Connolly Elise Professional Learning Plan
Connolly Elise Professional Learning Plan
Connolly Elise Professional Learning Plan
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
The profession of teaching requires a lifelong commitment to learning and this requires continual Professional Development to update
and maintain changing educational developments and standards (Kilian, 2008). The purpose of this professional learning plan is that
through identified learning gaps found through the compiling of evidence of my professional teaching portfolio to create a set of
purposeful and planned actions to achieve identified goals to fill in the learning gaps (Kilian, 2008). This is attained through the
creation of short term and long term goals striving to achieve them through research and refreshing upon my development in and
maintain areas required to provide quality education as I transition to the profession (Kilian, 2008). Application is achieved through
identifying skills, strategies and attributes that I feel that I should undertake and maintain to enhance and demonstrate my capacity of a
teacher. The outline of how I will achieve this is through a range of strategies and professional learning demonstrating my ability to
identify and explain these external networks and professional support systems that continue to help me grow as a teacher (Kilian,
2008). Professional learning can occur through formal and informal pathways such as the application of knowledge, analysis of
learning, reflection and the refinement through further coaching will provide and scaffold effective learning outcomes for both
educator and students (Kilian, 2008). The following identified learning gaps will be addressed by targeted steps undertaken to
complete and further my understanding of the Australian Professional Standards as a graduate teacher and aspire to these standards to
uphold the very best standards available for myself and my students (AITSL, 2014).
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
Standard 1: This standard provides the groundwork for the teacher to actively tailor learning to bring about the students best learning
Knowing outcomes to build upon and develop their knowledge and understanding (AITSL, 2014). In providing the evidence to
students and demonstrate my understanding of this standard among the varying elements I found this one of the stronger areas of my
how they learn. professional knowledge having attained and collected a strong body of knowledge as presented in my Graduate Teacher
Professional Portfolio with the supported evidence covering all areas of this standard. However, there are identifiable elements
upon which I need to further grow and enhance. Elements 1.5, I have identified as needing further development of skills and
Element: 1.5 Identify elements that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
Differentiate I have a solid theoretical Developing knowledge DSF: literacy and clinical services.
teaching to understanding and basis for In response to enhancement of this element DSF offers varying ranges of sources and
meet the providing differentiation strategies in my teaching I will support of professional development
specific for a range of students, as I have Engage further in current and theoretical opportunities through both free and
learning needs shown in my professional portfolio research through peer reviews along monetary on line courses. These enhance
of students (AITSL, 2014). However, I feel with research in updated peer reviewed upon areas of working with
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
across the full that I need to improve in the and published articles to provide myself students/children with a range of learning
range of element 1.5 of Standard 1 as my with current and relevant strategies that difficulties (Focus is on building literacy)
abilities exposure to the changing needs of support a range of diverse learners and (DSF Literacy and Clinical Services, 2014).
students alter with age, cultural improve upon areas of delivery to I will use this resource to gather strategies
diversity, social impact and cement knowledge and growth in the and expand my ability to differentiate in the
of both the student and the Professional development courses using ASCD: Learn teach lead.
classroom (AITSL, 2014). My targeted networks as in DEF and ASCD Provides a range of books and research into
limited exposure and experience both professional external international methods of improving practice (ASCD,
within creating differentiating and national networks supportive 2017). Online learning tools for flexibility
opportunities in the classroom lead sources I will use for my continual and instruction available expose me to a
me too often employ the strategies development and understanding. global community of professional teachers
already in place. Therefore, I feel Engagement in this range of online through an online medium to connect with
further training and experience are resources and webinars can and will and share knowledge raising awareness and
always essential in this area as it improve my knowledge and practice. building upon ideas and strategies for better
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
changes dynamically and Use the knowledge gained throughout implementation to the diverse learner
continually by influences quoted professional development to reflect upon (ASCD, 2017). Access a range of webinars:
above. Professional development current practice and make necessary online learning conferences are a free
supports this framework to assist changes to my practice coupling this resource available from experts within the
me in exploring and providing with peer discussion and appraisal. field covering a range of topics improving
Standard 2 Standard 2 builds upon the teacher aptitude to know the content and how to teach it incorporating and supporting the curriculum
through content and outcomes (AITSL, 2014). My reflection of Standard 2 gives rise of solid understanding of the knowledge
and requirement of my ability to teach to the Standard by provided evidence. Recognition of further developmental needs is
essential for educators with diversity and societal and technological changes as in 2.4 (AITSL, 2014).
