New Resign Memo - Field Force
New Resign Memo - Field Force
New Resign Memo - Field Force
Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi-75400. Pakistan
Tel : (92-21) 4315196-7 Fax : (92-21) 4556344
Resignation Reason:
All the above documents along with resignation memo should be submitted by Supervisor with in
four [04] business days.
Once documents are submitted in 04 business days, your full and final settlement should be done
with in a period of ninety [90] business days.
Please note that if HR do not receive the above mentioned documents within sixty [60] days from
date of resign, HR will initiate your full & final settlement with the available information and
documents. No claim will be entertained after the due time.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood the above terms & conditions and agreed
to abide by them.