind Speed (m/s)


0 6 12 18 24
(c) Hour ( h)

Figure 17.10 Behavior of the terrestrial irradiation (a), the load demand curve
(b), and the wind speed (c) along one day

S = P+jQ
Z– q
V– 0°


Figure 17.11 Equivalent circuit of an inverter connected to a bus

The active and reactive power transmitted across a lossless line (q ¼ 90) are:

p¼ sin f (17.7)

EV cos f V 2
Q¼ (17.8)
Distributed generation and microgrids 549

Since the power angle f is typically small, we can simplify (17.7) and (17.8)
further by using the following approximations (sin ðfÞ ¼ f, and cos f ¼ 1):

f (17.9)
ðE V Þ (17.10)

From the above equations, it can be derived that the active power is predominately
dependent on the power angle f, while the reactive power mostly depends on the
output-voltage amplitude. Following droops are defined for the amplitude and the
frequency of the inverter output voltage:

w ¼ w Kp P (17.11)

E ¼ E Kq Q (17.12)

where w and E are the output voltage angular frequency and amplitude at no load,
respectively, and Kp and Kq are the droop coefficients for the frequency and
amplitude, respectively. Equations (17.11) and (17.12) are plotted in the char-
acteristics as shown in Figure 17.12.

kp kp
w* E*

wmin Emin

P* Pmax Q* Qmax

Figure 17.12 Typical frequency and voltage droop characteristics

When frequency falls, the output power of the generating unit is allowed to
increase. A falling frequency indicates an increase in loading and a requirement for
more active power. Multiple parallel units with the same droop characteristic
can respond to the fall in frequency by increasing their output active powers
simultaneously. The increase in output active powers will counteract the reduction
in frequency and the units will settle at output active powers and frequency at
a steady-state point on the droop characteristic. The droop characteristic therefore
allows multiple units to share load without the units fighting each other to
control the load. The same logic above can be applied to the voltage droop
550 Power electronic converters and systems

17.3.6 Local control

Local control usually deals with more information than centralized. Several details
about the grid may be transferred among DGs connected close to each other
details which may be unnecessary or undesirable for the centralized control. An
example is the battery temperature information on battery-based storage systems. This
information may be useful for local control. A nearby DG may support the storage in
order to get the situation normalized. This alleviates the need for that information to
travels to the centralized control, and the response to return to the nearby DG.
Local controls may be involved with one or more DGs. They may have goals
to improve a local performance in a single feeder, for instance. Consider the same
traditional grid depicted in Figure 17.13. A battery-based storage is connected at
feeder 9 and the DG already connected is a wind-based generator. Figure 17.13
presents the detail of feeder 9 including the wind- and storage-based DGs. The
output power of the wind-based DG is very dependent on climate conditions.
Therefore, the storage can support by supplying power in order to minimize the
intermittency of the wind-based DG. For that, the storage-based DG needs infor-
mation about the instantaneous output power of the wind-based DG. This infor-
mation is transferred locally between them through the local control.
Once the storage has this information, its output power may be set to be the
difference between the desired and actual instantaneous power output of the wind-
based DG. Figure 17.14 shows the wind-based DG output power, the storage output
power, and the total power being injected in feeder 9. The wind-based DG has a
variable output power, but when combined with the storage output power, the total
power flow into feeder 9 is constant.
The local control allows the DG and the storage to operate in combination for a
constant power supply at feeder 9. Other strategy could be applied such as making
the DG plus storage to inject active power equals to feeder 9 downstream power.
The local control may have its own features for specific applications.


Ptot B9





Figure 17.13 Detail of feeder 9 including the wind- and storage-based DGs
Distributed generation and microgrids 551

DG Output Power (PDG) (pu) 1.2 1.2

Total Power (Ptot) (pu)

1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) Hour (h) (b) Hour (h)
Storage Output Power (Psto) (pu)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hour (h)

Figure 17.14 The wind-based DG output power (a) the storage output power
(b) and the total power (c) being injected in feeder 9

17.3.7 Multifunctionalities
DG may perform different functions other than just injecting power into the grid.
Once DGs have power electronics converters with embedded microprocessors,
functions like voltage distortion regulation and power quality improvement may be
aggregated. Such functions can be performed simultaneously with power injection.
Even though almost all system operators do not presently allow DG to perform
these ancillary functions, these issues will certainly be under discussion in the
coming years, primarily due to the simplicity of employing additional function.
Applications of multifunctional compensator can be found in [22].
The case study now presents a possible scenario in which a DG operates not
only on its basic function, but also as shunt compensator. Coming back to the
system presented in Figure 17.4, the DG is set to operate exclusively as an active
filter. The DG compensates all harmonic currents downstream of feeder 9.
Figure 17.15 presents the incoming feeder 9 current in the moment where the DG
begins to operate exclusively as active filter. Initially, the current is distorted due to
the nonlinear load connected at feeder 10. At t ¼ 2.25/60 ms, the DG begins to
compensate only the harmonic currents. Consequently, the incoming feeder 9
current becomes sinusoidal.
The scenario in which a DG operates exclusively as active filter may happen
when the energy price is not economically feasible for the DG to sell it. It is
552 Power electronic converters and systems

important to highlight that active filtering does not require active power processing,
except for the losses.
The case study now leads to a scenario that the DG supplies all the power
consumed by the feeder 9 downstream system. All the power means active, reac-
tive, and harmonics quantities. Figure 17.16 presents the DG output current in the


Incoming Bar 9 Current (A)




0 1/60 2/60 3/60 4/60 5/60
Time (ms)

Figure 17.15 Incoming feeder 9 current at the moment the DG begins to operate
exclusively as active filter

DG current (A)

0 1/60 2/60 3/60 4/60 5/60 6/60 7/60
Time (ms)

Figure 17.16 The DG output current at the moment the DG begins to supply all
the power consumed by feeder 9 downstream system
Distributed generation and microgrids 553



DG Current (A)



0 1/60 2/60 3/60 4/60 5/60 6/60 7/60
Time (ms)

Figure 17.17 The incoming feeder 9 current for the same scenario

moment where the DG begins to supply all the power consumed by feeder 9
downstream system. Initially, the DG is supplying active power with unity power
factor. At t ¼ 3.35/60 ms, the DG begins to supply all the power. The current now
contains distortions due to the nonlinear load.
Figure 17.17 presents the incoming feeder 9 current for the same scenario. The
current is zero after t ¼ 3.35/60 ms, proving that the DG is supplying all the current
at feeder 9 downstream.

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[15] N. Hatziargyriou. Microgrids: Architectures and Control. 1st edition. Wiley-
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[16] L. Che and M. Shahidehpour. DC microgrids: Economic operation and
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Smart Grid. 2014, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 2517–2526.
[17] M. Godoy Simões, R. Roche, E. Kyriakides, S. Suryanarayanan, B. Blunier,
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[18] S. Chakraborty, M. G. Simões, and W. E. Kramer. Power Electronics for
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[19] Zhihong Ye, A. Kolwalkar, Y. Zhang, Pengwei Du, and R. Walling. Eva-
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[20] M. Tedde and K. Smedley. Anti-islanding for three-phase one-cycle control
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[21] J. M. Guerrero, L. Garcı́a de Vicuña, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret.
A wireless controller to enhance dynamic performance of parallel inverters
Distributed generation and microgrids 555

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[22] T. D. Curi Busarello and J. Antenor Pomilio. Bidirectional multilevel shunt
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Machines and Drives (PEMD 2014). April 8–10, 2014, pp. 1–6.
Chapter 18
Uninterruptible power supplies
Luke G. Weber and Adel Nasiri

18.1 Introduction

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems have been common tools to supply
and protect critical loads when the main supply ceases to provide power or the
quality of power does not meet load requirements. The need for UPS systems has
increased with advancements in information technology, sensitive electronic
equipment, and mission critical systems. The UPS concept has moved from rotary
[1–5] to off-line [6], to on-line [7], and line-interactive systems [8–13], and evolved
into multi-layer, multi-bus systems supporting complex infrastructure such as data
centers [14, 15].
In this chapter, various UPS system topologies are described, control methods
are explained, and some applications are discussed.

18.2 Topologies
There are typically two modes of operation common to all types of UPS systems:
normal mode and stored energy mode. Bypass mode is available in some system
configurations. In normal mode, power to the load and energy storage device is
supplied by the utility or customer-owned electric power system. In stored energy
mode, connection to the electric power system has been severed, and the load is
served from the energy storage device. When the system is so equipped, bypass
mode is available in the event of UPS system failure, or so that system maintenance
may be performed.

18.2.1 On-line UPS systems

In normal mode, on-line UPS systems are designed to serve load isolated from the
electric power system through a series rectifier and inverter combination as shown in
Figure 18.1. A battery bank is connected to the DC bus between these two converters,
and serves the load when the static switch opens. A Normally Open (N.O.) static

Center for Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 115 East
Reindl Way, Rm. 201Q, Milwaukee, WI 53212-1255, USA
558 Power electronic converters and systems

N.O. manual N.O. static bypass

bypass switch switch

DC bus
AC feed
Breaker Transformer
Rectifier Inverter Rectifier Inverter



Figure 18.1 An on-line UPS system with optional equipment shown with
dashed lines

bypass switch closes upon failure of the UPS system proper. UPS system maintenance
is facilitated by the installation of a N.O. manual bypass switch. Battery capacity and
connected load determine the duration the battery bank can serve load.
A phase-locked loop (PLL) is used to keep the output voltage in phase with the
input waveform to ensure a smooth transition to the electric power system in the
event of UPS failure. The transition from energy storage mode to normal mode is
also abetted by the PLL, as the output voltage phase is aligned with the input
electric power system waveform prior to returning to normal mode.
The advantages of this configuration make it the most common arrangement.
The transfer time from normal mode to energy storage mode is zero. The system is
highly tolerant to input voltage and frequency variations. The system is capable of
providing precise output voltage and frequency regulation except in bypass mode.
Disadvantages of the on-line UPS system include the rectifier capacity and
cost, which must be rated to serve 100% of the AC load and DC battery charging
load. The system typically has a low power factor and exhibits high current
waveform distortion at the AC input terminals. On-line UPS systems have low
efficiency in normal mode due to the double conversion topology, with full power
flowing through both stages. The system also exhibits poor performance when
serving non-linear loads in normal and energy storage modes.
For galvanic isolation, a transformer may be added to the output stage of the
system. The secondary terminals of a line frequency transformer connect directly to
the load. High-frequency transformation requires another rectifier and inverter. These
components are shown in dashed lines in Figure 18.1. A DC–DC converter may also
be used to better control battery charging and discharging. These components increase
the size, complexity and cost of the UPS, and reduce the system efficiency.

18.2.2 Off-Line UPS

One off-line UPS system configuration is shown in Figure 18.2. Under normal
operating conditions, the load is served from the incoming AC line through a
Uninterruptible power supplies 559

normally closed (N.C.) static switch. The rectifier has a lower rating than that of the
on-line UPS system because it serves only the DC battery charging load. The
inverter must be rated to carry 100% of the connected load as is the case with an on-
line UPS system. Transfer time can be as fast as ¼ line cycle, and the inverter may
be used for line conditioning or power factor correction during normal operation.
When the static switch opens, load is served from the battery bank through the
inverter, and both voltage and frequency regulation are possible.
In Figure 18.3, a second off-line UPS system arrangement is shown. A three-
winding transformer is used in this configuration to attain galvanic isolation for the
load. To achieve this goal with the design shown in Figure 18.2, a two-winding

N.O. manual
bypass switch N.C. static switch
AC feed

Breaker Transformer
DC bus

Rectifier Inverter



Figure 18.2 An off-line UPS system showing optional components using dashed


AC feed
N.C. static switch


Figure 18.3 An off-line UPS system using a three-winding transformer to attain

galvanic isolation for the load
560 Power electronic converters and systems

transformer – shown in dashed lines – adds complexity and cost. The four-quadrant
converter and controls for Figure 18.3 design are more sophisticated than con-
verters in Figure 18.2. In normal mode, the load is served from the incoming AC
line, and the four-quadrant converter is used to charge the battery bank, and can
provide line conditioning or power factor correction. Frequency at the load is dic-
tated by the incoming line.
When the static switch opens, the load is fed from the batteries through the
four-quadrant inverter, and both voltage and frequency regulation are feasible.
The advantages of off-line UPS systems are lower initial cost, lower losses,
and smaller size than on-line systems. Under normal conditions, the off-line
arrangement facilitates line conditioning and power factor correction. Dis-
advantages include lack of isolation from the incoming electric power system and
limited output voltage regulation in normal mode, finite transfer time from normal
to energy storage mode, poor performance serving non-linear loads in energy sto-
rage mode, and a maximum capacity of about 2 kVA [16].

18.2.3 Line-interactive UPS

Line-interactive UPS systems may operate in on-line or off-line configurations, but
most operate as on-line systems to improve load power factor or regulate the output
voltage [17]. A defining characteristic of this arrangement is the series inductor
shown in Figure 18.4. Under normal conditions, power factor control or voltage
regulation is achieved by varying the injection of reactive current from the four-
quadrant converter. As with the off-line UPS system, load frequency is dictated by
the incoming AC electric power system.
When the static switch opens and the UPS is operating in stored energy mode,
line-active systems can regulate voltage and frequency.
Using on-line UPS systems as the benchmark, line-interactive UPS systems are
simpler, less expensive, and more efficient. Efficiency improvement comes about
by avoiding double conversion through a rectifier and inverter in normal mode.
Active line current filtering reduces harmonic distortion of the incoming AC line
voltage waveform.


AC feed
Four-quadrant Load
N.C. static switch


Figure 18.4 A typical line-interactive UPS system configuration

Uninterruptible power supplies 561

AC feed
N.C. static switch

Four-quadrant Four-quadrant
converter converter


Figure 18.5 Diagram of a series–parallel line-interactive UPS system

The line-interactive UPS system shown in Figure 18.4 provides no galvanic

isolation from the incoming AC electric power system. This can be achieved by
installation of a transformer at the output, increasing the size, complexity, and cost
of the system.

18.2.4 Delta conversion UPS

A variation of the line-interactive topology known as a delta conversion UPS is
shown in Figure 18.5. The series transformer permits current waveform shaping
using the series converter, and the parallel converter performs voltage waveform
shaping and power factor correction [18]. Other control schemes use the series
converter to balance and shape the incoming voltage waveform, and the parallel
converter to shape the output voltage waveform [8]. The former provides superior
performance and a smaller filter package [19].
In normal mode, load is served from the electric power system so energy effi-
ciency is quite high. In energy storage mode, the parallel converter feeds the load, and
voltage and frequency regulation is possible. The series converter is rated at about
20% of system capacity, and the parallel converter is rated to carry the full load.
The delta conversion UPS offers high efficiency, unity power factor, low-
current waveform distortion at the input, and low-voltage waveform distortion at
the output. The system does not provide galvanic isolation for the load and requires
sophisticated control topologies.

18.2.5 Tri-mode UPS

The salient feature of the UPS system shown in Figure 18.6 is the ability to capture
photovoltaic (PV) solar and wind energy under normal conditions, and to use these
resources to lengthen the survival period upon loss of the electric power system in
the case of a synchronous generator with limited fuel supply. Under normal con-
ditions, the static switch is closed and load is served from the AC electric power
system. The four-quadrant converter connecting the AC system to the DC bus
controls the DC bus voltage, and injects energy from the wind and solar into the AC
system, while the inverter is idle.
562 Power electronic converters and systems
PV solar Wind Storage
AC/DC Bidirectional
converter converter Load

AC feed DC bus
Breaker Auto
transformer Inverter

Static switch

Figure 18.6 Simplified diagram of a tri-mode UPS system incorporating PV solar

and wind generating systems

In double conversion mode, the AC supply is available, the static switch is open,
and the load energy flows through the inverter. The DC bus voltage is regulated by the
four-quadrant converter, and energy from the wind and solar sources feeds into the
DC bus. The inverter controls the load AC voltage and energy flow to the load, while
the four-quadrant converter either supplies the shortfall from the wind and solar or
injects the extra into the AC electric power system.
In case the AC electric power system and synchronous generator are not
available, the system operates in backup mode, and the load is served from stored
energy via the inverter. The bidirectional DC-to-DC converter for the energy sto-
rage device controls the DC bus voltage, and injects the shortfall or absorbs the
extra energy supplied by the wind and solar sources. If the system was operating in
normal mode immediately prior to loss of the AC electric power system, a
momentary interruption might occur. If positioned in the dual conversion mode,
transfer to backup mode will be seamless.
The tri-mode system takes a comprehensive approach to resilience by incorpor-
ating wind and solar energy sources into the system, extending the duration the system
can operate without an AC electric power supply. In normal mode, the system
achieves high-energy efficiency. When operating in double conversion mode, energy
efficiency drops, but output voltage and frequency regulation are possible. Transition
from double conversion to backup mode is seamless. Galvanic isolation from the
electric power system and synchronous generator is provided by the autotransformer.
The system requires sophisticated control topologies for all three operating
modes as several layers of control network are required to recognize the desired
operating mode and alter control objectives. When operating in normal mode there
is a risk of a momentary interruption to the load. The autotransformer adds expense
and increases the size and weight of the system.