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
Element: 2.4 Identify elements that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
Understand Element 2.4 focuses on the process of In responding to improving this aspect and Oxford farm
and respect reconciliation and as an educator and event of my teaching OXFAM is providing a Close the
Aboriginal and recognize I can improve upon this area I will engage in the Professional Gap educational resource kit for
Torres Strait through education to develop and foster Learning Module/ Teacher Toolkit parents teachers and students to
Islander people relationships between Indigenous and designed by the Australian Institute. engage in a range of activities
to promote Non-indigenous Australians (AITSL, This learning model employs a range designed to assist this (Oxfam
reconciliation 2014). One of the most significant of resources and activities for Australia, 2017). A resource to
between aspects of education is its ability to preservice teachers to develop their attain and implement into the
Indigenous and improve the outcomes and thus societal understanding and knowledge of classroom environment supporting
Non- positions of those around them raising element 2.4 and 1.5. This learning indigenous perspective and
indigenous standards and promoting positive model uses both online and physical promote inclusiveness I will
Australians interactions (AITSL, 2014). For myself strategies, activities and planning always promote and foster (Oxfam
identifying and valuing indigenous Use the EATSIP framework to Australian Institute for Teaching
cultural perspectives into the learning support my ability to embed and School Leadership (AITSL,
environment (AITSL, 2014). I feel that indigenous perspectives into the 2014).
this is an area upon which I can improve classroom (EATSIPS, 2015). AITSL offers a Professional
(AITSL, 2014).
Queensland Government
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
(EATSIPS, 2015).
Standard 3 Standard 3 looks at planning for and implement effective teaching and learning (AITSL, 2014). This requires educators to have a
solid understanding of planning, teaching, learning, assessing cycle a very important of the education (AITSL, 2014). Planning
ensures outcome base learning and a framework for students to work and teachers to plan to the students (AITSL, 2014). In
identifying my learning and elements necessary supporting this standard is my Professional Portfolio. I feel I have developed a
solid practical and theoretical understanding of standard 3(AITSL, 2014). Further support in this is always required as it is a
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
constant evolving environment and requires up skilling and theoretical research is pertinent to adapt as the environment changes.
With the fast pacing, societal changes the classroom and educators must change also failure to do so could impede the
educational process of students and educators as set out in Standard 3 (AITSL, 2014).
3.5: Use Identify element that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
effective Element 3.5 of standard 3 is an area In repose to building my professional Queensland Government Education
classroom identified for improvement I feel to be knowledge of this element I will I will use this network to access
communication more effective as a teacher (AITSL, Engage in theoretical research of Apprise myself with professional
2014). The ability to engage learners strategies when communicating ideas, learning targeted at classroom
with clear directions and explanations content and instruction for students that management or the essential skills
are vital to effective teaching (AITSL, those I select and employ have a package for delivering effective
2014). This includes verbal, nonverbal theoretical base and are educationally classroom management and
and written strategies to support student sound and can deliver the outcomes communication (Education
(AITSL, 2014). This is an area that I Observe and apply my fourth-year large range of online learning
need to engage with further and work practical experience and couple this with resources that I will be able to
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
upon. I feel I need to build upon the professional feedback as a learning engage across a range of topics not
ability to use appropriate instructions for opportunity in which to continue to singularly to develop my
a range of students both early years and develop my ability to use communication knowledge of element 3.5
primary (AITSL, 2014). The use of in the classroom and engage students. (Education Queensland, 2016).
appropriate and timely instructions Apply a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Universities: QUT
provides students with a safe Interventions and Supports) to identify While I have spent a large portion
envrionmnet in which learning can best how I can affectively improve my of my last 5 years learning how to
occur as well as effective communication skills within the be an effective teacher (QUT,
communication to engage this and avoid classroom both verbal and nonverbal. 2017). The use of other
wastage of precious teaching time and Engage in a personal communication educational mediums can provide
resources (AITSL, 2014). My focus at assessment. Identify verbal and me a range of support for myself.
