DepEd Order No. 2, S. 2015

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2017- 003 February 2017

Results-based Performance RECOMMENDATIONS

Management System: Gauging teacher quality entails

designing an assessment tool that


clearly characterizes excellence
among educators. An effective
evaluation tool containing valid
BACKGROUND and reliable measures of quality

coupled with clear guidelines on
he Philippine Government has implemented a number of the evaluation process guides
measures to promote quality performance among employees, stakeholders in reflecting on teachers’
including teachers. strengths and weaknesses. The
The PPST operationalizes teacher quality following recommendations call for a
The Department of Education (DepED)
issued Order No. 2, s. 2015, also known aspects of the K to 12 Reform and modified RPMS tool that is complete,
as “Guidelines on the Establishment elaborates teacher lifelong learning in process-oriented, teacher-friendly,
and Implementation of the Results- terms of career stages. It provides highly reflective and outcomes-
Based Performance Management a common language for professional based.
System (RPMS) in the Department of discussions among teachers, teacher
Education” following the Civil Service
Commission Memorandum Circular
educators and other concerned
stakeholders, since it furnishes teachers 1. Align the performance
assessment tool, responsive to
career stages, with the Philippine
No. 6, “Guidelines in the Establishment with a discerning framework against Professional Standards for Teachers
and Implementation of Agency which they can evaluate their practice. (PPST).
Strategic Performance Management In the case of RPMS, the PPST guides
System (SPMS),” and in support of the
advancement of the teacher quality.
teachers in setting and achieving their
targets for the year, and supports them 2. Focus on the essential duties
and responsibilities of teachers
where learning is the goal and quality
The Guidelines explains mechanisms, in their ongoing professional is paramount.
criteria and processes for performance development.
target setting, monitoring, evaluation
and development planning. Through To respond to the demand of the 3. Set tangible and realizable
objectives from the indicators
of the Professional Standards and
the RPMS, DepEd ensures that work field to align RPMS with the PPST, the
Philippine National Research Center for provide specific MOV as evidence of
efforts focus towards achieving its performance.
vision, mission, values and strategic Teacher Quality (RCTQ), with support
priorities toward the delivery of quality
educational services to Filipino learners.
from Bureau of Human Resources
and Organizational Development, 4. Refine the RPMS evaluation
process to ensure efficiency,
fairness and equity in the evaluation
National Educators Academy of the
Philippines and the Basic Education process that places greater premium
The idea of aligning RPMS with the on quality not quantity.
PPST emerged during the national Sector Transformation (BEST) program,
validation study of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers
undertook a two-phase project. Phase 1
consisted of drafting and reviewing 5. Underscore the need for
innovation and change in
pedagogy after the highly reflective
(PPST). In the focus group workshops, RPMS tools for teachers that integrated
evaluation process through the
participants consistently and strongly the professional standards, and Phase 2 development of an action plan.
expressed the need to align the RPMS comprised field tryouts of the draft tools
with the PPST. & finalization of the drafts based on the demand of the field for a set of
comments and suggestions. To address guidelines that will support teachers
and schools in the assessment of RPMS
The RPMS in DepEd has four phases. Portfolio, the RCTQ also developed the
Phases of Current RPMS Description RPMS Manual.
Performance Planning • Rater and ratee discuss and agree on the KRAs, objectives, and
and Commitment performance indicators. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE
Performance Monitoring • Provide key inputs and objective basis for rating by facilitating CURRENT RPMS IN DEPED
and Coaching feedback and providing evidence of performance. The implementation of the RPMS in
Performance Review • Assess the office and individual employees’ performance. DepEd raised concerns among
and Evaluation teachers. The RPMS was viewed as
Performance Rewarding • Provide qualitative comments, observations, and recommendations additional workload and burden on
and Planning Development which shall be used for training and professional development. the part of the teachers. Accomplishing