18.2.6 Rotary UPS

A rotary UPS uses three rotating machines located on a common shaft and a battery
bank as shown in Figure 18.7. In normal mode, the AC feed provides energy to the
motor, and the motor drives the DC machine and the AC generator. The load is
Uninterruptible power supplies 563

Static bypass switch

AC motor DC machine AC generator Load

AC feed Shaft Shaft

Battery bank

Figure 18.7 Configuration of a rotary UPS system

served from the AC generator, and the DC machine provides energy to restore and
maintain charge on the battery through the bidirectional DC-to-DC converter. In
energy storage mode, the battery bank provides power to the DC machine which
drives the AC generator. Transition from normal to stored energy mode is seamless
as inertia of the rotating machines helps to maintain system frequency. A static
switch bypasses a failed rotary UPS system.
The rotary UPS provides a low impedance source for the load, exhibits good
performance with non-linear loads, and supplies high fault current for protection
system coordination. In normal mode, there is excellent electrical isolation between
the source AC electric power system and the load. The rotary UPS is capable of a
transient overload of 3–6 per unit compared to 1.5 per unit for a static UPS system
[17]. Normal-mode system efficiency is determined primarily by the selection of the
AC motor and generator. The DC machine efficiency factors into the round trip
efficiency of the energy storage components.
The system is heavy, bulky, and expensive compared with static UPS systems.
Due to the rotating components, maintenance costs are high.

18.2.7 Hybrid static and rotary UPS

A hybrid between the static and rotary UPS systems is shown in Figure 18.8. In
normal mode, the AC motor is connected to the AC electric power system, and
drives the AC generator. The bidirectional converter restores and maintains charge
on the battery. In energy storage mode, the battery provides power to the AC motor
through the bidirectional converter. A static bypass switch is closed in the event
the UPS system fails or during scheduled maintenance.
This system provides excellent isolation between the AC electric power system
and the load. During momentary interruptions of the AC electric power system,
motor and generator inertia is sufficient to avoid disruption to the load. Extended
outages of the supply will require use of the stored energy to power the AC motor–
generator set. To reduce the capacity requirements of the AC/DC converter, a
breaker is installed allowing motor starts motor using the electric power system.
564 Power electronic converters and systems

Once up to speed, the breaker is opened, and the motor is served from the con-
verter. This configuration permits seamless transition to battery power in the event
of an extended outage. Short duration momentary interruptions rely on the inertia
of the motor–generator set.
The hybrid system provides excellent isolation from the electric power system,
low impedance for load, seamless transfer to stored energy mode, is simpler than
the rotary UPS system, and requires less maintenance due to elimination of the DC
machine and intrinsic mechanical commutator [20]. The systems are larger, hea-
vier, and costlier than purely static UPS systems, and require regular maintenance
for the rotating components.

18.2.8 Flywheels
Flywheel UPS systems are suited to installations which benefit from a high power
density, low energy density supply. Locations with frequent short duration
momentary outages, an alternate on-site energy supply such as diesel powered
generators, limited space, and life-cycle economic considerations are good candi-
dates [17]. Use of a bidirectional converter is shown in Figure 18.9 to extract
maximum energy from the flywheel.

Static bypass switch

AC motor AC generator Load

AC feed Shaft
Breaker Breaker

Battery bank

Figure 18.8 A hybrid rotary and static UPS system


converter converter

AC feed
Breaker Bidirectional

MG Diesel


Figure 18.9 A flywheel UPS system with on-site diesel powered generation
Uninterruptible power supplies 565

Under normal conditions, load is served from the electric power system
through the dual conversion topology. The bidirectional converter is used to
power the motor–generator set and charge the flywheel by bringing it up to rated
speed. Short-term interruptions of the electric power system are mitigated by the
flywheel system alone. For long-term loss of the electric power system, the
bidirectional converter extracts energy from the flywheel – slowing it down –
while the diesel powered generator is starting. The generator synchronizes to the
AC system, and serves the load for the duration of the outage. When the electric
power system is restored, the DC/AC converter synchronizes with the AC system
feeding the load, closed transition switching is possible, and the generator comes
Unlike battery powered UPS systems, flywheels can be charged and dis-
charged rapidly without degradation to the energy storage capabilities. Flywheel
systems are best for high power, low-energy UPS applications where another
source with long-term energy delivery capability is available. The system in
Figure 18.9 has relatively low efficiency due to dual energy conversion during
normal operation, and friction and windage losses required maintaining flywheel
velocity. Flywheel systems are more expensive than static UPS equivalents, and
require physical containment for flywheel failure.

18.2.9 DC UPS for pulse load with power leveling

The demand reduction UPS system is shown in Figure 18.10. The DC load is
characterized as cyclic with short duration. Under charging conditions, the load is
less than 5% of full load, and the battery bank is storing energy. When the load
demand spikes, a small portion of the energy is transmitted through the rectifier
from the AC supply system, and the balance is supplied from the battery bank.
This configuration also permits sizing the AC feed and rectifier components at a
small percentage of full load. The DC–DC converter is sized at 100% of full
load. The configuration operates in four distinct modes: AC on with the
battery bank fully charged, AC on with the battery bank charging, AC on with
the battery bank discharging into the load, and AC off with load supplied by the
battery bank.


AC feed DC bus




Figure 18.10 The medical equipment demand reduction UPS system

566 Power electronic converters and systems

18.2.10 Redundant bus

The redundant bus system using AC distribution is quite common. Because many
devices ultimately rectify AC waveforms to DC for end use, DC only UPS systems are
gaining traction. An attraction is the potential reduction in the number of conversion
stages compared with traditional AC UPS systems, and subsequent reduction in power
losses. Another is the simplification of power flows vis-à-vis elimination of reactive
power flow within the DC system. The system in Figure 18.11 is a schematic diagram
for a redundant bus DC system where hypercritical loads may be served from either of
two buses. Each DC bus is equipped with a battery bank and bidirectional DC/DC
converter. Assuming proper design, this system has high reliability and resilience.
Downsides to the DC system include sophisticated protection schemes, limited
suppliers of DC breakers and DC powered devices, the installation cost for the high
reliability and resilience, and the learning curve and comfort curve for designers
and installers. As the market for this type of installation grows, it is expected more
suppliers will provide useful products.

18.3 Controls for UPS systems

UPS systems necessarily must control input power to loads, and charging of energy
storage devices. The former will be referred to as load control, and the latter storage
control. Performance specifications are normally stated in terms of output impe-
dance, total harmonic distortion, voltage regulation, transient response to load and
mode changes, and ability to serve non-linear loads [21]. Voltage regulation is
arguably the most critical performance indicator. The control strategy influences
the output impedance of the UPS, with in ideal transfer function of unity (1) at all
frequencies [22]. There are typically upper frequency limits as dictated by the
system frequency response. This inverse of the output impedance – termed the
dynamic stiffness – is often used in place of the output impedance specification.
Ideal control results in fundamental frequency sinusoidal input current and
output voltage waveforms, but may result in non-sinusoidal output current wave-
forms due to non-linear loads. Simple UPS systems with single devices are
normally operated in voltage and frequency control mode for load control. This is
akin to an isochronous generator with proportional-integral (PI) voltage regulation.
Load control might also include line conditioning and power factor regulation. Line
conditioning may cause ripple in the DC bus voltage to the detriment of energy
storage devices. On-line UPS system load control does not change regardless of AC
supply status. The charge control is required only when AC power is available.
Normal conditions for off-line systems require only storage control, but when
called on to supply load, a simple off-line system will function in voltage and
frequency control mode.
Interactive UPS system control is similar to the on-line system philosophy.
Line conditioning, power factor control and ~20% of the load energy is supplied by
the device during normal conditions, with one converter used for storage control.
For the system depicted in Figure 18.5, the series converter voltage and current is
DC Bus 1 AC feed 1
converter converter
Drive 1 converter
Battery bank
Load DC M

converter DC
Drive 2
AC feed 2 DC Bus 2
converter converter converter

Battery bank
Load Load

Figure 18.11 Schematic diagram of a redundant bus DC UPS system

568 Power electronic converters and systems

controlled to supply nominal fundamental frequency voltage and support the fun-
damental frequency load current. The parallel inverter is controlled to correct the
load power factor to unity and to supply non-sinusoidal current to non-linear loads.
When the static switch opens, full load current is supplied by the parallel converter,
and the control technique uses voltage and current control. The reference voltage is
provided by a fundamental frequency PLL. When the AC power is restored, the
PLL synchronizes the UPS output voltage waveform with the incoming AC line
before closing the static switch.
As systems become more complex and multiple UPS devices feed into a common
supply, only one device will operate in voltage and frequency control mode, and other
devices will operate in current control mode. To maintain stability, droop settings for
the load current and voltage set points are required. Essentially this means pure pro-
portional control, with the cumulative system error accruing to the voltage control
device. For complex, systems with multiple UPS devices operating in parallel, a
second control layer for optimal device commitment and loading is warranted.
Because control techniques for single- and three-phase UPS systems are
similar, discussion will be limited to three-phase systems. All systems utilize the
switching capability of power electronic devices to form the output voltages and
currents. Switching is generally slower in high-power devices than for low-power
devices to reduce switching losses. Pulse width modulation (PWM) or vector
controlled switching techniques are commonly used.
Most UPS control systems rely on a PLL to synchronize the control strategy
with either the incoming AC voltage waveform or the UPS output voltage. Many
control systems share a common frequency domain model of the output filter as
shown in Figure 18.12 [23], where leakage resistances are assumed negligible.
Some control techniques track reference AC waveforms. An example is the
controller after Holmes [24] where reference voltages for three phases are modu-
lated with a triangular waveform to establish the voltage pulse width modulation
(PWM) signals. The controller fits in the category of deadbeat control techniques
where the current or voltage reference is predicted based on sampled existent and
previous system states. Ideally, the controlled state will be forced to the command
state within a delay stated in terms of sampling periods. This controller is complex,
is computationally intense due to the sample rate calculations, and requires
knowledge of the load through monitoring and feedback or feedforward.


Vi Σ 1/sL Σ 1/sC

Figure 18.12 Frequency domain model for an LC output filter

Uninterruptible power supplies 569

Control techniques that use Park’s transformation from stationary ABC to

synchronous dq frames or a dual transformation from stationary ABC to stationary
ab to synchronous dq assume balanced three-phase systems, and use the transfor-
mation techniques to obtain system states as DC values. The system states are
compared to DC reference values and manipulated to arrive at DC command
values. The DC command values are then inverse transformed and converted to
PWM signals using ramp comparison or vector control commands for the con-

verter. In Figure 18.13, XABC represents the signal to be transformed, Xdq is the
reference for the state in the dq axis frame, and the output is used to determine the
PWM or vector control power electronic device firing. An example deadbeat
controller using the synchronous reference frame is found in [25].
The advantages of using synchronous frame control techniques include the use
of DC reference values, simple control implementation – especially for PI techni-
ques, elimination of phase errors, and simple techniques for separating fundamental
and harmonic frequency components when harmonic filtering is a design
consideration. The disadvantage is that all feedback signals must be translated into
the synchronous reference frame.
Feedback control comes in many forms. Voltage feedback is common for
voltage control strategies, with current feedback common for current control.
Sophisticated strategies incorporate several feedback loops [26], with inner loops
for current (voltage) control and slower outer loops designed for voltage (current)
control. Nested loop strategies generally use on outer voltage feedback loop and for
inner current feedback fall into two categories: feedback of filter inductor current
versus filter capacitor current [27]. In [28], a single feedback loop is used for
voltage control as seen in Figure 18.14, where Gc represents the controller archi-
tecture, Ka the PWM or vector control gain, Gp the output filter transfer function, H
the sensor dynamics, and Gf the feedback control architecture. Gc and Gf represent
series compensation techniques to the inclusion of proportional-integral-derivative,
lead, lag, and lead–lag architecture. This topology is relatively simple to deploy, is
well understood, easy to troubleshoot and robust to parameter variation. The har-
monic performance is acceptable if the sinusoidal PWM is limited to the linear
range, permitting good voltage regulation.


+ To
ABC to αβ to dq to αβ to
Σ Pl
αβ dq αβ ABC

sin ωt
PLL cos ωt

Figure 18.13 Transformation from the stationary ABC frame to the synchronous
dq frame
570 Power electronic converters and systems



Figure 18.14 Single loop voltage feedback control


Vi Io
I* Σ Ka Σ GP


Figure 18.15 Current control with output current and grid voltage feedback

Typically, there is an assumption of linear load, which can lead to degraded

performance if most load served is rectifier front end to DC bus capacitor power
supplies. The dynamic response is sluggish, steady-state phase errors occur
between the reference and output currents, and tuning requirements are load
dependent. The voltage set point is normally set to nominal system voltage.
The control techniques for single voltage loop designs range from propor-
tional-integral, digital deadbeat, to sliding mode control.
In Figure 18.15 after Jie [29], the simplest current control feedback loop
applies a proportional gain to the current error signal. Ka represents the PWM or
vector control modulator gain, Gp represents the interconnection system (output
filter) dynamics, and Hi represents current transducer dynamics. Hysteretic current
control is simple and straightforward and uses an alternating current for reference.
When the output current falls outside a defined band about the command current,
the modulator alters the firing pattern such that the current is returned to the hys-
teresis band. The strengths of this topology are simple implementation, fast
dynamic response, and generally good performance. Filtering for hysteresis control
can be problematic as switching frequencies vary.
Feedforward may be used in conjunction with feedback to speed the current
response of the system [30]. In Figure 18.16, the current input is passed through a
model of the plant (output filter) Gp and then passed to the inverter control input.
Under the best conditions, the plant model is an exact representation of the output
Uninterruptible power supplies 571




Figure 18.16 UPS current control using feedforward and feedback





Figure 18.17 Load feedforward control scheme

filter dynamics. The feedback loop compensates for parameter variation and model
Current references may be obtained by measuring load current. In case there
are parallel UPS systems, the load current reference for each could be obtained
based on the individual UPS system capacity compared to the total system capacity.
A variation of the feedforward control with AC reference inputs uses an inner
current feedback loop, an outer voltage feedback loop, and a scaled derivative
command signal. In Figure 18.17, the voltage reference is compared to the output
voltage as altered by the transducer transfer function HV, and the error is processed
through GC, typically PI architecture. That output is then combined with the feed-
forward term – derived by taking the derivative of the input command V* and scaling
it by the output filter capacitor – and the UPS output current as altered by the current
transducer transfer function Hi to attain the input to the current regulator Ka.

18.4 Applications
The use and application for UPS systems is quite diverse: small, portable, single-
phase UPS systems might be used for a single desk top personal computer, to a
system rated several kilowatts including two or more battery banks used for
industrial billing and corporate data systems, to a data center with several electrical
572 Power electronic converters and systems

system power feeds, many battery banks, and on-site generating capability with an
electrical demand of several megawatts.

18.4.1 Desktop personal computers

Within the category of small UPS systems there are a variety of sizes and styles.
One example is the UPS for a desktop personal computer. A typical unit is rated
410 W, 620 VA, 120 V input, 120 V output and has six (6) 15 A receptacles.

18.4.2 Industrial systems

Industrial manufacturing process and power plant controls are good candidates for
using UPS systems. In addition to providing power during electric power system
outages, the intent is to provide galvanic isolation from the electric power system,
to filter harmonics from the electric power systems, and to protect against low
voltage occurring while the electric power system is faulted. These electric power
system events may cause control systems to operate incorrectly, with resultant
injury, equipment damage, and lost production.
An application that uses the DC system directly is electric power substation
systems. Relays and breakers operate on 48 V DC. During normal conditions, the
battery chargers apply a float voltage to the battery bank(s). Complete loss of
voltage to the battery chargers typically requires two contingencies – there is a
normal and reserve alternating current supply. The battery banks are normally sized
such that 8 h after complete loss of alternating current power, there is sufficient
energy in the batteries to operate each breaker device in the substation.

18.4.3 Data centers

Computing and data centers require continuous power and offer challenges in
control design due to the non-linear load characteristics. These are predominantly
AC systems, but DC versions are gaining traction for some installations. In addition
to the data devices, supporting system devices are loads to be served. In fact, as
much as 50% of the total load in some data centers is attributable to heating, ven-
tilating, and air cooling (HVAC), lighting, fire protection, security, losses, etc. The
scale of data centers is quite impressive, with the largest demand claim of 250 MW
of electrical demand and largest area covering more than 1 million square feet.
Communication systems are often integrated with data centers, but there are
sites which are primarily used as switching for landline communication or cell-
phone repeaters. Landline switching sites typically use 48 V DC, and have several
battery banks. Cellular phone towers generally use a small UPS system in con-
junction with a natural gas or diesel back-up generator.

18.4.4 Medical equipment

The UPS system shown in Figure 18.10 is intended for use with a computerized
tomography (CT) scan device. The CT device has a relatively short on cycle, fol-
lowed by a longer rest period.
Uninterruptible power supplies 573

When connected to the electric power system during the CT machine rest
cycle, the battery may be charging, or if fully charged simply resting. Power to the
CT machine is supplied by the electric power system. If the CT machine is scan-
ning, the battery supplies approximately 80% of the machine power.
If the electric system is not connected, the battery supplies 100% of the
machine power during rest and scan periods.