present is to learn when to ask open or nonverbal cues within the classroom. QUT offers a range of small
closed ended questions, facilitating Participate in professional development professional development courses
discussions and being clear on based around the essential skills for for teachers looking to make
instructions and movements around a management. This professional (QUT, 2017). In meeting this
classroom (AITSL, 2014). development offered by Education element QUT offers small courses
3.7 Identify elements that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
parents/ carers Element 3.7 of Standard 3 is the Access research and theoretical Kids matter is an Australian
in the engagement with parents and carers understanding about the ways in which mental health and wellbeing
educative within the learning environment partnerships between families and the programs/framework set up as an
process (AITSL, 2014). I have a theoretical school environment affect understanding. initiative for students within
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
understanding of this role with some This can be accessed through the primary schools, early childhood
basic strategies and developments, framework Kids Matter component 3. education and care services (About
not had the opportunity to build my Engage in a professional development provides content and strategies to
strength in the area (AITSL, 2014). course Engaging Parents in Learning, those who work within the
Currently within my lesson planning an online course created by Teacher educational sector providing
and the construction of lesson plan I Professional Development Services to support for mental health and
have not included elements in this that explore and provide effective strategies needs identifiers and responses.
include the family in the classroom for supporting parents in the classroom This resource will support me as
health needs.
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
Standard 4 Standard 4 examines a teachers ability to create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments (AITSL, 2014).
Standard 4 reflects on the construction of my professional portfolio (AITSL, 2014). Evidence that I have collected and
demonstrated a solid knowledge based in both understanding of the content and expectations of my role as a teacher. The area
within this standard that feel I that I need to improve is element 4.2 is my ability to manage classroom activities (AITSL, 2014).
4.2 Identify elements that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
Within the element, I have identified In response to building my understanding Multilit
that I will require further development of this element I will This professional network supports my
to show my capacity to organize Further expand my repertoire of professional learning and development
classroom activities and provide clear strategies for maintaining the through providing a range of
directions to the students (AITSL, classroom through theory and research. professional development (Multilit,
skills and identify those interactions that Reflect upon teaching and learning management strategies to ensure that
will detract from this and incorporate experiences and make changes to instructions are clear and focused o
this into my planning. Well planned improve teaching practice. maximal learning outcomes (Multilit,
lessons and engaging content are only Engage with the online professional 2017).
part of the learning delivery but also development program through the
how to control the flow and completion of the professional
Cool Australia is a network that has
interruptions in a classroom are essential development of Positive Teaching
been supporting teachers (Cool
in keeping the focus on the lesson and PD created by multilit (Multilit,
Australia, 2017). This network provides
not the interruptions. Behavior 2017).
a range of learning activities, resources
management of the classroom is
with connections to real life scenarios
required in understanding the diverse
(Cool Australia, 2017). This
learner and planning around the ability
professional network supports me
and cognizant prior to the
through the large range of professional
commencement and incorporating this
development opportunities for teachers
into the lesson (AITSL, 2014).
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
Standard 5 Standard 5 looks at an educators ability to assess, provide feedback and report on students learning (AITSL, 2014). Evidence
that I had selected for demonstrating my understanding of standard 5 is detailed and demonstrates my ability and understanding
of this (AITSL, 2014). I feel that I will require further development of element 5.5 as a need based area of learning as this is
ongoing and subject to many alterations with governance and legal requirements involved (AITSL, 2014).
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
5.5 Report on Identify element that I need to enhance. Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
student Element 5.5 demonstrates an understanding In response to developing my Queensland Government QCAA
achievement of a range of strategies for reporting to understanding of this element I will Queensland Curriculum
students and parents/carers as part of the Engage in current research to This network delivers
professional development folder shows I of the range of strategies use to assist teachers in their
have used a range of strategies to report back report to students, parents and care knowledge and understanding
to students however with limited experience givers through accessing QCAA (QCAA, 2017). This network
in reporting back to parents/families about newsletter and research. will support my learning guiding
on a students progress there is further work Access and use the activities, planning and assessing
to be done (AITSL, 2014). This is an area in Australian Teacher Performance as well as gaining access to
which I need to provide much more effective and Development Framework current publications (QCAA,
Standard 6 Standard six explores the educators ability to engage in professional learning and development. I found that I had collected a
strong body of evidence that I could use to present my understating and ability to recognize and in some cases, engage with
professional learning and development. In reflection on my learning and development I have identified element 6.4 as a further
6.4 Apply Identify element that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
professional In reflecting upon Standard 6, I feel I My response to further develop understanding Queensland College of
learning and need to enhance element 6.4. of this element I will
The OCT, provides educators
improve Demonstrating an Understanding of the Access current research on the impact that
access to a range of resources that
student Rationale for Continued Professional profession development plays in the cycle
are designed to enhance teaching
learning Learning and furthermore the of education with focus on the theory that
and learning as well as
implications for improved student relates to the positive impacts that it has
interpretations (Queensland Collage
learning (AITSL, 2014). For myself the regarding students learning outcomes.