1 RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the University of New England Australia,
supported by the Australian Government.
RPMS requires so much time, especially overall performance of teachers and teachers through critical reflection of
in the formulation of objectives and were adopted as the new objectives. their practices for their continuous
indicators. There were no standard ● KRAs were given equal weights in improvement.
processes for crafting the objectives recognition of their significance to
and performance indicators of the the teaching and learning process.
RPMS Tools. Many teachers were not The implementation of the proposed
confident about the processes in ● Different MOV were first
identified for the formulation of the RPMS will:
schools for assessing the evidence and
performance indicators. ● provide in-service teachers with a
rating them.
set of performance assessment tools
THE PPST-BASED RPMS TOOLS Workshops were also conducted to aligned with the Philippine Professional
FOR TEACHERS review and refine the draft RPMS- Standards for Teachers;
The proposed RPMS tools consist of PPST Tools involving selected DepEd
teachers and rubric specialists. ● define the teachers’ set of duties
three different teacher performance
Tryout of the PPST-based RPMS Tools and responsibilities that articulates
assessment instruments: one for
teacher quality requirements across
Teacher I, with 0-3 years of teaching
The prototype tools were used in career stages;
experience; one for Teacher I-III with
the field tryout that was conducted
more than three years of teaching ● provide achievable objectives,
between September and October 2015
experience and one for Master Teacher list MOV and describe performance
in ten (10) selected elementary and
I-II. Each tool describes the duties and indicators from outstanding to poor
secondary schools from Region IV-A
responsibilities of teachers across career performance;
and National Capital Region. The tryout
stages; the Key Result Areas (KRAs)
involved two visits to the schools. ● support teacher quality of the
for the realization of those duties; the
specific objectives to attain the KRAs; The tryout revealed that: the Standards- in-service teachers by encouraging
and presents in detail the various based RPMS tools embody the design/ continuous professional teacher
Means of Verification (MOV) that serve ideas of DepED RPMS; the objectives development;
as proof of the attainment of specific and indicators are appropriate to
use in the existing RPMS; the tools ● help in-service teachers to focus
objectives alongside performance
are generally practical because the on students’ learning and reduce
indicators, from outstanding to poor
objectives, indicators and MOV are administrative tasks; and
Development of the PPST-based RPMS standardized, specific, attainable and ● provide Pre-service Teacher
Tools easy to accomplish; and the tools Education curriculum with a
are also teacher-friendly and likely to framework that is responsive to the
Phase 1 of the project involved a series produce fair results given the highly demands of the field
of workshops and was conducted reflective process of target-setting,
between June and August 2015. The portfolio-preparation and portfolio
following steps were undertaken in the evaluation processes. CONCLUDING REMARKS
development of the RPMS Tools vis-à- The field also gave a high level of The RPMS Tools, a set of valid and
vis the PPST: agreement on the worth of the RPMS reliable assessment tools for gauging
tools, their appropriateness, viability in teacher quality, must be adopted in
● Duties and responsibilities (D&R) practice and professional development
used the Philippine Professional order to ensure fair and quality-based
and their positive effects on teachers’ teacher evaluation process. The tools
Standards for Teachers, Qualifications performance. The teachers and the
Standards (CSC 1995), Duties also support an ongoing evaluation
principals agreed that the objectives procedure where teachers and other
of Teachers, Code of Ethics for are generally not difficult to meet,
Professional Teachers (R.A. 7836), stakeholders engage in critical and
except for conducting research, in reflective practice which is crucial in
Code of Ethics for Public School the case of Master Teachers. The tools
Teachers (R.A. 4670) the Magna Carta achieving teacher quality and effecting
also achieved their purposes in that pedagogical change.
for Public School Teachers and CB- they support teacher quality and are
PAST Form 6 as bases; comprehensive and manageable. PROJECT TEAM
● 51 Duties and Responsibilities (D&R)
Development of the RPMS Manual John Pegg, Ph.D. Gina Gonong, Ph.D.
indicated in RPMS tool for Master Director Director
Teachers were significantly reduced Teachers from the field recommended UNE-SiMERR National PNU-RCTQ
to 21 in RPMS-PPST by merging the development of a set of guidelines Research Center
similar D&R. Some D&Rs were that will support Teachers and School Joy Hardy, Ph.D. Jennie Jocson, Ph.D.
modified to make them more generic Heads in the assessment of their RPMS Deputy Director Senior Program
UNE-SiMERR National Manager
and appropriate for Master Teachers. Portfolio. This led to the development Research Center PNU-RCTQ
D&Rs which were administrative in of the RPMS Manual which provides
Ken Vine, Ph.D. Allan Reyes, Ph.D.
nature were made part of the Plus information and guidance in the Principal Research Senior Program
Factor; performance assessment process. Adviser Manager
● The Domains of the PPST were The Manual guides the Teachers Research Center
adopted as KRAs; some Domains through the basics in preparing and Krizna Rei Palces, Ph.D.
of the PPST were merged to completing RPMS documents and Senior Program Manager
accommodate DO 2, s. 2015 also informs the School Heads in the
requirements of only five KRAs, assessment of teacher performance. Caleb Ricardo D. Pantoja
including the Plus Factor; It describes the appropriate tools for Project Officer
● Three indicators from the Philippine assessing performance and explains
the different assessment phases for RESEARCH OFFICERS
Professional Standards for Teachers Favian L. Noche
were chosen to be standards of the teachers. The Manual also introduces
the concept of annotations to guide Michael Wilson I. Rosero

2 RCTQ is a partnership between the Philippine Normal University and the University of New England Australia,
supported by the Australian Government.

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