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Chapter 19
Wireless power transfer
S.Y. Ron Hui* # and Paul D. Mitcheson*

19.1 Introduction

With the introduction of the Ampere’s law and Faraday’s law at the end of the nine-
teenth century, Nikola Tesla [1] pioneered wireless power research and laid down the
fundamental principles for wireless power transfer (WPT). WPT can be broadly
classified as radiative and non-radiative. Power can be radiated by an antenna and
propagates through a medium such as air in the form of a radio frequency (RF)
electromagnetic wave. Non-radiative WPT is based on near-field magnetic coupling
of magnetic circuits that are generally in the form of conductive loops with a resonant
frequency. WPT can be achieved through a range of technologies [2], ranging from
near-field magnetic coupling based technologies operating at a relatively low fre-
quency (such as 10 kHz–15.65 MHz) to microwave technologies operating at rela-
tively high frequency (up to a few giga-hertz). This chapter focuses primarily on the
former type of research and applications based on near-field magnetic coupling. It
covers WPT research and applications from low-power applications. For the
descriptions of a full spectrum of WPT technologies, the readers can refer to [2].
Nikola Tesla was a great inventor whose inventions have influenced human society
profoundly in the twentieth century [3]. His inventions include ac power transmission
(on which modern power transmission systems are based), ac induction machines
(which have been the most dominant electric machines used in industry worldwide),
radio and tuned circuits (which form the basis for long-distance communication), light
sources (including several forms of discharge lamps) and of course WPT.
The WPT principle has in fact been used in the induction machines. Energy is
transferred from the stator windings across the air gap to the rotor cage. Energy
transfer via magnetically coupled windings has been the basic operating principle
in ac electric machines. Tesla’s idea of magnetic coupling of coils has been linked
to his tuned and radio circuits that emphasize the use of circuit resonance. Whilst
the term ‘magnetic resonance’ has recently been misunderstood by some as a new

*Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington,
SW7 2AZ, London, United Kingdom
# also with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
578 Power electronic converters and systems

technology, it must be pointed out that such concept was established by Tesla in his
early WPT research.
In a study of Tesla’s contribution in wireless transmission of energy [4], some
important quotations were cited from a 1943 technical article that:
Tesla is entitled to either distinct priority or independent discovery of the
1. The idea of inductive coupling between the driving and the working
2. The importance of tuning both circuits, that is, the idea of an
‘oscillation transformer’.
3. The idea of a capacitance loaded open secondary circuit. [5]
These three aspects of discovery have in fact formed the founding principles of
WPT. The use of the tuned circuits as an ‘oscillation transformer’ means that both
of the transmitter and receiver circuits are tuned to operate at a resonant frequency.
It has been pointed out [6,7] that the ‘oscillation transformer’ concept goes beyond
pure magnetic induction principle commonly adopted in transformers. It refers
more precisely to magnetic resonance between two magnetic coupled coil resona-
tors. The combined use of magnetic induction, tuned circuits and resonance has
been a common theme in Tesla’s wireless power and radio investigations [8] as
well as his low-frequency WPT via the resonant frequency of the Earth [4].
Since Tesla published his work on wireless power in early 1900s, there have
not been widespread WPT applications in the first half of last century. The main
reason is probably due to the low energy efficiency as the transmission distance
increases [9,10]. However, WPT emerged again in the 1960s in transcutaneous
energy systems for medical implants [11–15]. The availability of power electronics
technology in the 1980 provided the needed technology to generate high-frequency
high-power supplies for WPT. In the 1990s, Green and Boys used power inverter as
the excitation source for an inductive power transfer system [16] and then for
charging electric vehicles [17]. Such WPT initiative has already led to applications
in factory automation in clean factories, medical implants and charging of electric
vehicles [18]. The dawn of the mobile phone era in 1990s also triggered new WPT
research for planar wireless charging pads for portable electronic products includ-
ing mobile phones in early 2000s [19–23]. The successes in the planar wireless
charging technology in meeting the requirements of user friendliness and various
safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards eventually prompted the
formation of the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) in 2008 [24], which launched
the world’s first wireless power standard ‘Qi’ in 2010 [6, 25]. The WPC consists of
210 company members in over 20 countries by 2014.
Qi-compatible charging systems for portable electronics and wireless charging
of electric vehicles mentioned so far are considered short-range WPT. Mid-range
WPT started to gain lots of attention since mid-2000s. Mid-range WPT refers to a
transmission distance being larger that the dimensions of the transmitter and
receiver coils [7]. The early forms of mid-range WPT systems involve the use of
relay resonators [26,27]. Besides the original two-coil systems, three-coil [28,29],
four-coil [30–33] and domino [34–36] WPT systems have consequently emerged
Wireless power transfer 579

for mid-range applications. The following sections will describe the features of
these emerging non-radiative WPT systems for both short-range and mid-range
power transfer applications.

19.2 Basic principles and two fundamental concepts of WPT

19.2.1 Basic principles
Magnetic (inductive) coupling and magnetic resonance have been the central themes
of Tesla’s WPT research. Because of the transmission distance, the coupling coeffi-
cient between the coupled coils (such as the transmitter and receiver coils) is relatively
low. From an electric circuit point of view, a low mutual coupling coefficient means a
large leakage inductance. Such leakage inductance has positive impedance that limits
the power transfer. Tesla used a capacitance-loaded coil to form a resonator so that the
capacitance, which has a negative impedance, can cancel the positive impedance of
the leakage inductance. In the two-coil WPT research, Tesla pointed out that optimal
WPT could be achieved at the resonance frequency of the WPT systems. In physical
terms, Tesla used the resonance of the magnetic field related to the inductance and the
electric field related to the capacitance to achieve optimal WPT.
Regardless of the number of coils, a WPT system (Figure 19.1) can be mod-
elled as a mutual magnetically coupled circuit using standard circuit theory as
shown in (19.1).
2 3
6 R1 þ jðwL1 wC1 Þ jwM12 jwM13 jwM1n 7
6 7
6 7
6 1 7
6 jwM12 R2 þ jðwL2 Þ jwM23 jwM2n 7
6 wC2 7
6 7
6 7
6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7
6 . . . . . . 7
6 7
6 1 7
6 Rn1 þ jðwLn1 Þ 7
6 jwM 1ðn1Þ
jwMðn1Þn 7
6 7
6 7
4 1 5
jwM1n jwMðn1Þn Rn þ RL þ jðwLn Þ
2 3 2 3
I1 V1
6 7
6 I2 7 6 6 0 7 7
6 7
6 .. 7 6 .. 7
6 . 7¼6 . 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
4 In1 5 4 0 5
In 0 (19.1)

C1 I1 M I2 C 2 I3 In Cn

VS L1 L2 L3 Ln RL
R1 R2 R3 Rn

Figure 19.1 Schematic of a general WPT system with n resonators

580 Power electronic converters and systems
where Mij ¼ kij Li Lj ði; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n; i 6¼ jÞ is the mutual inductance between
winding-i and winding-j; RL is the load resistance which is connected to winding-n;
Ii is the current in winding-i; Li is the self-inductance of winding-i; Ci is the com-
pensating capacitance of winding-i; Ri: is the resistance in resonator-i (including
the resistance of winding-i and the equivalent series resistance of the capacitor Ci);
and w is the angular frequency.

19.2.2 Two fundamental concepts

The vast number of WPT research published in the last decade can be classified
under two fundamental principles, namely (i) maximum power transfer theorem
and (ii) maximum energy efficiency principle [7]. It is necessary to understand their
differences, advantages and disadvantages. Maximum power transfer theorem (source impedance

Maximum power transfer theorem is a fundamental circuit theory that states that
maximum power transfer can be achieved if the source impedance matches the load
impedance. Figure 19.2 shows an equivalent circuit consisting of an ac power
source, source impedance of Rs þ jXs and load impedance RL þ jXL, where Rs and
Xs are the source resistance and source reactance, RL and XL are load resistance and
load reactance, respectively. Figure 19.3 shows a plot of energy efficiency with the
ratio of the load resistance and source resistance. Maximum power transfer can be
achieved when Rs ¼ RL and Xs ¼ XL. For impedance matching (i.e. RS ¼ RL), the
system energy efficiency hE that includes the power loss in the power source is

i 2 RL RL
hE ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:5 (19.2)
i RS þ i RL R S þ R L
2 2

It is therefore important to note that any WPT system that adopts the maximum
power transfer principle via impedance matching has a severe limit on its overall
energy efficiency of 50%. Half of the total power consumption occurs in the source
resistance (Rs) of the power source. This is an important point that is somehow
neglected by some WPT researchers who only consider the power available from
the output terminals of the ac power source and forget that there is also power loss
in the source resistance of the power source.

RS + jXS


Figure 19.2 Equivalent circuit of an ac power source and an equivalent load

Wireless power transfer 581

Output Power


0 1 4 8 12 16 20

Figure 19.3 Variations of energy efficiency and output power as a ratio of RL and
Rs for the equivalent circuit in Figure 19.2 [Y-axis: per-unit scale]

The impedance matching technique is commonly used by RF researchers in RF

and antenna circuits. Most of the four-coil WPT systems reported in recent literature
are based on the maximum power transfer theorem. These WPT systems are usually
operated at a frequency exceeding several mega-hertz. A good example that highlights
the poor energy efficiency is illustrated in [30] which has transmission efficiency
(power from the output of the ac power source to the load) of 40% and an overall
system energy efficiency (including the power loss in the source resistance) of 15%. Maximum energy efficiency principle

The maximum energy efficiency principle aims at maximizing the energy effi-
ciency in the power transfer process. This principle has commonly been used by
power electronics engineers in transformer and switched-mode power supply
(SMPS) designs. Figure 19.3 shows that if the source resistance is close to zero, the
system energy efficiency will approach 100%. Therefore, a good transformer has
small winding resistance and close winding coupling, and a good power supply has
a small internal source resistance preferably close to 0 W. For a general n-coil WPT
system, the system energy efficiency is:

i2N RL
hE ¼ (19.3)
i21 ðRS þ R1 Þ þ i22 R2 þ 2 þi2N ðRN þ RL Þ
By using a power source with very low source resistance (Rs) and coils with low
winding resistance (R1, . . . , RN), most of the input power will be consumed by the
load resistance (RL) according to (19.3). Thus, an overall system energy efficiency
higher than 50% is feasible. In fact, most of the power transformers and SMPSs
have system efficiency exceeding 90%.
582 Power electronic converters and systems Choice of operating principles

The choice of the operating principles depends on the nature of applications. For
short-range applications and high-power applications, the maximum energy effi-
ciency principle is the natural source, as reflected by the Qi standard for
portable electronic devices [6] and many research reports on wireless charging of
mobile robots and electric vehicles [18]. The maximum power theorem can be used
to increase the transmission distance, but at the expense of energy efficiency.
Therefore, application of the maximum power theorem via impedance matching is
more suitable for mid-range and low-power WPT applications.

19.3 Different forms of WPT systems

WPT systems can take various forms and numbers of stages. They can comprise
several combinations of series and parallel resonant circuits. The advantages and
disadvantages of these combinations will be addressed in Section 19.4. This section
highlights the features of two-coil, three-coil, four-coil and other multiple-coil

19.3.1 Two-coil systems

Tesla described the use of near-field inductive coupling and magnetic resonance
two-coil systems for WPT a century ago [37]. Two-coil systems (Figure 19.4) have
been proven to be an energy-efficient approach to short-range WPT applications
and are suitable for both low- and high-power applications. Two-coil systems with
fixed-positioning features are presently used for wireless charging of commercial
electronic products such as electric toothbrushes and mobile phones. Active
research is being conducted in using the two-coil systems for charging electric
vehicles, with the coil misalignment being a major research topic. However, the
energy efficiency of a two-coil system drops rapidly with increasing transmission
distance (Figure 19.5). Therefore, two-coil systems are not suitable for applications
in which the transmission distance is comparable to the dimensions of the trans-
mitter and receiver coils. Generally speaking, most of the two-coil systems reported
in the literature adopt the maximum energy efficiency principle.

C1 I1 I2 C2

L1 L2 RL

R1 R2

Figure 19.4 An equivalent circuit of a two-coil WPT system

Wireless power transfer 583


decay curve

range Mid-range Long-range

Figure 19.5 Exponential decay of energy efficiency with increasing transmission

distance in a two-coil WPT system

a 1 d 2


Figure 19.6 A WPT system with an additional resonator at the transmitter side

19.3.2 Three-coil systems

Three-coil systems have attracted attention only recently for both low- and high-
power applications. One initiative of the Qi standard is to extend the transmission
distance from a typical transmission distance of 5–30 mm [25]. This extension
enables new planar wireless charging systems, such as coffee tables and office
desks equipped with designated wireless charging areas, to be developed.
Figure 19.6 shows the schematic of a three-coil system, in which a relay resonator
is included between the transmitter and receiver coils. The relay resonator can be
co-planar with the transmitter coil, as described in a three-coil system studied for a
coffee table [29,38]. Under certain conditions, it has been demonstrated that a
three-coil system can be more energy efficient than a two-coil counterpart. The
efficiency improvement is achieved by using the transmitter coil and the relay
resonator as a current transformer so that the current stress is shifted from the
transmitter circuit and coil to the relay resonator. If the conducting loss of the relay
resonator is less than the reduction of the power losses in the transmitter circuit and
coil, an efficiency improvement can thus be achieved. It has been pointed out [38]
that the three-coil approach may provide a breakthrough in high-power wireless
charging of electric vehicles, which currently has a typical system energy effi-
ciency of 92%.
584 Power electronic converters and systems

In a study of a three-coil planar WPT system in which the magnetic power loss
is ignored, it has been shown that a three-coil system can be more energy efficient
than a two-coil one if the following inequality is satisfied:
wMa1 > ðR1 þ RE1 Þ 1 þ (19.4)
where w is the angular frequency of the excitation, Ma1 is the mutual inductance
between the transmitter coil (coil-a) and the relay resonator (coil-1), RP1 is the
w2 M 2
parasitic resistance of coil-1, RE1 ¼ R2 12 is the reflected resistance from the
receiver to coil-1, RS is the source resistance and Ra is the winding resistance of
the new primary coil-a.

19.3.3 Four-coil systems

Recent interests of four-coil systems were sparked off by the report in [30], which
describes the use of two resonators, with one magnetic resonator coupled with a
driving loop and the other resonator coupled with a load loop (Figure 19.7). The
authors of [30] demonstrate that it is possible to power a 60 W light bulb with a
transmission distance of 2 m at an overall energy efficiency of 15%. The four-coil
system takes advantages of (i) the magnetic coupling between the loops and the
resonators and (ii) magnetic resonance between the two resonators. Both techniques
were used in Tesla’s early WPT research. The operating principle adopts the
maximum power transfer theorem that requires impedance matching with the
source impedance. The use of four coils introduces three mutual coupling coeffi-
cients that can be manipulated to extend the transmission distance. The three
mutual coupling coefficients are KPS (between the power driving loop and the
sending resonator), KSR (between the sending resonator and the receiving reso-
nator) and KRD (between the receiving resonator and the load driving loop). The
condition for impedance matching is to design the input impedance of the entire

VS I1 I2 I3 I4

+ CS CR + CD
+ – – +
– –


Figure 19.7 An equivalent circuit of a WPT system comprising a power driving

coil, a sending resonator, a receiving resonator and a load driving
coil [31]
Wireless power transfer 585

four-coil system (Zin) to be equal to the source impedance (Zo). This can be
achieved by the following equation:
¼1 (19.5)
It should be noted that a large transmission distance between the sending reso-
nator and the receiving resonator corresponds to a small KSR. The benefit of the four-
coil system is to provide the flexibility of two extra coefficients (i.e. KPS and KRD) to
satisfy (19.4) even if KSR is small. For example, for a long transmission distance with
a corresponding small KSR (e.g. 0.01), (19.5) can be met by choosing KPS and KRD
equal to 0.1. Of course, the use of the maximum power transfer theorem means that
the long transmission distance is achieved at the expense of energy efficiency.

19.3.4 WPT systems with relay and domino resonators

WPT systems using relay resonators in the domino arrangements provide a good
compromise in terms of the transmission distance and energy efficiency, provided
that such resonators are allowed to be placed between the transmitter coil and the
receiver coil. These systems adopt the maximum energy efficiency principle.
Because of the relatively short distance between adjacent resonators, they enjoy a
fairly high energy efficiency in mid-range application. Figure 19.8 shows a straight
domino WPT system powering an 18 W compact fluorescent lamp over a distance
of 10 feet. Power flow in a domino WPT system can be directed flexibly.
Figure 19.9 shows a Y-shape domino WPT system which has the power flow split
into two paths driving two 18 W compact fluorescent lamps.

19.4 Power electronics and control

Any WPT system should use high-efficiency circuits for both the driver (generating
the sinusoidal currents that create the magnetic field) and for the rectifier on the

Figure 19.8 A straight domino WPT system powering a 18 W compact fluorescent

586 Power electronic converters and systems

Figure 19.9 A Y-shaped domino WPT system powering two compact fluorescent

secondary side (allowing the systems to provide a dc output). Several difficulties arise
with the design and realization of these circuits due to the high frequencies often
required, the potential high power requirements and the highly tuned resonant circuits
causing high voltages and/or currents. All of these requirements mean that the choice
of circuit architecture as well as both active and passive components is critical to
realising a high-efficiency end-to-end solution. Voltage and current requirements in
the active components can be traded-off by use of series or parallel resonant circuits
on the primary and secondary and various circuit topologies exist which aim to reduce
component stress and switching loss by exploiting soft switching.

