Zoho Creator - IOI EMarketplace
Zoho Creator - IOI EMarketplace
Zoho Creator - IOI EMarketplace
HEAD OFFICE: Level 25, IOI City Tower 2, Lebuh IRC, IOI Resort City, 62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia. Tel: (03) 8680 3333 Fax: (03) 8680 3228 WEBSITE: www.ioiproper!es.com.my
IOI RESORT CITY : IOI Galleria @ IOI Resort City, Lebuh IRC, IOI Resort City, 62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8947 8899 Fax: +603-8947 8844
Name : ZETI @ NOORIZETI BINTI KASMAN NRIC No : 750722-01-7086
Sex : Female Race : Malay
Date of Birth : 22-Jul-1975 Ci!zenship : Malaysian
HP No. : +60198229866 1st Email : [email protected]
Correspondence Address : 13 Keruing Residence,
Jalan Keruing 8/2 Desa Putra,
43000 Kajang
Appointment of Solicitor Name : J.M.Chong, Vincent Chee & Co
Tel. No. : +60333422862
Fax No. : +60333421399
: 6A.01, 6A.02, 6A.03, Level 6A, Menara Trend, Intan Millennium Square, No.68, Jalan Batai Laut 4, Taman Intan, 41300
Klang, Selangor
1. SPA Signing Due Date : 14-Apr-2023
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1. I/ We agree that my/our purchase of the Property is strictly non-transferable or assignable.
I/We acknowledge that through this Sales Form, the Developer (“you”) has agreed at my/our request to reserve the
Property for me/us subject to me/us execu!ng a formal Sale and Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) and pay the balance
deposit to you within twenty-one (21) days from the date of this Sales Form.
In the event I/we refuse, neglect and/or fail to execute the SPA and pay the balance deposit within the period s!pulated
in paragraph 2 above, you shall be en!tled to forfeit any par!al payment of the purchase price paid by me/us. You shall
also have the liberty to deal with the Property in such manner as you deem fit without further reference to me/us and
free from any interest and/or claim by me/us.
(Where applicable) You are en!tled to deduct the credit card merchant administra!ve charges incurred in the event of
sales termina!on.
I/We agree that any credit note or rebate agreed to be given by you to me/us pertaining to this purchase shall be
effec!ve only upon SPA being executed, dated & stamped and will be issued by you within such !me and manner as you
may in your absolute discre!on deem fit.
(Where applicable) I/We understand that should I/we fail to obtain the financing required for the purchase of the
Property and provided that I/we shall furnish the original rejec!on le#ers from different ins!tu!ons, you shall refund any
par!al payment of the purchase price paid to me/us.
7. I/We agree that all the terms and condi!ons of the purchase of the Property shall be exhaus!vely set out in the SPA and
other related sales documents (collec!vely, “Sales Documents”). As such, in the event of any promises, representa!ons or
warran!es made by any agent without our knowledge and not expressly stated in the Sales Documents, I/we shall not
hold you liable and I/we shall further release you from any liability or responsibility in connec!on therewith.
Notwithstanding any payment made by me/us as part of the purchase price of the Property prior to the execu!on of the
SPA, I/we understand that the vacant possession of the Property shall be delivered to me/us in accordance with the
terms and within the period as s!pulated in the SPA.
10. (Where applicable) I/We agree, at my/our sole cost, to apply for the State Authority Consent and any other approvals
required within fourteen (14) days from the date of SPA.
1. I/We hereby declare that the par!culars given by me/us in this Sales Form are to the best of my/our knowledge and belief to be correct and true.
2. I/We hereby acknowledge that I/we have read, understood and consented to the Terms and Condi!ons stated herewith.
3. I/We hereby acknowledge that I/we have read and understood the Personal Data Protec!on No!ce (“No!ce”) annexed herewith and by signing this Sales Form,
I/we authorise and consent to the processing of my/our personal data. I/We further agree that the company shall have the right to use my/our personal data for
the purposes stated in the No!ce which might include transfer of data to its group of companies and/or third par!es’ service providers, whether located within
or outside Malaysia.
4. I/We hereby agree and confirm that I/we shall comply with all laws, by-laws, rules, regula!ons and guidelines (whether in force now or to be enacted/issued
later) and I/we shall finance the purchase of the Property from proceeds of lawful ac!vi!es and not from proceeds of unlawful ac!vi!es, as defined under the
An!-Money Laundering, An!-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Ac!vi!es Act 2001.
Eugene (017-2718198)
For purposes of this No!ce, the expression “personal data” and “sensi!ve personal data” shall have the meaning prescribed in the Personal Data Protec!on Act
2010 and its regula!ons, as amended from !me to !me (“PDPA”), including without limita!on, name, na!onal registra!on iden!fica!on number, passport
number or other iden!fica!on number, mailing address, email address, gender, date of birth, contact informa!on, facial image, fingerprint, na!onality, race,
religious, bank account details and other informa!on which you may have provided to us.
