Cc201-N-Engineering Mathematics - Ii
Cc201-N-Engineering Mathematics - Ii
Cc201-N-Engineering Mathematics - Ii
Course Objective:
To present the foundations of many basic Mathematical tools and concepts related Engineering.
To provide a coherent development to the students for the courses of various branches of Engineering
like Control Theory , Circuits and Networks, Digital Logic design ,Fluid Mechanics, Machine Design etc
To enhance the student’s ability to think logically and mathematically.
To give an experience in the implementation of Mathematical concepts which are applied in various field of
Unit No Topics
1 Matrix Theory and Application of Matrices
2 Eigen value and Eigenvector and Applications
3 Vectors in Rn
4 Vector Space
5 Linear Transformation
6 Vector differential Calculus
7 Vector Integral Calculus
Detailed Syllabus
Unit Topics Lectures Weight age
No (Hours)
Matrix Theory and Application of Matrices: Definition and
Special Types of matrices, Determinant, Rank, Inverse, Row
Echelon Form and Reduce Row Echelon Form, Homogeneous
1 and nonhomogeneous System of linear equation, Caley- 11 15%
Hamilton Theorem,
Applications: Solution of System of linear equations, Linear
dependence and Linear Independence.
Vectors in Rn :
Norm, Distance ,properties of vectors, angle between
2 03 05%
vectors, Pythagorean thereom and Cauchy-Schwartz
inequality in Rn
Vector Space: Definition, Subspace, Linear Combination,
Linear dependence and Linear Independence of vectors,
3 Span, Basis, Reduction and Extension to Basis, Dimension, 12 20%
Change of Basis, Rank Nullity Theorem Column space, Row
space and Null space.
Linear Transformation: Definition, Basic Properties, Linear
Transformation as Rotation, Reflection, Expansion,
4 Contraction, Shear, Projection, Matrix of Linear 9 15%
transformations, Kernel, Range, Change of Basis and
Similarity, Rank Nullity Theorem.
5 Eigen value and Eigenvector: Definition, Properties,
Diagonalization, Algebraic multiplicity, Geometric
10 15%
multiplicity, Similarity of Matrices.
Applications: Quadratic form, Bilinear Form, Canonical Form.
Vector differential Calculus: Tangent vector, normal vector,
vector differentiation, Gradient, Curl, divergence and their
6 09 15%
geometrical meaning, Solenoidal vector, Irrotational vector,
Conservative field.
Vector Integral Calculus: line Integral, Surface integral,
7 Volume Integral, Green’s Theorem, Stokes Theorem and 10 15%
Gauss Divergence Theorem.
Total 64 100%
Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
First Year Bachelor of Engineering (All Branches)
(With Effect From: Academic Year 2017-18)
Two Faculties will be covering the syllabus in each branch for 5 hours in a week. In Tutorial, class
must be divided into two subclasses & faculties will be solving or assigning the problem of the
subject in each subclass.
Attendance is compulsory in lectures and Tutorial which carries 05 Marks.
At regular intervals assignments is given. In all, a student should submit all assignments of 30 marks
Classroom participation and involvement in solving the problems in Tutorial rooms carries 05
Viva Voce will be conducted at the end of the semester of 10 Marks.
One internal exam of 30 marks is conducted as a part of internal theory evaluation.
Learning Outcome:
At the end of the course
The students will be able to think logically and mathematically in any field of engineering.
The students will gain an experience in the implementation of Mathematical concepts which are
applied in various field of Engineering.
List of Tutorials