19.4.1 Series and parallel tuned primary and secondary circuits

The basic formula for the maximum link efficiency of a WPT system is well known
[39] as:
h¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2 (19.6)
1 þ 1 þ k 2 QTX QRX

where k is the coupling factor and QTX and QRX are the Q-factors of the transmitter
and receiver, respectively. It is important to note that this equation assumes nothing
about the configuration of the link other than that the secondary is set to resonate at
the driving frequency of the transmitter and that the receiver’s load is optimised to
present a specific reflected impedance back to the primary. This means that the
efficiency for transferring power over an inductive link is independent of the circuit
Wireless power transfer 587

configuration of the driver side circuit, and hence resonance of the primary is not a
fundamental requirement for realising WPT systems at the efficiency given by the
fundamental link efficiency formula. In reality, however, the use of primary side
resonance allows for greater driving circuit efficiencies to be achieved as it reduces
the reactive power capability requirement of the drive circuit. Due to the more
fundamental requirements on the secondary circuit to maintain operation according
to (19.6), the possible secondary configurations will now be discussed.
As stated, (19.6) holds assuming that the WPT system driven at the resonant
frequency of the secondary side circuit and that the secondary reflects back an
optimal impedance to the primary side. The choice of series or parallel secondary
resonance (Figure 19.10) changes the value of the required optimal load impedance
that connects to the secondary circuit.
The optimal resistive load for the link with a parallel secondary resonance
(Figure 19.10(a)) is given by:
RLOAD ¼ (19.7)
a ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (19.8)
1 þ k 2 QTX QRX
whereas for a series secondary resonance (Figure 19.10(b)), the optimal resistance
is also given by (19.7), but a is redefined as the reciprocal of (19.8) to:
1 þ k 2 QTX QRX
a¼ (19.9)
For inductive links with low coupling values and high-Q coils, this means that,
typically, the series resonant circuit requires a low value of optimal load which it
feeds at high current, whereas the parallel configuration requires a higher value of
optimal load fed at high voltage. In addition, the choice of series and parallel
resonance also dictates whether the rectifier that attaches to the system is current
driven or voltage driven (Section 19.4.2).
The objective of the primary circuit is to create a sinusoidal current in the
transmit coil and, as stated, the link efficiency does not depend on the primary side

Inductive Inductive
Link Link
Vin,PA Vin,PA
k k

(a) (b)

Figure 19.10 An inductive link with (a) parallel secondary resonance and
(b) series secondary resonance
588 Power electronic converters and systems

circuit topology that is chosen. However, in most practical WPT applications, the
primary circuit is made to resonate at or near the driving frequency because this
minimises the need for the drive circuit to supply reactive power. A parallel reso-
nant primary will require the drive circuit to supply the resonant tank with low
currents, but at high voltage, whereas the series resonant primary requires high
currents at low voltage. These differing requirements for series and parallel circuits
therefore place different stresses on the drive side components and lead to different
circuit topologies and device choices.
One last but important point to consider when choosing between parallel and
series resonances on primary or secondary is that the parasitic capacitance of the
coils and any connected semiconductor devices are readily absorbed into the tuning
capacitors in the parallel resonant circuits, but this is not with series resonance.

19.4.2 Practical circuit topologies

The primary objective of the circuits for driving and receiving power into and out
of the inductive link is to do so at the required power level with high efficiency.
Component choices in WPT systems can significantly influence the efficiency of
the system, but circuit topologies also play a significant role in determining the
maximum achievable end-to-end system efficiency. Several topologies for both the
inverting transmitter side and the rectifying receiver side are now discussed. Inverters
The most basic way to drive an inductive link primary coil is to use a simple linear
analogue power amplifier (e.g. a class AB topology) to provide the excitation to the
primary tank. Such circuits can readily be operated without the need to resonate
the primary tank and still maintain sinusoidal primary coil currents (the linear mode of
the amplifier allows a high fidelity sine wave output to be achieved). However, such
topologies suffer from poor efficiency and so practical WPT amplifier circuits tend to
operate in switch mode. The most basic switch-mode excitation of a transmitter coil
can be achieved using a half-bridge cell operating with class-D (hard) switching. This
simple circuit is often used in low frequency inverters (e.g. drive systems) where the
devices are driven with a PWM signal that can be low pass filtered to generate a high
fidelity sine wave. This typically requires the PWM switching frequency to be greater
than the generated sinusoid by a factor of between 10 and 100 times. In a WPT system,
where the sinusoidal excitation is rarely below 80 kHz, this places unrealistic
requirements on hard switching the devices at a suitable PWM frequency. Conse-
quently, with such half-bridge converters, a series primary resonance is often used.
This both reduces the driver’s voltage requirements (the voltage across the resonant
capacitor and inductor are in anti-phase), whilst also allowing a near sinusoidal cur-
rent to flow in the coils even when excited at the fundamental link frequency with a
square wave from the inverter (because a high-Q resonant tank will filter the harmonic
components sufficiently well).
A relatively common extension to the half-bridge topology is to drive the
circuit with a full-bridge [18], as shown in Figure 19.11. As this circuit drives both
sides of the resonant tank with a non-zero voltage, the full-bridge effectively
Wireless power transfer 589

Q1 Q3

Vdc Cf Lr
− Cr

Q2 Q4

Figure 19.11 Simple H-bridge driver with series resonant primary tank

VDC Cpar
− Gate Q1
Driver Rref


Cser Ltx
VDC Cpar Cres
− Gate Q1
Driver Rref


Figure 19.12 Class-E inverter in (a) standard operation and in (b) semi-resonance

doubles the primary circuit voltage capability for the same voltage blocking cap-
ability devices as in the half-bridge.
These class-D topologies are relatively simple, can be efficient and have a low
component count and are thus common for lower frequency WPT systems, such as
for EV charging. However, for systems that require higher frequency operation
(such as those working in the 6.78 or 13.56 MHz industrial, scientific and medical
(ISM) bands), hard switching becomes undesirable as switching losses can dom-
inate. Consequently, a range of harmonically tuned inverters, which can exhibit
(theoretically) zero switching loss, such as the class-E inverter, become desirable.
The class-E inverter circuit, first published by Nathan and Alan Sokal in 1975 [40]
allows high-fidelity sinusoidal currents to be generated from a simple square wave
metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) gate signal, whilst
achieving very low switching losses in the active device. The standard class-E
inverter is shown in Figure 19.12(a). A practical improvement to this circuit
590 Power electronic converters and systems






98.2 98.25 98.3 98.35 98.4 98.45
t (µs)

Figure 19.13 Typical drain voltage waveform on class-E inverter (from [41])

topology is to add a capacitor in parallel with the coil (eliminating the requirement
for the MOSFET to conduct the full tank current) whilst operating the resonant tank
slightly below the tank resonance and thus allowing the series branch inductance of
the original class-E circuit to be provided by the semi-resonant tank [39], as shown
in Figure 19.12(b). This operation has the advantage of reducing the primary side
MOSFET current rating whilst ensuring that the WPT transmit coil provides the
required branch inductance to allow true class-E operation. High efficiencies were
achieved using this method in a 200 W capable inverter running at 6 MHz [41].
Figure 19.13 shows a measured drain voltage waveform on the class-E inver-
ter: the smooth waveform allows zero switching loss due to both zero voltage and
zero rate of change of voltage when the device switches. Rectifiers
As discussed in Section 19.4.1, the receiver circuit must be resonant to maximise
link efficiency and the load must be set to an optimal value. In the ideal case, this
requires the input impedance of the rectifier to exhibit a constant real input impe-
dance (as if a pure resistance was loading the resonant secondary circuit) whilst
providing a dc output voltage. A simple passive rectifier, such as a full-wave pas-
sive diode rectifier can achieve the rectification but does not load the resonant tank
with a purely resistive load (as the current contains harmonics if driven with a
voltage source and the voltage contains harmonics if driven with a current source).
In this case, an equivalent resistance at the fundamental frequency can be calcu-
lated and if this resistance can be set to that required by (19.7) controllable, the
rectifier’s loading of the link can be set optimally. If the resonant tank has high Q,
then the generation of these harmonics by the rectifier will not cause significant
Wireless power transfer 591

– + iCf Idc +
vin Cf Rdc Vdc

Figure 19.14 Voltage-driven half-wave rectifier

iD + – + iCf Idc +
iin D1 vD Cf Rdc Vdc
– –

Figure 19.15 Current-driven class-D half-wave rectifier

distortion in the coil current due to the tank presenting a high impedance to these
Just as the optimal secondary load value is dependent on whether the second-
ary tank is a parallel or series resonance, the choice of rectifier topology will also
depend on the resonant tank type as rectifiers are designed to be current driven and
some voltage driven. A voltage-driven rectifier is attached to a parallel secondary
resonant tank, whilst a current-driven rectifier is attached to a series tuned sec-
ondary resonant tank [39].
The difference in the two can be seen by considering the simple half-wave
voltage-drive rectifier shown in Figure 19.14. This rectifier can be driven from a
parallel LC receiver tank, but if driven from a series LC tank, the negative tank
current has no path and this result in circuit failure. In order to allow such a rectifier
to work from a current source series resonant secondary, an additional diode must
be added to provide a path for negative tank current, resulting in a class-D rectifier
of Figure 19.15.
The input impedance of this class-D rectifier at the fundamental frequency is
resistive with a value of:
Rin ¼
which can be set to a value required to optimise the link.
The class-D rectifier is hard switched and at high frequency this can result in
excessive losses in the diodes. A possible solution to this is to use a current-driven
class-E rectifier topology, which controls the rate of change of voltage across the
diode, reducing reverse recovery losses, as shown in Figure 19.16.
Voltage-driven soft-switched rectifier topologies are also possible, and a
voltage-driven class-E rectifier topology is shown in Figure 19.17. This topology
592 Power electronic converters and systems

Lf iL

iC iD + iC Idc +
d f
iin Cd D vD Cf Rdc Vdc
– –

Figure 19.16 Class-E current-driven half-wave rectifier

+ VC_r –

Cr iC_r
+ VL_r –
Inductive iin iD_r
Link Lr
Dr iC_st +
Vin,PA LTX LRX CRX Cinput Cst RL Vo


Figure 19.17 Voltage-driven class-E half-wave rectifier

has the additional advantage of inherently drawing a relatively pure sine wave input
current from a sine wave voltage source, thus exhibiting very low harmonic content
in the input voltage or current waveforms [42]. Component choices

Both active and passive components need to be carefully chosen to maximise the
performance of a WPT system. High-Q capacitors, such as those available from
AVX or Dielectric Laboratories, and fast MOSFETs, such as those from IXYS RF
or SiC devices from Cree Inc., can all be used in mega-hertz WPT systems.

19.4.3 Control
Whilst it is possible to operate a WPT system in open loop, most practical WPT
systems require some form of closed-loop control for individual constituent blocks,
and a global feedback loop to control power throughput in the system. The typical
aspects of the WPT system that use some form of closed loop control are:
1. Optimal loading of the link (as discussed in Section 19.4.2): The combina-
tion of the rectifier and load must present the optimal impedance to the link,
independent of what equipment is actually being powered from the secondary side.
In a general WPT system that is designed to power a generic load, the impedance of
the load will rarely present an optimal impedance to the link, and in many real-
world scenarios the impedance of the load equipment will be time (e.g. when a
charging battery). This means that an additional circuit, an impedance emulator,
Wireless power transfer 593

must generally be inserted into the system between the rectifier and load so that the
link is always correctly loaded.
The realisation of the impedance emulator is thus often a switch-mode circuit
(which can be a traditional SMPS design) whose input impedance can be con-
trolled. As we have seen, the link efficiency is maximised when the load impedance
is set to an optimal value, and this value changes as the coupling between the coils
changes, and hence changes as the relative coil positions change. This can require
the input impedance of the emulator to be modified ensuring system operation to
maintain the optimal load. Impedance emulators themselves fall into two broad
categories: those that exhibit a constant input impedance when run in an open loop
(i.e. the ratio of the input voltage to current remains constant as both the input
voltage and the load on the converter changes) and those that require a closed-loop
control to operate with a constant input impedance. Two possible open-loop emu-
lator topologies are the buck–boost converter and the isolated flyback, both oper-
ating in discontinuous mode [43] (Figure 19.18).
2. Tuning of the primary driver: As the coupling between primary and sec-
ondary coils changes with relative movement, the primary side drive circuit may
become detuned and, taking a class-E circuit as an example, no longer exhibit
perfect class-E soft switching behaviour. A possible solution to retuning the class-E
inverter is to use a saturable reactance [44]. By running a small bias current in the
dc feed choke of the class-E inverter, the circuit waveforms can be modified so that
the circuit achieves true class-E operation even as the relative coupling between
coils changes.
3. Output voltage of the secondary: As is the case in the majority of power
supply electronics, the dc output of the system should be controlled. Typically, a
suitable energy buffer (e.g. a capacitor) follows the impedance emulation circuit
and a regular SMPS topology is attached to this to regulate the output voltage.
4. Power throughput: As the link efficiency is maximised when the load pre-
sents an optimal impedance to the link, in order to maintain maximum efficiency at
all times, the control of power throughput should not be achieved by modifying the
load impedance and detuning the link, but instead by reducing the power input from
the transmitter side. This power throughput control requires some form of com-
munications link between the receiver and the transmitter which can be done using
the magnetic link with load emulation or via an out of band radio link.
Iin Iin

L1 L2
Vin L Vout Load Vin Vout Load

(a) (b)

Figure 19.18 Two suitable impedance emulator topologies (a) buck–boost and
(b) isolated flyback
594 Power electronic converters and systems

5. Safety: In conditions where the WPT system operates where humans can
approach the air gap and hence the magnetic field, a foreign object detection system
must shut down the system if the magnetic/electric fields would exceed the required
exposure limits (discussed in Section 19.5). Foreign Object detection can be done
with several means, including detecting a detuning of the link or some form of
motion detection and this is a common feature on high-power WPT systems such as
the Qualcomm Halo product [45].

19.5 Safety regulations

Safety and regulatory requirements are a significant factor in the design choices for
inductive WPT systems because the limits on both radiated emissions and near-
field magnetic and electric field strengths are regulated. Due to the recent success
of WPT systems, these long-standing regulations are being reviewed and updated
with increased interest, with bodies being created to standardise and regulate dif-
ferent use cases. The regulations broadly fall into two categories: EMC for equip-
ment and communications, and exposure limits for humans. The limits are
frequency dependent, and the allowed field strengths reduce as the frequency
increases. This means that the general trend in WPT design is that lower power
WPT systems are able to operate at higher frequency (typically in the low mega-
hertz ISM bands), whilst high power systems, such as those for electric vehicle
charging, operate at around 100 kHz.
When considering the safety case for WPT systems, factors other than their
electromagnetic output are also important. In many usage scenarios, WPT systems
can eliminate the possibility of sparks occurring when physical connections are
unplugged and in some medical applications the danger of operating a system
above the recommended human exposure limits could be tolerated if the WPT
system solves a severe medical issue for the patient where the benefits from using
the system are greater than the potential risks associated with using it.

19.5.1 Electromagnetic compatibility

Any WPT system must comply with local radiated and conducted EMC standards
for the class of equipment to which it belongs. Basic EMC requirements in different
countries are set by local governments and hence differ from region to region. In
Europe, an European Union (EU) directive 2004/108/EC [46] exists to ensure that
equipment emits levels of electromagnetic energy such that other appliances and
telecommunications are not interfered with, and that the equipment will maintain
normal operation with acceptable degradation when exposed to an electromagnetic
disturbance that might be reasonably be expected during normal use. This EU
directive calls on several CENELEC standards for the technical detail, including:
EN 55011 which covers household equipment and similar equipment designed to
locally generate/use RF energy; EN 55014, which covers emissions from 150 kHz
to 30 MHz from household appliances; and EN 61000 which covers conducted
emissions of harmonics in the range 100 Hz–2 kHz from household appliances.
Wireless power transfer 595

The specific use case of the WPT equipment may determine which standard
applies, but in Europe the above standards are relevant. There are several frequency
bands that are designated for ISM use which are covered by EN 55011. In these
bands, equipment is allowed to radiate far-field RF energy provided the levels fall
within those allowed by the standards. An efficient WPT system is designed not to
radiate but small amounts of radiated RF energy are unavoidable. For this reason,
WPT systems are often chosen to operate in the ISM bands, with the slots at
6.78 and 13.56 MHz being useful for WPT systems.

19.5.2 Human exposure

The safety for human exposure for WPT systems is of keen interest to the public
and in the authors’ experience is one of the first questions asked when demon-
strating inductive power transfer to the lay person. The standards for human
exposure to RF electromagnetic waves are described by several different bodies
worldwide and although based on the same basic principles, the recommendations
from each standards association can differ and this leads to different recommen-
dations being made in different countries.
Through the International EMF Project, the World Health Organisation refers [47]
to the guidelines set by both the IEEE [48] and ICNIRP [49]. There are two main
types of health effect that the standards and directives take into account: tissue
heating effects, and non-heating effects such as nerve/muscle stimulation. Both the
IEEE and ICNIRP describe what they call ‘basic restrictions’, i.e. fundamental
human-internal quantities of electric field strength and specific absorption rates
(SARs) that should not be exceeded. As these levels are difficult to measure, the
IEEE and ICNIRP both recommend a set of derived limits for the environment in
which the person is situated (called reference levels by ICNIRP) which, if not
exceeded, should not cause the internal basic restrictions to be violated. In the
inhomogeneous near-field, the spatially varying nature of the E and B fields means
that the derived limits/reference levels are specified in terms of independent values
of the electric and magnetic field strengths rather than as a simple incident power
density. Note that although the basic restrictions specified in IEEE and ICIRP are
the same, the derived limits/reference levels differ, with the ICNIRP standards
being stricter.
In Europe, the ICNIRP recommendations have themselves been adopted into
the new EU Electromagnetic Fields Directive [50], which EU member states must
transcribe into law by July 2016. The terminology in the EU directive differs from
the ICNIRP, in that the EU calls the basic restrictions ‘exposure limit values’
(ELVs) and the reference levels are known as ‘action levels’ (ALs). At the fre-
quencies of interest for WPT systems, the ELVs require that SAR is kept below
10 W/kg in the head and trunk, 20 W/kg in the limbs and below 0.4 W/kg averaged
across the whole body. The ELVs also require that internal electric fields be lower
than 3.8 104 f V/m (where f is in Hz). A summary of the ICNIRP 1998 reference
levels (adopted by the EU as ALs) for the E and B fields is given in Figures 19.19
and 19.20.
596 Power electronic converters and systems

Electric Field Strength (E) (V/m)




10–1 101 103 105 107 109 1011

Frequency, ( f ) (Hz)

General Public (GP) Occupational (Occ)

General Public Peak Occupational Peak

Figure 19.19 1998 ICNIRP E-field reference levels (redrawn from [49])

Electric Field Strength (B) (µT)







10–1 101 103 105 107 109 1011

Frequency, ( f ) (Hz)

General Public (GP) Occupational (Occ)

General Public Peak Occupational Peak

Figure 19.20 1998 ICNIRP B-field reference levels (redrawn from [49])

It should be noted that failure to meet the basic restrictions (ELVs in EU

terminology) does not mean a system cannot be compliant with the regulations as it
is the basic restrictions (ELVs in EU terminology) which must not be violated.
These can be obtained by simulation. Examples of systems that do not necessarily
Wireless power transfer 597

meet the derived values/reference levels (ALs in EU terminology) but do meet the
basic restrictions are discussed in [51].