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
development area of focus is of the Continue to reflect upon my teaching ability of Teachers, 2017). This network
value of professional development and with the use of the Australian Professional supports a range of resources
the impacts upon a students learning Standards for Teachers as a guide to designed to enhance teaching,
Standard 7 Standard seven focuses on a teachers professional engagement with regards to government, peers, professionals, and various
other stake holders within education (AITSL, 2014). I am constructing my professional portfolio, I found in providing evidence
and demonstrating mu understanding of this standard it was one of my weaker standards and areas and will require additional
7.2 Comply Identify element that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
with legislative,
Through reflection I have identified that In response to building my understanding Australian Professional Teachers
element 7.2 is an area as an area in of this element I will.
Australian Professional Teachers
which I will require further development Maintain and access relevant current
Association (APTA) sets out federal,
in (AITSL, 2014). This element focus and possible future legislation that
state and territory council requirements
examines and requires me to understand impacts my teaching and the
for all teachers. With representation of
the relevant, legislative, administrative educational environment.
160000 teachers from both government
and organisational policies and Access current frameworks for
and independent schools within
processes required for teachers at a example the teacher information
Australia (APTA, 2016). The purpose of
school age (AITSL, 2014). For myself I booklet compiled by Disability
APTA is designed to provide support
can access and comply with legislative Services Commission for strategies to
and advances professional teaching
requirements for a range however I feel ensure legislation requirements are
(APTA, 2016). This resource supports
that I need further development in this
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
area in breaking down its meaning and being met (Home Disability Services my transition into the profession through
Use self-diagnostic tools and work with 7.2 through proving explicit training to
Identify element that I need to Plan for professional learning. Professional Networks
7.3 Engage
Element 7.3 examines my ability in In response to building my understanding Mind matters & Beyond Blue.
with the
understanding strategies for working of this element I will Mind Matters are a mental health
effectively, sensitively and Access relevant and current theories initiative aimed at secondary schools
confidentially with parents/ care givers and legislative requirements to further (MindMatters, 2017). This framework
(AITSL, 2014). In developing this my understanding of strategies to work provides a structure, guidance and
element, I feel that I will need further confidentially with parents. support that allows students to build
exploring, practice and direction of this Use the teachers code of professional their own mental health strategies
element with the limited experience I practice to outline strategies that are (MindMatters, 2017). This network
have had in this area (AITSL, 2014). appropriate for communication and is supports my professional development
While I can work with families and care professionally compliant with parents through the element of
givers there are many cases where the and care givers.
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
need for confidentiality and specific Use the learning online module created Learning Model 3 with a focus on
discussion is essential for the student by Mind Matters and Beyond Blue to communication in the school
Engage in the information provided by and principles can be adapted and used
Privacy Act relating to the current legal 2017). This resource also provides
Education Queensland.
To conclude it can be seen that through construction and development of profession learning goals and the explicit steps that I have
outlined in order to achieve these goals that I have constructed a specialized and effective learning plan that when placed into action
will allow me to actively follow and demonstrate my understanding of the Australian Professional Teaching Standards at a graduate
Reference list
About DSF Literacy and Clinical Services. (2014). Retrieved from
ACER. (2017). Australian Council for Educational Research. Retrieved from
ASCD: Professional Learning & Community for Educators. (2017). Retrieved from
ATEA. (2016). ATEA Home Page - ATEA | Australian Teacher Education Association. Retrieved from
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
Close the Gap student kit | Oxfam Australia. (2017). Retrieved from
Cool Australia. (Nod). Courses Archive - Cool Australia Professional Development. Retrieved from
Courses Archive - Cool Australia Professional Development. (Nod). Retrieved from
Create Change with the Right Communication - Cool Australia Professional Development. (n.d.). Retrieved from
QUT - Education short courses and professional development. (2017). Retrieved from
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in Schools (EATSIPS). (2015). Retrieved from
Kilian, J. (2008). Assessing impact: Evaluating staff development (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
PrepYear 10 [Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority]. (2017). Retrieved from
Professional Knowledge | Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2017). Retrieved from
Queensland Collage of Teachers. (2017). CPD Resources and activities. Retrieved from
The Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland. (2017). ADCQ: Training. Retrieved from
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan
TQI Code of Professional Practice and Conduct - ACT Teacher Quality Institute. (2017). Retrieved from
Elise Connolly
EDFD416: Transition into the profession
Professional learning Plan