Cc201-N-Engineering Mathematics - Ii

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Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With Effect From: Academic Year 2017-18)

Subject Code: CC201-N Subject Title : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – II

Pre-requisite -

Course Objective:
 To present the foundations of many basic Mathematical tools and concepts related Engineering.
 To provide a coherent development to the students for the courses of various branches of Engineering
like Control Theory , Circuits and Networks, Digital Logic design ,Fluid Mechanics, Machine Design etc
 To enhance the student’s ability to think logically and mathematically.
 To give an experience in the implementation of Mathematical concepts which are applied in various field of

Teaching scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Mid Sem Total
L T P Total Pract.
Credit Exam CIA Marks
Marks Marks
Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Marks
04 01 00 05 05 03 70 30 50 00 150

Outline of the Course:

Unit No Topics
1 Matrix Theory and Application of Matrices
2 Eigen value and Eigenvector and Applications
3 Vectors in Rn
4 Vector Space
5 Linear Transformation
6 Vector differential Calculus
7 Vector Integral Calculus

Total hours (Theory): 64

Total hours (Tutorial): 16
Total hours: 80
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With Effect From: Academic Year 2017-18)

Detailed Syllabus
Unit Topics Lectures Weight age
No (Hours)
Matrix Theory and Application of Matrices: Definition and
Special Types of matrices, Determinant, Rank, Inverse, Row
Echelon Form and Reduce Row Echelon Form, Homogeneous
1 and nonhomogeneous System of linear equation, Caley- 11 15%
Hamilton Theorem,
Applications: Solution of System of linear equations, Linear
dependence and Linear Independence.
Vectors in Rn :
Norm, Distance ,properties of vectors, angle between
2 03 05%
vectors, Pythagorean thereom and Cauchy-Schwartz
inequality in Rn
Vector Space: Definition, Subspace, Linear Combination,
Linear dependence and Linear Independence of vectors,
3 Span, Basis, Reduction and Extension to Basis, Dimension, 12 20%
Change of Basis, Rank Nullity Theorem Column space, Row
space and Null space.
Linear Transformation: Definition, Basic Properties, Linear
Transformation as Rotation, Reflection, Expansion,
4 Contraction, Shear, Projection, Matrix of Linear 9 15%
transformations, Kernel, Range, Change of Basis and
Similarity, Rank Nullity Theorem.
5 Eigen value and Eigenvector: Definition, Properties,
Diagonalization, Algebraic multiplicity, Geometric
10 15%
multiplicity, Similarity of Matrices.
Applications: Quadratic form, Bilinear Form, Canonical Form.
Vector differential Calculus: Tangent vector, normal vector,
vector differentiation, Gradient, Curl, divergence and their
6 09 15%
geometrical meaning, Solenoidal vector, Irrotational vector,
Conservative field.
Vector Integral Calculus: line Integral, Surface integral,
7 Volume Integral, Green’s Theorem, Stokes Theorem and 10 15%
Gauss Divergence Theorem.
Total 64 100%
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With Effect From: Academic Year 2017-18)

Instructional Method and Pedagogy:

 Two Faculties will be covering the syllabus in each branch for 5 hours in a week. In Tutorial, class
must be divided into two subclasses & faculties will be solving or assigning the problem of the
subject in each subclass.
 Attendance is compulsory in lectures and Tutorial which carries 05 Marks.
 At regular intervals assignments is given. In all, a student should submit all assignments of 30 marks
 Classroom participation and involvement in solving the problems in Tutorial rooms carries 05
 Viva Voce will be conducted at the end of the semester of 10 Marks.
 One internal exam of 30 marks is conducted as a part of internal theory evaluation.

Learning Outcome:
At the end of the course
 The students will be able to think logically and mathematically in any field of engineering.
 The students will gain an experience in the implementation of Mathematical concepts which are
applied in various field of Engineering.


1. Advance Engineering Mathematics by E Kreyszig, 8th edition, Willey India.
2. Elementary linear Algebra with Application by H Anton, 9th edition, Willey India.
3. Thomas Calculus by M D Weir, Joel Hass and F R Giordano, 11th Edition, Pearson Education.
4. Calculus by T M apostol, Vol.II, 2nd Edition, Willey India. Calculus by T M apostol, Vol. I, 2nd Edition,
Willey India.
5. Single and Multivariable Calculus by Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, Mccallum, 3rd Edition, John Willey
and Son.

List of Tutorials

Sr. No Tutorial Content

1 Assignments on “Matrix Theory and Application of Matrices”.
2 Assignments on “Vector in Rn ”.
3 Problem solving on “Vector Space”.
4 Problems solving on “Linear Transformation”.
5 Assignments on “Eigen value and Eigenvector and Applications”.
6 Assignments on “Vector differential Calculus”.
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With Effect From: Academic Year 2017-18)

7 Problem solving on “Vector Integral Calculus”.

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