19.6 Conclusion
Active WPT research and developments over the last two decades have enabled
such technology to reach commercialization stage for near-field applications.
Recent research has been extended to mid-range applications based on multiple coil
configurations. This chapter explains the basic principles on which modern WPT is
based. The advantages and disadvantages of the maximum energy efficiency
principle and maximum power transfer principle are highlighted. Guidelines for
choosing these principles and the choice of series and parallel resonant circuits in
the receiver modules have been addressed. For practical implementation, relevant
international safety regulations cannot be ignored because they set the practical
boundaries for the power level and system designs. With the increasing number and
variety of modern portable electronic devices and the dawning of the electric
vehicle era, it is envisaged that applications of WPT will continue to grow both in
power level and in variety in the future.

This work was carried out with the support of an EPSRC grant (EP/L00089X/1) and
a Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (17206715). They thank Mr. George
Kkelis for his help with the diagrams.

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Chapter 20
Advanced control of power electronic systems
Sudip K. Mazumder*

20.1 Introduction

Power electronic systems (PESs) are nonlinear hybrid dynamical systems [1].
The instability in such switching systems, owing to their discontinuity, can evolve
on slow and on fast scales [2]. Conventional analyses of PESs and their subsystems
are based on averaged models, which ignore the fast-scale instability and analyze
the stability on a reduced-order manifold [1–3]. As such, validity of the averaged
models varies with the switching frequency even for the same topological structure.
The prevalent procedure for analyzing the stability of standalone and networked
PESs is based on linearized averaged (small-signal) models that require a smooth
averaged model. Yet there are systems (in active use) that yield a non-smooth
averaged model. Even for systems for which smooth averaged model is realizable,
small-signal analyses of the nominal solution/orbit do not provide anything about
three important characteristics: region of attraction of the nominal solution,
dependence of the converter dynamics on the initial conditions of the states, and the
post-instability dynamics. As such, conventional linear controllers for PESs,
designed based on small-signal analyses, may be conservative and may not be
robust and optimal.

20.2 Brief overview of historic advanced nonlinear controllers

for PES applications
The inadequacy of the linear controllers to adequately address most application
scenarios of PESs implies that, there is a clear need to design nonlinear controllers
for such hybrid (power electronic) systems thereby achieving wider stability mar-
gin, improved robustness against parametric variations, feedforward and feedback
disturbances, switching nonlinearities and interactions, and enhanced performance.

*IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA

*University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA
602 Power electronic converters and systems

In that regard, historically, there has been work from varied perspective and focus,
which fall broadly into the following categories:
● Sliding-mode control (SMC) [4]
● Passivity-based control (PBC) [5]
● Back-stepping control (BSC) [6]
● Feedback linearizing control (FLC) [7]
● Model-predictive control (MPC) [8]
It is worth mentioning and as one can conjecture, there has been several
additional works that are based on these foundational control methodologies.
Among all of these historic nonlinear control methodologies for PESs, SMC
probably has found greatest acceptance. It yields good transient performance and
yields robustness even in the presence of parametric variations. SMC essentially
relies on controlling a PES using a twofold strategy: one that guides the system
trajectories to a reduced-order manifold (thereby ensuring existence of a hypersur-
face); and the other that guides the system dynamics on this manifold to the desired
equilibrium or orbit. Essentially, this is achieved by controlling the switching states
of a PES in such a manner such that the evolving switching sequence leads to the
minimization of a (typically) Lyapunov-based (sliding) function. The initial work on
SMC, even though yielded great transient results ran into issues with PESs that are
susceptible to parasitic dynamics. That led to modified SMC schemes (often referred
to as integral variable structure control or IVSC schemes) that incorporate an integral
term in the sliding function and mitigate the need for the derivative term leading to
robustness against parasitics and paying a small price with regard to the anticipatory
response. Notwithstanding the strengths of SMC, it remains a methodology that only
ensures sliding-mode convergence. While this acceptable for several applications, it
is not the only mechanism or mode via which one can achieve convergence of tra-
jectories or it may not be always desirable to only achieve sliding-mode convergence.
An associated difficulty arises with ensuring constant-frequency operation for a PES
under steady-state conditions.
Nonlinear PBC algorithms for PESs have proved to be an interesting alter-
native as well. Passivity is a basic property of physical systems such as a PES that
can be defined in terms of energy dissipation and transformation. It is an input–
output property in the sense that it quantifies and qualifies the energy balance of a
system when stimulated by external inputs to generate some output. This is in
contrast to Lyapunov stability which concerns the internal stability of a system. The
control objective in PBC is typically realized via an energy-reshaping process and
by injecting damping to modify the dissipation structure of the PES. Even though
PBC has had some success in the control of PESs, the control formulation, based
typically on an averaged sense, requires an external modulator to synthesize the
discontinuous signals that are fed to the switching PESs. Thus, unlike the SMC, the
time evolution of the switching states is typically dependent on the modulation
principle. As such, multi-scale controllability in PBC is not an easy proposition.
BSC outlines and ensures a systematic way of realizing the Lyapunov function
for a closed-loop PES by formulating the control input design. The latter in BSC
Advanced control of power electronic systems 603

also needs to ensure negative definiteness of the derivative of the control Lyapunov
function by typically canceling the indefinite cross-coupling terms. Needless to
mention that, such cancellations need to be achieved carefully keeping an eye on
the tradeoff among stability, performance, and control-overhead tradeoff. Even
though BSC has some issues concerning the fact that either all of the state variables
need to be measureable or a subset of the variables need to predictable using an
estimator (that typically requires a nonlinear observer) and that BSC is sensitive to
parameter variations, work has been conducted in the previous decade that has
addressed some of these issues. As such, BSC has found some acceptance for PES
applications. Nevertheless, almost all applications of BSC for PES applications
require a modulator as the control is primarily average model based. Further, unlike
sequence-based control (SBC), evolution of switching sequence in BSC is depen-
dent on the selected modulation strategy.
The conventional FLC has gained some popularity since it enables the utili-
zation of tools for linear system for designing the control of nonlinear systems such
as PESs thereby precluding the need relatively more complex design and stability-
analysis nonlinear tools. This method is typically restricted to certain classes of
nonlinear systems and stable invertibility is required; further special attention
may be required regarding the zero dynamics of certain class of PESs. Further,
notwithstanding the relative ease of design and analysis using FLC, choice of
mechanism for linearization needs careful analysis to prevent elimination of useful
nonlinearities or synthesizing overcompensating controls. Yet another issue with a
conventional FLC is dealing with parametric uncertainties that affect PES stability
and convergence of dynamics. Finally, just like the BSC, majority of the work on
FLC has used averaged model of the PES and external modulator to transform the
smooth control output to a discontinuous output that can be fed to a switching PES
following a predefined switching sequence.
MPC, also known sometimes as receding horizon control, makes use of PES
dynamic model to predict the control needs by minimizing a cost function. It has
achieved recognition since it provides a systematic methodology to control con-
strained multivariable dynamical PESs. However, the performance of the controller
depends on how well the dynamics of the PES being captured by the model. MPC
uses the dynamic model to determine a control sequence that optimizes a desired
performance index. A receding horizon strategy is used so that at each instant the
horizon is moved towards the future, which involves the application of the control
signal of the sequence (that yield the desired behavior) calculated at each step.
Even though several of the earlier works on MPC for PESs focused on averaged
modeling based approaches along with an external modulator or even discrete
modeling based approaches using a predefined modulation scheme, a few recent
works have advocated the integration of modulation and control in a monolithic
control platform. The latter, like the SBC, precludes the need for transforming the
average control following a predefined switching sequence as evident in several of
other nonlinear control methodologies discussed earlier including conventional
MPC. The synthesis of the sequence is actually an outcome of the evolution of the
switching states which is the primary focus of these MPC schemes for PESs.
604 Power electronic converters and systems

20.3 Switching SBC [9–11]

Relatively recently, the author has proposed a control methodology (i.e., SBC) that
results in control of PESs by controlling the time evolution of stabilizing feasible
switching sequences of PESs. Unlike MPC, SBC optimally controls the evolution
of the switching sequences that have been determined to be stabilizable. SBC
directly controls the switching sequences of the power devices without the need for
an intermediate pulse-width modulator as evident in conventional power converter
control schemes. SBC involves identifying the set of feasible sequences of
switching states using a composite Lyapunov functions for global stability. Sub-
sequently, by solving an optimization problem, an optimal switching sequence
(comprising a union of feasible sequences) and corresponding time horizon for
each switching state of the sequence is determined. The application of SBC to
standalone and homogeneously and heterogeneously networked power converters
is outlined briefly in the following subsections.

20.3.1 SBC for standalone PES

Controllers for PESs have to address two key issues related to the PES dynamics:
one of them is to ensure steady-state stability, while the other is to ensure orbital
existence (i.e., whether the trajectories of the PES converge to an orbit from an
arbitrary initial condition). In [10], the authors propose a SBC scheme for PESs that
can address both of these issues, i.e., it ensures optimal dynamic performance while
ensuring that the PES is globally stable. The control is designed using piecewise
linear models of the PES and can directly control the switching actions of the PES
power devices, unlike conventional two-stage schemes where the controller
(derived based on smooth averaged models) and the modulator (to generate the
switching signals) are two separate entities, as illustrated in Figure 20.1. The
overall control scheme consists of first determining the set of feasible switching
sequences (using a composite Lyapunov function based approach) and then deter-
mining the duration of time spent in each switching state (by solving an optimi-
zation problem). The SBC control scheme exhibits superior dynamic performance,
primarily because it directly controls the switching sequence of the PES. In this
section, we illustrate the application of the SBC scheme to a standalone PES and
demonstrate how superior control performance can be achieved compared to con-
ventional linear controllers. Description of the SBC scheme

As illustrated in Figure 20.2, the overall control is divided into two parts: (a) a
saturated region optimal control (SROC) that controls the transient dynamics of the
SPC and (b) an unsaturated region optimal control (USROC) that controls the
steady-state dynamics of the SPC. The SBC can be derived using switching models
of the converter, which is given by
x_ ðtÞ ¼ Ai xðtÞ þ Bi (20.1)
Advanced control of power electronic systems 605

d S
(linear Modulation

Reference State feedback

+ − Measurements

Conventional control scheme

Sequence-based control Power


Reference State feedback

+ − Measurements

Sequence-based control scheme

Converter Switching
control layer control layer

Figure 20.1 Block diagram illustrating a comparison between a conventional

control scheme for PESs and SBC scheme

where xðtÞ represents the states of the converter, i represents the switching states,
and Ai and Bi are matrices and vectors of appropriate dimensions. The first step in
both these schemes is to choose the feasible switching sequences (among all pos-
sible switching sequences) using a composite Lyapunov function based criteria,
described in the following equation:
" #
h ATi Pki þ Pki Ai Pki B i
aki T
<0 (20.2)
i¼1 B i Pki 0
where Pki ¼ PTki > 0, i¼1 aki ¼ 1, 0 aki 1, and B i ¼ Bi Ai x*. Having
determined the set of feasible switching sequences, the second step is to derive a
discrete map for the states of the SPC over a time horizon Tw ði:e:; xðt0 þ Tw ÞÞ, as
illustrated in Figure 20.3, given initial values of the states xðt0 Þ. Note that, for
the USROC, the time horizon Tw corresponds to the switching time period, Ts.
The overall map can be obtained by patching together the individual maps
606 Power electronic converters and systems

Measured Measured
states states

System System
model model

Determine set of Determine set of
reachable switching stable switching
sequences No sequences

Derive map Derive map
T w < Ts ?

Determine signal Determine
{ai}i = 1−h, Tw {ai}i = 1−h

Generate switching sequence

To power stage

Figure 20.2 Schematic illustrating the functionality of the SBC. The measured
states are obtained from the sensors. The ‘‘Select Signal’’ is used to
switch from SROC to USROC when Tw < Ts

corresponding to each switching state, as described below (I is an identity matrix of

appropriate dimension):
ð a1 Tw
xðt0 þ a1 Tw Þ ¼ eA1 a1 Tw xðt0 Þ þ e 1 I B1 dt
8 A 2 a2 Tw 9
<e xðt0 þ a1 Tw Þ > =
xðt0 þ ða1 þ a2 ÞTw Þ ¼ ð a2 Tw

:þ eA2 t I B2 dt >
a1 Tw (20.3)
8 Ah ah Tw 9
<e xðt0 þ ða1 þ þ ah1 ÞTw Þþ >
xðt0 þ Tw Þ ¼ ð a2 Tw :
: eAh t I Bh dt >
a1 Tw
Advanced control of power electronic systems 607

Predication horizon

a1 Tw a2 Tw a h Tw

i=1 i=2 i=h

t0 t0 + Tw

Figure 20.3 Schematic illustrating prediction horizon for computation of the

optimal control law

The third and final step is to determine the optimal duration of time the SPC spends
in a given switching sequence. The overall control schemes for both the SROC and
the USROC are similar except for the presence of the additional optimization
variable Tw in the SROC problem that corresponds to the time horizon over which
the control is computed, as illustrated in Figure 20.3. Due to the paucity of space,
here we describe only the SROC scheme. The SROC scheme is formulated as a cost
optimization problem (where the cost is a function of ai and Tw). Choice of the cost
function is user dependent and could also vary with applications and operating
conditions. The constraints for the optimal control problem include the map (20.2)
and the maximum values that each state can attain (Xmax). The SROC optimization
problem can be summarized as follows.
Determine fai gi¼1h and Tw that

minimizes J fai gi¼1h , Tw ¼ ðx xðt0 þ Tw ÞÞT Pðx xðt0 þ Tw ÞÞ

xðt0 þ Tw Þ ¼ f xðt0 Þ, fai gi¼1h , Tw , fAi gi¼1h , fBi gi¼1h
s:t (20.4)
xðt0 þ Tw Þ Xmax , ai ¼ 1, and 0 < ai < 1; i ¼ 1 h

where P is a positive-definite diagonal matrix, and x* represents the reference value

for all of the SPC states. The optimization problem (20.3) is a quadratic program-
ming problem and can be solved numerically using quadratic programming algo-
rithms [12]. The SROC optimization problem is solved repeatedly until Tw < Ts,
where Ts is the steady-state switching time period. When this condition is satisfied,
the SBC transitions to the USROC scheme. This condition ensures that the SPC
frequency does not approach infinity. Application of SBC to a standalone PES

In this subsection, we investigate the application of the SBC scheme to a standalone
three-phase inverter, as illustrated in Figure 20.4. The switching states of the
inverter are described in Table 20.1. Note that the zero states (S1 ¼ 0, S2 ¼ 0, and
S3 ¼ 0; S1 ¼ 1, S2 ¼ 1, and S3 ¼ 1) are similar from the control performance point
of view and are therefore redundant. The number of possible switching sequences is
Pð2N W Þ ð2lÞ
given by M ¼ l¼1 ð Cl Þ [9], where N represents the total number of
608 Power electronic converters and systems

+ Power stage
Sa Sb Sc

S‘a S‘b S‘c ic + + + C

va vb vc
- − − −

Electrical to Analog to digital controller
optical interface converter

Switching signal
Bus interface FPGA

Control algorithm DSP


Digital Power stage



Figure 20.4 (a) Architecture and (b) and (c) experimental setup of a digitally
controlled three-phase voltage source inverter

switching functions (in this case 3), while W represents the redundant switching
states. The control scheme is implemented in the synchronous reference frame [9].
The parameters of the inverter are provided in Table 20.1 while switching models
are provided in [11].
Advanced control of power electronic systems 609

Table 20.1 Nominal parameters of the inverter with a linear resistive load

Parameters Nominal values

Input voltage, Vin 400 V
Output line–line voltage 208 V (RMS)
Output line frequency 60 Hz
Power 2.5 kVA
Switching frequency, fsw 20 kHz
Line inductors, Lj 1.5 mH
Output filter capacitors, Cj 10 F

based control

Duty cycle of S1

Linear controller
(Kipd = 1,000)



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Time (s)

Figure 20.5 Comparison of the duty cycles of a inverter switch generated using
the SBC scheme and a conventional linear controller [13]

The quadratic cost function for the SBC scheme is as follows:

J ðtÞ ¼ w1 ðIdref id ðt0 þ Tw ÞÞ2 þ w2 Iqref iq ðt0 þ Tw Þ

þ w3 ðVdref vd ðt0 þ Tw ÞÞ2 (20.5)

where the values of the weights are w1 ¼ 10, w2 ¼ 10, and w3 ¼ 5. The reference for
the voltage Vdref is predefined while the current references Idref and Iqref are defined
based on the load requirements.
The superior performance of the SBC as compared to state of the linear con-
trollers is demonstrated in Figure 20.5. Superior performance of the SBC scheme
can be explained by evaluating the duty ratio of one of the inverter switches, as
shown in Figure 20.5. The SBC drives the switches of the inverter into saturation
(unlike the linear compensator based scheme); therefore, its response to transients
is faster. Further analyses of the switching sequences will be presented in the final
paper to demonstrate the superiority of the SBC scheme.
610 Power electronic converters and systems