Subject to the relevant laws, in rela!on to any personal data that may have been or may from !me to !me herea$er be provided by you or obtained from the
registra!on form, sales form, survey form, sub-sale transac!ons and/or obtained independently by us from other lawful sources (if any) in connec!on with a
commercial transac!on, will be processed by us, for any of the following purposes (not exhaus!ve):
(a) in all ma#ers pertaining to the contract to be entered into or entered into with us, including without limita!on - (i) for us to communicate with you,
including to verify and update your data; (ii) for the solicitors to prepare agreements/documents and to communicate with you; (iii) for provision of
informa!on to relevant authori!es and service providers in par!cular (but not limited to) for the purpose of facilita!ng the provision of u!li!es and services
or as otherwise required/permi#ed by law or the authorised u!li!es/service providers; (iv) for no!fica!on mee!ngs, invoices and other documents as the
law may require or permit;
(b) to administer and give effect to the commercial transac!on and the management and/or enforcement thereof;
(c) to deliver vacant possession, keys handover, property/estate management, customer care and/or defect rec!fica!on works;
(d) for post vacant possession services such as club house services, security and customer loyalty programmes (where applicable);
(e) to communicate and respond to queries, requests and complaints;
(f) to contact and provide informa!on regarding products, services, new launches, upcoming events, promo!ons, adver!sing, marke!ng and commercial
materials (including emails, SMS or other means) and such other informa!on as we feel may be of interest to you;
(g) to be used in and/or to improve our services, analysing consump!on pa#erns and choices, market surveys, processing invoices and payments (including
card payments) and providing other services to enhance and support the rela!onship of the par!es;
(h) to enable our compliance with our obliga!ons under any law, rule, regula!on, by-law, order, guideline, direc!ve, policy and such other requirements in
force and as amended from !me to !me rela!ng to the commercial transac!on and/or rela!ng to the conduct of our business or ac!vi!es;
(i) credit assessments and other background checks as we may determine to be necessary or appropriate; and/or
(j) for our record-keeping in the ordinary course of its business.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is your obliga!on to ensure that all personal data submi#ed are accurate, not misleading, updated and complete in all aspects and
that such personal data is provided voluntarily and is necessary for the purposes set out above. We will not be responsible for any personal data which are
inaccurate, misleading, not updated and incomplete. Further, where you provide any personal data for and/or on behalf of another person, you hereby covenant
that you have obtained the consent of such other person and that the personal data is given voluntarily, accurately and is complete; failing which you shall
indemnify us against any claims from such other person.
You hereby confirmed and consented to such disclosure and hereby permit us to release such personal data to the third par!es and that the third par!es have
your consent to process such personal data.
You may at any !me a$er the submission of such personal data, request in wri!ng for access to and request for correc!on of personal data in accordance with
the PDPA by submi%ng such request to us at the address stated below in the event that:
(a) you wish to enquire about your personal data;
(b) you request to limit the processing of your personal data;
(c) you seek further informa!on from us regarding the processing of your personal data; and
(d) you are no longer agreeable to us retaining, holding or storing your personal data. However, please note that this may result in us not being able to properly
perform or discharge its obliga!ons to you.
In respect of your right to access and/or correct your personal data, we have the right to refuse such request to access and/or make any correc!on to personal
data for the reasons permi#ed under law, such as where the expense of providing access to you is dispropor!onate to the risks to your privacy.
In the event of any conflict between the English and the Bahasa Malaysia versions, the English version shall prevail. We shall have the right to modify, update or
amend the terms of this No!ce at any !me by placing the updated No!ce on the corporate website or via any other mode we deem suitable.
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Bagi tujuan No!s ini, ungkapan “data peribadi” dan “data peribadi sensi!f” mempunyai maksud yang ditakri&an dalam Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010
dan peraturan-peraturan (“PDPA”), dan melipu! maklumat seper!, nama, nombor kad pengenalan, nombor passport, alamat surat-menyurat, alamat e-mel,
jan!na, tarikh lahir, foto, cap jari, kewarganegaraan, bangsa, agama, bu!ran akaun bank dan maklumat-maklumat lain yang telah diberikan kepada kami.