(a) PN: power node

Communication network




PN2 Power

(b) PN: power node LC: local controller

Figure 20.6 Schematics illustrating the (a) centralized and (b) distributed
architectures of SBC implementation

20.3.2 SBC for networked PESs

To extend the SBC scheme to networked converters, we consider two imple-
mentation architectures, as illustrated in Figure 20.6. In the centralized architecture
[4,7], as illustrated in Figure 20.6(a), the entire network is treated as a single entity.
State variables of all the modules are transmitted to a central controller. Using this
Advanced control of power electronic systems 611

information and knowledge of the overall model, the controller computes the
optimal switching sequence and the time spent in each switching state of the
sequence. This information is then transmitted to all the modules via a common
broadcast. On the other hand, for distributed implementation as illustrated in
Figure 20.6(b), the overall control problem is decomposed into multiple local
control problems [10,11,14]. However, because each module is affected by inter-
actions with the other converters, inter-module communications are required to
solve the local control problems. The clustered scheme is a combination of these
two schemes. The SBC control schemes for the centralized and distributed control
implementation of the parallel inverter, shown in Figure 20.7, is captured in
Figure 20.8, which follows mechanism outlined in Section For the dis-
tributed implementation, communication is enabled to handle the uncertainties.
Here, we present experimental results demonstrating the application of the
control schemes to a parallel inverter network. Load-sharing errors of the experi-
mental parallel inverter with varying number of modules are shown in Figure 20.9.


phase VSIs
load bank

N=6 N=6
M 4 3

6 5

2 3 1 4

Figure 20.7 (Top) Experimental setup consisting of six inverter modules

connected in parallel; and (bottom) schematics illustrating the
centralized and distributed architecture for the SBC implementation
612 Power electronic converters and systems

Distributed control

Module 1
(x* – x ) P (x* – x )
1 1 1 1 1

x*1 = g'1(x1, D1)

x(t0 + Tw1) = f1 A1i'}i'=1–h1,{B1i'}i'=1–h1, ,
∑k =2A1ki' xk(t – τ1k)
x1(t0 + Tw1) ≤ x1max,
Cost h
∑i 1=1a1i' = 1, and 0 < a1i' <1
J = x* – x ) P (x* – x)
Cost and constraint

x* = g(x)

x(t ),{ai}i=1–h, ⎩
x(t0 + Tw) = f ⎧ 0 ,

⎩ w{Ai)i=1–h,{Bi}i=1–h
T Module N
x(t0 + Tw) ≤ xmax, Cost
∑i =1a i = 1, and 0 < ai < 1
(x * – x ) P (x * – x )
xN* = g'N (xN , DN)

x1(t0),{a1i'}i'=1–h ,Tw ,
1 1
xN(t0 + TwN)= fN ANi'}i'=1–h ,{BNi'}i'=1–h , ,
∑k =1 ANki' xk (t – τNk)
( )
xN t0 + TwN ≤ xNmax,
∑i'N= 1 aNi' =1, and 0 < aNi' < 1

Figure 20.8 Illustration of the decomposition of the centralized SBC problem to a

number of smaller (and computationally more tractable) control
problems for distributed SBC implementation [15]

The experimental results illustrate that while the steady-state load-sharing error for
the centralized and distributed implementations is comparable, the response times
for the centralized case increase significantly compared to the distributed case with
increase in the number of modules. This can be attributed to the increased com-
putation times for the centralized case. Therefore, while the centralized imple-
mentation scheme can be a viable alternative for lower number of modules,
distributed/clustered implementation is desirable for higher number of modules.
For the distributed implementation also, we observe performance degradation as
the number of modules increases due to increased communication requirements.
Next, we consider a microgrid, illustrated in Figure 20.10 [16], as a case
illustration for distributed control-communication. We explore communication via
differentially encoded data packets to reduce the data packet size since it can
Advanced control of power electronic systems 613


convergence time
0.6 Distributed
Normalized Experimental


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of Modules

Centralized Experimental
4 results
error (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of modules

Figure 20.9 Experimental results for the parallel three-phase inverter comparing
the centralized and distributed schemes of SBC implementation with
the varying number of inverter modules

Z1 Br1 Z2 Z3 Br2 Z4
Zone 3 Zone 4

Inverter 1 Load 1 Inverter 2 Load 2


Three-wire 480 V
Z5 Br3 Z6


13.8 kV 480 V Inverter 3 Load 3
Zone 5
Zone 2

Zone 1 Zone 6
Br : Breaker
Load 4 SS : Static switch
Z : Line impendance

Figure 20.10 Architecture of the CERTS microgrid consisting of six zones [16].
Only the islanded mode of operation is investigated for the results
in this paper. Grid connection takes place through Zone 3
614 Power electronic converters and systems

Time instant Time instant

of fault of fault clearance


d-Axis voltage (V)



Zone 1
Zone 4
0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13
Time (s)

Time instant Time instant

of fault of fault clearance


Frequency variation (Hz)


Zone 1
Zone 4
0.09 0.1 0.11 0.12 0.13
Time (s)

Figure 20.11 (Top) d-axis output voltage and (bottom) frequency of the inverters
in Zone 1 and Zone 4, in the presence of a Zone 5 short circuit fault
Advanced control of power electronic systems 615


Peak frequency variation (Hz)






2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of modules (N)

Figure 20.12 Variations of the peak inverter frequency deviations with the
number of modules in the presence of the short circuit fault in Zone 5

reduce the information overhead with reference to module scalability. Some have
shown that the spatio-temporal state variables of a power network are correlated
while other have used this knowledge to demonstrate that, the communication
overhead increases sublinearly with increasing modules.
To evaluate the efficacy of this concept for the microgrid under consideration, a
three-phase short circuit fault in Zone 5. Figure 20.11 illustrates the effectiveness of
the control because the deviation in the d-axis voltage and the frequency of the inverter
in Zones 1 and 4 during fault and under post-fault condition is found to be small.
Figure 20.12 demonstrates the variation in the difference of peak frequency
among the inverters. To reduce these deviations, differentially encoded information
exchange is considered. Figure 20.13 clearly shows the resultant improvement in
latency and convergence time (i.e., the time required to restore the network to its
post-fault steady state). Finally, for the case considered in this chapter, distributed
control with actual data transmission is not sustainable for more than 12 modules
since the communication delay violates the stability bounds. This is not the case for
the differential-data-based control scheme, which shows superior stability margins
and control performance.
SBC scheme to heterogeneous power networks, such as microgrid, has also
been presented. While the basic mechanism of distributed control for the hetero-
geneous network is similar, the issue of scalability has to be addressed differently.
For instance, while in a homogeneous network, commonality of functionality
can be exploited to cluster the control-communication network, in a hetero-
geneous network, one may need to focus on other approaches for clustering.
616 Power electronic converters and systems

Actual data transmission Differential data transmission


Communication delay (ms)



0 5 10 15 20
Number of modules (N)

Actual data transmission Differential data transmission


Normalized convergence time




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of modules (N)

Figure 20.13 Improvement in (top) latency and (bottom) convergence time due to
differential information exchange among modules
Advanced control of power electronic systems 617

Another approach is to explore alternate mechanisms for information encoding to

reduce communication overhead.

This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation (Award No.
1002369, 0239131) and Office of Naval Research (Award Nos. N000140510594).
However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed
herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF
and ONR.


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Technology, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1112–1124, 2008.
[9] S.K. Mazumder and K. Acharya, ‘‘Multiple Lyapunov function based
reaching condition for orbital existence of switching power converters’’,
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1449–1471,
[10] S.K. Mazumder, Invited tutorials on switching sequence based stability and
control, presented or to be presented in various forms at the following con-
ferences: IEEE PESC (2007), IEEE IECON (2010), IEEE IECON (2012),
618 Power electronic converters and systems

EPE (2014), IEEE CDC (2014), IEEE PEDES (2014), IEEE APEC (2015),
and IEEE ACC (2015).
[11] http://ece.uic.edu/~mazumder/Publications_journals_and_conferences.html
[12] E.K.P. Chong and S.H. Zak, An introduction to optimization, John Wiley,
New York, NY, 2001.
[13] K. Acharya, S.K. Mazumder, and M. Tahir, ‘‘Fault-tolerant wireless network
control of load-sharing multiphase interactive power network’’, IEEE Power
Electronics Specialists Conference, pp. 1167–1174, June 2006.
[14] E. Camponogara, D. Jia, B.H. Krogh, S. Talukdar, ‘‘Distributed model pre-
dictive control’’, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 44–52,
February 2002.
[15] K. Acharya, Global stability analyses and controller design for switching
power converters in interactive power-electronics networks, Doctoral Dis-
sertation, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University
of Illinois, Chicago, 2008.
[16] R.H. Lasseter, ‘‘Micro grids’’, IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter
Meeting, January 2002, vol. 1, pp. 305–308.

10 kV SiC MOSFETs, characterization action levels (ALs) 595

of 9–11 active filters 483, 489–92
11-level inverter 45 active front-end converter (AFEC) 34,
12-pulse supply current 485 36, 38
12-pulse thyristor rectifier 484 active harmonic elimination (AHE)
15 kV SiC N-IGBTs, characterization technique 133
of 4–9 Advanced Electrical Power Systems
1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET 12–14 (AEPS) 273
1,200 V/45 A Infineon SiC JFET advanced power converters 274
module 23 advanced series compensator (ASC)
SiC super-junction transistor 515
characteristics 24–5 Agua Caliente solar project 397–398
1,700 V SiC MOSFET 14 Ampere Hour Counting 437
BiMOSFET switching 16 analog to digital converters (ADCs) 270
SiC MOSFET switching 14–15 anti-islanding feature 546–7
Si IGBT switching 15 application specific integrated circuits
(ASICs) 269–70
ABB 273, 371 Arrhenius equation 406
ac/ac matrix converter 295 asymmetric cascaded H-bridge
acceleration factor (AF) 406–407 (ACHB) converter 49, 52, 65,
ac/dc converter control 374 113–14
ac–dc converters 227, 502 asynchronous generators 354
current source converters (CSC) automotive energy systems 425
502–3 electric vehicle batteries 425
voltage source converters (VSC) basic requirements of EV/PHEV
503–4 batteries 429
ac/dc interfacing 290–1 battery parameters 427–9
ac link multi-port power converters cell balancing 433–6
92–7 charging, termination and cell
ac phase controllers 505 balancing techniques, and SOC
ac pulse width modulated controllers estimation 429–33
505 important characteristics of
converter circuit 505–6 battery chemistry 425–7
converter model 506–7 SOC estimation 436–8
equivalent circuit 507 thermal management 438–40
620 Power electronic converters and systems

EV charging 440 brushless doubly fed induction

plugged charging 440–56 generator 359
wireless charging 456 buck–boost converter 77, 79–80, 251–2
advantages of EV wireless buck–boost QSWC 191, 193
charging 464 buck converter 77–78, 246–9, 271, 402
analysis of series–parallel buck-derived converters 251, 271
topology 461–2 Burp Charging 431
analysis of series–series burping 431
topology 461
control strategies for SS and SP cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converter
topology 463–4 43, 49–52, 111, 373–4
necessity of compensation for asymmetric CHB (ACHB) 49, 52
wireless charging 458–61 symmetric CHB (SCHB) 49, 52
peak efficiency of series–series using three two-level H-bridges 54
and series–parallel topology center-tap rectifier diagram 259, 261
462–3 centralised MPC-based structures,
auto-sequential method 478 perspective on 325–6
averaging voltage control 125, 127 central processor unit (CPU) cores 266
CHAdeMO dc fast charging 455–7
back-stepping control (BSC) 602–3 charging efficiency 429
battery chemistry, important Chinese GB dc fast charging
characteristics of 425 standard 456
lead-acid (PbA) 426 circuit-based averaging 271
lithium-ion 426–7 circulating current control strategies
lithium-polymer 427 128–30
nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd) 426 clipper concept 361
nickel-metal hydride 426 closed-loop controlled dc–dc
battery parameters 427 converters 270
battery capacity 427–8 cluster-balancing control 125
charging efficiency 429 combined heat and power (CHP) 541
C-rate 428 constant current (CC) charging 430
depth of discharge 428 constant voltage (CV) 429–30
energy density 428 continuous conduction mode (CCM)
state of charge 428 264
battery-powered vehicle, multi-port control algorithms, for PECs 374
converters for 103–4 control for stand-alone mode of
Betz’s law 537 operation 386–8
bidirectional chargers 450–3 dc/dc boost converters, control for
bidirectional converters 265–6, 565 377–8
bidirectional power flow 87, 358, 368 direct power control-space vector
BiMOSFET switching 16 modulated (DPC-SVM) 382,
bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) 400 384–5
boost converter 77, 79, 249–51 field oriented control (FOC) 380–2
bootstrap capacitor 286 IS converters, control for 378–80
bootstrap power supply 285–7 maximum power point tracking
bridge duty ratio 510 375–7
Index 621

single-phase grid converter control dc and ac microgrids 546

385 dc/dc boost converters, control for
voltage oriented control (VOC) 377–8
382–4 dc–dc converters 79, 215–20, 271
control principles 268–71 capacitor model 263
control strategies, in modular diode model 263
converters 125 functions of 245
circulating current control 128–30 hard-switching pulse width
voltage-balancing control 125–8 modulated (PWM) converters
individual-balancing voltage 246
control 127 inductor model 263
SM voltage sorting algorithm parasitics in 262–4
127–8 resonant and soft-switching
conventional current source converter converters 246
524 dc/dc hybrid converter 286
conventional matrix converter: see dc–dc parallel resonant converters
direct matrix converter (DMC) 173–6
conventional power electronic building dc–dc series resonant converters
blocks 363–6 170–3
conventional power system 410–11, dc fast charging converter topologies
412 453–5
converter circuit 505–6 dc UPS for pulse load with power
converter control, frequency variation leveling 565
and 495 delta conversion UPS 561
converter model 506–7 depth of discharge (DOD) 428
C-rate 428, 440 desktop personal computers,
CSI SVM (space vector modulation for applications of UPS systems
current source inverter) in 572
algorithm 304 diesel generators 540–1
Čuk converter 78, 196 digital controller 270
current-doubler rectifier 260–2 digital interface 287
current link systems 477–8 digital pulse width modulator
current-mode control 268–9 (DPWM) 270
current source converters (CSC) 295, digital signal processors (DSPs) 270
298, 300, 363, 502–3 Direct Bonded Copper (DBC)
current source inverter (CSI) 205, 477 substrates 283
Current Source Rectifier 298–9, 301–3 direct converter with SPM devices
Currents’ Physical Components (CPC) 298–306
theory 489 direct matrix converter (DMC) 147
custom power (CP) devices 137 circuit topology 147
cycloconverters 478–9, 489, 492–3 modulation techniques 147
predictive control technique 155–9
Darrieus rotor 353 scalar technique 148–51
data centers, applications of UPS space vector modulation 151–5
systems in 572 switching states of 152
dc/ac converter control 374 three-phase DMC topology 148
622 Power electronic converters and systems

direct power control-space vector electric vehicle (EV) batteries 425

modulated (DPC-SVM) 384–5 battery chemistry, important
direct torque control (DTC) schemes characteristics of 425
336 lead-acid (PbA) 426
feedback linearization and sliding lithium-ion 426–7
mode DTC 337–40 lithium-polymer 427
intelligent DTC schemes 340–2 nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd) 426
space vector modulation (SVM) nickel-metal hydride 426
DTC 336–7 battery parameters 427
direct torque control-space vector battery capacity 427–8
modulated (DTC-SVM) 382 charging efficiency 429
discontinuous conduction mode C-rate 428
(DCM) 264 depth of discharge 428
distributed impedance networks 232–3 energy density 428
distribution generators (DGs) 536 state of charge 428
diesel generators 540–1 cell balancing 433–6
fuel cell-based 539–40 constant current (CC) 430
IEEE 1547 545–6 constant voltage 429–30
microturbines 541 current 433
solar energy-based 537–9 EV battery charging methods 429
technical impacts due to 541 EV/PHEV batteries, basic
wind energy-based 537 requirements of 429
Distribution STATic COMpensator float charge 431
(D-STATCOM) 137, 513 pulse charge 431
distribution system operators (DSOs) reflex charge 431
414, 420 SOC estimation 436–8
double-star chopper-cells (DSCCs) taper current 430–1
112–13, 121, 123–4, 128–9, temperature 433
131, 137–8 thermal management 438–40
doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) time 432
construction 355, 357–9, 361 trickle charge 432
drain to source capacitance 13 voltage 432
droop control method 547–9 voltage drop (dV/dT) 432–3
dual active bridge converter (DABC) electric vehicle (EV) charging 440
36, 92–3, 266 plugged charging 440
dual-input single-output converter 80–1 dc fast charging converter
dual-SPM-based multilevel topologies 453–5
converters 299 EV dc fast charging 448–53
dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) EV fast charging standards 455–6
518–20 EV normal charging standards
edge insertion (EI) PWM 225 electric vehicle supply equipment
efficiency of dc–dc converter 263 (EVSE) 440, 441–8
electric machine drives, special electromotive force (EMF), extended
topologies for 70–2 sliding mode observers for 321–2
Index 623