Tertakluk kepada undang-undang yang berkaitan, berhubung dengan sebarang data peribadi yang telah atau mungkin dari masa ke semasa selepas ini diberikan
oleh anda atau didapa! daripada borang penda$aran, borang jualan, borang kaji selidik, transaksi sub-sale dan/atau didapa! secara bebas oleh kami daripada
sumber lain yang sah berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial, akan diproses oleh kami, untuk mana-mana tujuan berikut (!dak terhad):
(a) dalam sebarang perkara berhubung kontrak yang akan dimasuki atau yang telah dimasuki dengan kami, !dak terhad kepada - (i) bagi kami menghubungi
anda, termasuk untuk mengesah dan mengemaskini data; (ii) bagi peguamcara menyediakan suratcara-suratcara perjanjian dan menghubungi anda; (iii) bagi
memberikan maklumat kepada pihak berkuasa berkenaan dan pihak-pihak yang memberikan servis khususnya (!dak terhad) untuk memudahkan pemberian
pelbagai kemudahan dan perkhidmatan atau dalam perkara-perkara lain yang diperlukan/dibenarkan menurut undang-undang atau oleh pihak pemberi
kemudahan yang dibenarkan; (iv) bagi memberi no!s mesyuarat-mesyuarat, invois dan dokumen-dokumen lain menurut atau yang dibenarkan di bawah
(b) untuk mengendalikan dan memberi kesan kepada transaksi komersial dan pengurusan dan/atau penguatkuasaannya;
(c) untuk memberi milikan kosong, penyerahan kunci rumah, pengurusan hartanah, khidmat pelanggan dan/atau kerja-kerja pembaikan kerosakan;
(d) perkhidmatan selepas penyerahan milikan kosong seper! perkhidmatan rumah kelab, keselamatan dan program kese!aan pelanggan (dimana berkenaan);
(e) untuk berkomunikasi dan menjawab pertanyaan dan/atau aduan;
(f) untuk menghubungi and memberi anda malkumat tentang produk, perkhidmatan, perlancaran baru, acara yang akan datang, promosi, iklan, pemasaran dan
bahan-bahan komersial (termasuk e-mel, SMS atau cara-cara lain) dan informasi yang lain;
(g) untuk digunakan, memberi dan/atau menambah baik perkhidmatan kami, analisis corak penggunaan dan pilihan, kajian pasaran, proses invois dan bayaran
(termasuk bayaran dengan kad) dan memberi perkhidmatan lain untuk meningkatkan hubungan pelanggan;
(h) untuk membolehkan kami mematuhi kewajipan di bawah sebarang undang-undang, rukun, peraturan, undang-undang kecil, perintah, garis petunjuk, surat
arahan, polisi dan lain-lain kehendak berkuatkuasa dari masa ke semasa termasuk pindaan dari masa ke semasa berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial
dan/atau berkaitan dengan kelakuan perniagaan atau ak!vi!-ak!vi! kami;
(i) untuk penilaian kredit dan semakan latar belakang lain seper!mana kami anggap perlu atau sesuai; dan/atau
(j) rekod simpanan kami dalam urusan biasa perniagaan kami.
Untuk mengelakkan keraguan, ia merupakan kewajipan anda untuk memas!kan bahawa semua data peribadi yang dikemukakan adalah tepat, !dak
mengelirukan, dikemas kini dan lengkap dalam semua aspek dan sebarang data peribadi yang diberi adalah secara sukarela dan diperlukan untuk tujuan yang
dinyatakan di atas. Kami !dak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang data peribadi yang !dak tepat, mengelirukan, !dak dikemas kini dan !dak lengkap.
Sekiranya anda memberikan sebarang data peribadi untuk dan/atau bagi pihak yang lain, anda berjanji bahawa anda telah mendapatkan persetujuan pihak yang
lain tersebut dan data peribadi tersebut diberikan secara sukarela, tepat dan lengkap; dan anda akan menggan!rugi kami terhadap apa-apa tuntutan daripada
pihak yang lain tersebut.
Dengan ini, anda mengesahkan dan memberi kebenaran kepada kami bagi tujuan pendedahan dan pemindahan sedemikian dan dengan ini membenarkan kami
meminda data peribadi kepada pihak ke!ga dan pihak ke!ga mempunyai persetujuan anda untuk memproses data peribadi tersebut.
Berkenaan dengan hak anda untuk mengakses dan/atau membetulkan data peribadi anda, kami berhak untuk menolak permohonan anda untuk mengakses
dan/atau membuat sebarang pembetulan pada data peribadi atas alasan-alasan yang dibenarkan di bawah undang-undang.
Untuk maklumat lanjut yang berkaitan dengan pemprosesan data peribadi, sila rujuk kepada Dasar Privasi kami di laman web korporat kami
( h#ps://www.ioiproper!es.com.my/privacy-policy ).
Jika berlaku sebarang percanggahan di antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan versi Bahasa Malaysia, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diguna pakai. Kami berhak untuk
mengubahsuai, mengemaskini atau meminda terma-terma No!s ini pada bila-bila masa dengan meletakkan No!s yang dikemaskinikan di laman web korporate
atau mod lain yang kami anggap sesuai.
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