electromotive force (EMF)-based field programmable gate arrays

methods, extended 320–1 (FPGAs) 270, 323
electronic switches to implement finite element analysis (FEA) model
converters 47 319
CHB converter 49–52 fixed speed WECS 356, 357
combined topologies 53–5 flexible ac transmission system
FC converter 49 (FACTS) 137, 513, 521, 523,
NPC converter 47–9 529
emotional controllers 342 FlexiSlip 358
energy density 427–8 float charge 431
energy efficiency, in PMSM drives floating dc capacitor pre-charging
326–7 procedures 136
equivalent circuit 507 float voltage 431
for analyzing the SRC 171 flyback converter 93, 254–5
of DAB 92, 93 flying capacitors (FC) converter 43,
of LCC resonant converter 179 49, 52–3
of PRC 173–4 flywheel UPS systems 564–5
of two-coil WPT system 582 forward converter 255–6
of Z-source converter for four-coil systems, for WPT 584–5
small-signal modeling 211 four-port converter 88, 101–2
equivalent impedance 517 FREEDM Systems Center 4, 36
error amplifier (EA) 268 freewheeling diode (FWD) 7, 12
European Network of Transmission frequency variation and converter
System Operators (TSOs) for control 495
Electricity (ENTSO-E) 415 fuel cell-based DGs 539–40
extended electromotive force full-bridge converter 258–9
(e-EMF) 315, 320 full-bridge rectifier 259, 261
-based methods 320–1 full-wave ZCS-QRC 185–6
e-EMF vector 321 full-wave ZVS-QRC 182, 188
sliding mode observers for 321–2 fuzzy controllers 340–1
extended Kalman filter (EKF) 343
gallium nitride (GaN), power
fault ride-through (FRT) capability 421 semiconductor based in 400
fault-tolerant operation 134–6 GaN Systems Inc. 400
external faults 134–5 gate driver technology 280
internal faults 135–6 IGBT’s tail current and minimum
feedback linearization (FBL) and dead time, reduction of 282
sliding mode DTC 337–40 Miller current, mitigation of 280–2
feedback linearizing control (FLC) variable gate resistance 280
603 gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs) 474–5
feedforward 269, 570–1 grid converter control, single-phase
field distortion acceleration model 385
406–8 grid interface with multiple power
field-oriented control (FOC) 335–6, modules 290–5
380–2 grid-tied microgrids 546–7
624 Power electronic converters and systems

half-bridge (HB) inverters 111 IEEE 1547 544–5

half-bridge converter 256–8 IEEE STD-45 481
half-wave ZCS-QRC 183–5 impedance source (IS) converters,
half-wave ZVS-QRC 186–8 control for 378–80
harmonic cancellation 483–5 impedance source (IS) inverters 365
harmonic current factor (HCF) 306 impedance source network topologies
harmonic generating load (HGL) 205, 227
480–1 non-transformer based 227–33
harmonic mitigation in shipboard capacitor/diode assisted 232
systems 483 distributed Z-source 232–3
active filters 489–92 embedded Z-source 231
case study 492–5 semi-Z-source/semi-quasi-
harmonic cancellation 483–5 Z-source 230–1
reactive harmonic suppressors switched inductor/capacitor 231–2
485–9 TSTS Z-source 232
H-bridge converter 46–7, 77 Z-source B4 converter 231
bidirectional 89 Z-source/quasi-Z-source 229
hexverter 125 with transformer or magnetic
hidden currents 491 coupling 233–6
high-frequency modulation HF transformer isolated Z-source/
techniques 130–2 quasi-Z-source/trans-Z-source
high power WTs, power electronic 236
converter (PEC) topologies LCCT Z-source 235–6
for 371–4 trans-Z-source 234–5
high-voltage direct current (HVDC) T-Z-source 235
systems 373 Y-source 233
high-voltage direct current (HVDC) G-Z-source 234
transmission 524 impedance source power converters,
conventional current source categories of 215, 217
converter 524 ac–ac converter topologies 226–7
MMC-HVDC 525 dc–ac topologies 222–6
VSC-HVDC transmission 524 multi-level/neutral point
high-voltage SiC power switches 4 clamped 224–6
horizontal axis wind turbines two-level H-bridge topologies
(HAWTs) 352, 353 222–4
hybrid compensators 483 dc–dc converter topologies 215–21
hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) 436 indirect matrix converter (IMC) 159
hybrid static and rotary UPS 563–4 circuit topology 161–2
modulation techniques 162–5
icebreakers 478 individual-balancing voltage control
IEC 61727:1995 415 126–7
IEC 61727-2004 415 induction motor (IM) drives 333
IEC 61851- (type-2 charging) 447–8 direct torque control (DTC)
IEC Technical Committee 82 (IEC schemes 336
TC82) 415 feedback linearization and sliding
IEC/TR 61000-61003-15:2011 415 mode DTC 337–40
Index 625

intelligent DTC schemes 340–2 inverse-tangent function 319

space vector modulation (SVM) inverters 588–90
DTC 336–7 inverter topology 400
IM model 334–5 multilevel inverter 401–2
IM speed estimation with Kalman neutral-point diode clamped (NPC)
filtering 342 402
high-speed operation 343 topology comparison 402–4
implementation considerations islanding 417, 546
346–8 protection 418
low-speed operation 344–5 isolated converters topologies 254
switched reluctance sensorless flyback converter 254–5
drives 348–9 forward converter 255–6
variable frequency drives 335 full-bridge converter 258–9
direct torque control 336 half-bridge converter 256–8
field-oriented control 335–6 rectifiers 259–62
scalar control 335
inductive capacitive (LC) filter cell 81 Kalman filtering (KF), induction motor
inductive power transfer (IPT) 121, (IM) speed estimation with 342
456 high-speed operation 343
industrial systems, applications of UPS implementation considerations
systems in 572 346–8
Institute of Electrical and Electronics low-speed operation 344–5
Engineers (IEEE) 414 Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) 77
insulated gate bipolar transistors Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) 77
(IGBTs) 165, 277–80, 285–6,
288, 294, 371, 396, 400, 408, LCCT-Z-source inverters 235–6
474, 504 lead-acid (PbA) batteries 426
insulated metal substrate (IMS) 283 linear power regulators 245
integrated buck and boost converter linear time invariant (LTI) loads 480
252–3, 265 line-interactive UPS 560–1
integrated gate-commutated thyristors lithium-ion 426–7
(IGCTs) 371–2, 504 lithium-polymer 427
intelligent DTC schemes 340–2 local controls 550
intelligent power modules 274, 277–8 low-frequency high-voltage ac
Intellivar 512–513 (LF-HVAC) transmission 526–7
interior permanent magnet (IPM) low-frequency modulation techniques
motors 315 132–4
HF sensorless technique for 318–19 low-pass filter (LPF) 318
MPC method for 324–5 low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) 355,
interleaving 266–7 416, 422–3
interline power flow controller (IPFC) low-voltage SiC devices 11
523 common-mode current
International Electrotechnical minimization 12
Commission (IEC) 414 low-voltage gate drive design
International Rectifier Corporation 11–12
400 LSC-PWM technique 131–2
626 Power electronic converters and systems

LV side 1,200 V SiC MOSFET-based droop control method 547–9

converters 37–9 grid-tied microgrids 546–7
Lyapunov function 602–3, 605 local control 550
Lyapunov stability theory 339 multifunctionalities 551–3
multi-input converters in 101–3
magnetic (inductive) coupling and shipboard 471–2
magnetic resonance 579 stand-alone microgrids 546
Mamdani rules 341 microturbines 541
matrix converters (MCs) 147 Miller current, mitigation of 280–2
direct matrix converter (DMC) 147 MMC-HVDC 525
circuit topology 147 model predictive control (MPC) 322,
modulation techniques 147–59 603
indirect matrix converter (IMC) 159 centralised MPC-based structures,
circuit topology 161–2 perspective on 325–6
modulation techniques 162–5 direct torque and flux control
with SPM devices 295 323–4
technological issues of 165–7 key factors for 323
versus voltage back-to-back method, for IPM motors 324–5
converter 167 modified reference (MR) PWM 225
maximum energy efficiency principle modular converters 111
581–2, 585 asymmetric clamp-double
maximum power point tracking submodule (ACD-SM) 120
(MPPT) 354, 366, 368, 377–8, circuit configuration 114
396 clamp-double submodule (CD-SM)
maximum power transfer theorem 120
458–9, 580–1, 584 control strategies 125
maximum-torque-per-ampere (MTPA) circulating current control
criterion 325 128–30
mean time to failure (MTTF) 406 voltage-balancing control 125–8
medical equipment, applications of double-star bridge-cells (DSBC)
UPS systems in 572–3 topology 124
medium voltage dc (MVDC) double-star chopper-cell (DSCC)
integrated power system (IPS) topology 123–4
496–8 main applications 136–8
metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) MMCCs, operational issues in 134
gate structure 4 fault-tolerant operation 134–6
metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect floating dc capacitor
transistor (MOSFET) gate pre-charging procedures 136
signal 589–90 modular multilevel cascade
metal–oxide–semiconductor field- converter (MMCC) topologies
effect transistors (MOSFETs) 114, 116, 121–2, 133
4, 399 modulation techniques: see
microgrid 388, 545 modulation techniques
centralized control 547 submodules (SMs) 111, 112
dc and ac microgrids 546 SxBC topologies 122–3
Index 627

topologies and description 115 for impedance source network–

basic modular multilevel cascade based power converter 210
converters 121–5 indirect matrix converter (IMC)
MMCC arrangements and SM 162–5
topologies 116–21 predictive control technique 164
triple-star bridge-cells (TSBC) space vector modulation (SVM)
topology 124–5 162–4
modular multilevel cascade converter low switching frequency
(MMCC) 112–13, 115, 128, techniques 132–4
132 Moore’s law 274
arrangements and SM topologies Multibrid concept 361
116–21 multi-input converters 75
operational issues in 134 applications 97
fault-tolerant operation 134–6 in micro-grids 101–3
floating dc capacitor for renewable energy systems
pre-charging procedures 136 99–101
topologies 121–2 for vehicular power systems 103–6
modular multilevel converter (MMC) current input cells 79
111, 373, 508, 529 G6 topology 84–5
averaged model 509–10 multi-port converters 87
sub-module (SM) structure 508–9 ac link 92–7
sub-modules (SMs), string of 510 with dc link 89–90
topology 373 synthesis of, by extending
topology example 510 multi-input topologies 87–9
modular multilevel matrix converter passive elements 76
(M3C) 124 switching networks 76
modulation strategies for multilevel topologies, realizing 76–87
converters 60 topology optimization 87
space vector–based algorithms 69 voltage input cells 79
nearest vector control (NVC) multi-layer ceramic capacitor
69–70 (MLCC) 286
space vector modulation (SVM) 70 multilevel clamping (MNPC) 402
special topologies for electric multilevel converters 43
machine drives 70–2 basic concepts 43
voltage levels–based algorithms 61 one-branch converter 44–5
multicarrier PWM 61–2 two branches, ‘‘H-bridge’’
nearest level control (NLC) 63–9 converter 46–7
modulation techniques 130 circuit configuration 114
direct matrix converter (DMC) classification 113
147–59 electronic switches to implement
predictive control technique 155–9 converters 47
scalar technique 148–51 CHB converter 49–52
space vector modulation 151–5 combined topologies 53–4
high switching frequency FC converter 49
techniques 130–2 NPC converter 47–9
628 Power electronic converters and systems

modulation strategies for multilevel nonlinear controllers for PES

converters 60 applications 601–3
space vector–based algorithms Normally Open (N.O.) static bypass
69–72 switch 557–8
voltage levels–based algorithms
61–9 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 273
with SPM devices 296–8 Office of Naval Research (ONR)
three-phase multilevel converters 54 273
phase-to-phase and off-line UPS systems 558–60
phase-to-neutral voltages 55–6 one-branch converter 44–5
space vector representation 56–60 on-line UPS systems 557–8
using sub-cells 54 operating principles 62, 207, 209, 507,
multilevel inverter 43, 401–2 577, 582, 584
using sub-cells 54 Optima Battery Inc. 439
multi-MW power level 371 OptiSlip concept 357
multiple-input, multiple-output oscillation transformer 578
systems 75 output power-switching frequency plane,
multiple-input, single-output operating boundary in 18–23
converters 75, 82 over/short circuit current 417–18
multi-port systems 75 over/under frequency protection 418
multi-resonant converters (MRCs) over/under voltage protection 417
190, 191
packaging technologies 282–4
nearest level control (NLC) 61, 63–9, parallel ac-link universal converter
133 193–4, 196
nearest vector control (NVC) 69–70, parallel resonant ac-link converter
133 177
Negative Pulse Charging 431 parallel resonant converters (PRCs)
networked PESs, sequence-based 170, 171
control (SBC) for 610–17 parasitic oscillations in QRCs 189
neural networks 341 partial resonant link converter 192
neutral point clamped (NPC) passivity-based control (PBC) 602
converter 43, 47–9, 224–6, 504 PCS6000 converter 371–2
neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter peak-to-peak value, calculating 248
402, 475–6 permanent magnet synchronous
nickel–cadmium (Ni–Cd) batteries generator (PMSG) 355–6, 359,
426 361
nickel-metal hydride 426 permanent magnet synchronous motor
non-isolated converters topologies (PMSM) 313
246 energy efficiency in PMSM drives
boost converter 249–51 326–7
buck–boost converter 251–2 final considerations 327–8
buck converter 246–9 trends in model predictive control
integrated buck and boost converter (MPC) of 322, 323
252–3 centralised MPC-based structures,
power factor correction 253–4 perspective on 325–6
Index 629

direct torque and flux control injection of dc into the ac

323–4 system 419
MPC method for IPM motors voltage unbalance 419
324–5 protection 417
trends in sensorless control of 314 over/under voltage 417
extended EMF-based methods PV inverter circuit 395–7
320–1 reliability 404
HF injection methods 316–20 accelerated aging commonality
HF sensorless technique for IPM and underlying physics 406
and PMASynR motors 318–19 dominant failure mechanisms
sensorless controls evaluation 408–9
315–16 field distortion acceleration
sliding mode observers for model 406–8
extended EMF 321–2 power device reliability 406
phase locked loop (PLL) 300, 319, standards 414
380, 384, 404, 492, 558 state-of-the-art technologies 399
phase-shift control 259, 266 inverter control 404
phase-shifted carriers (PSCs) 127 inverter topology 400–4
phase-shifting transformers (PSTs) power semiconductors 399–400
516–17 photovoltaic backup systems 99, 101
phase shift modulation 93, 95, 97, 217 photovoltaics (PV) 537–9
phase shift PWM (PSPWM) 61 plugged charging 440
phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral dc fast charging converter
voltages 55–6 topologies 453–5
photovoltaic (PV) energy systems 395 EV dc fast charging 448
ancillary services 420 bidirectional chargers 450–3
frequency support 421–2 unidirectional chargers 450
network voltage support 420–1 EV fast charging standards 455
centralized PV plant 397–8 CHAdeMO dc fast charging
field measurements 422 455–6
intermittence in solar field Chinese GB dc fast charging
results 422 standard 456
LVRT test results of the 500 kW EV normal charging standards 441
RX series 422–3 IEC 61851 (type-2 charging)
grid interface 409 447–8
reactive power 410–12 SAE J1772 441–7
real power 412–14 plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) 425
islanding 417 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
over/short circuit current 417–18 (PHEVs) 426–7, 429, 434,
over/under frequency 418 436, 438
reconnecting after grid failure and PM-assisted synchronous reluctance
restoration 418 (PMASynR) motors 315, 322,
power quality 419 327
current harmonics and HF sensorless technique for
inter-harmonics 419 318–19
flicker and fluctuations 420 point of common supply (PCS) 480
630 Power electronic converters and systems

poly-phase parallel resonant ac-link static synchronous series

converters 177 compensator (SSSC) 516–17
poly-phase parallel resonant dc-link thyristor-controlled series
converters 178 capacitor (TCSC) 515
poly-phase series resonant ac-link voltage sag correction 518–21
converters 176–7 series-series compensation 523
poly-phase series resonant dc-link shunt compensation 512
converters 177 PWM ac VeSC shunt
power-converter-based power system compensator 513–14
411–14 STATic COMpensator
power converters, fundamental theory (STATCOM) 513
of 77 static var compensator (SVC)
power device reliability 406 512–13
power electronic interfaces for variable shunt-series compensation 521
speed WTs 361 PWM ac VeSC shunt/series power
common PEC topologies 366–9 flow controller 522–3
conventional power electronic unified power flow controller
building blocks 363–6 (UPFC) 521–2
emerging PEC topologies 369–70 solid-state power transformer
PEC topologies for high power (SSPT) 528–9
WTs 371–4 power processing unit (PPU) 472
power electronics and control 585, power quality requirements in
592–4 shipboard systems 479–83
practical circuit topologies 588 power semiconductors 43, 276, 399
component choices 592 based in GaN 400
inverters 588–90 based in SiC 399–400
rectifiers 590–2 based in silicon 399
series and parallel tuned primary and power switches 396
secondary circuits 586–8 semiconductor: see semiconductor
power electronics building block power switches
(PEBB) 273, 495–6 practical circuit topologies 588
power electronic switches 396 component choices 592
power factor correction 246, 253–4, inverters 588–90
453, 559, 560–1 rectifiers 590–2
power factor corrector (PFC) 254 predictive control technique 148, 155–9
power grid, power converters in 512 direct matrix converter (DMC)
high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 155–9
transmission 524 indirect matrix converter (IMC) 164
conventional CSC 524 progressive degradation 406
MMC-HVDC 525 proportional-integral (PI) controller
VSC-HVDC 524 129–30, 336
low-frequency high-voltage ac proportional-integral (PI) voltage
(LF-HVAC) transmission 526–7 regulation 566
series compensation 515 proportional-resonant (PR) controller
PWM ac VeSC series controller 130, 385
517–18 PSC-PWM technique 131–2
Index 631

Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act reactive power allocation coefficient

(PURPA) 536 486
pulsating current source cells real power 404, 412
(PCSCs) 78–9 conventional power system 412
pulsating voltage source cells power-converter-based power
(PVSCs) 78–9 system 412–14
pulse charge 431 rectifiers 82, 227, 259–62, 590–2
pulse load, dc UPS for redundant bus system 566–7
with power leveling 565 reflex charge 431
pulse-width-amplitude-modulation relay and domino resonators, WPT
(PWAM) 227 systems with 585
pulse width modulated (PWM) ac vector renewable energy sources (RESs)
switching converter (VeSC) 351
series controller 517–18 renewable energy systems 75
shunt compensator 513–14 multi-port power converters for
shunt/series power flow controller 99–101
522–3 resonant converters 169
pulse-width modulation (PWM) 61, multi-resonant converters 190
127, 147–8, 209, 302, 324, 334, quasi-resonant converters (QRCs)
401, 474–5, 568 181–9
PWM dc–dc converters 246, 264 second-order 169–81
closed-loop control methods for dc–dc PRCs 173–6
268 dc–dc SRCs 170–3
PWM flyback converter 254–5 poly-phase parallel resonant
ac-link converters 177
Qi-compatible charging systems 578 poly-phase parallel resonant
quasi-multi-input converters 79 dc-link converters 178
quasi-resonant converters (QRCs) 181 poly-phase series resonant ac-link
effect of parasitic oscillations in converters 176–7
189 poly-phase series resonant dc-link
full-wave ZCS-QRC 185–6 converters 177
full-wave ZVS-QRC 188 with three or more resonating
half-wave ZCS-QRC 183–5 elements 178–81
half-wave ZVS-QRC 186–8 reversible voltage 539–40
quasi-square-wave converters ring bus configuration, for a navy ship
(QSWCs) 191–6 distribution system 472
quasi-Z-source inverter (qZSI) 208, root mean square (RMS) value 481
215, 226, 365, 370 rotary UPS 562–4
-based dc–dc converter 220 rotor field oriented control (RFOC)
reactive harmonic suppressors (RHSs) rotor’s aerodynamic characteristic
483, 485–9 352
reactive power 410
conventional power system 410–11 SAE J1772 441–7
power-converter-based power Savonius rotor 353
system 411–12 scalar control 335
632 Power electronic converters and systems

second order generalized low-voltage gate drive design

integrator – phase locked loop 11–12
(SOGI-PLL) 384 output power-switching frequency
second-order resonant converters plane, operating boundary in
169–81 18–23
dc–dc PRCs 173–6 performance comparison 16–17
dc–dc SRCs 170–3 SiC-based SST 34–9
poly-phase parallel resonant ac-link LV side 1,200 V SiC
converters 177 MOSFET-based converters
poly-phase parallel resonant dc-link 37–9
converters 178 semi-quasi-Z-source inverters 230–1
poly-phase series resonant ac-link semi-Z-source inverters 230
converters 176–7 sequence-based control (SBC) 604
poly-phase series resonant dc-link for networked PESs 610–17
converters 177 for standalone PES 604
selective harmonic elimination (SHE) application of SBC to standalone
technique 127, 133 PES 607–9
semiconductor power switches 3 description of SBC scheme 604–7
1,200 V, 100 A SiC MOSFET 12 series ac-link universal converter 196
characterization with series and parallel tuned primary and
complementary device of secondary circuits 586–8
half-bridge module 12–14 series compensation 515
1,200 V/45 A Infineon SiC JFET PWM ac VeSC series controller
module 23 517–18
SiC super-junction transistor static synchronous series
characteristics 24–5 compensator (SSSC) 516–17
1,700 V SiC MOSFET, thyristor-controlled series capacitor
hard-switching characterization (TCSC) 515
of 14 voltage sag correction 518–21
BiMOSFET switching 16 series injection transformer (SIT) 522
SiC MOSFET switching 14–15 series–parallel topology, analysis of
Si IGBT switching 15 analysis of 461–2
10 kV SiC MOSFETs, peak efficiency of 462–3
characterization of 9–11 series resonant converters (SRCs) 170
12 kV SiC, zero voltage switching series resonant dc-link converter 177
characterization of 25 series-series compensation 523
turn-off characteristics 28–33 series–series topology
turn-on characteristics 26–8 analysis of 461
15 kV SiC N-IGBTs, peak efficiency of 462–3
characterization of 4–9 shipboard electric propulsion system
forward characterization 18 473
high-voltage SiC power switches 4 shipboard microgrid 471
low-voltage SiC devices 11 grounding 472
common-mode current harsh environment 472
minimization 12 load dynamics 471–2
Index 633

non-linear load effects 471 SiC MOSFET switching 14–15

variable frequency 471 Si IGBT switching 15
shipboard power systems 469 silicon, power semiconductor based in
frequency variation and converter 399
control 495 silicon carbide (SiC) 3, 529
future 495 power semiconductor based in
medium voltage dc integrated 399–400
power system 496–8 super-junction transistor
power electronics building block characteristics 24–5
495–6 silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs)
harmonic mitigation in 483 395, 502, 505, 512, 515, 529
active filters 489–92 silicon IGBTs 399
case study 492–5 simplex UKF 343, 345, 348
harmonic cancellation 483–5 sine wave pulse width modulation
reactive harmonic suppressors 223
485–9 single-ended primary inductor
power quality requirements in converter (SEPIC) 77–9, 84, 86
479–83 single-input single-output ac–dc
shipboard propulsion drives 472 converter 94
current link systems 477–8 single-star bridge-cells (SSBCs) 112,
direct ac–ac conversion – 123, 126, 137
cycloconverters 478–9 sinusoidal pulse width modulation
voltage link systems 474–7 (SPWM) 222–3
topologies 469–72 sliding-mode control (SMC) 602
shunt compensation 512 sliding mode observer (SMO) 321–2
PWM ac VeSC shunt compensator slip rings and brushes 355, 357
513–14 small wind turbines (SWTs) 351–2,
STATic COMpensator 546
(STATCOM) 513 smart power electronic modules
static var compensator (SVC) (SPM) 273–306
512–13 basic usage 284
shunt phase-shifter transformer (SPT) bootstrap power supply 285–7
522 digital interface 287
shunt-series compensation 521 protection 284
PWM ac VeSC shunt/series power example of SPM devices 289
flow controller 522–3 future usage and emerging
unified power flow controller solutions 290
(UPFC) 521–2 different direct converter with
Shuttling Method 436 SPM devices 298–306
SiC-based SST 34–9 grid interface with multiple power
LV side 1,200 V SiC MOSFET- modules 290–5
based converters 37–9 matrix converter with SPM
SiC junction gate field-effect transistor devices 295
(JFET) 3, 23–5 multilevel converter with SPM
SiCMOSFET 11, 16, 26 devices 296–8
turn-ON loss/turn-OFF of 16–17 history 273–6
634 Power electronic converters and systems

reliability 287–8 direct matrix converter (DMC)

variety of products 288–9 151–5
technology background 276 DTC 336–7
gate driver technology 280–2 indirect matrix converter (IMC)
IGBT device technologies and 162–4
their performance 277–80 space vector pulse width modulation
packaging technologies 282–4 (SVPWM) 223, 224
typical architecture of 276 space vector representation 56–60
smart power modules 274, 276, 278 space vector theory 301
soft-switching ac-link buck–boost sparse ac-link buck–boost converter
converter 193 196
soft-switching converters 169–200 sparse matrix converters (SMCs) 161–2
multi-resonant converters (MRCs) spherical UKF 343–6, 348
190 squirrel cage induction generator
quasi-resonant converters (QRCs) (SCIG) 354, 359, 361
181 stand-alone microgrids 546
effect of parasitic oscillations in standalone PES, sequence-based
189 control (SBC) for 604–10
full-wave ZCS-QRC 185–6 application of SBC to standalone
full-wave ZVS-QRC 188 PES 607–9
half-wave ZCS-QRC 183–5 description of SBC scheme 604–7
half-wave ZVS-QRC 186–8 state of charge (SOC) 123, 427–8,
quasi-square-wave converters 436–8
191–6 State of Health Estimation 437
resonant converters 169 static and rotary UPS systems, hybrid
resonant converters with three or between 563–4
more resonating elements STATic COMpensator (STATCOM)
178–81 513, 516, 521–2
second-order resonant converters STATic synchronous COMpensator
169–78 (STATCOM) 123, 137
ZVS and ZCS converters 196–200 static synchronous condenser
solar cells 537 (STATCOM) 543
solar energy 399, 562 static synchronous series compensator
solar energy-based DGs 537–9 (SSSC) 516–17, 522
solid-state power transformer (SSPT) static var compensator (SVC) 411,
528–9 512–13
source impedance matching 580–1 STMicroelectronics 40, 286–7
space vector–based algorithms 61, storage-based DG 550
69–72 submodules (SMs) 111–12
nearest vector control (NVC) 69–70 topologies 119
space vector modulation (SVM) 70 super-junction transistor (SJT) 24–5
special topologies for electric surface-mounted permanent magnet
machine drives 70–2 (SPM) motors 319
space vector modulation (SVM) surface-mounted permanent magnet
69–70, 148, 151–5, 162, 226, motors, HF injection method
299, 301–2, 316, 336 for 319–20
Index 635

SV-PWM technique 131, 132 technology evolution, in low-voltage,

switch duty ratio 246, 248 medium-power range 275
switched-mode power supply (SMPS) Tesla, Nikola 456, 577–8
581 thermal cycling 283, 408–9
switched reluctance motors (SRMs) thermal management 438–40, 496
348–9 three-coil systems, for WPT 583–4
switched reluctance sensorless drives three-level neutral point clamped
348–9 (3L-NPC) converter 34, 36–7,
switching compensators (SCs) 483 43, 224
switching energy 15–17, 23–5, 37 three-phase multilevel converters
switching power supplies 245–71 54–5
bidirectional converters 265–6 phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral
continuous and discontinuous voltages 55–6
conduction modes 264 space vector representation 56–60
control principles 268–71 three-phase voltage-fed Z-source
dc–dc converters, parasitics in inverter 208
262–4 three-port converter 87, 88
interleaving 266–7 three-port parallel high-frequency ac
isolated converters topologies 254 link converter 98
flyback converter 254–5 thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) 505
forward converter 255–6 thyristor-controlled series capacitor
full-bridge converter 258–9 (TCSC) 515
half-bridge converter 256–8 thyristor inverters 477
rectifiers 259–62 thyristors 176, 477, 502, 524
non-isolated converters topologies torque and flux control 282, 323–4
246 total harmonic distortion (THD) 43,
boost converter 249–51 194, 227, 419, 481, 544, 566
buck–boost converter 251–2 total harmonic distortion (THD)
buck converter 246–9 coefficient 304
integrated buck and boost total harmonic distortion (THD) level
converter 252–3 standards 132
power factor correction 253–4 transfer mold technology 282
synchronous rectification 264–5 Transformerless Intelligent Power
symmetric cascaded H-bridge (SCHB) Substation (TIPS) 34, 36
converter 49, 52, 54 transmission system operators (TSOs)
synchronous-frame HF model 320 421
synchronous generators 354, 357, 361, trans-Z-source inverter 234–5
370, 410–11, 561–2 trickle charge 432
synchronous rectification 264–5 tri-mode UPS 561–2
synchronous reluctance (SynR) triple-active bridge, MOSFET
motors 313 realization of 97
triple-star bridge-cells (TSBC)
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) rules topology 124–5, 137
340–1 T-source inverter 234
tanker ships 478 two-bus power system, real and
taper current 430–1 reactive power in 409
636 Power electronic converters and systems

reactive power 410 for induction motor (IM) 335

conventional power system direct torque control 336
410–11 field-oriented control 335–6
power-converter-based power scalar control 335
system 411–12 variable gate resistance 280
real power 412 variable speed WECS
conventional power system with full power converter 359
412 with limited speed control 357–8
power-converter-based power with reduced power converter
system 412–14 358–9
two-coil systems, for WPT 582 variable speed WTs, power electronic
interfaces for 361–74
UKF 343–5, 346, 348 common PEC topologies for WTs
ultra-sparse matrix converters 366–9
(USMCs) 160, 162 conventional power electronic
unidirectional chargers 450 building blocks 363–6
unified power flow controller (UPFC) emerging PEC topologies for WTs
521–2 369–70
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) PEC topologies for high power
205, 386, 557 WTs 371–4
applications 571 variable structure control (VSC) 337
data centers 572 vector switching converters (VeSCs)
desktop personal computers 507, 522
572 vehicular power systems, multi-port
industrial systems 572 converters for 103–6
medical equipment 572–3 vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs)
controls for 566–71 352–3
dc UPS for pulse load with power Vienna rectifier 453–4
leveling 565 voltage and/or current back-to-back
delta conversion UPS 561 converters 147
flywheels 564 voltage back-to-back converter
hybrid static and rotary UPS matrix converters versus 167
563–4 voltage-balancing control 125–9, 132
line-interactive UPS 560–1 voltage-driven soft-switched rectifier
off-line UPS systems 558–60 topologies 591–2
on-line UPS systems 557–8 voltage-fed Z-source converter 207
redundant bus system 566–7 voltage feedforward path 269
rotary UPS 562–3 voltage levels–based algorithms 61–9
tri-mode UPS 561–2 multicarrier PWM 61–2
unscented transform (UT) 343 nearest level control (NLC) 63–9
utilization factor (UF) 93, 95–7 voltage link systems 473–7
voltage-mode control 246, 268–70
valve regulated leadacid (VRLA) voltage oriented control (VOC)
batteries 426 382–4
variable frequency drives 333, 335–6, voltage overshoot 13, 20, 372
473 voltage sag correction 518–21
Index 637

voltage source converter (VSC) 39, voltage oriented control (VOC)

355, 363–4, 371, 489, 503 382–4
voltage source inverter (VSI) 44, 151, power electronic interfaces for
170, 205, 474 variable speed WTs 361
voltage source rectification (VSR) types of 352–4
151, 153 wind energy conversion system
voltage total harmonic distortion (WECS)
(THDv) 481 current standard designs of
VSC-HVDC transmission 524 356–61
types of generators used in 354–6
Watkins–Johnson converters 77 wind energy technology 351
whole isolated full bridge converter 82 wireless charging 456–64
wind-based DG 550 advantages of EV wireless
wind energy-based DGs 537 charging 464
wind energy conversion system control strategies for SS and SP
(WECS) 137, 351, 363 topology 463–4
current standard designs of 356–61 necessity of compensation for
emerging configurations of 361 458–61
types of generators used in 354–6 series–parallel topology, analysis
WinDrive concept 361 of 461–2
wind turbines (WTs) 351 peak efficiency of 462–3
common PEC topologies for 366–9 series–series topology, analysis of
conventional power electronic 461
building blocks 363–6 peak efficiency of 462–3
emerging PEC topologies for Wireless Power Consortium (WPC)
369–70 578
generators for 354 wireless power transfer (WPT) 577–97
PEC topologies for high power basic principles 579–80
371–4 different forms of WPT systems
power electronic converters (PECs), 582
control algorithms for 374 four-coil systems 584–5
control for stand-alone mode of relay and domino resonators,
operation 386–8 WPT systems with 585
dc/dc boost converters, control three-coil systems 583–4
for 377–8 two-coil systems 582
direct power control-space vector maximum energy efficiency
modulated (DPC-SVM) 384–5 principle 581
direct torque control-space vector maximum power transfer theorem
modulated (DTC-SVM) 382 580–1
field oriented control (FOC) operating principles, choice of 582
380–2 power electronics and control 585
IS converters, control for 378–80 control 592–4
maximum power point tracking practical circuit topologies
375–7 588–92
single-phase grid converter series and parallel tuned primary
control 385 and secondary circuits 586–8
638 Power electronic converters and systems

safety regulations 594 Z-source converters 76, 205

electromagnetic compatibility basic principles 207–9
594–5 basic Z-source impedance network
human exposure 595–6 206
wound rotor induction generator categories of impedance source
(WRIG) 355 power converters 215
wound rotor synchronous generator ac–ac converter topologies 226–7
(WRSG) 355, 359, 361 dc–ac topologies 222–6
dc–dc converter topologies
Y-source converter 217 215–21
Y-source network 233 impact of parameter variations on
Zero Current Switching impedance source network
Quasi-Resonant Converters topologies 227
(ZCS-QRCs) 181–2 non-transformer based 227–33
full-wave 185–6 with transformer or magnetic
half-wave 183–5 coupling 233–6
zero voltage switching (ZVS) modeling and control 209–15
technique 25–33 shoot-through state 208–9
turn-off characteristics 28–9 simplified Z-source converter
12 kV, 2 mm buffer layer model 211
N-IGBT 29–33 small-signal models 211–12
12 kV, 5 mm buffer layer voltage-fed 207
N-IGBT 33 Z-source inverter (ZSI) 208, 214
turn-on characteristics 26–9 closed-loop voltage control methods
Zero Voltage Switching of 215–16
Quasi-Resonant Converters ZVS-full-bridge converter 199
(ZVS-QRCs) 181–2 ZVT boost converters with an auxiliary
full-wave 188 switch 199
half-wave 186–8 ZVT Buck–boost converter 196,
Zeta converter 78 198–9

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